The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 21, 1897, Image 1

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•y|pp^nr i1 n\yj . i| iyfi 1111 j ,ii ./iTp>ipp -Wm TIFTON, BERRIEN CO.. GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897. VOL. 7—NO. 2 L’ Unilclinil. M-WCU-K. G. Boatright. Clkuk ami Tukam’kfk—H. s. Murray. Coljtcilmkn—M. II. lift. E. I*. iLlUVU, W. W. Titmuon*, Geo. Smith, L. »* Slavnanl anti W.O, , l*adrl»*k. Council meets tir-t Momluv night in iir • ■unit’r, MAiwiui., j " lSlt XHU'S Short pimtirt'itplis i»f Interest, I’UOGUAMJli; socthkrn cotton yarn sptNxints | Tlii’ coiniiieiieemetit exercise* of! the Tifton Instktite will be held at Unite to Curtail Product Ion. The each month. Hwret Sotiletli-H. Tifton Loirnk,No.47. r.-«St .V. M, W. 31.; II. '1? Cole. Secretaty. Mt urday night in each month. j , TIFTONCHAPTER, Nt». 47, U. A. M.—W.ll.Lnfi*. • w. l\, J. ll. O’Quinn, Secretary. Meets Ural I f t .p Saturday night in cacti uumtli. 1 Literary and Hoclul. • Epwonni League—Rullfriou* aenJcc uuda afleriHMiu at ficIS. Literary nuetiug t ery to th Friday night. Ch ii r< U A |#| it •! ittinrn N. Metiiopiht—I lev. ee* every ! ....... . iTayer meeting every Wednesday night ut 7 :«*». Kituday school at K Baitwt*Rev. r. A. .lenstip, l'astor. Service* very Sumlay, at 11:0U a. ut. aud 7 .*00 p. in. Sun day school, ltd l»ell, ttKht; second, 9:30; school o|<ena promptly at 9:4^: llrigga Caraon, Supt. l*rayer meeting Thui>«!ay night, al 7.00 o’clock. Ew*co»*Ah-Ki'v. ,1. W. Tunter. l'aator. Ser vices Monday night after wound Sunday in each month. Address, Fitzgerald, Ga. Presbyterian service* in Mrtbodwt cliurrh ev ery second Friday evening. Rev. Koticrt Catu|»- 1*11 Gilmore, of llrunswick, jostor. CoiniiUMUTiiifiit oxer-vines of; tin* K«dr Building to-night ;il 8 nn I’Vnmlo College willliepin I o'clock. Following is the program. Friday niglii. May 21, ami conHuilo :uatruuumtals<W Louis Flower. I'ccRalfoi .next Wednesday. “Will you take this hero woman letter or wuss, an* give me c y2 I imct. fur inarryin' of you T* was the nnitjue * very 1 manner in which a (ienriria iuntiec ir ev-1 , rt .» united two lives. The city eoniieil of Macon has ist—Rev. r.K. Crawley, Paster. Herv- : . ‘ , t Sunday, at H.-0U a.ui.and7!43p. in. I almut ileeuled to nave the streets U'..l..iu,l,v uli.lit n» Twin I * of (lint city with vitrified lirick made at luiinc. A recent experiment dis closed the fart llmt vitrified lirick made at Macon are equal in paving (pialtiticK to the best that could he secured. The commencement exercises of the Middle (icorgia Military and ng. ricultiiral College at Millcdgeville will lie held June (!-!». A farmer named Wall, who lives near .Maitland, ia reported to have ft-alized a not profit of $100 from half an acre of cucumbers this spring. Twenty-five hales of cotton to tbo mode of mlrertnloc for .hr ,«.t .rn m " : « '* ,hc rccord of XciU 15a >' ° f i Knight. i:*to .Witches’ Flight. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Gn. W. Julian, SI. D. and B. F. Jilin. Jl. D. Physicians and Surgeons, • TIFTON, GEORGIA. OmcE,-Down Stairs, Julian Ruildlng. R.R. St. tV^TELEPHONE. 47. Missc* \night and Yo l’la.v a Lady Queen Anne. Recitation. Washington’s Farewell to his Afiuy. Sidney Colo. Hoop Drill. Music-Tambourine March Treloar. j become IllcmbcrJ Of the Southern Misses MyQiiccii and Timmons. Play Mistaken Pliilanthropliy. The Southern Cotton Vnrn Spin* .tiers held kii ' important meeting Charlotte, X. .Sutni'dnv and cided todumnil the production of yarns 85 percent, for four month*, beginning June ifitli. The spinners present t'ormeil a permanent organization and the fol lowing agreement was entered http: “We, the undersigned, propose to Every tree I* known by it* fruit" f* our motto, and we ask for