The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 09, 1917, Image 1

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m The T 0 FEU ANNUM. , Gerard held in Berlin THE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON. GA.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. larT iFIVE HEAD ANGUS SOLD TO FLA. FIRM k»*A^*u* t ° n ’ F ° b ‘ 8 '— T * >e Sla,e Department is inform BAn^.Hidor Gerard and hi. staff, a. well a. the Amer “*■ ,re bin* "detained'! in Germany. ~ leB from the Yarrowdale and held a. leaM was promiaed la.t week, are also 1 fob choice cattle majorityiffiops done r ” Pre, y *» “withholding pa M port. for the « | Stephen. & Son. of Alachua, Buy From J. J. L. Phillip. Some Planter. Say Tl*efc> Crops Are Not pulled OAFSMAFBL SALE '54,555 INVESTED IN SOME SECTIONS FINE SHORTHORNS Willingham Tift Back From Chi cago With Recent Purchase j New York, Feb. 8.—Prepar.tio, ^ ^ for protect,on purpo^., the Americ V# ^ p aal and Lapland. ip. Hu Another Carload a- I Jun Aagu. Comin. in tl» of Cemuu., m.y l„d to „J rC" <* G-—T. —V Amer. e^m sntral countne*. »t the detention of Ambassador Gerard and ■ report, reaching Germany that the United •«*ad German .hip. interned in American icfa De^enc d Local Cc TWO COWS REPRESENT $2,070 .f On* of T Conditions the statu* of the grain « h “ r ' i, ' m ' d iU d '»W U.M eey ,„ch . UJC uazeue earned a rtory of the splendid herd of Sbort- , horn, on the Tift Fanna, to which had been added this week a carload * -osting $4,565. Mr. J. J. L. Phillips haa just bought, in Avoca. Iowa, a carload of , twenty-five Aberdeen Angus, which are expected in tho next few dny«. Mr. Phillips says he paid so much for these that he don't care to tell it. But the stock are not all going one way. rsr' Wednesday, Mr. Phillips sold to Gainesville, Ga.. Feb 8 |„k„ U.w „ . , , . F M Stephens and Son, of Alachua i a shoot' * m ** ,tut, ° n * “ "-tically wounded as the i* en An .f us and ver y choicc animal: \inesville shooting n Allen Brothers store —. msuiuuou, is cr It of a shooting affray that occurred L this afternoon. “ ’"'^ d «( .2,000 .1. *• Webb by Martin when the former wa, caahier of They b u employed by the Allens a. bookkeeper. „ lt l, Fe . b '. 8 —While Switzerland is determined to re- » r"“' d that “• F ' d '"> c °"" dl -ill ™«y ° I™* 1 “T* h Germany ayama the new blockade yeyula- f/duwt result of Germany', yiyorous submarine cam- “ earreme food scjyHy throughout Switzerland. B^rp'uiTav^'een^edS'Irf D “‘"’ , N ; »-irned for tft aeciun, but it ia perhap!, bc- »^1M umL f su kmartne, . n d t0 ,h„ t o(t •upplie, gohg to Germany through Dutch porta. shipped next Mon.,.,, Editor J. B. Hunnicutt. of the Southern Cultivator, Atlanta. is the guest of Mr Phillips today, and will out this afternoon to take a look - the only herd of seventy-five pure bred cattle in America which hasn't been fed since last spring. And they fat as pigs i n clover. L GOOD ATTENDANCE. it. . ao he uiKt kin... »«N!!rfua P t , \?'~ Th 1 B L ritM ’ ‘‘•'lum.hip Turine, hound Norfolk to luverpool, been oir Jhe Iri.h “*■ ‘ he “‘“ m " E ™‘°" Fe| C8—^Seventeen Daniah milor, were killed Z K ™“' — enkmuriiied. 6d ' snw-w , ♦? en,ered ‘he barred zone without anv low ledge of the new submarine regulations canned hJTk' fOlHci* 1 )— A German patrol captured Hj the French along the Verdun front. Operations elsewhere are quiet. has been Greeted Boll Wntli Leclur.r. i, Tift County! This Week. Hie experts from the Georgia Col «e of * Agriculture . express*! jemselves last being de lighted with th- reception given them in Tift, and the large audiene- es greeting them. Wednesday morning at the Agri cultural School there was a repro-' sentative attendance, not only of the student body, but of the fanners from the aeetion surrounding. The lecturers were listened to with close attention. Vancevillc Wednesday after- ■t 2:30 there was a f tendance and much interest mani fested. The visitors were very much impressed with this progressive com munity. and with the audjgnce that me: them. — C. Lewis, of Bainbridge, talked on the destruction wrought !