The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 26, 1917, Image 1

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fre Tifton Ga JHX TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON GA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2«, 1917. 'AN IN POLITICAL STRIFE ANSEL COOK AC( Albany,Ga., Jan. 25.—Ansel B. C Tid cashier of the Third National Ban] barged with the embexxleraent of $12 jury in the United State court here tot era we eagerly awaiting of the four-day eaafaon e farm school, January unning through to Feb- It U realised that too •ide campaign under of tho Stato College i began January 18th. Linue throughout Feb- Under the date of Wednesday, the J Washington correspondent of the Se- . Vur.nah Press has the followidk W ' “>' abcut Congressman Frank Park ^>1 and the Southern Georgia judgeship: The contest over the Southern kc Georgia judgeship has ■turned in fa vor of Congressman Frank Pail and it appears today that he ia *n in the haul. In fact, it ia relish reported that both the President si Attorney General Gregory are nc favorable to the Second district M greaaman. who he* been graddji no»mg out the hitherto leading to didate. John T. Weal. The nomination of Judge Puriftn almost be predicts i with ajwui certainty. At 6 a. m. Money wth the gray dawn barely streaking the rain-fly ing clouds. Judge Eve eentenced H. E. Ragsdale, former cashier of the Bank of Omega and convicted of em- beaxlmg 110,000 from that institu tion, to pay a fine of *1,000 and to serve twelve months on tha chain- gang, with the provision "Omt the trial judge after the payment^f the fine in hia discretion may permit you to ierve the twelve months outside the ch^ingang under the probation lsw» of Georgia^ The right to amend ty and echdara of -the- oral school Will take an n the fonr-dey term of 100L In addition to the rom Athena there will of agricultural exhibit), I livestock. In livestock Second District Aggirt : •ification end boll Wee- Briatol la tonight to ratify the Steering Coenmit five prograir.a free-for-all fight U egpe n ode to mercilessly prune the program extra session. . When the proposed pruning proa day, the friends of measures scheduled : such a storm of protest that, an extra ■ voidable- Certain it is that if~\he present | adoptee', Congress will beys weltering « practically all of next summer. \ 4 Ragsdale accepted the .entente ithout display of emouon of •y kind, though at was apparent at hia attorneya were not altogeth- the talks and ei a tended largely fc In additio bits which reported, may make the there wiH be n. Jan. 24—Indicating that a big naval battle the Dutch coast Monday night, a second Ger- adly battered haa limped into Ymuidctt. e first naval engagement of importance since >ppo>iiion by Senator Har ending backer of Mr. We alternative,- it ia euggeatesd However, this did not act as a har to the filing of a petition for a new hearing, and argument will be beard on this after Judge Eve adjourns tha Worth County Superior Court, pro vided the defense doe* not conclude to accept the sentence of the court rmrnt olution this afternoon calling upon the ipte to “re-affirm its faith” in the Monroe doctrine, and deg^ag a strict adher ence to President Washington’s warn^ggginst entangling foreign alliances. The resolution was read and, undgfie rules, went over until tomorrow without debate. The re. olution brings into qucatiosle President's inter national league plan, rfnd will have ths*ct of confining de bates to that particular subject. Hapfc^d peace discussion ia thus largely eliminated. fry farmer and person in y interested in farm dev and livestock expansion, al and ia believed to be the prelude to, ^fen bigger definitely known, the number of end is understood to be sflVtlrbal- iXg'lhia point, end it is nogyet dis closed how. formidable wotfid be the Uarwick opposition. ' Whether- tie nomination goes in now or later all aigna faHny point to Congressman Park, ^although Mr. West haa admitted 1 , held the lead for «ome time. It is known the de- paftmen: haa examined with great care the petitions in favor of rarcraft engag- are that the German ships are greatly JUDGE.EVE UPHELD end run the chance of of the clauee relating t gang. Hut even if the court '!>•, Jan. 24,—A British destroyer was sunl^in a nant off the Dutch coast yesterday, .ays an o at issued today. ■ Gorman torpedo boat was forced to’ take refu I harbor, tbs statement adds, the remainder of fleet return pig to tbeir base with only alight loss. ^ Washington,-Jan- 28. *» way out of Mexico. It ia expected that the entire forsnfll be on American til within a fqrpiight. -The Per?hi [^edition ia now jmy last wr the matter of a note of I Foy-Adams Company for the use oi *624 held by the Bank of Omega IM A. Howard, vs. R. T. Tathm, de- and bearing the signature of W. B. fcndnnt. and Erie Smith, claimant. Ilndaey as matter and G. L. Wcnth | This was a cause-involving the sale erington and C. W. Powell as endors-I of personal property by the Foy er*- I Adams Company to R. T. Tatum, re ’ In addition to STfaTBurton'i prom- f taining fiUe "therefore. Twelve iae when she left for Hot Springs' months later the plaintiff book a re to immediately institute proceedings aewed note from Tatum, which in- in Arkansas for hit return to that i eluded the original property told state on a bigamy charge, the little * nd s 1 *® ne » items, which act there- woman announced that since he had j b V increased the original indebted- Memphis. Tenn., Jan. 24.