The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 07, 1918, Image 1

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Tifton Gazette. TIFTON, TIFT COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918. 1HE LATEST NEWS BY WIRE Ptrii, June 7.—Fierce fighting is still going on TOg&kwest of Chatean Thierry where the French- nranerican troops hare poshed the Germans back, the War Office announced. Allied gains on other parts of the front includ ing the recapture of Bftgny by the British are re ported. Heavy losses were inflicted on the enemy. With the French Army on the Marne, June 5. —The American machine gunners killed at'least a thousand Germans at Chateau Thiery, was esti mated by the French Military authorities today. The Yankee gunners during the battle for the city fired tens of thousands of machine gun bullets into the place. The city’s streets were filled with German bodies. In the repulse of the Germans by the French and American forces at Jaulgonne the enemy at tacked three times before the bridge was finally blown up by the American detachment. The Marne runs through Chateau Thierry dividing the town. One side is held by the enemy, the other by the Americans and French. With the American* on the Marne, June 7 The Ameri can* who swept the Germans back two miles on a four mile front northwest of Chateau Thierry yesterday and last night, were holding all THE LATEST NEWS BY WIRE Washington, Jane 7.—Provost Marshal Gen eral Crowder today sent orders to every Local District Draft Board to energetically reexamna men now exempt or placed in the deferred classes, to determine the reason for the scarcity of Class 1 men. | This action was taken because a large number of counties in the various states fell below tbe twenty-seventh and eight-tenths per cent average of Class 1 Arrival at Chatman Thierry Com* pared to GaHieai’s Work ENLISTMENTS AND REMOVALS RECEIVED BALE N11R NOTICE Kail male Large Proportion WUI Qualify lor Service. Seventy-right young men who ba reached tbe age of twenty-one since Joi 5th. 1017. regietered with the Local Boa of Tift county Wednesday. Of tbsne. ( Especial attention will be directed to Class 2 A. and B.; Class 3, A. B. and C., and Class Class 4 1, the Provost Marshal said. Four hundred thoos- •. of Tifton. ami otbrrv. r was most bountiful, hu iw. ami enjoyed by all. the afternoon by the Su Omega Baptist Junior ier for tbe little folk,. 4, A. One thousand registrants now in should be in Class 2 Washington, June 6. and Americans will enter the training camps this month to prepare lor the battle against tbe Boche. With the call for 200,004 drafted men today, covering the closing days of the month, the total was brought above 300,000 and additional calls expected this month will reach the 400,000 figure, it is estimated. Washington, June 7.—Navy officials believe today that noe or both of the German U-boat coast raiders are heading homeward now. Persistent reports say that aircraft and destroyers hovered over the spot where^the oil tanker Wm. Rockefeller was sunk until the U-boat rose for air. when it was netted. Naval officials, doubtless in accord with the policy of keeping Ger.' many ignorant of the fate of her U-boats, refuse to confirm or deny the rumor. The torpedoing of the British steamship Harpathian off tbe Virginia Capes Wednesday morning makes a total of fourteen victims of the German submarines which have been operating off the Atlantic coast since May 25—six steamers and eight schooners. The Harpathian was torpedoed without warning but the crew wer.e rescued by the steamer Palmer. The total lbss of life will probably be less than twenty, nearly all of these from the Porto Rican kteamer Carolina, whose passengers were in open boats for many hours. No thing has been heard from tbs U-boats since Wednesday room ing. They'were moving southward from the Jersey eoaet, where they broke out in