The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 03, 1917, Image 2

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. " T® FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1*17. THE PRESENT CRISIS Good Bread Is Half the Meal Then make that Half a Surety by using Rising Sun Flour (Self-Rising and Ready Prepared) All the ingredients already mixed for you in proportions that assure baking success. You can not fail when you use RISING SUN FLOUR. From the Adel Nawil | Ther e U' a criaia in the life of I Mrs- Caroline William*. a aiater erery “an that la a determining of Mr. J. H- Cheatnott, of Adel, died point in hia make-up. At such at the home of her daughter, Mrs. a crisis he either puts hia shoulder J. G. Stalrey. wif* of the postmaa- to the wheel, strains every fibre in ter at Lake Park, Sunday. The de-'jii* body to meet this criaia, or else ceased was 85 years of 4fP- Infir-! he sneaks off like the insolent cur Imities of age caused her death to his den and user ull snares and. j which was hastened by a fall she traps he can procure to draw others "received some weeks ago. Mrs. Wil- with him. I isms was a native of North Caro-; Our nation is at war with foreign- Her husband died a number era and little realizes the war that years ago and she had made her is about to be raged at ho no—a DANGEROUS IS CALOMEL SOLD NOW B 1 lina. ■ !•* The select Soft Winter Wheat, the pure Ingredients, the unitary scientific mixing, all go to act the high standard for Rising Sun Flour. Ask your grocer for It. ha-niodrbrlhh of years ago ana n»u — — — r> . t»l i r\ J i _ ^ Z Calomel Salivates! It Makes You Sick and You Lose a Day’s Work—Dodson s ■ mains were carried to Godwin, N. j That America has harbored cow-| ■ 1 C. p for burial, accompanied by Mrs. ards, traitors to their native soil la ■ Stalvey and another daughter who almost beyond ou r conception, but ■ I lives in Florida. jU nevertheleaj-trua. | ■ I The deceased was a woman of j There are ‘a'Tew would-be-lead-j ■ many fine attributes, a mother in era" of this glorious land of ours. ; 5 Israel who, after a long and useful who. if permitted, would make of it to the reward of the a nation of coward., afraid to strike V m w m ! witir druggist and MU—SIM—Ml ‘brerta. ehur-h. Hr,id,, hr, ,hi|. I.utht lor to « »d darts- d „ n ,h* is survived by on e brother, ed so dearly. We l)»v e * few in- I Mr- A. W. Lavender, of Ty Ty,' che * tI,utt ' and tWo h * lf th^MeWes? but* aro helping 'Calomel is dangerous ami people know:it while was among Monday's rUItora to Tif- *7j williams was a half sister of to uint the lives of some “would-be- Dodson's Liver Tone is safe and gives ben" «- L r „ Williams, of Tifton. and good" people- They are endeavor- suits,” said a prominent local druggist. Dotlson S W. T. Massey, of Route 2 an . un , 0 f Mrs H. H. Britt and Mr. ing to cause a revolution in our own Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every Liver Tone Acts Better Than Calomel and Is Harmless for Men, Women, Children—Read Guarantee! Every druggist here, yes! idy's druggist has__j>*fi< the sale of calomel. They all give the We ljave * few in- same reason. Dodson s Liver Tone is taking its visitors to y y. CbeanutL L was among Saturday' thev'ty- Mrs. H. H. Parker and little son. MOTHER! YOUR* CHILD jof Ashburn, are the guesta of Mr* IS CROSS, FEVERISH, |D. W. McLeod. ! FROM CONSTIPATION Mr. J. B. Pinckard and daughter Each Day that dawns is a fresh clean of