The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 06, 1918, Image 1

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The Tifton Gazette. 6 AND *2.00 PER ANNUM. THE latest news by wire (town CLOSED TIGHT 2,000-3,000 ACRES AGGIE CONFERENCE v, Dec. 5. Win*too Churchill, Minuter of Munition* BY ORDER COUNCIL IN TOBACCO HERE CLOSEDON TUESDAY THE LATEST NEWS BY WIRE t Dundee declare dthat Great Britain is determined to a naval superiority. I. >We tfr-il enter the Peace Conference determined that no t ,h-» be imposed on our right to maintain a naval i recommended a discontinuance of the Board at l internal affairs, Churchill said the Government pon the nationalization of railways but was un- ______ i of shipping. ______ , Nov. 30.—William Hohenzollera has signed _jot definitely renouncing the thrones of Germany and ' M wr |l u relapsing official* from their oaths of alle- I to Berlin dispatches received here today. -The farmer Ka'uer is reported ill with influenza and jva* ..U. ip grMt his Vife when she arrived at Abler on gen station. .' WasHmfton, Dec. 4.—The President has accepted the re- psation of Chaiman Baruch, of the War Industrie* Board, ef-! win, Active January 1st. ‘ BSuch tfeatdfcte. i “!•»> '■^'’najiington, Dec. 4.— The War Department today ig others designated th> following army camps as demobili- in , ■ heaters: . >rdon, Greenleaf, and Hancock in Georgia. Sevier, :h and Jackson^n South Carolina; McClellan and Sher- yiii Alabama and Greene in North Carolina. Washington, Nov. 30.—Officials said today they expected - klty announcement* would continue ab^ut 100 days , e raised list placed the American casualties today, ex- -A prisoners, at 262,723 including 28,363 killed. I the Ameriaans in Prussia, Dec. 4.—The American ar- { up the Moselle valley today arrived within less f miles of Coblenz. Dec. 5.—Belgian troops have approached within fu nnies of the Rhine, the Belgian Communique indicated Wbso the City Father, decided that flncnsa condition* nude it advisable the lid on the city, they j> B*»I: Just like that. It'* t> and flao'l forget It. | The City acttool* are closed until the' -few Yesr. public meetings of all kind*, beludin* muring picture shows. prabibi-1 ed. and children under eighteen year* of I lie muit stay outaide the hueineae aection ; if the city unlraa accompanied by parent | ir guardian, or on buainra*. with the par-; •at or guardian'* pennindoi J. J. Taylor nad X. C. T*/b^f brother* auca«*ing Ihi* tcrrito5°for the location Aboard the U. S. S. George Washington, (By Wireless to New York)—President Wilson will talk plainly upon his four teen principles when he reaches France. That he will make speeches is indicated l r his concern ltd at Tifton. report that it I* le that bctveeu 2.000 ami .l.nOO II be planted in tobsOo the ry adjacent to Tifton neat spring ( In Tift county alone there will be lur »' 1 s< ' b " nut one tbouaand acre*, enough grow-,'" 8 Tue*di i having already pledger) .-ally . Soft d ir Tifton , Monday night. Iiecrmlier : iyor Ilargrrtt presiding an u llryan. Tift. I*hilli|is. Mo. Phillip*. . W. P. Hunter. «■(. Mock* place. J. A. K*«>ti. It II. .1 r.-o. read anil The Brat conference of the PH .nd f.cultiea of the Eleven District Agr. That he will make apeeches is indicated by 1 over a slight cold and a. to whether throat >.11 be in good Ibe tieorgia College.of Agriculture sad condition on arrival. -be liegionai Director of Vocations], ,^-Xfter disposing of routine work the President rests much mMdTof AgrWult«v!" , 'tVMblBftox! va. 1 of the time, under orders of his physician. held with the Second District Agifcul-j President and Mrs. Wilson occupy the same suite* that were i Tifton for two days, doe- built especially for the Kaiser and Kaiserin years ago. The purpose was to die- , ... „ problem, before the Di»- New York, Dec. 4.—President Wilson is on the high seas, Agricultural School* arising Bom on bit way to the Peace Conference. »»•>*) New York, Dec. 4.