The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 06, 1917, Image 1

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*****••■ • ship Panama, in the war Of 23-Day Revival at the Meth odist Church Jiuavy ran. that began j Charley is surviv even o'clock the mi 1 " and father, Mr. ar the Methodist church hanks, and six h lj Ailed when Evanrr- Dr. J. D. W L-av be»n hi. • D. John - * s nmh. Lit-wt r r„ , h If V sermon. He- Wilbanks, and M . .1* t'^chmg hU theme tho speaker Misses' L. E . Le sa.d that he wished to publicly thank Wilbanks, all of Ah the editor of the Tifton Doily Gaz . „ ette for the accurate and elaborate HAS SLEPT reports this paper had given of each j day's service, declaring them to be the j Child U. most comprehensive it had been his ' Tuesday of i pleasure ever to read. Mr. Dur.away , Omega. Ga., Apri addc,| that the support given h» the a hal* year old son e had wonderfully and mater-! Bony' Lynch has "led in the success of the meet- ( o ne days. ■I that both he and the pastor. The little hoy wt Mathews, had received many noun on Tuesday i from people in this and neigh- is still asleep thus counties telling of the good “-is time it has id obtained from the daily re- nou ishment and th -arHoj fcy this paper The and a little water. - is profoundly appreciative of Attending phys irk of esteem, and glad have little fellow has dc if unuM-ki—a rn»nqr which' iB-icj' with kidney <o much to mankind. jhe _{fnnon cam. •r consecration, with its jdonment of life's sins. I During the meeting whig* tinned for twenty-three lays, llere aie Dimi. had been twenty-four a-J.iiti >ns ,to list., Will < j the-Methodist church at t?e c onclu- - This Day O Sion of the .service last night. It is' They are fi anticipated that this will be swelled cning cross e; by at lakst ten more during the next from the eye. few days. Other denominations have tonsils, catan likewise profited in leaser ratio. In' chronic diseasi addition to this nearly thirty persons without knife professed complete sanetificaion children giver jaudllorii nur section in the Gazette for somef* 2 ' 0 ”™”- time. I thought I w)£Bl(Ltetyoii knowll L- fierring, Geo. M we arc still living.?'/Tg |& L. Vmnee, C. I My. my. wha* c Theft W. Gaulding. 8. F, t farmers are rf Ranting inU W . Goodman. L. W this section. c» -doming upl, „ ri , K r.icely. SpeakinJ /fral. farming t ^ Gl ^ b *' William is well up with \ I time of the f- ^ C. year. | ,r f. H. Collier, W C. F Not any use to aty anything about If. N. Mitchell. Vjmpiey [visiting. All that are not gone visit- Briggs Canon. H. H. Sci mg have some one visiting them, ju. Sutton l -J M ,h ““»* re k c- ! w. t. n» WamrSb Canoaatt? Club 1 »• •**>■* X. /■ th : u,c hoy I met last Friday night, with jmod at-!* B - Smith, R. M ■ ather with a shovel | tendance. We are doing somo good. — o ago. haj a committal work. - Mr. L. S. Watson was with WIRE FFNCF n mg before Judge us an d R avo us some good points od 1 mder the evident the ??.' Cl ? b “ K0 }? « b*. high 6 inch strap ■Justifiable Homicide " . to ,eat 8everal varieties of peas tha 0 . .. .„ . , p ■ , „ , , ... year, we expect ta get a voluabk ** -DS- iz »«h-strap Jt-Uuj ls-stid -aleejv :R>*sq n from the test. s2 in *- high 6 inch strap ■ clock, noon, without A contract has been kjtfor th» J9 mt- high 6 inch strip ' t.uilding cf a dipping vat incur, com. 47 uu»hi«h « inch strap - . — mnnlfv — . - MATHIS ACQUITTED •pt to sleep about Gazette i —ila - f hist week. :nd who kiHcd h: morning. During-iiome ttm<- taken very little trial this m- iis in liquid form, fl-amh. and u letter boring they h ports Gazett SPECIALISTS COMING APRIL 14. *" ap- TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The next teachers’ institute will i he held in the courthouse Saturday, April 7th. All the teachers are re quested to attend, and they are urged to give some thought to the following subject, as it is so im portant: The subject of promotion—when, how thorough and so on—will be discussed by the following teachers: Mr. R. B. Griner, Miss Elizabeth Doney. Mrs. J. B. Mallory and Mr. R- A. Patrick. T.’ S. Rigdo*^** Mr.. A. D. MuIlU, Com. 1 Jefferson Parker left Tuesday for Atlanta, where he enlisted in Undo Sam's Marine Corps. HU photo ap peared on the first page of Thurs day’s Atlanta Georgian, together with James Parks. C. G. HawfcUf and Lieut Colvocoreaaea, who ad ministered the oath to the three, ^e think Jeff will find navy lift eoag» list, and we aspect to hear from hi* in the course of time. XXVII, NUMBER B apostle of pe for a short THE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON, < , FRIDAY, (JkPRlL ®. 1*17. (2,090 In Prizes to Be Given Away By The Tifton Gazette OMEGA DISTRICT SCHOOL CONTEST Four Schools Participate in Inter eating Event BRYAN IN TIFTON SATURDAY AFT’N’N On His Way from Albany to Fitx- geratd Who Tabes an Active Part in Thh OLD TY TY ANSLEY AM SALEM RE MET HERE BY MOTOR PARTY 111 Receive a Prize or Cash . —— '— > Coatett at Ob*- DiatinguUbad Nthrtlba Will Stop Short IS ME GRAND PRIZE tte’s Auto Club Today r \ hundred and fifty dollars Omega. Ga.. April 6.—The folfew- * j ing program was carried out by the ■ schools of Old Ty Ty, Ansley, Sa lem and Omega, in the elimination ,, I county school contest Song: Omega school. -1 first grand prize will be m'akigg over Declamation: Huford Conger, Sa lem school . i , Reading: Ora Stephens. Old Ty Ty ■ | ‘ down according to the s wonder- 1 effort that y° u P u ‘ forth - There U J Song: Ansley school, s the live- j not a man. woman hoy or girl who I Reading: Jewel Everett. Omega I subscrip-! cannot qualify ns the winner of the i school. : , touring car. It costa you nothing Song: Salem school. » secure to enter the club and nothing to Declamation: James Duffy. Old f double compete and you arc bound to win. 1 Ty Ty school. so clip the nomination blank today Solo:T^ola Johnson. Omega school 'and bring or send it to the manager Reading: Fannie Green. Salem »nd girls of Tift ..f th<- Gazettes auto dub and let »ch°<d. l campaign. A him help you get the early smrt Declamation - J. D Manghnm. h award Js guaranteed that is essential »o winning Y-.u Omega school. 'Wery one who enters tlie auto club, may nominate yourself or a f-i.-nd Solo: Klma Rlolnck, Ansley school.' Over $2,000 in prizes and cash and you du not have to be a ,jt,- SchiHil Yelling: Omega. Old Ty Ty commissions will be given away Sat- sera er t,. the paper to enter. and Salem schools, urday night. May. 19. The cam- The Gazett- does not ask you to Winner* were as follows Only Ug at 3:30 in fkfUraoos. Hon. W. J. Bryan, many times candidate for President, Secretary of State in Wilaon’s Cabinet, and tho CHULA DISTRICT SCHOOL CUNTEST Brought Good Crowd and Inter- r* eating Program SIX SCHOOLS PARTICIPATED m’s C^bin 9 Elimination Events for County Sobooli. Coated to bo Hold April 21 et. Chula. Ga-, April 6.—Chula divia- >n of the Tift county public achoola at Chula Thursday, April 6th, Tifton and held their contest. The * itturday after- of the division were as follows: imposition: Winner to ba a Mr. Bryan will come here from nounced later. Albany, where he lectures tonight. Map Drawing: Euna Mims. Chula. 