Moultrie, art the gueata of Mr. If Toni To write your record on And shall you write in love or hate To be read when you’re font? Resolve when the fresh sweet morn ing breaks And the birds bunt into song That nothing you'do will causa heart aches And you’ll do naught that's wrong. —P. H. A. In Timea-Union. Mr E. E. Clarks, of Ty .Ty, Route and Mrs. W. W. Bryan. Mr. Clyde Montgomery return ed Sunday morning from a week's business trip to Atlanta. Mrs. C. L. Preston, of Fitzgerald, la the guest of her son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Ed Pres- home land that will be a disgrace druggist. A large family-sized bottle qosts only 50 future generations. They are cents and if you find it doesn't take the place of holding meetings over the country, dangerous, salivating calomel you have only to ask teaching or trying to teach the peo- f or y Qur money back. j pie rebellion. Can- you conceive of Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting. pure- !anything so cowardly? What! Rebel yeg^blc remedy, harmless to both chiU.taH ,d. at a crisis when your country is adu]ts a spo onful at night and v. i*c up in need of every effort you f ^ go- no Sl & headache, biliousness,/ague, ut forth? When our nght« ,• is Coaled, Breath :h Sour. Clean Liver i BowaU. , ■ Give “California Syrup of Fig.” | have been trampled under foreign once—a teaspoonful today often I feet and our people murdered by WATCHMAN SHOT XT POULAN ves a rick child tomorrow. foreign hands. Never We must stand If your little one i» out-of-aorta. 1 by our Government. They are te : p#pp . rwl ;» B .ck With Load of half-sick, isn’t resting, eating and jng our people that ' l Bird Shoi sour stomach or clogged bowels. Dodson’s Livery Tone doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all nexvj day like calomel. Take a dose of calomel tonight and tor _ ypu will feel sick, weak and nauseated. Don’t! a day's work! Dodson's Liver Tone U real liver, i You'll know it next morning because ’ wake up with your head clear, your liver bowels clean, breath sweet and stomach regt You will feel cheerful and full of vigor and for a hard day’s work. * * You can eat anything afterwards without t of salivating yourself or your children. Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and try it on rsy guarantee. You’ll nevet* again ^ut a dose of nasty, dangerous calomel into your stomacx '■ Mrs. Carrol Graham and twi . McCrary, night watchman ! for the Poulan Cotton Mills, uncons ti lting natur. lly—look. Mother! cee tutional for u. to »«*ert our right* if tongue is coated. This U a sure «nd fight in this great conflict eb **‘ »,i{n that its little stomach, liver and ! We * re P roud “at we ve men ^y unknown parties Monday dren will arrive from Balnbridge to- bowtlj >rf c logged with " waste. ln »•>« “ n f e of lhe w ° rd ' morning just about daylight He night and be the gueata of Mn. Y mep eroM , irritable, feverish, .to-."ho can and will lead in the cause ^ not b>dly hurt D. Morgan for the weak. .... —.'"*■«»■ h "zizzrrLo\.*• «-•t Misses Lula Mae and Estelle Mor- ac h-ache. diarrhoea, aor e throat, full th< ' er Y ^ aw * of d * 7? , the tool room which adjoins the en- - • - «" th « ir bP* for da,y we ",.