—With President and Mr*. Wilson stand- p; . ing on the bridge the steamer George W^hington moved away • of Vi-c* from the dock at 10:22 this morning. Uaduug Eight minutes later the big vessel started down the river, '"pmfi.kv. H. t'm. of the lu-i«rtm.i,t Two aeroplanes circled overhead as the transport backed out ..f Soldiers' Hrhahilitation Work, Wash- into the stream. ^ ington, D. «.. ^ ^ i P i, f The Presdentib! salute of twenty-one guns was fired by the I icpartmcnt of Secondary Sucation. Washington’s own gunr a. she moped out. Aihcn*. New York gave the Preaident a .tremendous send off. FroiW ..f l th" f ”l>c»aiimcni"nf l \' ( )^ationaI IMuc* the time hi* ship left Hob->!-cn until it vanished into the Atlantic ii„ n . Atbcu-. ' sirens, cheer* and 4uttci in .andkevchiefs bade au revoir to the Waller and Prof, smith. ..f -h- p ril American President to-go to Europe during his term of Fifth District Agricultural School. ** d the admi r will ral Kdura i I he hue) by t loifrrii there. a6' Zrritty roV desirability a» olion made and carried tha ( the ] _ 7.7 rr££"Xr.£ £. ELECTION ■vitation addressed to >he Mayor ami t'ounri! from Mia* Xelta Murray .' Ttar? of the 20th Century library I >- I" nttrwl • Niedal meeting of Ibis ordinary t i »n December 3." wa* duly-tecHeed. I |„. ti ; in f „ r 1 ihank*. v I till the unexp Eighth Diatnet School. Prof. Veacb. of .be tbe Sixth o rr i c ii u i • e»»»i, in the lohoreo market| „ The dreadnaught Pennsylvania and a fleet of fifteen des troyers convoyed the transport. Ten destroyers turned back Washington, Dec. 2.—Declaring for modified private coo- md Prof. Orodattir. trol of the nation's railroads under unified and greater public i School. 8tate*bor... regulations, President Wilson spoke out against a return to th« of tbe Troth isflri. i. o |^ cQnjjiioQ b f ratil corporation. wrr- hrid'thr !in*i day! In his annual message to the joint session of Congress to- —morning, afternoon and.night. Th-y | dny^the President outlined his readjustment policies. At tbe wi-Dr.drvotrd «» a dmruasion of the T,r ' ! same time he explained his peace trip to Europe a* one that be ou* problaui- of agricultnral acbool ad-, r miniatrstiAh growing out of tb- applies I felt it his duty to make. tiou of the Smith-Hughe* law and were! Wilson's readjustment program includes: The passage aU^oman Suffrage. others from tbe f ollrge ..f Agneultnre ~ Ay.'- fill ibe' -id participated | n by the Principals and i * hc uae of existing government agencies to effect s recon- h work ! ""mbrrs of. the fa.ultie, ,.f the DMrirt j stTUCtioh. ing the 'sricultnral hr The President leaves the determination of the railroads' ■j„. rc . The msetlnc > r. held in the A M. S \ . je rntb- n-iitoriom. future to Congress but recommends agsunst a return to the pre- n, r.-.iu'V-ii ein . ... i n w, it , ’ rof ; talked of lin- rehabilitation war condition* of railroads until they are modified. He urges FOR TIFT \ Oran. ha. railed irdajs^IV-eml»r 28, and 5* me. I that ■tHTto i»..ue proelama- e cloaing of all achoolal dtb^ |«hli.yida.-CT, tbe j y ^ ranrJ - „ >uld be • : tl..light tl UltXAXCK \n Ordinance ol Ibe Mayor and Coun ril of Ibe City of Tifton KalabllaMnc t irlain quarantine ltrgul.ition, f„ r Ibe Purpow of l*revenllng the Further Spread of Spani.h Intlurnga in Said r Purffcvv f wounded aoklir:. W. II. Toting. Sr. a tliSahie.| mad who iienl, the office, und ifhw nueouno-meut will lie found in another column. Following i* the official call: XMTICK OF-gLKfTIOX. G KOBO IX—rut Coaaty. *. Ilnlinary', IMBre. lie, 1th. 101K 1 ■ To Tbe Voter, „f Tift Count). tieorgia : There will be held - 1 *“ ■- ■ml tbe that during i ...who died r be emp ‘ _ Hoboken, N. J. Enroute to France with President Wilson, ti.,n re.tri. ting Dec. 4.—President Wilson sailed for Europe today to literally fight that America's peace ideals may prevail. There is ho doubt as to his purpose in demanding adher ence to the letter as well as to the spirit of his fourteen basic principles He will demand a vast reduction of armaments on sea as well as on land, it i* believed. Rome, Qec. 4.—Italy will join the alliance between France anddSngland Popolo Romano declared today. Buenos Aires, Dec. 5.