The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 13, 1916, Image 2

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aTull Tablespoon WHICH? A scant tablespoon of LozUnne goes ex actly as far as a big heaping table spoon of a cheaper coffee, for you use only half as much of Luzianne. That's •o positively guaranteed that after using an entire can of Lusianne as directed, you are not entirely satisfied with its economy and goodness, your grocer, on your say-so, will gladly return your money. Write for our pre mium catalogue. wT yf4m i w« am tOBACCO I ■ DRINK Everybody knows 9H by its name 'djl Sold only in the original stei ized bottle with the label on at Soda Founts and other E freshment SteJ jffljgppg THE TIFTON . TIFTON, GA* FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1916. JMISSIONARY UNION MEETING. WHY FLOUR MILL IS NEEDED. Awful Stuff. He planted cotton In his fields— The sheriff gothim— Now he squeals. j Mr. S. P. Cooper, of Brookfield, . was among the visitors to Tifton | Saturday. Mr. C. T. Cofer, of Route 1, Brookfield, was among the business isitors to Tifton Tuesday. Rev. Geo. F. Clark, of Crosland, was one of the interested attendants at the packing-house meeting in Tif ton Friday night. Mr. Dempsey W. Willis, of Motor 4, was in Tifton Friday, Mr. Willis bringing his little boy to see Dr. Fort. v Mrs. A. P. Hunter, who has been spending the summer with her par ents, Capt. and Mrs. W. W. Tim mons, left Wednesday afternoon for her home in Fort Myers, Fla. Adel News: Miss Rosa Hires, of Adel, and Mr. Aaron Griffin of Nash ville, were recently married at the home of the bride’s parents The .bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Phillip Hires. Mr. B. F. Clegg said that he was The Woman’s Missionary Union which met at Lenox Thursday after noon in connection with the Mell Baptist Association, had a most en thusiastic and inspiring session. The program as published in Wednesday’s Gazette was carried out and each number was especially good, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Charles Carter and Mrs. T. L. Willingham, all made splendid talks which were enthusiastically received. Much good resulted for all present from the meeting. After the program a short busi ness session was held, at which the , Associational Superintendent and Secretary were elected, Mrs. W. S. Walker, former Superintendent, having resigned. Mrs C. A. Christian was elected Superintendent and Mrs. W. E. Ty gart. Secretary. Both are of Nash ville. The District Secretaries, of which there are three, will be ap pointed later by Mrs. Tygart, As- sociational Secretary. smith-sWath. Sparks Eagle. A wedding of much interest was that of Miss Ardis Smith and Mr. Bernard Sineath which occurred in Hahira Sunday morning. The couple rode up to Hahira with Mr. Iniwis Pindar from Valdosta and Rev. Lambert performed the cercmo- Mr. Pindar, Miss Clyde McKin ney and Miss Pearle Lovett were present. Mrs. Sineath is well known in Sparks. Mr. Sineath is a Sparks boy and is now employed at the A. C. depot in Valdosta. Mr. Hart Smith, of Enigma, is vis iting his sister, Mrs. D. E. Hilton. Mr. J. M. Patten, of Ray City, spent a portion of Friday in Tifton. Mr. Willie Caudill, of Route 4, was in Tifton on business Saturday. Mr. G. L. Blalock spent the week- ened in Atlanta, going over Saturday night. Mr. John H. Martin, of Chula, Route 1, was among the visitors to 1 p roU( j 0 f Tifton because when he Tifton Tuesday. ' got home this morning he learned of Mrs. J, O. Walker and Mr. E. R. the movements that were on foot to Sumner, of Sycamore, were in Tif- beat the weevil out—so different ton on business Friday. j from some places. Mrs. S. N. Meadows, of Vidalia, Mr. B. F. Mitcham, of Route 2, was the week-end guest of her pa- ( moving this week to Norcross, Ga., rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. White. where he will make his home. Mr. Col. Leon A. Hargreaves, of Pear- Mitcham and family have been val- MEANS-JAMES. Mr. and Mrs. William Yane Means, of Elko, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Welana, to Mr. William E. James, Jr., of Wash ington, Ga., the wedding to occur December fi. The groom made his home in Tif ton for many years and has a num ber of friends here. Nearest Mill* are Seven Miles and Much Wheat Grown. Unless all signs fail, Tifton will have a flour mill next fall Gne is needed here, as the nearest mills are Poulan on the west and Sycamore on the north, each about seventeen miles. Quite a lot of wheat has been grown in this territory for two years past, and as a rule the crop was found profitable. With the coming of the boll weevil the wheat acreage will be increased and this increase should be kept up until this section grows enough wheat for its own use. As an example of what cair be done here growing wheat, the crop of Mr. W. S. Smith, on Route 3, is a good showing. This year he had three acres in wheat, from