The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 15, 1918, Image 1

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NEW OWNERS OF FORI) AGENCY. Altar W'erfc Consumed In Trial. Jurj Out Sbrty-Thrae Hour*. Amrnrus. March 12.—Warren I John- Min^at one lime detective for the Central of.Georgia Railroad. was yceterdaj con- vu-ted of the murder of Walter Wade to this count; during August, nineteen and icement is made today of the bj ilnan E. W. Tullia and l>. >n of the Tifton Sale* Agency. rj will continue to operate in location, on Second atreet. un- Tint priae junior chan heifer, 2 jean old. Second priae agrd herd. Mr. J. J. I., rhillipa alac herd of lllaclt dona l'H* joun* men and are •n'»' business fraternitj. r thetr home* here for sc r iH-nonal poimlaritj «'« for the Ford a*en, manaxement. that John Ethridge will be the defendant* to fare a "jure. lilic ■iT'Tieguliiul Mrn’i lat" and MenV RHk Shirt. .r*Oie' le of the defelt^ "••■lively identi- the time of the -anll.'l,.at~l he Men with Inoney and ability conduct our NATIONAL ‘ BANK We are a ^rrj' . member of REVIVAL MEETINGS r. John Paul, of Wi'mor*. Ky„ Pro*thing Good Servoaa. Vrrj good crowd, are attending the rt- val «er»ices being held at the Metb.- "tchurch thia week. I'r. John Paul, nf A "bury College, Wil- ore. Kyi.- is inrbgrge of the meeting. rj Cobb near Whiddon's Mill Sunda rw hour* Mr CARRIERS EXAMINATION An excellent aerrice ««> held Moodaj afterpoon at whirb Mr. Harvey Reeve Calkin., "f Evanston. III., made a talk Mn. Calkin" attended the miaalonary meeting in Savannah laat week and la atopping a few daja with Mn. Paul Fnl- le questions. can ba olitainei iretart. 1-ocal Civil Serv/c ■ twatofBce Tifton. Georgia Secretarj. Fifth Civil Ser . Atlanta. Georgia. TESTAMENT FUND. Your Sunday School Take Up a Collection Sunday. Gazette ia only a few dollan abort $80 goal art for ita Soldier*' Teat- fund. n't aome of the Sunday School* up a collection for thia porpoae ly? Fifty dollan will bay two hon- ratninent*; we hare about (wo bun- The Tifton Gazette. V.IRE TIFTON, TIFT COUNTY. GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1918. VOLUME XXIX.—NUMBER 50. NEWS BY March 14.—Member* of the Rainbow Divi ng raid* were attempted -on official commendation from to cablegram from General may take a “Win-the- . War” race**, to aell Liberty Bond*. Leader* are urging a receaa for aeveral day*, beginning April 6th, while member* go home to aell bond*. It ia planned for them to appeal particularly to farmer*. London .March 13.-—Three Zeppelin* participated in laat alght’a raid over England *o Lord French, Commander of Home Defenae announced. With the American Army in France, March 13.— (By Fred S. Ferguson, U. P. Cor.)—American raiderse in the sector north of Toul again entered the German trenches last nigjit at dif ferent spots than those raided yesterday* morning and found the German lines evacuated. They took no prisoners. ' Under cover of a barrage and machine gun fire the Yankee infantrymen went over the top and there found portions of^the Gernjan trenches levelled and the dougouts smashed. Some pleCe* of bodies blown to bits by the American high explosive rWere discovered and a few shots were exchanged with ipe of the Boches late in retreating. With American Army in France, March 13.— (By Fred S. “Ferguson U. P. Cor.)—American artillery is making good daily exchanges with the Germans and the Sammy gunners are fast picking up details of the present war game. Their work in connection with the recent raids proves that they have reached the top notch of efficiency. Many shejls were employed in bombardment and barrage s on the Toul front this morning twenty minutes before a igle German gun was able to get in action. Stockholm. March 14.—Several Americans and British izens on a neutral vessel sailing from England were captured by Germans, according to dispatches here. Those of military e will be interned in Germany. . London. March 14.—The hospital ship. Guilford Castle, returning home with a Red Cross sign showing, was unsuccess fully attacked by a submarine in the Bristol channel Sunday, the Admiralty announced. —Washington, March 12.—Ninety-five thousand more men have been ordered by the War Department to prepare for in duction into the training camp*, the movement* to start March 29th and continue five da«. Thia includes the mobilization of 28,000 Southern negroes for Northern camps. The atate allotment* ares Tennessee, 2,753 men; Georgia, 5,925 men; and Florida, 2,506. .Washington, March 12.