>y the boll weevil in the section «om under, his observation. Ur. W. M. Brown, agricultural -„jnl of the Southern Railway, talked, on cattle raising and the prof, beef cattle. , if. H. L. Brown, of th La Paz, Bolivia, Feb r ..“ u,ounced toda y ‘hat his , Nfe Of the United States The Bolivian foreign minister tfwrprnment would support the atti- 8 Germany's submarine warfare Monroe. & C.. Feb. 8.-The Delks department sto »ed late last night, entailing a loss’of $150,000. Colleg talked c What On the answer to this question de pends hundreds of thousands of dol lars to the fanners of this imme diate section, for the grain acreage waa the largest here in many years and if the crop is a loss, it Is a severe blow to the farmers of South Georgia. And added to this loss is tho fact that it is now too late to sow another crop. There is ho doubt that oats are killed—to the ground. The only ,—ition U, will. they come out? Neither is there much question as to 'lose sowed late, and which had just >me up—they arc gone. Many express the opinion that ■ata Isowed eatrly had taken firm root, and that they will sprout with the return of warm weather. Oth ers think that the roots are killed. P- rhaps, as is so often the case, both are right, the result depending i local conditions. Among those reporting oats thoroughly killed that there is tic prospect of their coming out a stand sufficient to justify the «», *f the land are: J. H. Hutchinson, 1 Reynolds, of Norman Park; A. D. M Willis. Abe Conger, G. W. Walker, and many others. Nearly all of these report wheat killed. Mr. M. F. Myers, of the Myers Seed and Plant Company, says be a bunch of-oats to the house and thawed them out. He thinks enough vitality in them to warrant the expectation coming out with warm weather. Mr. Myers also thinks their Sstsuma oranges, of which they l^»ve a beau tiful grove, are little injured. ^ r ' ^ L. Harman, whose place is ear the Myers Seed and Plant Co., thinks his oats will yet make a srop. They were planted eprly. Mr. N N. Mai do bn telephoned the Gazette this morning from Ty Ty that he had made a thorough inspec tion of his crop, and he thinks his oats are safe, also his wheat. This is the best and most direct news we ivc had from the crop. Mr J. J. L. Phillip, say, he can- •t tell as yet, but he thinks older oats will come out "A few dmy,, lore will tell the tale,” he said. Mr. Hunnicutt, Editor of the South- m Cultivator, took a look " Phillips' Tin Farm. Now .... th* Finest Shorthorn H-.__ America. Co.t $11,000. Adding nine Shorthorn cows already beautiful collection of tnesc prodigious beef producers, Mr. Wil lingham Tift may properly lay claim to the worthy distinction of owning or- of the finest herds in America, the total cost of which exceeds $11,- 100. 'There are twenty-five pure bred Shorthorns in the loti which Place* the average co^c of each an imal in excess of $440. Mr. Tift ia just back from Chi- igi*. where he made the purchase Shorthorns at an outlay of an average of $606 for each F r b : a-Aiu.™,!, b b , the Administration to havJT. __ , . voy American merchantmen on reg ... . ■sailings, it is stated that such action will not be taken. It is believed that a number of.,. ... . . _ rope soon armed for protection, th. . , Germany, „ ,he nil! elL™? 