which he threshed something over ninety bushels, or over thirty bushels to the acre. This will turn out over fifteen barrels of flour. Mr. Smith has sold some of the flour at $8 a barrel, which would make that part of his crop yield $120, or at the rate of $40 an ai Besides this, he has his shorts, b and straw, altogether orth almost much as the flour at present prices of feed. He also has another good crop on the land, grown since the wheat was cut. Mr. Smith sowed his wheat th< third week in November and cautions those expecting to put in a crop this fall not to sow too early. Flour is advancing every eek, and present prices is on a par with sixteen-cent cotton. The prudent farmer will put in a small acreage in wheat this fall, sufficient for his own use. It will beat raising cotton under the boll weevil to pay for biscuit. son, spent a portion of Friday in Tif ton on business. Mr. P. M. Drawdy, of Route 5, was a business visitor to Tifton Sat urday. Mr. G. A. Handley, of Route 4, was among the visitors to Tifton Sat urday. Col. Leon A. Hargreaves, of Pear son, spent a portion of Friday in Tif. ton on business. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler Dell and Mra. R. R. Pickett, of Ty Ty, motor ed over to Tifton Friday afternoon on a shopping trip. Adel News Mrs. A. D. Mullis left Monday for Tift county where she is teaching school. Mrs. Mullis is a splendid teacher and had the choice of a number of schools. Any one wishing to get stock in the new packing house can do so by speaking to any one of the commit tee appointed, appearing in another column, or by telephoning or writing any of them. Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Harrell and children motored over from Moultrie yesterday, spending the day with Mrs. D. McLeod and other rela tives here. Mrs. E. L. Smith, who has been uable citizen* and Tift county grets to lost them. Messrs. G. P. McCranie, C. G Whigham and A. L. Norman went to Sparks Sunday where they cn joyed the day at the home of Mr. McCranie’s father whose sixty-ninth birthday was celebrated Mr. W. S. Smith brings two stalks of cotton to the Gazette that show conclusively what the boll weevil will do for the crop, and it is our opin ion that any farmer who wants to plant a big acreage next year will do well to take a look at some of the samples that can be submitted. Then if they feel like.raising "fodder for the pest” it’s up to them. Mr. Milner Greene of Company F, First Regiment, of Camp Harris, Macon, spent Sunday and Monday morning with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Greene. This will be Milner’s last visit home before training for the border, which will probably be today week. They will be stationed at El Paso. Dr. Samuel Owens, whose home has been Moultrie, Ga., the most of the time he has been in this good world and a dispenser of fountain EAT BIG MEALS! NO SOUR, ACID STOMACH, INDIGESTION OR GAS "Pape's Dispensin'* is quickest, sur est stomach relief known— Try it! Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don’t fit comfort ably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of in digestion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty- cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will he no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous ordors. Pape’s Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn’t there. Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fifty-cent cases con tain enough "Pape’s Diapepsin’’ to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months. It belongs in your home. (adv.) HEALTH CONDITIONS GOOD. Dr. A. G. Fort, District Health Of fleer, is now making examinations of the school children of Tift and Ir win counties and states that he finds conditions normal in the two coun. ties, the rate of defective children being lower than reported from some sections. He went to Eldorado school Thurs day, where it was reported that dip theria prevailed in the district, but states that he did not find any among any of the students going to school, the children suffering with it being confined closely to their homes, and therefore, there is little probability that the disease will spread any there. Patented Jolr 30th, 1907,** which baa made three men ■moke pipes where prince Albert Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke- appetite ever hankered for. That’s because it’s made by a patented process that cuts out bite and parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! the national joy smoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful You never tasted the like otitl Ana that isn t strange, either. Men who think they can’t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a. supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story! ■ R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C. Bay Prince Albert every- where tobacco is sold in toppyred bags. Sc; tidy red