The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 08, 1918, Image 1

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The Tifton Gazette TIFTON, TIFT COUNTY, GEORGIA,' • FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1918 VOLUME XXIX.—NUMBER 49. THE LATEST NEWS BY WIRE Petrograd, March 7.—(By Joseph Shaplen, U. P. Cor., 5th Ni|ht< )—Refugee* arriving inthe city from the territory newly ' occupied by the German force* declare that the German* are r forming corps of Russian conscripts under German commanders iAich will be sent t o the French front. F i The Russians are threatened with execution if they refuse to join the corps. ^ Petrograd, March 7.— (By Joseph Shaplen, U. P. Staff Cor, 6th Night Copyright. U. P.)—A conspiracy of students and officers to overthrow the Bolaheviki government resulted in a raid on a house near the Winter Palace. Six students were shot German troops after aiding in a raid with the Ukraine government forces inthe occupation of Kieff, moved toward Zhitom. Gen. Petleur, leading the Ukrainian detachment, was de feated at Konotop in the Province of ChernigofT, by heavy for ces of revolutionary troops, compelling him to retreat. Petrograd, March. 7.— (By Joseph Shaplen l'. P. 5th Night) —Th?^ Germans shot and hanged 200 Russians in Chios Yuriifj wiipout mercy, refugees from Esthonin reported to Smolney ■Ifetim. today. The women and Children’s bodies wer<? [ •thrown into the river. F It is said that Foreign Minister Trotzkv was asked to noti fy the German and Eslhonian otiices that a continuation of the Berman outrages would result inthe execution of 1G0 barons and landowners held as hostages near Pskoff. Petrograd. March 7—(By Joseph Shaplen. U. P. C>r.) — American Ambassador Francis wiring from Vologda to the Nor- MVian envoy here, urged the latter to extend protection to Encouraging Reports ReceiveJ from All Over the Countv. For a Renewed Allied Diplomat ic Offensive- In Training Camps Says Broker Two ^ffom Porto Rico. oads Went Forward Wednesday. MOVEMENTOFGERMAN TROOPS Tiramon| foot: aim at ■ 'iinm«»* waruwl against that hr did • n..t knbw irf h.-unl I hr m-sro un- ! M>r •>( llro*>k. Pharmacy |.|h<mi1 tfist Hi- burglars an- buy ms I lYrdnr'.lay I hr Tifli.B Parkins I’oa- nj >>bi|.|M.| !».. i-arlnaila of lard O. ■rafo. The valur of tbr two ran waa r yto.nnn. <rvrra! local .air. „f lard bsvr been dr «lnrr tbr |.a.-kin* plant brsan oprr- on» Krb. -Iat. but tbia u tbr Brrat car- ■( ahipmrnt. Thai it wrnl forward Ihiu lira than thirl? day* after" the nit l>r»an o|>rratinn. abowra that they • doin* buaun-M out tberr. Manager Brook.. of tbr Tifton plant., ilr h. an manasrr of tbr Moullrir int ahlpprd tbr first rarioad of lard mi tlir South—tn Chicago. "With bla >n*r of location, hr is, krrpins up lb« liilr Mr Tlmmona watched to -keep jurglar from racapinc. Mr*. Timmons : down .lairs and aftrr trying (or ml minutes, got l)r. Brook- urrr the J.onr ||r rallrd Chief Thraabrr llrpiity Hhrfiff bhaw and thr thrrr lied thr' atorr about thr aainr tlmr. 1 Tlmmona joining thrni. informing I that thr burglar waa atill in tbr While Chirf Thrnahrr stood- nt bark. Dr. Ilrnok* .topped at a rrar and Mr Tinunoua and Deputy Shaw nl to -thr front. Juat brforr tbry hnl Ilir aide door, at thr front, tbry d thr glaaa In thr front lanaah and gh thry ran to tbr eornrr. thry aawr uuratTTrir* WUaun. in for thr allir oMmknt on tifton. thr von llindrnburg iu Thr tirrman.brlirf that I aky may be* compelled I doubtrdly dur to rrpnrta cd high firnuan ipiartm "bn II. MrMillas advrrtiard a air in tha tiasette. Ilr put the run lw.. wi-rka. Rrad what be hr rrrulta tbr Gaaettc brought: Enigma. Cl, Marrh 7, 1918. ■norrniug the of thrifty, widr-awakr'|m.|4r and tbr littlr /ily hna wmr of thr nict build- Inga you evrr .aw In a amail town.'l "And. by-tbe-way," be aildrd, "tbr parking plant juat initaUed tbrrr by-the Tifton Packing Company will add mater ially to tbr upbuildiug of thr city. Tif ton ia predratinrd to be a. large city in the near future." (irrman prarr. It la impoaaJblr to beiirvr undrr tbrsr cirrumatancra that there can be any change in tbr diapoaition of thr German troop* along thr Russian front. Hind- enburg cannot afford to take yhaucra. A* long aa thr Gmnana .air auaidchma of the effrctivenraa of tbr work of tbcir own peace diploanata there will be littlr further movement from tbr East to the West front. Washington, March 6.