The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 28, 1897, Image 1

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81.00 PER ANNUM. TIFTON, BERRIEN CO., GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 28,1897. VOL. 7-NO. 3 CITY DIRECTORY. Municipal. Ma yob-F. O. Boatright. Clekk and Tkea*u*e*—H. 8. Murray. Couxcilmex—H. H. Tift, K. 1\ Bowen, W. W. Timmons, Geo. Smith, L. G. Jlaynanl and W.O. Pad rick. Connell meets drat Monday night in each month. w. t. Mcarint, mawmal. Secret Societies. ' Tirrox LodoK, No. 47, F.Jt A.M.—W. If. Lore, W. 31.; B. T. Cole. Secretary. Meets third Sat* nrtlay night in each month. TIFTOVCuaptcb, No. 47, K. A. 31.—W.II.Loire, w. P.. J. H. O'Quinn, Secretary. Meets flrst Saturday night in each month. Literary and Social. •Epwobth League—Religion* service* every unda afternoon at 6:13. Literary meeting ev ery fo th Friday night. Church Appointment*. Methodist—Rev. C. K. Crawley, Pastor. Sen- css every Sunday, at 11 aio s. m. and 7 !43 p. in. I*rajer meeting every Wednesday night at 7 WO. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Baptist—Rev. P. A. Jessup, Pastor. Sendees The Mlrt-Siimmer Fair. Officer* of the Empire Garden Mid- Summer Fair Association elected last week are Col. C. W. Fulwood, of Tifton, president; Major P. Pelbam, of Ty Ty, vice-president; I*r. J. F. Wilson, of Ponlan, secretnrj’, and Hon urer. Tlie date* fixed for the fair this year are July 7th, 8th and 9th The premium list is now being prepared and will soon be ready. The railroad* will give a low rate of transportation. In this connec tion the following letter from Mr. Geo. W. Haines is of interest: Waychoss, Ga., May 22, 1897. Mr. W. H. Love, Tifton, Ga.— Dear Sir: Deferring to enclosed article from a recent edition of the Atlanta Journal and our conversa tion of a few duys ago'upon this subject, I trust you will not hesitate to inform me of anything the Bruns wick und Western railroad can do to make the July fair a success. I wonid suggest that the parties in charge of of Tilton >»i nmnwiinK .^iniry. ! this enterprise take immediate steps promise our lent* yrutnpt. faithful and kind The continued good health of the people of Tifton depends largely upon the work of the sanitary committee. That this committee is alive to the importance of extra precantions dar ing the summer and fall months is W. H. Love, of Tifton, treas-! beyond question ; but it may be well Episcopal—Her. J. \\. Turner, l’xstor. Ser- riees Monday wight after second Sunday in each ■moth. Address, Fitzgerald, Ga, Presbyterian service* in 3!ethodi«t church ev* •nr second Friday evening. Rev. Roitcrt Cami»- liell Gilmore, of Brunswick, |»a*tor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Geo. W. Julian, III. D. and B. F. Julian. M. II. PiivsjfiAXS anil Surgeons, TIFTON, GEORGIA. OmeE,—Down Stair*. Julian Building. R.R. St. 9*TELEPHOXE, 47. rpatients i*n«t . .. attention. Success In practice ha* l«een mode of advertising for tlie past ten year*. ‘•Every tree Is known l»y it* fruit” i* and we ask for a trial. to perfect al! arrangements for this !"t^‘ fair, and especially with the railroad, . n. f.JVI.ian. with regard to transportation and i passenger rates. You will remeni- i her every year there has been trouble office oveii post iifpice.^ j from this cause, which probably re- rw-Cau. iin.mi.tiy ■urniM. .lay -r nisiit. | suited from the failure of the parties Wifiliefotiml at I Sa.lK-at initlit. . , , , otnm boors, u tu to a. m . i tn3)i. in. ami; to in charge to make at. the nrrange- * n"'uc h \o.ic.. Rr.iii.mT rimne No.-jo. Intents a considerable time ahead of the opening of their, exhibit. N. PETERSON, M. D. TIFTON, OKOttm. DREW JV. PAULK. JUSTICE OK TIIK I'FACK 1337 m-TUHT n. M. Collcelions a specialty. Olllcc up stairs in Paulk Building, bniitli (Irani St., Fitzgerald. Ga. j, n* at'Hitotv. ; - n. I'An.K, MURROW & PAULK, A.ttorneys-n t-Tsaw, TIFTON. GEORGIA. Pmuipt attention to all l»**ral l-usinc**. »Mice in Tiiimion* Building. nM-C-tf : if 'follectlon* a *i*c ialtv. C. G. HALL, Attoi-iicy-at-I-iiw TIFTON. GEORGIA. Yours truly, Gko. W. IIA INKS, Superintendent. The directors of the fair associa tion arc enthusiastic over the outlook for mi unusually fine exhibition of fruits mill farm products this sum mer. A number of visitors are expected from the north. Piumpt nttcntioi -rolled ion* a m < Paulk building. DR..). A. McCREA, Physician nml Surgeon, TIFTON. liEJROI.\. Office:—OVcr Smith** Drttg*t«»iv. ’Plume No. 1, in ilav; ’Phone No. :• at ni-Jit. All call* promptly attended to. T>idudd 1'ever and I’neu- monia, *j»ecialtie*. tjfe OR. J. C. GOODMAN Physician anti Surgeon, Vi TIFTON GEORGIA. OFricK—Room in the Tifton Drug Store. Residence ’Phone. No. 11; Business, No. 14. Dr. J. W WILLIAMS, DENTIST , CORDELE, - - • • GEORGIA. OrneE— Rank lluiltliui;. R< N.». 