The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 12, 1916, Image 1

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U-BOATS INSTRUCTED xlin, May 11—All German submarine conAnanders have ed their new orders, sent to them at the direction of the German officials are confident now that no further errors be made which might renew the crisis between the United States and Germany. Paris, May 11 The Germans suffered another check at Verdun early this morning, when the French met and repulsed a'furious attack near Vaux with the bayonet. This effort, like the attack of yesterday, is believed to be Art of an attempt on the part of the Crown Prince to find the weak place in the French lines which so far has failed. LAST NIGHT’S WAR SUMMARY JUDGE EUGENE GOX IN CONGRESS RAGE A FALLING TREE KILLS Mils. WILLIS Makes Formal Announcement of I Lived Sixteen HoUrs After Sus Candidacy Today I - ‘■in"* juries. PRETTY HOT RAGE INDICATED CLEARING OFF A NEW GROUND NELSON’S SLAYER GOT LIFE SENTENCE! San Francisco, Calif., May 11.—A life boat washed ashore with three survivors at Port San Louis this morning brought Doubt as to Identity Saved tom tb ® fir,t " e " a ° f *'“ k!n ? of tho ^earner Roanoke, with a loss 1 of from forty-five to fifty lives. ' Johnson’s Life The three survivors were seamen and were half dead from AN EASTMAN NEGRO FlGUREOr 1 The Roanoke left San Francisco Monday night heavily : On the western front in France, notable in the region of pun, which for weeks has been the theatre of the most ruinary conflicts of the world war, comparative calm pre- ed. The French, however, have been able to capture por- s of a German trench on the west slope of Le Mort Homme to put at naught a German attack near Hill 287, and in wood of Malancourt and Le Mort Homme, launched in an eavor to advance further the German line toward Yerdun. The bombardment by the Teutonic allies of points on the oiran-Gievlgi sector of the Macedonian front continues, ac- rding to unofficial advices. r having thrown numerous shells into the town of Mayada,, thBt {orm the dittrlft Preliminary Rsmarlu Presage an Ag- I Unaware of Danger Until Children greteive Campaign. Thad Adams Ca ll#d Warning. Tragedy O*. Campaign Manager «■"** North of Ty Ty Moultrie, May 11—E. E. Cox, Mrs. D. S. Willis died at her homt judge of the Albany circuit, who has about five miles north of^Ty Ty Tues for several weeks been understood i day morning at 9 o’clock, from in to be a candidate for Congress from juries sustained whed she was struct the Second district, today definite- by a falling tree Monday afternoon ly announced his candidacy. His I about 6 o’clock, campaign will be managed by Thad Mr. Willis was clearing a small 1 the Albany and Brunswick division Adams, who has been active in the I piece of new ground., and Mrs. Wil-1 of the old Plant System, o nthe first politics of this district for a number I lis was picking up of years. Headquarters will be „ tree was on fire, opened in Moultrie at once and Mr. I farther burned than Adams wil) direct the campaign from! being-busy at work this point I her danger until According to information given her called that the out here, Judge Cox is going to wage | she ran then, bu laden for South American ports, and carried several deported la Case, Despite Positive Identifies-1 M<Mticata citizens On board. tion of Johnson by Many Mon , n , _ . . , ... „ , ,, Who Formerly Knew Him The R °anoke ran ,nto a 8 a,e shortly after she left port. Readers of the Gasette will remem- and when ono hundred mi,es lo the » oulk of San Francisco the her the publication on April 21st of vessel broke half in two, sinking like a rock, news of the capture in Augusts for Captain Dixon dived into the sea after his wife, who was Sheriff Price, of Wayne county, of I thrown overboard by the lurch of the ship, and neither was the negro, Tom Johnson, who mur dered Conductor Jas. F. Nelson on seen again. El Paso, Texas, May. 11.