The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 02, 1894, Image 2

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The Tifton Gazette. THE GAZETTE: TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 2,1894. I •' W- l’UHMSIIKI) WKltKI.V. B. T. AUKN, Editor. Official Organ County of Berrlon. Official Organ City of Tifton. ■rniMSOKHUiwcitirriox: One Year C 00 BIx Months w Three Months 20 IXTAHIalll.V IX ADVAMK. Knteroil at the |iosto(llce, at Tifton, (leorffla, as mail matter of tho second class. NKWH ANI> VIEWS. Judging from the (Wdolenn, Homo of the people of Dooly county in up to their nrmpitH in politicH ensuing find discussing Kvftns and Atkinson, and tlm county ollleos. Tho (.'olurnliiiH Sunday Herald, fol lowing the promptings of the Atlanta Evan/ Cluii, puts tlm Ga/.K’itf. in the Evans column. Was ever monumental chock more abundant. The Atlanta Constitution in at its old trick of building spccinla out of its weekly contemporaries locals. Some of the geographical blunders made by the builder arc too ludicrous to lie funny. Tho Macon County Citizen asserts: “There is not now as much confi dence placed in an average man as was given a genuine Texas pony live years ago.” Donald must be getting very desperate! Tho avidity with which the I'nitod States senate eonlirms the nomination of blue-blooded demoerats is a caution to mugwumps. The (Ia/.kttk is pleased that Justice lllalehford’s suc cessor on the Supreme bench is \V Id to, and from a southern state—I.oltls- iana. llro. McIntosh, of the Albany Herald, has inaugurated a campaign in favor of establishing a cold stor age slaughter house in Albany, llro. Herring, of the Worth County I.ocal, won’t likely try to deprive him of tlic glory and honor of this enter prise. Judge Allen Korl, acting chair man, has called a mooting of the state democratic executive commit tee in Atlanta to-morrow. Tho object of the meeting, wn suppose, is to elect a new chairman and to lix the time fer the meeting of the convention to nominate candidates lor governor ami state house ellleors. The Sunday Herald, of Columbus, lias fallen into the error of placing tiled.tzi'ii TK in the Evans’g it' eruitori- tll column. The Herald will please oli- Sarvolhat lie' ,i 'i. rr :l asnoteommit- ted itself to the support el’either of the candidates, preferring to await the ac tion of the giihuru ilorial nominating convention. Thu outcome of that convention will lie its choice. The Worth County Local calls the Albany Herald down from its lofty claim of having inaugurated the “hog and hominy” campaign. Editor Her ring is right, as iiHiial, the crusade Was begun in the columns of the Lo cal in IHK7 and IHNK—when this cd ltor was mi attaeheo of that paper, lie urged tlm raising of home sup plies abundantly with nil the vigor he could command, and lie has kept Up the light ever si through the l’toNKKii and the (J.i/.nrrK. Hut, then, wo didn't want to disturb edi tor McIntosh's supreme content. Senator (Jordon has proven him self nil illustrious prototype to Secre tary Smith, for like the former the liitttfr is attending to private rather than public business. (Jordon on the lecture platform instead of in his sent in the senate—Smith practicing law instead of attending to his business as Secretary of the Interior. These pre cedents arc without example so far as our knowledge of public affairs ex tend, although