—Through Allied channels, the Uni- I States government officially declared that it does not assent Japanese intervention In Siberia. The Allies have so in- rmed the Japanese government. l At the same time the United States does not protest against | intervention, but merely let Japan know in a friendly fash- l that she does aot consider the intervention advisable at thin •. Tbr burglar wan tracked by tbr print of hl« robot* down thr allry between U.vr and Tift avenues and tha^mma Central and Bidgc avenue. Ed Morgan, a,negro porter employed at thr drug More f..r about a wrrk. lived on the Utter allry and the nlficenl went to hi* room, and place.) him undrr ntreat. . . A aboe by tbr l>rd bad tbe.asmc kind 3|fSm. March 6.—(By Robert J. Bender, U. P. Staff Righted U. P.)—That Nikolai Lenine, the Bolshevi- inister, is deliberately attempting to deliver Revolu- sia into the hands of the Germans is the stfbstance important communication received at Washington an unquestionable but confidential source, wnunication shows also that Lenine is fimultane- X to arouse the Russians against the militarism of encj Krangrliat of thr MrthvMat Epmro- psl rbnn-h. South, la bolding a revival at thr Cotton Mill chnrch. enn buy -flour. A new supply was received Wednsday morning, and Ad ministrator Wallace irivaa_ du* notice to the farmers. City Clerk Keith Carson has been deputized to issue these card permits, and those desIKng them should .call on him. rhiakerrd -on, has ra te up tbr liaarttr tom of 'killing the ■inatrd in favor of and Iter. Cowan has prracbrd aomr l-.wrrful pwrmnna Tbrrr havr brrn sis- | irrn additions to tbr church. | The attendance has beru good and tba urn-ting will last several days longer. OMEGA DOING BIT. Shipa Many Carloads of Feedatuffa. Omega. March, I.—Omega had a very enthusiastic meeting last night at the food production meeting. Mr. C R Patrick appointed the following a. committee: J W Lang. J A Dodd. II Roberts. H A Gay. E R Bussey. J D Rozar, W C Mobley. W L-Puckett, |W A Lamb, W.T Manghum, W A Jones. W T Patrick and the following COUNTY CHAIRMEN. tteat development of the ever changing Russian tur- •ticularly significant in-view of the Japanese threat Tbr walerbury i uhurn-wfai.ker* -ira ■ subscription nisi $60 AN ACRE FOR 87 ACRES. Of Tift Cotiwty Organ!* War Work. Activities of Tift county ! under National Committee «e together with Chairtnsi | Red Cross. A. G. Fort. Educational Diipartoicnt. Mrs. N. Home ^f Prof. I- II. Browning Destroy ed Thursday Morning. i Moullrir. Oa., March 7,-r-IBy Long . I >i»Uarr Trlr|ibone)—Tbr borne of Prof. , I.. II. Browing, Kuperintrndent of Mcbdols j f " r M' Hjtrie. waa dasiroytd by fire tbia F Washington, March, 4.—Major General Peyton G. Marsh, ■pCc'.g up the post of Gtyef of Staff today expressed himself Mftomistic over the war situation. ' He is confident that American and Allied victory is certain, am optmistic over the w hole war situation,” he said. “And hen. 1 say that, 1 do not qodcr»«timete the strength of the ■ ■rmam, Which I think is dangerous to do. The sight of the so and trenches is sufficient to dispel any pessimist." With the American Army in France, March 6.—(By Fred Ferguson, U. P. Staff Cor.)—The American troops holding inches with the French in another portion of the Lorraine ■nt other than American sector, brilliantly repulsed a Gcr- ■n raid early yesterday. Heavy losses were inflicted on the n re War. in Defen- of each: Mr. W. W. Timmons recently sold to Mr. J. L. Turner, of Wash' ington, Oklahoma. 