a trial. G. W. & It. F. J I'Ll AX. N. PETERSON, M. D. attended, day or night. Cp-Calls promptly Will be found at Hotel Sadie at night. Office hour*, 0 to 10 a. in-, 1 to 3 p. m. and 7 to 8 at night. Phone No. 1C. Residence Phone No. 20. DREW W. PAULK, - Collections a specialty. Offico up stairs in 'Paulk .Ruildlng, South Grant St., Fitzgerald, Ga. j, a. Mi'Kitow. | s. a. i-ai i.k. MURROW &. PAULK,, TIFTON. GEOHGIA. Prompt attention to all legal business. Ofilce in n8-v6-tf legal liustn Timmons Building. {^Collections a specialty. C. C. HALL, Attorney-at-La w, TIFTON', GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all legal business. —Collections a specialty.—Office over the new Paulk building. v5n33-ly. DR. J.A. McCREA, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON', GEORGIA. Office Over Smith’s Drugstore. ’Phone No. 1, in day; ’Pbooe No. 9 at nil * ‘ ~ promptly attended * J tnonia, specialties. DR. J. C. GOODMAN ’ Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON GEORGIA. OmCB—Room In tlw Tifton Dint Bun. Residence ’Phone, N'o. 11; BuIncM, N'o. 14. Dr. J. W. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, CORDELE, - - - • GEORGIA. Office—Bank Building, Room No. 1. up stairs FULW00D & MURRAY, Attorneys at TIFTON', • GEORGIA. Prompt attention *<v,n to all legal bustneu. tF-OmcE i* Tift IIdildizo. Dr. R. T. KENDRICK. Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Diseases of women a specialty, and with an experience of more than 30 years, ask a share of pub lic patronage. Office over J. J. Golden & Co., Drug store. J. A. SIBLEY. X. S. I’ERltV. If you have LA]!sDS for SALE Place them with - the— Tifton Land and Immi gration Co., : : : : and they will tie well advertised. (vtoUf.i Sumpter county, and the mules do not have to drag over an acre apiece 10 produce the hale. Aa a sample year, the cotton off this plantation of 1,8#0 acres brought about $20,000 for the crop of 1800. Mr. Hay ia one of tho most substantial farmers of Sumpter county—one who lias grown up between the plowhandlcs, and who says ho would not exchange his place as a successful farmer with any business man in Armericus or Atlanta either. Pcniecola Xowr: A few daya since, while a large congregation was attending one of Rev. C. L. Chilton’s meetings in the Palafox Street Methodist church, and the ladies were arrayed in their beautiful Raster hats, all bedecked with artifi cial flowers, rivaling nature in bcanty and forma through tho exquisite art of the milliner, a humming bird flew in through one of the open windows and darted from one pretty hat to another, seeking nectar sweets from the flowers of art, which bad deceived even its keen instincts. It was a beautiful triumph of art over nature, and for an instant every eye was diverted from tbe preacher to the bird. The book commission, appointed by Governor Atkinson to revise the text book* and adopt a uniform sys tem, will hold its first meeting in Macon this month. Prot. W. M. Slaton of Atlanta will not accept the presidency of tho Dahlonega College, which has been tendered him, although ho refused to discuss the matter not having given the board of trustees of tho college his answer. A Kansas boy who smoked 1,200 packages of cigaretts saved tho pict ures and sent them to the firm, asking what they would give for them. Tho nnswer was as follows: Smoko 1,200 more and we’ll send you a coffin. MuhIc—LaCuorlunilc «!»• Roses 8tra‘hho£. Ml * so* Debbie MeCnteantl Majrgie Rhode*. Keeitatl.,ii,—“William Tel!.’’ John Norris, Jr. Trio,—Danse Eneossaise Geihel. Misses Knight, Norris ami Youmans, IT.AY— Open the Gates as High as the Sky. Musie—Tramway Galop Goblwrt*. Misses Cbestnntt ami Slack. RceitatioOr-Kitty Clare Fannie Carswell. Musie—Sk igb Rkle Treloar. Misses Watkins. Recitation—Wreath »*f Dasies, Elma nLdrick. Music—Lejwtit Carnival Strrbbojr. Misses Mahla Shepherd and Elma l*adrick. PLAY—Mrs. Lesters Soiree Music—Railroad Galop Trekiar. Misses Knight and Norris. Dialogue—Other Folks Business. 