there seems to bo a growing disposition among olllcehol ers generally to make their public du ties secondary to thou'private interest. \ GO TO I THE NEW YORK STORE Mi. GROCER, We Measure by the Yard !» and Deal on the basssus&sua lii order to make room for our coming Spring Bill we offer Special Bargains on all Dress Goods: Prints that arc worth 7Jc. everywhere, Ac. any and all atylea Standard good#. Worsteda worth 50c, for 05c. “ worth 115c. for 20c.. *• worth 25c. for 18c. 2-4 Hcaluland 5 ccntH per yard. Yard wide Healuland 7c. per yard. Extra heavy wheeling 7c. per yard. “ “ “ by the holt OJc. Anything worth 15 ccntH, for 10c. All other Dry (JoocIh In proportion too munerouH to mention. H 11 O E H . We carry the most complete line In the city. Full Block llrogann Worth $1.50 for $1,15, lower grade $1.00. Old Eadhm Comfort worth $1 50 for $1.05. ItoyH Booth worth $1.50 for $1.10. We are compelled to make room for our cnormotiH Htoek on route—Balled from New York on 11th Inst. (1 It O C E It I E H . We keep the Orient wtoek of grocerloH that the nmrketH alford, we lieiul the IIhI with line EIouih, 20 Urn. Granulated Su gar for $1, New OrloaiiH Demlary, Maine price. 20 Him. country It Ice for $1, Starch 5 cenln per pound. .lollette meal 75 coiiIh per bushel. Boston BelllcH Op:, hy the hundred. Three poundH heat tohacco for $1. Bran, hay* cotton need meal and IiiiIIh, always on hand. Will pay the hlghcut market price for all country produce. 1000 Chicken* Wanted at Oner, TIUJNKS and VAI.IHKS, From 50 cents up to $10 00—come anil get your Saratogas. Full line of Furniture, kept up slabs. liny Dixie Flows $1.2.’;. Itatchot Stocks, 85 cents. Plow I Iocs, Sc. per pound. Htores, Stove Pipe and Tin-ware. 10 ImrrelH of Seed IiIhIi Potatoes JuhI from New York state—co|no and get your Kcd before tliey me a i, i. o o n ic . 7 ban* 8oap, horse shoe brand, for 25 cents. Almost Everything Else in the Grocery Line as Cheap. Call and give me a trial, I guarantee satisfaction. xv. M. mangiiam, JAKE W. PAULK, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Special Notice to the Ladies. Wk imi k KMri.ovK.iMin experienced Trimmer and Jlrut-dnsH Drchs Maker for our Millinery Department, and will open the most complete stock of Millinery ever brought lo Tifton. Our buyer in now at the market looking, and will, no doubt, make MvleetiouH to Htilt the tiiHle of tho moHt faHtidioiiH, which will he under the management of Mil. .1. W. Gau.dino, formerly of Atlanta, Ga. Kcmombcr we pay GASH for our good*, get ell the dhcounts, and arc, therefore, able to n«v« you money hy purchiiHing from us. Our Millinery Departmenl will he up hIhIih over Parks Building. :l. H. SI I Id I’Ll Id HI) * CO. 11'. EAT) QUARTERS! ENOCH • P. BOWEN, — DEALER IN — Gr e i iert i1 M er clian <li s e. 1 mil hendqnnrtoi'H fur the purclnso anil sale of all kinds of Country I’i'odiicc. I pay the highest market price for Chkkcnti, I'.ggs, Butter. Wool, Hides, Tallow,- Brcswnx, Etc. Don’t dispose of your produoo until you'linvo given mo nti opportu nity of saying tvliat is tho market price for it. ' I STRIVE II) PLEASE ALL DFII CUSTOMERS In tin- price and quality of (lie goods 1 offer thorn, hut never forget that T’nir and Honest Dealing” is the only trim road to success in any business Three days Is a very short time In which to cure a kail case of rheumatism; l-m It CHI) bo done, If