87 sores of his “Necktie" place, north of Tifton,- for %8q »n see#. Tha .land..Is on j the National Highway and Waterloo road. Mr. Turner, with his father and mother, nr. making their home on the place, having shipped thei. ' furniture here before mra*h aging. S-Vc'mV Welfare. Mr> ! Gay. wtid-the eommuntly k ¥ioli n» n special committee to do all we can. We fed proud that we have been jjjlir to do comtilbiog.already to ward helping out in the food situa tion considering our tjrop* were ruin ed twice by hail last spring. Last summer when Mr. I-ang began to lake one to two truck ton da of hogs to the Moultrie packing- house we began Jo think there would be none left for home, but he hauled overy day up to late inthe fall, then we be gan. to ship carloads to various pojnts in North Georgia and to the packing houses until we have shipped clsven cars, and still there are plenty in the ■SATURDAY NIGHT SKETCHES. Liberty Bonds, M. E Hendry and B. H. McLeod. Y. M C. A. Work. R D! Snmh. County Home Demonstrator. Misa County Fnrm Demonstrator, Dis continued by County Board. ’ Fuel Administrator. J. B. Murrow. Organization of Colored People. Tifton Board'^f Trade. Sloriva of Pionsar Days in Wire*, grass Georgia on Sale. j "Saturday Night Sketches,” “hu-| morous. sentimental, pathetic,” be ing fifty.eight of the akctche* ap- peitring under the title "Saturday Night" in the Tiftqn gazette, are on sale, price <2.50, postpaid. The book haa 304 pages and seven illustrations from original sketches by Tom J. Nicholl. It is an Author's Autographed Edition, bound in mdroon silk cloth, with gold letter ing. Clear print, largo type, a neat and attractive volum?, that should be Thrift Stamp Sale. R. C. Ellis. 4 Minute Men. R. Eve. Car Shortage, Tifton Board of Trade. Ship Building ,S. T. Kidder, Jr. Recruiting, Officer Stationed Here. Food Conservation, B. Y. Wallace. Organizer of Campaign; County Food Administrator. Girla Organization. Tifton Board of Trade. • Food Production, Tifton Board of Trade. • 1 Organization of Help. Tifton Board ! of Trade. I County Chairman, Men's Work, S. T. Kidder. Jr. L County ^tollman. Women’s Wjuk. ATTENTION. ftINGKKb: Do You Want to Entertain the County Convention this Year? - -• v! tbr i-zocutli. • ..u.ii.iit. - nf the Tift County Hinging Convention: Any church, school romntunity, or place suitable, that deairea to entertain .the Convention embracing the fifth Sun day, in July will please make tbc formal application at once to the retiring sec retary. J. S. Royal. Tifton, Ga. - The minutes of the Convention are in lirogrewi and cannot be completed until the place of next convention is fixed. J. & Royal. They make the cotton to clothe ] the peanut butter that is sold in every city, town and country store. We| hope to do more to knock the kaiser. | HAVE YOU GOT MONEY IN THE BANK? Are You Held Back? A CLOSED INCIDENT Dr Thomas Willingham, pastor of Christ Memorial church, at Adel, has been appointed by Charles V.Vickery, of New York, chairman of the American Committee on Armenian and Syrian re lief. fur the town of Adel. I’astora of all churches are asked to preach of the con ditions of orphaned refugee* on or be fore March 10. Literature on the sub- Peopk do g«t tick. T;h«r* It plenty of work for the Doctor always. Suppotd you got tick and couldn't’eam any money, but had to spend more. What would you do? You'd worry yourself more sick. You! would [fret for those you love. But fTyou had a nice sum of money In the Bank you could rest easy knowing that those dependent upon'you were well cared for. For ibe little man who wants to GROW BIG-for the big man who wants to STAY BIG-for every man, every where, there's nothing like A SURE, DEPENDABLE, cash Balance in the bank. PICKED UP IN THE ROAD. The next time M. F. Lawson, white •ra a bottle in the road, he will shun Lawson entered a plea of guilty before Judge Price, Friday morning usual Monday morning under hia charge, created quite a bit of loci and two citizens' meetings which the matter waa diacu Harbwrt L. Mom, Gradual. Opt»*Mtrial Two years of continuous practice in Tifton and scores of satisfied cus tomers. If you are suffering with headache, or other troubles caused by eye (train be sure and consult ms and see if glasses pr-parly fitted don't relates th«n. In oar aftee to violating the prohibition laws and was fined- <50 or six months. He said h* did not buy the whiskey, but Sst the bottle lying in the road and picked it up. He also asserted that he waa not a drinking man, but was Put YOUR monty In OUR bank. W« pay 6 per cent Interest. Come to our bank. Bank of Tifton NEW GROCERY -BUSINESS—-Will appreciate your trade. J. T. Dick ons, next door to B. H. Bankston’s. • M»in street, Tifton, G*. 15w4t The National Bank of Tii