The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 18, 1898, Image 2

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THE GAZETTE : TIFTON, Ga.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1898. The Tifton Gazette, PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Jno. i. HERRING, Editor and Mau’g'r. TERMS OP SURSCRIPTIOK; One Year ,....,...........*100 Mix Months BO Three Months.. UTTABIA DLY W ADVAXCR. QP**i%OirsKO,24. Official Qrfcnn of lloerlon County, Ottiotnl Or(cnn City of tifton. TUB MAINE DISASTER. Tbe greatest naval disaster ever sustained by tbe United 8tates in time of peace woe the destruction of the battleship Maine in Havana har bor at 0:45 p m Tuesday. There were 340 officers and men on the ship at the time of the explo- sion. Of these, 353 were killed and wounded, over 200 being killed out right. Nearly all of tbe men were Mleep, which acoonnts for the terri ble fatality. Accounts from all sources differ at to tbe cause of tbe disaster. It is thought by some to have been the accidental explosion of ammunition on board the vessel, while others con- tend that this was almost no impos sibility, and think that either a tor pedo was sent against the vessel, or that an explorive was smuggled on board, either in the coal, or by one of the numerous visitors to tbesbipdur- in^ tbe day. The torpedo theory was strengthened yesterday by divers finding an 8-icch hole in tbe armor plate of tbe vessel, below the water line. Only a thorough investigation can fix the csiise, and until this is had, and it will be done at once, all is speculation. That the inoideut will precipitate war is hardly probable. If it is prov en that the explosion was tbe work of a torpedo, it will be bard to fix the responsibility on the Spanish author ities, and a simple disclaimer on . neir part would settle it Stats Dem. Es. Ceaua'ttec. “Washington, Feb. 16.—The mom- borsof the state Democratic executive committee are requested to meet at tho Kimball house on Maroh 17,1808, at 11 o’clock a. m, to fix the time for holding the state convention, and tc fix the timo and provide the manner for bolding primary elections to nominate governor and state house officers, ana for other purposes. will thank the nowspapora of tho state to copy this notion. “A. o. Clay, Chairman.' Has. Rebar! Q. Mitchell. Tho Socretary of the Berrien County Confederate Veteran'e Asso ciation informs the Gazette that Hon. B G. Mitchell baa consented to ad dress the Association at its reunion and dinner in Nashville Maroh 4th, The fame of Hon. Bob. Mitchell’s oratory is general, and a treat ia an ticipated by those who attend. Our veleraue here should not forget that a meeting of the Franele S. Bartow Camp it called tor to-morrow, Feb. 16tb, for the purpose of acting on the 1 oxlnndn*! h* Vaahvillo ■ Prsfrssnse l«r Teachers Isitltste. To be held at Sparks, Georgia, March, 5th, 1808. • I. Open exercises. Boll call and enrollment of new members. II. DISCUSSION OF TOPICS 1 (a) Proper and improper motives and Incentives in school work—Miss Maggie Tennant, Prof. W. U Har mon. (b) . Cooperation of Teacher and Mother—Miss Etoiae Pound. (c) Technical points on the Sub junctive modi? and infinitives—T. M. Cheenntt, K. F. Dennis. (d) Map drawing (physical) to what extent should it be taught in common schools f—Miss Georgie Al exander, J. D. Lovett. (e) The powers and duties of local board of trustees—M. S. Patten, I. M. Bichardson, J. O. II. Brown and R. F. Dennis. (f) Mistakes in Teaching—Mist Josephine Worn!), W. II. Kresge. (g) What is true education—Mrs W. tl Harmon, J. T. Usry. III. Itonnd Table. (For discus sion of such subjects as the teacher may suggest.) It is hoped then that each teacher will come prepared to take part in tbe discussion of above subjects. There are, perhaps, several new teachers who would like to join onr association and we cordiaiy invite them to come prepared to begin work with us. We meet at 0:30 a. m. T. E. Wii.u.uis, Chairman Committee. Oov. Bob Ttyler Kelt Tuesday. Lovers of tbe pure in oratory should not forget tho Ieolnre of.Gov. Bob Taylor, of Tennessee, at Corde'e next Toeedsy the 22nd. It may be tbe hut opportunity cit- isens of tb's section will have of hear ing this gifted man, and to