The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 31, 1918, Image 1

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The Tifton Gazette. • m ANNUM. TIFTON, TIFT COUNTY. GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1»1». ; LATEST HEWS BY WIRE JLARGEATTENDANCE GERMANSTOOWEAK |AlEea, aided by reserves, apparently have ' s German! at aO points along the Aisne according to today's report of the French r Office. f The battle continued all last night and is still " r going today. * * French Communique revealed that the s hare attained a maximum of twenty miles > in the eenter, reaching Fere-en-Tarda- sandVezilly. The latter place is only six miles n the Marne rirer. Paris, May 30.—The Allies are holding the Germans on all points of the Aisne front, the War Office announced. ' ; ...The battle continued all night and fierce fighting is still AT UNION SERVICE TOTRY FOR CHANNEL Inspiring Meeting Held at First Baptist Church TWO RESOLUTIONS PASSED , Soissons to the left and Rheims to the right of the sailent %tbe Allied line attacked by the Germans Monday morning *4*»ve been abandoned, although the occupation ^Hkeims by the enemy has not been announced. The Germans dBm 25,000 prisoners, including twq generals, one French and one British. The arrival of Allied reserves is indicated by the statement that, after taking the ridge of Chemin-deB-Dames and forcing the crossing of the Aisne, the enemy has now progressed well the river Vesle, six miles south of the Aisne, and made a 1 advance of five miles since yesterday's report which ack- wTedged fifteen miles. Today the check appears to be six I north of the river Marne, and about forty-three miles torn Paris. Today-'s news is the first indication that General Foch f.his reserves. It is still by no means certain that this is _ r offensive. According to the best authority, the Germans inye so far used less than half a million men in the present drive ! they have four times that many at command. The main Mow may still be expected. The attack in Flanders appears to 1 have been a complete failure. Geneva. May 30.—Internal disorder in Austria-Hungary has paralized the projected Austrian offensive against Italy, according to dispatches from Innisbrouck today. Serious riots have broken out again at Laibach and Gatz, ! where the Slavs and Jugeslavs attacked Austrian troops. The ■soldiers fired into the crowds, killing and wounding several. V . The recent riots at Prague are said to have been decidly Moos. It is estimated that there were 2,000 casualties there. p With the French Armies in the Field. May 30.—The Ger- MM since the start of the big offensive, have lost a minimum ™ 420,000 men, according to compilations made today that are Hfhematically certain. I Washington, May 30.—To meet the drain that the duel of •nth imposes on her, Germany is mobilizing youths bom ptfiaff the first half of 1900—barely seventeen years old—said ~ ‘ e official report. - 30.—Sixty-nine persons were arrested and >ra Ireland in connection with the recent revolution- ' T Secretary Short announced in the House of s afternoon. I, May 30.—The enemy conducted air raids at several it night, was officially announced. I attack on P>ris was driven off by an aerial t bombs word dropped on the suburbs. y ajrplanes were brought down in flames. One ip Support of PrroMral. Other 'Names IS O'clock A* Time for Frayn- Back Day. (From Thursday's Daily.) Two resolution*. one ripretwing confi dence io ami *u|q»rt of Praidrat Wilson and the other netting a certain time earh day for the people of Tifton to engage in prayer, were passed at the unit service held at the Find Baptist church Thursday morning. The first resolution was introduced by Mayor II. H. Ilargrett audience rose in rup|N>r Ilargrett. Hi Therefore Attack on Ainoe to Satisfy Popular Demand NO LONGER REGARDED FEIlff FIRST FLIG8T ON WEDNESDAY ) fry* Ofleers III T if- ed and Strategic Situation Online Array f rltory for Safety of Channel PoHs New York. May 30.