open activity Sunday after quietly sinking ships and holding crews prisoners and strewing mines for several days. The prisoners were released in open boats. The two submarines are supposed to have been operating, either from a supply ship in mid-ocean or from a base in Mexico or tbe It w«, estimated that the registration would be about 125. or t-n per cent of the rr*t«tration laid year n fell far abort of thia however, due doulitleaa to tba large number who have volunteered and to he-, morals from the csuut.i However, ft ia expected that a much larger proportion will qualify for service thun uuder the ItllT registration. Tbe small proportion of n eg roe*- was noticeable. While tbe proportion of ne groes to whites in Tift la much Mow the average for Georgia, the pro|.ortion of ur- nts waa still smaller. Thia be due in part to the number recently released from the it. and to the large number to America, a few days ago tbe aviation camp there. along the Marne rybbdy enjoyed the day St of boys that were w -r^ not here this time. I Hint were fighting In the morning. Soon attacked. Our troops, which included marine^ were in the reserve. The mari ne* took np the fighting. It wa* eloae. open field fighting. American lighting Germans in a short bitter struggle which the Yankees won. The Boche has re newed his attacks hut the line still holds. Tbe French are heaping the highest praise U|mn tbe Americans. They are 1 proud of their stand at the Marne, where civilisation was saved by turning back tbe Germans in 1014 and where tbe foe must again be thrown baek. All the country where the Americans are located speaks tbe tragedy of the beatiful Marne valley and of France. American infantry lies under cover of waving fields of given grains, tom up by shell fire snd amidst other fields and or chards the American artillery hurls shells at the Huns. Behind the tea deserted. Only s the oldest rnfer who were unable inhabitants, or wl homes an risible which bloom in ia thought to of employes parking plat 1 Wells, lamer, Tifton Rr. 5 2 McGill. John David. Tifton Bt A. 3 Barfield. Hornet Clayton. Tifton BtA 4 Blalock. Charlie, Tifton. 5 Arnold, Johnnla King. Tifton Bt 4 !i Google. Robert Jesse. Tifton Rt« 7 Bond. Charlie. Tift« Cotton Mill*, fi Shaw. Chester I.swtou. Tifton. It Setlnrs.Charlie Monroe, Tifton 10 McCroa. Woodbury. Tifton 11 Wood.. William David. Tifton Bt2 12 William*. Iceland Morgan. Ty Ty 13 Whitten. Walter Hill. Chula Rtl 14 Ray. Robert Lae. Tifton Rt2 If. llowen. Clarence Marvin. Tiftoa Bt2 10 Scoggins, I.ebon. Omega,Rt2 17 Smith. Wilbur Earnest Tifton. lb Greer. Albert Watson. Tlfum BLA 10 Fletcher. James Milton. Tifton, BtA 20 Webby Mattie Boutin. Tifton. 21 MeUtniel, Oddie Virgil, Tifton BtA 22 Goff,'Jatoea'Tffllk. Tifton Parker Co 23 Dowd. Mallle. Lenox. Rt2 *4 Self. John Verlia Alvin. Tifton RtA 25 Spurlock. Murray IrTin. Chula Rtl 2fi Craig. lister, Tifton Rt2 27 Stephens. George Chonney. Tifton. 28 Kimbrough, George Allen, Tifton 20 Pope, Claudis Lee, Enigma Ml Cobb, William Xsmuel, Jr., Tifton. 11 Clifton, Thomas. Tifton Rtfi 12 Oliver. Dani. the face of a determined German counter With the aid of the French infantry, the American Marines and machine gunners were consolidating their positions all along the new front. In the region of Lucy-le-Locage, the American positions were being badly harrassed by the German machine gun*. An American patrol leaped from the lines, attacked the enemy poaibons, killed the entire crew and captured the gun. London, June 7.—We raided hostile post* northeast of Be- thume last night, inflicting heavy casualties, capturing machine «un* and returning without loss, Field Marshal Haig reported With the Americans on the Marne, June 7.