—Eight hundred thousand men of > so-called Second draft will be the national quota fed into lilitary mill in imall group*,'from week to week or month Inth, as needed, according to official announcement The late t * draft depends on legislation now pending. Paris, March 13.—American troops in the Ch'emin des les sector teptured the crew of a German airplane which p nwu^lamency. was announced here. ■oups of gas projectors which wereready for use lltflCated by shell fire. Towns back of the German 1 «et on fire and large quantities of ammunition in i were blown up. ton, March 14.—Tfco hundred pounds of dyna- igh to cripple the entire plant, was found secreted in >ots in the Hog Island ship yards recently. The Sen- uree Committee was informed today, pt Service Agents are now investigating. \Ui h 14.—One American woman was killed and an lan and woman wounded in Monday's air raid over Coast Defense. I* only one arm of our national protec tion. The Nation needs not only Guns and Men. It also needs Money. Every one of us needs the protection that the Government affords and the Government needs as much money in circulation as it is possible to keep in the Banks. Industry thrives on a free circulation of money. It is therefore, the duty of everybody to aid the Government by putting and keeping every available dollar in the Bank. CAMPAIGN FOR SALE OP BONDS ADOPTED Begins With Militia District Meetings Next Sunday MASS MEETING COURT HOUSE buy guano oa credit, unable to intrart {or cultivating rented land, un de to birr themaeivt* for the planting sun. *11 because of the uncertainly . id that bei**ii*e of thi» uncertainty the tru-ultural induatry of ihe state’ was '■ng seriously handicapped. General Crowder replies that as aooo i pending legislation is passed by con- eas fanner* actually engaged in agri culture will be placed iu the bottom of the local quota in their respective elaaa- aranwbile it ia practi illy cer- no farmer* will be railed until >f the present agricultural aea- the J*fr It is (•tanned to close the campaigft’witli big jubilee and patriotic meeting. A big rally will be held at the Rap burrb in Eldorado on the Lbierty Bond 'ampaign Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock Ipeakera from Tifton will be at tbr Anointments for the Jifl Cot ■iberty Rond <'am|<aign sre m(ulc. ublished below, by M. E. Hendry, chair- Mr. Elias O'Quinu. Sr.' brings the Gazette office the sheila of two egg*. 01 inside the other. Both shell* are. of no mat thickness, the outside shell whi and the inside one yellow, with the i side abrll perhaps a little thicker. Mr o’Quinn says the egg was laid by oor of his bens, and goose-egg—in fart, be FARMERS CAN GO AHEAD. JAMES A.WARREN, JR 36F0R EXAMINATION ANNUAL SPRING DAY after the c l^cranged by 111 Health, Shot Selectmen Summoned Before the if the crop season. This, in subs tarn-*. is the new. juit Himself With Gun. eeeived from WashiOftou by Major Joel R. Mallei, officer in charge ,>f the selee- ie aerrice law in Georgia, iu reply to i.rwi Mar«hal General t 'r.fwd^° in inng what adriee he ,b»tild give the Tift County Exemption Board MEMBER PROMINENT FAMILY TIFT TO EU0NI5B-FIVE WHITE ) thia - strong organi- the Tiff County War Emergency Board with a sub committee in every acbool district. Strong wor already been done in roanretion with the matter of food production. Thia organi xation now. in cunnertioa with the Coun ty Liberty Rond Committee, ia planning the handling of the Liberty, Rond paign. The first guu sill be Bred with meeting in every district, neit Si . W. X> ■<legg arrived Wednesday temporarily statu .tbr Ro*t< X5y Yard. He has just finished ■-nurse iu the Natal Radio School _ t>. "errire abroad ■••no. Arnton c !:»trd in the radio department of the the Grand. Ja?Y at the term of Till Superior Ourt. The hearing fegan at tt:30 ami 1 ted by Col. jl.'C Willifsrd. and claimed that the shooting wa« areidmtal. DEAD AT SYCAMORE CALLED MARCH I9TH n b> for M by lllslri AT A.&M. SCHOOL Great Event Will be Pulled off Saturday, March 23 A DAY OF KIN AND FROUC those good, old « held Monday Our Bank It a Member Bank ofkthe Federal Reserve system which means that we ct$n go to our District Federal Reserve Bank and get nrjohey, on our approved securities, when we want It. You can get your money when you want It when you have It In our National Bank. Do your banking business with us and come lr» and consult us when you feel you need financial guidance. Put YOUR money In OUR bank. Wep«y 5 pdr cent Interest ^ COmelo o > oar bank. The National Bank of Tifton, Ga.