The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 19, 1908, Image 3

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Tne Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 80 yean, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in tills. All .Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” nre but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlic health of Inbnts and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- ■ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ami Wind Colic.' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. VMS etMTAWI r MURNAV mu,, GISMO For a pair of Dress Shoes buy a Bow den the best on the mar ket. For service buy the Walk Over. We never for get the boys we can fit them in any style shoe or slipper. UIIMT Mvon Bloolc, JlUNlj 'tifton, Ga. m, U u &. Q', is: 1 m 1 I o: 1 J.E. COCHRAN JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Myers Building Watches, Clocks, Silverware, China and Cut Glass EYES SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED TIFTON. QA. I Main Street “HARD CLINCH” GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks m securely as If there were a lock nnd -* key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or disintegrates. In fact, it Is the one and only real woodjibri platter which Fives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold by thousand* of . tons all over the 8outh. Don't consider using any other brand ( until you write us for information, prices, etc. H. KENT & SON, Agents, Tifton, (ia. T. M. CHESNUTT’S Is Headquarters for Best Groceries, Fresh Produce and All Kinds of Heavy Feed. To Celebrate Opening of A. B. A A. Lino Into Atlanta. * A number of business men and prominent citizens of Tifton have received invitations from the At lanta Chamber of Commerce to at tend the celebration of the comple tion of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic's line into Atlanta to-day. Concerning this celebration the Constitution says: All the plans and arrangements have been perfected for the cele bration and banquet attendant upon the entry of the first Atlanta, Bir mingham and Atlantic passenger train into this city on Friday, June 19th. The governor, mayor and' city council and the railroad commission of Georgia will be invited as special Justice to the Jackal*. Recently Mr. William Jennings Bryan paid a tribute of candid ap preciation to the patient but power ful little animal whose picture' has come to be adopted by common con sent as an emblem of the Democrat ic party. Mr. Bryan pointed out how it uncomplainingly bore the burdens and abuses of those whom it served, and thrived and kept. strong on the simplest of provender, of 98,949. Official Primary Vote. Macon, Ga., June 11.—Returns from the 146 Georgia counties have been received by Chairman A. L. Miller, of the state democratic executive committee, and have been compiled. The official majority of Joseph M. Brown for governor is 10,857 votes. Brown received a total vote of 109,- 806, and Smith received a total vote local guests. The other guests will And now come three grave and rev erend judges of the Appellate Court in> Chicago, wh'o do justice to the j ickass in a decision from which the following sentences are taken: The jackass is nobody’s fool. The milk of human kindness fills his breast. Furthermore he can bear a grudge. Besides, he is not to be be the mayors and leading citizens from Brunswick, Waycross, Douglas, Fitzgerald, Thomasville, Mqultrie, Tifton, Cordele, Montezuma, 'Ogle thorpe,Talbotton, Woodbury .Senoia, Gay, LaGrange and Union City. A committee composed of J. Willie Pope, chairman, D. Woodward, Robert F. Maddox, F. J. Paxon and W. G. Cooper will serve as a re ception committee, meeting the “special train” at Union City on the date of arrival. This train will enter Atlanta at 4 gold-bricked.