The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 14, 1916, Image 1

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V^BOA© ISSUE CARRIED THE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916. VOLUME XXVII, NUMBER 49. I i u awj ssary. wo hui At yesterdays election, the voters of Tifton authorized an me of $76,000 in bond* for public improvement*. The total lie was 355 out of a registration of 404. It was one vote mi lan the total poll in the hotly contested election last Decern* fir, when the total was 354. i This waS the result! £ For School Bonds, 342. Against School Bonds, 9. For Waterworks Bonds, 348. Against, 4. For Street Paving Bonds, 331. Against, 20. For Fire Department Bonds, '346. Against Fire Department Bonds, 4. The vote was almost unanimous, when those moved av/ay, ds, or unavoidably out of the city, are considered. To carry any one bond issue, £69 votes were necesi Before noon, when the vote climbed well past two turn ed, t was seen that at least two of the issues would go e total had climbed past three hundred, and it was felt all ur, issues would carry. The issues sure for: High School Building and Equipment, $30,000, Extension of Waterworks, $25,000. Fire Department, $6,000. Street Paving, $15,000. Total, $76,000. - —EASTERN LOCATION CHOSEN. A separate ballot-box was kept, in which those desiring do so expressed their choice for a location for the new High ihool building. This vote was: For the present site, 63. For Tift avenue site, 275. Th isUf t ANNUAL PICNIC DODD CUT DAVIS FRIDAY MAY m RAPE IS CHARGED Sunday Schools of City and Coun-. Keeper of Ferry Lake Club House ty Will Meet Here I Under Serious Charge ELABORATE PLANS FOR 9AV I2 YEAR-OLD GIRL ALLEGED FAULKNER WILL LECTURE HERE District Health Board Has Him for Five Nights. IRWIN AND TIFT COUNTIES To H«ar About Work of Great An- thtuberculosis Foundation. Ma larial Survey Will Be Made It will be of deep interest to the CARRANZA DEMANDS REMOVAL Washington, April 13—General Carranza's note, demand ing the withdrawal of the United States forces from Mexico, was received this morning by Mexican Ambassador Arrendoo- do and delivered to Secretary Lansing. The note is now being studied by. the officials, who are gravely concerned over the demand. The communication is a long one, and goes into all of the diplomatic exchanges regarding the United States expedition. It was briefly stated that Carranza claims that this coun try misinterpreted his former communications, and that no re ciprocal agreement exists whereby the United State* and Mex- i Singing Contest Will Be Feature. Cause of Assault* Which Came Near Tift Piney Woods Park Selected , Resulting Fatally. Dodd Released; For Meeting Place This Year Warrant Sworn Out for Davis. Friday, May 12th, has been named J. T. Davis, keeper for the Ferry „ MV¥| , „.. w , # as the day and Tift’s Piney Wood? Lake club house, on Alapaha river, 1 people of Irwin and Tift counties to * can troopt can pursue bandits who cross the border after com- Park as the place for the annual Tift was seriously cut last night by J. A. j learn that Mr. Faulkner, secretary * mitting depredations. County Sunday School picnic this Dodd. |of the Raoul Foundation, is to visit] The note states that Villa’s band has been scattered year. This being the decision of a A telephone message asking for. and lecture in several places in these j glsat the Carranza force* can exterminate what remains of it committee composed of represents- help was recoivod in Tifton last counties during the week of April tives of all tho Sunday Schools in night about 8 o’clock, and Deputy 24th. This was decided upon at a Tifton, held yesterday afternoon, at Rosser Shaw and Dr. Peterson went meeting of tho County Board of which time the committee went into out to the club house. Mr. Davis Health held Monday night. careful consideration of the mntter, was brought to the Tift County Hos- j It was also decided to have a ma- of date and place. ; pitol and Mr. Dodd was caried to the - ]aj-ial survey made of Tift county, The matter of place was taken up county jail.. ] nn d a petiti n has been sent tho by the committee in full discussion Davis had a deep cut on the left United States Health Service to mid and a visit to the places suggestedj side of his neck, from tho back, j j n this work. and after the visit was made, it was coming around under his chin. An- A full report of the mooting held unanimously voted to select Tift’s other cut laid open the left cheek, I Monday night follows: Park, which is located just at the j another slight one under the chin j The Tift County Board of Health edge of \he city and is spacious, high and several small cuts on the back met with Dr . l. a Baker, Chairman, and covered with beautiful pines. | of tho neck. His wounds nro not I ple siding. Ample provision will be made for ■ considered dangerous unless compli-; Mr. J. J. Golden, Dr. L. A. Baker the accommodation of a largo crowd, cations sot in. I and £>r. A. G. Fort were present, it being expected that there; Dodd was given a committal hear-, nn( j matters of special interest were : more in attendance this year than ing before Judge Sellars this morn- ^ taken up and discussed, lever before. Lost year there were ir.g. He said ho cut Davis because| Thc report 0 f tbe District Com- | something like 2,700 in attendance °f the latter's relations with Dodd s niissioner of Health wns read and or- I and this year's crowd will, it is ex- twelve-year-old daughter. He said ho; dared approved and ‘filed for record. * Tift avenue site is 240 feet, facing on Tift avenue pected, outnumber that of 19! 