—Generals Scott, Funston and near where I Sunday in July, 1894. Johnson has I Obregon went into what promised to be a final conference at was evidently since been tried but nothing appenred ten o’clock this morning. • r * ' c thought, and I in the papers about it. Col. J. H. Price None of the Generals would make a statement before thg 10 did not see of Tifton, being interested in thei - children near case as is nearly every one in this . .. , was falling. section, wrote his brother, D, 3. El Paso, Texas, May 11.—After an hour’s conference with unfortunately Price, who is Sheriff of Wayne, to General Obregon. General Scott has asked for additional in- a vigorou* fight for the scat now 1 directly under the trii as It feU. In ask what had been done with John- atructions from Washington. held in Congress by Judge Frank falling, the tree eith f knocked Mrs. son.' This Is the Sheriff’s reply: At noon the conference was still waiting instruc tions from Park. It is stated that he will ir. a I Willis to one side, or ebounded when I Jesup, Ga., May 8, 1916.1^. ca nital .j? :—I havo your letter of J; The Germans, the Wf lb, iCU&Ml eUlaen. thr.u.heu. one side, Johnson, and replying beg to advise Mexico are being Warned to leave that country at-once.' Th* I help found her lying t one, and it that the jury trying him saw fit to I warning is not being confined to any one .section, she was badly recommend that he be punished by The officials here for the most part are maintaining sit- was summon-1Ilf« imprisonment. I dice regarding the situation. They state that everything hinge* [lpied the place, but were compelled to evacuate under a< Judge Cox atated that he nould . The tree wM , ,, inch counter-attack. Numerous 17-inch guns are being j later announce his declaration of WO s seen at once thi led along this front by the Germans. i principles, and that it will contain hurt. Dr. Pickett, wl ", A royal commission has been appointed to investigate the, some positive views is indicated by I ed found her badly 1 ,.-i Wtalllon, wh,c T seemingly has been MS *“ ” fcj TZ ftTSSSS? «... !*"»'O^B.1 Obreg.m n. En,„o Jow n. Premier Asquith has informed the House of Commons j (<I have for aomet j me cherished an limbs and body. She died from her the question of one negro having Unless General Obregon consents to let the United State* that there seems to be no necessity for any more extreme mea- j ambition to a«Ve my district in I injuries about 9 o’dock Hie next|be«n killed at Eastman, Ga., aoma ten troops stay in Mexico until Villa is killed or captured the con- re s against the rebels. Debate on the Irish situation has been J Congress, and my candidacy U an-1 morning. 1 *- ™ —* 1 l -’— “ -*—'*■ - ken up. One[ I thought I was going to have^aI n the result of the conference today between General Scott it poned in the House of Commons until Thursday, pending! nounced thi * Am® in response to ! .1. • a * s • . i.1 fit ! wkat nnnuari fn »n** tft ha thn rlo. vhith no more executions of leaders in the revolt will takc whBt »pp«®v® to me to be the da- was a Mrs. McCook. , J_ mand of qjdsting conditions. Before her mai is a Mrs. McCo< irty-five years 'The office of Congressman holds I two or three children.' From none of the other fronts has any indication come, the poas i bimies for correction of 'of ntaterial change in the positions of the belligerents. Late I Veprfrts show the Russians have been repulsed in an attack on ' " 1 Germans Bouth .of Garbunovka, suffering heavy casualties, fhe Austro-ltalian front the usual bombardments and iso- i infantry attacks are still in progress. many glaring inequalities