The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 24, 1918, Image 1

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Tifton Gazette. TIFTON, TIFT COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918. ', :^™E LATEST NEWS BY WIRE ||i|ryjHfa»liiiigton, May 23.—All men hereafter Sp (PI a man’s work or fight Bit" This rule, operative July 1st, provides that all - loafers and men not in useful occupations listed in . deferred draft classes must engage in useful war uarlr nr nn nrarfn/1 mtn fnn ncrnfin rr rannen triculture FRIDAY NIGHT CONFIDENCE work or be drafted into the fighting service. Provost Marshal General Crowder today an nounced his plans for this new system. It will seize at once upon gamblers, race-track men, wai ters, bartenders, club, hotel and apartment atten dants, persons engaged or occupied in games, sports, amusements with some exceptions, domes tic servants, sales and other clerks in department stores, other than mercantile establishments. Washington, May 21.—American military ef forts on the front in Erance may equal that of Great Britain soon. Unless the British army is greatly reinforced in the next 2 or 3 months it is likely ■ldosta. o( Trustees. The only A. 1L I lusty. Farm Sjt|* Itasty ««- not an applu turn and tbe office of Fai rut was abolished and i Agriculture added to the I to mm ply with the rcqu Smith-Hughes law. The I ruggle .districts over"the top—Ty Ty autl Report* from Kldorado -tale that esnf that district's quota In secured. No reports haie h-eu i from the other districts. While there ia no doubt aliout and Tift rounty going over tbe t> going In take some good, hard , Tbe Auetion Sale and Rommr. Saturday should add a large am the rounty'a total, but we stun, depend on these to raise the qunt Tbe old fiddlers are invited ty tbe anetion sale and snpply mv The Standard. Oil Company ei ted 175 to the Tift county Ret fund through Mrs. G W. Polemi Mrs. 11. H. Webb's committee ( oiled ions at 1:15 p. m. ly burned his fare. Cl wounded with tbe pist. used after his shotgun The shots attracted • therefore suggested, and urged . » IwnAos tF'riday) night every member of every church of any n the county of Tift meet at the j Methodist eburrh to mnsider and plans for the best observance of ■J of public humiliation, prayer •tingapisiintril by the tVngress cesh-nt of our rountry. I not our hretbrren in all country ice meet w ith I hose of Tifton. Ty id otb*r town churches at the time lace suggested for the preliminary |* Tbe Tifton Methodic eburrh row (Fridayi night at 8JO. e machine dashed out of tbe city, it is believed for Harney, the if the crime where it >■> «uled rromt'Tut the body wouliP he mo naming May. 30. National lime flay, a day of fading and prayer, and killed as the negro kad dll the advantage and fired on them tirvl. Johnson was suaking wet *hnwiqg that he hail just rmrrgrd from the -samp where he has been hiding. The officers regretted very much that it was necessary to kill tbe negro, as it^had been their in- witbout that and deliver him to the Hruuks county yarL . The killing was not done in mob fashion as there were only a few- picked men in the jiarty and they was passed'requesting tbe Chairman of the local KiccJnjvr Committee to call a meeting of the Board of Trusties if the earliest date convenient aad use every effort to secure a quorum, as it has not been |s>ssible to transact the buaineas of the school for several j*ar* ’ berm 1 quorum did not attend The Trustees will he |>aid per diem aad npensea while attending the meeting. * Tbe visiting'Trustee, discussed several Valdosta, May 28.—All in quiet in the city today and there are no signs of disorder since Lowndes and Brooks counties have been proclaimed under martial lay by Governor Dorsey. Major Arthur McCollum. Acting Adjutant-General for '-Georgia, assumed command of the situation, and has 120 ■R n * r d amen at his disposal. . The military authorities are co- Jtparating with the county officers in gringing to an end the xeisn of terror that has existed in these counties following the lynching: of five negroes near Valdosta for the murder of Hamp- A» 2 o'clock on ihe afternoon of that day. tbe ritixens of the .tale will assemble in mass meetings in every school house, and pledge* will he signed for tbe pur' chase of War Saving Stamps to snpply Georgia's quota during 1018, which ia Vm.MO.000. or more than half ihe entire third Liberty Loan quota for the idxth federal district, comprising six states. 