The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 22, 1918, Image 1

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The Tifton Gazette TIFTON, TIFT COUNTY. GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918. 1.80 AND $2.00 PER ANNUM. 'HE LATEST NEWS BY WIRE Tifton High, Tifton Assies sad CemiU Form On* Triangle Enthusiastic Meeting at Baptist Church Wednesday. {WO DEBATES BE 1EIB BEK CARLOADS OF UIB GREAT A.M.S.EVENT SATURDAY T. H. H. A®rm»lhr rfrti A. M. H. Nrgn- Ihf at AndHocium. A. M. H. TSm stive Meet* Camilla Nrenttfr High schools throughout the stale will meet Friilej vagtat in trianric debate* -n lhr subject. •Reanlved, 1hs« '•><• I Vied Slain. should aafcq* a system ut military trainiac m.atalrd on that of Hwltawrtsaad, - * Two debate* will hr held at Tiltoa Tifton High School slrntatllv- moot mg •lifton A. M. S. or«a.i-e at thr High School Auditorium. Ttftai A. M. S. ml- Armallre will mart Camilla uegatlw at thr Agri -ultural Hcbo-d auditorium. Tif ton Ilia. School otgali'e will inert Cs- inilla affirmative a' Camilla All of Ibr debates will br brh! ib- same nighj. b- g.nnlug at K o'rlm. The agtar pre- (i am br oba r,c' throughout the Executive Committer of Tr riatloB Announce* Amor thr Big Mart. Ths public schools of Tifl bold oratorical aod otbrr co ably) in tbr High School April lUth. Tbr following ■ brro planurd by the circuit of thr Tift CoUDty Teachers Oratorical. In oratory tbrrr will br obj for Ibr boy* and nor : Two priara will br given in rd Themselves lo Work and Sacri fice. Kite Calla to Service. iKrom Tbur»day'a Pally,) Tbr maaa meeting at tbr ltaptiat ebureb yesterday afternoon. of the ladies of tbr city left no room In tbr mind of anf onr for doubt aa to where the ladira of this community stood. Tbr attendance parked tbr iburoff. At tbr rloar of tbr meeting a rising ante effect that the ladies of the city stood ready to do their part in the organised work of fighting the war and to make anch sacrifice of the ordinary matters and'ens- I>r. Pickard. Col. Fulwood and Mrs. Calkins were the speaker*, and ‘.heir talks were full o (enthusiasm'and plead ing. The main thought of all tbr talks was "Of what value will all our resour- Opealng of Athlcetlr and IJterary Features. Come Early.* Spring Pay perfofcvanee* at the Agri cultural school wiliT start at 8:30 o' clock Saturday mordfcff and will dote at about 12 -JO. 1 Heretofore the afair baa lasted un til late in the aftenw. n. but this year it has been arranged :■> hare thr eser- risra start early and close early in ordrr that the crowd may *o to the big speaking in Tifton which begin, at 2:30 In tbr There will be a basket ball game be tween two teams of Agricultural School girls. There will then he a track meet between the Agricultural School track tram and the Pit^erald High School User. Other By-l’rodoet*. I Frum Wednesday's Paily * Would you be impressed by*tbr sii half a million dollars' worth of |*>r l*ork products? This la approximately the value of on hand at the plant of the'Tifton mg Company. The big storage n»t full of salt pork, piled in tiers from high to higher than a man's brad . great vqt* (lacked with bama In pickle: lard in barrels, tierces and barrels of pork tongues; feet in | pile* of pork trimnd-c, f.-oyen. at many other varie'.. i of prodnrv. Yesterday th>- oian shipped tw. carloads of laH/to < hi. ago. anil by freight in carload and eipreaa I shipments, tbr vuslurti sre going points of the eoihpass. Two <a of grease for tnsnufaett. T PU Minister Trotsky, in addressing the Moscow So was accorded the wildest applause when he pit immediate creation of a large Russian army. The Caucasians at Sien are reported to ha' p^ra negotiations with Turkey. The Germans • wear Voroahnbo. Rome, March 21.—The Pope has asked Em Austria whether he will initiate negotiations for among all the belligerents to abstain from bombing open towns far from the zone of military operations, the newspaper Idea Nazionale declared. Atlanta, March 21.Governor Dorsey this morning appoin ted Judge Henry B. Strange, a prominent attorney of Statesboro Bulloch county, as Secretary of State to fill out the unexpired term of the late Philip Cook, who died Tuesday. It is understood that Judge Strange will run in the election of 1918 and be opposed by Crawford Wheatley, of Americus. Washington, March 21.—The Finance Corporation bill, designed to furnish financial assistance to American industries necessary to army work, passed the House this afternoon. The Senate had passed the measure. With American Army in France, March 21.— (By Fred S. Ferguson U. P. Cor..