The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 11, 1898, Image 1

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GKET THE BEST SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS! PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS, Eto. make a specialty of handling THE BEST CT" Will be glad of jour orders or Inqulrlsa Weston & Coznnanv ALBANY, GEORGIA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Gxo. 0. WARREN, Attorney at Law, uabklla, :: s a s gkoroia Prompt and personal attention to Collections “U Legal * - 13-24-V7-tf. P. W. ALEXANDER, -DENTIST,- Tifton, : : Georgia. OfRce in Bowen Block, front room of Oi*ra House. 12-3-’»7-tf. “ O. W. DEDGE, —DENTIST.— TIFTON, GEORGIA. Md K ..o,k «*P~UIt£ ll lr C. C. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, TIFTON, GEORGIA. _ _ . ..ttentlon given to all It —Collections a a»iec(uliy.—Offlco o DR. J.A. McCREA, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, GE.IRGIA. omci:-Over Smith’s Drugstore. 'Phone No. 9. All calls promptly attended .to, Typhoid Fe ver and Pneumonia, specialties. DRJ. C. GOODMAN Physician and burgeon, TIFTON GEORGIA. Office—In Ilowcn Mock, up stairs. Residence •Phone, No. 11. Dr. R. T. KENDRICK, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, GEORGIA. r * l™?. lie patronage. Office o drug store. N. PETERSON, M. D. TIFTON, GEORGIA. «p-Calls promptly attended, day or night. Will be found at lintel Sadie at night. Office hours, 9 to 10 a. in-, 1 to 3 p. in. and 7 to , I at night. . Office up stairs In opera house block. jso. xritROW. 1 J. n. mi-know. JNO. MURROW fit BRO., Attorneys and Counselors at Law, TIFTON. CS0S9IA. ISlw Tke Fetfnury Media, 1 Ratter Orceiy 0«e—All Ordinance! Approied. Tbo City Con noil, met in counoil chamber on Monday night, Feb. 7th, 1898, at 8 o’clock, with Mayor F. G. Boatright, and councilmen E. P. L. G. Maiiard, George Smith, if. 0, I’udnck and II. H. Tift present. The usoal oath prescribed by the Uity Charter was administered to Mr. H. H. Tift, and he duly qualified to serve as a councilman of the city of Tifton for the ensuing term of two years, or nntil removed from office. The minutes of the last regular meeting, held Jan. 3rd, and of a call meeting held Jan. 28th, 1898, read and approved as published. The following city ordinances were then pnt upon their final reading, were discussed and passed by a ma jority vote of council, as originally introduced: Be it ordnli , cil of the clljr of Tifton after the pannage of thin Ordinance, It nball be the duty of the cily marshal or any policeman of laid city, whenever they, or either of them, I, notified that any chimney, flue or other arrangement for the use of lire, la daogeroua to the aafctv of said city to immediately, In writing, notify the owner or tenaut in possession to remedy the same, within a period not exceeding five days nnd ss much less ss the eaigencies of the csss will permit, when if not done, it shall he the duty of the said marshal or policeman to make Information to the members of the city council, against the said owner or tenant in possession, for maintaining a nuisance, and it shall lie their duty to at once without waiting for a regular meet ing, assemble for the purpose of healing the said case; and if tbo said complaint Is well founded, it shall he the duty of the said mayor nnd council to prohibit the of tiro In the said chimney, floe or other arrangement, aa the case may be, until the same Is put in such ahapo as meet the approval of the city marshal any policeman of said city, whose duty It shall be to Inspect same. Any person violating the terms or Intent of this Ordinance shall be punished as provided In section 147 of the city code. All Ordinance* In conflict with the foregoing, tie, and the same are hereby repealed. W. O. Papmck, Geo. Smith. Be it ordained by the Mayor and cot cil of the city of Tifton that, from and after the passage of tills orrlinnnco, it shall he unlawful for any person to oh struct any street, side walk, alley or pul lie road, In said city,by placing anythin therein, removing anything therefrom c making any change of any character whatever, except with the permission of the chairman of the