The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 04, 1917, Image 1

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VOLUME XXVIII, NUMBER R. THE T1FTON GAZETTE, TIFT ON GA.. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917. LATE WAR NEWS Two More Days Ik Of “Booster Week” London, May 3.—Thu morning'* statement from th* Wai Office *ayt that heavy fighting ha* developed all along th* Scdsee river and to the east of Arras. Infantry assaults followed a tremendous bombardment. The British are making steady progress and have t spluwl n number of strong German position*. a Pans, May 3.—JUl officially announced this morning that the French fortes are again driving forward in the Cham prgne sector, capturing a German garrison to the east of Mont HauL The French and British armies are attacking in concert, the British to the east of Arras and the French chief pressure between Rheims and Argoene. London, May 3.—The troop ship Arcadian was subma rined in the Mediterranean with 270 lives lost, is the official anouncement today. Spedsn*na Brought in from Farm Near Ty Ty Important Meeting is Called for Tifton at 1:30 P. M- te’a Auto Club Which it Will Pay y Many to Join BEGINS SmNNAH TUESDAY THESE ARE LIVELY FELLOWS AVERT DANDER OF SHORTAGE From Farm of A. 3. Walter. Who 1. Plowing .Under Crop. First Reported in Tift This Year. Regardless of. what science may say, or what friends of raising cot ton may say, there are some speci mens of downright malicious and destructive cotton boll weevils at the Gazette office, found on the farm of Mr. A. S. Walters, three snd a half miles’ south of Ty Ty Wednes day and they are hade and hearty, showing for their work of. /destroy ing cotton full capabilities and strength. The weevils were brought to the Gazette office by Mr. W. W. Tim mons, and they sre the real boll weevil. They arc the first that have Every Farmer. Buainet, and Profe,‘ • ioaal Man in Territory Haa. Ur gent Invitation to Attend. To every citizen of Tift county and section adjoining; -You have an especial and urgent invitation to attend a meeting of fr.-mers. merchants, bankers and other Ijusinrts and professional men at the court house in Tifton on Sat urday afternoon May 5th. at l :30. The purpose pf the meeting is to discuss the threatened food shortage and to organize Tift County Food Council to t^ik* part in counteracting such a calamity. This is your country's call to its service in time of need. Show your loyalty to your presence. Most of us do not understand the true" conditions and - we are Sot awake to the impending danger, therefore we should get enlightened on the subject and thus know how each one may intelligently avert the evil. The country is not calling the far mers to go to the front, but it is calling them to service. Will you do your bit? Many Features. The annual State Sunday School Church Peopl* of Savannah Making ■ convention vjH*begin a three day's Session at the Independent Presuy- terian ehsrch. Savannah, next Tues day. and it is expected that a num- , her of delegates will go to represent I Tifton and‘Tift county. I Only one school of Tifton has yet e'ected delegates, that matter to be , taken up next Sunday by most of them.. The school already selecting representatives is the Presbyterian, which elected Mrs. F. A. Hardee 1 and J. Dana Jones. The Methodis*, Baptist and Wesleyan Methodist will, in all probability, send repre- ■ sentatives again fJlis year, as also . the County Association,—of which Prof. A. J. Ammons is president. A number of the rural Sunday schools 1 will in all likelihood send delegates. ’ A special round trip fare from Tif- , ton has been arranged with the rail roads of $5.40. Delegates will be en- ’ Ycriair.ed while in Savannah by .ho church people who will furnish Iodg- | ing and breakfast. ' There are a number of splendid features planned for this yesv's meet. Among them are f A County Sunday School Officers Supper, and Conference; An Adid: Bible class parade; Special major; An exhibit of modern Sunday school books, helps and equipment; two af ternoons of the convention are giv en over to Departmental Confer ences; one afternoon the convention goes on a social :r Name Washington, May 3.— Sentiment in favor of sending am American expedition to the battle-fras! ij? France as soon a* possible continues to increase to4«y in official quarters. It is believed that certain assembling of hAitial units w® soon be authorized, but when, *r how, or what units will b* sent, must remain a military secret. > t is *ywuidlered certain that the regular army will fumi*h the ater part of the ex* Tifton Packing House for £74, 00Q to LeBarre •ek Offer ten dollars v >u certificate of K rotes arc in ir vote* printed xecijtive snd Finance Commit!