The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 26, 1908, Image 2

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mm m mail* Ran Away Local Affairs. VICTORY. r fare w« scratched and battered, r hair wax wildly acattered, idly a - _nd tattered, a'her /cnu. Don't have 9 falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at hoffle! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, it is something more than a simple hair dress ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. Her hat It hunt;and dangled, t idle held hei withou nightly, I umit tit.rightly. Iitiiulle lightly, and when the strife wm vented, Though her nocketbook w« dented, ‘ e walked away contenthd, From the "Sale." Still,* 5ARSAPAKII.U. 1 1’ILI.S. ► ClltiWV PECTORA Mrs. W. II. Dixon is visiting in Tifton.—Ashburn Farmer. Mr. J. I). Bozeman, of TyTy, was in Tifton on business Monday. Col. J. Z. Jackson, of Adel, was a business visitor in the city Monday. Little Miss L. B. Fenn, of Cordele, came down Tuesday morning to vis it Miss Maggie Warren for a few days., Mr. W. J. Hesters, manager of the Tifton Marble Works, left Mon day for'about a month’s stay in Tam pa, looking after their interests in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Peterson, ire congratulated on tfie arrival of a handsome ten-pound son Monday The Retail Merchants of Albany! , " nr " i " K ’ at Calhoun ’ (:a ” wt , K ‘ rc ...:n _.r 1 L .l„ _:i 4! Mr-**. Peterson has been spending some time. Miss Ethel Harrell, who hits been siting here for the past ten days. Mjersi Costs You Nothing to Come to Albany to Trade. * will refund, in cash, th" railroad fare of any out-of-town patron from the territory named, whose ag^re-l , ■ 11 t vis.ling iit?re xur uie punt ten uuyo, gate purchase among anv or all ol j wi . nttuherhum? j„ Tifton Friday them amounts to as much as n ; , ht . Mis Harrell is just from n any one day Come to the Host Town South Georgia to Trade. tekiutoky. ; I Columbia College, where she grad- uated. Ashburn Farmer. 1 Iiev. A. M. Bennett, pastor of Nor man Park Baptist church and field All points between Pine Bloom ' agent for Norman Institute, return ed a few days since.from a ten days’ vacation spent in North Georgia. He 1 Tifton Monday on his way to and Albany 6 . 5 . 8 , Farm Loans Promptly Negotiated Interest 0 and 7 Percent. Payable at end each year. Remember we get the money and that without delay. Terms the best. Bring all your old deeds. Prompt attention given all written inquiries. ELLIS & ELLIS, Padrick Building', Tifton. Ga. E.P BOWEN Undertaker FULL LINE UNDERTAKERS SUPfMlIS Bowio Bbofc, Tfiain St. How is This? Willacoochee, where he is assisting Rev. C. Thos. Greer in a meeting. A brilliant social function of the week that will always be remem bered, was the reception given by Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker at their home in Sycamore Wednesday eve ning from nine to twelve, celebra ting their fifteenth anniversary. - Ashburn Farmer. Among the out- of-town guests, was Miss Ava Baker, of Tifton. Mrs. M. E. Harrell, who spent the past year with relatives at Diilon, S. C., and who has been visiting her daughters at Staunton and Ashburn, has returned to Tifton to live, occu pying her cottage on Central avenue. Tifton extends her and her charm ing family a cordial welcome back home. Her daughter. Miss Ethel, who has graduated at Columbia Col lege, Columbia, S. C., since leaving Tifton, is also at home. As genial and as merry a pat ty of you lg people as can be found have been enjoying themselves at Bone Luke, the occasion being a house party given by Mr. G. T. Betts» com plimentary to Misses Kate Moyers, of Atlanta and Elma Padrick, of Tif ton. The young people went out Tuesday of last week and remained ten days. Mr. Betts’ guests includ ed Misses Kate Moyers, Elma Pad rick, Ella Mae Evans, Gussie Finney, Annie Bohannon, Vic Evans, Bessie Lawrence, Janie Betts, Ella Evans, Messrs. John Henry King, John J. Story, E. C. Harrell, L. II. Bishop, E. A. Rogers, Samuel Evans, C. W Evans, Jr., chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. C. VV. Evans, Mrs. J. W Evans, and Mr. J. S. Betts. -Ash- burn Farmer. A)th> Cates, of Tifton, is visiting the family of J.\H. Mitchell.—Patrick Cor., Griffin News and San. Misses Clara, Ada and Floy Spires, of Tifton, are spending a few days with relatives in this city.