which! cause unrest and which from year to I TO RESTRAIN SHERIFF. years ago that was supposed to belference will be broken off abruptly. Although Secretary Baker Mrs. Willis 1 tho Tom Johnson that killed Condue-| g ^ cc j no mory troops have been ordered to the border, ii and* leaves I it ^ing'steted' that* T Southern°RaU- I ** known that the War Department has planned for action and way Conductor Jams. I. Lowery, who is fully prepared to meet any emergency, including genera) was recently nominated for Sheriff hostilities. of Fulton County, did kill a negrol The Navy Department has also completed plans for block- at Eastman who was Identified by a I ading the entire coast of Mexico. Light draft cutters and gum L-T«lraLelUto»| n y?..y°. m * n the ^. T . om Johnll ° n I boati as well as the heavier warships have already been as- <5 Court who killed Conductor Nelson. , . ... ., .. , „ ... „ 1 This caused a little doubt to arise s bf ncd their Places, and only await orders to sail. New York,.May 11.—Opening cbtton i ober, 18.16.- May The Day De Far Distant year work a more serious hardship Attorneys for Rallr. upon the burden carrying people of I whiskey Case Into ' “Tho introduction of the clement I yesterday" at the rather''sensational I which tbc trial Jury saw fit to givel Marathon, Texas, May Hr—Colonel Macomb with two of good faith is greatly needed in theLzy fci which a crop of distilled corn th « ncgro tho benefit of, notwith- troops and a machine gun company of the Fifth Cavalry aflifilmsiration of governmental of-1 :m(1 ^ was planted• «n^firvestedi5Li^E?-i ho fact lhBt thi * mttn wn * at Boquillas by noon today and Macomb will at once 'fttir*. A policy of candor and frank- in a Coffee county cornfield. Hero 1 positively lJelittfiBtUiy.h.-_n. 1’eaglor,I ji aDil ti-h Major Langhorn and two troops of cavalry across jness should prevail as between the |g a aupp i em * n t t0 the story from the| who work, “ I Tom Jo , h " so " 7? r ,." v *l the border ih of the Glenn Springs fjtLaefT* ! people and their representatives, end Macon Teleirranh. years, and wns e partner with Hux- : . ... - iniaers. i _—-I,— . -c—.u i— -,.-_. J l slacon “legrapn. • m Ir—j » u l. i. I Colonol Sibley, at Boqti'nUw ^'.Vecting the expedition, te Marathon will be an im- WHEN THE Dread Destroyer Fire Visits Your Home! . May The Day Also Be Far Distant That Finds You Without years, and was a partner with Hux promise fulfillment should bo placodl’ theT "petition of the'ocilla, | forl1 whcn Tom was brought here above promise making. Pinobloom and Vnldosta Railroad Co.’, from South Carolina i and b y Steve The developments indicate “The distribution of public P a ‘- Judge Emory Speer, in United States Spence, who also worked him, also by portimt base, ronage is merely incidental to tho I dlgtrlct court, yesterday entered ," ko *!L P *** lel l The fate of James Dtemer, the American merchant who work of a Congressman. It le aome- {ormal order x »,tralning and enjoin- “ u * t ” d * *!!!, * wag captured by the raiders, is unknown. This is one of th* .thing, however, that should be han- in „ sheriff David RUkstaon of Coffee y* Brs Bn <l WB0 BBW aira ,ho °t Con-1 . ' - ,, . , ‘ . died with fairnesa and never barter. co * nty> from ui|sinK and destroying I ductor Nelson; and also by Hem ^ h ® ste the expedition, as it is hoped thnt he ed ns a personal chattel. Federal nid| two car i oads 0 f whiskey in tho pos-| IIiKgs > who CBU 8 h t Conductor Nelson I W *H be rescued alive. to all local needs should be closely I MIa | on o{ th# railroad company, now I B » h ® WB1 ,BlUn 8 B,ter being shot | looked after by Congressmen, but held at LeUatoni and v ,i ued at , Ul . All of these men are white menand R ome , May 11.