The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 04, 1918, Image 2

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Fxrb^y, Users! Listen To'Me! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Sour Slrnggist gives back your money if it doesn’t Bren your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you aick. IPAICN. ROB WAR OF HORROR, I •» sMart to T«p Objwl of R«| Ctou Say* Rev. Jack. a in Address Kara, , Dae, SI.—Georgia's war A moat edifying and comprahan- t adVing campaign U being or. live addreaa on Rad Croaa work wai ganized throughout tha'aUto under delivered to an appreciative audk the direction of Hagh Richardson, director for the state, and in a few more days there will ba a prominent citizen in charge of the movement In every county seat and important city and town. Wa r thrift saving stamp* tap a • sickening, salivating 5 a few cents buys a largo i of Dodson's Liver Torn , etTrobstitote for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as ■nrelr as calomel, bnt it doesn’t make yon sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folk* can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. * Calomel is a dangerous drug. It Zdlvatingcal”! T^ke'lTdoec^of nasty*calomel Joday “ arce ° f revenues nevCT before open. bones. wn * n and you will feel weak, sick and up to the government. They nauseated tomorrow. Don’t lose a place war loans inthe reach of peo- dsv's work. Take a epoonftfl of pie whose savings are not sufficient Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No lunre bilionsnras, constipation, slug gishness. headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist save if you don’t find Dodson's Liver Tone acta better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you. to buy Liberty Bonds. They put in operation a plan of saving that enables even the children to d 0 their bit in winning the war. For 25 cent# you esn buy a thrift tnca at the Methodist church Sun day evening by Rev. J. H. Jackson. Wo wish every citixcn of Tift county could havo heard this ad dress, which sboundvd in pertinent information and was calculated to of our lethargy re garding Red Croaa work. Before entering into his subject, Mr. <4nckson spoke briefly of the Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. work in which he has been busily engaged in West Virginia, since leaving Tif- n last February. He gave the history of the origin of the Red Cross, of its organ ire NEVER MIND. Did you meat the old year up? Well, never mind. Did you drink ita bitter cup? Well, never^mlnd. . Here’s a new year coming in, So put on a cheerful grin, Here’s another chance to win, So never mind. Dalton Citisen. Miss Marion Harbin returned Sun. day morning from Jacksonville, where the spent the holidays with TCtMtVM. Miss Worthie Hardison who teaching at the Pearman school this term was In Tifton on business Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corry return- ed Friday morning from Atlanta, where they spent several days with Mr, Corry’» mother, Mrs. E. R. Cor- mIs. D. B. Harrell and children of Doenn, ere the guests of her mother Mrs. D. W. McLeod and her slsterr Mrs, Golden. They came over Wed nesday with Dr. BarreD. Mrs. O. F. Sheppard and family and Mr. S. R, Sherpar l movud Route 4, east of Tifton this week, to the home of Mr. M A Howard 'in North Tifton. Mr W H McCartney, Southern representative of Horlick’s Malted with headquarters , is spending a two with homefolka. 4. Peterson and son, I Mrs. J, A, ~ ister John, spent he guests of Dra. Peter. , Mr*. Elisabeth The Gazette office bunch' took up la collection Saturday morning and j raised |6 for the Soldier* Testament iFUnd. That will buy twenty khaki- covered testaments for the boy. camp. Begin the New Year right by st^rt I 'irg a saving account with your bank. Money will not be easy always. Another excellent way is by joining a Christmas Club and put sway a I small sum each week against the time of need next Christmas. Mr. Moses Joiner and son, of Sparks, were In Tifton Saturday 'looking for a male which strayed from their place near Sparks Sun day before Christmas. They offer reward for the mule’s return. See the Want Ads for description. Heartburn, indigestion or distress of the stomach is instantly relieved bv 1IERBINE. IT forces tho badly digested food out of the body end restores tone in the stomach and bowels. Price 50c. Sold by Con ger Drug Co. Mr. Carlisle Postell came in from Moultrie Saturday, to take up his work with the office sales department of tho Tifton Packing Company Mon day morning, He has been with the Swift Packing Company for about three months. The liver loses its activity at times and needs help. HEROINE is effective liver stimulant It a purifies the bowels, strengthens digestion end restores strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. Price 50c. Sold by Conger Drug Co. ' -Lieut.