- He has a sympathel- it nature. Smite one cheek and he will not turn the other. He thinks in curves and kicks out straight be hind. The decision was in reversal of a judgment by a lower court that had given a man $511 damages for inju ries inflicted upon him by a jackass. The injured man had been the groom of the animal, and the testimony showed that he had habitually mis- o’elock, and allow the 300 or more ■ treated it. One day the groom went guests ample time to rest and pre- j n t 0 the animal’s stall without his pare for the banquet to be served at the New Kimball promptly at 8 o’clock. President Asa G. Candler, of the Chamber of Commerce, will preside as toastmaster and introduce the speakers. Robert F. Maddox, former presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce, will make the address of welcome, to which President H. M. Atkinson, the founder and promoter of the road, will respond. This wifi be fol lowed by an address from Congress man W. G. Brantley, of Brunswick, and another by Railroad Com' bludgeon or his leather trace, and the jack proceeded to bite $500 worth out of his arm and kick $11 worth of good luck signs upon various parts of his anatomy, Thus were the damages assessed by the lower court. The upper court, however, said the jack had rights that ought be re spected, and reversed the verdict. When such eminent authorities as those referred to raise their voices in'defense and praise of the jackass it stirs the hope that the much nia- missioner Fuller E. Callaway, of lig- ne( ] creature may perhaps come LaGrange. Gov. Smith will follow " . . , .. with a brief address, and in turn on “ f«ain into its own and be ac- will be followed in ten-minute | corded recognition for its abundant speeches by Mayor Joyner, of At-: virtues. We say '‘come once again Junta, and the mayors ofBrunswick, i ; nto j t , own -> f or the reason that in Waycross, Fitzgerald, Thomasville, Montezuma and LaGrange. Saturday, it is expected the whole sale merchants of Atlanta will enter tain the visitors. It is announced that following the entry df their first passenger train into Atlanta, this palatial train will be placed on exhibition in Atlanta the public given a reception aboard it. The train is to be operat ed into the union depot, and one of the side tracks will be used for the purpose. Personal. If any person suspects that their kidneys are deranged they** should take Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Bright’s disease or diabetes. Delay gives the disease a stronger foothold and you should not delay taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy. Mills Drug Co. I mr- £ ng that is usually kept in a first-class grocery store can gener ally found at .my place on THIRD STREET. A cordial invitation is extended to all who like the best of everything at a very reasonable price to call and examine my stock and compare my prices with those of others, doing a like business. Goods Promptly Delivered Free of Charge.Give me a trial. Phone 27. 134 Third Street. From a Former Georgian. Mr. W. B. Smith, a merchant of Largo, Fla., writing the Gazette and enclosing check for a year’s subscrip tion, says: “I was up in your county last November to see my dear old moth er, who was quite 3ick and very old. My brother-in-law furnished me quite a number of your papers to read and I took quite an interest in them. I saw lots of names of people 1 knew and was my old friends and schoolmates. It carries my mind back to my kinfolks and friends that I used to love so well, (ar.d do yet), near ancient and early biblical times the jackass was the favorite mount of persons of distinction. Kings and queens rode on asses. The ass plays a conspicuous part in ancient relig ious and profane history. In a few moments, by reference to the bibli cal concordance anyone can a.certain that the ass had far more honorable associations with the great person ages than any other beast of bi rden. In the books of Job and Judges there are tributes to the respectability and value of the ass, which beast was known in Egypt long before the horse. Some of the writers of the Old Testament made use of the ass as a simile for wildness, freedom and fleetness of foot. None mention the creature in a seiise of obloquy, ser vility or disparagement. The jackass, it seems, fell into dis repute first in Rome, when the Ro mans were so proud and rich that they came to despise the sturdy and unhandsome little runt and gloried in the bigger, heavier and more showy horse. Whom and what the , The official' votes received by the other candidates are as follows: For United States Senator—A. S. Clay, 203,960. For Attorney General—John C. Hart, 204,757. For Secretary of State—Philip Cook, 205,221. For Comptroller General—William A. Wright, 204,802. For State Treasurer—R. E. Park, 107,609; W. J. Speer, 78,286. Park’s majority, 31,323 For State School Commissioner— Jere M. Pound, 204,741. For Commissioner of Agriculture- T. G. Hudson. 