street committee or marshal of said city. Any porson violat ing this ordinance shall po punished as provided In icction 147 of Doe* Tliot Most Dreadful of Ills- easen—Olironic Catarrh. Over hall of the people have ca tarrh in some form or another, and yet probably not a tenth of there peo- S le know that their diseaee is catarrh, me person says he has Bright’s dis ease; another liver complaint; another consumption; another female oont- plaint. These people would be very muoh surprised to hear that they were all suffering with cbroDio catarrh; but it is so, nevertheless. Each one of these troubles, and a great many more, are sim ply catarrh; that is, chronio indentation of the mucous lining of whichever organ is affected. Any external remedy that will cure catarrh in one location will cure it in any other location. This is why Pe- ru-na haa become so justly famous in the cure of catarrhal dikeases. It cures catarrh wherever located. Its enrea remain. Pe-rn-nu does not palliate; it cures. Dr. Hartman has recently compiled into book form several lectures on chronic catarrh, which he had do Itvered at different times at. the Sur gical . Ilotel. This book is called ■Winter Catarrh,” and wi'l be sent free of charge on application to The I’e-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com. pany, Onlumbns, Ohio. shop, where work Mono for hire &< mae.cntertalnln* * rirlnK 9 1 per day < *—‘Ainlor than i piayfiir which Rook*'g*nti»r peddler. |*r week A o* .cotton Warehouse <; i«m Cigar Mane factory ft «. rirco* or menagerie nrbntheomM’d.prdny stt m Side ahow ji#r cay 19 << Circus parade, If exhibition Riven outside house,entertaining transient c isms, cuarglng $1 per day or less Boarding bonsc,entertaining transient one tom, charging more than #1 per day Broker, unless otherwise provided for.'... Baca telle, or other table for charge ffimodo.. Book sri— • .Cotton % the sons superintending work on buildings, or anything of like nature, and charging therefor by the day or otherwise, except. It be tbe person who owns tie building. Hub-contractor* who work on buildings where tbe principal contractor haa paid • the necessary license for encaging In such work shell not he required to pay any II* cense unless otherwise provided for In this ordinance Corn or ki 1st mill 1 Cotton Gin, ran for hire 1 Cotton buyer, each person or firm, when not otherwise taxeii uuder this ordln’ce . Dealer in Be wing r milk when .villi the 1 j hereby rt Dr. J. W WILLIAMS, DENTIST , CORDELE, * - - - GEORGIA OmoE-Ilan!: Building. Room No. 1, up stairs FULWOOD, MURRAY & BOATRIGHT, Attorneys at TIFTON, . GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all legal business. OTOrncr in Tut Bcjlwxo. W. N PITTMAN, Contractor and Builder, C-W.Fci.wood, N.S.Pkaav, H.S.MrmuT, President. Secretary. iTeaaurer THE TIFTON LAND COMPANY, . Beal Estate Brokers TIFTON, CEOftOtA. Write for Illustrated pjtmnhlet. 10-22*’fi7- o. L. CME8NUTT, JUSTICE cr THE PEACE . COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY.! BUREAU OF INFOUJIAiitA-i Office in Court Room, “ * Tt. Marriage Ltecd HOTEL. SADIE LIVERY AND FEED STABLES, 'Hotei. Block, Tifto*. Oa. W. F. fiBGLER, Prop’r. - Jfi’i jg , yxtjiTioxE no. a. TrS-diKt stw*. BM vr». lYctnp* and polite , he, nnd speaTed \V. O. Padrick, George Smith. Be it ordained bv the mayor and coun cil of the city of Tifton that, from nnd after tbe patmngc of Ibis ordinance, it shall L*c unlawful to ride any Bicycle or Tricycle, or other similar vehicle on any side walk in Tifton on Love Avenue or Main Street, between Second and Fifth Si recta in said city. ’Joined, tl cily of Tifton ilhnnl retaining hold of the handle-bars and keeping the feet on the pedals, bo that the said vehicle may be under com plete control. Be if further ordained, that it shall be unlawful lo ride any Bicycle, Trlcyclo or other like vehicle, on tbo side walkB in Tifton at such a rate of speed or at such times or under such circumstances as to endanger the safety of pedestrians. And any accident or injury done to pedestri ans, on the side walks in said city, by riders of said vehicles, shall be considered as prima facie disorderly conduct on the part of the rider. Any person