The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 25, 1893, Image 1

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■I ’M TIFTON, BICRHIKX CUP NIT, GEOlitUi', FRIDAY, AUGUST $1.00 PER ANNUM 180S WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. Paveraant Paragraph* Pichril t'n »«il Pan- lively Penned—All Pertaining to . Persona and Thiugs. VOL. :V-NO. 19- Council Prooeecllntrn, interested parlies .were one of the l ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. lociil merchants uml a representative GARNERED BY THE PENCIL AND SCISSORS PROCESS. Union of Ni'iv* from Nal«l»lM»rio«: Count to* (loomed of S|»r«rial lltlm'Ht to lloudor*. Mr. B. T. Cole visited Maeoti lust Sunday. Read the list of grand and petit jurors on third page. All watches sold under ft positive guarantee. YoCmans, the jeweler. Uev. W.O, Hixou filled his regular appointments at the Tifton Metho dist church last Sunday. Head the advertisement of Pud rick Bros. You can bank on what they say. Miss Nettie Cole is at home again 'from her visit to Waycross and Sa vannah. Her friends welcome her home. Don’t forget Youmans, the jewel er, when you want a tirstclass watch and chain, Mr. Frank Ledbetter, of Coidele, Was in the city the first of the week circulating among his base ball friends. One good turn deserves another. -Remember how you made that Iasi bargain ut Padrick Bros. Mr. E* P. Bo'wen’s fine milch cow ' died the first of the week with some - Unknown disease, but supposed to be hydrophobia. Mrs. \V. T. Uurgretb and children left Tifton lost Saturday morning for a visit to relatives and friends at Johnston Station. Oh, those btiiulifiil ladies’ gold atfvutches at Youmans, the jeweler’s, are the veiy thing! Mrs. L. M. Williams and children have returned to their Tifton hoim ul'ter a protracted visit to relatives and friends ut Pelham. Cupt. A. B. Clayton lias moved' his family to Uiohwood. Their Tift- on relatives and friends regret the necessity for their going away. Don’t he led off by foreign adver tisiug cliques and dodges, but buy u Watch from Youtimus, the jeweler, and get a guarantee on it. Or. Nicholls Peterson has traded his lot on Love uvenue to Mr. W. 0 Tift for one oil Sixth street, and tin ground bus been broken therefor li is $#,500 residence. There was quite a lengthy session of Berrien county court this week The regular monthly and quarterly 6e3sioii8 convened on Monday morn fug and continued three or four days. We have a complete line of sam ples from the best merchant tailors of this country. Your orders foi fall suits taken now und delivered when wanted. Mr. J. L. Ucufroe and family left Monday afternoon for their new home at McIntosh, oil the Savannah Flori ,Uu and Western railroad. He has inuny friends in Tifton who wish him unbounded success wherever he may . £0. Tifton’s visitors from Brunswick, the Gazette is glad to note, are very comfortably situuted mid oompara lively 'Satisfied with their surround ings. They congratulate themselves that they could have fared much worse. is sag; Safe Your cotton^chickens, eggs, etc., will bring highest market price at Padrick Bros. They carry the lar gest and best assorted stock in this section, and handle only bargains. ' The exercises of Tifton Institute begins one week from next Monday. The Gazette wonld’be pleased to see every child in the city and vicinity of school, age enter altlic beginning of the session; the tuition seems to be low enough to be within the reach of all. Tifton can and should have a prosperous school. 1 can’t write a howling advertise ment, br.t I can repair your watches, -'®' clocks und jewelry. YoCMa.Ws, the jeweler. .Messrs. Wallace and Julian Cole : obtained, loaves of absence from their employers, the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad, am! left the first of the week for the mountains of North Georgia to rest ami recuperate. They will be gone, probably, about two or three weeks. Both of them have been in declining health for some time. The Brunswick and Western rail road authorities made quite aoh-mge in the 'running of their trains last Sunday. 