The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 16, 1917, Image 2

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' w V" ' ? THE TIFTON GAZE after the FAPRjs^T •I D«P.rta„ t ^7" lh * «»t the Feder. » rigid investigation*!!'*^ t week make ®*ganization of news — tthod8 of lhe manufactur- plodp-1 whi to* of certainty '" a P fcl ">o«t a, feel of the moet flaUn the mera that om ' io ™»hu , S t "" 14 evcr formcd « n ofthecX'*--,r”“‘- t k ,lJZl r „ * '° r th ' * round 1^7 J ompa,, F “hiet March auld SZ* .V“' h *r-* h "" d *>" Stock Ea- oted Ihia nd he " aIi StJournal altrib- Z' of |*?I a ," Ce in ° f F"t to eapec.u. earning increased nings. Thcs« 1160007^7 e . Stima “ d b » torald at from Wd inO To * 20 -O00.000.;h. year, 19 .0 itnvprMn ft T n hey Werc e8tir * in December 800 » * 60 . 0 ' 000 a month, cored with $100- !s!<. ”° nth thC fim of '“*■"• -There are CCnt of accu mulatwidends on th- 17 RnIToJo“° Ck ” h ‘ Ch '' ,|| l»"t to .tout E"*'” »• Paid thi, ; and .(10.000, fa.roT 1 bonda whlch mature 1)18. Manufac- T i arC p he pning for this, ales of such enormous ps bring no hi to iu newspaper publish now paying 83 for the same amount ofvs print pap. they bought one year ago *l. Stories . advanced cost of materials hbeen on by the Federal Trades Cohwion. investigation developed that (•- was not over half a cent a pd. Tin been a scarcity of bleachingiterinls. in fact some of them could not bedneri ?U irt1r»«it this has resulted in off-color jer, creasing the price. Then we were told that thupply was dc- ncient, and many publishers -e frightened at the.idea of not being able tibtain paper at *ny price. But it is noticeabihat no one has «fo g ° w * tkout - aithoughey are paying 8130 today for a ton of news tt only cost $44 twelve months ago. Far-seeing publishers exped trouble when, about two years ago, a series articles appear ed in the trade papers and ii*arly all of the leading magazines of the coiry. telling cal amity stories of small pap.mills that had been forced out of business bouse of the re newal of the tariff on news p#t. These arti cles were accompanied with Titrations of di lapidated mill sites and ten.tless cottages. Now it looks very much as if e bigger corpo rations, having depressed themce until the small mills were forced out < business, "have got together to make the puishers pay the fiddler. The advance in the price o|news print . peris a tax on intelligence. 1^ also a tax that is borne in larger part by thqpoorer class of people, for they are in the n|jority, and in these days all people read nerspapers. Pub lishers have been forced to -stance the price of their papers, '9r to adopt ririd measures of .economy to prevent doing so, jmd current re- , port says that over 800 countrj weeklies have been forced out of business dithit the past three months. j It is this chain of circums ipces (hat solidi fies opinion that the Americ n people are .be ing held up by a news print >*per bust. It is to be hoped that the Departa int of Justice will get at the truth ofjhe mattei and tfthcrc are guilty ones that they .be brouj ht tur jurticc. And; • 'every man, woman and child who Ins had tnj pay ndvanced price for a newspaper or has had j a paper stopped because the ftoblishfrs can no BUYING FERTILIZER EARLT Helping Aunt Mary The sausage Aunt Mary.aade tasted just a little better than any othqr in the world. There was a combination of meats and condiments and art in grinding, muflng, stuffing and smok ing, that produced a harmony of whole to tempt the most capricious appetite. Even in these later days of dyspepsia nnd indigestiai. and their attendant evils, the mouth wato-s when recolleetion'|| ghost again spreads the feasts of the past.- A. cold morning, a few days after hog-killing, and after the early breakfast, the Boy was out to help Aunt Mary with the sausage. Close by the log smokehouse the sausage grinder, of cast iron, had been screwed fast to the end of the meat-bench", on which the year’s supply of ham, shoulders a*d bacon had been saped down the day before.' To the other end the stuffer, also of cast iron, had been fastened. These two useful machines were neighborhood property, passing from family to family during the hog killing season. 