—One hundred persons are believed I TiftTn' h have been lulled in the earthquake which destroyed the town j 0 *,. iD ^i ' b , ,h, | Vallenar and partially destroyed Copiapo, in Chile. J»nd after the pa-a*.- <.f thi. ^ -cm— ciamw ... oom«ue nn Mports from the devastated district today said that thej" * h * 11 ** anl * ,,ul J®' * nj ®™|isia. umi-r tb, aamWui- and reguia-jtw siiwctuin m Miaa Hasr, ^ of men, women and children are stilT buried under thftj '^arporat ^hSu* of aald j ite"i J5 JlniffTlrsf’ j •-!! public mreting of any rharae-' The shocks, whichlasted four minutes, were unusually se- t i " 1(1 * h JJ,"^, rr ' " f * 0> * a,h,nnr nf * e and plainly registered in Buenos Aires. . . c “ H k it ffuthkii oudaixkd bj| With tlie Americans in Prussia, Dec. 1st,—(Via Courier to the authority af..rv«id that it »baii ie Nancy, Dec. 2.)—The American Third Army today had occu-'an pied 400 square miles of German territory including scores of a ny'fount, drink ..and towns And villages. IT other place f..r di,pcn.ins drink, jn The Americans encountered little hostility from the inhab- 'ib.* ^nle 'Ifr ^»e’ ints, while hundreds lined the streets of Treves there was sil- 1*.VvVi»»:i»*tfirr«•s hTrl'ml'Imuhi- kce fis the tired Sixth Infantry of the Fifth Division marched in r,i -bail appi. t.. the -ai.- ... ..f tod occupied the city, fhe people stood staring helplessly 0r |“''1!V."ta 7.' • t7.'i.w- *'.T.t."”.!!"i* followed quietly behind the Americans. |thr howling plant •" During their march through the city the church bells tolled j iik it fi utiikii (iiidaixkd that u " l> | that the question of railrtyad control be studied by Congress im mediately to.quickly remove'any doubt of the railroads future. Immediate determination of taxes for 1918 and 1919, lift ing as much of the tax burden from business as the government In the afternoon two hour* were d—! ~ , ... ■ted to an invpcctioii of tbe KecoBd Dio-! w ™ permit. irt Agricultural School plant and farm I The ratification of -the Colombian treaty to improve pan- At ti t/clAck a dinner araa aerred tb- African relations. •itor* Mtb- dining ball by oaa ol the ’ . . •lam* in domestic srieore the Myna Hotel. Thera . ] meeting id the Prinripal* of tbe Ordiniry ; beginb-ng at 8 o'clock, at which It NEW EQUIPMENT FOR t INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL ' with tl e Fifth Dia- Hatmday ift'e'r 1 The President declared that he believed that I tiom were al*» pa»ed foneemlng tbe ad- J would be completed by spring, hi the meantime b j lo'.-so rihalraan^clrl and Sec- ■ / ^ mer ‘ c * n business man i* going ahead with his readjt ' ' retar), ..f the Hoard of Trade. Mr! Washington, Dec. 5—Government monopolyjof all wireless d Tift. Mr Holden. Mr Waiiare. ii. II.: in the UnitegMtates and possessions i* advocated by Secretary ,f iTift. Jr., and other, took the vWtors in Daniels today. He declared that the nation, through the Navy Depart ment, ought to control all radio stations, both in peace and war. heL^offi^ortt^rr, Washington, Dec.'5.—The nomination of Carter Glass, of h, atwWeb -i"...Talk*''wer* made" by 'll', '’jrginia, as Secretary of the Treasury was sent to the Sena|a nljtlff and ,.lher, and n,.dut on, were v*a- • the White House today. ,„l -ed thanking, the faculty of the Agricul- , tornl SrhiH.I and the ritixrna of Tifton - shown. er lands v f. tie... IS Godatd. I Stale Super, .or u Tifton Wnln-olai vi-ited the Tift Ajvrisan airplanes circled overhead. Both Germans and ncans maintained a certain aloofness and there was little| n ,hat' i,,rrion ..f la d nty k n .'...n » -nization. The Doughboys maintained a soldierly digni- the inner fiiXii.trid ao.ompnni.-d d attitude. . |by thrp^lorgosrdmnpfiocbrhi^ f ; Paris, Dec. 4.—The Rumanian government will soon re-j^'i^^Tr^aniiau.'apnh.Toniy B tp-BuchareSt lf«.r -u.-h .. period tl. , I,- mat I-- New Yorjk, Dec. 4.—The transport Lapland with 2,080 f " r ,l "’ ,rB1,w,r,ion ^Berican soldiers from England arrived in the New York har-j | T "rimiKU okd’aixkd that r early today. I It shall l- the duty of each and every Most of the troops aboard were attached to the aviation bja* h , „ m* , branch, and had been quartered in England. ll’ndT?!)