The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 25, 1917, Image 1

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The Titton Gazette. «1.M m ANNUM. THE TIFTON GAZETTE. TIFTON, GA. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1517. VOLUME XXVIII, NUMBER < LAST nights war news NOTICE IS GIVEN WILLBE NO CHANGE FOR REGISTRATION IN A.M.S FACULTY Amsterdam, May 24.—Russia has rejected the German 1 terms, according to a dispatch received here from I, May 24.—The Italians won a notable victory Wed- AU Male Citiz * M Between the Prof. Lewi, and Aawrtant. to be thing through the Austrian lin«s between Castag A *“ 21 and 31 * j Re-elected for Nexfc.Terni the Adriatic Sea, capturing. more than 9.000i TIFT REGISTRARS ARE NAMED SPLENDID YEAR JUST CLOSED W 24.—The capture' of 8,600 German prisoners ! ^ — idiately north of the Aisne river since May f the War Office. l desperately tried to stop the French I unsuccessful. - ,The big* British steamship Transyl- SPLENDID PLAY WAS GIVEN LAST NIGHT Second Event of Tiftdn Public Schools Commencement SIXTY-THREE HAVE ENLISTED AT TIFTON Since April 19. Nearly All from Tift County OTHER EXERCISES TO FOLLOW TIFT CD. LEADS THE STATE HOGS AND HOMINY ARE NOW SUPREME. On Farm of Joe Young; Once Cotton Was King. Criminal jPi.iK.tin i. P~lt T la III? Co..,,,™,, Clearly D.m- Frida, Ni*l,t. Sunday M« Failura to Comply. Oal, On. Da, | oo.Irat.d School Steadily Ad- Monday Ni*ht. Notable Speaker. Set for RogUt.rin s . j ranee, in All Breach... to be Hi Notice is hereby given that all male "The investment I have made in The second event of the annual persons who have attained the age of A. M. S. has paid better than any commencement of the Tlfton Public 21 years and who have not attained other I h#ve made,” said Mr. H. H. Schools was given at the new andi- s loss of 413 lives. The news of , the nge of 31 years on the 5th day Tift replying to -a rererehce made torium Thursday night, when "The today, although the vessel was o{ Junc , ,917 . are required by procla of him in the valedictory address beginning at 8 o'clock when -* .a- -* the graduating ezereises at A- First Lady of the Land”, a four act adisplacement <* 14,350 tons. I*™"’ “ appear Deior. « _S. Tuesday morning. |pl.y. was presented by the Senior HAS NEARmOOO BEAD STOCK •f Pop. [ Mora Thousand Aero. La rw Crop. Oai, 185 la Cot tea Thi* Cl... Friday Night. motion of the President of the United i States, to appear before the Regit- M. S. Tuesday morning. . , ... tr * ra ,nd P" 8 *" 1 themselves for and The final exercises were in prop- Class, j ** rV,ee ’ v ^ a * * unlt ln tl># submit to registration in their r«g- ress when this statement was made, believed the waa carrying troops tp alar voting precincts, between tee Mr. Tift had been i.sked to say a „ .. . tional dispatches 'say there are 250,00t». hou ™ of 7 »• “ nnd 9 P- ». on Tu«s- few words and being a ms., of brief .* y o, fighting on the Italian front. day Jun * 5tb - 19!7 - Thu meana * v " speech, he paid the school the high **j[f'* f * i n _ at 8 o’clock I. . . . . erv male nerson between the stem - .k«»- .... .... auditorium beginning at 8 0 clock. are always Interesting and irding to dispatches received here ‘today j o/coTo'^ m«^e“d“or ringle”^0^"- wkTttat* hid""beTTddr^ed Toj thi * >' ar T® p ” Te “ ™ ch “ “ , . -aon failing or refusing to register on him. any held since the schools were es- « greaeraily increasing throughout the Teu-, tbe da,c me ’ ntion * d wiI1 be K™ 11 ? It is hard to estimate' the worth of ub, “- h * d W of a misdemeanor and shall, upon this school to this city ; county. | BacealawreaU Sermon Sunday, n in Russia still hears n nramieimr 'conviction in the District Court of , r „ e and nation, for annually it, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Rev. icon thu S -""' pu “"" d - «“■“« — - a*-!'