the proper tioatmunt It adopted, as will Is; scon hy the following front Jamas Lambert of New Hnnswick, 111. "1 was badly athlete,I with rheum- tism in the hips and legs, when 1 bought a bottle of Chamberlain’# Fain Halm. ,lt cured mu hi Unco days. 1 am all right to-day and would Insist on ovary one Who Is afflicted with that terrible disease lo uscChamherlulh’s Fain Halm and get well a: once," fill coot hollies for sale hy Tho Tifton Drug 6tore. ■ I make a Specialty of Farmers’ Supplies w. tif L\ BOWEN, NenrtliP 11, .Vi W. Depot., TIPTON, GA, ~ Til K Gazette Publishing House, TIFTON, GEORGIA. ALL KINDS OF PRINTING 1 am pleased to Mate to mv friend* in Berrien, Irwin, Worth and ('olqultt countio* that 1 miu prepared to exe cute tuatufully, expeditiously and cheaply, all elatwa of printing. New type, now press, new ami excellent com* men ial stationery. Patronage Hollclted. TF/RM S, (ASM ON DELIVERY Address: B. T. ALLEN, Proprietor. CRYSTAL-LENSES Tit An $ V A *< B . CcalJtj Tint lU Sells OlfCKENHEIMEU’S & SON’S best canned gooda. Selection Flour, “Acme of Perfection.” Imperial Baking Powder, than which there Is none better. Spilt Silk Soap, once tried is always used. Just received a full lino of Ifeln/.’B pickles. Evaporated prunes, cherries apricots, peaches and apples. Shrcded Codfish, I lie best. Macaroni, and everything else to bo found in a firstclass grocery store. Smoke "OHOCTAW” Cigars, None Setter. I am in the Race and Will Not be Undersold Granulated sugar. 21 pounds for $1 Meut, per pound, 8J cents. Fine dour, 50 cents per sack. Extra fine flour, 00 cents per sack. 42- ly. Under the Masonic Hall, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Main Street Pharmacy. Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. TO! LF.T ARTICLES, such as Perfumery, Colognes, Extract*, Pomades, Hair Oils Toilet Creams ami Powders. BKCHIIKH, full lino of Tooth ItruHher, Null Brushes, Hair Krusces, 8hoo Brushes and Cothea Brushes. Tese goods are of tho very bent quality and ure to he sold eheay n» country dirt. Fine Stock of Lamp Goods, Elegant Assortment of Combs, Fresh Garden Seed in Season. I'AINTKR'H HI TIT.IKS. I make a specialty of I'alnts, Oils, Varnishes amt l'alntor.s Materials generally. JAKE W. PAULK Dr. N. Peterson haw charge of our prescription department. 12-lft-tf, TIFTON DRUG STORE Knurs a Fut.i. Supn.y or tei tags, D.i M HIS, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Perfumery, School Books and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. The most select stork of Tobaccos and Cigars In the oily. My customers can lio served with good Havana cigars. I call apodal attention to Prof. I)«xtor'* f’nturrli Cure, Maglr Bnln Kidney mid Liver Cure, Lung Restorer, Mesmeric Blood Cleunsei and Itlieuiimtlc Cure. They are proprietary medicines that are recommended very highly for the purposes claimed for them. rn• FEES BEST and HEST GARDEN SEEDS, all tlm year round. Ctdl and see me. Tifton, Ga., April Uti, 1891. ,T. C. ( JOODM’.AIvr. Is. A. SNOW, '.•i Tift & S'now Co. Empire State Nurseries. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Shrubs, Plants and Seeds, for the Orchard, Garden, Park and Forest. We respectfully Invite your attention to our stock—complete In all depart incuts; adapted to our climate;of superior quality and sold at moderate prices Handsome 20 page Illustrated, Descriptive Catalogue free to all applicants. Ad dress all orders lo TIFT & SNOW COMPANY, Tifton, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. MAURY M. STAPLER, HPKt'ULIlfl, Ear, Eye, Nose, Throat and Lungs. 