The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 21, 1917, Image 2

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THE TIFTON GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER «. W7. ZLbe Litton ©ajette a poplar box which stood a shelf behind tl^bar, and in which they*qre arrang- ged in symngtrical rows—if tb®T were old and -wormy, nobody cared. No milk was used, for no one knew anything about it for cooking oys ters. - The stew done, it was poured into bowls, dish es or pans eommandeered from the stock on the Published Weekly Entered at the Postoffice at Tifton, Georgia, -f£b. |» Htrrinrr Editor and Manager Miss Emma R. Sutton Editor Ty Ty Department is-- TY TY, 1 GEORGIA J SERIOUS AND EVEN MORE- D1S* T? ..WILLIAMS OUSTING. I Official Organ City of Tifton and Tift County, Georgia- SATURDAY NIGHT. A Wiregrau White Way. f In one of those interesting reminiscent arti- “ eles of old times which Bridges Smith is writ ing for the Macon Telegraph, he tells how par ties of hunters from the city sometimes stopped at a country grocery and feasted on cove oyster stews. Which reminds us. The Wiregraaa of forty years ago had its White Way, even as the metropolis of today. But the structures marking it were of homely pine logs instead of marble, the plate-glass was a cracked mirror 4x6 from the back of which the quicksilver had gone, leaving little reflec tion that hung behind the bar; instead of elec tric fan? the cool air of heaven came through the unceiled^cracks; instead of taxis and motor cars waiting outside there were half a dozen horses with drooping heads, “hitched to the gro cery-rack,” and the illuminations were humble tallow-dips in tin sticks, or smoky oil .lamps against the wall. But there was drinking and feasting, just as there is said to be on the White Way today there was much laughter and some music and dancing, and the revelers at last went on their way with much the feeling of having run the gamufbf naughtiness with which the son of the idle rich perhaps hies him away now during the early hours of morning. But there were no. idle rich in the Wiregrass—and the revelers were all males. It was Saturday night and a crowd had gath ered at the cross-roads grocery for a little fun and dissipation, earned perhaps by a week of gnjelling toil. For it was winter and Christmas, the festal season, approached. Some came a- foot, but more on horseback, for the animals would not be needed tomorrow. In the center of the store, mounted high on a box filled with sand, stood the big, rusty iron box stove in which a fire of pine-knots roared. When the supply of knots ran short, there v were always ready vol unteers to bring them froin the woods surround ing. Along on one side of the building cut off by a long counter, was a row of shelving, on which was a mote or less disarranged assort ment of dry-goods and sundries—a couple of bolts of gay figured calico, a bolt of checks, an other of "narrowed homespun," (unbdeached she.-ting) and perhaps a bolt of bed-ticking. Then thread, buttons, bunch thread (for wea ving), crockery, a few pieces of tinware, and table cutlery, \croas one end ran a high coun ter and behind stood perhaps three barrels of strong drink, a few shelves on which were can ned goods, cracker*. underneath a few groceries in barrels or boxes. The gla-ssea were kept in are-; underneath *h« counter, beside a tub of water which was not often emptied. The men had eaten supper at early candle light and appetite was not the first thing calling There waa an interchange of the news of the week, some ancedotes and a little., business. Then, as they gathered around the stoVe, some one proposed a “spiced dram." Assent was quick, and each man dug down in his pockets for . the ten or fifteen cents that was "his share. A dollar or more in the fond, the storekeeper