-Ol. E. J. Williams, accom panied by Mrs. Williams, arrived Frday afternoon for a few day* visit relatives. He was met here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Williams, of Ty Ty. Col. Will- Isms has been across to France since i was in Tifton ast SURGEONS agree that in cases of Cuts, Burns, Bruises and Wounds, l MB rflTl— TREATMENT is most lm. ■ *—* EFFICIENT — savings stamp snd a book in which ] lion in Genova, Switzerland, to post* it. The book hies spaces told of the magnitude of the work or sixteen tamps. When it is full ^ accomplished by the many different on exchange the boek of stamps, .ranches, emphasizing the important hleh costs S4, for a war thrift sav- .part played Clara Burton, the first ngs certificate, and in 1928 the gov. pre sident of the Red Cross associa- ernment will redeem this certificate 'tion in America. The ' s and family re- i several days a and Vidalia. They visL. Sohne s mother, Mrs. Allie h it Dublin, and his sister W. Poe, at Vidalia. to heal at once For — uu man or beast. BOROZONE is the IDEAL ANTISEPTIC and HEAUNr. AGENT. Buy It now and be ready for on emergency. Price 25c. 50c. and 11.50. Sold by Conger Drug Daisy Butler, of Milton, Fla. who has been tho guest of Miss Bea- HuOchihson for several days returned home Tuesday afternoon, .ergeant Hugh Butler of Camp Whoel tr was also tho week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson. Prefers Chamberlain's "In -the course of a conversation with Chhmbcrlain Medicine Co.’s representative today, w* had occo- discuss in a general of their different prepanu At his suggestion I take pleasure in expressing my estimation of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. * I for »6. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR. DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY tbt of gratitude for her [faithful and untiring efforts in this I philanthropic work. ^ The object of Red Cross work, the speaker stated, is t 0 rob war of some of its horror and savagery, to keep men from degenerating into brutes, end to keep alive the sentiment of •hich soldiers arc supplied with necessities and comforts which the govern ment cannot be expected to furnish. Mr. Jackson paid high tribute to the dauntless courage and perse ver- displayed by England, France prosecution of Try this I Hair gats thick, glossy wavy end beautiful at ones. Immediate?—Yea Certain?—that’s •. . . „ ... - [humanity. It is the plan by e Joy of It. Your hair becomes „ r „ „, mnll „H nee. light, wsvy, fluffy, abundant and ears as soft, lustrous and beauti- aa a young girl's after Dander- I hair cleonso. Just try this— I moisten a cloth with a little Dander. io and carefully draw it through l""V J7T" *""! “ h. Their h'en , h"”; JJT berftti,,, feeling ,h„ „ i. t of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in who not anx j ous to ,j„ t Just a few momenta you hav e doubled h Rr ,| p „ t part [, „„ ,,„ p j r stion to o the beauty of your hair. A delight!- American »olJier» whl are helpi ful surprise .waits those whose hair | thpm lhf fron * has been neglected or Is scraggy, A , b „, nnir _ lh( , — th , faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides ere onl] 00() mcmbcr , of t beautifying the hair, Dnnderine din. ' Red jn A mrr i r: , i, ut , eel,™ every peWele ,f dandruff; j^. roo „ , mi, runhe. and invigorate, the | , scalp, forever stopping itching end l^j js now fl f teen m j|i, on falling hair, but what will please jou i Mr j, ek|>on b meat will be after a few mb' uae. when you see i.ow hair—fine shd ; - n or ^ pr lo ,| 0 , downy at first—yes—but really It.ew fo( . , o hair growing all over the scalp. If pfforUl , 0 g ear. far pretty, .eft hair, and | A ,, wb . h „, d lots of it, surely get a small bottle j( wn> > of. Knowlton’s Danderine from «sny j duty to have > drug store or toilet counter for - 1 < that the Al- K. P. BAKER AND COMPANY. 5*11 Stock of Goods and Practically All Fixtures to Coo. Baker. A deal waa closed Tuesday where, by Mr. Geo. Baker purchases the stock of groceries and fixtures of K. P. Baker and Company's store on Love avenuey Tho goods were bought at invoice cost. Mr. Baker is having the stock and fixtures moved to his location on Third street, Mr. K. P. Baker h. .OTHER! GIVE CHILD "SYRUP OF FIGS" IF TONGUE IS COATED ATTENTIOl SicJtWomeii To do your duty during these trying time* your health should be your first consideration. These two women tell how they found health. Hellam. Pa.—“ I took Lydia E. Plnkham'e Veg etable Compound for female troubles and a dis placement. I felt all rundown and was very weak. I had been treated by a physicianjvlthout results, . so decided to give I.vdia E. I’inkhnm’s Vegetable Compound a trial, and felt better right away. I am keeping house since last April and doing all my housework, where before I was unable to do any work. I.ydla E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound Is certainly the best medicine a woman can Take when in thiscondltlon. I give you permission to publish this letter."—Mrs. E. It. CnrMLiNO, R. No. 1, Hellam, Pa/, Lowell,' Mich-—“ I stittered from cramps and dragging tlown pains, was irregular and had female weakness and displacement. 1 began to take Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vege table Compound which gave me relief at onco and restored my health. I should Uke to recommend I.ydin E. Plnkham's remedies to all suffering women who are troubled in a simi lar way."—Mrs. Busk 1Ikm,R.No.