5. j first heard of these relations yes- j j t was decided that every effort the courthouse, running back 420 feet to a new street. i Tnb,C3 wiu be erected; swings put terday and that he went out to his ba madc t0 makc a malarial survey .. . ! up; a stand for the speaker and sing- fathers where his daughter is living 0 f Tift county an( j petition of Irwin The election was very quiet, despite the great interest i[]g contcstants be provided and a "d asked her about it. Sho confess- and Tin countic9 to the Un itcd ,!«• “ut an extra spurt was put on, and before 2 o clock everything done that can bo thought ed that tho reports were true, and statc!l PubHc Realth Service for anifitsted. .The workers were earnest, but ao near of one of to makc this year’s picnic the he attacked Davis with the intention sistance in this mntt „ waa forward- ind {that there was little discussion. j most enjoyable one yet held. of hilling him. Dodd’s father pre- , C( j through tho Georgia State Board I Every white Sunday school in tho vented his carrying out his intention.' ^ Health, same being signed by ev- P'tiris, April 13—Another attempt by the Germans to cap-” 1 '" 1 * be in , vi 1 ted ‘° at ; end ’ , flnd STSLSUd lW^TnTifl' e ,y member of Irwin and Tift Coun- ” there will be elaborate plana laid uoaa 18 a painter and Uvea In nr- ty Hoards of Health; by tho district for a gigantic singing contest,, for ton. , I commissioner of health and approv- which prizes will bo offered. j After hearing Dodd s statement, | cd b y p r; . A . p Little and J. L. It is expected that the merchants •fbdgc Sellars released him on his talker, representatives on tho State Paris, April 13—It was announced by the Admiralty to- ! of the city will arrange to close their own recognizance. A warrant was jj oard o{ Health. places of business that day, as well ,ssuea for Davis charging him with J ■p bo action of thc District Com as tho schools, so that everyone will r< 'P° , jmissloncr of Health in inviting Mr. m. r , ,* ,. , .: . , . j have opportunity to go out to the J * ”• Davls ’ cut b Y , A ’ Dodd > | James L. Faulkner, Secretary of The prisoners have already confirmed the information park . Monday night at Ferry Lake, waa tha Raoul Foundation Antl-Tubercu- The committee appointed to meet arrested under a warrant sworn out ]ogis Agsociationi to vigit Bnd yesterday was simply given power to Dodd charging rope and carried Tift COHnt i e s was approved and the select the place nnd name the date to T ‘ft county jail fiom the hospital Commissioner was requested to give for tho picnic. Other committees will Tuesday morning. Davis asserts his hjg lccturoa and yirita all possible now be appointed to work out tho mnoceneq of tho crime, plans for the day and these things; °~ " _ will bo done at once, and ns they pro- j CROWD TO SYLVESTER gress, thc Gazette will keep the peo- , , ~ _ pie posted as to the plans. 1 T « Hi * b Scohol Meet Thursday and Friday. It asks that the United States forces be withdrawn at once, and also asks that the “negotiations for a reciprocal agreement" be ended, as there is no longer a necessity for such an agree ment. Pfcri ire if 11 in cif I No. 304 was frustrated last night by the French cur- ..... fire. /The night was generally calm along the rest of the front { Paris, April 13—It was announced by the Admiralty to- = - - .... f that the German submarine which torpedoed the Sussex, P la “ s ofjiusmcss^that day, well ° r aV18 c arfnnB im wi , destroyed on April 5th, and her crew captured. hands of the French Government regarding the attack j I vessel. Since 1866 The Losses By Conflagation AMv iSCARBOUO In The United States meaning fires involving a loss of half a million or more dol larr, have amounted to more than CHIP DESTROYED EYE nine hundred and thir ty-six million dollars! Fire Insurance is avail able for protection AGAINST Financial Loss. 0ORN AT BRAINTREE. MASS UPOtl HIS MOTIOM WASHINGTON WAS CHOSEN TO LEAD THE ARMIES. AND THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE WAS THE RESOLUTION OFFERED BY HIM IN MAY 1776, THAT THE COLONIES FORM AN INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT. HE WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. Mr. Hui. Conn.r Met