1 ►» the fame day aad at the same hour the citiaeaa of every state in the union will aaaemble at tbe school bouses, or other suitable meeting places, for eiartly the same purpose Tbe Treasury Depart ment has detevmiged to put over the W. S. S. quota oa that one day. Tbe organisation now bring perfected to secure a big attendance at Ihe man meetings, and to secure pledges for the quota in every locality, will devote itaelf after June 28 to checking up the signers of pledge cards, seeing that they do not neglect to buy the amounts foe which they sign. Smith, a white farmer, and the murderous assault orf Mrs. ith last Thursday. • fMney Johnson, the sixth negro wanted in connection with odHL. was shot to death in a battle with officers early*today the outskirts of the city. * ^Bdele. May 23.—Jim Cobb, the alleged negro slayer of SimmonR. taken by the mobs from Crisp county jail was lynched near here early today. His body was bullets after being hanged to a tree near the Messrs Warren Baker. C. W. Craven, and H. 1>. Webb have been appointed a committee to take rharge of tbcwr con tcibntions. Anything except live or perishable contributions may be brought in before Saturday and tamed over to this committee. Live stork or perisha ble contribution* should be brought in Satnrdny morning before 10 o'clock. Each contribution made for tbe Auc- tioa Bale will be marked with the roatri- butor'a name aad hia home district. When tbe article is sold, tbe amount brought will be entered as a contribution in money made by the eoatribotor of the artirlr sold, and this amount will be rrrdited to his militia dlstrirt. Coder r York, May 23.—Five thousand three hundred and Venemy owned bales of cotton sold here at auction for A pound for strict middling. of the durmi Valdosta. May 22.—A sensation was caused in Valdosta today by the anoun- i-ement that the adjutant general had or- ordered 100 members of the Savannah Guards to Valdosta to cope with the situ ation xrowing out of the murder of 11am- ■ptoo Smith and tbe lynching of four If they haven' nmlsory with the tTirtstbias th« arimo) has Iwito pay for „ water aDd light*, which had been furnish- aI r' f, ~ bT th> ■•‘ty for ten year*. The *"T« "♦ The Til I Hill HI lll'IMHmi'fl 11 I , t,lure, for the laboratory worth approximately *») „j f or ^ !jbr , r} worth (ISO. A number of wall seat, and office furnishing. had also ho, hudt. Awnings had been bought, labors- *' '■gy equipment, offiie furniture and bonks ™ roattresw renoVated and the roof „f the ' buildings reiiaired. • poultry bouse h runs, a system late Jesurday ifidence ' s builF Our LTIONAL ANK/\ The members of tbe Twentieth Century ■ ibrary Club at their meeting Tuesday keided on a conservation Bazar and ummage sale as a final move in tbe lied 'ro*. drive for this week. They will be eld in the office of the Board of Trad* u the Myon block Saturday. The white eople are a-ked to attend in the mom- ug as the baxar and sale will be open n the colored people after 2_ o'clock in re and stole everythin] ad made his departi a built with poultry 'rage installed, and TV total improve The advantages of a checking account are far too many to be enumerated in a single advertisement, bnt if you * would handle your affairs in a business-like way, not overlook the benefits to be gained Bn a checking account with this bank. Tkl * • st ' ck »trictly to safa, sound banking bi This Is why our bank has gained th« confidence Community. ° n f,r !.? nd Proofand man o rity and business ability direct the affaire of our Our National Bank Is a member of the Fado; serve System of banks which stand together, go to our District Bank and get money when w it. Bank with us and you can come to us and oi money when you want It. Put YOUR money m OUR bank. Executive ('..inmitt. ml the InstkllaMon rr vrfirirKTmVI-tsHy - o up with the Gcneri ipproachinz session. " daV School Celeb ration. Mr. Howland N. Hall, auditor for the Tifton Backing Company, has accepted an invitation to apeak on Bed Cross work at the annual celebration of the Worth County Sunday School Association . at Boulan neit Friday. May 31at. Mr. Hall has his heart in any work pertaining to the war and a brother who- i* a captain in tbe British army. He has won quite a reputation as a clear and forceful speaker and the people of Worth made no mistake in securing him for tbcjj great annual Sunday School event Second District State Agricultnrai and Mechanical Scb.s.1 n,cned Saturday even ing with the public inspection of the ex hibits of the various departments snd cl “* J ,od *f noon with a . barbecue. (Cohtinned on rage Poor). very member of tbe dub ia to con- r herself a Chairman and work in block to make the affair a success show her patriotism and love for the ■ fighting for us in France by giving working for this bazar and sale Sa- lay. Tbe proceeds all go to the Bed ■*. of which there ia nothing better to and work for. Coma to our bank. The .National Bank of