set on the stove a big stew-pan. in which water was soon boiling. Into this was poured rye whiskey, a small quantity of gin. then sugar was stirred. From the tin of allspice on the shelf a handful was taken; this was folded in a rag and beaten with a hatchet used for chopping wood; * aRe’rlt was added to the decoctlori in the stew- pan, the steam Which arose had a very temp ting, appetizing odor. When the stew had boil ed sufficiently it was poured into cups and drank by the revelers with- great gusto; it smelled good, looked good, and the.v seemed to enjoy it; the Boy who sometimes looked on tasted only once and didn't like it—perhaps the taste had not been acquired. 1 There was always a fiddier in any gathering pf six or more, and after the “spic.ed dram” the instrument which always accompanied him was brought out. he mounted on the counter; beside him a kindred soul with two straws trimmed from the seldom-used broom, and soon out through the cracks upon the night air went the strains of “Cotton-Eyed Xe»,” “Lucinda.” “Run- Nigger. Run.” and many of their fellows. In front, two or three stood and patted, feet on the floor and hands on thighs, and after a while the combined dram and music overcoming natural diffidence, a dancer Would be the center of a ring and the 'pigeon-wing, double-shuffle, and many other fancy steps of the day were cut, to the delight of the onlookers. As the night grew, appetite returned, and an oyster stew which always came last when c»me at all waa proposed. Again the nicklo and dimes or perhaps shin-plasters, (for there was all kinds of fractional currency then) were contributed to a common fund. Again the ■tore-keeper set the big stew-pan on the -Jiot Move, and this time perhaps half a gallon of Water was ptlt on to boil. Into this was emp tied the contents of half a dozen cans of cove tail, opened with jagged cuts of the aam>- idy hatchet; salt, pepper—they liked it hot sr. and oiuoMkijM"* from stock in the Sunday n i loungers a Professor Aldinc Pound, of Atlan- MRS - EDWARDS. HOSTESS. , . . , ,, its, was in Tv Tv for a short tim* The-Woman's Circle of the W. 0, shelves, and with spoons from t e same source. j Mon(Uy hlvjnE been called here by w wu pleasantly entertained at Mr. Grady Malcom, the carrier on the revelers fell to. A bottle Of pepper-sauce , buidnesa ■ their hall last Friday afternoon by Route 3, Ty Ty. had a disagreeable was opened, crackers were heaped On the coun- Haralson, an old Confeder ]Mr». E. H. Edwards. experience and serious accident, Mon-I ter, and a jar of green, delicious pickles comple- [ nte veteran, has bought the former 1 A prize waa offered to the woman Jay morning, and all on account of •ted such a feast as never the gods enjoyed, for 'home of Mr. T. M. Perry, and he 'who could make the greatest number tbat filthy, disgusting, unsanitary they brought to it no such appetites. land his wife will make their home of wparfjfrom the title. Woodmen of habit (there are not adjective. After the last bit was eaten and the dishes | here. £?Z's. X^tliS’^Sat .STiU-br^ », raped, there waa (arint homeward each with | The .pn..™.e er at ] pilo-11 „„ „ ith the feeling that he was a gay blood, and had Bc “'® T , CoUege caused the f for many persons . since Ty T y ha* had Sunday mail, been through the mill, of dissipation.'" “ZZ*-* *V■JL —- ' * But the oyster stew. Never was such stew Mll , Lo,^ pi ekett and before-or since! Its aroma as wafts from the .Miss Eva Baker at their homes in kitchens f Lucullus; its succulent appeal to Ty Ty last week, the appetite whetted to appreciation by a year’s j The hank building ha. been diet of corn bread and bacon; and its liberal thoroughly renovated and the wood quantity, sufficient to meet even the demands of work repainted. The same painters fearless and ample stomachs. Ah! Bridges. you