With Misfor tune et Sew Mill While working at the saw mill owned by himself and his brother, near Ty Ty, Wednesday, Mr. Huie Conner was hit in the right eye with a chip that flew from the saw. The chip struck with such force that the eye was lacerated to the depth of a quarter of an inch and the wound caused a great deni of pain. Mr. Conner was brought to Tifton and taken to tho Tift County Hos pital where Dr*. Welch and Smith removed the injured eye last night, the wound being so severe as to ren der the optic useless. Mr. Conner was reported as resting easy following the operation, and un less something unlooked for develops, he will be able to be about again Fri day. Ho has thc sympathy of a large cir cle of friends in his misfortune and at the tame time congratulations that only one eye was destroyed. ATLANTA SPECIALISTS COMING APRIL 19th -thi* School Teacher not content to be a school teacher always, nbed until he reached the goals of Pres- Sd Vice-President of the United States, lesson for the ambitious and it is for better things ahead. 6< content to live in a rut. to him who is prepared for wees*. To be have a bank account. It is OF TIFTON GEORGIA Growth on the Eye Removed. Cat aract. Absorbed and Cross Eyes Straightened Without Knife or Pain by Our New Meth od—Eyes Scientifically Measured For Glosses. j CONSULTATION FREE | Dr. J. R. Hughes and Kennon Mott, the eminently successful Eye and Chronic disease specialists of | Atlanta, arc coming again to Tifton, [This is a boon to those suffering | from bad eye, ear, nose and th.oat, nervousness, headache, stomach and kidney and catarrh, rheumatism, dropsy and ail diseases of the body. These noted specialists have succeed ed where others failed, because of their long experience and apeeiat practice, ao see them. Special ab sorbent treatment of Adenoids, Ton sils will avoid th* knife and pain. Diseases of the eyes of women snd children successfully treated. In •ome cases eyes ean be corrected so that glasses are not needed. See them at the Myon Hotel, Wcdnes- ! day, April 19th. Don’t forget the ‘ date. adv. 1 (From Thursday's Daily.) There will be at leaat twelve and perhaps moro can, gaily decorated and filled with students and their friends going to Sylvester tomorrow to bo present at thc District High School Contest. About eight cars loft this after noon carrying those of the contest ants, who are to take part in tonight’s program, and those of tho faculty of Tifton's School who have gone to make the preliminary arrangements for the main events which will be held tomorrow morning, afternoon and night. Debate Principal Feature The debate between Sylvester and Tifton teams tomorrow night will at- tact thc most attention, because the winning team will represent tho dis trict at Athens in June, tho two teams to meet tomorrow night being those left in thc triangular debating con test, the other having been elimi noted. In this Tifton will be represented by Pate Carson and Wesley Hargrctt, and the subject will be the same as heretofore debated. Resolved, That the appointment of Judges by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate would be a better meth od than the - present one for Geor gia. Tonight’s Program. Thc contests will hogin at Syives- publicity. Mr. Faulkner will bo here the week beginning April 24, 1918, nnd will give nn illustrated lecture some where evory night for five nights. Dr. A. G. Fort waa appointed del egate for Tift County Board of Health at tho meeting of $b>t e County and Municipal Health Offi cer* Association which is to be held at Columbus, Go., April 18. B1 Paso, Texas, April 13—General Pershing’s expedition ary force of fourteen thousand men is today surrounded by ap proximately thirty thousand Carranistas, who are waiting for the diplomatic show-down that must follow the Carranza note. Twelve thousand of the Carranzistas are within striking, dh'aiice of the United States advance forces and ten thousand have taken up positions between the United States troops and the border, with several other Mexican commands scattered along General Pershing’s line of communication. These movements were made obviously to back up the demands of Carranza that the United States troops be with drawn from Mexico. El Paso, Texas, April 13—The Carranzista officers at Jaurcz regard the situation caused by Carranza’s demand as s distinct diplomatic triumph for their First Chief. They predict that, under the circumstances, the United States forces will have to be withdrawn. Washington, April 13—Officials here refused to discuss the Carranza. note previous to .its consideration by President Wilson, but declared that there is no present intention of this Government to change its original policy towards Mexico. San Antonio, Texas, April 13—General Funston refused to discuss the Carranza note this morning. It is known, however, that he has asked for more troop* in view of the disposition of