—Von Hindu persistent sacrifice of his mail ■ aloug the subordinate Ai«ue tper In the bent evidence the (lermana have given that they consider an advance Channel porta Mr. Mann wire the r > the Pro r be set aside each day for the |n Tifton to pray for victory. Mr. : suggested that the blowing of n whistle at the waterworks he a s adopted. This continued Ibrnugboii Church Parked f . which liegan -lock and continued bufeb was only half fillelTwh •lew began, but by 11:30 set van- scarce. Hev. Mr. Durden presided i •ice, which was 0|>ened with ending, lie led in prayer an gregal ion sang "Come Thou King." -. Mathews read Iran also read the by ( 1 Prt button passed id*ut I the snide a day To . ■= the Civil JVar. lie also *s proclamation and recalled - that followed. Ajtentio .1 Kneland - - day of Ifaslln was called e audience nest bowed tbcif hrad> •ngaged in individual prayer, which cloned by Ilev. Mr. Mann' art talks, prayer and acriplui ings were then made or rondnetrd by the following} J. N. Horne. Itei Hev. J . Mr. Ihtrden. M S. Pallet M. Watkins. W, 8. CoblyMr cy. Hev. J. M. Merrell. W. I R. F. Kersey. Harman, Mr. Talbot. Mrs. V Peterson.. Mayor ilargrett and a Hera d that the je-oplv re- e time. meeting ring the services the congregatio sang the following tonga, the songs being teraperaed with the calks: ivjr of My Soul." "How Firm a I lion." "Ie-ad. J^tidly l.ight." "Holy drit. Faithful Guide," "The Battli imp of the Republic." Mr. Mathews read a |>oem. after whirl r congregation sang "America” and hi ooounced the benediction. HE MILLION STRONG America now has a million men on. ” foreign soil, said Senator Jim Ham Lewis in a Memorial Day Address. This bank has more than $1,000,- 000 on deposit, and these depositors are just as confident of the-safety of their dollars as the Sammies are that the Allies will win and that the world will be made safe for Democracy. Keep your money where it will be safe. \ J.lK.lypJj.’.LllUt) Deposit it with us and pay by check. Place it on time deposit and let it in- e Bank of Tift sits Mors Than J1,000,000 on. Whereae: ThU city la making ientimis effort Unlay to comply fully ith the PrewldentV proclamation calling r a day of public humiliation, prayt and faating. We have of Him lie II Kmolted: Thai lb- , '•>. Wo know ibnP lb » Imlh Iwiwrrful Mlpl w.q.1 -mall. ib- IM of | right, uud. although we pr»y i. iwulldl... («LI)| and uultuiuul Uinfidcnn ~We drca|T~i L- hut aland, ready The-prt+tlTO-rtirOimMT TiiMhiy'-t/l W> igntvl by I bone who would rl.lhe for the lay, wua signed by more than 100 inana- erv of -Ion-", office* mid manufacturing Tift- ptutnffii it this I The Aiane operation! hi to be conaidered aolely a death toll that ha* bad to justify the theory that t rg ha* denirod simply to err u. The Aiane drive nis»t a major operation, undrrts dienee to the clamor of the <lei The n tailiog the capture of Boulogii-. Cal si* anil Dunkirk apparently bn- been judged the the kaiaer'a adrlaer* ah li~. difficult In attempt. So. the fireman grneral -daff. *eemiugly waa ordered to win a ahowjr auri-e** that might be dished up in a manner to qniet. for the moment, the thr-ateiiing murmur* of the |*-oplr of the. central empire*. There is no doubt that ih- Allied front along (be Aiane ha- been weakly held, (ienerml Foch Waa perfectly sound in hi* judgement In weakening it. He has had lo do llii* in order to -u-ur- Ihe safety of the f'hannrl port*, which i* the paramount ronaideration. The Unman* choose the Aiane for th-ir rum-milage victory undoubtedly beeau- it was Ike rongly ! within western France. . The suqrjss of the German* Aline mnkl be regarded a* Ibe price the AUlea are paying for tb- amitfty i.f tb it also la an arknowledgem-at by von lllndeuburg that he cannoi di.regard the clamorous crirw of the Germans t > lie fed with more tale* of victory, .nltbocgh sound military policy la fii-es such futile auccesi trategie situation, in I getting out of von HindrnburgV and t* becoming political ia its pfirpooe*. This Ik always a Bad aiyn. frequently in the (orenianri attmrnl (lie m mjnftv. nlU In of \lhdnle- Sl DOCTORS EXAMINED^ From Right Coun tie* at Tifton Min day for Medical Ran, Corps. An examination of pkyairiana and geona from eight eountiAi. including Tift, for the Army Medical Reserve forp* waa eondneted in Tifton llnnday, by tTapt. Koaenburg and Lieut. Waits, of Ft. Mc Pherson. In all. eighty-one were examined. Juat bow many passed was not stated, the V cord* going to the Surgeon-General. The counties represented were: Tift, Turner, Irwin. Worth, Coffee, llerrien. Colquitt, and Ken Hill, the Inter sending two. I.ieuL Wait* conducted the physical examination and Dr. Koaenburg the* pro fessional. Dr. Fort and I»r. Todd as sisted in clerical and laboratory work. The work waa well organised, and waa condoned rapidly. • ‘ruddering the amount of detail to be passed upon. Clerk Henry Webb and hia deputy. R. I,. Webb, with other assistant*, were buay all day providing blanks which bad not been anp- plied, and had to be typewritten. The examination were |>aid by Ibe local phy- I.ient. ' hi* proclamation. aud a mretitmj "» if * wc„i fr..m brre to rytm- eU*. Wtisens bdil iii-'Apcv—iiw.. - -in hi- J'""'" ™ ■* ^ ***** L**o- Quit- at find -nhri