The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 29, 1917, Image 2

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TY TY, GEORGIA Miss Emma R. Sutton «Editor TyTy Department, Mr. C. D. Varner. of MtiUy. *u The Woman'• Circle of W. 0. W. | THE DISTRICTS NEED OF A among Tjr Ty visitors Monday. propose to hold a picnic aoon—all • COURTHOUSE. , • • ' • in the family. They held a meet-1 The need of the 1125th District Mra. B. T. Marshal, of Lmpkin, in* last week. j for a courthouse was iever so ap is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary • • • • parent as at the last session of the Dowd. „ Miss Ruth Powell, on her way to I Justice Court. Several years prior • • * • summer school in Athens, stopped^, that, court had been held in » Miss Lilian Montague,, of Jack- a few days in Ty Ty, the guest of store (an arrangement no longer sonville, Fla., is visiting Miss'Lucille Mr. end Mrs. Owen Dowd. She has j practicable), and Miss Nannie May Cottle. been one of Mr. Dowd's assistant, ' ,J - • • • • ‘teachers for three years, but there ~ . - »- shrays new thftgw to be learned ir teaching, as iir^sery other kind ol | business. Mias 'Powell will teach it ! the Ty Ty school next term. er medicine. Yea'll know tt next morning because yon will wake up feelig fine, your liver srffl-be work ing; headache and dltainaas gone; s'omach will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone la entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are us ing Dodson’* Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your drug- . gist will tell you that tha gale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. (adv) tbe platform of tha Mr. Jim Redmond is at 1 again from Florida, where he ally spends the winter. there Justice Jones presided, Calomel crashes into sour bO* msmite, breaking it up. That's you feel that awful nausea and rounded by witnesses, spectators, and the persons under trisl.som# occupying the benches, some sitting on' truck*, boxes, etc., and some standing. It was a gool sired croyrd" an interesting ease having called ont not a few of Ty Ty’s nale f ipula- tion, and when-the sun began to Courteous Treatmjj Miss Rouse Hamilton of Americas is returned .to her home after sit to Mim Julia Parks. An offer of *1,000 a ear for wa- I terroelons has been received in Ty Ty from New York. Thirty years Miss Eva May Lyle, who has been ^ brought *210 a car visiting her relatives here, has re- { q b Ty Ty Bnd jhippers would turned to her home in Sumner. -probably find- this a* profitable as; AY. JUNE 22, 1 GAUlMBi MAKBS YOG SICK! CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS MV WAV Just once! Try “Dodson's Liver Tone" when Bilious Constipated, Headachy—Don’t lose a day's work. Uven up your sluggish liver! Feel junta* that each spoonful will clean fine and cheerful; make your work your sluggish Brer better %>an e re; he vigorous dose of nasty eelomsl and that it ~ " * ****** ( wont make you sick. Dodson's Uv«r Ton* ie reel ambition. Bnt taka gorous calomrl bet- yon sick end yon may '“•« » • — l ie mercury or quick-til- LisUn to me! If you want*to joy the nicest, gentlest liver rnnd bowel cleansing you ever experienc ed Just taka a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight. Your bottle of Dodson's Liver Ton# un der my personal money-back guar- Machine Garners Weevils Where The Hand Fails / . — ■ representative of the Observer went down in Brooks county this morning to attend a demonstration he Till Boll Weevil Machine. The machine is an invention arranged to b« worked by hand and is run cottor. in a manner to out the weevils and catch at the bottom on demonstiytion was made at the horn, of W. H. Muse. Several neighbors gathered to witness the performance of the machine. It de veloped that weevils are scarce in that particular section, and in On field where the j arty went to try out the machine there were no forms on the