- *. - “» at ... .... . - w ’ith the allies and Iprisonment for that the military situation is brightening, is the start--" - —1 -..-it to fight life's battles whether they ] terinn church of Quitman will dellv- — - tour .year, and shall thereupon be du’y are „hle to yo further in educational or the baccalaureate sermon at the 10 all the miltary fronts of M. Ka-ensk.v, the new minister of registered. It is the sworn duty p un, u itj, or not; mnd the exercises auditorium. Rev Campbell is an em- WST, Whp is on record as favorable to the prosecution of the ' of aU re <f i,trar * to report, to the held daring the past few days clearly inent divine a deep thinker and a war until a victory over Germany is secured. , County Registration Board the bear out the e i a i mg that the 1316- forceful speaker. His coming to Tif- There seems to be a likelihood that Germany will mnn! "* m “ , ° f , "" ..’’‘T’lL JJc*!. term h “ bee " tbe most " uec , e “- T for th * “7“'^- havetwo additional enemies ringed against her-Brazil and * TZ J * • eh00 ' ' * Sr a ^I h o. P ? Si f ent 0f 8012,1 h “ rec « uested Congress to^re- Board to immediately swear out Mr Hugh Grant who delivered the* Ez.rei... Monday. voice BrazU s declaration of neutrality. Which doubtless wo'uld warrnnU and ««» to be arrest- valrdictory addre „ f or the Mnnd ni ht >t 8 0 . cIock ^ Be followed immediately by the proclamation of a state Of war and P™»ccuted all persons fail- atia(r e ] ara left the beaten paths' he held the closing exercises of the while the president of China has dismissed the premier and— reg1 ?? r - Fa ' , “ re ' «" th * P art which valedictorians have so long 1917 commencement when the lit ordered the formation of a new cabinet which i» cohaidcrcd ,1' Mh "f b i h '‘ rI " “'."•ot <a> will W bj m “ kc ir=tt r js r ra: CTof Cht. f Germany by the Severn- •' .»bj«, te „„ oI „ tut., t. It. 1 ,. ... a. Ib ,.„ mentor China. .. ah™ a~Hb.d. h „ . d.liv.rr; hi. „ b| .rt , p „t, r , lB tk . s .„m .»d TirtoaJ Germany 8 submarine campaign apparently is still falling especially appeal_ to all par- matter we ]i chosen and when he u fortunate in having the opportun- far short of the expectations placed in it by the German admi- ba,rin * ‘ n ; tbel , r had finiAed hs- had left with hi. ity t0 hear him. ralty. The report of the British admiralty on tonnage sunk last j renter on Z] ’° m ? ^ th ° UKhU ' we ", Fo,,owin « r * ddre9a dip,on, “ week shows that 18 merchantmen of more than 1.600 tons and '£JS« T? , J* 5 " be awarrf ' d ‘ h « m «” b *™ o1 the nine of less tonnage were sent t« the hntt/rm Tn tho fi™» » I The, LI, , j • . Ml “ Anr,e Davl * won deM!r,ed graduating class which is made up of eeorv the b0tt< ! ^, • Tn ‘ he f,nt cat ' T h " m «*- bu »/°* ** *• applause when she finished render- Edith Larin. Arnold. Vera Victoria W^.7 the rame as those given the previous *" d ■**“*>• do “* **"““» ing “Tarentelle. Op. 4” th. Eason, Walter Benton, Albert , /*’ , ' e “ the second they are four more. This, however. . , , , # selection which won for her the first ton. Martha Fulwood. John Pate Car ls far below the million tons a month average expected by Ger- for . prize gold medal in the aute eon- Mn . Leila Gatehell. Wesley Hlrgren I • n T c , . i‘ aat at Atbena Mi “ 18 <”>• of,Lillian Beatrice Hutchlnwn. RoWrt Atluitp, U.J 22 Ci.ic, milit«ry, „j c^Ib. ’ 1 “ nr. . ST™ L ° U J' p 1 " 0 ”, orianizatoos are warkin> with t . ’ *, ... _ „ . , _ Mr *- Se°tt Seagers, though not a Ferol Claire Mathis, Marion Lee Pad-^L ^ “?