'Passenger trains Nos. 1 and 2 have been discontinued indefi nitely. We are informed that mail will be carried on passenger trains Nos. 3 and 4, and also on the way freights which leave Tifton early in the morning and return in the after noon. Mr. W. 0. Tift returned from his summer vacation last Friday morning and reported that he had in joyed three weeks of “solid comfort,” such us only a gentleman from South Georgia can enjoy when in Chicago seeing the world's fair or rusticating among the mountains of North Carolina. His wife and daughter are still enjoying the mountain breezes of the old North state. Berrien County’s Turpentine uml Lumber Imlimtries. The Gazette and its local contem porary, The Adel News, have Imd but vtiy little to say in a general way of the lumber ami naval store inter ests of Berrien county and thus very few people have sufficient knowledge of them to properly appreciate theii magnitude and importance. There are seven large mills, cutting lumber to till foreign orders, viz: Cecil Lumber Company, Oglesby Bros Adel Investment, Company, Beckwith Ok Rogers, IL. H. Tift, Weston A Gunn and S. it. Weston & Son. These millsy running on full lime, give em ployment to about one hundred hand, each or seven hundred in all. Be sides there are a tnunbtir of smaller mills, employing from ten to twenty - fi vo hands each. There are nineteen turpentine farms, employing an average of sixty hands each or a total of one thousand one hundred and forty. , Then we can safely say that there ire twenty four hundred dependents upon the saw mills ami two thousand upon the turpentine farms of Berrien county for sustenance, or a total of four thousand and four hundred. Thus the reader cm: see t hat these industries are of great magnitude and form no mean proportion of Berrien county’s prosperity. But the object of this article is not to boast of the importance of these imlus'nes to the comity as to show how much the county is uffected by (lie painful fi nancial depression now hovering over the country. Tho mills have been forced to close down for the lack of orders, t(je 4 > turpentine operators have been for ced by the low price of their product .to reduce their output to their virgin crops. Of course great.many wage- earners lose their places and it is impossible for tliein to get employ ment here, as there is none to be had. However it is just to the mill owners and turpentine operators to say tlmt they are doing their utmost in assist ing their employes to tide over the business depression. They are giving their employes all the work possible and, although it will cost them thousands of dollars, they hope to keep them together and prevent de moralization. It is idle folly for the unemployed of other places to come to Berrien county now expecting to get employment. Talking .with one of the most prominent turpentine operators as to the county’s loss by the tlniineial de pression he stated that it would not fall short of naif a million dollars from that industry alone. This slate meiit cun scarcely be gaiiisaved when ALL ABOUT THE COUNTY. NEWS FROM ADEL, SPARKS, NASH VILLE, ALAPAHA, Anti Otlior Point* In tho Good Old County of fioorlon—Crop Pro*prof* Ki*> ported—Minor Muttrr*. Capt. Sim Harrell, at Mogul, have received his supply of convicts and put them to work. Prof. E. J. Williams closed a very interesting and profitable singing school at Sparks Iasi Saturday. The people of Berrien comity pro pose to “live at home and board at the same place” next year. Good idea. The Baptist congregation of Sparks held a meeting last night, for the purpose of calling a pastor for the ensuing year. Elder A. B. Finley, of the llomer- ville Association, held religious ser vices with the Sparks Baptist church the first of,the week. The turpentine business of Mc Queen & Go., at Adel, has passed in to the hands of Ellis, Young & (Jo., of Sayannuli, by right of purchase. Berrien continues to “bold the fort” as the “banner” comity in Georgia in the matter of increase of her taxable resources. Her people should be ami are proud of their citizenship! The Gazette is p 1 eased to learn that Mr. ■). J. Patterson, living near Sparks, and who has been quite ill for the past two months, is sufficient ly convalescent tlmt lie can stirabout iiis home a little. Cecil, through the inllnence of Dr. J. 11. Folsom, contributed a very neat and varied assortment of products to the Georgia SoutBii n and Floridarail- road exhibit of Georgia prodtiOtB lit the Ohio State Fair. Messrs. 