The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 11, 1893, Image 1

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/ ■ • , $1.00 PER ANNUM. TIEL'ON, BERRIEN COUNTV, OE )R(iIA, ERF DA V, AUGUST LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. ' Pavement ParagrrapliH Plckul Rp »n«1 Pen sively Penned—All Pertaining to Persons and Things. Big drive in clothing at Pudrick Bros. Mr. Kinnieund family has moved to Tifton from Adel* Read tho long list of new legal ad vertisements in to-day’s paper See the change in the schedule of the Columbus Southern Railway, ap pearing in to-duy’s paper. Time and money saved hy trading at Pudrick Bros. The accomplished Miss Willie D. Lary, of Macon, is visiting in Tifton the family of Air. IF. F. Newton. Don’t forget Youniiins, the jewel er, when you want a firstcluss wulch and chain. Mr. E. II. Tift returned to Tifton lust Sunday afternoon from his visit to Chicago and the World’s Fair. Don’t be led off by foreign adver tising cliques and dodges, but buy a watch from You minis, the jeweler, and get a guarantee oii it. , Capt. J. 15. Gunn, of Enigma, was in the city yesterday and made us a pleasant visit. He was euroute to 8pucka on business. The work of curing tobacco goes bravely on, and the season thus far lias been veiy propitious for it. A large quantity of very fine leaf will be cured. A big tumble in meat. Also one in the prices of Pudrick Bros, spring goods. They must bo moved to make room for their fall & winter goods. The Tifton Cannery is running on full time. It canned last Saturday more than one hundred bushels of tomatoes, bes.drs a great quantity of peaches. The cool nights of the p istweek havegiven niajiy people the big head, their nasal appendages are in constanl use us unsafely valve to keep them from bursting. A gentleman by the name of But ler, from Gasden county, Fla., was in the city yesterday prospecting for a - location where he can semi his chil dren to school. It is current that Mr. J. N. Brown has sent in his resignation as woods man in the turpentine farm of Capt. II. II. Tift. He says the-work is in juring his health. i'he Sunday-school at Pine Level continues to increase in in tore stand numbers. When the weather is fa vorable you can always find from thir ty to lifiy pupils present. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sapp, from near Adel, have been in the city this week .. visiting their daughter, Mrs. Mathews who has been quite unwell. They re- ■ turned home this morning. White the weather prophets are foretelling very warm weather for the month of August we are having in Tifton very pleasant summer weather ' for this climate—the nights and ear ly mornings reminds one of early fall weather. Rev. Dr. J. P. DeP.ias, from Lake City, Fla., was in the city several days the past week He preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning find uiglit to very appreciative congre- gallons. His discourses were very fa vorably received. The colored people of Tifton have organized a new society, which is to be known as the "Knights of Love.” Judging from tile sentiments ex pressed in the Constitution and By- Laws brought «s for publication its objects are very laudable ones. .According to Hie published report Of the Treasurer of the Woman’s i!;q>- tiat Missionary Union, for the first quarter comprising May, .Tunc and July, Hie Union connected With the . Tifton church has raised and for warded for missionary work thcgoodly sunn dT £127,05; the Sunbeams §10,50 •Hawking a lota! 5of f>13?.5Sf which - is the largest amount raised by any one tilltiroli in . the missionary section, us the EutirUi Divisiun. n Hi . A protracted meeting will begin with New River Baptist church on Saturday before tho fourth Sunday in this month. Insure yonr gin house against (ire. C. W. Ful wood. Airs. W. S. Smith still lingers be tween life and death. Her friends and relatives are watching by her bedside with anxious care. Prof. J. W. Warren request the Gazette to announce that he will be in Tifton next Sunday for the purpose of organizing a'class in vocal music. If lie succeeds in organizing theciiuss lie will commence work the ueXt day and continue through the week. Youmuns, the jeweler, can sell you a watch, make