broughfrus mouth-watering memories when nnd , „ tUe pnjnt doCg holp thc look , you told of those grocery- store oyster stews. : n f things wonderfully. Of the feasters of that time, only one is living ( Mr. T. M. Perry is selling Nation- today. And sure we are that none missed the nl automobiles for the Hall Automo- pearly gates because of the relaxation and the bile Company, with headquarters in few minutes of revelry- Gone, in their separate ! Tifton. perry wiU mo '' c h!l and true must go, but tonight fam,| y to Tifton DEALER IN-— THE STORE Where Your Dollar Bobs Further Courteous Treatment 'ays as good men aim u«*e •**—* t a bonge j n y, e the room is peopled with, faces long since hid |PejT ^ nndtbc children are « under the coffin-lid. who come back, in the mother in pj nP h U rst. rigor of youth or manhood, with the memory of j Thp Btorc of lh „ Tv Ty the cross-roads grocery store and Saturday company looks as if Santa night. THE NEW NATIONAL HIGHWAY. By voting. 500 to 2-1-1. tor a bond issue of , other places arc taking on the e Mrs. ith her Christmnsy ,-* of lyjch prices, the- i swell the profit on pork •nty ofth. DEVANE-QUEEN Hindis Devane w « Id a paved highway, forty miles longri v ,- r y generuu- -in the old-time. SniU***ft;y. j.. Mr Fran k Queen, of Hood M " ' 1 E(iw White Springs, through Jasper, to Ah« .them wny. Hope. Georgia. The marriage took mii|i lnto the ' la line at some point near Jennings.(The The Lyceum people I'W.' "t .1..' bwn, at h.r ^rwidfnlher. M .... xiriw. 1 i iu„ —m.iwhat, when i w Wwlt..r« nra. Tv Tv. and $100,000 for road improvement, Hamilton coun-, look tv. Fla., has settled the status of the National | Backbone, Highway and firmly fixed its. place as the safest >■> these da and best all-tho-ycar-round route from the ; bone going t North and West into Florida. Of this bond issue, $250,000 is to be spent to build a paved highway, forty miles long, from W Georgia , residue. $150,000. will be spent in the construe- ,.to crowd things, lion of lateral reads. On the south. Columbia ,f'h-.vT on county will build a brick paved road from ^ ontl ^ , IU( lhc , White Springs to Lake City, to connect with a^ nd two have already brick paved road from Gainesville and points r 0r December For this reason, south, while another paved road is to be con- lecture, which structed from Lake City, through Baker coun- thin week. < to connect with the paved roads of Duval, Mr Morgan. . , h wei into Jacksonville. The Hamilton county « U J the same morning, to Good Hope. This thorities say their road will be paved with j If Mr HnrrU we ai tu Cordele riage. which was scheduled for Janu. ites fo r the mere writing of twenty- place for lounging, at one words, to say nothing of thc not overly particular, as a ru mental effort required for thinking their personal habits. Some up words that may be formed from ori m ore likely, a party—used the the given letters. floor of the lobby for a cuspidor Mrs. Edwards is a noted maker arefully depositing expectorations of good cake and the cake she served. n n common centre. Mr. Malcom with gelatine, on this occasion, was n me in early, not long ttiler pronounced ne plus ultra—or some- j ge while the shaded lobby wa thing like that. Altogether, this was j n the shadow, to make up his mail pronounced one of thc most pleasant f or the day. He was walking of all the social meetings thc Circle briskly, not noticing the Boor, when has Wad. he stepped into- the puddle thc loafers Then, just in time, somebody re- had left. (it is a nauseating thing memhered that it was the regular 0 write.) Ho slipped, and. in fall- lime for electing officer* for the j,ig. struck hi* head against''the wall, ensuing year An election was held. j.