1 arriving at 3:30 ovfr the Atlantic first place; Icy Mae Merchant, Fiet- [ many t —»eeiuie u «wu uic uu .u Coast Line, on »ay to Fitxger- cher. second place. ' [authorities began seizing all interned German ships i: aid. where he lectures Saturday Spelling: Vera Fletcher, of Pear- State , waters, and before 8 oVK L il! crews made night. man. and Khod. Turk, of Chula, tied and , he were There being no convenient rail- for first place, both spelling every road schedules, a party headed by word. Mr. I. Gelders will motor over Reading Marie Veasey, Fair-view, from Fitzgerald to meet Mr Bryan first pace; Delia Swain. Chula, see-'' bere, escorting him to the Colony »nd pace vessels seized in New York, induding Vaterland one of tl Fok*. -M M SMC, Om. at ■ -j S«limo„, two .1 _Wilmto W% „ J«tooo,illo, mi from to four at various other points. In every case, the machinery of the vessels was found to Solo: Evelyn Whid- be smashed and the vital parts missing. UNCLE SAM AT WAR Washington, April The United States is formally at with Germany, following the passage of the war raaol*- tion at 3 o’clock this morning, by a vote of 373 to 50. Vice-President Marshal signed the resolution for tho Senate shortly after noon today and it was sent immediately In President Wilson, who affixed his signature, completing the formalities. | Immediately, all machinery of the army and navy and other branches of the Government was set in motion for the national defense. The first actual hostilities are expected to fall to the navy Just what the plans are, or where the fleet is, is being with held by the Department. It k nnown, however, that plans had already been completed for the patrolling of the coast and protecting our possessions and only needed word from Proas- dent Wilson to set the navy to work. Washington. April 6—The first act of war against Ger- taken today, when before dawn the United States United the b«*ds of th-s authorities. In New York alone the idzeh vessels ar;<! valued at fifty- ie million dollars, and in aJ] ports of the Umited States their lue exceeds one hundred ndKqns. - There were twenty-seven' paigrw will last just six weeks and do this work for not' vrill b« no long drawn out affair ready to pay yon a • Look over the long list of prizes and effort you put .in th r in mind that any one of these lute fairness .will !» l be for a little sparwtime members of the -In Fgl choosing the prizes the first lk - them worth the t Wing. Every prize oi the list is i f the best to be bought and every • dele of standard make. Who does r not want to own an Overland six 1 cylinder touring ear? The latest ig as it stands Declamation, ording to the Omega school, work. Abso- Map Drawing. Raymom shown to all school. No favon!- Yells. Omega school. The Gazeite Reading. Francis Gr. stands CHARLEY WILBANKS KILLED IN WRECK >— M> I With Two Others ft Alexander Gay. Ome- • City, Alabama model on the market ani qow tfre think that this announcement ii standard car of this grept factory, made for you. You would not A 3350. Fredrick Piano, a 1100-1 read this far if you were not i veil for them. It is Spelling. Eu a something-for-nothing propo- aehohl. in. hut a straightforward bcsi-l Composition > one. in which the best mem- Omega sehooL . draw the most pay. [ School song. Ansley school, low do not lay this aside and' Sol °- Elva .Blalock. Old | Dr. J. D. Wilbanks received a tdn [gram Sunday afternoon trlling of n Salem : the l!, ' a, h. by accident.of his brother. | Charley Wilbanks, at Alexander v City. Ala. No details were given, it. Omega but the following is frpm the morn ing papers: E^eratt. Alexander City. Ala.. April 1.- - .Three teople were killed and four barfly injured in an automobile ac- . &dent here this afternoon The dead: CHARLEY WILBANKS. ^ MISS MAGGIE PARISH, . .... . „ HELEN WILLIAMS. Grafanola. and along list of other I csted. so tear out the nomination! Potato Race, age 10 to 12. Marcus The injured: prises that will be worth your time, blank now and send or bring it to Mobley. Omega school. Mias Sarah Smart, badly cut. will The question arfccs—bow can'the office of the Gazette and let us' Hilrh j“ m P- “Re to 12. Oren probably die; Miss Lexis Carlisle, these costly prizes be sJcured? i hell, you to get started right Harrison. Omega school. • seriously injured spine; James Thotn- Ihis is fully answered in tho two! Remember you can not lose: Broad jump, age 10 to 12. Walt.r Nolen.