1 hiet—“Our Boys,” Anchutx. Misses McQueen and Telford. WAND DRILL. Recitation—Grandpa’s Soliloqy .•* Laura Smith. Vocal Duet—Fly Away Birdling Valedictory,—By Jesse Griffin. Cotton Spinners’ Association, and hereby agree to conform to the reso lutions us passed in the convention, this, the 15tli day of May, 18!!', pro vided it ahull be approved by our various directors, when two-tlnrds of the south shall become members of tbe association; and it is agreed that ten days be allowed as time to report to the secretary the course intended to be pursued by the various mills represented.” All those present signed the agree ment and the signatures of those ah sent will he solicitei. hv mail. The object of the association is to make the South more imlejieinlcnt in both commercial and manufacturing lines, and is a step taken in the right direction. C. H. GOODMAN, WOODYAKD Wood of any size desired, delivered In all pane of town nt reasonable rates. n9-vl6-lv JV, ' W. N PITTMAN. Contrac tor and BuUder, TIFTOX, GEORGIA. Estimates on all kind, of bnOdlosfurnished- llow’s Tins? We offer one hundred dollsrs reward for any cam of catarrh that cannot be cured by UaU’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Prop>., Toledo, O. Wc, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last fifteen yean and be lieve him perfectly honorable In nil busi ness transactions, and financially able to cany out say obligation made by tbeir firm. . West is Trsux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldlng, Klnnan& Marvin, Wholesale DrnggUta, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting upon the blood and mucous «ur- faces of tbe system. Price, ?-V. per bot tle. Sold by ell druggists. Tcatimoafsls Hall’s family pills are the beat. The Musical Entertainment. Several hundred of T>fton’s cul tured and music-loving people greet ed Miss Myrtle Pound’s music clnss at the woman’s fair building last night Tifton knows Miss Pound’s ability as a music teacher, as was ev idenced by the unusually large at tendance, and we risk nothing in saying that, her pupils measured up fully to the expectations of her patrons and friends. The entertainment consisted of vocal and instrumental music, and tbe rendition of each piece elicited prolonged applause. We have neither time nor space to give tbe entertainment such a notice as it deserves. Let it suffice to say, that the pupils evinced careful and skillful training and won high en connutns for themselves and their popular and accomplished teacher. The patrons of Miss Pound’s mu sic class are congratulating them' selves on the rapid and solid ad vancement of her pnpils. May continued success crown her fnture efforts along the lines of her grandly elevating profession. Valdosta District Conference. Tho Valdosta district conference meets in Tifton Wednesday, May 2Gtli. A one and one-third rate for delegates lisa been secured on nil the railroads—a full fare coining undone cent a mite returning. To secure this rate delegates must get cortifl cates from railroad agent nt tho start ing point. Tifton will extend her usual hospitality to the members of of the conference. C. E. Crawley, Pastor Methodist church. A New York man writes to the papers advocating that the Mississip pi river be straightened, says the Mobile Register. He lias the idea that the river wants to run in a straight line, but that as it lias got THE BEST SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS! PAINTS, OILS, -** VARNISHES, sr fi LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS, Etc. We mukc a *|>eulalty of