The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 07, 1898, Image 3

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RPBBBMPi! Man YET ON THE WWO. | * To-morrow i» ctceiiouday, ini my i r «»« «*• Crip Broke Down HI* *«“*“ to . U, * t £<*•■ c »Pdfor and the H Henlth-Hooda Sarsaparilla ®"* , ° £ k °‘'» Majority of T Cave Him Appetite end Sloop. | f r0 >? &7 > 00 ° tQ 78 ;° 00 - Tlle . ,r "W" “Up to the time when I bed the grip 1 1 "? " l * e . EI ! ven * wu ft strong, healthy man. Alter that I 3 - had no appetite and was not able to v . raat well at night. I decided to try ? Hood’s Sarsaparilla and purchased a sup- ply. It has done me a vast amount of good. * I have a good appetite and can Well.” Joseph hi. Wakdlaw, V Georgia. ■, **I hare found Hood’s Sarsaparilla in- " iftble tor pnrifylng the blood and loas t appetite. It cares all eruptions and \ me feel better In every way.” A. Croel, Brunswick, Georgia. ^Wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt Ulcers, Sores, Dyspepsia, and ■eases, prove the great ouratlve, blood purifying and enrlohlng powers of Sarsa parilla The best—in fact the One True Blood purifier. Insist upon Hood's; take no substitute. Hood’s Hood’s PHIs SlSSJSJSZ u Receiver’s Sale. Having been appointed Permanent Re ceiver for the business of Weston & Gunn, on and after this date, I offer the following property at private sale: One Saw Mill and Planer attached, .at Enigma, Ga. One Saw Mill and Planer attached, at Weston’s Mill. Dry-Kilns at both mills. Six miles of 35II). Steel Rail, Eg. Good stock of General Mer chandise, Log-Carts, Harness, Chains, Dressed Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Etc. Twenty-two Head of Mules. Also 500 or 600 Acres of Land, lying in and around Enigma, and several Town Lots, in town of Enigma. trict will be from 8,000 to 5,000, not withstanding the beautiful combina tion that has turned its Electric lights on Coffee and Ware, When that beautiful combine sees the returns from Irwiu and Telfair, it will say, “Let’s show our beautiful combination electric lights, for things certainly look dark.” And if Bob Dickerson beats Mr. Kcord in the Fifth senatorial district, as I am sure he will, then the whole oombine will go into the receiver's bands. In this county we are just having a big time. No one in the field but democrats. Candidate Hogan will get anywhere from 35 to 185. I think Henderson will answer at Atlanta the 4th Wednesday. His op ponent is a good man, but Henderson has too many kinspeoplc, and is too good a politician to get beat. War ren Fletcher will be sheriff, I think. He has some kinfolks himself. I think W. J. Royal will be treasurer. I will not say any more this time, as I may not be as well posted as I think I am. W, W. Him. Sycamore, Oct. 4 th, ’f>8. The New Milliflery and Dry- floods Store. To ’The Ladies of Tifton and Sur rounding Country: I have now arrived front New York flrd have brought the finest stock of Millinery ever shown in Tifton. The Millinery Opening will be on id Will send ■ letter to any point iu Unde 8am’B big; domain, 1 Por this very reason, if you are sick, tore or suffering, this very trilling outlay Saturday uud Monday. I am now prepared to trim you up lmta in the „ _ atest styles and shapes, all I ask of. o3Y6 TOUF Here’s just how you is to come and examine my new j stock before buying as I can save you money. You will find my store be tween Greene’s Restaurant aud Ford’s Boarding House. Ladies are especially invited. Yours for Business, Mrs. Joe Siluermax, Main Street, Tifton, Ga. All of the above property can be seen Enigma, Ga., except one Saw Mill, Dry-Kiln and Planer, at Weston’s Mill, all of which will be sold at a bargain. Address, or call on A Narrow Escape, Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on ray lungs; cough set in and finally terminated in consumption. Fonr doctors gave rae up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured rae, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at City Drug Store, Tifton, and J. II. McCranie, Sparks. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Guar anteed or price refunded. JOHN B. GUNN, Receiver, I3.30-1 m. HOTEL SADIE. I First Baptist Church, Tifton. ! I)r. F. W. Tyler, of Sparks, Ga., j will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday and Sunday night. ! Everybody invited. Every member | of the church is urged to be present. ima, Ga. work in the Junior and (Senior Unions is to be looked after i Sunday afternoon. Married Sunday. Mr, Thomas McNeil and Miss Mittio Harvey, sister of Mr. Ed, Harvey, were united in marriage Sunday afternoon, Rev. II. T. Dowl ing officiating. The young couple drove out to Mr. Dowling’s residence; and despite a considerable slibwer, were married sitting in their buggy, Mrs. Dowlinj protecting the parson with an umbre The Gazette extends good wishes. l!r.T. % Z. Nolea, of Byron, Ark., says: daughter had been chilling about nine months and 1. had used four different chill tonics accord ing to directions, anti they did not cure. One bottle of Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonic cured her. She has not chilled in nearly three months. 1 bought two more bottles and cured three cases of chills with thorn. I am not willing to l>e with out Itauion Chill Touic aud Pills. fiesuty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar- itirring up the lazy liver and driving olf •itica from the body. Begin to-day to i»|t pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50c. TESTIMONIAL. nial to the efficacy of your |.r lOtll • .. If K A IHj VAltTKIt* Cartarrh Cannot be Cured I with local applications, as they cannot For Drummers’ & Railroad Men.; r, ‘“ rh »«•< of <<•«««. Catarrh is j a blood or a constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal I remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken i Internally, and acts directly on the bitted ! and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. I is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. mlihcd and papered throughout, Clean F. J. ClIENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O, — — J1 - Hold by druggists, price 75c. ’• Fi " TIMMONS & MYERS, Proprietors I. W. MYERS. Manager. v, I am free to say It is all you re especially have I noticed its Its beneficial effect upon the mschold. Very truly yours, M. DAVIH, \ lUhli inlssbu ‘ale by Druggist iverywhe IS THIS WH AT AILS YOU? LI IU a h I*- You can write a plain letter, can’t you? Well, it will take Just two centa to carry It to the “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute. Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Iuatitute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail aa well aa if you came in per son to the city. This Is no mistake. They are do- big it every day. They now have patient* in alltheadjoining States, some of them hundreds ' simply won* CURES POSITIVE AND C DC Cl CONSULTATION rlftt! d other surgical cases, also across Kyi in all/orms of bkin and Blood disorders,Rheuma tism. Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat, ' “ any vital orgar * * i. Re Lungs, Stomach and Blai of either ney and Bladder troubles. Kid- women, diseases of the her bodily affliction t alone can deal with. .. .. —, ostsyou nothing. If we un- dertake your case we shall send you question blank for full particulars. If your case is #wu *0*1 perfect science WB SHALL CURB IT. That first 3-cent stamp may save your life. All sexualp INSTITUTE, S<io-i Austell Bldg., Atlanta, (la. .iMnopolis.. - iv Connally’s ,.ar »;is “ 6:24 “ Iv Horne’s ar 9:00 » 6:48 “ lv Baihour’s ar 8:35 “ “ lv Sinclair’s ar 8 rill “ 7:30 •• ar Moultrie lv 8KM) “ Connections Connects with O. 8. & F„ at Sparks; With Georgia Northern at Moultrie. " Dafljrr * President. Vice-Pres. Guu’l. Bupt. TARVER’S Oil Book Store and Curloilty Shop. Rare Books, Plctores, Magazines, Pamphlets, Finest Numismatic Library lit tho — You can supply yourself with reading matter of any kind, any time. School Books for any connty In tho State at Reduced Kates. INTELLIGENCE BUREAU. Barnard and Broughton Streets, HAVANNAII. - - GEORGIA. I IVEBY AND FEED STABLER J. W. BEEBE h CO., Propr’i. Main Street, : Tifton, Ga. til teams, polite drivers. A share of your patronage is respectfully sollcted. 