you a new one, or re pair your old one. 15-tL. x Capt, II. II. Tift will take leave of Tiikon tlie first of next week for his Slimmer \ucation. lie goes to Alys- tic, Conn., and will spend a month there. He, with his family, will then go to Chicago and see some of tlie Bights of the world’s fair, return ing to Tifton about tlie first of Oc tober. The City Council of Tifton did not hold the regular monthly meeting last Monday night, for the lack of a quorum. However the failure to meet will work no harm, as there was nothing urgent to come before the Council for action. The -Mayor and a majority of the Coiiiioiluieii weio out of the city. THAT CAR LOAD OF PEARS. A Tru« Slntcjuont How II, W«s rrjcutotl l»y tlio Tifton Caimory. There lias been so much said about a car load of pears shipped under contract to the- Tifton Canning Fac tory by Rev.,). J. Williams, of Ty- i'y, and tlie facts have been so per verted by persons not connected with ibe transaction that some of the. peo ple of Worth comity seems to have readied the conclusion tlmt the man agers of that Institution tiro u set of consummate swindlers, which con clusion is entirely without founda tion in truth. The facts in this case are. simply these: Rev. J. J. Williams came to Tifton and entered into a written contract with Superintendent SlaoK to ship the company a car load of lirsiolass fruit in prime condition for canning, for which he was to he paid sixty cents a bushel at tlie factory. When the fruit ariived, Agent Boat- right sent, for Nupt. Stack and they examined it and found the pears did not come n,p to tlie contract in any particular—there were a great many very small pears and I lie entire lol loo ripe to be used for canning. Supt. Slack decided he could not receive tlie consignment for .the Company and immediately wrote Mr. Williams, who name to Tifton hy the first train. The car of fruit was again examined, and Air. Williams candidly acknowledged tlm pears were not in accordance with the con tract and requested Snpt. Slock to accept the consignment and dispose of tlie pears to the best advantage for him. Sujd. Slack declined to do so, for the lack of time to handle them, and Mr. Williams then sold them to Mr. Bailees Hutchinson, tlie highest bidder, for §35. These are tlie facts just as they transpired, and. which bus been dis torted by gossip-mongers into the story that the management of tlie factory had damaged Air. Williams by declining to take a ear load of pears bought of him. Air. Williams Imd a written contract and if the fruit had reasonably complied with it lie could have forced the Company to pay him for his pears whether Sujit. Slack agreed to it or not? The owners of the factory imve invested their money in it with the expecta tion of reaping a profit and they catinot hope to do so by swindling tin.- people out'of their fruits and vegetables. Viewed from a bus! tiers standpoint the story is too silly for repetition. All watches sob! under )i positive guarantee. Yo.Of.Gss, the jeweler. ALL ABOUT THE COUNTY. NEWS FROM ADEL, SPARKS, NASH VILLE, ALAPAHA, Ami Other roltiU In the Good Obi County of Ilerrlen—Crop Proapeots Po part eel—M inor ftint torn.* I’rof. L. B. Lovitt Inis closed his school at. Afogal. Mrs. J. L. Mathews, of Lenox, is still very ill. There is no hope of her recovery. Prof. J. W. Warren, of Worth county, lias boon teaching a singing class in the Ashwood neighborhood. The Metropolitan Hotel, at Sparks, is prospering under the skillful and popular management of Air. J. *11. Bryant. It is quite, unlikely that the people of southeast Berrien will take any stock in the Clincii county secession movement. Col Ion picking lias commenced in earnest in Berrien county and will be pushed assiduously until the close of the season. The new store of Messrs, Swindle & Griffin, at Nashville is approaching completion. It will be a commodious and comfortable building. Airs, R. D. Turner, of Alupalitt, de parted this life on last Sunday a week ago. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her death. Nashville continues to grow slow ly, a new house is built ever and anon. Some one lias hist completed a now dwelling in tile northeastern part of town. There is considerable sickness at. Nashville now; we learned, while there the first, of the week, that, two members of Air. 11. W. Connell's family were in bed. A new postoffice lias been estab lished in the Upper Tenth district of Berrien county,, by the name of "Gus.” The patrons of the office lias already sent the Gazm'itis a nice batch of cash subscribers. Mr. G. T. Patten, of MilUown, lias gone to Valdosta to reside. Every once in a while Lowndes captures some Berrien county young man, because of his superiority, but they don’t stay in captivity very long. Dr. I. .J. Goodman, of Sparks, who has been m ill health for some time is rusticating at Indian Springs, and is reported as improving very rapidly, lie is accompanied by his brother, Dr. 0. P. Goodman, of Nashville. A Dastardly Crime. Last. Friday afternoon, just as tlie last pages of the Gazette were being placed on the press, the reporter caught a faint, whisperofun attempt ed outrage upon a young white lady by a negro man, named Ed. AicKilch- ei)8, near Milltowti. Saturday morning Mr. W. IV. Tim mons, camp ti p from his turpentine farm near Alilltowu and gave us ail an then tic account of the effort to com mit a horrible crime. There lives near Alilltowu, in a log house by themselves, two poor but re spectable w hite women by tlie mime of Alary ^ind Caroline Fraser. On Saturday night, July ‘, about J1 o’clock, a negro man, supposed to be McKitchens, went to the dour of this humble home ami demanded adiuit- i lance. One of the women asked who was there? The negro replied, giving the name of an honorable white mini Air. Howell, of M i 11 town. The woman without hesitancy said “It isn’t true, Mr. Howell 1ms never come to our house at such an unseasonable hour. It seemed Unit the door was fast ened with a chain, tied with a string on the inside, and the wretch, as soon as iie found his effort at impersona ting would not work, quickly pulled liie chain around until the string was ftn the outside then cut the string with iiis knife and gained admittance. women, their cries were such as to frighten Hie brute away without ac complishing his devilish purpose. In the struggle the woman he grappled 'with as lie entered the door was acci dentally cut in the knee. Early Sunday morning the matter Jivas reported to neighbors, and tlie Eext day a posse was organized and a Search instituted for tlie scoundrel. It seems lie had the temerity toapp'y for work at every house along tlie route, so that lie was easily traced and finally captured at Mr. Pattens, by Air. Liles. He was carried to Alilltowu and before the women. The one grappled kt the door did not positively identify him, Imfelhe other one did. Lynching tvas freely, talked of, but the calm judgment of Dr, Talley and Rev. J’idaofi prevailed after a long parley, and the wretch was carried to Nash ville and lodged in tlie county jail In await certain punishment, for his wickedness. Berrien t he Banner County. 'I'he Times is continually claiming rot Valdosta and Lowndes county the earth and the fullness tlterof, find not unfrequently gets most itgregionsly slipped up on, as it did Iasi, week when it claimed that. Lowndes was the banner county in the mailer of the increase of tier taxable resources. We give the edit or credit, how'ever, for writing this boast, before hearing from Berrien comity and let it go through the pa per—not having time to set up other matter in ils place before going to press. Berrien county’s increase of her taxable resources is §1211,800, against Lowndes county’s increase of 47U,- 053, and she claims the banner until a better showing is made by some more progressive county. The Gazette, considering the general depression and shrinkage of values, feels a pardonable pride in the showing Berrien county makes in the increase of her taxable resour ces for 1808, In order tlial, our readers may see where and how the increase comes in, wO give the re turns by districts: Dutrlet. lHfk’i j 1892 Palp 1.081 Ninth villi* 251.129 >>4.801 ' 3,075 r**l «r 'Truth.. 190,977 157.000 ,*i3j)77 Mill town 141,HUH 141,1251 UhU Itiiy'rt Mill ... H'.J,'AMt 13(1,003 24,0,h ConncirR Milt. 79,778 H3,H7fl Alaiaha ■.’TK.'dIH! 24 ,0 *2 30,838 |tro»kllc‘lil 17!?,(MO 120,281 no,4'8.i Tifton 302,037 332,159 29,87* U'liox H8.110 K.VJ38 2,878 ’ Hrarkt* 24*1,:wi 211, WIT 9,200 A<lol IWJ.UKW 22.1,000 i 2«,377 Oil 12« 257 10,077 Tiber Ucml ... 