*“' n r; , gine room, during the early morning k.iin with ki. I ■ — f — rr. when he Vkl CAI ENDAR OF CASES Set For Trial at August Terra 1917 City Court of Tifton C. No. D. So. Monday, August '3th, 1917 gan went over to Moultrie Sunday. c0 ) dt give a teaapoonful of “Call- day. ■ in tha city on business Fri-> h eru the, are the guests of Mn. fornla Syrup of Figs.” and in a f.w | John Greer for a few day*. houn ail the constipated poison, »»■ Mr. Z. M. Fowler, of Motor A., was among Saturday's visitors to the city. L. Murrow spent Saturn digested food and »our bile, gently aay in Savannah, where be was one moves out of its little bowels with- | of the eighty applicants examined out griping, and you hage a well, . „ . . .' for admission to the second division playful child again. Mr. G. W. Pope, of Motor A., "»* !of ^ Offlcen Training Corps. I Mothers can rest easy after giv- ~ * Mr. and Mn. Joe Kent and chil-| ing this-harmless “fruit Uxativa." elty Friday. | dren returned Saturday afternoon because it never falls to cleanse the Mr. E. D. L»"horn, of the T, Ty^^ # rUU #f j, e k-'jitU« one’s 'iver and boweU tod soetion, was In Tifton on business tonril | e _ fit Auguatlna and Day- sweeten the stomach and they dear- Fridnr- ' tona Beach, Florida. They made ly lov, its''pleasant taste. Full di- Mr. Gaorga Baker and family ^ the trip ln Mr. Kent's car. 'rections for babies, children of all turned Friday from White Mr and c ^ Avan returned ’ «** » nd for *Town-up, printed on Bprtega, Fla., where Utoy *P*nt the Sun(Uy B|fht from . vmV( ririt bottle. rd. These are tnesnen w '*‘‘j, 0 un. with hia lantern, when he tend by. They who would ahed U»e . flred from behind throurh , last drop of blood in their veins far w - ndow freedom and their native land. I would to God there could be a brand placed on the forehead of ev ery sneaking coward to enable not only our men to know with whom they ar e dealing, but also that they might be pointed out to our chil- aa the cowards they really inducing the future gen- stand by right, free dom and justice. Boys—men. for the sake of the mothers who bore jot dren as the are>Ulus ind emtione - to i , to friends and relatives ln Atlanta Beware of counterfeit fig 'T^P*-, Government which protects yon and Mr. S. B. Lightfoot, of Route 3. >nd North Georgia. Mr Aven’a Ask your druggut for a 60 cent bot-j for ^ tand which you hold deal ty Ty. i in Tifton Saturday to neJ>hw Md nlec ^ Roy and ETe iyn tie of California Syrup of Figs; gh<)w th>( yon are men . i a eow and calf which be Aran of M^n, returned with them then see that it is made by the Cal-. M „. j. J. P«H.r. had taken up at hia pUee. and wUI vj^t her. for several weeks, ^fornla Fig Syrup Company. | 0 A lovely little girl mad# her arrl- Orioa—P—rv. aad Battey. the Sa-' ' BFriwmier For the tomach and bowel diwr- val at the home of Mr. and Mia. J. .annah Cotton Factora, are eub-1 A SMALL BE CININNG j^r. of babie. McGEE’S BABY % W. O’Neal Thuraday morning. She fUnt i a l, reliable and enkrwetic. Their' I^IR ^is a remedy of genuine merit. wholesome Lucidly the weapon, which was evidently a shot-gun, was only load ed with birdahot. and these acatter- and down Mr. McCrary's back, from his neck to hia waist. It quired some time to pick them hour afterwards Mr. McCrary was walking around town. Sheriff J. N. Sumner was notified once and went with his ■'track dogm, but the operatives had come in the meantime to g 0 to work and the trail had been crossed by many different feet that th. dogs could not take it up. So far as known, there is no clue to the guilty parties. When you yawn u good deal in the daytime, feel dull, ache, ‘ J to stretcj, frequently, it . 