7 port designated by Germany as otit*^ e ^ ^ * ’ Resentment is increasing today ***) u ■n S the parsporl, „f Amh.mfc ^ However, it is not believed this • ‘^ President. oree Ihe hand ol tke $4,565, . When it is-known, however, that. just purchased by | , Hiicngo cost him $1,036 each-J-j.070- the |fu|l Mgi^^ance of the character of stock secured by progressive breeder and stock- nan is better appreciated. One of thcau high-priced breeding eows will tip the scales at around ■’.000 pounds, ahd the other nearly * much. Think of approximately .000 pounds of beef under the cov ering of two hides and you have » reasonable grasp ..f the size of ihese extraordinary animals. The nine cows arrived from Chi- c«go Monday I n the same car were *ix other Shorthorns bought by tho universities at Clemson, S. C.. Gain sviUe, Pla., and Athens, Ga. This particular lot of Shorthorns came from Northcote, Minn., and were raised by one of the most suc cessful breeders in the Northwest. The bidding for the pieck of the herd was very spirited, stock men from all parts of tbs United States competing with Mr. TUt, who finely secured the prize cow for $1,060. This cow has won first prize herevar exhibited and has been fea tured in moving pictures. When the auction was ovgr, Mr. Tift was con gratulated by the editors of three live stock journals present and by many of the leading breeders tor securiny the finest cow in hibit. New York. Feb. 8—Anchor List-,-,. ^ fore noon, that thirty... out s f 31 cr California, still -»m missing. ^ earned by the lin- /Froat Say* 41 Ml Washington. >>b. 8—Consul .Fll,*,-*,, v jersons are missing 4»« th, result “ y ? A' liner California. ^ «ubTnanmng of the The American aprvivor was J oh r„. v, . , » h h „ „ „p po . ed to ,»„ Uen fi.« w„ r„„’i?„s7 , “* r , -< Anchor Lin. V* neet, was sunk on the coast of Irel'The lino- <„.i •• passengers and a crew of 184. ““ earried SI The California was armedNvhek i-f* v . ... j n , ,.fc“‘°'!' h , Feb ' in Bo.tnn .hlpp- mg circles Jhis morning over the rerw.4 »,,c entrance „f . |thro 0 Jh”7 n ‘ b ,“H ri "'nT“ 1 * 10 “E'" ■“ ">“« P“» have* no a ? Ch ‘' m "' “ nd •"b-arin. wonU nave no difficulty in guarding this e: ha, X a r.d”£f": rCb - a - Th ‘ Mral Company ■te clnre™ ^ ^ th * t -« d e to any priv. .hr E !ST n ' Feb ' f— The ^hohihiernment, .ran. Far ' .Lfdor Rr i £y ""“'I State Depmdmant that - assador Bemstorff and staff next Tiay. I b»mad7 Rrr" t n 2r h ’7 h"" COmpl ' W ,he ““'"F <* oassador Bernstorff nd staff next Tifcy. ,.j CITY COURT ADJOURNS. i profits, and •iet Agent L. on general conditions and Che ethods of combating :he boll a: 10 2:30 they e likes Kei 0 no * l 5‘ citizenship Thursday morning the four lectured at - was ho"** Thursday afternoon lectured at Exeefsinr, - • Reports from these ■ but from the progress! of these communities ... ou ,. gonj attendance .greetcii, thi speaw-rs. This concludes for the present, anyway, the Tift county boll weevil preparedness campaign. Under tho [direction of the College or Agricul- Undoubtedly the four-day i'c.1" v "-iT.'iTO'i! h'ippi, and the series just con luri" I • -iU prove highly beneficial to thr planter* of this 1 aeetion Concluded Businsss on Criminal I Criminal Dock., Wedneeday. The State vs. T. H. Cameron; aelL mg whiskey; verdict of not guilty. —VI —o Thursday" and aaid thrr I ^ St *<* V *' Andrew Copeland; hog | wera not killed. This is very probably I * nUt *’ SenUnc. of many other crop. Z ^.110.^ ^ °^ ° r * inC,Ude “«*• this section. ^ Sut * »«• R™nk MumelwhiU; Capt. W Lennon, of the River “ d batter T: r « rd ‘o t of not Rend section of Irwin, wa* in Tifton on business Thursday. Mr. Ix-nnon savTi that he thinks many of the old otit* in his section will come out-and make a fairly good crap It is very pFobablje -that- m.nv crop* ara .* total low,, even among those sown last fall. On the,-other hand, there m B y be many crops that will come out a'„d bring « *ood yield. These things depend on local conditions, protection of tim- l-er.or hillsides, or the condition of tho soil. Certain it is that a large sr- rr.sge is ruineij, but it la some eon.o- latum lhn{ even n N rcdured crop mav be expected. a WORP3 ^SENTENCEU Fitzgerald. Ga.. Fob. ti-_I ohn Ho .. r,.'” 