The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 08, 1898, Image 3

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THK GAZETTE I TIPTON, GA., PUlDAr, JULY 8, 1898. Until the Crip Broke Down Hie Health-Hood'* Sarsaparilla ■ Cave Him Appetite and Sloop. “ Up to the time when I had the grip X was • strong, healthy man. After that I had no appetite and waa not able to teat well at night. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and pnrchaaed a sup ply. It haa done me a vast amount of good. X have a good appetite and oan sleep well.” Joseph M. Waedlaw, Borne, Georgia. “I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla in valuable for purifying the blood and loss of appetite. It cures all eruptions and feel better in every way.” A. Ckoel, Brunswick, Georgia. Wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt Uloers, Sores, Dyspepsia, and other diseases, prove the great curative, blood x>nrlfying and enriching powers of Sarsa parilla The best—In fact the One True Blood 1‘urlfier. Insist upon Boon's; take no substitute. Hood’s WHIST DROUTH IN NUMBER OF YEARS The Spring Planted Oat Crop Suffers Greatly. WHEAT HOT SO HNLH0E7 Commissioner Nesbitt Reviews the Agricultural Conditions In an Inter esting Letter to Georgia Farmers ATLANTA, July 1, 1808. THE OAT CROP. The drontb which haa prevailed for several weeks throughout the state is said to be the most severe known, at this season of the year, for 20 years. The wheat crop, which is much heavier than usual, escaped with comparatively little injury, but the oat crop, particu larly the spring planted fields, and more especially those in which the seed were carelessly put in and imperfectly fertil- II Ml And Hungry. E« CALL AT- tions of the state nmy be denominated a total failure. Wo need no better illus tration of the importance of thorough tration of the importance of thorough preparation and fertilization than is afforded by the yields of this crop throughout tho atnto. The i ©suits of the long continued drouth bavo most fully confirmed the oft repeated asser tion that successful cropping depends, in great measure, on thorough prepara tion of the soil bofore the seed are put in. It haa been fully demonstrated that if we take the precaution of providing Ip again taking charge of the Dongla* Leader, Editor Finlejr ad dresses hla consiituents as follows, verbatim: “Tn assuming controle of the “Leader” as Editor aud Publisher I feel it my bounded duty tc express my sincere thanks to the good people of coffee county aud surrounding counties for past favors shown us, we are no stronger to the readers of the “Leader”, hence we do not deem it necessary in this salutary to tell you to which political faction we belong. Wo shall endevor to give you a nice clean readable paper. And in every way strive to make the paper worthy of its name. If we succeed in doing this we shall ask at your hands your confidence esteem and patronaga. The “Leader” of ceurse wilHbo run in the interest of populism believing as we do we could not do otherwise. We therefore ask your hearty co operation in this our field of labor. s Carnival Prices. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves Mirhitrnn ^fnvec nn ' 1 every other kind and price stove needed. I carry U MlClUgan atoves largest a {, rt be. t assortment of stovss In Georgia, and oa aell any kind from the celebrated ••MICHIGAN STOVES" to the cheapest made, f< Carnival week only I will reduce prici No. 8, Six Hole Steel Range, from $40. to 25.00 My line of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASftWARK, line is larger than ever before. I have reduced too piece Dinner Sets, from $15.00 to $8.00.~ ltd In lact, my entire » reduced in proportion for Carnival week. It will do you good to A. H. DENMARK, At J. T. Boyd & Bros', obi stand, VALDOSTA, OA. Very respectruly yours A. B. Finlk C. B. PEEPLES, Valdosta, = : G-eorgia. Hob Moore, LaKayctte, Inti., says that for constipation he has found DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. Smith's Drug Store, Tif- ton; McCrenie, Sparks; Gregory & Good man, Adel. Building and Fire-Proof Brick, Lime Ce ment, Plaster and Hair. Farmers Break the Buny Monopoly. is claimed that for years buggy mauufac- (West sale Ashley Street.)