3 superior salesmanship are at your: Bags Case. ». “d pleasant to take. Price ; and un leaa you do something at once Rook,, e M J? ™ ST*™ & •< ■ ONLY WOMAN OFF.C« tehi. aaction having had no * nd b * eonrinced. t»-J wi!m it printed twenty-five yean ago:j AtlanU, Joly 27.—To Georgia ’ Mr. J. T. Hooka r«turned Wednes- “Charges that Rev. W. L. Carter' now belongi the credit of contrib- . n , J day from r. trip to Grady and Thom- had gone into the office of the clerk | y,. first woman army officer Miaa Lillian Brown has returned u eounliM ^ H# M y* ^.r. , r , fine 0 f the superior court, in Dougins, fa y,. nat i 0 n. her name being Mias frOBI *° h * r e °r' Wn crops down there but the boll and changed the numben of one or 1 Agnes McKeana of Tifton. and her of Waycroaa She was secern- we<vil u atre>dy to evidence and two loU of land were investigatedU^a consisting-of aecuring ro- P^‘” “^ nie b J_!7_r OW WD ° will not leave muq, cotton for those by the committee appointed by th« _ERBINE la a chill medicine that will prevent or cure the disease. It drivea out the impuritier on which the malarial germ thrives, ltrcngth- the liver and '•'.esnses the bow- Price 50c. Sold by Conger Drug Company. visit her for a faw days. who are trying to grow it | conference, which found the evi-j jjj u McKenna has donned Mr. T. G. White,, of St Petera- J{ yooj> chi , d u p.,, and *j e kly. dence only elrcumstantUl." From )kiaki nn iform exactly like that of burg, Fla., ^jpved Saturday and pickl at y, e noaa , starts In tha riaep this incident began the feud between j y, e recruiting officer, ex will be the gueet of hia son, Mr. H. and grinds the teeth while sleeping. Carter and Rawlings which brought cept y,, wears a skirt instead H. White, for mverri ^y. before be fTnd *bout the killing of the Carter chn-. of ^ and U touring the coun- going to AtlanU. where he is being ( ^ ^ug.g CREAM VERMIFUGE, dren on that fateful night in |tieJ adjacent to her home to per- treated by a specialist. j t not on | y c ] Mn 0 ut the worms, Lowndes county, tha wrecking of goad, young men to Join the coL Dr*. A. J. Kemp, of Tifton, and but it rojtoren htelthMfi cheerful- two families, the sending of two on _ ML L. Webb, of Omega, hava been ”***■ _“Tf* Crnimeny 0 X men to th« gibbet and three to the! She la now a nsn ymbstoned of- in th, U. a Medical Re^rv. Corpn. wh h> b „ n ^ th. Hale Orch- efforts o{ * bl « counMl U ■*“ W They bar, not as yat accepted but ^ Company In Ft- Valley, are ,B * lt »e penalty of that night’s terrl- have the matter under advent tpmRdlng ^ ^ at home. They b >« reported a large peach crop with fins a ~ T~ __a _Jutl tha Thing lev Diarrhoaa fruit and Rood prices. j "About t w 0 year* ago I had a se- The appliemtion for Incorporation rare attack of diarrhoea which^laiL ANSWER THE ALARM. credentials from Washington, and declares that before th, war ia she hopes to win her stripes. writes W. Cura for Cholera Morbus. When our little boy; now seven — ,«.re old, was a baby he was cured C. jof cholera morbus by Chamberlain’s so , Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme- T. D. Smith has bought out a lot of 66 second hand machines at a big bargain and 'will- sell them at big bargains. In the lot are Whites, New Homes, Standards New Royals, Free Domestics, and other*. Scans as good machines as made, and will do as good work as they ever did, and after being reworked look very welL If interested it will pay you ( to sea him. Let him take c-c out: to you and