The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, July 06, 1917, Image 2

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E THAT SELLS FOR If.VT. TIFTON. GEORGIA Ij Tifton baseball i«m, r night from Quitman, sfaie* it n> in Tlfton last, and thinks he hat » winner whsn h* geta it straightened out, in th* next f*w day*. Fortner Manager Pierre and Shortstop Dowdy hare been releas 'd. Pond i* making a tncceee be hind the bat, and O’Neal, borrow-jjB ed from Bainbridge. i* playing third. £ | Among the new enen are JopUn, 1Jj j shortstop, formerly with Dothan, f and Henderreld, from North Caro lina. Bennett and Jonnard, pitch-1 er*. Henderreld pitched his first | game of the season Tuesday and: when he get* limbered op is counted aa A 1. Among the old men still on the team are Pond. Lacy, An derson, Costello, Tolbert, McBride and Mickle. » Mr. Bowen will manage the team from the bench. Thursday’*. Friday’s and Satur day’s games, scheduled for Tifton, yill k- p!»v»d between the Tifton and, £uf*ula team* at Dawson j — a guaran-1 > where the fans have put u tee that they may see DIXIE LEAGUE. Wednesday’s Results. Eufaula S. Moultrie 0. Bainbridge 9, Dothan 4. Quitman-Tifton, rain. THE STANDING Bainbridge - Eufaula . Quitman - Moultrie 1 6 Tifton 0 5 .00 Today s Games. Bainbridge at Dothan. Moultrie at Quitman. Eufaula and Tifton at Dawson. Yesterday s Basalt*. Bainbridge 6, Moultrie 4. Dothan 6, Quitman 8. Eufaula 7, Tifton 1. Friday’s Results. Bainbridge 7. Moultrie 0. Quitman 8, Dothan 0. Eufaula 8. Tifton 4. Saturday’s Result*. Dothan 6, Quitman 1. Eufaula 18, Tifton 4. Bainbridge 4, Moultrie 1. Tuesday’s Basalts. Eufaula 4, Moultrie 1. Quitman 6, Tifton 8, Bainbridge 4, Dothan 4. AN AUTO TORPEDO. Spent Part *f Tuesday After, in Tlftau. A striking advertisement for ar my and nary recruiting was in Tif- I ton Tuesday afternoon. This was J a full else model of a twenty-one j The torpedb was silvered in tho earner was cut out to for the driver and on* __ Step That Siubi We have coughs and gnppy feel- 3 lugs in warm weather because colds X at* germ diseases. That’s why we U ahould have. Dr. King’s New Dis covery handy. It’s antiseptic ingre dients light the growth of geisns —a loosen their hold. It’a laxative ies expel these germs and r the system. You can feel its pleasant balsams soothe the inflam mation. heal tissue* strained by coughing and promote rest and. . sleep. - Millions of bottles sold. GOc. $1 00 at your druggist. Used for) nearly 60 years. qualities cleanse th. CROSLAND GIN BURNED Moultrie, June 28.—The plant of the Crisland GUlning Company/ at Crualand, was destroyed by fire to night Th* loss is estimated at about 86,000, with no lnsuranc The cause of,the unknown. conomy Isn’t a Problem, It’s a Pleasure Here! UMELL’S Jen’s Work Shoes $1.69 r the popular ooze Soft and com- t bat durable; 6 Pair_ Ladies Shirt Waist Of Organdies, Batistes, _ Voiles, etc. Your choice of many attractive styles. Each ... Economy Sale Wonderful?^ No, It Is Just Logical; Successful Simply BECAUSE Of IT’S MERCHANDISE AND THE PR YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY FOR LITTLE ARE THE 1NDUCEME HELD OUT FOR SATURDAY, MONDAY AND ALL NEXT W 10 Yards Sea Island SHEETING Saturday Jane 30th 95* 10 Yards Fancy Lawns 39* -OR - aa extra good weight, smooth finish, unbleached for all general uses, limit 10 yards to customer, no phone orders. ID YARDS "OVIDA" PERCALE , , SATURDAY JUNE 30th ‘ q £ood fabric full 25 inches wide, bright colors choice patterns; limit 10 yards to customer, no phone orders. 