204,553. For Associate Justice of Supreme Court, unexpired term—Horace M. Holden, 203,427. For Associate Justice of Supreme Court, full term—Beverly D. Evans, 192,071; Horace M. Holden, 188,163. For Judge Court of Appeals Richard B. Russell, 200,980. For Railroad Commissioner, unex pired term—Fuller E. Callaway 138,568; R H. Jenkins, 52,057; Calla way’s majority, 86,511. For Railroad Comnrssioner, unex pired term—George Hillyer, 102,706; W. D. Branan, 87,542, Hillyer’s majority, 15,134. For Railroad Commissioner, full term—Warner Hill, 198,935. For Prison Commissioner—Wiley Williams,,74,384; R. E. Davison, 52,- R. H. Milledge, 28,346; Jesse Mercer, 21,037; K. R. Foster, 16,093. From Northwest Tift. Most of the farmers have General Green under control and are having a regular good time, fishing, fish- frying and visiting, and some of them eating watermelons. Mr. Bud Wynn and family spent Saturday night with Mr. W. H. Alexander and family. Mr. Mancie Phelps attended to business in Sycamore last Monday. i!LMr. and Mrs. H. B. Schwall, of Ty Ty, visited Mr. W. G. Hardison and family last Saturday. Mrs. Emory Summers spent Sat urday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. C. Af Slocum. Misses Clyde and Cammie Sutton attended preaching at Mt. Zion hist Sunday. Mr. Jno. Summers, of Inaha, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Joe Summers. Come forward, old maids, Old Uncle Jesse is anxious for a cook. You won’t get the chance of such a fine young man as he is every day. (Only 80). Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Long, of Cured without the Knlf or Money Refunded DR. J. A. McCREA, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Smith Building. 'Phones: Day, Smith's Drag Store KfG*- olght, residence, No. 78. Where to Find It. The back is the mainspring of woman’s organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lower part of the l)ody, that a woman’s feminine organism needs immediateattent ion. In such cases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA E.PiNKHAM’5 VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says: “ I was troubled for ft long time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound had done for others and decided to try it; after taking three bottles I can truly say that I never fult ell i r life.* Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkhain: “I had very severe backaches, and pressing-down pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound cured me and made me feel like a new woman.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, lias been the W. H. Graham, T. rt. CITcsnutf,, C. M. boswell, W. J. Henderson a Son. T.S. Merchant and E. r. Buss. y, & fo. at Tifton, Ga., Sell tny honey, put up in 2-pt I'.r.d conF one aiid two gallon cons, e.-traded! AIso In comb, one pound ■ sections These are convenient packages of na ture’s pure honey. Call on them. L\ H. NORTON, 22-4t. Apiary at Alapaha, tin. Schedules Effective June 7, 1908. standard remedy for female ills,; *5 : 35 a. m.. No. 3, for Valdosta, Pa- and has positively cured thousnudso! women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flat ulency, indiges tion, dizziness,or nervous prostration Romans despised they beat and used harshly; wherefore they fell to beat-; Cycloneta, spent Sunday with Mr. ing the ass. And, being beaten, the \y j t Hardison and family, ass became resentful, unresponsive, Mr am , Mrs- T j IJarfieI( , visitcd sullen, yet not vindictive unless friem j. near lnaha last Sunday, driven to desperation. The sullen- , ness of the ass under ungrateful l (iu,te a crow< ot >’ 0Un K folks cn ' mistreatment caused the Romans to j ^ , tha “"<>* P ullll J^ ( ™ thout , ... .... . ,, . I candy), at the home ot Mr. Mancie . .j beat him still mor nlnA fU/ ' w “""'■'i 1 — - - • ■ • The first train I ever saw was at ;. . . ., . . Tifton when I was a small hoy. At j ' 11rn stupid. And Irwinville, that being my birth place., b?at him 8(i „ more , and they ca |, ed ! pggjjf Saturday night rom that day to J .. . i Mrs. Blanchard is visiting her sis- that time old Dr. White, Geo. P. j this the ass has been made to serve tePi j, rs j a .Smith. Fletcher. W. A. Pardee, W. O. Tift, j as a simile of stupidity. Sir .Samuel Wedding bells will soon be ringing etc., were mere. Baker, a noted British writer, says ; n nnr Wo think two vnnmr I have been in Florida a long time. I - .. _ , cap: *n our miuht. wuninK two young lam in the best part of itlever!