-Jt1 A good meal for a quarter. Polite Waiters, Qood Cooks. THE A. W. , Prop’r. plants begin to droop for lack of neces- •ary rain from above, Mother Nature will come to onr rescue, and through the power of capillary action will the power of capillary action will pump np from the reserve supply, which wo havo stored in lower depths, tho life- plant growth. Here we havo beautifully IT Illustrated the manner in which the intelligent farmer may, on the very brink of failure, wrest SUCCESS from adverse circumstances. If ho has studied nature’s laws he knows that when the upper soil becomes dry, if have secured exorbitant prices for their goods, but recently, through the combined ; sistance of the fanners of Iowa, Illinois and other states, Hears, Koruna & Co.,of Chicago, hare pit the prioe of open buggies down to $16.- Top Buggies, $22.70; Top Hurries, $43.70 end upwards, and they are shipping them in immense numbers direct to fanners in every state. They send an immense Buggy Catalogue free, poet- paid, to any one who asks for it. Tills ceijtalnly a big victory for the farmer, but a sever* Mow i the carriage manufacturers and dealers. McCORIGK MOWERS & Parts for same. Horse Rakes, Iron Feneing, Ete. thero is a reserve supply of moistnro stored in the subsoil, tho power of capil lary action will draw It to tho snrfaeo. Choice Georgia & Western Beef,, «uy »»i u.» n ^ Prpch Mpnfc nf nil Linde ' Rut hls knowledge must not stop hero. i resn /neats oi an kinas. , Ho mn8t a i M httve i e ame<i that it u im- Fruits and Vegetables in season. I possible to keep this moisture in reach iplete lim *' ' '* 1808 Bicycles Down to $5.00. New 18‘JS Model Ladies' and Gents' Bicycles are anw being sotii on easy conditions, as low a* $5.00; others outright at $13.1*, and high-grade at $19.95 and $22.50, to he paid for after received. If you will cut this notice out snd send to Bears, IIokiutk * Co., Chicago, they will send you their 1*!« bicycle catalogue amt full particulars. Family and Fancy Groceries ONE 2-GENT STAMP! of tho growing' plants if n crust is al lowed to form and remain on tho sur face. When that ernst remains and is unbroken, no power can prevout tho evaporation of the jurist uro which comes to tho snrfaeo th rough tho capillary tubes. It is tho farmer's province and privilege to so break up those tubos that For Kent-— Four desirable rooms, upstaiiM in Paulk Building. Apply to John Mu it row Bno. Your Buggy lacks the feature that is essential to comfortable riding if it hasn't the Thomas Coil Springs. Better nnd easier than any other side-bar springs. May be easily attached to buggy or surrey—old or new. - , . , THE THOMAS Coil Springs wheel- are noiseless, durable, perfect, economical. Your wheel- wrisht or carriage maker can get them for you, or we’ll ship youi direct. Write for clrculara and price*. Th* Ouffialo Spring Sc Gear Co., Buffalo, flow York. iis m d the moisture may be hold in check and in reach of tho growing plants long enough for them to absorb its life giving j Will send a letter to any point in Uncle Sam’s big domain.! For thb very reason, if you ate sick, sore or suffering, this y trifling outlay May Save Your Life! MW... write a plain will take just two c properties before they become dissipated into the atmosphere. To do this he ' THIRD ANNUAL Mid-Summer Carnival [J !|! ' US IN THE!' | 4) BOWEN BLOCK, J 11! CALL ON ME. ! luto must by constant SHALLOW CULTIVATION “Wasjiligtoa Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia," id the fameue specialist* who form the stall that Institute arc aide to give you advice and itment by mail as well as if you came iu per- to the dty. This is no mistake. They arc do it ettry day. They now have patient* in i .he adjoining States, some of them hundreds miles away, and their cures are simply wta- [IRES POSITIVE ANDrnrri CONSULTATION Hitt. a every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club Foot, [*re Lip, Crons Byes and other surgical cases, also a all forms of Hkln and Uluod dUordcra,Rhenma- , Sciatica. Catarrh of the Kooe, Throat, p, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver, Kid- and Bladder troubles, S'enrous Weak- p nesses of either men or women, disuse* of the S tseamal parts and every other bodily affliction tr highly trained siieciafista alone can deal with, n Write freely It costs you nothing. If we -AT-. Vnldostu. QoorjU-ia, — ON - I do Fine Watch and Jewelry work of every I kind. I also TEST the EYES an(| l iced in Spccla give my customers what (hey need in Spectacles.! __Jace noil spread over his fields. Tho > man who thoroughly understands tho; „ c . . importance of this principio will never Wednesday,ThufSuay,Friday a Saturday allow a ernst to remain on his