violating this ordinance shall be punished aa pro vided in section 147 of the city code. I3e it further entitled, that all ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the foregoing, be, and the same are hereby repealed. W. O. Padrick, Geo. Smith, Councilmen. passage t shall be unlawful in tho said city, fur any doctor to give or for any druggist to All, any prescription calling for intoxicating liquor or liquors to or for any person, who is Intoxicated, or who is In the habit of becoming intoxicated, or who, either said doctor or druggist has reason to be lieve will use the same for beverage pur poses. B« it further ordained that it shall be unlawful for any druggist in said city to fill any pAscription for Intoxicants, more than once under any circumstances. Be It further drdained that it shall be unlawful for any doctor to give, or druggist to fill nay prescription for in toxicating liquors, 1q any quantity ex ceeding eight ounces to any one person on one and the same dsy. that any person (dating tnis ordinace, shall be punished s provided in section CXLVII of the lly code, Be it further ordained that all ordinate es in conflict with the foregoing, be and he same are hereby repealed. Geo. Smith, W.O. Padrick, Councilmen. Bs It ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Tifton that from and after the passage of thin ordinance. It shall lie unlawful to shoot any shall I* unlawful to shoot any Roma Sky-rocket or other flre-work In the direction of, or at any person, near enough ti * Jtired thereby. Bo It further ordained that no Arc-works of any character whatever, shall be discharged the streets, alleys or unenclosed lots in the c._, 4>f Tiftou, except w ith the consent of the city marshal, whose duty It shall be to designate the times and places, when and where such Are-works may he discharged, when application is made Be It further ordained, that any person vIoIl. ing this ordinance, shall he punished as provided in (lection 147 of the city code. Re It further ordained, that all ordinances In conflict with tiie foregoing, lie, ami same ai hereby repealed. gkorok hmitii, W. O. I’ADUICh, Councilmen. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Council of the '*—* "“**— “•'* '■—land after the JIM city of Tifton, that fmn ti unlawful lokwp of this Ordinance, It sbal within the Incorporate limits or said Intoxicating liquors, of any character- for nuriioses of selling the same. Provided, this shall not apply to licensed druggists, who may keep same for tne purpose of tilling prescriptions. Be It further ordained, that tue having or keening of any intoxicating liquors, or anything <>f like character in bottles in quantities of one- half dozen or more, or the having or keeping in quantity of two gallons or more, shall be prima- facie evidence of having the same for sale, and the burden of proof to tho contrary, shall be on the defendant. Be It further ordained, that tbe city marshal or any policeman of said city Is hereby author ized and directed t«», at any time; on the affida vit of any citlsen, that the said citizen believes that intoxicating liquors are being kept In any hou*c for sate, search snch house for tbe pur pose <if ascertains the truthfulness of said house for sale, scarth snch house for tbe pur- afll davit. Be It further ordained, that should any llqi S*e found on such premises, in quantities c the shapes defined in this ordinance, that arahal or p4>lirenmn will take charge of Be It further ordained, that any person violat ing this ordinance shall lie punished as provided further ordained, that all ordinances In - - with the foregoing, bo and tbe same are hereby repeuled. nn>. Smith, W. O. Padbick, Councilmen, .... Ordinance to extend the Are limit In the City of Tifton by amending Section L’XLV. of the Code of tbe city, and f<ir other purposes. Be It onlalned by the Mayor and Connell of the city or Tifton that from ami after the passage of this ordinance the scope of the said tire limit Ordinance be extended so as to Include erritoiy embraced In a strip 150 feet of and parallel with the Alley east ot 1 M \ Mam Brunswick and Western'railroad and' Fifth St., Main Street, and between the Main line of tbe in said city. Be it further ordained that all Ordinances parts of Ordinances tn conflict be, and the si e effect from and after this 28tb dav of *■*“* » of the City Code. W. V,\ Timmoxs, L. G. Mavabd. Councilmen. Specific Tux Ordinance*. 