8-20-’08. •i»hono No. 10. AUGUST MYERS, The Leading Tailor! Suits to Order a Specialty. Keeps the goods in stock. A large line of Domestic and Imported Woolens. Will give you l'its! such as no other Merchant Tailor, Ims had 33 years in the business and Guarantees Satisfaction. •Cleaning and Dyeing of all kinds done promptly. -SUITS MADE FROM $15 UP. AUGUST MYERS. Nea O. S. & F. Dopo Havo you a coated tongue, pain across small of back or pit of hiomacb, sick headache. fullneM after eating, constipation, a tired amt drowsy feeling, loss of appetite,* yelh ’ ’" * * ’ • - iW ’ Win. WILSON, mil eyes, melbncholy. pain in right shoulder, liability to lie on your right side ? Any of these •ym^toins indicate that your Hv- SMITH’S (TRADE “HONEST JOHN’’ LIVEK PILLS The Best Pill made for Torpid Aver, Headach, Constipation, Hllllousnens, ami all Stbmacho and Liver Diseases DOSE :--2 TO a PILLS AT BCD TIME. PRICE :-25 CENTS A BOTTLE. Sinltli’8 Drug Store—Tifton, Ga. W. N PITTMAN, Contractor and Builder, TIFTON, GEORGIA. Estimate* on all kind* of building furnished. t cuisine. Prompt service. Situated l>e- l Georgia Southern A Florida and Hmn It A Western Depots. SA-’W-tf. Hair* Family Pill’s are the beat. IYSPEPSIA r “For six yeans I was a victim of dya- MgislabkUa wont form. I could cat notions I but milk toast, and at time# my stomach would not retain and digest even that Last March 1 began taking CASCARETS and since then] have steadily Improved, until I am as well as I ' —s in my life." Dans II. Mem. Mmrt o. Jack Walker hai just returned from Tifton with his force of brick layers. They finished the building of a big ware house in 11 days, lay ing 14,700 brick in this tirge. Fitz gerald bos the best workmen in south west Georgia—Fitzgerald Courier. ERDVE5 -DEALER IN- Western and Georgia Beef, Pork, Sausages, Etc Full line of— Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fish, Oysters, Fruits and Vegetables IN SEA8QN. Nature makes a strong fight against disease, but there are times when it needs assistance to drive our the enemy. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Rlood Porifler supplies tho needed help and will soon re-store the body to a healthy, vigorous condition. It exercises a stimulating influence over the organs of digestion and assimilation, strengthens Highest CASH Price paid for— CHICKENS, EGGS and VEGETABLES. TELEPHONE ALL ORDERS TO NO. 36. WILLIAM WILSON. PLANT SYSTEM. kVS£S*J3Sii&£&&tl UR* OONtTIPATION. ... the appetite, brighten, the ere, end Im part. the roay bloom of health to cheek. Price Joe. and *1.. bottle. i-TO-MC GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. Far Real. Four roomi in Panlk bnilding. Two room! in Goodman building. One 60 acre (arm 4 miles north oiTUto Apply to Jxo. Mtnutow & Bno. cmbiDg, Tinning,Onn», Plitoli, Bicy cles, Roof., and— ring of all Kinds, is and Refrigerator* built and Experienced workman, Satis- uaranteed. J, J, flOOTT, 3rd. and ILB.BL, near G. 8. & F. Depot. TA5TELES5 CHILL TDNIC Time Table No. 25 In Effect at ltlO O’clock, p. m., Sunday, May 15th, 1808. READ DOWNWARD • >—< „ M M5AD UPWARD — “* “ W- No. 24 No. 82T Freight. Mixed " - STATIONS. Mixed »r Freight Dally ex Dally "inuay. Brunswick ....Ar... . .. ,o r . — ISJMSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. A meeting ofS ? °amore Lodge,iro. WARRANTED. PRICE BOetR. >, I. O. 0. F., u called for next Tuesday night, Oct. 11. AU members arc urged to attend. Fbxd S. McDuffie, Sec. Take Prescriptions To George Smith, Apothecary, ~ ~ re they will ^kconaco. At Smith's Drag Store. Smith’i Drug Store, where they .m be filled, jut u the Doctor writes them, with Pare Drag! and at Reas onable Prices. ANY PERSON I truth i Twenty year! in the Drug Busmens P. M. A. M. I 7 00 s 8 00 f T 32 f t 82 Ar Jamaica f f 7 49 f 841) Wayntsvlll* f f TUI 8 67 Atkinson t f 8 03 f 0 03 Lnlaton f s 14 f 9 12 Nahunta a 8 33 f 9 80 Hoboken.... f 8 45 f 940 8ch latte rville... - .10 00 .Ar ; Waycro*s......Lv Wayeroes... 10 17 f 10 44 No._W_ [No,. 87 Pass. Dally.) .!.*!!!.'Wareebovo.. MUlwood... McDonald.. it 08f it SB Pearson.... f 1117 f 11 S4 Kirkland 10 62 f 1118.. f llSSf 1143... f 11 81 f 11 47 . f 11 85 f 11 60 f ll»f 1S»....