miss it ia to miss one of life’* best entertain ments. Reduced rates have been ■remised on all roads lead'ng to that fty. mortify tbeir flesh unUrify force themselves to ruUefgo jrreiU^ bodily end escape serious injury to their health by reason of the purity of their If ve a and the fact that they deny them- urea of the ti , An ordinary who livea in ordinary way can not long endare hardship, deprivo- iverage man when he la In good health eats too much. When he gets a little out of sorts he pays no heed and keeps right on "making a hog of himself/' In same instances he geta thin and em aciated. In others be gets grossly cor pulent, and weighted down with flabby fat In the first instance he is a candidate for Now It It Settled. A few weeks since, the Gazette ex pressed tho hope that a speedy corn promise of tho differences between tho railroads and lumbermen might be reached. Along this line we re produce the following from n reliable source: “Tho 6ght between the lumbermen and the railroads, caused by certain rules the roads had for loading cars, is ended, and the rbads agree to endeavor to conform to the lum bermen’s ideas. Some time since the lumbermen held a meeting at Cordele and determined to fight the matter out, because complying with the rail road rules would cost them from $3 to $10 more in loading cars, than ac cording to their own notions. They did not consider the method of the railroads practicable. The meeting was harmonious and the decision was to modify tho rides at once.” Nashville municipal, election came off last Saturday. The total vote polled was twenty-six, and the fol lowing is the result: For mayor, J. II. Gary; Aldermen, T. P. Jordan, P. II. Askew, J. I. Norwood, J. P. Knight.and \V. D. Bnie.—News. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. Lung Troubles and Consumption Can be Cured, Tbe dlstingmsbod New York cbtmist, T. A. Slocum, <tetnon»trnting hU dlsoovery of a relia ble and absolute cure For Consumption (Pulrao- uoiy Tuberculosis) and *1! bronchial ,thruat,lunc ■BHHRPIMPUSSMSHMMM|IRriUt,liin£ HMPMMW diseases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of fatoMBtaan conditiaaMMHStaHHiMn MPm*conditions of wasting away, will send THREE TREE BOTTLES (aUdtfferent) of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Uasette writing for them. Treatment** bos cured ■MNMJby Its timely use, and he a simple professional duty to sutfer- ky to donate a trial of bU Infallible i new wonders, and this j y experimenting for yean i Malta as beneficial u> humanity u be claimed by any modem genius. Hie * lung, troubles and consumption any climate is^proren b^bsart- j in thousands from din all porta of the world. — that brom > consumption, which I, means speedy and certain death. .t.T,A. stoM^M. p, nn* sum will be promptly sent. lUake Instant advantage of his t you saw bis offer In ables the average man to undergo a great deal of hardship, deprivation and over work, in spite of the life be leads. It causes builds firm, healthy corpulent people more fat. It cures dys pepsia, nervous troubles, kidney disease and 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption. It prevents weakness in nny OTgan of tbe body. "In August, 189*. X was taken down In bed with a burning and severe pains in my stomach and under my shoulders, and dizziness in my head." writes Ira D. Herring, Ksq./of Emporia, Volusia Co., Fla. " My home physician said my symptoms were like consumption. Nothing tbat I ate would digest, and I had great distress in my stomach. I wrote Dr. pierce Tor advice, and took four bottles of his ‘Golden Medical Discovery' and three of ‘'Pleasant Pellets.' I am now able to do my work and eat many things that I could not touch before 1 took these medicines." An inactive liver and constipnted bowels ore promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant " ‘ The Pellets. They never gripe. Palmer Hardware Co., WE co U>[C, to,ply osv Kfl asala. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1807 will be sent our MatstI el “Everything lev ‘ > and give the (key bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Miaul, every copy of which costs us M celts to place In your hands, will be sent postage. Nothing like , everbeen seen here or abroad; it Isa book of »0 pages, contains BOO engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are . , . . full sire colored plates best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVENIR" SER) COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending IOcta.fortheMeeaelwhowiU state where they saw this advertisement, fatal C«r< an1triHin PeterHendersonxCo J5s37£0RTLANDT S’NEWYORK GROVES ■TASTELESS! chili] TUNIC ■is just as cood for adults.1 WARRANTED. PRICE SOctsTj Gentlemen:—Wo sold laHlyoor. *0 bottles of 3UDVK-3 TASTl-lLUSS Cl i ILL TONIC and bars I bjujrbt tfcreo gross already this rear. In all onr sr- atrienco of 14 years, in the (tong bniins—. havn oarer sold an article that pro soeh universal salts* i&cUoa oa your Tonic. Yours truly. __ SnritVG Dru Cark&CO. Store. Hs-TtBm for Fifty Cento. tobacco habit cure, makes weak Wc,tL All druggist* Guaranteed tobs >m« arrow, wo. Nos. 9,11 and 13, North Jefferson St., SAVANNAH, GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber belting and Packing, Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rifles, Ammuni tion, Rope, Tinware, Stoves, Crockery, Fishing Tackle, HARNESS, SADDLES, Etc. -AGENTS FOR- Fairbanks Standaid Scales, Dynamite and Gun Pow der, Mowing Machines, Plows, Harrows, Eic. 'W** New York Office, 33 Chambers St. B. H- L E y Y & B R O. THE BIG STORE Presents an unusually strong array of- Fall and Winter Clothing This season for men, the quality being fully equal to our customary high standard WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR tho famolio BTt'TTOARTKR NORMAL SANITARY IJNDERWRAR, .he popularity Is world wide. Write for Catalogue. Also MAN HATTKN 8HIRT8, tbe best shirts mode or sold anywhere. OUR LADIES’ DEPARTMENT Emnrmces many New Lines, especially Tailor Made Dmsea, Skirts and Milk and Satin Shirt Waists. Also our regular fine lines of ITXDKRWKAR, STYLISH NKCKWKAK. HOSIERY, COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKRCH1EF8, BELTS. POCKET BOOKS, UMBRELLAS, etc. LIUS ‘Ladies’ Store’ of Savannah The Largest Boys’ Department South. Everything for Boys and Children—-Suits, Hats, Caps, I Overcoats, Underwear, Stockings, Neckwear, Shirt waists, Shirts, Suspenders, Collars, Cuffs, etc. Men’s Exclusive Fine Hat Styles. Dunlapa, Millora, Stetsons Imperial, Gotham, etc. Careful Attention to Mail Orders. C. O. D. shipments with privilege of examining before paying. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. RICH BLOOD. This woman la a picture of per fect health. Her existence ia not made miserable by Shattered Nerves, Wasting Irregularities, Dyspepsia, the Blues, of any of the manifold derangements canned by weak or impure blood. She ia fall of life and ambition. She is handsome. She is happy. Klch blood conning through her veins maintains her magnificent womanhood, warding off the in numerable diseases to which a weaker woman would be suscep tible. medical ■clence, __ tlam, Catarrh, neuralgia, Malaria and Nervous P. P. P. is sold by all druggists. $i a bottle; six bottles, $3. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Savannah. G«. School Books for— Book Store of u. lattcii eitre Broughton st., Savannah, Oa. Bend for onr Chrtstmas.Csulogue of New and Second hand Book*. Everybody Bays So. Cnsenrets Candv Cathartic, the moat won derful medical discovery of tbe age, plena- ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, — 1 — dlanel colds, ronatf nation TIFTON, OA. - Kiss Alice Hastings, SsTsnash, Oa., saya she wss suffering aU the torture of a ter rible case of scrofula, and no relief could be obtained until P. P. P., Uppman’a Great Rem- ady, was tried; the re sult wss a complete B (LIPPMAN’S GREAT .REMEDY) to the Ideal medi cine for women. Its use insures health and the sub stantial attractiveness which health alone can be stow. P. P. P. is the greatest Blood Purifier known to all Scrofulous Affections, Dyspepsia, Rhetnna- GEORGE W. REX, FRESCO and SIGN PAINTER, A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly sitedded to and sat Isfsc ion guaranteed. ALEXANDER BLAIR, -ARCHITECT,- and biliousness. Pleas. buy and try’s box ... _ of c. c. C. tt-dav; ]o, as, fio emits, gold and «7:» CherryStreet, Macon, fdanmeed to cure by ail drumtate. ;i-rs am.) 1