the Carranzista forces. , San Antonio, Texas, April 13—The United States troops were fired upon Sunday at dawn as they entered Parral. The Carranza General Guitteroz transmitted the first in formation of the fight, stating that the Viilistas and citizens were surprised by the appearance of the Americans. The officers suspect that the Carranzista troops also par ticipated in shooting at the Americans. LARGEST SHIPMENT OF HATS Evar Received la Tlflon Came Yea- terday to W. H. Parker It looked like a carload of 'em to a Gazette reporter as the boxes were piled outride Mr. W. II. Perker’a place, “On the Corner,” end he waa excusable in thinking it wet a car load. Investigation showed that the boxes contained atrawhate, and Mr. Parker stated that he had seen where the men were taking a lot of interest in the Straw Hat Day ao he wired the makers of thc Brigham Hopkins hats to ship him the lot. They are beauties and the shelves, show-cases and tables in tho store are filled with them. There is also a splendid display of tho hats and what they are made from in Mr. Par ker’s window. Don’t you take our word for it go and take a look at the window, and no matter how wise a guy yon may be, you will bo a wiser one when you have done so. So many of them and such a vari ety of prices! Guess wc had better stop talking about thorn and let you sec what wo are talking •- M Rome, April 13—A dispatch received here from Geneva, states that the Kaiser has returned to his Potsdam palace ill, as a result of his worry over the heavy losses and failure to take Verdun. Washington, April 18—Germany will get another oppor tunity to reissue her pledges that her submarine commanders will obey international law. President Wilson has so decided, and another communication setting forth the position of this government is being drafted. The United States will not accept the claim of Germany that the Sussex was'not torpedoed. The note will resemble an ultimatum, in that it will make it clear that the United States will no longer tolerate Germa ny’s violation of her pledges. Washington, April 13—Attorney General Gregory has re fused to furnish Congress with the information obtained in the Standard Oil investigations, on the ground that it would be in compatible with the public interest It is stated that another suit against thc Standard Oil Company is contemplated, because it has never been dissolved, as ordered by the Supreme Court. ter tonight with Recitation, Tifton | K ° and being represented in this event by j a fi° ut - Miss Leila Gatehe’.l. Following the! ~ . .. ” recitation contest thr.t of music will; DO YOU WANT ,T - come up and Miss O'.Ioon Coe is Tif-| ton's selection for this. Thursday's Program The program for tomor-ow starts j at 9 o’clock in the morning and »c give tho events in the order in which they come together with Tifton’s rep resentative. 9 a. m Spelling Miss Mildred Slack. Girl’s Essay. Miss Beatrice Hut chinson. Boy’s Essay. Ralston Padrick. 10 a. m Declamation. Roy Stipe. 2 p. m—Athletics. Julian Over- street, Ralston Padrick, Cleo Smith. Jeff Parker, Weriey Hargrett 8 p. m.—Debate. Pate Carson 1 and Wesley Hargrett. Herbert L. Moor, I With each 10 Copies of Sheet mus- (ic, 10c each, we will give a Bcauti If So, Send in Invitation for County Singing Convention The Kxrcu'ive Committee of the Tift. County Singing Convention met in the court house Saturday in re sponse to cali nt Secretary. It was decided that al churches or communities calling for the Tilt Countv Convention should do so and fix the date to said application to suit their convenience for said Con vention and send same to me to be passed upon by them ’on Saturday, June 3td. at the court house in Tif ton. All applications should lie in by cr 1-cfore that time. J. S. Royal, Secretary. CoJofuilfyUm/ QjrurXh&jtiu dtojruL i Graduate Optometrist , Two years of continuous practice Silas Cleveland, cn.ored, was ar- m ri - -i scares of satisfied cus- reated by Deputies Oscar Oliver and tomets If you arc suffering with Rossie Shaw Wednesday night, charg- headache, or other trtuUcs caused fat Marie Portfolio, Kent’s 12d2wt ,ta rrow. ed urfrt, --it:,. rr„ by eve strain be sure and consult me eowiJt gelling wh-scy-He wi.I havs gu ne* property fitted a hearing before Judge Sellars to- #oi.'t relieve them. Ac cur office •he Mjnn Ho-tl Block ever/ day. ^7 gWK :T5» MEMBER FEDERAL raSEWE SYSTEM OF BANKS OVER ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN GOLD WAS PUT UP BY THE “FEDERAL RESERVE” SYSTEM OF BANKS, IN TWO DAYS, AS A BASISON WHICH THEU. S. GOVERNMENT ISSUES MONEY. OUR BANK IS A MEMBER OFTHIS “FEDER AL RESERVE” SYSTEM. WE CAN TAKE OUR SECURITIES TO OUR DISTRICT "FEDERAL RESERVE” BANK AND GET MON EY. YOU CAN GET YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU WANT IT WHEN IT IS DEPOSITED IN OUR BANK. BANK WITH US. WE PAY S PEA CENT INTEAE8T ON TIME DEPOSITS. The National Bank of Tifton, Ga rim ■