“ T T 11.5SIL ^ W,1, ' r S ““»" " J j - >• wrwbrr .r u,. r^.lt, rtpd.p. rtrb. J.b, luhlop P.drfcr. M.rp ( of the fre, movm, howhold good, to B !T"r no . . , u o I bw,y ,dded -riorm.nt to the Bril. Sc.rboro. Ro, Sttp. W mJ«r, rmulm, IupW ood fried. Kp.r.rid U.l oI*t,l D Br “' b "” d 1 M R ro.rr™ b, th. rpodillpp .r to. p„ bl | t Stho „, j.,, ood duborwo, nopooy which poored in for roltof, pod D „V u T „,k., .,d r., w whl ““"' Mond ” ’’hr b >.r B,potn r thlo. J Mr.~- Wiwo, wder out of droo. |p. d ' I«d.r pccl^b cwnidtri./1». tetittot lUruW .oldicn, militory police „d d^utic, .lood pu.rd Eldorado. A. N. Adcock and H. Sc- > lb b “ h.mpmd -d potrollod U,o fire .too Up. ^ hoi... ho. rh^. — tttlZZZLZA 2 • i tl0n 10 0,6 * d «li*hU'*l oc-, erection of the new building anA the .ouion was enjoyed. Leo Jones who p, opIe of Tifton , honId la Enli>»rtint. p . r Numb., A Conplele Ro, Given of Those from Here. According to the authorities in “Once upon a time my aim in Bfn poaaeaaion of the necessary ia/or- wna 10 have a farm that would pro motion to make their statement re- d uee • thousand bales of cotton; that liable, Tift county furnished more' w " s eleven years ago; the nearest I enlisted men according to population \ tver came to that quantity, than anl county in the state; sixty- wns 869 bale, one year, and 1 pm three having enlisted throu|h the if 1 had Wade lh * tbon “ nd hsle* *•“ Tifton station since April 19th moat ahprif f would have got me and the of whom were of Tift county. M 1 fanB ." “ Id Hon. Joe Toung at a will be seen by the app-rdedlte. I recen t meeting of the Tift County Enlistments Through Tifloo Suite ? ood Council held at the courthouse. Davidson, Wjjfeg u a r-' Mr - Youn * waa c * n ® d °P on *• dy. Stephen A. 1‘ricV. rd of "Brook- eiv * * ome of tbc ® I P« rl encee he had jltud with raising the fleecy staple, j Those who know Joe best know his manner of speech, and it is neet^’ I viry to hear him in order to get tha ! full ifnport of what he aaya, for ' co!4 type will not convey the II '■ oughta just as he acts them forth; 1 hut he aaid that he came near going to the poor house trying to raiee J cotton and he guessed that the n*. ceasity to diversify was a bleming— it had been to him at any rate. Mr. Young stated that this year had 225 acres in oata, 125 acres In peanuts. 26 acres in wheat, 470 acres .in corn, and only 186 fierce in ee4- | ton. He added that if he found any boll weevil in the cotton on Jano , first he would immediately plow it all under. Besides the crops men tioned. Mr. Young stated he had 1M I head of pyrf^ctly good cows on hln 'place who were nursing 130 perfect- field. Charles C. Tyler, Rfirj, Earnest Arnold TSfton. Daniel C. Hall Tifton « Manning D. Wilson Tifton Chesiey H. Fletcher Tifton. Arthur H. Royal Tifton William E. Farmer Tifton. Charles C. Coburn Tifton. , William H. Jordan Tifton. * Mack H. Waldrup Tifton. lOIlie Young. Tilton. Ralph L. Mulloy Tifton. Cline K. Raiford Tifton. Dewitt Blalock. Tifton. Ohis Aultman Tifton Edgar B. Green Tifton. Barney S. Wetherington Tifton Watson T Strickland Tifton. John E. Hansel Tifton. James F. Nelson Tifton. Warren E. Wilson Tifton. R L Riggins Tifton I “ Arlie E. Duke, Robert H. Fletcher j '>' * ood calves; that be had sot CU/ford M. Whiddon. Clyde w.’! over 500 hemd of ho *» “ nd r »1 r i diroc seted toward keeping. the crowds from the . tUager zone, and help in the relief work. There wa. practically T no looting. The loss today is placed at three and a half millions. Fifty two blocks were razed. The weather being clear and warm hundreds slept oA matters^, and blanked, in the park, and vacant lot. la.t night. ' ° f **?