01.400 50,5*77 2,1 HO lll.W seen By the idijjvJ^hifiJll alll be t hut. Brookfield is the banner district, and that the greatest decrease in val ues is in I lie Adel district, ll is also noted from the tux roll that there is a decrease in the returns of wild lands and tho taxable properly of colored people. Receiver John 11. McCrunio has made the county a most efficient officer, and deserves the thunks of the people. His books demonstrate beyond cavil Hint while other coun ties more favorably situated Imve gone backward under financial de pression Berrien Inis come forward with an increase tlmt would Imve been creditable to her in a prosperous year. Hurrah for Berrien county, she is always ahead! Tint Great Kouttiera Itemeily. People should not be deceived into paying money fur trashy mixtures gotten iiji to sell. Botanic, Blood Balm, (15. 15. 15.) which has been made in Atlanta for the past fifteen .years, never fails to give satisfaction its n superior building up tonic mid blood purifier. It. is made from the prescript ion of an eminent physii mn. The bottle is htrg« and the dose small. Fee their advertisements and buy that whjeh is thoroughly en dorsed by thousands of grateful pa tient!) whom it Ims cured. A trial bottle will test its merits. M lasts’, Ale pi i Peterson and Teanin Adams, two interesting young ladies, the former a visitor from Go flee lie immediately grasped one of | County,, were callers at this office the 'women and a desperate struggle yeafer’day. They came to, see oar GARNERED BY THE PENCIL AND SflSSORS PROCESS. Hutch of Now* front Neighboring Counties Doc mod of Special Interest, to Onsette Header*. The Irwin Comity News seems to have cut our acquaintance since it changed hands. Crops through middle and north ern Irwin county are reported excel lent—especially Hie corn crops. Air. W. D. Peeples, of Valdosta, 1ms captured thedepnty-collcctorship of internal revenue, for the tenth rev enue district, with the headquarters in Brunswick. Miss Nora Cottle, of Tv-Tv, died at the home of her sister, Airs. K. K. Clark, in Americas last, Saturday; and her remains were Imt ried at Tv- Tv the next. day. Editor Pendleton, of the Valdosta Times, Ims caught, an administration plum—special Indian agent; salary $2,000 a year and expenses. It is a similar piece of pin to tlmt which in duced our own W. 11. Luslinger Esq., to move In Texas. A posse of men with blood hounds are utilising a white man and a negro down in Coffee eouiiti'. They arc charged with the burning of Mrs. Peterson’s barn, etc. They wore close on the fugutives yesterday, but their friends intercepted the posse and threw them off the truck. I’l'ouT'.'iinnic Of tlie Quarterly Convention of tho Worth County Sunday School As sociation,. lo meet at Sylvester, f«a., Saturday, August lStli, 1813). 0:8© a. m. Call to order. Song, “AM Power of Perry, toward Hail the Jesus’ Name.” No. fit). Prayer, led by Dr. J. W. Perry. Song, 304, Address of welcome, by Cot. T. 1!. Perry. Response, by I). It. Jay, of Albany. Secretary’s report. President’s report. Treasurer's report. Song, yto. Address by Dr. J. \Y. the “Dmy of Parents Sunday School.” Report of Executive Committee. Son", I tiff. Address by Rev. (!. Tom West. Reports from schools Dismission fur dinner. A FTKIINl u)\ session. Call lo order, 1:30 p. m. Song, 313. Address, by Elder F. T. Snell, of Tifton. Reports from committees. Song, 140. Short talks from Sunday school workcis. Led by 15. T. Allen mid Stephen Rouse, Song, 277. Address by Rev. E. I, Padiiek. Song, '‘God lie witb you bill we meet, again.” Dismission. All songs, except lusl one, from Prayer and Praise. Reports of every kind must be submitted in writing, in order tlmt they may be tiled with Associuliunul records. A full attendance is vm neatly de sired, as officers for the HMtociutiqnal year are to bo elected, ami oilier bus iness of importance transacted. All schools should send delegates, with a written report. Kiel) school is entitled to one vote in convention to eaeli thirty scholars ou roll. Everyone interested iir Sunday school work" arc urgently invited to nt tend, J. E. Ymi-Son, J. L. llKum.xn, Secretary, President. fire, and