- or a moment, he could not get to his with the following result: Guardian. f,.et, for he was almost unconscious. Mrs. A A Lyle; Past-Guardian. Mr*, and he was so dizzy for sometime that .1 W' Jones: Adviser, Mrs. W. S he could scarcely stand. Scott; Clerk and Banker. Mrs C. S. |t is not worth while to comment on Pittman: Attendant, Mrs. E H. Ed- this, for it does seem that so much ward- . Assistant-Attendant. Mrs. W has already been said and written on the subject that there is nothing left Possibly, line upon line and precept upon precept may accomplish some thing in the eour-e of time. WouUn't an arrest and fine now and then help o produce results? GROSS CARELESSNESS Youi Trade Will Be Appreciated Ty Ty Farmers Supply Co R. R. Pickett, President J. M. Varner, Manager. DEALERS IN GrocerW.-. Dry Goods Notions, Sfroea, Hat* Rea dy-to-Wear Oothinj . Mr -• J M Var Walters nea r Ty Ty. and | Reverend Mr. Rainey, pastor of the | T Ty Baptist church, pvrfirmed the . Tom Ei vclve-year-old son of ards, brought post office. of the station, and vith mail intended for ohoted The young couple remained with , son. tnh th,. - grandparents ofthe bride until , i to nave ncen put Tuesday, when Mr. Walters took postponed. them to Tifton to catch the twelve son-in-law of Mr o'clock train for Atlanta, and from Wednesday Ana Other Things. Pictorial Review Patterns W. E. Williams. F. B. Pickett. MJ>. President. 1st Vice-Pres. W C. Thompson R. S. Cornwall 2nd Vice-Pres. Cashier. BANK Of TYTY CAPITAL *25.000.00 ... . iday Mr. Harris ...... brick. On the north. Lowndes county 1P |Mr Morgan's home) to s pledged to connect with the Hamilton highway ( M r . Morgan. As Mr. Hun with a road equally as good, and from Lowndes In hu automobile, and Mr. Morgan Tift ' “ ' — ’ *■” ' ' *- favorable, but farmers have to wail for cold this work. Many of them jfficiency of cold storage Macon, the National will be made a load as meet. A lot of ex. near perfect as modern science and the ma- *^ n Ty ° Strict, terials to hand can construct. everything else to c The route selected for the National Highway, iyear by billing mor after a thorough, impartial and non-political |body ,boui hcre n inspection, was the best and most available slain one year, route into Florida from the North. Its weak again been favoral points were the curve via Madison and Live Oak ^o longei made necessary because of the-lack of an BV8 *|" i b *' p *h c ‘ able route through Hamilton, and the roBt * | the re is a through Baker county, which -was never for brought up to a standard. | R. K. Young. Jr., has -given up Hamilton’s action, and the good roads move-1 hi* position in Cleveland. Ohio, ment in Florida which grows in impetus, will where he wa, getting an excellent remedy these defects. The route through ^ salary, and joined the r.avy. He Wcbh pl( Hamilton shortens the distance between Tifton • *h° rt vi,it 10 hb h ° n,r ' ne " r .and Jacksonville nearly tWrty^lejand cute; out some atretehes of roa.. whic.. were B€ ' ,er i liMted ; n ^ army . These good, despite promises made to promoters when j youn(r men are , ons of Mr the National was being located. | Mrs. R. K. Young, of Route 3. There is an ever-increasing volume of travel The -evangelist- (a negro between the North and Wert and Florida, So-J man) who holding ma pite the adverse conditions removed b.v Hamil-^”* 1 °f ,r " ° * ton’* nond issue. _ This travcl goes north in the , 800n co1 WITH MRS. OLIVER. after this, Mr. Ellis of mail that he had ir fjrmi the placi where the first was found. A few days later, the section mas ter. Mr. Herring, brought in one that was lying near the track in the direction of Mr. Malcom’s. h wa • of The route agent who threw out if the^bride thcs * is n0 ,loutlt responsible for the I missing mail of which so much com- 1 plaint has been made. If those who found this mail had Wa Psy Interest on Time Deposit* Deposits in This Bank, Guarentood mks uv,. be^n honest, ft . t'hs