—American troops in tho Luneville region Spelling. The contest in spelling will be open 4o I be pupils of the fifth, sixth. seventh and eighth grades. One hundred words will be given from Swlnton's Word Boob, to be written with pen or pencil. The words will be selected from the first 100 psges of'the took. Foreign and proper words will be' omitted In case of s tie. a second list will be given, or a third and so on till a winner Is secured. c broken off fere repulsed The debsters for Tifton High School are: Affirmative. Jim Mitchell and Faiil ilsrgreit Negative, .'.ester Harxrett aod riarencr Paulk. Til's is the fir.1 de lude for alt four, but they bare Wen bard at work for some time under.tba coaching of Profs Bryan and Wara- welder and Mis* Ws-TCT ton and expert to make a creditable showing. Musical numbers will be given during the even ing al the auditorial n to lenJ variety to The old reliable mmi.trel show is to be back for iu annual performance. Other good things arc in store for the big crowd. I.nncbes. drinks, candies (home-made tool will be aold. Some will bring din ner with them. It will be convenient for the crowd, including the achool peo ple to go from the school to town In time for the exercises bterr. try?’*'" No red blooded American but is confident that we could whip them, but with what aacrifice of spirit and of blood, to say nothing of.our material Reference was made to tbe mothers and fathers whose boys are "< her There " Naturally, tbay are putting every resour ce behind (be boye. Tbe~quration for others is. "Shall we stand with these mothers and fathers aa we expect tbr'boys •Over There' to s land by each other.' The meeting was ojuned by a medly of National airs rendered on tbe pipe organ by Miss Adelaide Ifargmt. fol lowed by invocation, and tbe singing of "Tbe Star Spangled Banner." When the speeches were over there was little time and the meeting was adjour ned. each woman bolding brrarelf in read- ioeaf for further calls for service. Five calls for service we^e stressed at the - 1. Work for Liberty Bonds. 2. Work for attendance at the mass meeting at the court house Saturday. / 3. Any one baring boy* or men rrla- Yeaterday also ,'V-v began sw.iking meat. Tbe mooking lyrmi extend through four floor*; there are four tiers of them, with steel racks and doors. Tbe »ood used for tbe smoking is oak. Ha- A ready writing contest in composition will be open to tbe pupili nf tbe seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. Tbe subject shall be assigned from tbe I-Cgrnd of Sleepy Hollow. Student* must complete composition within forty-five minutes, and not use more than 000 words. The judges will Select the subject. Map Drawing. Theye will by a map-drawing contest The fertiliser product is. having a m ■le. the supply being unequal to tbe Tbe subject to nc debate I is one at great interest at .this time up] lbs frineds of tbe school* and tbe public are invited lo attrod tbe debates. The young men have studied t be qurvliam and will be able to present both ard-s In an in telligent manner. It will be worth rb* il roads may/ be abbreviated. Right n« will bellowed in which to com- Story Telling. re will be a contest‘in story telling to any grade. Appropriate prises r given to tbe winners. Five min- rill be tbe time limit. ^he raid was made at the conclusion of unusually heavy bombardment by the enemy. The French artillery and irfant- ry both participated in the attack. Zurich,. March 21.—Holland must expect that submarines .will blockade all her ports, as a result of the taking over the “Dutch shipwbr the Allies and America, is semi-officially stated Berlin. ’ The Netherlands must be compelled to bear the consequen : mi of her decision, Berlin advices s ay. V Upon Holland's refusal in the face of German threats to effect h er voluntary agreement for restoring her mer- W5bt marine to normal activity, the Uni ted States government H&a^'ght' requisitioned all Dutch ships in American waters. le same time Great Britain- took over Dutch veasels in Pljhafeh ports. mja / total of 77 ships of probably 600,000 tons were added to Anoth- 4. Display your Flag. 5. Talk and work u There will be four prises awarded in music: first and second prise* in instru mental solos, and first and second in school choruses. No -school shall have more than twelve pupils in the chorus, i )ne tracker may sing. The choruses shall be patriotic. Schools may compose their own tong* if they, wish to do so A Athletics. Tbe following athletic events have been planned: 100 yard daah. 220 yard daab. standing broad jumtt. running broad jump, running* high jump, and a potato race. There