ground and no damage to the cotton to indicate that they were get ting in their work there. After a considerable search being made with Ote natural eye, and with the hands being used to open up the forms and • turn over the leaves, no weevils wore I found. Finally it was decided -to make a hunt for them with the machine anyhow, and aoon they b. gan to fall into the- troughs 6f the machine. Less than a dozen rows were gone over with th? mndftne and they yielded about one weevil to each row. The formers present were greatly impressed with the demonstration. They considered tha* the machine performed quite « markable feat and the man in whose field the demonstration was I bought one on the spot and will put an operator In his cotton at once. —From the Daily Observer of June 6th. - FARMERS CERTIFY TO WORK OF THE BOLL WEEVIL MACHINE Copy of taetlmonlal received June 5th. 1*17: We, the undersigned citixetu of Thomas and Brooks counties, at tended a demonstration of th# ‘Till’' Boll Weevil Machine, on the farm of W„ H. Mbs*, near Pavo, Ga., this We certify to th* facto: Six men seeing with their eyas snd hands far an hour found not a singly wee vil. Two men operating th* “TILL" Boll Weevil Machine over lees then a doses rows in a time of thirty Minutes caught twalv, weevils that wars picked ont of the troughs of the machine. The machine dUo caught a number of punctured squares in which war*, found the grab. It also caught Innumerable bags, worms, ants and other insects indicating tha thoroughness of Its Jane 6th, .917. W. C. Shealy W. H. Muse Ellis Devane 0. B. Ingram D W. Reese W. D. Freeman •ivo, Ga.. Bouts J. H. ROBERTS Tift County Agent Washington. June 18 Both Houses of Congress today l»* in ihe tremendous task of wresting the food control out of the hands of speculators and putting it in the hands of the Gov- Washington. June 20—Incomplete report*. to American Red Crone'headquarters here to night showed more than $3S'.- 000,000 subscribed during the first two days of the week’s cam paign to raise $100.000,000 for war relief. WHAT IS LAX-FOS A Digestive Laxative OASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT BAY APPLE ROOT 8ENNA LEAVES AND PEP8IN Is Lax-Fos tbe C* scabs is improved bj Take notice that A. P. Elrod. Dan FJctcher Usury . ■ nH „,h.— have applied tor an order seeking th* establishment of a new road, which has been laid out and marked conformably to law by reviewers du. ly appointed, and a report thereof made on oath by them. Said •4-oad commencing at Mount Oiwe church running north by the residence of Henry Sutton and Walter Sutton nr.d thence porthoost along the right of way of the A. B. and A, B, R. *»»«* “e ! mile on to tho residence of Dan i Fletcher, thence southeast to Hard. ! "^iosr. if no good cause be shown ; to the contrary by persons interested ; in this matter, the order will be LDCV.-AKAJULu unproved by (granted by the undersigned, st the of these digestive iagredi- , ; Tice of the County Commissioner ^ft better then oedtoaryCas- j ,n\raid county, on th# 2nd d.y of d thus tbe comMnattoa sets not j.,i„ 1017 stimulsting laxative sad csthsr - This 4th'da* of June 1917 dc but also as a digestive and Hvtftooic. Tb “ 4th j j C o|d.n, Syrup laxatives sre weak, but Lax-Fos I - - m—* - - combines strength with i*Ut*hle. aro matic teste sad does not gripe or disturb 1 th*. stomach. One bottle will#prove I Lax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, TaiHgaaHna or Torpid Liver. PiircSQ- 1 County Commissioner provwhent Chib, put thr W. O. "W. hall In perfect order (aa requested) for the Food Council advertised to begin st 1:80 p. m. Wednesday. At 1:80 there were three women pres ent. at 2:80 Mr.. W. H. Willis, th* chairman, atrolled in; at 8:80 other gentlemen began to drop in; and *t 4 the meeting wsa called to order. Women are auch unpunctual tares. But. if the farmers wer getting together, they made up for it by the interest