—The Ameri cans, after hurling tbe Germans back one and a quarter to two ns* the villages are r dogs and rats and Nee with the younger ■efused to leave their these places. Boses ifusion over honsea den* everywhere are unsren except by dusty sweating men. who fighting against odd*, have driven off tbe Invader. Strange conditions prevail over the whole front. There is one No Man's Land near Chatean Thierry. where there has hern fighting all around hut the vil lage stands unoccupied and unassailable. Amerlean patrols entered the deserted town and tbe beautiful chateaus which stand in No Man's I-and aDd th^re they found evidence of hasty Bight. Coats and bat* were hanging in the balls and dresses were plseed as though just about to be donned and as though the women left without stopping to change their Deputy Oliver went to the farm of Mr. Bandera, reaching there about midnight. He found quite a crowd gathered and some of them considerably excited. The bouse of Boykin's mother was guarded all night and Monday morning just as light waa coming, he was seen through a corn field near the house. The crowd gave chase but he got away. With their first chance at the enemy, the Americans at* showing rare fighting spirit Not only did they hit the Ger man line like a whirlwind after it had crossed the Marne, but drove the Hun back to his own side and held him theie. Tbe a, in attack after attack, they have won fresh positions from the foe, and after winning held them in the face of all the reinforce ments he could bring up. There are persistent reports that the foe is massing immen se numbers for an attack on the American front near St. Mihiel. where it is thought the line was weakened by men sent to the Marne. It is safe to say that if the Teutons attack there, they will catch a Tartar. As yet the expected Teuton attack at another point ha* not developed. The drive toward the Marne has taken up many of the foe’s reserve divisions and in some quarters doubt is expressed as to whether he has the men to spare for a drive at Amiens, Arras, or Hazebrouk. . Tifton, Sumner, Henry I-con. Chula. Sessions, Joe Tifton. RtA Tucker. Eaton Nicholson. Tiftoa Rtl Garrin. Robert Davis, Tifton. Weldon. William Claude. Tifton Rtfi Christmas. I-re Smith. Tifton Rtl Hbupe. Bennie Thompson. Tifton Arnold. John. Tifton, Rt4 Royal. Walker I.ucua, Tifton Eubank*. James Elmer. Tifton Rt5 Gibb*. Earl Daniel. Ty Ty. I’arrish. Charlie Hansel, Tifton Rt2 Wade. Aytcb Green. Ty Ty Harrell. Jesse Tsllman. Tifton Rtfi Walker. Isaac. Tifton Rt4 Simmon*. Thorn*. Watson. TiftonR4 Hutchinson. John Hyman. Jr Rt3 Porter, Jesec Clay-born. Tjr Ty Rt2 Garner, John William. Omega Rt2 Haney. Manhsll Jonas, Tifton RtA Belfiower. Cart. Tifton RtA Walker. Reason Cleveland. TiftonRT IHao Emery David. Tifton Cot.Mille The young man who swore out tbe rarrant against tbe negro John Boy- in. charging assault with intent to rape •si Sunday afternoon, came in Wednes- ay morning and asked tbe Sheriff to be Hawed to recall the warrant a* be was onvinred there was nothing In the caae. Tbe wife of tbe young man was at ome alone Sunday afternoon, and was rlghteued by the negro Boykin approa- hing the hnaie and fled. The negro was nested hut escaped, and a crowd pur- iicd him to tbejifime of bis mother and warded the house all Sunday night. OIBcrrs and Committees Elected. Execu tive Board Increased. Tbe Board of Trustee* of tbe Second District Agricultural School held a special meeting in the library of the School build ing Wednesday morning. The meeting was called in compliance with instruc tions from the Trustees present on Com mencement, day. May 20th. when there Those present Wednesday were. J. R Mercer. Terrell; J. J. Knight. Berrien W. D Hargraves, Thomas; H. T. Me naaac Dougherty ; J. "L. TWkaril. Tift: Mr II. IT Tift held telegraphic proxy chasing Boykin when he •car the bouse Monday mo nade gonck hi* escape or he ■bly have been lynched. The husband of the young 57 Branch. Manaiesh. Ghula. Rtl 5N Rutland. Henry Green. Tifton. R 50 Thomason. Andrew Jackson. Jr C ■HI Branch. James Wiley. Tifton RtA ''.I Pope. Julian ATbefit Tifton fi2 Willis. Ben Perry . Tifton Rtfi <•>3 Kelph. Lester Lyman. Tifton Rtfl 04 Stephens. William Blunnie Brookfl 03 SW, Ktbriilge- Jlyion... Brook lit Id, Colored Registrant*, fifi Wltrhard. James. Tifton 07 Brown. Jimmie. Tifton Rtfi «S 81ms. Willie. Tifton Rtl Miller. Frank Branch. Tifton 711 . Jackson. John. Tifton RtA 71 Taylor.