1898. AN ORDINANCE tn regulate certain kinds of business within the City of Tifton. ftx the amount of tax to lie paid for the privilege of pursuing such Imslness and prescribing penal ties for a violation of sams t Section t. Bs itordaluedby the Mayor and Council of the City of Tifton that the following specific taxes shsfl be levied ami shall be paid as follows, to-wit: —By each Agency or ag’t real estate setting or rcnt'gflO on Agent, Sewing Machine io oo «£n.','ciehctoir.' I nr .each,or wagon delivering mil Isfry is located outside the city _ Dealer in guns, plsuds or cartridges.or all to - Dealer la general merchandise, wholesale, when not otherwise provided for in this ordinance 20 < The license granted a wholesale merchant shall entitle him to sell at Retail at the sams jdaceof business without any fur- Dealers or merchants dealing in or selling goods, warns or aierchaadlse at retail In quantities of 99,000 or over, annually,un less otherwise provided for In this ordi nance, for each person or Ann, for each place of bnslnesa 20 t Dealers and merchant* selling goods,wares or merchandise at retail In quantitlrn of less than 99,000 annually,when not other wise provided for in this ordinance 10 c Each |«erson or Arm retiring watches, clocks nr Jewelry lit Express company io i Fruits, dealer In ; Sr Flying Jenny, or merry-go-round, j«er day .11 Fruit, peddlsr of, not of his own raising .. 3 < Fortune teller or clairvoyant 10 c Gunsmith,when not otherwise taxed under this ordinance.. ft t: Harness maker or repairer of when not otherwise taxed under thU ordinance... ft < Hotel, charging 91.90 or more per daj .. .. 15 c Hotel, charging less than $1 A) and more than 91 |>erday ti Hand 4>rgan, grinder of each, )>er day 1 < florae or mule broker or dealer 15 c Ice cream saloon ft < Ice cream peddler, per week 1 c Insurance company, Are or accident, each 6 t Insuiance company, life, each agent for each company represented,whether local indry, Including Chinese 5 c htnlng Rod Agent or Dealer, soliciting or putting up work In the city 39 c dghti Lumber dealer Lunch stands, or lunch |>eddler * Iqnors. Each denier in spirituous,vinous, malt nr Intoxicating liquors of any char acter whatever,rice beer,cider, bitters,or anything having a tendency t4i intoxicate except domestic wine by tho manufact urer thereof fio Oo Meats, wholesale or retail dealer in, not of his own raising .. 1 Music or musical merchandise, each dealer In or agent for li Money lenders (other than |iawubroker») *7hn lend money on notesor ot her seen Hi v r loan aasoclntlons other than building per* or periodic* Oils, wholesale dealer In nr agent for oil company i Peddlers selling from a wagon oountsv pro duce not of their own raising, per day .. Peddlers selling goods, wares or msrehan- chandlse of any description, per week not less than 93 nor more than (In the mayor’s discretion) . .... »pe*i Instruments, each per day Printing, j|ot> office and news|m| other Ilka — _,jpers to < Pawn broker,or dealer In »econd-hand mer chandise, or articles of any description (whose honks shall at all times be subject to Inspection by the marshal when search ing for stolen property) 55 » Railroad tickets,seller of, other than regu lar railroad ticket agents Ti t Restaurants m Bcissnrs and knife grinder, per week ft < Hhoe maker or repairer * ft i Hhooting gallery io < Shows, each acrobatic, minstrel or other show of any character whatever )>erfqrni Ing under a tent or In the open air 19 t Show, traveling theatrical company, oper atic company, or shows of like character each performance Sr Menagerie, each performance lft ■ Hkattbgrink ft . Show, trained animal, l«ar, dancing or other similar performance, per day 1 < Slot machines, of any character,excepting phonographs io r Stable, Feed, sale, or livery, except selling at public outcry, or all combined 15 t. wJa fount, each, when operated not other wise taxed under this ordlnxnce 3 r Tailor fit Tin