^ot dan^r^, 6 ™' ; page announcement ir. another port I i n this campaign and it costs you not, Hudson. Omega school. Miss Ruth Carlisle and Miss Annie of this issue.We are trying toja penny to compete. You hove as Standing jump, age 12 to 13. J. D. Lambeth were' the only occupants (Bake the campaign clear to every many friends as the next person and Vineing, Omega school. of the car who escaped injury. •Be so that you may get an early' there is no reason why you can not | 220 Y ar ' 1 dash - »trc 14 to 18, John The car in which nine young peo- There is nothing hard to do. come out a winner. Shannon. Old^Tv Tv school. P ,e pleasure riding, went head- a strings attached to the campaign Individual* paying their subscrip-' PoUt « rar <-- «£e 15 to 18. John northof Alexa^er"^ v 1 oil that is required of you i» a|tioii* to the Gazette will be allowed,Shannon. Old Ty Ty school. driver. Jackl^lerL lost control ^ t of your time. The work of ae-'to cast their votes according to the . H '* h 18. John [ Dr Wilbanks left Sunday night g votes is easy and in this case, regular schedule, providing they Shannon, Old Ty Ty sehooL for Alexander City, to attend the y profitable.' The winner of the,request them nt the time-of paying. * Bun and Jump. 17 to 18. John! funeral. . Shannon. Old Ty Ty school. j The news was received with sad- __ " ~ ! ' Standing jump, age 17 to 18. Alvie I 1 ? 0 ” By a| l Tifton. as well as by'the ine Hague, April 6.—About one hundred Americans are Simmons. Old Ty Ty school. deceased a fellow students at A. M . ^being detained in Berlin, according to dispatcher received fmm A large crowd was in attendance c, ty fr °7 Ak '* and h ir . there this morning. Some of them have been thrown into pris- mo,t " I! of 27s pupils enrolled in home with his brother °amJ*atiend P on. and are suffering much privation. thp ° me * ra school weri ’ Among those being detained is Mrs. Maud Refer, who aid- ThC ”* cnjo>cd by ^ ;. jinc Second District Agricultural .School. He was fifteen years old, e Ambassador Gerard when he left. New York, April fi.— Wireless warnings \w-re flashed today to the Allied shipping that German suWnfrines had been sighted.between Porto Rico and Bermuda. Beunos Ayres.'S. A.. April 6.—Anti-German manifesta tions Jaroke out in Rio Janerio over the sinking of the Brazil-' j ani * “ very bright youth. He made Running Broad Jump: Hulcy Mar- chant, Fletcher, first place; Johnnie Detaiach, Chula, second place. Running High Jump Johnnie Dc- l.oach. I hula, first place; Hulcy Mar- chant. Fletcher, aecond place. Potato Race: Hulcy Merchant, Fletcher, first place; Johnnie De- Loach. Chula, second place. 220-Yard Dash: Johnnie DeLoach, Chula, first place; Joe Cravcy, Fletch er. second place. Boy. Under 12. Standing Broad Jump: Nas Mar- chant. Fletcher, first plnce; Owen De- Loach. Chula, second place. Running Broad Jump: Fred Peattnan. Pcarman, first place; Ar- ur DeLoach, Chula, second place. Running High Jump: Fred Pcar- man. Pearman. first place; Rufus Hollingsworth. Chula, second place. Potato Race: J. P. Arnold. Chula, first place; Fred Pearman. Pearman. second place. 220.Yard Dash: J. P. Arnold. Chu la. firs’ place. The program began at 10 a. m. id lasted until 4:30 p^m. The early ii* of the forenoon did not keep the^ _ people away Six schi " irview. Fletcher, d Red Oak. wer worked hard to One in Savannah. Savannah. (■«.. The German steamer Hohenfelde, in port I here, was seized by the Government this morning. .San Francisco, Calif., April 6.—Four German vessels were .-cized by the Government here today, three at Portland, fnd several others at different points along the coast, t. Four in N(w Orleans. New Orleans. La.. April 6.