1 The meat was the trimmings from the*pork before salt had been applied. The tenderloins, strips of lean from the joints, and bits of fat from the flanks; just the right proportiort of each. Cut intir strips, these were fed into the grinder, the Boy furnishing the steam power; lean and fat alternating, until the meat exuding from the small aperture in the bottom of the grinder was a reddish grey. After several hours' grinding—the Boy meanwhile having frequently "hollered for the calf-rope" for relief at the crank—the meat nearly filled lhe cedar tub used as a receptacle. Then Aunt Mary’s skill came into play. Care fully pulverized by beating in a coarse cloth with a mallet, was the sage—which had been gathered the summer before from the bushes by the garden fenee.'fyried in the sun and pul way fi>r the rasion. Pulverized also th. 1 pods of brillnnt red pepper; which had also grown in lb - garden and had been gathered as soon as rip« strung • a long threads and ■vails on lhe big house piazza. j worlt 25 hap nd other' seasonings—just the aniT for therein lay the secret of access. Then the mixing, with nd with hands, over and ovey 'Sha'* aa Bright mmtl Haypy'aa a 16- Yaar-Oid Ctrl, and Ha. Cainod 18 Pound*,'' 5*7* Dairy Fmrm?r. “My wife goes about the haute low singing and whistling all the time, and no-wonder she is happy, for on just, three bottles of Tan'ac she has gained eighteen (18) pound* and alA is like a different woman al together," said J. B. Zachry, the well-known dairyman of Swords, Ga., in conversation with the Tanlac representative at Jacob's Pharmacy, Atlanta. ‘Tm here to get a bottle to take myself,” lie continued) "for it’s helped her so much Hi* sure it will be n fine spring tonie'for me to take. “My wife suffered with indiges tion and stomach trouble for a long time, ami m« in a general rundown conditioif She reached the point where she couldn't hardly steep at all. and her nppetite went down to almost nothing. She couldn’t take interest in anything. Tilton Plants Arn Three Month* A hood of Last Tone] Either this is the biggest season the fertiliser men of Tlfton have known, or fanners are buying unusually early this year. Fertiliser men think the -latter is the case. Manager J. F. Lots, of the local plant of the International Agricultur al Corporation and the Chattahoo chee Fertiliser Company, says their shipments of mixed goods are so far 4,000 tons ahead of same date last year- Their add plant is also be ll n to capacity. For the first time i the plant has been in operation here, they are manufacturing, mix ing and shippbig all at the same Manager Lots estimates that if they continue shipping 200 tons a day. by March 1st their total ship? ments wiTI equal those Of June lBt last year, or at least throe months Mr W S. Cobb, of the Tlft«n Guano Company, says AMothorsi -IajL&eaithy Baby J That's a layal and natural feeling all mother* have. ‘ your deelre on anauranoe by aalng "Mother’s friend. M qualities will conserve your own health and atrengtb and n corning easier and Its future health secure. (Jet It at y« Send for thb freo book. , ?°1 L Id AllsnuC. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March. 1917, at public outcry be fore the Court House ip said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following i scribed property to-wit: All those portions of lota Nos. one 1) nnd two (2) in block No. 357; utuatr in the city AT Tifton. said cation will be heard at the l_ term of the Court of Ordtaag the said county to bo hi first Monday in March, 1 Witness my hand and J nature. This 7th-day e - 1917. C. W. i GEORGIA—T| To All Whom . , - . — A. C. Tift, o™ county, particularly de-; p.per form sp J ■-V "7^-'“’’ I°b°wB: A strip of land tefi of Jas. n- B this year nre thr.-g or four times ""J** }' M feet wide, fronting west letter* of sdn»H .ni,d .f th. ,i„„ I-, ° f '.