1, up -talr, fulwood & MURRAY7 Attorneys at TIFTON. - GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all legal business, grtimec ix Tut Bltldixo. Dr. R. T. KENDRICK, Physician and Surgeon, commissioner to investigate the con dition of the fur seals estimates the number of seals killed last summer j TIFTON, GEORGIA Diseases of x^en a specialty, I to see a old widower trying to look and with an experience of more: bashful. than 30 years, ask a share ot pub- j That courting ought to be done in lie patronage. Office over J. J How’s Tins? VYo offer nut* hundred dollars reward for any can* of catarrh that cannot lie curtd by Hull** Catarrh (.’lire, K. J. Cheney J: Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the lust fifteen year* and lie- licvc him perfectly honorable in all husl- 1,8 00,000. About 27,000 pups .lied ness transactions, anil financially nlile to of starvation, und pelagic sealing carryout any obligation made by their• caused the death of about 30,000. I,rm - .Since pelagic sealing began more (Vest & Trans, Wholesale Druggists. ■ th ,; 0(l ()00 fllr R . uls | lttVe been ta- Toledo, (). Waiding, Kintrant Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. , Hehring Sea, taking into account only Ilnfi’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally those whose skins were brought to acting upon the hlood and mucous sur- . .. , j fuces of the system. Price, ?5c. per hot- market. Many more were shot or I tie. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials j glared and lost. | lull’s family pills are the best. j A(Ivlct>s wIl ich have come to the | Miss Sopliroiiiu Says .Times from every section of the That no hoy who parts his hair in melon region indicate that a remark- the middle need comccourtingnronnd! ably light ctod has been planted this liter. [year. The Florida crop has been j Thut if the senior editor of the reduced very largely and all of the Waycross Herald wus a widower she action west of here has planted far j don’t know wliat might happen. i l°- s * dian were planted even last year, I That it makes Iter feel right puny In lbia conn, >’ tl,cro havP l,ccn com ' A Note or Warning. Negroes at Aiidersonville. In an editorial on “Memorial Day” the Fitzgerald Enterprise says: “We hear complaints among some of our colonists because of the pres ence of the colored people. Bless your dear soul do yon know that the grave* of Aiidersonville would never have been decorated in the years that are past but for the blacks. Faith fully have they gone to that place as the “shrine of their devotion," and possibly no ono on this green earth are better able to appreciate the serv ices, suffering and death of Andcr- sonrille heroes, than these same col ored people. “With a dim perception of the cost of liberty the colored race has come from the adjoining states year after year—in their own peculiar way they have attempted to commemorate the sacrifice of the ones who “died to make men free.” • * “What! northern men shut the negro out from Andcrsonvillc on Memorial day? “Shades of Lincoln! if it were pos sible the hones under the rows of headstones and Hags at that memorial place would cry out.—“Never—lib erty becomes a farce under such pro- coolings; better the white man re main outside the stone walls that en circle that city of the nation’s dead.” The writer of this effusion, whoso indignation is so aroused because the better class of old veterans object to the companionship of negroes, Ims, vidcntly like many others from the North, gotten her ideas of the man ners and customs of the South from to burn it, and in this way a groat [ Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book which danger would ho removed at atriflintl! grossly and wantonly misrepresents cos| . I this section. The subject is respectfully referred ■ The editor of the Enterprise should to the Sanitary committee. ; attend the mcmoiiil exercises at Ati- ... ?~z — , Idcrsonvillo ami see how the negroes The Mtsstssppi Hoods caused a damage of §120,000,000 to property. I’csidenl. David S. Jordan, of is land Stanford Junior University, 1 J 1 own pectin just now for the Gazette to sonnd a note of warning and to make a few. suggestions touebiog the proper dis position of the city garbage. Heretofore one scavenger cart has done the work, but it will require at least two to keep the town in good sanitary condition daring the next six mouths. Good health is priceless, therefore the cost of an extra cart should not stand in the way. But it will bo throwing away ef fort and money if some change is not made in the disposition of the gar bage. It is now hauled about one mile south of town and dumped. This lias been the damping ground for n number of years, and only a part of the garbage is consum.ed by the an nual burning of the woods. When the wind is from the sooth it becomes vililated with the disease-breeding odors that rise from this damping ground and is wafted over the town, spreading the germs of disease where the best of health should prevail. The plan of disposing of the city’s garbage is a standing arid increasing menace to the health of every citizen of Tifton, and should lie changed. Wliy