—Four German vessels were seized by the Government at this port this morning. U ashington. April 6.—President Wilson issued a procla mation to the American people this afternoon, declaring that a state of war exists between the United States and the Ger man Government. The proclamation contain! i strong warffthg to aliens that violence or intrigue against the United Staten will be met with drastic action. The proclamation forbids the Germans to be possessed of arms or to make statement! derogatory to the government, or to'approach closer than half a mile to any government ramp or reservation. Washington. April 6.—President Wilson signed the war resolution at 1:13 this afternnon. Shortly afterwards he issntd a call for volunteers, to bring the army and navy up to its wamtrength, and gave hia endorse ment to the General Staff arny bill designed to obtain men b> selective conscription. "The necessary men." stited President Wilon, "will be obtained by volunteering, as present until in the judgment of the President a resort to sdective draft is advisable. Washington. April 6.—Th first vote ever cast by a wo man. in Congress was against war. repine Pale and ha KK art| . aa d itaost fainting Miss Jeanette Chula,! R®nkin, Congresswoman from Kontana, stated when her name Glover. Pearman ; '>'** called : represented and I ”1 want to stand by my eountry, but I cannot vote for 'var.” She-was then led from (he Chamber by her “fiolleaguea. All the contestants did exception- Havana, April 6— President Menocal urges the Cuban -hrt .taTtadtt SEiCwww* 1 - a .talo of nr with Gom.n,. following deserve special mentioh: Berlin. April C.—Nine thusand Russians were captured Euna Mims, of Chula, who won firstlyhen the Germans forced crosdng of the Stokhod river Wed- map drawing, drew an ex- nesday. Washington. April 6— The Senate passed the General he man mon^/ began puthng | whai he could the Bank. ' ^ho ^ets the money you. earn? m«rv spend their m^sy as fast as they make L e end of the year haffe nothing to show for a s work. If these men would say to Ifiemsel- put some money In the Bank every time." to their resolution to save, they would ^pon lST EGG” that will increase and grow, ahtj it the Interest thA take in making it grow that o It. 7* (tart a Bank Account today.- We pay 5 per cent Interest. Put YOUR money In OUR bank. i National Bank of Tifton, Ga. hundreds of friends here who learn with sorrow nf his tragic death. He only left Tifton Friday night, to spend the week-end at home. The funeral of all three of the victims. Charley Wilbanks. Mime Maggie Parish and .Helen Williams xvere held in the same church at the | " same time and the Baptist minister j J 1 conducted the three. The floral of-1 ceedingly good map. It was highly 1 tfto M Vin d. h:5 i h P3rtin,r words an VJRP - riaWn ol ilQ0 ' Q0Q<m nna injunction found in Firs: Thcs- '"wered in N the grave at the sam.- /' ! ' llor ' for their schools in the ath- salonians, 5-23: . I time. Those w ho witnessed the ser- nnrt those two schools shonld 1 vices say that they were truely sad. justly proud of them. Rhoda! Tiirit, of Chula, and Vora Fletcher, of" Pearman. spoiled every word of th? 100. It would be impossible for John, timiih. Di wey™jim atid'*Dani them ' lo better - Another contest Wilbanks, and Mr?. Ida Cannon } W 'U he held in tpelling to see tf they E.. Lena and Gerfrude can rf *8f '">*• a word. «ilbanks. all of Alexander City, Ala. F.ach contestant who holds first * place will represent the Chula divis- HAS SLEPT TEN DAYS jion in the County contest at Tifton on April the 21st. to Servo al? April Term, 1*17, Tift Saporior Coart. B. T. Pop., EC Varner, Geo. K. Fletcher, C. B. Holmes, 8. F, Overstreet, L. W. Whlddon, William Whlddon,