The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 15, 1898, Image 1

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Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, GEORGIA. TIFTON, BERRIEN CO., GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1898. Ora,klc Description ol the EioCm From Sutiofo dc Coho. Cor. Atiuu Journal. Ki Caney, Santiago Province, July 5.—Via Kingston, July 8.—The ex odnt from Santiago wax an impres hire, picturesque and yet piteous sight. Tena of thousands sought refuge behind the American lines in response to this notice, posted alt over Santiago: “Having received no further word from the Americans, and being uni ious to save the lives of all women and children, all non-combatants who cannot carry arms must, between 6 and 0 o’clock tomorrow morning, leave for Caney by any of the oity gates. No passports are necessary. All pilgrims must go on foot. Car riages are-forbidden. Cripples and sick will have litters provided.” And so they came—all sorts and conditions of humanity. There was rabble, but many rags in juxtaposi tion with silks and laces. A major ity were well dressed. All showed u sublime confidence in the Americans. The fact is demonstrated that the Spanish women have faith in the ohivalry of the American soldiers. About 500 on litters were in the van. One old woman carried a parrot in her lap. The poorer people wore large crucifixes and some wore saying their beads. All thechildren walked together. Each hud flaring clironm pictnies of Christ or the Virgin tied about their necks. Many women wore gowns and bonnets of the latest Parish fashion—evidently women of the highest society—and they were decked us if for an Kaster parade on Fifth avenue. The rustling silks, delicate laces, flimsy muslins and bright flowers, dainty high heeled boots were strange sights on a battle field that a few hours before had recked with smoke and carnage. These women, who probably had never walked more than a few yards before, had to make their wav through prickly jungle and over rough trails. All these dainty society women and girls have volunteered for nurses. Many will be accepted. Tile refugees, upon their arrival, hurried to the Catholic church in the centre of the square. They found it occupied by the American surgeons. Tlie porch was made an operating room and the pews and floors inside formed the resting places of hun dreds of tho wounded, many of whom were Spanish. The refugees worked hard to put up a temporary shelter. Money hud no value. The petted darlings of rich men hud the same shelter—palm leaves—os the outcasts of the streets of Santiago. Morton Smith. The ScaSIai sf Watsea to Spill Ciases the Dess to Seek Shelter. Port Said, July 11.—Tho last of tbe Spanish ships belonging to Ad miral Camara’s fleet has sailed for Spain. The Spanish admiral was allowed to trans-ship BOO tons of coal from the San Augustine last night in the harbor on furnishing a written guar antee that tbe Peluyo needed it and that the entire squadron is returning to Spain direct Messina, Sicily, July 11.—The Spanish torpedo boats sailed for home this morning. A Tolkien Woman. There are women who are comely, there are women who are homely, though be careful how the latter thing you say. There are women who are wealthy, there arc women who are healthy, there are women who will always have their way. There are women who are truthful, there are women who are youthful— was there ever any woman who was old? There are women who are sainted, there are women who are painted, there are women who are worth their weight in gold. There are women who are tender, there are women who are sleuder, there are women who are large and fat and red. There are women who are married, there are women who liaye tarried, there are women who are talkless but they are dead. A Csssral Nailed. Washington, July 7.—Tho war do- partment to-day posted tho following dispatch from Gen. Shatter, received in response to an inquiry as to tho re ported killing of Spanish prisoners by Cubans: “l’layn del Estc, July 7.—Hon Secretary of War, Washington: Dis patch as to killing prisoners by Cub ans absolutely false. No prisoners have been turned over to them, and they have shown no disposition to treat badly any Spaniards who have fallen into their hands. .Shatter, “Major General Commanding.’ Nomination Seal In. Among the nominations vent to the senate by the president last Thursday was that of John A. Sibley A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada K. Hart, of Groton, S. 1). “Was taken with n bud cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and Anally terminated in consumption. Pour doctors guve me up, saying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my .Savior, determined if I could not stav with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My imsbnud was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs nml colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight hot ties. It lias cured me, and thunk God I nin saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at City Drugstore Tifton, and Me- Crunic’s, Sparks, iicgulur sine 50c nnd$l. Guaranteed or price refunded. for flrst lieutenant of Co. E, 3rd Gu. I am told,” said tho officer on tbe Spanish ship, “that the way to make a modern epigram and lie regarded as clever is to take an old saw and reverse it.” “What lias that to do with this war’ inquired his superior sternly. “Oh, nothing much. But 1 can’t help wondering," he went on, as he gazed pensively at the ocean, “if that is why tho Madrid govern ment keeps telling us to cheer up, as there is always room at tho liotlon.” An exchange hits the uuil^quurely on the head when it says: When- ver you hear a man finding fault of his locul paper, open it and ten to one lie hasn't an advertisement in it; five to one lie never gives it a job of printing; three to one that he does not take tho paper; two to one if he is a subscriber he is n delinquent. Even odd lie never does anythin; nny way that will assist the publisher to run a good paper, und forty to ono if the paper is good and full nf life, lie is tlie most eager to see it when it comes out. One pound of pyrethrum insect powder (obtained at any good drug The New York Evening Post says . ,, .... „„ .... / : store) well mixed with ten pounds of that in Simula no ono ever pays for . * anything he buys at tlie time he buys it. Tbe statement is liable to cause an exodus of impecunious Americans to our* new possession, thinks the Bainbridge DemOcftt. * lino wheat bran and sprinkled on the growing cabbage when the dew is on, will kill every worm or insect that it comes in contact with. The slight est dustiug will be sufficient.—Savan nah News. All Nefotlatlsas lor Peicc Fall Tbroafh, sad the Fight Bellas A|sls—Cssoslltles tbe First Dsjr. Sunday morning, the offer of Geu. Linares to surrender the city without damage, together with the shipping in the harbor,if he und his men were allowed to march out with side arms and have twenty miles unmolested start, was refused. It is said Gen. Shafter wished touccept these terms, but Washington refused. Tlie Spaniards were then notified thut the truce was at an end, at four o’clock in the afternoon, and shortly afterwards the battle was renewed by a shot from one of the Spanish bat teries. The artillery opened lire all along tho front of the American line, nml Schley's ships began firing over the range of hill hiding the city from them. The distance was five miles, but the guns of the fleet could not be given an elevation sufficient to reach the city over the hills. Shatter reports two men killed and four wounded Sunday. A general attack is postponed until all re inforcements are omburked. He- inforceincnts have arrived as follows: Gen. Duffield’s brigade, about 2,500 men ; recruits for regular army, 950; First Illinois, 050; First Dis trict of Columbia, 850; six light bat teries United States artillery, 700; General Garretson’g bfigade, Eighth Ohio, 1,300; Sixth Massachusetts and Sixth Illinois, 2,GOO. Another force qf 2,500 men com prising Gen. Ernst’s brigade, is ready to start, and with this force General Sliufter’s lighting strength will be swelled to about 25,000 men by the middle of this week. The refugees from Santiago are serious problem, but so far tjiey havo been fed by the Amcricuns. It is said tlie Spanish soldiers are plundering the city, assaulting' tlie remaing citizens, and destroying property. drapes from Tifton. Speaking nf frail being plentiful in tlie local market Saturday, tbe Savannah News says: Grapes aro also beginning to move in abundantly. Very lino Niagaras from around Tifton and from South Carolina points sold at 20 cents a basket. Those aro really a fine grape, sweet and full of juice. They were wholesaling at about 5 cents a pound in the morning, bat tho market prob ably went o(T la-fore night. It is unquestionably a great frait year, one of tlie best Savannah lias ever known. IIiieklcn’K Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rheum, fevor sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and ail skin erup tions, and postively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranted to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. I’riee 25 cents per box. Sold at Golden’s, Tifton, and Crab tree’s, Sparks. The twenty-seventh annual ses sion of the State Teachers’ Associa tion at Indian Springs closed Friday night of last week witli tlie election of Jere M. I’onnd, of llurnesville, president; Lawton ■ U. Evans, of Augusta, first vice-president; Miss Pauline Pierce, of Millcdgcvillc, sec ond vice-president; G. B. Gibson, of Columbus, secretary, and VV. M. Slaton treasurer. I’rof. Hooper, of Athens, and W. M. Slaton wore elected trustees. To be Held Wltb Mount Zita Baptist Cbsrch, Colquitt County, Commenclni Friday Be- lore Fifth Sunday to July. Friday, 11 a. m—Preaching by, W. F. Cox. G. F. Clark, alternate. 