**■ r .. , . . ce 01 one. Hundred and nfty , coun ... this it However. Mr ( oht. does not believe < ISO) feet, off of the side of lot N.. |'envied tojA that thi* season as a whole will be one (!); also a strip of land forty f lcc a t tho Pi as good as last / Wi,le ' f ™ ntin »r , Wes \ Court of Ord up running back (and show , ,rrM • He thinks that the farmers have Rnst a distance one hundred «V < v ,now cA ' m srz. - * r a— Sift i!l. I “ c “ r nbnridae. and for other | rff.l a— I C - J3**- u sforl itrenrrth wi getting away from her. "TTils is the very shape she ' in when she began taking Tan She has now taken three bottles the medicine and the indigestion been relieved entirely She ha." n pain about her and feel* fim Fertiliser manufacturers npe penencing much difficulty in get' , I materials, especially potash. I which little can be obtained •ther to (55) feet APPLICATION FOR CHARTER She has ^ ArrucA i lua rua bock some width. ;ach o distance of one hundred and , Iffy (160) feet, and on which there | >tnnds a one-story framed dwelling.; la-vied on as the property of Mrs. [ I W. Poole under a 0fa issued from, h" Justice Court of ihc 134th Dls- rict G. M of T 1 •• county „ 7 favor ®* C tract fifty-five Witness my'oum. Central Avenue | the 3rd day of Jas TO REMOVE DISA1 S mg .4 kir.l hung upon tho Then the' slilt. right amounts. Aunt Mary’s si "spoon, pestle She gnr- ainmg GEORGIA—Ttf, County •e «he j The petition of W. II Ken weighs It 1. Bennett. l>oth of the 1 *f Tift, said state of Geor jerty pointed out by 1 id poasetuion of Mn. Tiftt County, Ga. SHERIFF'S SALE Verdict of total divorce day of July. 1914. * ’ Notice is hereby given that ( the 29th day of January. 1 On, tl undersigned filed in office of *h_ f Isrk of the Superior Court of TMt t'ountv, “a application for t‘ m«val „f the diwbllit^s r •ipon him under the erdict < •bove stated cause Said a will be hbnrd at the tern mart which common lay of April, strength u Speaking^ T.i when Tania • advo iigain, until sage, pepper, salt. etc., had been worked into the meat right/ where each be longed—not too much, h(ft mixed with a pains taking thoroughness unknown in our days of hurry. • Then the stuffing. The iron box of the long stuffer was filled with meat, and over the tin tube on the end the casing was drawn. These casings themselves represented great patience and much labor. First after hog-killing they had been stripped of outsido fat. ridded, wash ed and turned. Then soaked over night; then washed and turned again*. "Then another soak ing and a third washing, before they were con sidered ready for use. Always, the Boy wanted to turn the stuffer, and always he turned it too fast until a warning cry stopped him. Much patience was required here, but slowly the pile of stuffed sausage grew, each long, pink, snake-like fellow tied at either end vith a string. Every few minutes the Boy ran to the fire near the bench to warm hands, and always Aunt Mary's fingers were busy—turning a link to stop a rent, tying n end, or slipping more casings over the stuff- r’s snout The stuffing done, the long strings of sausage were balanced and draped over small drying poles and htmg from joist to joist overhead in the smokehouse. Then came the smoking, for Aunt. Mary’s skill did not stop with sausage tQqking. Just the right kind of dry. pine sap or oak. and the smudged fire was kept going, j *h Pn they will day nnd night, until those sausage were cured ; fnmili"* just as she wanted them. And the result? When the mists of dawn are flying Before the rising God of Day; Just to smell those sausage frying In the kitchen, 'cross the way" * t f.lllaw Lot* No* land ..r I If a i' nrs «S10.O0« "T. and ir anybody j of incrfB5 | n| . , •it think about | SB nd Dollar* I “ ° r "“is i One Hundred alac and the work U an per c I Willis. South- ployed by tin f Tanlac. said I paid in Petit; i-ason of the year! lo h “' v ' > } v ■ than In erty, n fair " .11 and 12. in Block “A." South • ■f -u:d rurpv- aide Heights. Ty Ty. Ga.. as per plat rh..„snnd Dol- ri corded in book "D." page 472, i --i. j.- . ilege T’.ft County Records, with improve- Twentv Thou- ments thereon. Said la'pd levied n (Hit. t.y a ma- a-'' the property of D. S. Fletcher to ■ .1] dder*. <aid -c'-isfy an executtion issued from the nii. share* o( Crty Court of Tifton in said county each More ln favor of F M. Walker, against D he capital em- ?- Fletcher This 8th doy of £|b- Keen actually .mary. 1P17. Tenant in possession •sire the ruth: notified In writing. ' lt said J. M. Shaw, Sheriff. , prop- Tift County. Go. Tift fount?. Georgia, at ita JanaJ* ’ Term. 1917, I will sell before the FOR LETTERS ADMINISTRAt GEORGIA—Tift Coor. . To All Whom it May Cone. J. W Walker having madjJ cation in due form for letWfc mlhistratinn upon the esti... 