the flames so far advanced that any effort to save it from de struction would have been futile. The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary, and is supposed to Imve been placed near the head of the stairs leading to the grand jury room. The object was, without doubt, the deal ruction of certain records, whether civil or criminal is a matter of conjecture. - No other building was destroyed, the court house was so far removed from any other that they were not endangered hy the fire. The building, (he furniture and all the records ami papers were de stroyed except those not in the build- ing or in Hie fire proof safe. The safe was opened by Sheriff Nelson on Wedncsdy night. It was a very small one, Imt was packed with rec ords and papers ns long as one could be gotten in it. It fell face down ward and the sheriff found, as soon ns he could cool it off and examine it, tlmt Hie combination was unim paired and there was no trouble in getting into it. From Sheriff Nelson the Gazette learns tlmt, “all the important rec ords of the Ordinary’s office were saved, except a few office papers, tax xligesls, marriage license hook, etc. All the Superior Court dockets, criminal, civil, motion and issue, with their attendant papers, were saved, and there is nothing to pre vent the session of Superior Court at its next regular term. All the hills of indictment, were saved, all papers in civil cases, and all the 11. fas., ex cept a few in the Sheriff’s office. The record of deeds, for the past ten mouths, were saved, and the record of mortgages for this your.” The building, furniture and hooks were insured for $3,100 in the Hartford Insurance Com|ntny, repre sented by Col. M. A. Sexton tit the lime of tho issuance of the policy, luil now by Col. C. W. Kill wood, of Tifton. The ordinary, acting upon the ad- wee of some of the best citizens of the county, will begin at once the erection of a temporary court room so tlmt there will lie no interruption of the regular session of the superior court in October. An effort, is being made to create the impression among tlie voters of the comity that the destruction of the building was procured by the friends of removal of the county sile to take the question of building a new court house out of their way. This theory is too thin to bear repeating. Should an election be culled on the question of removal there will be two, if not three, places In tha race, and it lakes a very fer tile imagination to conceive the idea that friends of the three places con spired to secure such a dirty piece of work. However, the story has in fluenced the citizens of Sylvester to offer a reward of 4(150 for the ap prehension of the incendiary. If you Imve anything fancy or curious in the sbajre of fruits, vege tables, or farm products of any Kind, bring it. in by Aug. 30th and 1 will semi with your name, eta, to the Ohio State Fair. C. W. Ful wood. ensued between tlie three. The brute knife in hand, threatened to .cut the women’s throats if Urey resisted him or made any outcry. However the threat did nut daunt the defenseless O'ap young compositor, and 1‘eti'ler over the mysteries of the “preserva tive art.” Tim editor is always pleased to have young ladies call fit iiis .sanctum, whether they come to see hint or his rice young men. 114 school crayons only ’ailtick Bros. 10c, The Brunswick and Western rail road inaugurates -its regular aunnid excursion week to the seashore next Slim lay. Wednesday, August the 16th is tlie day set apart for the people living in the vicinity of Tiftur, Brook field Enigma Alapalm, uml tho round trip fare is only $1.50. These excursion tickets are sold for train I No. 4, which arrives at Brunswick at 20 a. in.;-and No. 8. which leaves I. Messrs. Nesmith ami Norman, two Brunswick, returning, at 7:00 p. nt. a of Colquitt county’s young farmers Were, in llle city yesterday on a trading expedition. 01i, those brum if n I ladies’ gold watches at Ymitiiatis, the jeweler’s, are'tlm-vety thing? • i’liis arrangement affords twelve hours at the seashore. Tite manage ment announces tlmt, tins will be the last excursion for this season. Extra inducements during August at, Pudrick Brio, 1 kill feu - - tk? -wl - ‘ - •- ' '■