try it out. If not satis factory pour it back into the jug. ^ You can get one at any price, or at I alaooat any terms. See him before^ the lot is picked over. dlt w-tf' ..a». Juford, N. D. “I beeam# so Colic, Cholera and !ak that I could not stand upright. | Hy." writs* Mn. r druggist recommended Chamber- • p a j r Haven, N. V. n’a Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea J Fr members of mj Tiftoa People Should Net Delay. If your kidneys are inflamed, Don’t stand around and do noth- ^ y ntUit tea Company, __ ***■ owner* of 1he Tifton Ic* «>d Power lain** Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea • members of my family have used Lika a fire It will soon be beyond f which deairea incorpora- Remedy. Th, first dose relieved me,this valuable medicine for colic and •ontroL ^ ,, G.orri. t-a.d.n I -Ml troohln *ith «o.d You will get the alarm tn time—. _ _ m.:,- i v 5^- e ,*"■ Tt.rV.rhe w diuineu nr diur. Mr - » nd Mr »- H - H - "h’ 1 *- N - ' bl » remedy d« of £ uX. > <S«"U and ton. J. N. Jr., return^! Ufa rsSSk Heed the warning 9 * brly S * turday * norninr ,roB * *® I ' o Give yon, kidneys', rest by living *^ 10 St ' ^ STORM NEAR OMEGA more carefully. * pen . M dd u , The second atorm for the week Uto Doan’. Kidney Pills to help t r ^v r^ort a ple^- vUit « d *~ tion north ° f °“ e »» stamp out the cauto. ^ !Tul.„ LLlmi 1 ' Th * r * wind «td ; Fy u Tifton woman's ex- * 7, ** kail, fences being broken and much . thev know that j remedy of exceptional Obtainable every- tamable everywhere. .. White. They report a plcar- ant trip, wit), sand *■ thvlr biggest p-jlenc.. ’ “*• Mrs. M. A. Hood, of 1109 South Dr - W - L - Plckard ' Kr - “ nd Park averue. says: “I suffered P» ul Kamten.of Macon, and Mr*, off and on for a good long while Harruon. of New York City, amv- from kidney trouble. The worst ed in Tlftoa Frid * y * f ** rT,0 ° n symptom was dull, dragging pains « nd the n«* tt ° r Mr „ H fat t£. 'small of my back. I was al- H - Tif t. Mr. and Mra. I. W. Myers irays weak and lanquid and had some * nd Nr*- J. Ja. Pickard or e trouble with dizziness. I read of « nd ^ wil1 enJ,>y ' fllh ‘ nK many other people being cured by *‘ tb « Tlft Cam P on the . rt .T* r ' Doan’s Kidney T1TU *o I got a box' Dr. Whittle received order* early •t Pinkston'* Drug Store. They in the week to report *t Greenville, did me a whole lot of good." j S. C., on th# 25th and left at once Price 60 dents, at all dealer*.,,; f°r tKat pUce. From Greenville he Don’t simply aak for a kidney'-wfll ffo- to Greenwood to assist In remedy—get Dean’* Kidney Pills— mustering in the South Carolina Na- - tional Guard. He.wUl then return to Tifton and await order* to re port at Ft. Oglethorpe. Mr. A. B. HoIUngkworth returned ■k from Definat. Fla., where ,g up a *aw mill- He ha* with him » E- Phillip* Golden' antflkey have of uhusually fine ieir mill wEIl have a dai- of about 25,000 timber blown down. The .track the storm was about a mile wide. Crop* were badly beaten into the ground and fodder split and torn. the placea of J. T. Hooka and J. M. Shaw, where there was a good deal of recently deadened timber, there was much damage done. THE Texas Woods, coma kidney and I bladder troubles. dissolve* franl. «oz*a dlabscss. w*«k s:id laiae bseki. rheuma tism sod all Irreculsrltiss of lhe kid dots soil bladder I n both Baa and women. Knot sold by Tsurdruflat. will be sent br mail n r* esipt of tLa 5ns small bout* It two months’ treatment and ssldosy