11.J, Parrish, John S. Lindsey, and others who have grown tobacco this year, in the vicinity of Sparks, will probably establish a to bacco factory on a small scale at Sparks, it being a central railroad point for all the growers. The (own authorities of Sparks have enacted and will enforce rigid quarantine regulations against all yellow-fever infected districts in Georgia and Florida. This actum was taken not so much on account of danger to the health of the town as to its commercial interests. Berrien county is to be represented in the Girls Normal and Industrial Institute, at Milledgeville, for the first time at the next session, and il affords the Gazette much pleasure to know thul no county in the Stale will have four fairer, brighter and nobler representatives than she— Misses Lillie Gary, Nunnn and Lilia Lamb, of Nashville, and Lillian Mc Millan, of Alapahu. All persons interested in the Willi- Incoochoe Hinging Convention will lake notice that the time of the annu al meeting been has changed, by or der of the President, from the first Sunday, Friday and Saturday before, in October to the fourth Sunday, Friday and Saturday before, in Sep tember. This change was made at the request of some of the citizens of Sparks, at which place the conven tion iB to meet. We learn that Mr. June Baker was forced in self-defense to fill u negro of a North Carolina cigar manufac turing concern. The local merchant was threatened to be blacklisted with some commercial agency as irrespon sible for bis contracts because be de clined to pay for goods he had never ordered. Too many of our mer- elmnls allow .themselves imposed up on by paying for goods they do not order. They should.put an end to such methods of selling worthless goods they do not want positively and unequivocally. All such ship ments of goods should be left in the railroad warehouses subject to the shippers order. A monster rattlesuake \vr.s killed last Monday near the Panlk-SiUton graveyard on the Alapalm and Nash ville road. Col. Pul weed told it very seriously that Charlie Guest, and himself were driving along in a bug gy and their attention was called lo tlu* reptile bv the horse shying and The result of the protracted meet ing at New Bethel church, three miles'south of Sylvester, was tho ac cession of four members to the church. The parties supposed to have burned Mrs. Martha Peterson's barnyard buildings were captured a few days since after a hot chase with blood bounds. Ashlmrn has agreed to give a lot am! build a court, house if the peo ple of Worth county will vote for the removal of the court house to that place. Lei the vole be. taken. Head the “Notice of .Manager 1). | G. Irbv, of Cyclonctu Farm, in to- day's paper relative to Long Cotton Gin. lie is prepared to gin lougatn- tiiat Charlie crept up behind the, , . , „ , , Ipie cotton ami asks a share of public venomous monster and the lost 1 ii, . , ,■ patronage, thing lie did was to deprive Ins , 8naKeship of his rattles and bring | them away as a trophy of tliu find. 1 , . r . ,| , i the press gang al their Brunswick J Ins version of tho matter sounds . ”, , , | ... ,, meeting. We lear I lie boys were not rather incredible although literally , , , , , sufficiently lame for true, tor some one else who bad inv- , ... 1 , Knight of ilit Faber. reptile It transpires that Editor Smith, of tIni Aslibnrn Advance, did not join Ibis doughty eedi-d them killed the reptile am left it harmless and hanging beside a pine near the road and, of course, Charlie could clip ils rattles the first lliing and without fear of being harmed. This monster snake was six feel loiigaiul large in proportion, and possessed eleven rattles and a button. • — - - Resolution of Thanks. Tlit* com mi Ihv on rcwlnliomj (J. (’. Johnson, W. II. Williams and U. li. Alooiv), appointed ut tin* late meeting at JlruntAviek of the (ienrgiu Weekly Press Association, reported me following resolutions of thanks which were unanimously adopted: Uesolvcd, Tlmt we extend ohr thanks to Mr. (ieorge W. ('oaten, Division Freight mid rassenjrPr Agent of the Brunswick and Went urn railroad, for special roaches to convey the party from limns wick to Jacksonville: also, to Mr. Geo W. Haines for ariangiu^ » special schedule between Wuyeross and .lack sonvillc and for the lender of an engine and crew and to holt) gentlemen for the courtesy shown the parly nil the wav. # * # # * # * licaolved, That it gave the Association smut pleasure to witness thenmumiiieciu allowing inndc hy the Gcoruia Southern and Florida railroad at their, expeiintern lul farm nt Cyclonetn and that we rejoice at every evidence of thrift and prosper ous development he inv? pushed forward hy that toad and Messrs. Tift, pf ‘Tifton, and that we thank the committee for the invftalfon given us to examine tln«r farms*, that vve thank the Georgia South