* Closed Lost of Deals For Plant been found and reported from T ift county fields this year, but they Some idea of the inteitseness ot the fightjlig in the West •s indicated by the report of the Entente Ailied losses for the last fortnight ending Sunday night, of 198,000 killed, wound ed and captured. The German losses, because of their mam formatian attacks greatly exceed these figures. Under the initial Selective Draft to secure the first half million, New York will be required to furnish the most mf, 45,845; Nevada the lowest, 500; Florida 4,598; Georgia 13,795; Norih Carolina 11,800; South Carolina 7,951, amd Tennessee 20,041. The ratio will probably be observed in subsequent drafts of half a million each. t Washington, May 3.—Three thousand ambulances amd seven doctors and drivers will be sent to France as soon ms transportation is obtained, was announced by the Council d National Defense ibis aftsnoor. The first unit, will start in three weeks. An additional thousand medical men will go to England. iw conclusively-that this post it here, and if found in one field they can be found in others. It is explained by men vereed in the ways of boil weevils that they come out of'winter quarters os early in the spring sa the weather seems right for them, and that if they do not find anything to feed upon they go bark into their quarters again- But now they arc finding feed—the tender terminal bud—and they will remain in the young cotton until the squares form where they will lay their eggs and then die. Mr. Walters found the weevi's W.dnesday and has already begun to plow under the crop. In all probability from now on reports will be coming in lively about the pest being found in many sec tions of the county, as it was found in a great many fields last fall snd but a small percentage of the acreage of stalks were plowed un der or gotten rid of then, with the consequent result that the weevil was left in the fields to go into win ter quarters as suited bug nature. That the cold weather destroyed the weevil to a great extent is be ing discovered as. erroneous, and ex perts in agriculture say they were too far out of reach of the frost to be badly affected by it when it was hers in February. ■■SI*-"" lr * ny Ien K tfc ° t) "' c The last contract for the erection months up. They may be of the Tiftan Packin( . Company's either new or renewal*. plant was let Monday by the exccu- Give yourself a chance to profit by tivp and Kinance Committee, that for this Booster Week offer. Be a boost- the buiUinK K V | LaBarrc. of n and win the Overland Six touring j, ckMnviUe> Kin., one of the most re car or one of the other splendid lubIe , nd ltronpst contractors in the awards. You can if you will. No one Soulh iecunng wort ha. a better right to the prize* thsn The contrict Iet for $74,000 you have, and you have just a* much „ nd ine | ude , ,H of the main building, i «=«nry »*<i ability Slope this line BS Work ^ b# , Mrted next Monday any other member of the club. Climb roornin|f wjl h . Urge force of .non U* of ’rote-getter* now. and undpr lhp charjfc of Mr w G j, H1 _ CM out of the rut. Win a place and of j, ckK)D v iUfc M superintend, a prixe for yourself at one and the !, nt of work . same time. The foundations have all been laid Don't Let This Opportunity Escape f or , b e pUnt, and the artesian well . Grasp it now. Three week* from h „ bppn fj n uhed. so th*t all that now you may be the one who is j reIn ,j n s to be done now is to get ■warded th* splendid automobile. Do ; , hp bui iding up and the machinery .not let anyone else get them. They mstalled. Architect and Engineer Brooks was in attandance at the meeting Monday and following the letting of the contract remarked that Tifton would be the best packing house of it» size in the United States. Those of the committee attending were: J. S. Shingler, of Ashburn; W. D. Fountain, of Sycamore; H. H. Tift. W. W. Banks. M. E. Hendry. Briggs Carson, Frank Scarboro. Those gentlemen are doing everything possi ble to get the plant in operation in time for the fall crop of hogs and unless some unlooked for circum stance arises it will b* ready, SPLENDID MET1NGS Held by An,ley Community Club on Wednesfey Night. The Ansley Community Club hold a most mterestinaAceting Wednes day night, the school house being packed with intent listeners to the District Health Officer Whittle v6ld the people some truths about screening against flies and mosquitos the construction and care of out houses, and other preventive meas ure*. He told his hearer* that free c' alion for typhoid would be given as : many people in th^ county as wanted it and urged all'to take ad vantage of this preventive measuri ng* ir.