fails SO^trfse xOut .Malaria. Builds Up Syaami -sorw, TaSTEt i h.ll TOXIC, drives oef ARMY ENLISTMENTS The following men from this sec tion were accepted at the Atlanta Recruiting station: Tom W. Cooper, Boston. John B. Taylor, Nichols. Jim F. Mote. Morven. Albert E Ashley. Wenon*. Luther P. Webb, Valdosta. Tommie L. Walton, Bolton. Alfred Gwion, Valdosta. Floyd Music, Niehol*. John W. Parker, Nichola. Lewis G. Strawder. BarUn. Marvin C. .Shora*. Cai». Jesse C. Spiray. OcWocknee. Charles D. Herrinyon, Ty Ty. Allen Wilaon,.Douglas SIM Reimd, SIM - The reader* of this papsr win be pleased to team that there Is at * * dreaded disease that science 1 able to car* In all IU itacee. and that U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur* u the only positive car* now known to tha ■>*<£'•• fraternity. Catarrh being a conitllutic disease, requires a constitutional tn ment. Halfs Catarrh Curs ia taken tcmally. acting directly upon the blood r-v nr u/'the^oMtlturn's"d err that they offer One Hundred^DoUajw “f-isLC a 1933 Virginia-Carollna Chemical Co. vs Mrs. J.D. Young. 2 1999 Sylvester Live Stock Co. v*. N. Deal and W. E. Blrtna, Defendant*. Mr* W. E. Bivins, Claimant. 3 2007 E. R. Garrett v* Foy and Adams Co., #t al. a 4 2066 G. L. Blalock v*. R. S Dorminy. , _ _ 5 2131 C. W. Haiaten v* W. S. Cobb, J. A. Eaton and E. K. 6 2181 H. H. Adam* v* C A. Ireland and C. J. Swain. 7 2184 Tifton Guano Co v* Mr* H. H. Fletcher and T. K. Fletcher. Jr.. Defendant*, J- H. Young. Garnish#*. 8 2186 Cha* E. Hancock Co. v* John E. Cochran. 9 2189 N. "E. Harrit, Governor v* Mathis Cuahion, Principal* J. R. and W A. Stephen*. Securitie* Y0 2212 W. R. Lindsey vs. The Bank of Omega. 11 '2215 Th. Downing Co. v* W. A. Puckett 12 2234 S. Perling and Brother v* Max Nathan. 13 2241 J. W. Mitchell vs. G W. Coleman. 14 2242 J. W. Mitchell v*. G. W. Coleman. 15 2245 Geo. Williams vs Ga. Sou. and Fia. R. B- Co. 16 2243 J. P. Ewwin, Transferee v* J. M., T. D. **><3. W. ■ Bullock, DefendanU, Nancy Jane Bullock, Claimant. 17 2250 J C. Bacon v* E B. Corey. . _ 18 2262 N. E. Harrin. Governor v* G U Auatin. Principal, F. M. Austin and James S. Johnson. Securitie* 19 2268 N E. Ham*,. Governor v*. McKinley Brown, Principal W.H. Parker. Security. 20 2274 Lula Martin vs. Jack Ford. , 21 2278 H. D. Swain, vs. E. M Driskell and T. E. Fletehar. Defendants, G. W. Fletcher, Claimant. 22 2279 Columbus Bagging and Tie Co. va Farmers GinCo. 23 2281 Winge, Ellett and Crump Shoe Co. vs Bank of Omega. 24 2282 Mr* A. W. Ellia v* I. C. Touchitone „ . . . 25 2283 N. E. Harri* Governor vs. F. D. Green,- Principal. 335.60 Cash Bond. Security. 26 2284 N. E. Harris. Governor v* Eugene Ged. F Paulk, Security. 27 2285 Phillips Mercantile Co. v*. C. W. Jone* 28 2286 International Harvester Co., of A., and A. W. Whiddon. Tuesday, August 14th, 1917 29 2287 Bank of Lenox vs. James and W. C. Sumner, Defena- dants. Armour Fertilizer Works. Claimant 30 2288 Nat. E. Harris. Governor 1“ T “““ J. L. Brooks, Security , _ 31 2289 Walker Royal by hia next friend. J. S. Royal, as Trans feree of G. W. Ellia v* B. F. Whiddon 32 2732- W. M McGuire vs Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlan tic Railway Co. 33 2297 T A. Ivester va. T. C. Payne. 34 2298 G. S. Wilcox va. J. N. Bennafield. 35 2299 G.. S. Wilcox v*. Joseph M Walker. 36 2300 G.' S. Wilcox vs. Mr*. Laura Willia and G. Willia. 37 2302 The First National Bank of Ocilla vs R. M. Roberta and J. B. Murrow. 