laud | longer than ho cun ran a shallow, broad j farrow to break it up. Tho need of this ' rapid work accentuates tho importance , I am selling a ^ood 8-day Striking Clock for $3.75. Como and buy one, ask prices on other goods arid be con vinced that my store is the place to buy July 13lli, to 1611i, '98, of wido catting plows and oxpundiug cultivators. JULY has often been called tho “pivotal month,” becauso if the work is not • .refully planned nnd adjusted much of our previous effort will count for naught. In “laying by” our crops wo should re member that the network of delicate roots just beneath the snrfaeo perme ates tho entire field snd that we should bo as careful to avoid injuring these as vro aro to prevent the broking and tear ing of tbo leaves nnd stalks nbovo tbo ground. DURATION OF CULTIVATION. Plowing st this season should bo reg- Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Etc., Etc.-^*” E. A. RUSSELL, Tift on, Ga. condition of tho different crops. For instance, work in tho lato maturing, largo growing varieties of cotton may ceoao sooner than iu the shorter limbed, _ early maturing kinds, because when tbo than scnd*yoti question : growth of tbeso largo varieties is thus for jfbtt particulars, if your casc ( U j checked they begin to take on fruit, MKl t tS!gVy ka ' “'*l icrfcc ‘ ■ cta, “ WE whtalitbojr would not ilo tothewmio . you, life. AH I “roLcoJn^’b^nllnn^ cSwTi£ ' tion. On the other hand,if the smaller snd .1 quicker maturing varieties nre devolop* 1 ing favorably, a shallow center furrow, INSTITUTE, E£oo-l Austell Bid*.. Atlanta, to. -ONE- MINUTE COUCH CURE S quickly. ThU Is what It wu a for. Prompt, safe, sure, quick if, quick cure. Meant to take. ef, quick ildrea like It and adult* ilka It. itben buy it for their children. “ *iy E. O. DeWltt A Oo.. makers of Lttle Early Risers, tho famous Take Prescriptions To George Smith, Apothecary, ... . .. Smith’s Drtrg Store, where they will .honld n^ follow eaoh other,botriionld be filled, jolt as the Doctor write. Jag-g fit. We should « that the object of plowing at this sea son is not to break the soil to any depth, 1 inch is enough, but to keep down any incipient weeds or grass, to chock evan- oratjon and to promote the access of sir to tho plant roots. OTHER WORK TOR THE MONTH. Peas for forago may bo sown until the lost of July, and if encouraged by an application of acid phosphate and potash, will store up in the soil for our future use the third and most important as well as most expensive element of plant food—nitrogen. As wo havo time and opportunity we should also decide SYSTEM or ROTATION must recognize certain fixed laws. Tbo most important of these is that crops of like growth and habits, extraotini the same elements of plant foot from the soil, in similar proportions, should not follow each other, bnt should lieu, jnsi Mine uwiw writ*.- ^ antilng ^ elements, will absorb , with Pure Drags and at liens• I them under different conditions and in bio Prices. I different proportions, thus in a measure equalizing tho drau| Twenty years in the Drug Business sources of ths Mil. draught updn_tbe re- A Week of Merry-Making and l-dtrht-SeciiiK’. A Matchless Program of Open Air Attractions,Free for all. WILLIAM WILSON. Wm. 1). BRIDGES. T il KitK will l» lawhall came, plon teams of this section, horse races l»; some >»r the fatent flyers in the country- ami at innumerable line of special outdoor attractions tilling In the time through each day without i There will l*o a grand parade of Industrie* floral parade, fancy picycle drills, a |»ara<ie tlremcn and a firemen’s contest, altogether ft nishing a maj{nificcnt i>ep-am, as well as ever aunty officers nishini; a of thriilinK excitcw There will 1* .. of the State, chiefs of police of all the cltfoi the marshals of the towns of Georgia. Tliere will also bo a re union of tho old Confederate soldiers and a banquet to them, and the lit! district Congressional convention will be heh at the s Attractions will lie offered to please ovary t; n<l all are Invited to come with * ‘ J. R. COLE & CO., Padriek Block, (T-atl) Tlfloo.Ow. Wilson & Bridges, —.DEALERS IN Western and Georgia Beef, Pork, Sausages, Etc. Full line of— Staple and Fancu Groceries. Fish, Oysters, Fruits and Vegetables in season. Highest Market Price paid for— CHICKENS andEGGS. TELEPHONE ALL ORDERS TO NO. 36. WILSON & BRIDGES. . E.P.BOWEN dealer in Greneral JVterch.aiid.ise OF -A.Ij.Li KINDS. Highest Prices Paid for Country Produce. UNDERTAKER.