t Tv Ty ha* It would never have been heard from, 'event* within a week: ! ^ >» probable that Ty Ty . has a.young and good- the only sUtion that ha. er brother DO BUSINESS AT HOME TY TY DRUG CO. ffered home, jin this way. and it i» high time for hi, en- somothing to be- done to stop it. It is contrary to postoffiee regulations is with I for ma ‘* *° 1,,f w ' t * 1 ■">' one ,r ia S t ' n postoffiee employe, nnd thc man strews it about promiscuously is to get into trouble. The bags M ,.._..d. and others no dotzht, were Among those present were » ! c areless'ty overlooked when the other Ruth Powell. Miss Mary Jul' a Jora" 11 and Miss Mattie Zoe Mallory: Mes- looking sob something must he 'ion tertainment. Lieutenant F. H. Wi his sister. Mrs. E. W. Oliver, last week, nnd she had a party of young people to do honor. Earl and Ernest Gibbs. These "had a good time," g's entertainnment gnv ith him. ind the > Lieut- , take Ty Ty was turned over at the station to the proper person; and the train moved on. it was noticed and thrown out on the chance one would pick it up and take it to thc office. LOYAL TEACHERS. O The friends of Miv Mary Jnlin- d Jordan* are inclined to tease jwr about the cry she raised last week when-kidnapers tried U. take some of 'th> child re T, Ty iitm.oon Th-y collected a good-sized audi- "" , ". , , .. , cnee, which waa about equally ^ . n,r mmt art am—r wf w# m a«/st-wai ji.m.,1 - — - - ■ i nmurii ucisrcn wniie* unu, winter. It is heavy now. ns hotels and garages The spc a ker ma de but little noise,- hl * along the route can attest, but with the stimulus j but , be prn ycd and talked herself * ither held him < Jordan is not much more girl herself, her friends DRUBS AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Prescriptions A Specialty School Books and Supplies A COMPLETE DRUGSTORE BEGINNING THE SEASON'S FES TIVITIES. Miss Maude. Parka opened the Christmas festivities by inviting party of her friends to spend t from the grade -she evening with her, and make merry In. JONES & COMPANY Dealers In High Cl... General MerehudUe After you read thi* advertisement^ -tu Una store end do year shopping. PRICES RIGHT of a perfect road it will be quadrupled another j into a perfect frei i inon u kii season. This increased travel cannot other- rather incoherent, but those present J b “ djrbt tb ‘i, was very funny, wise than benefit Tifton, as it will every other listened with seeming respect until Jt w|l , n - Ioyn | and it caused Mr. nokit alone the route ' " he left 0{t U WM 0rderly Miller, the principal, to jump out of in par. of lhc work ih ."f. >“! ft ' F^iALE-Tu..,,- f good result in Hamilton. Tifton did its share. atock in Ty T y farmers' Supply Co. him and a smaller sister and brother Two years ago citizens of Tifton took an active paying investment- Fpr parti- through-the noon hour and until thc part to bring before the people of that county culnrs, address C. I. Jones, Ty Ty. legal guardian could be brought The a realization of what a graded highway through Ga. 20-d6w2t „ omnn got away before the tAenff their county WOUld : mean to them. 'MV. J. M. | A DELIGHTFUL EVENING. *Many''teac'her, ,, 's'eem to "think Ashley. Secretary of the Valdosta Chamber of j Mra . Carl S. Pittman entcrUined tha t’thc whole duty of tcachcra is to Commerce, has also been a zealous and earnest >a small party of young people Tues- tC a C h. Evidently, thi, is not the worker along this line. The seed of logic day evening in honor of her guest. , opinion of Mis, Jordan and Mr. Mil- planted then were some time in bearing fruit. Mi- Vera Clements. Those present lcr . and those Children they guarded ' ... . , . , . ., . . • . I were Misses Mattie ioc Mallory.