—Valdosta Times. Mrs. Earl Craddock left Tuesday for a visit of a few weeks at Tifton, Albany and Pablo Beach.—Fitzger- ald Leader. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Tift, of Tif ton, spent Sunday in] this city on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Tift.— Valdosta Times. Mrs. W. B. Hitchcock left this morning for Tifton, where she will spend several days with relatives.— Valdosta Times. Mrs. J. M. George, who has been here on a visit to her parents, re turned to her home at Tifton Satur day.—Moultrie Observer. Miss Pearl Williams left Friday for Tifton, where she will be during the summer with her>istor, Mrs. W. M. Giddens.—Ashburn Farmer and Stockman. Miss Debbie McRae, an attractive young lady of Tifton, who has been guest of the Misses Rhodes, re turned home Monday.— Moultrie Observer Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Suggs moved from their rooms-over Baker’s store Monday, to the cottage of Mr. E. P. Bowen, on Fourth street, by the Baptist church. Editor J. H. Reese, of the Hahira Dispatch, came up Friday to attend the closing exercises at the Agricul tural School and remained until Monday visiting friends. Misses Myra Sumner and Nellie Garrett, of Sumner, were in Tifton between trains Monday morning, on their way to Gainesville to attend the special six weeks -summer school. A heavy windstorm struck this sec tion about early candle light Sunday evening. The blow lasted for about thjrty minutes, but did not do any damage, except a little to timber and fencing. Prof. W. W. Driskell, of the Agri cultural School, brought the Gazette Tuesday, several fine cantaloupes. They are very large and of extra fine flavor, Quite a lot of truck is being marketed from the school farm. Mr. L. C. Spires has secured the service of a No. 1, first-class Black smith. and Horseshoer and invites the public to call at his shop, north east of Hotel Georgia,' and give him a trial. Mr. E. M. Howard is no longer in Mr. Spires’ employ. Mr. Spires has not moved, but is still at the Wurst stand. 12-2t Messrs. Jacob Vickers, of Norman Park, and A. L. Bishop, ,on route 6 from Tifton, were in the city Mon day morning on their return from the annual meeting of the Primitive Baptists, which convened Friday with Henderson’s Chapel, in Irwin county. F*no WoHc. .Vo, I don’t mind bumpin', chopping cotton in = And dropping pea* iu June-tune and re-banging Feeding bog* ami building fences, hustling early and late; But oft ask the question, when busy o ‘•’fell me, little angels, wheu this work will all be done?" hikin' around at daylight, feeding horses at dawn, pthe cc_ Turning calves in »g calves in the pasture am ibe plows; More Z do, 1 have to, and always o u me iuu. “Tell me, little angels wheu this work will l>e tinUUed—do^e? " the roosters c: owing, jump un out of bad For Urgent Sale. And haul the cart out irom cover of the shed; And the corn-taeM-Is waving, sebnilug reaching up to Hcd, I aui daily facing nature, turning up the sod. * ruining my complexion,pull* ' ‘‘ the ‘•Ik) tell t '. little pi ex inn, pulling 1 wider in igels, when this work Will all be done' Vo time t? ’tend big meetings, and my flabiag’i t the joined the farmers' union, plenty uni nere at bmm*. But got a |lvly Imping to "reap where I have Farm work keeps me busy, just humpin’ on the "Tell me’, little angels, when this work will all Cl! AS. F. M II.I.Kit. IT SAVED MY LIFE-WRITES EC ZEMA PATIENT. Pineules for the Kidneys, 30 days’ trial $1.00, Guaranteed. Pineules act directly on the Kidneys and bring relief in the first dose to backache, weak back, lame back, rheumatic mins, kidney and bladder trouble. They purify the blood and invigorate the entire system. Sold by Mills. Drug Co. Loaded 34 Cars. Bed-iidden Sufferer Completely Cured by Use of D. D. D. External Wash. One of the most remarkable Ec zema cures recently credited to the well known 1). D. D. Prescription has just been recorded in Chicago. Mrs. E. Hegg. 1550 West Madison street, under date of Dec. 9, 1907, writes as follows: “I suffered three years with Weep ing Eczema. It started with a little spot on my knees and spread fast over my whole body. I spent hun dreds of dollars and went to everv good doctor I heard of, but kept getting worse. Nothing would stop the awful itch and burning. “I had to stay in bed from the middle of May to