- Charlie: Tifton m 72 Hawkins. Bill. Tifton Rtfi 73 Patterson. James. Tifton RtABoi 74 Hall. Willie. Chula. Rtl 75 Brown, B.. Tifton Rl4 t -s inycstlgated and found^hat a of the negro did not leave the r TEHS >ard. mrt of S .L. Lewis, principal, •approved, and referred to the if thanks, expressing the appre ciation of the Board.for. the work of 1‘ruL Lewis and his faculty was passed unani- w&s never burnt by £et-rich-qujcK Schemes. He kept his ■ in the ' ^*5 the corner of tbe ire up the corner of the smoke-houac and ent on and burnt the gate post. It rained in torrents. We have not id «uch a.rain in a long time. Everybody i* busy putting ont potatoes. Well, w ell! Brookfield is clamoring for icorporation. I guraa tbe authorities ill have the sand streets clayed and the dewalk* cemented. O. K„ if they do No fence is not impular down here so think this district fence. ’I gneaa everybody win "dip their cows nd let everyone that wants to shut np Nation School fo GLOVER PROPERTY SOLD circled for the and G. F. Paulk Purchasers J. L. Cravey. Administrator on tbe estate of Mr*. Mary Glover. Bold at auc tion Tuesday three bouse* and lota in the City of Tifton belonging to aaid estate. They consisted of l a* No, U. in Block No. 304. on which there are two bouse*, and Lot No. tl. ig Block 305. on which there ia one hfnse. One of tbe bouses was bought by H. Kent and Sona for **523 The two larger houara were bought by Geo. F. Paulk for *1.000 and *1,075.each. J. L. Pickard. Chairman. • II. T. McIntosh. Vice-Chairman J. L, Herring. Secretary. •H. H. Tift. Treasurer. On motion. Ilia Local Executive Board and no sacrifice on your part is required Huron to 8aVe - • - Iwm ami the following were elected: H. H. Tift. B. Y. Wallace, J. L. Pickard and J. L. Herring. Finance Committee: B. T. Wallace and J. L. Pickard. The Trustee* expressed themselves as highly pleased with the conduct of the school and the fine record made. They were entertained at dinner by Prof Lewi* and faculty. POOR? y ° U kn ° W ‘ youn ° mon - thal m °at 9ombltrs DIE Do you know that any Gat-Rlch-Qulck’ schema la a “gamble" and money that cornea eaay, GOES eaay. The vine that grows up over night la eaally Mown down while the aturdy oak which growa alowly but auraly wlthatanda the storms. Plant a little money In the bank now and watch the balance to your credit grow. Put YOUR money In OUR bank. We pay 5 per cent Interest. Come to our bank. The value ol saving money is apparent alike in Peace or War. A PATRIOTIC SOW. Mr*. I. 8. Bowen, of near Brookfield has a sow that takes the Bine ribbon for patriotism, when it comes to produc ing pig*. This sow brought twenty pig* last week, and Mrs Bowen reported Sat urday that seventeen of them Were living. If all tbe other sows in the country would do their part as abundantly as this sow has. meat shortage would be relieved In a few months. ASHBl'RN ROLLER MILLS. ASH- BURN, G.A.—Will pay highest govern ment price* for your wheat f. o. b. ship ping point, or will grind on toll. We will pax freight one way on wheat ship ped us to be ground. Quality and yield* guaranteed. 5-dlwSt Herbert I. Moor. Graduate Optometrist. Two years of continuous practice In Tifton and score* ft satisfied hstomers If you are suffering with headache, or ■ other trouble* caused by eye strain be I sure and consult me and see If glasses properly fitted don't relieve them. In onr office in the Myon Hotel Block c-ery day. FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY JOE GONG The National