shop Be Ten-pin alley, nine-pin' alley, or anything of like character 10 c Ty tie writer, dealer In or agent for Ac Telegraph company 10 c Telephone company 10 o Undertaker ‘ “ ‘ ' ' each dray, wagon, or t art, than one animal, when Vehicles, for each dray, wagon, drawn by more than one aniim used for hire Vehicle, for each dray,wagon or cart drawn by one animal, when used for hire chicles, dealer in bicycles agent for other than . oo Each person selling to consumer, and not otherwise provided for in this ordinance 10 oo Ics cream stands, lemonade stands, on special daya, per day fi oo On each and every contrivance of what ever kind nssd for tbe purpose of gaining, or carrying on a game of chance 10 oo Or the Mayer may nae his discretion. No License above specified shall be Issued for a longer period than one year, nor for a s f — period than six months, unless otherwise (led, which latter may be obtained by rnent of sixty per cent, of the annual n otherwise provided. There sb»U be t grade baking powder The Royal is the higliei known. Actual teal third further tban any othar brand. No. reports from any standing or special committees. Moved and carried, Tlmt Messrs. Love <fe Back be required to remove the plank gang-way, or platform, ex tending from their place of business across Railroad street, to the G. 8. & F. sidetrack, out of said street, as a permanent fixture, and if reconstruct ed, that it he built upon movable bents or trusses or in some such man ner as to be easily und readily removed at. any time, und tlmt there be u space of at leust 40 feet in said gang-way left open at all times in said street when rlie gam;-way is not actually being used, and that they open suid gang-wav at all times when necessary to avoid obstructing any travel on said street. Moved and curried, That the street committee lie required to put up such sign hoards on Main street aud Love menue aa will give notice to and warn all ciclists off the sidewalks mentioned in the bicycle ordinance herciu-before published. The following resolution intro duced and passed by unanimous vote of all members of council present: WiiRHKAS, Tlin Railroad Commission of Geor gia, on August 0th, lftu7, |ww»cil an order requir ing the Brunswick Western RailroadCom)«oy to build a di’iMti in tho city of Tifton within a period of six mouths from the tin to of said order, the plans of which, ns well ss tho location, were to lie submitted t.» this body for approval or ob jection, and Wiikkkak, the said plans, when submitted did not meet the approval of this lowly, but as ucoin- prntnlxc of tho matters in controversy between the said city ami the railroad company, and In the Iioihj of getting a dejwit In the shortest possi ble time and within tho allotted six im body did - - D the Railroad Couunisalou months, tills mission that Id plans, ami YViikukas, tlm said Railroad Company, not withstanding said order, has shown no disposi tion to bullu the said depot, the full six months having elspred, elthe RKHOLVK1): That we, t , withdraw our . the said plans of said city, wltltdi in iletatl, and he »;r ” the said . ilanco with such mil representatives of tiie mlty to make their ohjec- dty hav Jons In , that the •*:»; tuilmad nc required to again sub- icl plans, or others lo order that this l»e heard in regard thereto. VBD, further: That wo request the Railroad Comtnlswon to priced again*t lint said railroad cuintiany for the usual penalty for fall- ooinply with the order of Said Contmlssk’ building the said depot wll allowed by tho order of that body | gust fith, Im>7. There beinj! no fitrther'buil before the home, council adjonri until the next regular meeting night” in March. H. S. Murray, Clerk of Council. No license shall bs transferable annual rate reductions where r a * the amount , jiseslu"' sent of council. The speclffo tax year in the dtj begin on tbe 1st ifar of Feb] and expire ou tbe 31st day c HE*;, if. Be it further e n engaging or Attempt ‘ _„e trades, oocu—— enumerated In 8 for which A specific t ‘ »g first paid the SI sfuse to pay the • Marshal or City Clr representative of/ »o: or sonteuo, i the public f A v. exceed sir* M tho Mayor. „ Hec. IU. t rnt.I parts jf !>e wlx'jf