hold. tbr nnlvcrM^s- Sav « nn » h - " i-ot-lfu buiol W sn- *“ r " fi know that lie is a Go NOTICE TO WIIKAT GROWKKS The' rwiVd -Ktktn *pnod" AmWul-rrii ■" lib demnmla that all wheat miliars'gel a' vru amount of flour from a given amout rbeat, and while ft is probably Irqr mills ar- -ufficiently rqui|e -( Ibis di re the - i good millh In- able lo get the reimired amount u-h is not .the ca- ’ ia an often lb' ea*e that a person x. anxious for Ibrnr that they will wait for their wheal to get tboro- iiKhly dry but will rush it off'tp ihr mill (■ersunde the miller to grind It,- ilngly aatiafied with just any kind of 1'nder the presrnl ruling we cannot do his any more and the millera will have o have the hearty o. -i--ration of the inslueer In every way in order to meet Coder Ihe latest ruling of the Admin- Uration the produrer is allowed lo have * much of bis wheat made into flour all day and the railroad i after 10 o'clock. - a few men strolling around morning, but there were (•cared to have joined puriMisr of thr oeeaaioD. e The buainras%trn of the city are to lie congratulated nn the spirit of patriotism they showed by closing, and the whole city will I*, better off for the observance of th- day n* one of • rayer and fa-ting. ia whole crop, but we are ippusod lo use tin* on the basis of six ■unit* per capita per month and along ith other cereal*. I exiiect to start grinding Monday. June 3rd. a ndwill thank yon for your. -nagr. and will show my apprecia tion by giving you Ihe very beat nervier that it ia possible for me to give.' I'oulnn. Ga.. May SSth. 1018. D. A. Phelps. Many farmers are in need of seed pea- iuU. Lang and Company, at Omega. Ga. an suply the Spaniah variety JOE GONG FIRST CLASS'l-AUMpKY TIFTON A LANDING FOR AERO TRAINING Form* Apex of Double Trientie for Fifing Machines 'iflon will lie a landing ixiint I ten from the Cniled Stairs A ining Camp at America*. Th uitrly decided U'e-lnenday. at*. Roger- and Hilliard made it from Amrrirus THE LATEST NEWS BY WIRE C field offered them. them. They itieprctrd north of the city, but de -th the officers young gentlemen, and her of friends here, ■it. but we may ex rm daily after awhil e in training. The With Americana in Picardy, May 29.—The American troopa charged to capture, yelling “Now we are in Germany, let’s wallop beD out of ’em and go on to Berlin.” Back at headquarter* when the boy* “went over” th* officer* waited anxiotuljr for new* of the attack- After 48 minute* of fierce fighting a woke came over the telephone, "Hello, thi* is Cantigny," and headquarter^ knew that the American* had taken one of the moat important towns on the Amiens front and had won their biggest victory of the war up to date. A report came from the signal corps Captain that the wire carriers were ignoring the German counter barrage, and following the American infantry and French tanks in the at tack when Cantigny fell. The held telephone station waa double tn i re *dy for business when the attack took place. / n t«. Alban) ' Over a front of more than a mile within forty-five raix*- 'Thwf °n ' u * e * *f* er Ike infantry had gone over, Cantigny Chateau and ight to our I*-, »<veral hundred yards of German first line trenches were ’ar advamv-d | American territory. The regiment sent back 182 prisoners nf" *' ^ five officers. at ::tr> p. oi.. I The big cellars in Cantiw*-; where it is possible to conceal Tb- Might »s- hundreds of troops were complete), smashed by American "tniti'It--" t*' • rt ille r >’- Th® enemy lotaaes vere probably heaviest in these on tip sir lii». I P' (i °* death. The German* ran toward the Americans “Kan- igl.t of i-ordei- erading” in groups of ten and twenty from fhe dugouts, or when ill--" "r" •key were cornered in hnoef-to h*r J fighting. The Americans (Ml |., enjinrt 1 lh * weapons they have leaned to lo-ve, the bayonet, and ■ling -is-e,i the Boches squealed like p;g« when thtoy were face to face with the cold steel, fit J. the sir- i farm, one! With the Americans in Lorraine, May 30.—The Germans sent over three raiding parties during another gas projection attack in the Lorraine sector shortly before midnight yesterday. Two of them were virtually wiped out and the third driven off. With the Americans in Picardy, May 30.