'lartha W -.Iker. deceased, notice it that said application will be heard -t the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for laid county, to be held on the first Mon- •!a’v > iii February, 1917. Witness my hand and official anal. This 4th day of January, 1917. C W. Grave., Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. In pursuance of an order graab- by the Court of Ordinary of •purpose t ! the l.u.i' of Ken the springu v.'enthe.ring the storms of in need of an upbuildi There is nothing more Invigorating! *ue and be”auVd. to’pi' to a rundown system than Tanlac. pleaded, to have and It will iprove invaluable to' person* to ™ kr M n 1 " c ' . v . an.) regulations, and l who are suffering from indigestion thinfpl thnt mny bl . , or the after effects of pneumonia, lo , the successful carrytn grippe. catarrhal or bronchial | bu»ine»», including tht troubles. At this particular my suggestion is that per* affected take the full course bottles of'the medicine" |<*f indebtednei Tanlac is sold by Mills Drug < in Tifton; by Ty Ty Drug Co. Ty Ty; by Rronkijehl Drug Co Brookfiel.l: H. Seagraves in Fend and Cox Drug Co., in Omega. Ga SHERIFFS SALE crated « I hold, and sell t isonal property suitab ’ poses of the corporal •GEORGIA— Tift County. " 'th^right to ' WU ' h< ‘ sol| l on thp first Tuesday id an.l U- in- ■“ March. 1917. at public outenr be- '<■ a common fore the Ceurt House in said county, "vary by-laws | mthin the legal hours of sale, to the ■ccssary °* ;°r bidder for cash, the following •in of «|,id 1 described property to-wit: right to buy, | All that tract or pnreel of land ute and per- lying and being in the Sixth Dis- to the pur-l:riet of Tift county. Georgia, in the ' ‘ — • , city of Tif- BOYS MAY NOT GET OFF ' the affairs (secure the i ity deed, o der exist in 7 They ■ply for e conduct if I ration and to other"for Atlanta,, Go.. Feb. ys of the Nntionu! border j months or years. | Because of the 1 , many it is s . c ^" r 1 40, i a survey and map thereof. Lev on ns the property" of Joe Too- r. under a fifa issued from the Su- or Court of Worth County. Gear- '. in favor of the Bank of Tifton I ngnin*t Joe Toomer Property nted out bf pi • of . da 11 of lev of i *« 'W ' For Letter, of Adi stock GEORGIA—Tiff Com To All Whom it May corpd W. M. Walk f oving ma dated permanent administrator up- 1917. ,tke-cs-;i:U- of-E.. il. Walker, n . . before th* house door in Tift county, Ga . between the legal hours of salt, ..j to the highest bidder for cosh, the following described property: on the first Tuesday ip March, 1917: - * An undivided one-half fH) is- terest in the following described lands, to-wit: Four Hundred and Three (403) . res. more or leas, of lot of land 378. situate, lying and bring in the 6th district of Tift crixinty. Georgia, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot of land nnd run ning the original lini the corner of land of Mrs. ... Overby; thence along the line of the land* of the said Mr* W. K. Over by South 31.62 chains to aa established corner; thence along the line of the lands of the said Mrs. W. K. Overby West to the West Vne of said lot to an established comer; nnd thence along the original line South the Southwest comer of raid lot; thence the original line East t-- the Southeast comer of said lot: thevee along the original line North to the starting point Said property sold as On* prop- of L. T Hook , purpose of dls- of the ' 29th ilav of January;.' |-ib;*.'i*,ske-e*ii!ic «/•£.. JL Walker, no*i ' immunities i ties is hereby given that said. appii-: longer send it on credit, will liy. anin. " Another interesting ca»e wis ended in the j Worth Superior Court laat week, whoi a jury returned a verdict of not gnttp 1n thfi'ease Of " W. S. Hufstetler, charged wJ h accepting bribe. Mr. Hufstetler was a f nomber of the Board of County Comprisaioni s of Worth and .♦.no JUe labJa. dark brown, lusoim I * Pil* the dish up, full amt high. Bring a hoe-cake, one for just Give elbow room and let ’or ' fare IT thtf striiiliri contracting for metal materi the county’s work. Last-yea Tound Mr. Hufstetler guil^f, ithe case and was granted a n trial he was acquitted. . | feature in connection with, 1 iis case is that Hufstetler was a very eai est*Bdvocnte of ilRthe management he county’s af- . * tew~#e&rs ago, and it u that he was elected. FT*. \ cl ton,^ pus RIGHT KIND OI fce Soperton Ben tine _ mtly the farmers and’ i and Tift county or, ig Company. Quite ickholders for they, y insures Tift faro ■ough which a coi .MB come to them. *"',tes in two adjoini: thirty miles apt 1 the state are afra! ind on account of tithe fc» fly to be ut the it he ap| rffSL lother interest- doubtless due PRlS r lb, ye gods of things delicious! . AAvaunt. Lucullus.’ of fabled shade! mft all the best of childhood’s dishes. • .Give •: • the sausage'Aunt Mary made! sausage with the other good of childhood, and youth. Remains morv, but Jharik God fur memory isn't it, that the mixed hog and beef usage of commerce compares with 'brown links of epicurean lusciousness abou^bs sawdust compares yyth ambrosia, an o»ge with an orange’ P» Jbu aamember how they tasted Sunday morning for breakfast, with hot. beaten biscuit and brindled gravy? Or. did you ever come in' from af|^g tramp, cold and hungry, in mid-nf- temoon^stop by the smokehouse and .purloin a -.jfew prmAis inks; then broil them on the coals' ^lldering fire and eat them with a cold cornbread ? If you did neithei it is no use to talk longer. I the parlance of the stovfi league, Presi- krt Wilson's batting average in the present ddje is a series of base hits, with the peace fCh punch far over the heads of everybody he game. It should be added that his er- BW boltupn shows a mighty low percentage. *" USE “GASCARETS" FOR 1 < '°" rR l a ' - LIVER AND BOWELS j GEORGIA—*Tifr^County WH|N CONSTIPAJED I ||, •-y D. W-l.-i. < headachy, tick, for had cold.. Get o*10-cent box. Take a Caacaret tonight to cleanse your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, iu Win ' Sarcly feel great by morning. You men and women who have headache, coated tongue, a bad cold, .arc bilious, nervous, up- 'bothered with a ftick. gassy, disordered Jtoumnch, or have hack- :hc and feel nil worn out. Arc you H-ping your bowel* clean v 1 carets—or merely forcing a passage- :ery few days with salts, thartif pills or castor oil? Cnscaret* immediately clc awd regulate the stoumach. ren sour, undigested and ferment- t -ing food and foul gases; take the cx- 'bss bile from the liver and cany iff the constipated waste matter nnd poison from the bowels. Bememher, n Cnscaret tonight will straighten ’ you out by morning. Hard war i file : A 10-cent box from your durg- gist Qear.s healty bowel action; clear head 'and cheerfulness fo months. Don't forget the children. ml ygmitair n iv seal o, said court Th.* the 6 ly of Fcbfupo. ,lfiJ7« ...... Henry D. Webb. (Terk. Superter Court. Tift r„i7n(y, ( SHERIFFS SALE GF.ORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold on the first Tucsdn? in -.March. 1917, nt public outcry be fore the Court House in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to (he hu;he.*t bidder /or cash, thp (qllpjfing described property to-wit: "vo luih-s of cotton anil one hun- bushels of corn, all ungnther- cd. Said property levied on as the erty of J. S. Nelson unde- a L*sued from the City Court o' Tifton in favor of the Armou,- per tilizer Works and against J. S No son. Said pri-yi-ty pointed out by plaintiff's attorney irf fif a and i pos session of defendant on date of ’evy. Levy made by B. F. WJiiddon. D p- uty Sheriff, and returned to me Sept. 23rd, 1915. FARM and CITY LOANS Made Promptly Farm Loans at 5 1-2 per cent interest on Five years time. We make it TEN ye:u - Farm Loan Cheaper, original and renewal commissions considered. No one can offer better terms. See US before making nn ripplication. SKEEN & MURRAY - ---. - Creorgja= Florida | Land* ? Farms. Farm Lands Timber and Timber Lands- Cutover Lands in South Georgia, Florida and Alabama ranging in price from $2.50 per acre to $12.00; improve farms $10.00 up to $75.00; stock farms, island prop® along the coast of Georgia makffine hunting and , preserves', winter homes,-club sites; some splendid | 4nill locations in Florida. •If you have anything to sell or want to buy, 1 swap, Ir^dc city prupej-ty / -property plf ymr wl to go to any other section or State, see me. I have some fH. farm lands in Colorado to trade for Southern lands. Hav& good farm near Athens,-Ga.. will trade for stock goods I have over 10.Q()0 representatives In the U# States. Canada. Cuba/hnd Mexico, who rend my advert ments every month and are ready with trades or pects. Tell me what you want or where you want te/tifl I will do the rest. x Issac A. Fulwood Tifton, Georgia