6M Cherry fit., Macos, Ga. A. C. CLEMENTS, M. D„ ADEL, GA. The diseases of women and child™n a »peeMt* ty. fir* Call* by mail or telegraph will recelvu prompt Attention. 1Mt* PEEPLES & ALEXANDER. A11 o r n e y s - a t-,I. a w, KAflHVlLLK, • • GEORGIA. Business solicited in all branches of the pro* f(Motion, to which prompt and careful attentio will be given. 34-t»2-tf. C. W. FULWOOD, LAW, REAL ESTATE AND' COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, - GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all legal business. fcjf*“OFFldB— Love Building, Room No. 1. DR. J. C. GOODMAN Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON GEORGIA. Office—Itnom in the Tifton Drug Btore. Thanking the public for its past libera] patronage and solicit a continuation of the same. Drs. J. W & D. J. WILLIAMS, DENTISTS, CORD12LK, - - - 1 - UKOROIA. Or kick—Book BuJldJng. Room 2io. i, up stair* DR. J. H. HAMMOND, Physician and Surgeon, F.NIGMA, (It. Jt XV. R. It.) GEORGIA. Special attention to Chronic diseases, and dis eases of Women and Children. Calls promptly attended. Work on the line of the B. & w. R. It., especially solicited: and all calls by mail promptly attended. Bills due when ten ices are rendered. Charges moderate. Consultation at my office free. !*• srioitTii-Aisri). Tliomas'villo, - Georfj-ia. Book-keeping, Telegraphy, Typa*! manshlp and Arithmetic. {Undents __ position. No vacation. For full particulars, address, CJ. W. H. Stanly, President. rewriting, Fen- lents asvioled to* Georgia-Alabama Business C'trtlfgf, MACON, GEORGIA. Tho School of the 8onth I! Covering a Floor Space of 7,600 Square Foot. Instruction purely practical. Students duct actual business transac-tione by mail, freight and express. Four Departments—Commercial, Stenograph Telegraphy and Ten Art. Pupils guaranteed the completion of any court* in less time, at less expense and more thorough ly than is dossilde in any other institution. Oi.’on the entire year—graduates assisted to positions. For full particulars write to Wv.rrr & Mshtix, Macon, Ga., J. W. JOINER, Mr am Eyed examined and fitted free of uharge. Fine watch repairi-g a specialty. Brunswick & "Western Dailroad. TIME TABLE NO. 60, IN EFFECT JAN. II, 1894, AT 2 A. M. U1CAK DOWNWARD HRAD UPWARD. No. ft. Kxp'ss rrt. Daily- ex.Sun. No. 3. v. it. n Kxp'ss Dali) No. 1. Albany F.xp’ss Daily —sVatiokh.— No. 2. Albany Kxp’ss Dally. No. 4. r. fi. r. Kxp’ss Daily. No. fi. Kvpr’s Frt. d.Vlyex Sunday J. AV. PAULK, l»l!l’<JU!*r. - Hus the r.xoluslvo Hale of these Ccli'bruled <loss es In TIfloh, (lit. KMAtWl & MOORE, Tho only luanufanniring opt lelans in the snm It Ailnntn, Hu. f/ IVtltUcii* arc md supplied with these fumin'* gl.tssea, . 