they put into the wmtings, and anybody who believe* that farmers cannot make good ex- temporancous speeches is much mis taken; they aay what they have to say, apeak to the point, and '-qpit when they have finished. ' After a few 'remarks by Mr. Wil- .a Messer*. Franklin Rot*. “Jim* mie" Gibb*. John Y*. Sutton. J. Harria^-W. F Williams »PtLJ. Ford, and J. H. Lyon, each having been called -on for a speech re sponded promptly, telling of the dif- W. E. WILLIAMS DEALER IN High Glass General Meichindlst inything '’‘,^"' un 'J, u Vlly interesting meeting hundred dollars was made by the at Mrs. Aaron Parks' Thursday. The J ur T. at ia 1<ut ^ng. tor “ building on this lot. This t _ small appropriation could be made a to do. for Mr. J. F. Nicholson owns 1 house on an adjoining lot which probably ftnd^ thi# —- profitable lanuak arouml to the weatern-horiAOn a thousand dollars in New York. It ( his beams wete rather fierce on tho Give ua a chance to supply your wou)( j uke ^ entire product of 1 defenseless crowd. But whifT could drug needs. You'll go awa y satisfi- BfWa , Bcr „ D f melons, the size of he done? fere'nt"kind of cVop* they had planned. Lyle and Son. thi , ycar ., crop to fill a car. | Ty Ty had a court house once up- cd ^methods cf ruination, pve-1 * * * * ‘ ' . * * * * | on • bn * lt boTn ' d ani ent condition, etc. | That tower " w Tifton U pul - Thr Woman’s Missionary Society, never rebuilt. The county still owns These gentlemen represent a xling many paasers-by and the ques- g{ tbf T -j- Methodist church held the lot, and an appropriation of one good portion of this county and tion seems to be “ —■*«— — a-I they were almost unanimous in their to do with the war ^ reports. According to whit ney said, .****.". Juvenile society, in charge*of M comparatively little cotton haa been j The entire stock of J. A. U>n. shelnutt . hold their regular me planted in their territory: in zpi'.elJr.. was sold at Sheriff s sale Satur- - |n g. lagt 'week, and, when tiusini of dry weath-r all crops except n*L day. It was bought by J. M Var- ^ oyer , hyy repaired to tho ho,- excellent and in fine condi- ( ngr for *26. of Mrs w. S. Scott, where cake he would probably sell .in crop turned out some-, „ nd lemon.d, were served The enable price. «d at very «nal ; tt „ ,han was expected; the) Mr. Jack Ford, who has been suf- merti „ K waa w . ell attended and."P*n«. this house-could b e moved | conservation of food camp.Vgn has fering for some time from stomach much mll . r „ t vvn , ,hown' added thousands of dollars worth of trouble, will try the 'virtues of » - • • food to-this immediate section of. White Springs. Fla., going through ^ uixicnb ro jte between Ty Ty country, making enough for out- ' in hi* autt»nobiU\ ^ ^ an ,, Tifton seen-s to have taken its selves and some to spare to those' . • p | aC e among the things tha: might less fortunat# and that there will] Miss Ruby Young, who went from be( . n M one Unly lhl . r .. was a be plenty of seed oat* and. wheat Ty Ty Tuesday W Tift County Hos- probability that Lyle and Son Stock, generally speaking, was said.pital. has undergone a senou. op- wou)a |ipcralc such Groceries, 1 Notw-na, 3h* Read;--to We*r < farm Imp!eraeat>' A*d . Otl rr Thins*. mi made into a very satisfactory j | court room—small, hut quite large j : enough, for the present needs of the Pictorial Review Patterns There win p boasting, ^r- a super- cr of optimism, but there ot of very comforting talk ight have been beneficial to calamity howlers. The princi|)a! speaker was Dr. White and every stock owner with in reach of Ty Ty would probably have saved money by coming to hear his talk about hogs. Nimerous questions were asked Dr. White, to all of which he returned clq$r and instructive answers. Those who mia- sed his talk can consult him snd obtain his services at any time free of cost. He is paid by th# govern- eration successfully, ering rapidly. But, according to law. the action j of the garnd jury must be confirm- | e.l by the county commissioner. Mr. Golden has promised to look tnto ( the matter, and--He li expected to • . E. Williams. F. B. Pickett. M.D. President. 