#, Box83.Lowell.Mlch. Why Not Try LYDIA E. PINKHamS 7 VEGETABLE SHORT COURSE FOR FARMERS. t.g.o January 2nd. at Stata Collag. and Last. Tan Days. The short course for farmers and furm women which opened at the eorgia State College of Agriculture at Athens the second, will continue he 12th. This course offers a splen- lid opportunity for formers to odd to their efficiency in the business of arming. The lectures and demon strations ar c given by tho best agri. cullunsts of the state. To give the farmer an idea of whot he may expect in this short course some of the work on the pro. grnm is given os follows: Five lectures on small grain pro- duction and five demonstrations or judging tame. Ten lectures on the leg um ve periods on demonstration. Ten periods on farm management If cross, feverish, sick, bilious, clean little liver aad bowels. Children love this "fruit laxa tive.” and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach, liver snd bowels so j A child simply will not stop play ing to empty the bowels, and the result is. they become tightly clogged for~some time "be'en"*con'ne"cted" with I W th W ” t0 ' liV " the Citizens Bank of Ashbum as | ,tom cashier. beco1 >n soils and adapto- certain crops, on farm drainage i>n demonstration of demonstrntk Ten lectures | Five lectures and five peiods tile laying. Five lectures on cotton—^classifica tion according to varieties, etc. Five lectures on cotton caltiva- Ten demonstrations ding, The course in live stock farming ,™. a™ littio i"“ b " - ‘ Jf-krt. fcriih. i ,n » !“■ ro “ae there -HI ‘•ftlrty- «... lectures and five demonstrations i' consider it the only , transaction represented about Jy on the market, as 1 i have' tried nearly all kinds.”—EnrT I 1 C. Ross. Publisher Hamilton Cdun- 1 ty Republican-News, Syracuse, Kan. That is on attractive advertiae- ment of the National Bank of Tif ton on another page, and there is good reading matter m it. The National is fast approaching the the status of a million dollar bonk, which is a good thing for Tifton and Tift county as well* as for the National. Tifton has been shy on Coca-Cola since last Friday, when the supply of syrup on hand at the Tifton Bottling Works, local bottlers of Coca-Cola was exhausted. Manager C.” B. Holmes is expecting a shipment of syrup every day and will begin bot^ tling this popular drink as ■< he gets the syrup. The drug don’t eat, sleep or act nntufwlly, , breath is bad, system full of cold, * with your has sore throat, stomach-ache or 1 4 . rCe lnK . 1 diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See if tongue is coated, then give a tea spoonful of “California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the istipnted waste, sour bile and un digested food passes out of the *y»- and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give “Cali fornia Syrup of Figs" beeausa it is perfectly harmless; children lov e it, and it never fails to act on the tomnch, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a bottle of 'California Syrup of Figs,” which oas full directions for basics, ctnKtren ef all ages and for grown- 'ups plainly printed on the bottle. He warp of counterfeits sold here. Get the-genuine, made by “Califor- ’ ' " _ fnia Fig SVnip Company." Refuse WOMEN ARE NEEDED Jany other kind with contempt. Stomach Trc If you have trouble- stomach you should try Chamber lain’s Tablets. So man v have been restored to health by the use of th»e tablets and their cost Is so lit tle. 25 cento, that it is worth while giv c them a trial. DELIVERING THE COTTON Harmon Baker Brin*in f in th. Nina, ty Bale. Sold Last Week. Mr. Harmon Baker and Son, Mr. Cheater Baker, started Monday del ivering to Baker and Higdon ninety - —m ,7—. - , --- ,-,,-7-—* ■ r bales of cotton which they sold last '■L'lySl'kTh."! —*th. ind feedings breeds and ock, judging beef produc tion, swine production, dairying and daily demonstrations. Orchard management, trucking, praying and pruning will be gii considerable study. A special study will be made of an- mal and plant disease. Tbete will he a course In domestic science offered for the ladle*; also a for dealers In farm machinery. MISS TIDY MclNNIS. seed of his year’s TO HELP IN WAR. Women can be usefully employed in nursing tho wounded, in making np the soldiers' kits, and s thousand othoi ways. Many American women are weak, pale or anemic from woman'i WARREN-STRIPLING. The culmination of a very interes ting courtship of two popular young Tifton people was the marriage Sun day night at 8:80, in Macon, of Miss For young girls-just Mrteri^jTheodocia Warren and Mr. C. R. They went over to Mn- Sunday at 12:80 and were mar led, going immediately to Colum- >us where they will visit the groom's relatives for a short while. Mrs Stripling is the youngest daughter of M r and Mrs George W. of Tifton' womanhood; for women at tho ®rrt-jstxiplinir. leal time; nursing mothers and evrryl^^- woman who is "run-down," tired or over- worked — Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription la a special, safe and oev ' ‘ *’ now be bad in drug stores, 60c. a pkg. Miss Tjdy Mclnnis died at tho Cot. >n Mdfe Sunday afternoon n( 2:30 _ 'clock after nine weeks illness. Thq body was buried at New River emetery Monday afternoon nt ! ,'clock,* Rev. D. C. "Rainey conduc ting the acrvccs. She’ was a daughter of Mr. Mrs. C.'Mclnnis and came to Tifton from Florida with her parents about a year ago. Besides her parents, she is survived by three sisters and hree brothers. One brother is in Ac army. She was oighteen years .nd six months old and waa one win girls, her twin sister, Vidy, s A New King ntancaa. Mr. young man inds for him- | "KetWa I tifton his home, railroad, Dixie Flyer be- j aad tbs teaSener ' Ing will pre- sum la avoided; the with Rice Mill Now Ready We clean, polish and grade rice for i toll, and buy rough rice. Mutual Milling Company ^Kfton, Georgia