38 2303 The Exchange National Bank of Fitzgerald v* R. M. Roberta and'J’TB. Murrow. 39 2304 The Aanerican Agricultural Chemical Co. v». Sander* Gibbs. 40 2305 O. W. Smith vs. W. C. James Principal. J. S. Sklppar, Security and Mr*. G W. Wright, Claimant. 41 2306 Mrs. Emma T Brown. Executrix estate of W. D. Brown vs. J. -C. and W R. Smith, Defendant, Berrien County Bank, Garnishee. 42 2309 Tifton Guano Co., vs. I. W. Gibbs. Defendant, Th* Bank of Tifton. Garnishee. H "W 43 2810 School Methods Co vs. r b. G. Childs. 44 - 2312 Moultrie Banking Co. vs. A. A. Banvick. and B. B. Adams, Defendants. E. O. Oliver. Claimant. 45 2313 Reid Corry vs Ga. Sou. and Fla. Ry. Co. 46 2314 Taylor Furniture and Hardware Co. vs J. T. Mickle. 47 2315 Georg* A. DeCotte* v*. R. C. PoStell and Co. 48 2316 E Bean and Sons Co. v*. W. S. Harlan and C. U Parker.. 49 2317 Robert O'Quinn v* Miss Ida Dickinson and C. S. Winn. 50 2318 J. W. O'Neal vs. Mr*. Lydia Fulwood. • 51 2819 George A. ©eCottez vs. RTC.' Postefl and Co., Defen dants Die National Bank of Tifton, Garnishee. The above and foregoing calendar is hereby approved and the i will be used in the calling of ali cases appearing thereon. «- * ' regular order ■ ■ Wilson, Principal* , Joe Fletehar . James Scott, Principal, PARTY FROM ALABAMA Mr. O. L. Bryan, of Troy, Ala.,.a. brother of Mr. W. W. Bryan, three cousins, A. B. Bryan and Leon ^ be'uaed'In’the‘ailiingV"idT’eMe* appwing"thereon No ca** Helm'*, of Brundidge. Al»-e and •• w ;|j ), e uken up out of its regular order as shown on such calendar B. Curtis, of Troy; also Nr. W. L. except by content of Counsel with the approval of the Court. Pinkard, of Brundidge. arrived Sat- JAMES H. PRICE, urdty and spent the week-end with Judge C.ty Court of Tifton. Ga. Mr. Bryan in Tifton and with Mr. S. B’yan southwest of the city. Mr Helms ia accompanied by Mr* Heims and three children. They sa y th e Eofl jpeevH has not made auch inroad* on the cotton The Nations Welfare roman should da. her duty In reefing a strong, vigorous and healthy crop ™* h * cause of the dry weather. The pea- a xtemaT prepare lion—"Mother's Friend^. nut industry i* developing rapidly. SSriia^TxjSxId^th mills which -put in machinery laat year tor crushing peanut* having CUtbed. Th* tandaacr to B year tor crushing doubled their capacity, and others being put in this year. Armour hay taken over the output of the Brun didge plant. The party came throng), ln car*. NORMAN-CLARK Mr. and Mr* J*. D. Normaj Norman Park, announce the ment of their daughter, Meaaie Leri el, to Mr. Robert Allen Clark, of Moultrie, the wedding to take pface in Auguit. Writ* to Th* Bredfleld Regulator Co-, Dept. F, 100 Lamar Uuliding, Atlanta. Ga. tor their book, "Motherhood and tha Babr". It la frea to all woman. Get a bottle of •'Mother'# Frland" at your drua- • today_ and do not neglect to apphf PREFARtDNES: irma^^of CASTOR IA POT Infant* and Children In Um For Over 30 Years rzz: ■ tri— f r 0.0 w‘. ■ AodtbJd«=a^S TU t—.»:■ S I rrr** 1 ^* ERG TSenetlonal ■ II CHARAI ■ For catalog FOR PEACE OR WAR ■here was Dervreeureeat a demand by oor Cnrweiseot and ovrvmrlooa ladns- f» mre who bare MtlsM to think a^USrelly«od to work efficleaUj. *—** baaaiaatpreoa . « yoBBCBMBfarpoelbbneeghigh* Coureea Including both r-no.I aid lerhnlral .e*ted.‘CWTfa.alul aadTeetOe f ESGDnXRIJIG, ARCH11 t-CTDRE, ^KD COMMERCE These lineal u petition of this la “ CHARACTER -f CULTURE + EmOERCT — EDOCATIOW (1E0R6I ASf HI 101 OFlEf HN0L0GY