1st Viee-Prea. ’. C. Thompson • Thos. M. Perry 2nd Viee-Pres. Caahler. thousand pounds. So Lyle and Son decided it would be cheaper to build hopse and get the ice that done and The first shipnient of watermelons to leave Ty Ty this season went this week. Thp first car was loaded Wed- nesdayr-'the melons gro*n by Mr. ^ ^ gft C. A Smith,^of Route. Ty Ty. w , y _ whlch ^ h , Vl . Mr. W.-B. Parks is at home again doing, after a stay of two weeks in Doe- run. Mr. Parks was a delegate to | ’ the district conference held in the,***.. Doe run Methodist church last week, hoc in, . trailer u, kria, thrir i™ „, k Tifton; but the ic e factory. - *•' ton agreed less than three ] earnestly hoped that he will approve of what ha* been done, and let the work 8ANK Of TYTY platform, and that by courtesy of e * the railroad owning the premises. ^ The next meeting in Ty Ty, of the Food Council will be held on the third Wedneodsy in July, begin ning at 3:80 p. m. No fanner should mis* these meet ings—in fact they ou^ht to be of interest to the entire community in which they are held. eevils, weevils—to the right of o the left of us, and no matter faithfully the mandate to “for ward" V carried out, farmers seem “Blessed be the man who plant- \ to have aa little chance of success eth a tree." Anathema maranatha as the famous Light Brigade had be the man who destroyeth not the at Balaklava. Some farmers nrc weeds that flourish on his own bor- trying ttf carry out Instructions for der where hi* land adjoineth that rxteivninaUng the weevils, some of a neighbor. “he it very philosophically, being * nothing more than was expected, M . wy yMn For two , yea „ he The readers of newspapers were and many have plowed up cotton as ^ bu duty u b# jt _ lnd u th i, sufficiently afflicted with “poetry" the weevitt appeared in it. till the .• is more y,,,, a v>gt num ber of hu- before verse libre made its appear- i* not a stalk left. Other crops haw mlna Jt u fi tt j n(r th at UiU small ance, and things are very bad' in- taken its place in such cases as the ( r ji >u t a be paid him. If there i* an iw. Somebody is going to get lut. | equine heaven (and there used the” railroad " owning''the premises, j We Pay Interest on Time DepoMto Deposits la This Bask Gnarmatood REQUIESCAT EN PACE. Peter McLean, a colored farmer ^ has owned a place near Ty Ty for| DO BUSINESS AT HOME Ty's oldest inhabitants remember j this horse almost as far back as they - remember anything connected with I • the history of Ty Ty. Hut the horse Ms no more, having j ' died last week full of honor and ENJOYED FISHING TRIP. Enigma. Ga., June II.—The Lu cas and Spradley families enjoyed m fishing trip Friday, and of course, had to ttk, Gunn along to furnish the fun and keep all the cooked fish from spoiling. It arms planned to leave home about daylight, but John Lucas at tended the tent meeting the night before and did not retire until near midnight, and it being hot and the mosquitoes being on hand to sing John was roused sufficiently to think of the stream to be plunged into the water to change his future life. He jumped from the bed landing in the middle of' the floor, feeling as though a German submarine had hit him amidships. This happened about 2 o'clock, so he woke every body up and started on his way to thp river. to catch cold, then Claudlce is young .y#A — rre jnuaf AMTeriook some ot his faults. Claudiee did his part of laughing and making goo goo eyes st Mar 's . Martha said he was too slow Mrs. Ruth i-nrsf and Miss Sailie Spradley sang some of the good old songs m route to the fishing place; one that we remember was: 'm going fishing—O. my Lord: t.ivrd." rr —-~ Several verses were added by Gunn to suit the occasion and