* ha * not hcisn determined but it . baker and J. ■hJi 1 '' H "’' T A B "‘" “* C - 1 i*r*l “ ““*1 *” i.ri. r.omb.rt t, ■Tifton. J. H. llutcb.luon, E. U.'jj Z “^■ r - E. L. ^ T. S .J. “.V ^ ZttXttZSX PUc.rdi ronrainintr ^ 1^2^^ X <h.t will be asked nnd explanations I9l3 . Mlga Be „ ie Bowen, of the - \ how u> answer them will be ' e | aaa of 1918i and Emmeltc Martin CYCLONETA BARN BURNED { octsn aetermined but it is .believed that it caught from sparks blown from an earlier fire '°“» d 1" the hand, of each of the of lhe , 917 gr.du.Ung kW I nalt a mle away tn a small negro hou^ group which Re ‘' I i *. ,ra ”- * ho w '|> take P ,eaaur « in The usual excellent barbecue was Much Stock .nd Gr.i„ Lost Wh.n T a *j^ a * t,nder explaining them Placards are post- tervrd on thc Mhoo | eampul Rr . Urn Buildu . . ■rr .lra.dy „„d„ „. y lo rcbuildira, .. ” ” t5™“"S^ P1 .»J .njoyed b, . l.ryt Fir, tbot I. .hookbt U b.v, bo.n ^.taoon Mhe grounds cool. RmnlrfieM-^tr T f J 7 ^ Cr ° wd ' T hp attendanfe on eqmmence- 0 f incendiary origin broke out in the L * TI»« burned area ia from R~Afr.rA -.1- . . . , V|. r ° ’ . " “ent this year was thc largest Lh® large bam at Cycloneta farm just af- store at Eldorado, and at the school has ever had. This attendance to have more. He had sold o 400 worth of meat this yi had several hundred doIlers worth more reedy for mle. Mr. Young remerited that at ftnt he was' not in favor of the United States getting mixed np in the Ba- ropean war, but that his views had changed end that ha felt now that it wa, the duty of every farmer to rain everything he pomibly could ta help feed the army end the eoaa- try. He said that we eould easily da this end have plenty to spare. Speaking of planting corn after oats Mr. Young stated that ha had planted in June every year for some years beck, using Texas June com end 90-day velvet henna end that he had never failed fee A Lightfoot, t L, m » ke ■ crop end that he would plant Dekle. John a! Hill. James, H. Wll- 100 scree in this crop this year after David R Splllers, Clyde Sheer, he had got his oata off. Ty Ty. -| Mr. Young’s advice to f J, Bryan Luther W Fleabg, that they diversify MQuitrie. [ whether the boll weevil r Lute W. Holloway, Ty Ty. ’the fiejda or not, because it meant R. L. Riggins, Tifton. I the life of the farm. He said that RFedoaedey morning John R, Pad- there was good profit tn hogs sad riek enlisted. He will graduate this grain crops—and under present eea- week from Tifton Public Schools and ditions much more money for tin will leave for Atlanta Monday. 'farmer than raising cotton Shupe, Chula. Albert R. Daniel, Leon D. Sagylns Rocbush Mitchell, Omega. Vernon L. Bruce, Custis C. Dod- n, Joel J. Bennett, Fred L. Vsltx- bacher, Wade Lynche, Croslaai .. Owen Dees, Lloyd M. Cannon Pou- laa. Guyton M. Odom John M. Psole, Sylvester. Emory S. Clark Haddocks. George G. Brenning, Pinetta, Fla. Joseph P. Fountain. Eathwine ike. N. C. James J. Pitta, John M. Neston, Norman Park. Wyley M. Fletcher, Lucim L. Tucker, Dillard M. Potts, R. A Ur ramore, Moultrie. iiit . Leon M. Gaulding, Albany. W. H>Downi, E. A Lightfoot, tta. o» to Rnn-'i.JjL'?' 1 ■"“•••«» w. •« to, w ,r!Lbri. lb, r.-ildinr. - — - dolph Street, in .three blocks. . >nfo™»t‘on as to requirement* of No meeting of fh« n«.rA t™.. , ... ..... ... tirf-n ill'i! , ing year. • IguUhed, thc Building, a structure ,ra,,ra„ 7 ir- ami their friend, mn-l apply for this Only two trustees were preset. Dr.' There wn. a large lot of com from registration. The Trustees present, however, tpen hogs and a . . (discussed the school’s affairs infor-',h Srrataa aad cave -crimwal- prw*-|many sHth 'Of'Meal RjcMUtim CejilT -ThV e also burn- \ !llThe Minute Man g the Revoliftion. the "MINUTE MAN” wa* so named * of his readiness at a MINUTES NOTICE to respond b-the calf for help, *ABANK ACCOUNT lathe "MODERN MINUTE MAN." . gt is at yoar instant command in the hour of need. It is your e against want It is always on guard. D yourself of the