the middle of July. Then I tried D. D. D. Prescription. This is the 9th of December and I am entirely free from the terrible disease. D. I). D. saved my life. "When I began this treatment, people were afraid of me I looked so ( terrible. My husband was the only one who would take care of me. D. \ D. I). stopped the itch at once so I could sleep, which I had not done, before. Then I began to get better fast and now my skin is clear and white, not a spot anywhere.” Just a few drops of D. D. D. pre scription applied to the skin brings relief—nothing to swallow or drink. We vouch for 1). D. D. Prescription, also the cleansing D. D. D. Soap. Robertson’s Drug Store. Get a bot tle to-day if you have any skin dis ease. Begin your cure at once. 1 Saw Mil] Outfit Complete 10,000 feet capacity. 30-hp Return Tubular Boiler 25-hp Atlas Engine Saw Mill Complete. BUTTING SAW RIG. liOcated at ISTashville, G-a. One Shingle Mill Ouift Complete. 40-hp Return Tubular Boiler Simonds Shingle Machine. DRAG SAW - BOLTER - PACKER . EMERY GRINDER. Located at Pinetta, Ela. For a Building Site at Tifton. Treasury Department, Office of The Secretary, Washington, D. C., June 5, 1908. Proposals will be received, to be opened at 2 o’cIock p. m., July 9th, 1908, for the sale or donation to the United States of a suitable site, cen trally and conveniently located, for the Federal building to be erected in Tifton, Georgia. A corner lot of (approximately) 120 x 130 feet, is required. Each proposal must give the price, the character of founda tions obtainable, the prdximity to | street cars, sewer, gas, and water j mains, etc., and must be accompa-| nied by a diagram indicating the' principal street, the north point,! the dimensions and grades of the 120-hp Boiler anil 18-hp Engine on steel wheels. Locates at Younker, Q-eorgia. WRITE Valdosta Foundry Valdosta, & Machine Ca Georgia. TO THE PEOPLE WHO EAT!! land, the widths and pa\ n ; of ad- [ jacent streets and alleys, whether the alleys are public or private, and whether or not the city_nwns land j occupied by sidewalks. y owns lanu The vendor! If You Believe in Good, Pure, Clean and ; Wholesome Food, Read This, If ■ Not, Throw It Away, must pay all expenses connected furnishing evidences of title with and deeds of conveyance. Improve ments on the property must be re served by the vendor: but pending the commencement of the federal building they may remain on the land up.m payment of a reasonable ground rent. ~ The 800 bales of cotton sold by Mr.! m, U’0Ver, foniOve all E.I>. Bowen of Tifton, toJ.K. Liv- ™ — A SIMPLE REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA. 100 Words a Minute In less than a month. This record has been made with Ferguson Short hand. You can do as well. All commercial branches taught address The Ferguson College, Columlts. (ia. Waycross, (ia. JOE GONG, City Laundry. Make it up for Yourtelf From & Special ist’s Prescription. We publish below the formula of an expert stomach specialist, whose fee for diagnosis and prescription is #25.00. Anyone is free to use this formula and make the medicine up for himself at home. It is said to be marvelously curative in severe cases of indigestion and dyspepsia, especially where there n excess of gas on the stomach. On the other hand, it is free from harmful ingredients and will not injure the most delicate tissues. While im- ingston, of Cordele, last week, loaded and shipped Friday and Sat urday, via the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. The shipment made 34 carloads. The cotton will be compressed at Cordele and from there shipped to the various mills for which it w; bought. Under the agreement of sale, all that did not class middling was thrown out. Mr. Bowen had 895 bales on hand, and when those that graded middling and better were counted there were just 800of them. The cotton sold will bring Mr. Bowen an average of 11.68 cents. The grantor must, all improvements so to do. The proposal is re- I. . Every person should be very careful in. regard to their diet, and esp their MEATS. We butcher only the very best young fat cattle. The man who does our lulling has had twenty years experience, consequently all animals are bled freely; they are then brought to the market as quick as possible, put fn cold storage where it remains a sufficient length of time to become well refrigerated. We keep our