kill time. Miss Alice' Spradley would have id a nice time sleeping; but by me means a shower came up and hit her. Sam Bryant, and family joined the party at the river. We all know Sam can't catch anything but heads md terrapins . Everything went along all right until dinner time came and the pic-' nickers assembled around the table when some guy like Will Gunn punched Sam in the side causing him to sideswipe the table and holler so loud that the gaiter* all dove for their undersea eaves. While Sam was being quieted down. Mrs. Sailie Spradley was lost. After much searching she was located by the side of a tree sitting down eating on aeiiam bone and singing; "Eat .my ham bone 0. my Lord: then I am going home—6, my Lord.** After a nice dinner of plenty of ...h we started homeward, all eat ing as they went. Martha preferring a mixed diet, partook of sugar and tohatco. • When we have recuperated enough o dig some more belt, we plan to go‘ fishing again. One of 'Em. I A first, rate drawing of s United States submarine chaser appeared Mrs. W t E. Hale and her sister- on the walls of- the postoffice lobby in-law. Mis* Ethel Hale, of Fitzger- one evening last week. The outer are visiting Mrs. Hale's rela- door of the pstoffice is not closed till tive* here. Mrs. Hale is a sister of about 8 p 4 m„ and nobody know* Cottle. Mr. S. M Cottle. | who put the picture there; but evi- Jr., snd Mrs. J'. I. Woodward. dently it was not the work of the • • • • | omnipresent "German spy-” The 'Single gentlemen preferred” i* drawing was done on a leaf of a the rule on R. F. D. Routes, child's exercise tablet, with an ex- One irate gentleman who gets hi* creise in a child's writing on the il on a route, says never—no pev. reverse side. If it was done by a again is he to sign a petition child, as seemed probable, it eras ex- asking the appointment of an un-.cellent work, married carrier of mails. A thought- * * * * person can easily understand the Jim Evans, the colored ten.-!.- position of this gentleman. on the Pickett place about a mile • • • • ■ east of Ty Ty. has^onS- of the finest A few old friends of Major Pel- Kro undpeas in the county, ham *>ni to th* station Thnmlay lTh „ e . „ «.«rc~ly a hill missing, to greet him and his bride as they th(y are in fine cultivation, free of passed through, and others felt much ;Weeda and grass, nn<Ljf row ' n iC fast, aggrieved because they had not Jim plowed up a part of his. cot- been notified, so that they. to °..ion,- yVj cc• w-c-i. ■ -c-rlre* Ww*,, might have gone. The nearly mar- ond groundpea*. in its place a ried couple went down to Tifton on 15 do j nR nothing with the few the early train, returning at 10:47. :, eft beyond cultivating the cotton ’ * *,* ‘ - in thensoel way. -He «*y* he has The ram we had last wee 7** time to bother with weevils—thus very much a. to quantity, but the ^ ^ . lncver good it did is incalculable. Some ^ ^ ^ you .. Methodist preacher, an intelli- tfent man, in Southwest Georgia who contanded that there place) then Peter’s horse is probably there. Barring accident or disease, it ■aid that any. horse well cared for dll live thirty-fiv j or forty years, and earn his keep throughout that 0RU6S AND DRU66IS1S’ SUNDRIES Prescriptions k Specialty School Books and Supplies HOW IT HAPPENED. - Rev. Mr. Rainey preached as Ba the Ty Ty Baptist church last Sunday (die third Sunday in the month) and among his congregation Gertrude Royal, her two sisters, Mrs. Mary King and Miss Royal, and Mr. B. T. Wood, A COMPLETE DRUG STORE JONES St COMPANY Dealers In High Class General Merchandise After you read this advertisement, go to this store and do yonr shopping. PRICES RIGHT FOR SALE. After th# service a very much | Berkshire PlgS. S. C. B. L*g agitated yoUng man approached Mr. [ —. ■ . W. P. Sikes •and disked where the; preacher was staying. It happened | that the preacher was staying at] the home of Mr. Sikes, and when i •Set iafcrtaatiaa esue i.