not have this garbage hauled j to the present dumping ground and burned at least twice a month? It would take hut little fuel outside of what is in the trash when hauled out “in their own peculiar way commem orate the saeriliee of the ones who “died to make men free.” “In their way” they get drunk, and know what they are talking about, are justly opposed to allowing thousands of negroes to trespass upon the grounds niadu sacred by the ashes of brave men. TI10 Enterprise should give' the question some serious thought before condemning the old soldiers for ob jecting to the negroes. Zion Hope Cemetery. All who are interested in Zion IIo|ie cemetery are requested to meet at Zion Hope church June 3d and 4th, for the purpose of fencing und cleaning off said cemetery. John A. Cox, 1‘astor Zion Hope church. The Chattanooga News says the only effect the cigarette law lias had so far is to compel the diidelcts to roll their own coflin tacks instead of buying the ready made article. GET^V THE BEST SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS! PAINTS, OILS, "©a VARNISHES, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER PA If IS, Etc. W© make a *|nrialtv «.f ha mil I.:*: THE BEST £ it' \\ ill Ik* hI.uI of tinier* or in<|Uirie< Weston & Company ALBANY, (IKOUtilA. . ) ,JI Tbs Commencement Season U:i T | Golden & Co., Drug store. 4. A. StBLEV. X. S. PERRY, ir you have LANDS for SALE 1‘Iace thorn with the Tifton Land and Immi gration Co., : : : : and they will be well advertl*e«l. vdnl-tfA | C. H. GOODMAN, WOODYAHD summer, so as to save fuel and kero sene. That 110 hoy with a thimbleful of sense will expect his best girl to sit up later than 10 p. m. and swear and tight, nail riot in the cemetery where rest the bones of “those who died to mako men free.” Such a great crowd of negroes as I •» gathers at Aiidersonville, “as llie shrine of their devotion” is a serious mcnaec to the lives of both white and colored visitors to the grounds. _ When the editor of the Enterprise has been long enough 111 the South to learn something of the ncarocs, practical experience will point out the fact that the negro has no patriot ism whatever, that his “dim precop- tton of the cost of lilicrty” is *0 very dim it has never been prcccivod, ami that his only reason in going to An- dersonvillc is that he expects to he treated ns a martyr hern and get drunk ami fight. The hotter class of Northern peo ple, those who study the question paratively few melons planted. Thoso who have planted this year will probably find in this the most profitable season in many years, pro vided they have good lnek in getting a yield.—Valdosta Times. Special Sale. White French Organdies, a 1 59c. worth 75c. 50c. “ 00c. “ 39c. “ 50c. All the above arc 72 inch wide. 33-in. White Organdie at I5C. White Kid Gloves in s and 16 Button Lengths. $1.25 KID GLOVES, $1.00 1.00 KID GLOVES, 89 Hosts of pretty LACES AND RIBBONS. Special values in SHOES and MILLINERY. Express prepaid on nil orders $5.00 and over. Agents for Buttcrick’s Patterns. Holmayer, .Tones & Co. ALIIAXY, GEORGIA. (IllcIl-S-’W-tf.) VI'-TO-UATE PEOPLE Wood of any size desired, delivered In • l e3S |dnisei f. The island of Malta is the only known spot where the remains of That she just fairly despises to see j dwarf elephants are found. There a married woman smile on every j aro several places on the island where male acquaintance she meets except: the hones of these miniature pachy- her unfortunate husband. |derms have been .inearthed, and hundreds of skeletons have been se- That if she had the power she’d j oared, in whole or in part. One of make sleeping in churcii <1 niiade- these, whoso teeth and bones allowed, meanor—cruelty to the preacher. »’a* a full grown specimen,.was less who, she think., is not entirely guilt-1 t,,a ? two and a half feet in height all parts of town st reasonable rates. I pat no-vlO-lv • W. N PITTMAN, Contractor and Builder, TIFTON, GEORGIA.. ■MbnstM on all kinds of ImlUUacfuralskM. That if she had her way she’d sec : that girls got out of pinufores before they acquired beaux. That she never yet saw a sweet- spoken rah that would do to trust ami could not have weighed over 000 pounds when in the tlesh.—St. Louis Republic. Mr. Isiwton PB. Evans will he present and tnKc part in the teachers institute to be held in Tittou next week. aSH5E52S2SH5EiTi5E5HSE5ES*2^ESHSH5HSHSHSHSHSH5E5ESTl Do You Want It? S omething for nothing. I have a lot of fine Watermelon seed I am going to give away. You don’t have to buy anything to get them, and I am going to give a 825.00 Watch for the largest melon raised from these seed. You will only have to enter :t Melon for this prize. This is :t new shipping melon. I don’t sell the seed and never will. They are recommended very highly. The only thing I expect to get out of this is your good will and one melon. Write :t postal if you can’t come. P. JE. CHILDRESS, The Jeweler. L ,u Valdosta, Ga. (mch.5*97-tf.) !! fttiiiVr n i ’ ' ' Irl ” t'-ThaI j . xilri ' i*■ “■