«t a disease that was known to be dangerous. Farm Demonstrator Watson IpokF forcefully afiput the food situation, saying among other things that some, bqdy in Tift county was going hun gry next winter unless strenuous methods were employed by the farm ers to produce food crops in abund ance. He also said that from.' a busi ness standpoint it would be better for the fanners to give attention to foods for raise to eat or feed would command top market prices, while the price of cotton was always a doubtfufl mat ter. He also spoke scout th* danger of trying to make cotton with the weevil present in the fields as they were known to Ije in Tift at this title. The meeting was’ one of the r^ost enthusiastic yet held by the AnfcVy club. to Tybce Beach. The adult Bible class parade on Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 o'clock is being featured and fully one thousand men from the Sunday schools are expected to be in line. Many of theoe will carry piacaids. banners,,flags, etc. In the afternoon sessions it has been arranged for the Conception to break up ijto conferences. The Sunday school teacher* and officers who work with pupils from thirteen to twenty will be tn one building, those who work with children from birth to thirteen will be in anothei building and those who work with pupils over twenty will be in anoth er buiiding. The pastors, superin tendents and secretaries will be in still another church. Special Train to That all delegates might enjoy a stroll on the beach and spenij a couple of hours in recreation, H has been arranged for a special train to take the Convention to the beach on the last afternoon so they will be refreshed aftd ready for the finnl climax session. The music of the convention wi'l be in charge of Prof. E. O Excel I. of Chicago, assisted by his pianist. Atlanta, Ga. May 3 Systematic telephonic messag es are being sent out todty from Atlanta to the telephone districts in the Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee, to be communicated to every exchange, whick will in turn present the message to every minister, asking him in his next Sunday's sermoa to urge the people of th« South to plant food crops. The message originated in the Southern District National Conservation Congress and urges that the South raise her own food, thus-releasing the Western supplies te the Allies. Gifford Pinchot is now in Atlanta, and heexpecte hundreds of replies from the thirty-five thousand miniaten who are expected to be mched. Washington, May! America made the second war loan today. Secretary McAdoo turned over to the Italian Am bassador a treasury wamnt for one hundred million dol lars, all of which will be *>eht in the United States for coal, food and munitions. Washington, Miy 3. The French Commisionera Viviani and Joffre, visited the House this afternoon and met a tumultous welcome. LOSE FOOT Hemer J. Cox Sustained Injury to M.mbar This Moraine- On the 23rd of August last, Mr. Homer J. Cox, son of Rev. John A. Cox, was caught in the machinery of s gin at Lenox and among other in juries had his right foot broken af the ankle. This morning a team which hr was driving ran away, and Mr. Cox had the same foot broken again. This lima amputation was necessary, and the young man was brought from Lenox to the Tift County nos- pHal. where hi* foot will be taken off GAVE ALLEN TROUBLE Bought by N. D. Pinkston Who Will Operate Two StoresT A .deal was dosed Wednesday night between Dr. C. B. Welch-, and Mr. ff. D. Pinkston, whereby Mr. Pinkston becomes owner of pie Welch Drug Store, the change tak ing effect Thursday morning. “ \ Welch Drug Store opened qn March 27th of this year, and has en joyed s splendid run of burinci* from the first- Dr. Welch states thaj he disposed of the business in order to be in position to better care tot some other* matter* he has Ih hand FOURTEEN TEACHERS Prof. Erwin. Both of these Mr*. Harris Abrahams, of Vald.'*- t L Spending the week with, her trenta, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice iorman. Accompanying her is Mis* ary Dunitx. of New York. Of the same grade, he haring Q f reputation. . — K—4— .