-xperiod U | the young man he managed to let It j known that he had busineas— I very important business—with the i horn Chickens, and Milk Cows. I also buy grood, fat cows and hogs. W. F. SIKES, Ty Ty, G*. A. PARKS, Groceries. Dry Good^ Etc.. Caskets,' Coffins. Ty Ty, Georgia. Some crops that seemed almost dead re- red and began to grow again, po- tatoes that were planted on land barely more than moistened by the were helped on by subsequent cloudy days and promise to do gardens were revived and veg etation In general got a fresh-hold' Notwithstanding all this, however, we were not sorry to see a promise of more rain. M, MAKE A NOTE OF IT. “It surely pays to advertise," says The Linwood Light. Th e Potter Kansan inquired two weeks ago what became of the old fashioned KEEPS HIS WORD. News comes from Waycross that Conductor Husband, who was jured (fatally it was feared) Hillsdale last weak, i* imp oving rapidly .end wi 1 probably be out in a few days. Mr. Hutoand, who seems to have plenty of grit, i ed at the time of the accident tl at he would be out in a few days.. He was' suffering excruciating pain the time, it was said. A. WOODARD & CO., General Merchandise Ty Ty. Ga. KNIGHT-PHILIPS. Married in Social Circle, Ga., , J w.. iv. n.,t Wednesday, June 20th. Mias Myrtle ***.*?"* CARD OF THANKS I desire to thank ell who assisted cs during the sickness and after the death of our dear mother; who died on June'8, 1017. F. Fender, Ga. Chase That Ache, Kill th# P dm- Get busy. Art now. Use Sloan’s Liniment for-your rheumatic pams. toothache, neuralgia, sore muscles, ziettar than anything yon aver triad to soothe hurt*, reduce swelling and inflammation. Cleaner than oint ments or plasters, as ft does not clogs the pores or stain the skin. Ea sy to apply, it penetrates without nibbing. Always have a bottle of Sloan'a Liniment in yonr medicine cheat. At your druggiat, 26c. 50e, *1.00 In due course of time, the young] man. who was Mr. Wood, presented j himself. Miss Gertrude Royal and' her sisters at Mr. Sikes', where the preacher was staying. But alas for j the hopes of the timid. News bad 1 gon# abroad that something unusual! about to happen at the Sikes i home and neighbors began to drop! in. The proper “papers" were pro-, D. VARNER AND COMPANY duced and when the young man's Dealers Bn pajjy returned to their home east Croe . r ;., Dry Good,. Caadto*, CL of Tifton. it was Mr. and Mrs. A. gmn T ok»eco and Everything Wood, with Mrs. King and Miss £[,« u,. way 0 f Cenaral Royal, and they carried with them ] Merchaadl,#. the good will of the crowd. I M .„., Furni.hio*. a Specialty. “Among those present" were Mr. | and Mrs. J. M. Varner. Mr. Aaron | Parks and Miss Maude Parks. Mr. | and Mrs. DuPont Varner and Mr. j and Mrs. Charles Bowman. >'0. doubt there would have been many j others if Mr. Sikes had been allow ed more time.I LYLE & SON The bride,- who is a sister of Mrs. . J. Cottle, of Ty Ty. has many friends here, and they extend gratulations and good wishes. of the teachen in th# Ty I W ’ “• _ Ty public school for the past year or' Cotton Broker. Ty Ty, G*. Ty Ty. Ga. Drugs, Seedr Stationery an’fi' ‘‘ *- ' Toilet Articles Ice Cream v^ien the weather ie warm. Cold drinks all the tlai*. two, and her marriage will probab- ] Highest priceH paid for cotton 1 l y be new* to many of the school's at any season. . .rives Oat Malaria. Builds Up System IW OU Standard u:ee*thc«l*« Inele. qiotxstarri.— “ patron* lfho were hoping her back next term. Mr. Philips is a prosperous busi- tas man of Min Knight’s home town. Social Circle. Immediately after their marrlge Mr. and Mr*. Philips left for •' somewhat extended tour, srhich ’ srill J include Washington and New York. ^ DR R- R. PICKETT, Physician and Surgeon. Ty Ty. Ga. DR CARL S./PITTMAN, Physician and Surgeon. Phone No. 7. Ty Ty. Georgia. DR F. B. PICKETT. Physician E. J. COTTLE, SHINGLES FOX SALE DIRECT FRSM MILL 'i