ern lor cars and ' stop over privileges"; that we thank the people uf Tifton for their hospitality and return especial thanks to tho following gentlemen for n day «*r so much pleasure; Mayor Fid- wood, I!ditnr It. T. Allen, II. II. and W. (). Till, of Tifton, Mr. Irby, of Cyclone- ta, and Major NV, D. Glessncr. - — « Quite ii number of Brunswick peo ple, estimated lit three hundred have' been In the city since Monday night ami will remain here until the yellow fever niul ex .'i'eineiit at Brunswick shall subside. It was a great surprise lo our people lo find tlipm here Tues day morning, bui their bettor natures would not permit them to Inin their friends from their doors; so those who were litre were made as comfortable as possible and a rigid quarantine estab lished at once against Brunswick and other infected points, and also took sieps to make assurance doubly sure I Bat the oily should o.’ in good Himi- From people who attended I lie year ly meeting at Hickory Springs last Satmday and Sunday the Gazette learns tlmt some of the attendants behaved themselves very badlv. Thev engaged in whisky drinking, quarrel ing anil lighting. The limners .iroaiid Session*, Cof fee county, are about through pull ing fodder ami I lie turpentine men are preparing for the final liil-np of the boxes ihis season. The produce of liolb fanner and distiller seem to tie below cost of production. A correspondent of the Douglas Breeze says the Wuyeross Air-Lino railroad has secured joint rates for all freights which cheapens tlm tar iff very much. The owners will now; build regular station houses and em ploy iiginis to transact the road’s business. Tlie Worth County Local puls its readers on notice that contributions of sweet potatoes of less q milility ll.iinu peek will mu lie ob serves tlmt H requires Hit! quantity to compass the "Hie” junior editors and “three" junior devils, who are dependents'upon the shebang for siisleimiiee. They had better “size up” their neighbors’ “later” piles und haul the whole InisiiiesH home. Reporting the quarterly conven tion of the Worth County Sunday-1 school Association, the Licul said: “The lirsl (cal it re in the afternoon session was an address Irom llev. F, T. Buell, pastor of the Tit'ion Bap tist chinch, Itev. Mr. Snell is a native of England, was a student uu- A called meeting of the City Council of Tifton was held in the office of C. W. Fulwood, 9:30o’clock, a. m,, Tuesday, August 22, 1893. The meeting was called to order by Mayor C. VV. Fulwood. Present: Coiineilmen Bowen, Allen, Hurgrett^ Goodman and McUten. Mayor Fulwood stated tlmt tho * object of the meeting was the taking of steps to protect the city against the importation of Yellow Fever from the infected districts, and to adopt quarantine regulations if it was thouglil advisable. After a lengthy discussion, pariicipated- in by the Coiineilmen uhd citizens pres ent, the matter was referred to the Board of Health. The Board of Health made the following recommendation: We, the Board of Health of the City of Tifton, recommend tlmt a partial quarantine he established against all yellow fever infected dis tricts in this state mid Florida, in cluding persons, their household goods und baggage. J. 0, Goodman, Chairman, E. P. Bowen, .T. A. McCkkv, John C. Hinh. Tifton, August 22, 1893. 11 was ordered, Tlmt the recom mendation of the Board of Health he adopted, ami that Hie quarantine suggested in the recommendation he declared effective. It was ordered, That five extra po liceman be employed by the Mayor _ to enforce the quarantine regulations hereby established, and to use bis best discretion as to the matter of time and pav. It was ordered, Thai the Marshal notify every mlizen of Tifton, in charge of residence and premises, tlmt they shall put such premises in thorough sanitary condition within thirty-six hours from 12 o’clock noon to-day or the same will la* done l"y (he city at their expense. It was ordered, Tlmt the matter of sewerage, to connect with Hint lead ing from Hotel Sadie, Is 1 referred to Contractor lliml with power to make and put in the necessary sewer under the direction of the sanitary commit- 11*1*. 11 was ordered, That the generous offer of Mr. W. O. Tift to furnish a vacant house, out on the Tifton ami Northeastern railroad, for a pest, house slum Id one he needed, la* ac cepted with tlu* thank? of the Coun cil. No further business the Council was adjourned. B. 