—— ...... . ". l , .L L-ft fer Annual State Meeting Macon ml Noon Today. Tifton Pdblic School will be Irt resented at the annual convention Mr. Pinkston states that he rctainj£(r. D. D. Halladay as ; senptionist, and Mr. S*m Oweni clerk, snd that (he only chanofi shot "his hrother-in-’aw some few monts ago. He was declared quilty of this charge also and seven years wag charged .up to him on this score. been arranged for the celebra’. -d “Home Methodist Quartette" to ren der several numbers during the- can- The ma&wi money knew that a year is a span. The Bank account you .start the State Teachers’ , Assoclltiori,. ?n- wRl make in the place wiHyfie to rename it ‘‘Pinkston’s Drug IStore— Love Avenue Branch." / Mr. Pinkston will continue to op erate hi* Main street stpre. where he has be?h ’successfully conducting a general drug business ’for seven or eight years. He is now enlarging that place to meet the needs of increas ed patronage. The new owner of the Love svp- nuc store has been anxious to get a location on the north ride for some ugh Saturday, by fouife* Those 'who went at nooi^ ti COX FOUND GUILTY people. day ProfKIason Scarboro: Misses\Siir- boro. Page. Spier, Adams, Woodall, Britt. McKj^ney. Shaw, Clark. D'jr- rett. Pinkston and . May and Ojla Jnhdsoa. , We State AAlciation of County Superjntenden^wili adjourn tonigtg after a two i*y»' session. Prof, A, J. Ammons wa* one of the speaker* at this meet today. a G. 'I Ten Year, for Killing Seeley in The jury engnged in the trial of H. F Cox. charged with the killing of Ike T. Sealey in Berrien county superior court returned a verdict of voluntary manslaughter after be in' out 'about two hours, says the V::!dosta Times. Judge Thomra sentercedWCox to ten year* in the pcnitcntiaR time, believing thatd Tifton is go ing to grow rapidly tfKj that Seeord street is eventually going to become one of the principal streets for bus iness ip the city. He will pot his per sonal itj^into the Love nvenffo branch with 'th^Nriew of making it a pop ular drug stdre. and invi^s the geo.' pk* to visit film. IV Welch states that he will fof the present continue practice '.as specialist nr eye. ear, nose and threat The case attracted considerable attention. Both men were well known ir. Berrien county, Cox being a . land owner. A special sessTon of court was called by Judge Thomas to dis pose of the case. There wa* a strong 0 OFF FOR STO.TE MEET A. M. 3. Team With Coapb Thrash Left a* Noon for Atlanta. The track team selected to repre sent the Second District Agricultural Sketches of Wiregrass Georgia * Forty Years Ago took place several **ate meet of all accredited high and •x owned a -piece of prep schools in Georgia, left for AL Sealey was a tenant anjfc'gjmgo.a Thursday. The ' ' " ! "'!chel. Willis, Whig- rlMra*** occurring - fti-.ham. Williams and Rigdon. Coach ri—- -» ««. Thrash acromnanj|d the boys‘in the place Prof. Lewis, who could tuQ leave his work at the school at this time. a This is the third year the local A^ M. S. has had a team in the meet an4 Coach Thras^vent away very optiS mistle.of some fine plums. The pr^^^PRes will be held on Friday andrae regular events on Sat urday. The meet is under the aus pices of the Georgia 9thoo! of Tech* nology and the meef will be on the Tech field. suffering with ■ j rouble* caused Mr L G Walker, of Ty Ty was and consult me .. „ ' iroperly fitted *monft those attending to business ip, >ck every day. Tifton Wednesday morning. BY J. L. HERRING Time flies --time files. The mill wll never gn." with Voter that Is pqst You cannot buy anything wltt the money you have SPENT. , ^ ’ . -And each succeeding year files faster. We don* know what Is In tK» future, but If you start a bard account NOW the future will be free from poverty wh^l Is ^e most dread disease we have to fear wher^^fdr OLD* ^ We pay 5 per cent Interest. Put *YOUR monejtJri OUR bank. ground 'fioor of the building tmme- diaftly in the rear of the drug stare. [to remove some manure from-the. lot claiming that he was entitled to it. Cox took die view that the ma nure belonged to him. as owner of the land. A row grew out of the ar gument. Sealey was killed with a hoe at the hands of Cox. .Cox set up as a defense that Sea ley was "advancing on him with a pitchfork. He claimed self-defente. ■ Will be issued m the early fall. The book will IP of standard size, illustrated and will corttain about 300 pages. Local tax won. Advance Orders Received Now Address the Author at Tifton, Georgia The Natiobal Bank of Tifton, Ga. n n h ~ ■] Pi L J [J C J L J