—An Austrian transport laden with war pork-barrel reciprocity, resulting inr nnn I of good reputation. 8o you see there I ., . • . x..... i ... _ . . . the pillage of the public treasury can- I °° The petition tor temporary to . be no doubt^about my having the 2 1 mot be too severely condemned. . j unc tion alleges that the cars were| rig bt man. Johnson to already on | 1,1 «armuc. “The taking part in the shaping receivod’by the Ocllla, Pinobloom and| the do,n » w » tim *- 1 Bm try-| Aa the only way in which their aspiration* for self-gov- doT~L The Protection Of EIRE INSURANCE! and passage of that public legisla- yaldoeta railroad by one of its con- ing now t0 get ,om * ot th ® reward I ern.nent possibly can be realized, the Irish parliamentary party lion which affects the individual ev- necting carriera on Apri | 29 o{ thi , offered by the old Plant System and j„ a manifesto has called upon the people of Ireland to support ery day of his life is the most im- ycar , tor transportation. The main th ® 0rder of Conduetorl - tllf. constitutional movement and "oppose the insane course of portant work of a Congressman. It contention of the plaintiffs to that «hall be my purpose to aid h* that I nn ov«p tho CIRCUS AND PEANUTS. - ^ work, if tho people of the Second wh u koy . ordered and delivered be- . I . , np ^' ir0n Winlborne > ^ Mwtenant of Irf ‘ 1,in «l. has district see fit to choose me for their J folc the prohibltion , aw bse , m , , f . Enjoy«l by Pr^nt end Wife. | S tmed. LAXK SCAKHORO OFFICE MYON BUILDING TIFTON, CA. SAAAAA cljancolloiyfi Ho waslheiruilota cultured motherX loueforshe uia9 hU teacher and ctjum He u)as a (actor in the framing of the . p Gopaiitutiot). representative in Congress, nnd I fcctivc on May j. President and Despite War Alarms. I Constantinople chronicles victories for the Turks against ‘he Russians la Northern Art. Minor and snail not content myseir with pleas- Learning that the whiskey was en ■ ’ . 7 ,‘ , , I the Russians in Northern Asia Minor and northwest of Mush a’stai.'&sagsih. ~~ ,h . c drf " 1 - ,lhctata s wia jrs” nd ih ' »»• *iiid L * lial0Wn ,’ Shcn “ w f nl I self and Mra. Wilson with • palm lure of some prisoners near Mount Bathli. | l t ° \ noB^esstoVof U it. "and*placed lcaf f * n ,nd ,h,rln * B bag ot P eB * recent attack by the Turkish cruiser Breslau against BANK OF wiLLAC00C^^n tW0 depi) p ty in charge. Dur-1 bn*i I ? lack Sca P? 11 ? declared by Constantinople to have ing q0 ““Sy E ^t.° f ,h *| Mondo > r mor 1 nl "?: ^ c “?.!T® r *w r ?2 t :! dow t n»°who he ea°irt*d out Ui!to°Mttos| barded °P« n towns and villages on the-Anatolian coast.” , noon by Aunona.., e „ open and , Urge quantity of the * 7L|“ f “‘ T. “1^7 Willacoochee, Ga., May 9.—The I «/»—„ — ^ tB |Ju»t in front of him found a partic- doors of the Bank of Willacoochee . , y ’ P ,, d y utorly appreciative spectator In the < l0 ^ d h M °s d ^ ' It is contended by the railroad com- Wh ° man ' “ roM ,aughed and tfie institution is in the hands off .. . . , .i„„h heartily. the state bank examiner. P ‘ ny ^llntTbefore th. f^ d.vl Wh ' n the P " r ‘ y * nt * r * d the W * T. R. Cox, who was bookkeeper, I . .. ?. , . . bounded as a car-1 tent tke big crowd cheered. As he has been missing elnce last Thursday.! . y ’ t , t . y f _ bduc - P»«® < i one of the rings the Presi- Soon after his departure, it was re-1.. Sestruetion bv anyone without dent took off kl * ll * t * nd * BU 8 b >ngly ported that George F. MgCranie, ““ "**"*rtoZttat tal * m0tlon “ ,f 40 thr0W 11 ln ' cashier, discovered that error* had I . ... . *• ' excee d e *i their *^ ie crow< * *1°^^ c*ught tha point proper process from s court of corn-] The Tigers in Berrien tluxJt fjanfa mitioimt A 'fi&wXL Mother’s Devotion and Love and made Wythe. Having little educa- ^through the teaching he received from tie