6 Yds. Apron Gmghams -OR- 8 YARDS DRESS 6IN6HAMS MONDAY JULY 2nd 19* this gingham is of a good quality, large assort ment of patterns; limit 6 yards to a customer, no phone orders. SUBSTANTIAL SA VINGS EASILY RECOGNIZED BY ECONOMICAL BUYERS i by Chief j L r S. A. Jones, R*-|< cruittng Officer for the U. S. Navy, 1 ^^ with headquarter* in Macon, and* ompanying Quartermasler Jones O ■ Recruiting Officer C. Bennett. la I of the Second Regiment. Georgia I f National Guard Mr Bennett from Houston County and is » S' of Sheriff Charlie Bennett who w _ killed a fee year* *go H The party laft Macon Monday, : •ad visiting all intervening towns,j uT arrived in Tifton Just after noon. j H They left her* later in the afternoon ; ^ for Oeilla and Flttgermld, expecting > to return to Mecon by way *f Ab- j jg beville and Hawkinsvill*. O Quartermaster Jones said he w •B a publicity trip, and that he ex- g ' pects to return to Tifton next Tues- u day. The torpedo was preeented to ^ the Navy Recruiting Service by the j Cbaro Cola Company. The unique J Corporal Jones’ ^ I : 1 lx A Sale in a Class to Itself-Suits For Everybody-Sizes For ALL. COME! Money Can’t Buy Better Clothes Than The Suits We are Selling Stylish Light Weight Woolen Suits $10 to $25 Here you will find a splendid selection of new and very popular Suits in both single and double breasted models. Pinch-Back English and 2 or 3 button sack—Fashionable colors; Browns. Grays, and Blues; also fancy mixtures Checks Stripes and Plaids. Serviceable materials; Tweeds. Serges. Wor steds. Homespuns and Cheviots- Faultless Tailoring, Materials, including the linings, workmanship and finish, guaranteed both by the makers and by ourselves. The materials are Strictly High Class. The Designing is by fa mo ns High-Sal aried Fashion Expet ts. The Tailoring is according to the highest Standards,-- Skillful, Thorough, Precise. The great clothes makers who tailor our clothes STAND AT THE VERY TOP in their business. Come in, Compare our prices and Clothes with others you've seen--- THEN-- Finest Palm Beach Suits $7 50 to $10 YOU’LL BUY HERE! Cool Cloth Suits In Grey Mixtures $4.98 FREE! FREE! 51 worth of merchandise with every $7.50 to $8.50 suit. $2.50 worth of merchandise with ev ery $18 suit. $5 worth of merchandise with every $20 to $25 Suit. Made of the best quality Palm Beach cloth and hand tailored by Kirschbaum in the same careful manner as suits sold at many times this price. We have them in the most faslwonable styles, including ’’Pinch Backs” and all the staple "Sack" models. They are in the natural Palm Beach color Gray and other desirable shades in Checks. Stripes, etc. Light tod > rrl ' grounds- Better Cool Cloth Suits $7.50 to $8.50 MEN, READ THIS! THEN COME AND GET GENUINE PALM BEACH SUIT AT $4.79 Check That Cold Qokk. . As every cough or tneexe dlstri- j 'bates millions of gewns, we only n**d a draft, chill or fatigue to lower the body’s resistance and start • cold. At the first sign, take Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey and don’t lot a “summer cold" v eeoted. The pleasant i tie* in Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar •s,%ff&issLrsESi: u, -a ■ ana aun i come deep jam quali- -Tar-Honey and public i druggist. BIC SALE Women's Low Cols at $1.98 Now is the Time to Buy Your Shoes. You Cannot Match Our Prices Elsewhere •'* .1" " C..U .nd Value than nresented in any other shoe* on •* D«*lutiv t ugertry for Walk-Over and Qa*«n Quality Shoes. These shoe* earth at ‘ho price*. You will find it pleasurable and benefiicial to see our entire rouge o have more Style and Value than presented i style* at ECONOMY PRICES. ~Odds dnd Ends in Women’s, Children* Pumps Almost Given Away LowCuts nee . In . OQC Sweats rkOA And Children 25* ■ to ■ 98 0 a?98 0 t Men’s Pants S ’‘Duck Head” Overalls for Men Made of henvy bluederain genuine Indigo dye, full cut all sizes sell- ing regularly for UXr 1.25 to 1.50 at pair •/LJ Limit 3 pair to customer. , A splendid assortment of Stripes, Fancy Worsteds, etc., in all sizes, worth up to $2.00, to be closed out at per pair worm up 98 c i .m rCHURCHWELL’S ECONOMY SALE,” TIFTON GEORGIA.”!