°, f thc natl '! c ' vll<1 a®** of Africa, men are thinking of swapping sisters, saw, where the grape fruit andj^ue progenitors of the American! Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hardison orange trees grow almost without; breed, that they “are the perfection visited relatives in Tifton Monday any help. We have a temperature j of activity and courage, of high-bred and Tuesday. here in winter three to foiw degrees j t ° ne j n deportment, of high-action I Mrs. Jennie Sumner and children higher than elsewhere in the state, . , , „ , , ., , , on account of being on a peninsula.."' st( ’P- and of marvelous endur- j visited friends here Saturday and Old Tampa bay, on the east, and the: ance.” He says, too, that the ass is. &unaa y- . gulf of Mexico on the west Tide! the equal of the horse in intelligence I ” r ’ '“ l ™ Phelps spent Saturday water, all the time going in and j and the horse's superior in strength | ni » ht wit . h Mr - Sa '» Sutton. and persistence. With all! Best wishes to the Gazette and its ! readers. Gourd-Head. coming out, keeps us fully pro tected from the cold. Kindest regards to all my old friends up there. W. I!. Smith. HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. T. M. CHESNUTT. Summer Excursion Tickets Now on Sale VIA e Atlantic Coast Line By. Co. For Rates, Schedules, and all information see any Agent of Atlantic Coast Line or Write E. M. NORTH, Division Passenger Agent, -Savannah, i things in mind,- it seems a rank i justice to the beasts to call some per-1 sons jackasses—Savannah News. 1017, kept scrupulously clean. No Jeii-o ice CBEfljH Powder to become contaminated. It Is strictly puro and wholesome. Our factory is os clean os your kitchen. ICC .CREAM Is Easy to Make. 1 quart milk. mr 140 JELL-0 ICE CREAM Powder. Simple, isn't it I This makes roty Icecream >zo without cooking. icoth, vcl- isly flavored, In 10 minutes at t Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw berry. Lemon and Unflavored. * Sold by yonr grocer 2 packages for 2.V. a gallon."—or by mail if bo does not keep It. The Genesee Puro Food Co.* Lo Roy, N. Y. Tv T>, Monday. .In ViftiMN Vi* will clots oil 24th, ;0J8. Warrior Dots. As I see nothing frotn this purt of ! the county I will try to write a few notes. Mr. B. H. Stripling and family, of this section, visited Mr. H. F. Mullis on "Route 6, from Tifton. Messrs W. Z. Stripling & Sons have been cutting shingles for the. last week. Since Gov. Brown is nominated the wheels are turning once more. Messrs. B. P. M« etz & Co. have been putting in quite a number of terra cotta wells in this section., Among ihem Mrs. F. B. Vickers. Mr. W. Z. Stripling nnd the Warrior ; ^ church had one pul in. Mr. J. D. Iiobins« n, cashier of the Bank of Ix*nox, and family attended services at Warrior Sunday. C. C. St: ipjing spent Sunday with the latter’s parents. With l> wishes for the Gazette and "Little Joe” Brown, I remain Iii.L’K Eyiss. Lenox, Ga., June 18th, 1908. MOZLEV’S LEMON ELIXIR Cheap Rates to White Springs, Ha. Via G. S. & F. Ry. The Georgia Southern and Florid i! No. 4, 12:04 a. rn.; No. 6, 7:37 a. m. railway announces thc following yer,; For furlhcr information as to. Arrivals at Tifton 34 Fellows: South hound No. 1. 8:30 p. m.; No. 3, 3:35 a. m.; No. 5.8:32 p. m. Northbound No. 2,12:25 p. m., cheap round trip excursion fares from I , ..horlnl™ Tifton, Ga., to White Springs, Fla., i f at £ s ’ R ^ r , r) U \S S \ et i: and return: Season Rate $4.75, tickets j y* BO"YI-.It Union Tn apply JlulA(I i. ucnouil won CM | . Ticket Agen sale daily until September 30th, and j Tifton Ga., or address C. B. RlfGDEf limited to October ttlst, 1908. 