1 * 0n of M1 ! tr ’ n Hogan, n planter l.'mg near Irwinvilk-, was found JiaZSH-1ftJleath ihis.merniug-ufi the " Mystic. Ilqgnn /When nan with moneys > ^irl he can Tak^ • •■•>nl*c. uognn was under mef. Men Convicled ol F *" ** ki ‘ l,np ^» F - T.n Month., "l ^ orn. g at 10 o clock. Judge Evej h '‘ c, ‘- deferred until it was made Fran^T"'* 0,1 J ‘ 1 S “ 0rd ‘ a, ' d r W hy ,hc d «* of the principal convicted- at the 10 "* 1 of young Hogan's J,* K previously in . —,. convictc January term of Tift ,dth V“« n » to ,J hi, d= ught . r <w«d for. After ,he leoees hi, hoN>e he wants -wrr, a man who can make her Aortable and ‘ P * r,dth ' lft ■ do It. He know, ■nwho le choelng get-rtch-qulck bubble, .will ao ■^g«'’ , * aF ‘ > ‘"'9 W'th a hank account E y0U h °''* marrying u nova a bank account. OPEN on«. S Put YOUR monay In OUR bank. »• pay 5 pcr'ccnt Interest. Superior Swords, whu wns convicted of for- gery with a rccommcndaOon that he bq P.uni’hcd as /or misdemeanor, 1 sentenced to ten months knocked i#i other accident COMMENCEMENT FOLDERS. rr" lm lo “ n months in the! The Gazette is m rcceint of iotv J 3 0 0 r “ f * o ^„ , 7 U ' l alternaUv * fine of | samples of Commencement foMera *300^to include cost. He wa, charg- 'and programa. - ” den^jf*. * Bank of °n>ega ExpecUnt graduates are Invited deposit slip from $io to $100. ! to call and Inspect the« . . It will be remembered that Sword, "nd to place th*T orders early, £ not sentenced at the time of, there may be no delay In deliw ^ conviction because he Mdpped I d-w-tf. delay R, *KiI* the jury waa out but was given I n , 7 * h " Hwkw, L' Moor, , / dne matter of sentence *v— w. ! guilty. The SUte v. Geo. Hightower; imple larceny; verdict of guilty. Sen ence ^ix months or $50 to include osts. Hightower stole a lot of chiek- fis and was offering them for sale when caught. The State v». Dock Goodman; gam m plea of guilty. Sentence months or $30 and costa. The State vs. James Clark; gam ing; pica of guilty. Sentence six month* or $30 and all-costa. - le va - Henry Pate; selling whiskey Nolprossed. The Slate v*. Henry Pate; carry ing whiskey to churck Verdict of not guiky 1 .... ui-J—4-,* mg, plea of guilty. Sentence six months or $30 antf costa. The State vs. Ji m R Rogers rying pijtoJ without liransa, verdict of guilty Sentence eight months or $50 and costs. ^ The State vs. luewisJUalcom; car- concealed weapons and with- licen,,.. Verdict of not guilty. State vs. Lewis Maicom; a»- and battery; verdict of guilty. f!cc six months or $50 and hezettlfr,™. 8- ^ 110 ”*' rt| * bel112 cir hu!,t«d “rywhere P j r ° P “^ I “ tod Bute, to beto, h»- y here seized, and movementa ofirmans restricted. "“ biP ‘ r “ n ' , F 7 S — Mrs. RmVtoeontl, th. Ite tod«? prob ' w M Itofor. Sr-Cm- , c , to b ' H r f f “T d 7' b " iblhllc, .nd th. Conunit. tee Immediately went into executive aion. wh,ch M rh,^i“ ,d t^[;* d w w t *° Uw “” - p™d,nh th, t.t tortfS* “'k,7 n "' h " ‘"Wo, . dip of piper, if. only **”*■ Wl ‘ i ' h «* ■•>»"» »«r;to th. Commfttoe, nwaSrs: y d wiiipp " ,h ' p “ dd «»^~ d ... Secreta^^Tn' n ?”” p * p ' r com.pdMit. tmufl.d th.t h. ihe 61 D “"” ber '9. 1 "* d '<i »»* remember th - e S8p ver ^V<-- nhanVthTmTn^ 0 "' 1 "" t ” e '' tk “ “ •The State • National Bank of Tifton. Ga. . , "'■‘Mince was then ta- p “ d * r •driasmant by the Court. " a " klin ‘“rttr, convicted of forging a cheek for $75 on Ed Nor- t^-Uo e°mm« n d.d to mercy, wu asnteneed to serve twehre months on Tw> years 01 continuous praotlc Tifton and scores of satisfledcuL Lvmera. If y oa are sufferinv with to the Myon Hotel Bloek every tor — Oke Odum; stab- bingi Nolprossed. At a JS p. m., the call of the erira^ J , nsl ' ,oaW h »»'"g hern completed,' Judge Price, in a few well chosen words, expressed his appreciation of the faithful and efficient service, rendored by the jurors: He then excused all Jurors and witnesses in attendance upon the court for tho term. Court adjourned, to re-convene Monday morning. February 12th at 1° o'clock, at which time the civil, docket taken up. | Henry D. Webb, Clerk. -visitor to the’ city Mr. J. Route 8, Tuesday. in ZJ Me< *rto«r will arrive In t»e city today to spend the week —* With Us family.