1 l-ltl-tI. DAN I OBTAIN A PATENTf For* Kminwff “ n l f aM honost opinion, wrlto to I'll N N ik' <’<».. IT no IlltVe.tlHil tMWly flftv venr« 5 iWljr fifty yenrs* , . O.nmnuni.w- xtonn sir idly c«niH«nmUnl. A It liutlbonU of In- b'rmntwm Kiuoorhuia Putentniind how to ob tain lheu» sent fret), Als' - - * • , , .,lso a o»u hIohuo of lueelian- IchI sftd (teieufifte hooks nput free. PnteutH ittkon throuiJh Munit A Co. rocolvo i Amcricetn, and ”*“• w ‘**slr l»ofore tho public with, out eost to tho Inrwntur. ToIh stilsmUd p«u er, jsunttt wet.kiy, ufrwnotly Ilium rated, has hy (L ttso luru'ost elmilatlen of r.ny sciontine- wurk t * si n yvar. s-oiupie coptos omit fro llulltlua Kttition. monthly, vi.sod year. { cs»Mo», JA cut it a. Kvert nutnUr conuins boat tlfHl tdnfua, tn oMilom, m»l uhottiarapTis ot jkmv houses, with pints, fliitthliim budders to show Uui fcw‘*r. r neientlitc work lu (A* <12 a yvar. Saiitt'tic* copies annt frob.' ilulltli ng Rdittou, tuontiily, fj.50 a :::if »r h m r t» IS f n;»f, u JVf 10 Id f id % t Id Nt 11 IK) M. ( 7 IH>, 7 kft 7 34 7 47 7 f.7 8 Vi a 8 ttO* 8 27 s 8 38 a -a 37 s i) ea s D ‘ATS 1» 38 K 8 M 8 10 13 f 10 til f 10 3tbs 10 13 f to r.’Jf 10 r*<! f to rt*f s U 10,8 tl ;«f 11 X)‘l tl 04 n n .v*;., la in f v: as r l a ;h 1 la 40 f 13 4-i f 1 00 f 1 10: \ 31 ... A. M. | o 30 ...11. A W. Shops 7 00 Brunswick 7 lo K. T. Y. (i. Crossing 7 ??>• Klcren Mile Turnout.. 7 30 — .lamnleu 7 ft# 1 WnytiMvIllo 7 f»8 .. Atkinson 8 oA ; I.ulaton 1 3 14' Nahuntn !i 8 33; Holmken !i 8 40 Kchlattcrville 11 0 00. Ar.... WayerosH I o 20! I.y.- Wajcross 0 4A Wareshtiro.. 1 10 13 Millwood j 10 24 Mclbmuld 10 42 l*enrsun 10 Ml: .Kirkland P. M. [ A. M. 8 30 8 10 8 00 7 17 i 7 f 1 7 It f 7 12 If 7 i» f 0 &7.f 11 00 It O'.) It 13 . it 34 . \\ M • 12 02 U 20 . m Mile Post f fit tt.NX . Wtilacoovhcc! . Alapaha, 6 37ls r. 28; f r. 10; ft 43! ft 30 t ft lo f 3 02! f 4 48l f 4 40 f 4 30 r 1 27 f 4 ar. f 4 (IT f 7 60 7 it 7 lft:.... « ftQ 1 .... 1*. ftj .... « 4» .... 6 38 .... « 20 .... U 12 .... ft ftft! ... 4 33! 4 38i 4 IS* 4 to:.... 3 M . . 3 47;.... 3 37! 3 33 3 30 . 3 10 . Washington Street, _ ALBANY, - GKORGlA. TIFTON t SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA. f, I. WILLIAMS. Proprietor REAL ESTATE. f hare on hand the following Real Rotate far •ale: 12 40, 12 M t 14), . 1 08 1 10 . 1 32; • 1 ftft . : oo, A. M l A. M. | A. M . . Knigimt ... f 3 Mf 2 W .. HrooUffold ... f a <r. f 2 30 . Ar - . Tilton .. s 3 311 2 3ft A M. l.v .... Tilton f 2 31 f n ro . . Ty Tv ... f 3 10 f • 2 12 f Sumner f 2 ft* f 2 02 f * *> .. Pmilan ... r 2 43 f ] M f 8 24 lsjilteiln ... ,f 2 42 f \ 40 f n i- Wliringlum ... r 2 33 f \ 41 s 7 M .. Davta ... ;f 2 20 f 1 .'■0 f 7 40 .Junction . ... j 2 ov. ] 7 ID . .Alban) 2 on] 1 («: 7 on p. M . A M i V. M. •1 130,00 will buy a comer lot un l^»ve Avenue with neat six room house and necessary out buildings. 30 acres, four and a half miles from TIT ton* ofi the Tifton amt Northeastern rail read. Twenty- ftvu acres cleared ami under fere*, cultivated sary out bull dingy, Fine peach <>r grapa land. 100 acres of land, two mites southeast of Tlf* ton No Improvements. Terms, one-half eash S -Regular stop.. K—Btop <\u signal to retHdve or ilist'harge oassongenewr frvipht. Train* Noe. ft. and d, c4.*o paOenjrers tvtw\?cn Albany and llflor. only. Tfalnsl, *». A. 4. tnakccouutclion* it Wave mss and Tifton with north’and imrithlnund tmtm UKO. W. II UNIX C. 1>. OWKNS. UK(V W. r«)ATK8, Superlntumwut- Traffic Manager. Dlv, Pu/s. Agt?ut. atalmrgaiu. I have a valoahle business lot in Tifton fer sol* or will exf-hanga for farm lano onto! iown. Nice house and lot on tstve Avenue at a l»ar» gxfn. ran ar.NT. Nice 8 room dwelling on I.ore Avenue 3 nlc* brick itoree on re ft read street, t nice frame store on mil road aireet. A few imnii conveni ently l«M>ateil. lC-tf. f. W. F11I.WOOR, s&Mi