15 Day I Gen. Pass. Agent, Macon, Ga. Tickets, $3.80, on sale daily from June ! '^^^a^y^e^S’jGULF LISE KAILWAY CO. ivhich the ticket days from the date was sold. Week-end Rates, $3.75. Tickets on sale for trains leaving Tifton at 4:15 a. m., and 3:33 p. m., of Saturdays, and at 4:15 a. m., of Sundays, until Septem ber 0th, 1908. Tickets are limited to leave White Springs returning not later than Tuesday following date of sale. Special Sunday Rates, $1.75. ”” me Table No. j, Tickets | sale only for train leaving -Tifton at! Sunday mornings September 13th, 1908. These tickets j are limited to leave White Springs re- | turning at 6:52 p. m., and arriving at Tifton at 10:10 Sunday night. The special Sunday tickets will not be hop- I *< ored in sleeping cars. The condition of the springs at White 1 Springs is excellent, and many people bathing deriving much h in and drinking of its wat^s. Further information as to rates, | schedules, etc, obtainable at Tifton | Depot Ticket Office, L. C. Bowyer, i Ticket Agent, or upon application to C.' B. Rhodes, G. P. A., Macon, Ga. I Che ip Excursion Rates to Atlantic Beach Florida. Vi* G. S. & F. Ry. summer rates to Atlantic Beach, i Geor 1908. been Th ales fr< $7.90 and tickets good to return until Augu Thu week-end rate is $1 this rate will he sold for trains Tifton at 4:15 a. m., and 3:33 p. Saturday’s and for Sunday trai in Tifton are t. this rate are ist 31st, 1908. tickets at ing 4:15 ek-e id tickets! are limited to re- age leaving Atlantic Beach ban Tuesday following date The Continental Hotel leach opened May 31th. ille 9:15 a. m. Leave Jack ia Florida East Coast railwaj ., arrive Atlantic Beach 10:2> i.-turn ing, leave Atlantic Bead ., arrive Jacksonville 0:09 p. GOOD BREAD is Vvhat you get at Garrett’s Bakery anytiir.e you want it.. ! Cakts and I'ics every day Th- (i. S. ,V F. ID The Weal Summer Hedicine ! summe of $7.SO to Pablo Be: j Watch for the wnp-on or call I at the J Uikcry, in the Tim- jmons buikiin^, on Third St. d. Un Sum! 81st, : |si|s|indIg©s6ao! i;im-nciajf v.itn Oar Guarantae Coupon m C. S. & F. RY Trains Lajva Tifton, Northbound. 12:30 p. m., No. 2, for Macon, con necting for Atlanta and all points north and west. Obser vation Parlor car to Macon. 12:10 a. m., No. 4, for Macon, con necting for Atlanta and all points north and west. Sleep ing cars for Macon. 12:10 a. m., (Dixie Flyer), for Ma con, Atlanta, Nashville, St. Louis and Chicago. Solid train carrying Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches. Diningcai service. 7:40 a. m.. No. 6, (Shoofly), local train for Macon and intermedi ate points. Trains Leave Tifton, Sruthbcuud. 3:33 p. m., No. 1, for Valdosta, Pa- latka and Jacksonville. Observa tion Parlor Car to Jacksonville. latka and Jacksonville. Sleep ing Car to Jacksonville. 8:35 p. m., No. 5, (Shoofly), local train for Valdosta and interme diate points. to* ■ J only WANTED' INFORMATION liKUAKDINU Farm or Business for sale. Not particular about locatioi wii" *- *- IViah to hoar I will sell direct to Duyer. Uive price, description and ntate when possession RacWrr, M.T. . at the j $3. for tho round trip, for which these tickets will be wil t train No. 8, leaving Tifton early S n day morning at 4:15 and they will i j limited to return, leaving Jacksonv.ti ; at 7:40 Sunday flight, date of sih j These cheap Sunday tickets will not l honored in sleeping cars, hut will h ! accepted in coaches only. Baggage wi not be checked on these tickets. Ticket will he nontransferable, requiring pa? senger’s signature to contract, an must be stamped by the Validati i; Agent in Jacksonville for the retu“ passage of the original purcha triuiiitflit of the 2 ih T»' IM.. , March I Every botjje warranted but not : o fly, latest style type, oid English, ie return d j« the report regarding Roman, Plato, Text or Script, Highest grade flexible card, 50 for 60 cents. •apjofl SJ3AJ co xaoej] fov o»t«o{q .mj^ ; *• MrA3IIOH3AmVlM03i;e rfAUXO HOnOO one returned i« the report regarding Dr Seth-Arnold’s Balsam (the best Summer Remedy) from a largenum- ht r of Druggif ti in the South. This Balsam is warranted toyoj by Tif ton Drug Co. The following schedule is in effect G. S. & F. Ry: Leave Tifton 4:15 a. m., arrive Jacksonville 9:15 a. m. Ite- Romomber, this price is for Monday only: orders taken any day in week. L be filled Monday. Mailorders solicited, no charge for postage, but stamps or j cash must accompany order, ; apply to L. C. Bowyer, Ticket Agent j r | Tifton, Ga., or addrei * , Ga., or address C. B. Rhode, 1 , | G. P. A., Macon, Ga. ' )igestsWhatYe*sEat And wakes tks_Stcmacf2 Sv/oet E. C. Do WITT & CO.. Cliicoiio. TOL is IIV HoilEngsurorth & F^idore. Foley’s Honey and To? chlldren.sate.sure. No opiate* PinesaIve* CT U““' Carbolized ■ - ^-ra-ari-‘. .-THf-W a.i.ififi