protection of the "MODERN MINUTE V” by opening an account with us Bank oi ^Tifton Shaw. Henry D. C. W. Grave., Count^Registratlon Board. CHAPMAN-BUSSELL3. Miss Maggie Chapman and Mi Rube Bussells were married at tho" home of the groom’s mother, Mrs. Betsy Bussell Monday night, emony being performed by Rev. J ak, mittce. Thi* committee will i farm belongs to Mr. W. A. I Greer, who was in Macon .county at ... . few days and elect a faculty a* time. Mr. R. M. Monroe operates and transact such other business as the place. It is estimated that the may be necessary, pending a fu!L] 0 ss was between $4,000 and $5,000. meeting of the Board of Trustees Owing to Mr. Greer’s absence, it is There will be no changes in the fac- 1 not known what ;ulty. as it is .understood all the was on the property, present members will accept re-elec- any insurance A. Lovitt. splendid __ I tion and the faculty is entirely aatfi ' factory, to the comnfittee. The body is composed of: S. 'L. Lewis, Principal. preached by Rev. Lovitt after the' . J -. M ‘ V'™}'- ceremony. AT PINEV1EW. Rev. John S. Lindsey will preach Pineview church next Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock and Saturday night «t-7;g0. Also Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Everybody is urged to ' attend. chanies. Boys' Dormitory. J. H. Breedlove. Agricultural Sei- Domestie BOY KILLS COUSIN. . Aeci- Aubrey Cragory^-of Sylvi dentally Shot. Sylvester, May 22.—A deplorable tragedy occurred nere late yesterday afternoon when Aubrey Gregory, the 10 year old son of Mrs Mae Gregory was accidentaUy killed by his cousin iJ. T. Gregory, the thirteen year old English,; son of Mr. J. O. Gregory. The boy« were at Mr Gnearr'. Mrs. J. J. Crumley, 1 Science. Domestic Arts. Miss Nannette Roxar, ' Geography, Biology. f Miss Viola Perry, Normal Course, pasture when the accident occurred ’ History. | having taken along a new 22 rifle Misa LuciHe Sasaer, Piano and purchased only the day before by Fall terms on goods in dur line . ... • ' j the older boy. The exact manner in to farmer, with established credit’ M “ Anna 0,IT# ^ acctdent occurred will We will supply your stanta now and a P robdb,y b* k"°w" J- T. Greg- take notes payable -text f.U Adams-' ° W * n ’ Libr * r7 * Bd Dm- ry was too badly frightened to give a Smith Company . ' $6-«t H “ L coherent account of the affair. It is A. H. Hasty Farm Superintendent | presumed that as he waa not familiar S. L. Lewis, principal^mnde the with the gun which was discharged, ben showing for any ^ear in the when neither boy waa expecting it! , W»tory of the school. The total en- the ball entering the young boy** rollment was 165, compared with head at the base of the brain, ranging ! 156 last year; 124 stood final exam- forward and upward. The stricken j inations, compared with 97 last year; boy lived only a short time and never "fitted J the average attendance was 135, regained consciousness. The boys » dav. I (Continued on page 4) 1 wyre first cousins. HtrWt L Moor. ' Cradaato Optonotrist Two years ot continuous pra'cl in Tifton and scores of satisfied c tomerr. If you are suffering with headache, or other trouble# caused by eve strain be sure and cor.s-iit me and See if glajes properly fitt# tn the Myon Hotel Block every day. Ti\c rnsri , ■ money does not Fear adversiiy no - poverty. Pov«rty In OLD AGE slowly but tur«ly approach*! tvrry.roon who spand*flIJ-h*#am« and* drift* into mmixt- r-» l*»* DEBT. While you have EARNING POWER open a bank oc- cunt. Your bank book will be a guiding light which wH. steer you away from a Wfefallure. You only need fEti a bank account; piling upmoney will then be easy. Try M. Put YOUR money In OUR bank. We pay 5 perjc«nt Interest. The National Bank of Tifton, Ga. X