will' be four potatoes placed 30 feet apart. Kerb boy must make a separate run for each potato and plan it The athletics will be open lo boys only There shall be two divisions, as follows: first division, age limit 12 year* six months: Second division, age limit 18." Teachers will please get information from Mrs. Cbaa. Cater, vice-president of the Southwestern Division, at her confer once at tbe Baptist Convention in Cor- dele. planned to sub-divide this division, each subdivision to include five associa tions. Onr subdivision includes Col- quit. Mel!. Little River. Turner and Illusion Associations. She is plann ing to hold an institute in each sub division. Onr institute to be held in beginning the evening of tbe 8th aod con tinuing through tbe fith of April- Dr. Ayers, our Medical Missionary to China : l>r. F. C. McConnell and Mrs. Neal, our president, or Miss Erie Csmpbrll wilt be with us. and a splendid program is bring planned. It is especially convenient to the churches of Mell Association aod I erican merchant marine by the requisitioning, hundred thousand tons are put into the allied service Moat of them will be -used in the eat Britain’s action, larrying trade. lolland delayed and temporized, and it is thought would inally agreed had it not been for fear of Germany. BOX Bl'PPER. Tbe public is invited to attend a box ipper al tbe Brighton school Friday TUncle Sam S)emant>s All contestant* shall b< nil regular attendants a rast three months of the JHAT industry should proceed as usual, so that contest divisions, aa follow! Brookfield Dietrirt- -Brookfield. Vanee- r j n , VS3 rWVSil?*' - ‘ Uvd ‘ M ' t * ficht " a -' -dividual Chula District—Chula. Fletcher, Prar- uian. Red Oak. Hat Creek. Fairvivw. Bay and Myrtle. Eldorado District—Eldorado. Oak Ridge. Pineview and Filyaw. Omega District—Omega, Old Ty Ty. Anslry and Salem. Ty Ty District—Ty Ty. Excelsior. Midway, and Nipper. In order to secure coutestants'for the the Nation shall be at the service of the forces that are now fighting stimulate more interest, and to arouse more enthusiasm is our achool work, and bring,out some of tbe beat results of tbe year's work. It i* -narnestly hoped that all the teachers will play tbe part of a real teacher in Ibis friendly, wholesome rivalry. 1-avt year the Board of Education.pty- sented a Ixtving Cup to tbe district win ning tbe most points. Chula district won the cup. The cup ia now in tbe suiwrin- tendent’s office. Cfcula district will hold tbe cup unless some other district wins it by making more points in the final All achoola should get up some good rousing yells: these will help put “pep and ginger" in the movement. Let's go Committee: Mias Maude I.. Vinton. W. C Dod son. Miss Kanna Ramsey, Frank Clark. J. W. Miller, A. J. Ammono. for Victory and prrlimlary contest on the following dates. Omega District. April 3rd. Chula District, April 4th. „ Ty Ty District. April 5th. Brookfield District. April f'th. Eldorado District. April 10th The school* of each district will be aus- i.ended on the day of tbe contest, provid ed each school takes a part in some of the contest*. All the tracbera will be re quired to attend and all the children- and patrons are invited apd urged to sttewd In order to secure contestants for the district meeting*, each school should have a preliminary cpntest as soon aa v Universal Democ- I UrH racy. v I lill A/of all the fight- 1 '111 ing will be done in 9 the trenches. Ev ery farmer, every factory manager and every employe can be a source of National assistance by producing more and saving more. tweeted to be hero on time. 1 Mease have your reports in and your checks will be ready. We are expecting Supervisor F. E. Land to be with us. ' Several disuesaions will come up, but no subjects ran be as signed now aa to the above.' Story-telling ns related to Child Life, will br disco seed by Mias Charlotte Mob ley and Mr*. A. I). MnlUa. Isn't It posftlblc for you to dspriv* yourMlf of torn* little unneceetary extravagance and start a bank ac count with that ryionsy? You worked'for that money—It Is yours: why 1st It go to help some other man’s family? It is safe In our bank. Our bank takes an Interest In its depositors and helps them. Have you seen the Gaaetts's Service Flag? It has three star*, one each for I Y>radius Ryder. Brook* Cowart and Ger ald Herring who went from this office in to serrMe. Cowart is in the Signal Corps, and we believe bos been In Fran ce for a long tame: Gerald la in the A.I- alion Corps mad has been in Fraocu since Koreanoer: Nail is in the Coast Ar Put YOUR money In OUR bank The Nationnl ^nnic of Tifton, Gn,