'J'. Ai.i.ex, Clerk pro tern. Insure your gin house ngainsi fire. ('. W. Fulwood. Religious Notice. The fall meeting of tho Cordolo District Holiness Association, will he held i,D. V.) al. Aslihurn, (la., com mencing on the I till September and remaining 10 duys—aU in the expe rience, or those seeking I he blessing of saiietlllcution arc invited. Send your mimes to Her. T. 1). Strong Ashlmrn, Go., so tlmt homes may be dor the lumeuied Spurgeon, ami Ids ( provided Mr you man full of “blue whistlers” last tary condition. The people of Tift Sunday (Hording, at Bakers still The negro had been in bis employ but had been discharged for some misdemeanor about eight or ten days on have no fear that yellow fever would propagate, here should a ease develop itself among our visitors, but it would interrupt their business very we know tile payroll of one mill alone jdrei got his Winchester rifle ami took prior und told to leave uml stay away i much. In this connection (be G a from the premises. Hi* name back ] zette will say to the people along last Saturday night and Mr. Baker saw him there Sundaymorning und again repeated the order for him to leave. Whereupon, the insolent.sconu MIX -.w. the lines of the two ing at Tifton, that the city nnt.liori- !ies here will give them all protec tion in their power. . . . - ... , , u. I, i r . .* . 4l , 4 . ,| Thu ttrtiiiftwiuk uml Western rail- is between three u'jd turn- thousand Mr.Hauer for a target, when tlwMatier. , dollars a month. We can calculate I go. his dr gun *ml used it a / U,m, ; ,Ul * ''»* ***'»* that (be circulating median of Ber- with the above resolt. The negro’s track fo f hn '^ men county has Iwen ciirtmlcd not (eyes are out and his head swelled to less than £30,03!) per month by the j twice its usual proportions, and it is i panic. ! not certain lie will live. j Berrimr county i< a great sufferer j Jt i s reported tlmt Adel enjoyed | place, near Zion Hope churcii, to- ;along these lines, but the people are j t | a . nweets <>) of a blackmailing sen- j ijether with big horse, and buggy for atilt couragemi? and hoptful. 1 sal ion u few days since. address was aide, solmtorly and en couraging lo all thus*! taking p.irl ill .Sunday-school work, and it was greatly to the regret of the* assem blage that ilie delay of an hour and a rpmiler on the part of tlju evening passenger train compelled him to leave out several interesting fea tures,” The Gazette is published for profit mill not for the Inn or honor llint o n) be attached, hence all com- iminicatious, which are advertise ments. me kindly but positively de- eiiued. If yon Imve a business worth advertising you can afford tq pay for the advertisement; if you cannot, you hud belter throw the business alkie, A newspaper should be run oil busi ness principle? the same as any other vocation. Tlu* Great Southern Remedy. People should not he deceived into paying money for trashy mixtures gotten up to sell. Botanic Blood The Gazette i a informed that Prof, H. A. Hendrix has traded .bis s*t. Friday Hie Slh Septoiulier bo observed as a day of fasting and prayer for God’s presence with iis in miglily power. .1. Lawhenoe, Secretary. Youinuns. Iln* jeweler. Call sell yon a watch, make you a new one, nr re pair your old one. io-tf. New OlHeern of tlu* Worth Comi ty Siiitduy-Hcliool Association. President, J. L. Herring: Vice President, J - K. Wilson: Secretary and Treasurer, C. W. fill I house. Ex ecutive Committee: W. B. Parks; Tv Ty; J..G. McPhanl, 1’onlan; H. A. Bell, Parkerville; G. J. VYallaiv. Wesley Chapel; Stephen House, War wick; .1. 11. Allen, Ash burn; W. B. Dasher. Sycamore; W. J. Herring. Jr., IsaMia. Refreshing ami delicious summer T . . , , , 'drinks are now being dispensed at Balftf; (B. B. B.) which lias I)eenij| u) *['ifi ( , n Drug Store—-eoea-eota, made in Atlanta for tho past fifteen; miIk Rhakrt> s0 daWuter, etc. years, never fails to give satisfaction j ♦ as u superior huildfng up tonic and Preaching advices at Die Baptist 'bl ind purifier. It is made from the!church next Sunday, morning amt prescription of an eminent physician, j evening. Collection for. oUte Mis- The bottle is large and the dwejsioua will be taken at both services, small. Set* their advertisements and Citizens and viaitois, especially buy that which is thoroughly hi do'sed hy thousands of grateful pa tients whom it. Ins cured. A trial bottle will test its merit a. members of llu* eongregmion, a> - respectfully invited to be present and contribute to this department of C’hi'is'.iiiu l.iJ.or. ' >.;■ • i;?:' :