2 p. m. — Snbjeot: “The best method of teaching Sunday school, with a view to holding tbe interest and attention of young children,’’ opened by Rev. II. T. Dowling. Saturday, 0 a. in—“Relation of Snnday school to the home, and the home to the Sunday school,” opened by F. W. Tyler. 10 a. m.—“I» it not the duty of parents, especially if they are chnroh membe.e, to take an active interest in the Sundaysohool?” Opened by Rev. P. A. Jessup. 2 p. in.—“The relation of tbe Sun day school to the temperance ques tion,” opened by Rev. G. F. Clark. 3 p. m—“Is tbe Sunday soliool for children only, or is it for persons of all ages?” Opened by Rev. J. A. Cox. Sunday morning, 9 a. m—Sunday school mass meeting led by Bro. J. D. Calhoun. Everybody invited to be on hand. F. W., Chairman, The Lets Is tbe First Plght. “Playa del Este, July 0.—Camp Near Santiago, July 8.—Adjntant General, Washington: Complete re- ports received to*day of loss on July 1 and 2. “Killed, 22 officers; 208 enlisted men. “Wounded, 81 officers; 1,203 en listed men. “Missing, 70 enlisted men. Tho reports, giving the names of tlie kill ed and wounded, are being prepared, and it is hoped to got them off to morrow. Shaftcr.” Aa Unlucky Example. From the AHhhurn Advance. Sinco S. W. Odom brought us a watermelon and some peaches and grapes lie has been having some ex ceedingly good luck. Tho heavy rains sent him insure an excellent corn crop. And that is not all that has been sent him, tho Lord has seen lit to bestow upon him a son, who arrived as .a gracious gift on the 5th. Who else will bring us a melon and some peaches n*d grapes? Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. Guaranteed, Smith's Drug Store Hawaii's Commissioners. Washington, July 9.—Tho prcai- dmit has appointed Senator Cullom, of Illinois; Senator Morgan, of Alabama, Representative Ilitt, of Illinois; San ford Dole, president of tho Hawaiian, republic, and W. P. Krear, of Hawaii, bo commissioners under the Hawaiian annexation resolution. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces Immediate retain. When taken early U prevents consumption. And In later stages it furnishes prompt relief. Smith’s Drug Store, Tifton; Me* Tho Chief Rumcss of Mllesburg, Ta., says DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills ho ever used In his family dur ing forty years of houso keeping. They euro constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small In size but great in results. Smith's Ding Store, Tifton; McCranle, Sparks; Gregory & Goodman, Adel. . ” ” Ramon's Pepsin ©hill Tonic contains j plious Quinine to neutralise and destroy the per asite in tbe blood; Pure Iron to enrich and t Sparks; Gregory * Goodmaa, clou. gtuuantMd. . 81.00 PER ANNUM. DR. J. C. GOODMAN Physician and Surgeon, ' TIFTON UKoUUIA. OmcK-ln Bowen block, upstairs. Residence ’l'hone, No. 11. P. W. ALEXANDER, -DINTI5T - Tilton, : ■_ Georgia. unite in Bowen block, front room of Opera House. W-a-’OT-lf. C. W. DEDOE, —DENTIST.— TIFTON, : : : s OKOItGIA. OrncE over i»ost-ofllce, on Main street, gyt’rown ami bridge work a ■|«ci»ltj’.^ ^ Or. J. W WILLIAMS, DENTIST, CORDKLK, • - - • GEORGIA. Or vice—Bank Building. Room No. 1, up stairs (J. C. I!ALL. «• F.VE. HALL & EVE, Attorneys- at -I jaw, TIFTON, GEORGIA. REAL ESTATE. Insurance.--| irt , ^ AcciM ▼ftnSMy. JJIO. Ml’RKoW. | J• «• Ml'11*0W JN0. MURROW & ERO., Attorneys and Counselors at Law, TCTTOH. GEORGIA. C. W. FULWOOD. Attorney at H. S. MURRAY,, TIFTON. - - UA. J. E. COCHRAN, Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler, At Smith'!. Drill; Store, TIFTON. OEORGIA. 'Mr L. CHE8NUTT, JUSTICE Of THE PIACC 1314th district. c. TITTCr. - - - OJL. (TONS A HBKCIALTY.I \A£>_ COLLECT!! _.. BUREAU OF INFORMATION Office in Court Room, over Paulk Building:, Main St. Marriage Licenses furnished. 7-tMI. iron bale. Tifton lota amt residences; Twenty, thirty and forty acre tracts Just outside of town. A good hotel ami.other prop erty in^uei^ilibnniig towns—10,000 acre* If you bars any property you wish to Belt, or If ~a contemplate buying, communicate with us. BOMBARDMENT BEGAN SUNDAY. It is very strange that new lawns, almost without exception, defer prep arations for fighting tire nntil after a conflagration has swept away thousands of dollars worth of prop erty. It does seem that tbe com- moneit kind of prudence would dic tate the reverse of this.—Ocilla Die- patch. Dr. R. T. KENDRICK. ■ Diseases of women a specialty. With a . 1ence of ' ”*- - '— lie patronage. PETKR80N & HUNTER, Physicians amt. Surgeons. TIFTON, OKnoOIA. Office hours. 81*» » a. m ; 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 s night. Office up atalrs In opera house block. * •* n i* found at Hotel Sadie, room SILK AND RAGS MINGLE. SPANISH FLEET RETURNS HOME. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. A. McCREA, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, ocoaou. Omci!—Over Smith’s Drugstore. Thone f 0. All calls promptly attended to. Typhoid ] ver and Pneumonia, specialties.