liaiiilllii)' THE BEST ttT' Will lie kIiuI of your order* or i:i<iuiriv* Weston & Company ALBANY, GEORGIA. p; Jones k Co. Tbe Commencement Season I* at li*n«l and extensive preparation* are Iwlnc made for the Sweet Girl Graduate. We are allowing a complete line of Sheer White Drern Fabric*. Silk Mull*, Swi*a Mull*, Etc., etc. Speeial Sale. White French Organdies, itself into kinks it cannot do so, and | a I 5Q C> worth 75c, in sheer desperation jumps over the! tt it 00C Forget! a Check. Mr. Charlie Powers passed a forged check on Mr. Jas. H. Parks, a mer chant of Tifton, but tbe fraud was detected and powers arrested before ho could leave town. It seems that he purchased several articles of clothing from Mr. Parks Wednes day and handed him a check on tho Southern Bell Telephone Company in payment. Mr. Parks did not have tho change, hut gave him $20 and a due bill for the balance Later Mr. Parka became a little suspicious that something was wrong and went out to question Powers. Ho was found on the G. S. A F. train at twelve p. nt. and when ap proached ran from the car. He was caught and Thursday morning given a bearing and pleaded guilty. Justice Youmans bound him over to next term of court and he was sent to Nashville Friday. Powers is a middle aged man, with a countenance rather frank and pleasing than otherwise. In the court room Thursday his manner was calm and resigned. When seen at the jail he said he had no statement to make. He spoke brokenly and was nervous.- The penalty for forgery is not less than three nor more than seven years imprisonment opposing banks and delnges the country. The straight line plan could be improved upon, however, by running th: river throngh a pipe. We recommend this to the New York man. John Craven and son, Okeeefinokee swamp trappeis, are in the swamps and jangles of Camden county in quest of planted birds for the New York markets. The plumes of the small eqrat are worth $33 per ounce, while another of the large curfew family is worth $1G an ounce. It takes ten or twelve of the small and five or six of the large birds to sup ply an ounce of marketable feuthers. The business is said to be profitable. “ 39c. “ 50c. All the above are 72 inch wide. 33-in. White Organdie at |5C. White Kid Gloves in 4, 8 and 16 Button Lengths. $1.25 KID GLOVES, $1.00 1.00 KID GLOVES, 89 Hosts of pretty LACES AND RIBBONS. Snc cial values in SHOES and MILLINERY. Express prepaid on all orders $5.ot> and over. Agents for Rutterick’s Patterns. Holinayer, Jones & Co. ALBANY, GEORGIA. (mi'M-’OT-tf.) UP-TO-DATE PEOPLE 5aSSH2SaSHSaSES3SH55SS5aS«HSaS2SaS5 Do You Want It? <7 omethiug for nothing. I have a lot of £) fine Watermelon seed I am going to give away. You don’t have to buy anything to get them, and I am going to give a 825.00 Watch for the largest melon raised from these seed. You will only have to enter a Melon for this prize. This is a new shipping melon. I don’t sell the seed and mm Carnival at Valdosta. The business melt of Valdosta are ta!;" ;' step* toward having a mid; Milliner carnival like the one of last Several hundred dollars • have been subscribed and it is safe to ' assort that the enterprise will be curried mic. Among the special fen- lures will be u carnival parade, base ball games, bicycle and horse rticej and other interesting events. A iiiiiYcnu-nt is, also, on foot In Valdosta to organize a racing associa tion. The object is to buy lam! and build a flrst-class race trank. The movement is said to be hacked by sufficient capital to push it through to success. Funeral Services, Elder John Vickers will preach the funeral sermon of .Mrs. Osteen u» Beaver Hum church, near Rays Mill, 011 the first Sumlav in June.' P• M. CHILDRESS, The JgwgIgf. Valdosta, Ga. (mch.i^y-tf.) 3SH52SB5H5H5HSHSESHSHSHSa*SaSSS?SH5B £ aSaSaSHSagg