refriger ator perfectly clean, not allowing anything to remain m it long enough to souVor'get >ur blocks, counters, and scales, tools, etc., are kept stale. And we then see to it that our 1 _ _ i absolutely clean, all of which is absolutely necessary to perfect preservation and scaled, marked "Proposal for Fed eral building si teal Tifton, Georgia,” and mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury (Supervising Architect,) Washington, 1). C. No special form of proposal is required or provided. Geo. B. Cortelyou, 12-3t Secretary. CURES DANDRUFF. We call your attention to the fact that we carry as near* as possible every thing that is usually carried in a City Market. We have just made arrangements with a Tennessee firm to furnish us with Corn Fed, “Sugar Cured/’ Hams and Shoulders, “Country Style.” INSURES. BEAUTIFUL HAIR. ANTI-ALOPECIA We Carry a Complete Line of Fancy Fish Such as Pampano, Spanish Mackerel, Red Snapper, Fresh First-class Wn r k ’ and Prompt Service. Railroad St. Tiwtok The finest lme of WALL PAPER ever ubuwn in the Slate. BROWN S STUDIO mediate relief ia to be expected, it i, | Deduct from this tho C03t of the , ow recommended that the treatment 1* grades thrown out will leave him an contmued for three wwk. m order to | ay ofl |) > d guarantee a complete cure. i..... . .. _ , ... Get from your druggist 4 oz sodium lltt,e better - Part of the lot cost phosphate, 1 oz essence sealmint. Take J over 1.1 cents, but the an 8 ounce 0 pint) bottle with a good majority not so much. There was cork, fill it nearly full of hot water; al f? considerable loss in weights. , added to tho charge for storage and , insurance, to bring the n£t re- Water and Sea Trout. Bream, Perch and many others too numerous to mention. ■ FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE * WILL CURE YOU £ any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright’s Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 30c. and $1.00 Bottle*. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. H MILLS DRUG CO. then put the 1 oz.-sodium phosphate in ami add 1 teaspoonful of good baking soda. Ix't stand until cool, and add 1 ssence sealmint, and shake well Take two teaspoonfuls before each meal. It is said that nearly 90 per cent, of all indigestion and dyspepsia is due to fermentation of food in the stomach. This prescription is designed to counter act that, td stimulate the digestive se cretions, and' to regulate the move ments of the bowels. Certainly, unlets it possessed remarkable virtue it would have been impossible for the originator of it to hav;e won such a high reputa tion in his profession, for he uses it in -tenths of the cases that come be fore him. 6-12-12t. THE CASTOR IA For Infant, and.Children. Tbs Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of Druggists suit Jt for |n-r bottle It ahnul t..!lrt table. For *.ile Wo Invite You to Call on Us and Inspect Oar Market. Respectfully, % ‘ -iif^ ived down to a point where he will hardly come out clear on the crop. How’s This Tifton Dru? Co, Tifton, Ceoraia. The City Market. Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J, Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio. _ We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli- fiiNGS il'SPePSIA TABLETS Relieve Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. P- s. You can get thirty days credit if you are worthy and deserve ‘it. If you are not worthy you know it and please don’t ask for It. Valdinu, k inn an & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of thesystem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for eon- stipotion. Patronize Tifton Steam Laundry, a home industry with home rtien capitalists. The Ills peculiar to women, take different forms. Some ladles suffer, every month, from dark rings round their eyes, blotches os their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain, that words can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there Is one medicine thatvriS go beyond mere symptoms,and act on the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organs. ' Wine of Cardui Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Memphis, Term., vrttes: Tor five (5) yean I suffered with every symptom of female disease, but after using the veU-kuovn Cardui Home Treatment, I was entirely veX" WRITE US A LEITH s--. 4;' > 1 >^V ■