tine, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humi- dore—and— that corking fine pound crystal-glass humi dor urith sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in each clever trim—always 1 GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT! STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR •pending a week in Tifton for Dr. j pr. ducts par excellence, is now a Dinsmore to treat her baby, has re- resident of “The Best City in the turned to her home in Enigma. She World” and will serve the hosts who vas the guest of Mrs. D. E. Hilton patronize the "Most Popular Corner while here. \ in Tifton.” He succeeds Mr. Roy Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Sineath and chit Summerlin who has again determined dren and Miss Mary Roberts, of ^ang an £). after his Pavo, motored to Tifton yesterday ( name * leaving for Atlanta Saturday, and spent the day and night the Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Askea, ol guests of Dr. and Mrs. Nichols , Hazlehurst, were in Tifton Saturday Peterson. They returned home this mornig. on their way to the bedside morning. j of Mrs. Askea’s sister, Mrs. Manus, o- j who is quite ill at her home twelve WHATS THE REASON? miles from Tifton. They Forded it | through, leaving Hazlehurst at 7 CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our thanks to the big-hearted people of Lenox, and our sincere appreciation of the royal hospitality shown us while in that city. We especially wish tc thank the people of the Lenox Meth odist church for the use of their building for our services. Ladies of the Mell Association. WHAT GEORGIA FOLKS SAY. Palpitation of heart. Dizzy, Nervous, at Critical Time of Life. The marriage of this couple unde romantic circumstances last year 1 will be recalled by readers of the! Gazette. Without Knowing the Cause. There are scores of people who drag out a miserable existence with out realizing the cause of their suff ering. Day after day they are racked with backache and headache; suffer from nervousness, dizziness, weak- haps the kidneys have in their work of filtering the and that may be the oot of the trouble. Look to your kidneys, as- Snmn sist them in their work—give them Wester the help they need. You can use no Wa * firmly convin more highly recommended remedy moVe as that on foot ^ Hair stops falling out and gets thick, wavy, strong and beautiful. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl’s after a "Danderine hair cleanse.” Just try this—moisten a a cloth with a little Danderine and ncrcfully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every parti cle of dandruff, cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks’ use when you will actually see new hair—fine and downy at first—yea—but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it sure!" get a 25-cent bottl of Knowlton’s Danderine from any Jruggist or toilet counter, and just try it. (adv.) YEARLING BROUGHT $400. Mr. J. J. L. Phillips sold a year- old Angus bull Thursday to B. K. Smith, of Inaha, the price being $400. The bull was of registered stock and was one year old September 3rd. The price is probably a new record for stock raised in South Georgia. Mr. John R. McCranie Was Sixty. Nine Years Old Sunday. Mr. John R. McCranie celebrated his sixty-ninth birthday Sunday at his home near Sparks. All of his living children, together with the families of those married were present at the occasion and a thoroughly enjoyable day was spent. Among those visiting the home and paying respects to Mr. McCranie were J. N. McCranie and family; D. R. McCranie and family; L. E. Mc Cranie and family; M. M. McCranie and family; Mrs. A. II. Tyson and family; Misses Carrie and Fannilu; Messrs. T. N., G. P., Frank, Jim and Julian McCranie. There were six teen grand-children present also, to- together with a number of other rela tives and friends. At noon a sumptuous dinner was served consisting of all the good things to eat imaginable and prepar ed in a style that whetted the appe tite. Mr. McCranie has lived all his life in the section where he now resides and is one of the most substantial and highly respected citizens of Ber- county. He received numerous expressions of good will from his boys and girls” on this anniversary of his birth, both verbal and other wise. JONES NOT GUILTY. The jury in Berrien county supe rior court which tried the case of the State against J. K. Jones, charg ed with the murder of Johnny Lewis, late Thursday afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty. The jury out from about 0 o’clock in the morn ing until late in the afternoon, say; the Valdosta Times. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heen ,u use for over 30 years, has .borne the signature of ' and has been made uncles his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. , Allownoonotodccelveyoulnthls.. A11 Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good’* ard bt ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the. health'i Infants and Children*—Experience against Ex What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is plensan contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroy and allays Feverishness,. For more than thir ' has been In constant use tor tho relief of 1 Flatulency, AVlnd Colic, all Teething T Diurrlio-a. It regulates the Stomach >j assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s J - GENUINE CASTORh jBears the Signat Atlanta, C.a.—"Your name I always awuK’iatp with ‘ Favorite Prescription , , . , , t . , a« it was the means of bringing m Many Tifton People » n Poor Health ock an<i ri ’ achln K Tjfton at 11 - j safely through the critical time of lift ' When tin* change In'gan to bt* percep tible I knew that l was not preyaretl to undergo it, and knowing of the virtues of ‘Favorite Prescription’ I f.ooit snwdicd myself with it and took Mr. I), E. Smith, a prominent' >< » n ‘‘> > '' cma-inot*.! that ail farmer of Inaha. was in the city this danger of ill c>mM>qiU'iHis were pan . morning and when he learned of the EJ' ni ' r ®J V , . , plans that were on foot for the new *,* , m " 1 .* , ness, languor amt de r jes»on. Per. packinghouse and other improve. ^vas so depressed that I fallen behind ments he emphatically stated that %V cmlci fairlv shake arul tremble with blood h * was "for it.” and hoped to he potation of the heart and dizziness, able to be at the meeting tonight and | iru } w | iat sparks of fire before ring some friends with him. Mr. - |llV My heart would feel so aid that he had been in ; ;nu*er and nerves were so unstrung South Georgia recently and t hat I did ik< rest well through the d that such a night, and the smothering would not ... _bso- allow me to lie flat in bed. My bus- naun’u »> ii i i necessary unless this section band and family were greatly alarmed than Doans Kidney Pill#—endorsed wanted to face starvation as were over my state. I gladly ray that tho by the people all over the country the people in the weevil ridden fields •Prescription* restored GENTLE—BUT SURE Biliousness, sick headache, sour stomach, gas. bloating, constipation dyspepsia—all these distressing con sequences of retaining a mass of un digested and fermenting food in the stomach are avoided if the bowel are kept open and regular. Foley Cathartic Tablets are first aid t good health. Do not gripe. Brook: Pharmacy. (adv.) DANIELS-ROUNTREE Sparks Eagle. Miss Mamie Daniels, of Cecil Mr. Tolu* Rountree, of Sparks, married Wednesday afternoon Cecil. Rev. A. W. Rees officiating The bride is a daughter of Mr. Char lie Daniels, of Cecil. and by your neighbors in Tifton. he had been in. Mrs. E. J. Henderson, 423 Central R- F. Clegg returned to the Tifton, says: -'1 Buffered from mo ™ n « fr “ m Wadley. Ala •'<; „ . „ • tt *,i i where he went to attend the funeral u I and pains in back. Black of his sister. Mrs. Mary Melt- health.”—Mns. L. O. KutOD, 1^ Jef ferson Street, Atlanta, C.a |>r. Pierre's Favorite Prescription Is y that any ailing woman ran safely take because It i* pr* before my eyes and of- Monday. Mr. Clegg stated that the would turn dark be- s<l t:tion around WaJley was'badly in- me. If I did any stooping or* vT tPd wit , h we*v.I n nd th i the . . . * . * damage done there this year was or hard work any stooping or \ uU worse t h an in thi ; section. He the pain became very sharp, also said that the farmers and busi- about a box of oDan’s Kidney ne *s men there were blur as ceuld , be, anu that they were g-* badly cf- ferted bv the Weevil, that they did not know really what to do. They iant nljr.os* e/ery cotton a -hu*. 3'v he s- L b - that zhe- i v»fh any i t th • t -nc. and Is Hi lts Ingredients are printed . Get It t lay, either i: Head-Off That All-Winter Cough At the tir.-t sign of sore throat, tight chest, or stuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell’s Pin,-Tar-Honey. The healing pine-tar, soothing honey and glycerine quickly relieve the con gestion. loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell’s Pir.e-Tar- llor.ey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine forest, it is pleasant to take and antiseptic. M trout ; The formula on the bottle tells why it *-iy f,»r , relieves colds and coughs. At your rrapper. I druggist. 25c. adv. l*ihi* or ! — tr.bU vftlids* lintel and confidem *n cent cotton looks inviting ig crop of boll weevils.—— Journal. Ux-Fot, A Mild. EUscQve titttlvs ft liver Tonic r >r i Dots Kct Crips ter Ctsturt the Stomach. u ;• ! Ic addition to other properties, Lax-Fos rjf, | contains Ca.*»cara in acceptable form, a !*„<. | rtfm daLm.'LaratlveimdTonir. Lax-Fos I acts effectively and doos »,ot gripe nor ,,m | disturb tiom^cb. At the same time, it ails ’*Y* j d gesvion,arouses the Rv*r ■ nd secretion* : and :zzt the bcuilby fauctions. 50c. MU. la Dse For Over 30 The Kind You Have Always JA Name for the Thirsty to l<e if