-have cause for gratitude to Diem. but it is good to seo that the harvest is [Ncvie Pickett. Jevalifcrner, Napnie Miiw Jordan U from Poulan. where a rich one; • — • : Hiy -CottT* and IAieille Cottle; Me*- the would-be kidnaper one* -livad. sra. Earl and Silas Gibbs, Gilbert and she wa, the only teacher in school BUY HIM A TESTAMENT. Willis and Green Conger. ! who could identify the worn Nothing can give more comfort to the mind j Dancing Is not among the aocial was fortunate that she recognized her trouble, the homesick heart or the man in .amusemet, of Ty Ty, but young, «r th« bor. Pr»pW no tojt by hrn than the Bible. The sweetest, the !>^ ,e »«« r ' have other ways of en- joying themselves and making -an , wanted to see mm. occasion like this enjoyable. This unanimously pronounced “a de lightful evennig." manner befitting thc guests were Misses NiTrinic May and Lucille- Cottier-Miss—Jewel—Varner ajjfj .Miss. Mottic. Zoc .MallAry; .Me*-, srs. Earl and Silas Giblis. Green Conger. Edgar Scott and Dan Willis. There were games and other amusemets, and cake nnd chocolate i-ere served. Each social a'ffairr is ilways the best ftill the next one.) iut thi, evening will hold that rank, or an indefinite time, with those who cere present. pilfsst and the most entertaining literature in in the world is the New Testament. Twenty-five cents will put a testament in the hands of* an enlisted man. It will give him coipfort and help pass many an hour otherwise dull; it may save a soul. Surely, the sum is in significant, compared to the good that may be done. Th$ Tifton Ep^orth League is raising a fund to send these tesiaments to the men in camp. One dollar will aend four. The Gazette will receive contribntnons. You to a more worthy {cause. “Berlin sneer* kt Wilson,” Which does not hfi cannot contribute Sloan's Isays a headline. Liniment A little child of Arthur Hender- n, a colored farmer who has bean living on the placo recently sold by Mr. Fowler Dell, near Ty Ty, was burned to death last week It about three years old and there younger, Thc mother left them alone in the house, nnd it is sup posed that the older one waa play- ng in the fire. Dr. R. R. Pickett was hastily summoned, but nothing could be done. Death came In about hree hour*. John Park*, haring passed all hh examinations for another term at Spark*, ia at home for tha holiday*. “Tardiness 'In 'Keeplftg Appi meats." was one of the questions mtly discussed nt a business meet- in a nearby toWn. Whocvi put this subject on thc program must heard ofthose meeting* in Ty Ty that, for no reason in the world, be- two orthrve hours after the ad- tised time for starting- Some people value their time, but many do not value their own or'that o/ any body elae. If it were possible to col- a fine from all late comers meeting. Ty Tv’s treasury would be full to overflowing. CARLOAO OF FINE PONIES For S*l*. See Us at Once SIKES BROTHERS Ty Ty. Georgia FOR SALE—160 acres, good land. 3 1-2 miles north of Ty Ty. acres in cultivation, six -1 house, tenant’s house, and other Improvement*. W. F. SIKES, Ty Ty, Ga. FOR SALE ^ My grist mill and blacksmith shop with tools—the only place dp^ta kind in Ty Ty. New building, gasclln* angina, and arerythiig In first cla— order. Address, W. S. Scott, Ty Ty, Ga. A. PARKS. Groceries, Dry Goods Etc.. Caskets, Coffins. Ty Ty, Georgia- M. A. WOODARD Sc CO., General Merchandise Ty Ty, Ga. VARNER AND COMPANY Dealers In Groceries. Dry, Heeds, Caadiec, Ct gars, Tobacco and Everything EL* in tha way of Ceaeral | Merchandise.— Men'. Furnishing, a Spaclaity. DR. CARL S. PITTMAN, Physician and Surgeon. Phone N<®7. Ty Ty, Georgia. E. J. COTTLE. SHINGLES FOR SALE BUY DIRECT FROM MILL AN» SAVE MIDDLEMAN’S PROFIT /-T TyTy, Ga. CITY CASH MARKET G. W. Willi,. ProprLtor Fresh Meats, Fish and Produce Swift's products a spec'alty "The Sanitary Marlcat” Ty Ty, Georgia. DR. F. B. PICKETT, Physician ai d Surgeon. T’ Ty, Ga. W. B. PARKS la paying for this apace.