! 1 '" raikr'u, °nj4^—t in h" rmniiyT." Washington, Dec. 3. Settlement of the railroad problem \.n rach and every day thruUEhout the back to take up her duties Bi-on. at this session of Congress is practically impossible, leaders of both Houses declared today. Tb. (U»fr vrj -tandpoint: v me.1 , lilt- fell it fniilabte direct iotlii- M-ttiug fori The tnarvwith open Bankl for hisf It is his Dutij jneg^hould \ccou rvts \ildren. SUCK DUCK’S WORK WITH A STOLEN CAR n llitbop hi on l^c .lay before the day nf such i and the number of deaths revolting nr following influenza among hi, pa nn.thr day before the day of *Ui port. Failure to make Mieh report eordanee with thia pioriaion on an day throughout tbe operation of ordinance aha!! constitute a viola!i this ordinance. BE IT Ft’HTHEU ORDAINED that 1 their car near tbe about aay violation of the terms of thia ordin-1 nnd returned about :i and tbe anee shall he punished as ia provided by • not be found. Tbe olhrer, we. Sect inn 9!> of the Pity Code. |a-d -earch made but i„. rar BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that! Nyzt morning Mr. l—iley (M this ordinance be pawil aa an emergency „.t>-in-law t was at the ordinance; that jt shall go into effect Tifton when u mm. .am-- by only upon order of the Mayor: that it Dooley knew ID g. order, and tlierraften ,,n hi* order, re- in ri.eloneta. Th- -r- l.r.o -tor-el to flail operation and effect. ' to Tifton ami *ft rr «i-at • . II. II. Tift. Jr. . A that he I r _ W. W. Bos cultural -clmola change .ef llle-u- between the differ*, 'fer-o nroI the Yiead- and faenl- ‘ thg eannot be otherwUe npfal. It i* thought that as a re- tbe eonferenee Ibe agricultural - will have more leeway in farm ban they have hod before. Tbe in- n .|f the plant of the Keee.nd Dial-! Hot School, u hie-h waa preim.uriced by, of the visitor, aa the brat aquip- Ibe agricultural arboola of; ,-e many ralnahle -uggeationa. j he ranferrooe adjourned. - 7T. , ::7 -.ATKINSON COUNTY SELECTS OFFICERS illae-erffi-be-e, (>a.: lire. fL—I'nofficial •n- fremi yeaterday’a election in thei eeeunty of Atkinmn showed tbe fol-j or reeuit, : or t Irdinary : J. Wolcy Roberta.! Jo- M. I'affeerd. 360. .r Clerk Sui-r -r Ce.ligt; Wile) M Int read and pare-d- ergeney or.linan.e at the regular of the Mayor and Counen for 1 . this Dee-ember 2. ISIS. Keith Canon. Clerk. lie (the n n off I, l„ > Booth. School Sup !f jroo will give your child s toy BANK when he is a baby and iUt'hifl pennies into it, then later give him a Bsnk h hinf to go to the Bank, you will give him the best ■lEreflPnt he shall ever have, and you’ll atxrt him on the d to wealth -Try it llurnas and providing punishment fot ij violation thtreof. 1 do heteby order that said ordinance all go into fcect and become the law the City of^Tifton. passed j of C 'V •* «» morning 1918. prohibiting public o* Wedneaday, December 4, 1918 and MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION: Tifton. Ga., I>ee. 3. 1918. By virtna of authority in me Tested by the emergency ordinance of the Mayor aDd Council c POT YOUR MONEY M OUR^IANK National Bank of Tifton Wa Pay 4 Pw Caol Iniarr* other drinking pit in sanitary paper drinking cups or sealed bottles, prohibiting children under 18 ra of see from frequenting the busi a portion of the djy except da of business or in tbe company of 1 parents nr guardians, providing for daily: T,flon _ [sore and ron^tH me and are If glaaMS ! office in tbe M^oo Hotel-Block ?ery day. OHYESS You Have Been Looking far It and Here It la- liar y Knlbrrsb baa jnst coapUfled bis line of Merchandise. autftnl line of Ladies' Wool Pop-' Herge Coat Suita, valyd at tX>. | *10 and M0. will be Hoard out at_*17 .VI t oDg dow before they picked over. . most wonderful Jlne of Millinery FROM A FARMER'S VIEWPOINT The Bank does not enter into agri cultural pursuits from th^farmer’s viewpoint, but it does enter into agricultural success. Your success as a farmed will de pend largely on your selection of a Bank. This Bank can and does help the farmer.