—Practj force of the city, and a large squad of j gaged in defending the county jail agaj seek* to lynch two itegroes who etna Hooser. a butcher. Early today the mob twice storl I attack was repelled. The ringleader 1 tested. A strong force continues to gtufl trouble is expepted. JML 1 Wasitbij the entire police iy sheriffs, are en- mob of 200 which to killing Walter Bulgaria* troops which crossed the South Danube t mr the northern frontier of Dobrudja, have been com- •d to fall back to the southern bank. Petrograd, Jan. 25-JwGermans in the Tirol Marshes dis- ; have been driven back. r to | Between the making of the first iola- J ® nd second not*.' the claimant," Erie and Smith. bought the horse which flgur- leral Cli in lhr original transaction. The • en- attorney for the elnimapt^ Mr.. J. S. be- 'hidgdill. took the position that as ;*the consideration named in the first d to no * f ***** bcen increased, the plain- {J,,. ,lff thereby lust* his-rights in the tion by the injection of new items DREAD SCARLET FEVER lgton, Jan. 25, era .went to Chicago today Trade Col ■d lit. Control Di«u,»J by De. A. G. Fort el Moultrie. Dr. Allen G. Fort, health commie- ner of this district is in MouKvte •he request of the health aathor- fs. to look into the scarlet fever ration in that city. Concerning visit the Moultrie Observer Of a further print paper manufact overcoi It ia officially dei bargo on news print | Norfolk. Va.. Jan. 25.-—In q dowi liip Mississippi, Unde Sam’s latest I •as launched in the St. James river i Twenty thousand people attended* eased the breaking of a bottle of wafa cw sea fighter- In an interview with lin Observer porter. Dr. Fort asserted that it was t his opinion that the closing of l- city vbools and the forhidding of assembling of children were crsssry to stamp oul the epidemic, fart Dr. Fort rather advocated the - :n.nance of the school as a^aid the fight, insis^ng that cases of • fever could be located . more ickly m the school room Jhan they ild anywhere else, and the victim Victoria! of conaideraable propo od by the Germans ovettae Russian*, The Bulgarian*. j Omega with embezzling approximate- bank" for Jly flu.OOO, the courtroom -was crowd-' j la , j ■ed to the doors when this celebrated | cM j,i cr | rcause was called in the Superior! 'when WiMnnA, ! mm ; Ragsdale, attentive in a passive b>nk fi j e for. of way, • occupied a wall,,.. .. r ., j at a table surrounded by '-his j , I attorneys, and during the draw- ] . • . fffgTir-ttT-jtnT ippaarM to ~g[ts no very great heed to • the j proceedings. By the t ide of ' the defendant sat Mrs. Ragsdale and I'lipit daughter, Evclyu. The attor-1 ! nevs for the defense were M. J !, . — - » •* ~ “"J Yeomans and H. A. Wilkinson, of for »* r V t '*P Wk«n by Tift fanner., Damon; C. W. Fulwood end H. ^ ^ ,Culttr *•»««•*> m * rk * ’ , | Hn-yrett/of Tifton. , Ing of UOgi and cattle. Mr. Hard. Thvd rawing of the juo — W */"' *> f the HmadJeaection, 1 1 ,-d more than an hour, the foinfir- P* 0r * e of ti,e P ro rr^'" fMraer. of j ling lieing finally accepted: J. A. ‘” r C ° UD,J- ««* beliWe. in raising! ! Pool. Mark Whitfield. J. H.-Pool. j. ">* “«« 30,1 » for the: J* r-avey, T D. Smith, W. C. Ml- !'««* “ °< thb ha,- Lun. C. O. Montgomery, W. L. 8um-(something. ner. R. M. Lawrence. S. T, Pesrman. i ° V " t.«00 pmnt*. of com. eup-d C:*. Fatten Sm| O. F. Sheppard. . »~t There i. big money | Appearing for the BanWof Omen m °**" Wha Were the Founders of Our Liberty? tii.ut^^ Fort said that on the first I day it was slightly so, on the second more liable Co be communicated to others and on the third and fourth Jnye if' Wat More Infectious than at ar,y\other time. - The popular idea that it can be giv en to others ' jr the "eeales” from re covering victims was exploded by Dr. Fort, who said that such was abso- j lutrly not the case. He declared that | the disease aria xaryjmsaly over Irene Jier year or independence. It will mean mor* rown ups and qhildreti if on t hat d.ay we ail nor lit* iifliU band of men who risked and I by ngning the Declaration of Independence L the foundation for our free Republic. SEED TIME AND HAR\EST |fiowt teodumc. Likewise, riches often follow the LA wring* iccounl. Have >ou an acuount vrthtM? COUNTRY CURED HAM ST - THE BANK OF TIFTON | Dr Fort disapprove* "shot gun" | method! »f quarantine^ It is his idea j that the people ’ should be shown ! their responsibility bf a fight of the JJilrd Moultrie is notf Engaged in. He •believes when they -(appreciate this ■ co-operatfon will not be lacking. I Without it not much can be accom- I pushed, hr asserts. TIpfON. GEORGIA Aeinds of Engineer' Joe E. Greene, who has for years guided ore of the Coast Line flyers on the Tifton-Wayeross'run, will regret to learn that he ia confined to a Way- cross hospital, followir^ an attack of kidney trouble which developed when the Dixie Flyer reached Tifton Tuesday. . Shortly after he left the engine estimated shortage of empty freight to *ove the product of this country STOP AND THINK what youlfould do today If you LOST YOUR JOB or mot with or* a Weldon t, and didn't have o dollar put by. "Just suppose” you take a MO* of your camlr\gs and put this money away In our B/l"*' You won’t miss that little rapidly you will wonder at the NEXT YEAR. Put YOUR money In OUR bank. gestion, delay, and demurrage will be Jo not order your FERTILIZER early, a Complete Line this season,-' including IE POTASH Goods. ; of your pile this time ITTAHOOGKEE FERTILIZER CO. The National Bank oi Hi 5on ofa voeaiihi^ planter of South Carolina Thonuis was prepared, tor the London. In addition to seruin^ tn Con^resT he serued in the vuar and uias made a prisoner toHen Charleston tell