—The fifth suc cessive counter attack against Cantigny was repulsed by the Americans last night The Yankee artillery responded to the German barrage with heavy effective fire. The machine guns raked the enemy positions. The new American positions are rapidly being strengthened. Infantry engineers are digging in, regardless of the Boche shelling. a this After -penMing ••vri sit hour tuai-hine left for Atnrrirue at l :50. It d several times over thr landing and rity. t»ln* higher esrh time nnlil st Isst, nenc 3,000 feet in thr air. it rse. like s carrier-pigeon, for and was soon only s a|trek in the sky. Arrangements for thr visit t* Tilton were not completed until Wednesday af ternoon. There bad been s conference before, but Mr. E'rank Kcarboro’s lettri which concluded thr arrangements. VS) not received in Anirricus until nftrr noon Wednesday. Immediately. Lieut. Roger* railed Mr. Scarhoro over the tele phone and told hit" that he waa coming, rg peeling lo arrive about 3:30. after 2 o'clock then, and Mr. Scarhoro, Henry Tift and other* got bu*y. he landing-place selected was marked by large cross, and the wire fencing around te field wa» marked with w-hite cloth. II *■« ready for Ibe aviator*, and Lient. said he *aw the cross while ten ■Ilea away. Although the notice wg* brief, a lai owd'gathered lo greet Ihe men wl they landed. This crowd ini-reawd •arly half the population of l(i* city re the airplane's departure. SS.M7.IB FOR RED CROSS George I.. Norris, t the Second Red Pros* War county, make* the followin. received up to 10 oVl Tiftua . S* Ty . . fjuota *2.022.00 243.00 141.00 Subscribed *22X17X7, 243.00 87 .IX 207.0S —vnxn R4.00 80.80 75mt N-flXF *3.000.00 *3.113 AI.*PAHA4»VKR 4M-PKK 4-ENT. ,sked for *3AO for Red ( rate Raised • 1.1*6. Fellow citiarns, we rife you to the •wn and district of Alapaba. In the good Id county of Berrien, na an example of With the American Army ia Lorraiae, May 29.—(d 28th)—Terrific gas attacks which began at 1 o'clock j morning were broken up by the American artillary after tun batches of gas bad been thrown into our positions. The guns began pounding the projector layout as seen as the first flock of tin cans were seffit a the outfit to pieces. An Atlantk Port, May ! vmmm ’taking a magnificent part fas the great battle ua the Waal Irani, Prince Arthur ,of Connaught, declared on his arrival barn today from England. The Prince with hia party arrived this morning on a British cruiser, and went immediately t o Wash bag ton where ha wfll he received by President Wilson. In a short time he wiD ge te a Pacific port to s ail for Japan. he on which declared Y New Orleans, La., May 30-—The Cenfederate V< rejoice that they can join with their comrades of the army in upholding the great principles of Democracy the United States, as an inseparable nation is founded, finlsrid General George B. Harrison, Commandar fas Chief of the United Confederate Veterans in a memorial day mmsgs through tha United Press. * Chicago, May 30.—America has a million men on ferciga soil now and becomes second in the naval power of the world* Senator James Hamilton Lewis declared in a Memorial Bay address at Evanston today. Atlanta, May 30.—Atlanta’s churches were thrown open today and business suspended from noon to two o’clock that aB the people might join in fasting and prayer for the success of our forces in arms in accordance with the proclamation of President Wilson. Alapaha a portion of the quota assigned llerrien in the Hed Prose war fund ive was *350. The district raise-1 or nrar-40Ojter erar. — —j Thi* wa* done without having n apeak- Yi*n the dlKtrlcr, I>ading dtixena at made a business proposition of -it, iuvs—-d the diHtrirt and raised the uney.’ Then, juat to show that their -art wa* in Ihe work, they raised it -arly three tim-a again. We are proud to have Alapaha for a ■ighbor. and wish -he waa rvrn a"little IK REGISTRANTS 1’nder requiring young men -ho bare become 21 years old nines tine 5th. 11*17 to register for military ervtce on June 5th, 11*18 it la expected that about 125 will register in Tift roun- Tbc. proportion ia about 10 per cent, ind theregiatration in thia county last ear waa 1,207. A large per rentag- •l the new registrants- will to nvsliahle for aervlee, estimat'd at three out of four. Herbert L Maw, Two yean of continuous prartice la Tifton and scores of aatiafied customer*. m are Buffering with headache, or other trouble* canned by eye strain he and consult me and one it glasses properly fitted donl relieve them, office la the Myon Hotel Block tv The Kv-a with cc.rv do. the du^y fie v owes to his ’’ ’’ You ar« wasting monsy svsry wnk In some trivial way. that If it wsrs put In th# bank would soon mokt a very handsome sum. If that sum were left In th« Bankjand added to. It would grow to bea fortune. If you live, but If ygu should die you would not leave helpless little ones behind. Put YOUR money In OUR bank. We pay 5 per cent Interest. Come to our bank. The Natjonal Bank of Tifton, (