became a great lawyer and a ung our National Constitution. should not overlook the having the children open lunts at this bank. the children think ark for succeis. an account for that boy e i’girl immediately wired-for experts ti ex-1 Thi" 6 «im!na e tio‘f a, l^ f »nti > nue > d I PetCnt juri,dictlon and after a:n . ple l Sheriff Morris and his deputies through yesterday and today. Later reports say the errors in opportunity for the person owning have made things hot for some of such whiskey to be heard. I the blind tigers and gamblers this tbo «« — I The road alleges that the sheriff | week. They have placed ten men In nnrto.l - ii l thu th<- hank is in —nil I ani * bis deputies hive, in this in- j jail U p tm Thursday night. Sheriff shaoe * I ' itBnce ■ rendered themselves liable to, Morris poured eight gallons of blind p ’ I prosecution by taking into their pos- tiger whiskey in the sewer Wedncs- session a portion of the shipments in day morn i n g. Wonder if he will dis- question.. It to further contended pose D f the money he captured in that any intoxicants that might have I the skin games the same way?—Nash- TIFTON EXTENDING THE RAILROAD From the Wiiiacoochec Record. Mr. John Paulk, superintendent of 1 been on hand prior to the firs; day J V {|| R Herald, the Henderson Lumber Co., Mr. Dan I of May can be legally held by the Wall and Mr. Geo. F McCranie, Sr., I owner or by any one for him despite I iffs, bailiffs, or policemen cannot act spent Wednesday in the Live Oak I the provision! of the recent act of | as judge and jury to try an J deter section in the interest of extending I the Georgia legislature. I mine property rights of the c'tirenj the Ocilla, Pinebloom and Valdosta I To Fla Property Right. I of this state and confiscate whiskey or railroad to Sirmans, at the roed will! When interviewed yesterday after-1other property without due process, pass directly through that section. I noon, the railroad attorneys stated I The attorneys also said that suit* We are glad to state that material I that the present suit would no doubt I were being prepared against the of- !s being distributed all along their I result In finally fixing the rights of I ficers of more than one county in the right of way, south of Willacoochee, I property owner* in Georgia and in I section of Ocilla, asking that they be and it to only a matter of a day oris holding by Judge Speer that ihtr-lrequired to pay owners for certain two befor^the work of toying track I ■ 1 whiskey that has been illegally seised will be started and then as soon as! Herbert L. Moor, l and destroyed by them. It has baen completed through to Sirmans we| _ Cradeste Optometriit | ltatcd that the sheriffs of Ben Hill will have a direct route to Milltown. GEORGIA We are assured s passenger schedule when completed. Gazette readers are patriotic peo ple—they buy at home. Two year* dt ebndnuwiyqaertra j wd Coffe * eo’imttos will be sued for in Tif'.-tr. e,.J «<-s*c o’ satisfied cue-., . , turners. If y„ u « r « -uttering wit!. | ' ar f amoont* on account of confit- - ear! ache, or othar ti'uhles caused cations heretofore made. Tbs out- Icane *t tho!affair is being watched eon’t^ulfe^ thSu. f At^pr office *8*’ interest from every quarter of m th- Myor, Ho'el iJhek every dav. !the stat*. r . »' & Acnfc\wu/ i a, wink. ''mZirJ-s -/t- ' H mm YOU SEE THIS PICTURE? . 3 THIS IS NO FANCY, IT’S A TACT. YOU CAN’T GROW A TREE WITHOUT A ROOT; YOU CANT BUILD A HOUSE WHH. OUT A FOUNDATION; YOU CAN’T BUILD A FORTUNE WTIH- OUT PUTTING MONEY IN Tp THE BANK TO GROW. . AND IT IS MIGHTY COMFORTABLE TO HAVE A FORTUNE WHEN YOU ARE OLD- xT . START ONE NOW. ** BANK SOME OF YOUR EARNINGS. BANK WITH Ut. \ WE PAY 5 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIMf DEPORITi.. ‘ The National 43ank of Ti i