The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 21, 1919, Image 3

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anTfe* products from Omega from March 14, 1010, total 43 carloads, divid ed as' follows: Ten carloads hogs; 5 carloads cattle; 12 carloads cotton seed; 2 carloads pea- nuts; 4 carloads hay; 1 carload pota toes; 0 carloads corn. This Is evidence that Omega is not _ of * Auditors to Baptists Had Attendance of 1711 of I'ffton I'arltfnj Com- j 1st Prayer tad Praloe Service, ; $25,000 Cover* Shorteje. eg of the stockholder* of the! The Prayer end Praise service at the bom. Tifton Packing Company was held Tuee- First Baptist Sunday School Sunday ion. day morning In the offices of the Board drew a bit crowd. Use attendance total- not of Trade, 1,643 of the 2,000 shares be- inf 271. A line protram was flven, in lests, or I In, represented. Ur. H. H. Tift preal-1 which nearly the whole Sunday School I I ded tad Ur. It. W Goodman acted as took port solid carload shipments of food Secretary The meeting wae called for the pur pose of presenting to the stockholders the report of J H. McGInty A Co., audi tor!, showing the complete transactions of former Secretary Prank Scarboio in relation to the affairs of the Company. The auditors were unable to present a Each class had a placyln the program, rendering apodal numbei s which had been gotten np by the classes. Songs also were given by young ladles In cos tumes representing different countries. After the nnmben by the classes, the meeting was thrown open and shoi talk! were made by different members '.1 Party ) Sold., o the pe- _Telegraph $ a receiver for Frank Scar- she time .set 'for S hearing ning Judge Eye granted an t the reeelverehip. The -.Company B* 1 ' Company were made par* nt in tbe receivership. time when their country needs both. If every town of the same size in South Georgia not only supplied its own needs for food but had such a large surplus to x . . . , _ , „ . *pare, the cotton problem would solve it- At Tift County Local Board, Selec- se jf tlve* Draft Service, baa been notified by j 0 the Adjutant-General, under instructions, BUSY INCOME TAX MAN. from., toe Provost Marshal General, to only in the midst of a fruitful farming j tive report which showed that the form- section, but that the hustling farmers er estimate of |25,000 wjll cover tho there are raising food and feed at a amount of Mr. Scarboro's shortage with the packing company. It wai previous ly stated that this loss will be taken care of by the Executive and Finance Committee. A meeting of the Executive and Fin- complete report but submitted a tenta- the audience. The service was an inspiration to the puck oil record, end ship them to Wnsh-j Crowds In Line for Two Day, Consulting ington. These are to bo placed in the Deputy Collector Will cos. hands of the rsilroods not later than I)pputy (^lertor of internal Itevenue Saturday morning, March 29. Govern- W illcox had two busy days at Tifton once Committee will be held this after noon. OMEGA TEAM WON In Playing Off Tie at Adel Has Only Lost One Game This Season. Wallace to sell the r Involved. < '-•*< „ ---— j We have a few Ledbetter Planter, left. Also Seay Distributors, Hyde Cul tivators, Oliver plows, etc. Lang a Co., I Cnees. **** fKS TONIC ? AND FEVER,IttURIA DtDF,6RIPPE,INFLUENZA >^50ctr.NoC«-NoP^ JXTtOMOlCMJfUTTVEtog ' whole Sunday School and gave the mem** bers new life and hope. Big Day for the Methodists. Sunday also was a big day for the Methodist Sunday School, the total at tendance being 250 Three of the classes had perfect attendance and tbe Young Men's Bible Class lacked one making a perfect record for the day. Next Sunday will be debt paying day for the Methodist Sunday School. -‘ ! At this time an effort will be made to raise $75 to pay up all literature indebtedness. The Sunday School got behind with its accounts on account of having closed down on account of influenxa and also because of the poor attendance sev- Reared Her Family SIMPLE IIOMeTrEMEDY An Americgn Mother Betts Them AD JET 8 ** few families inwhieh Our vw d ! °C, Mrs - Gustave Koch, .Box 24, «,Z ck ’Jf eokuk Cou nty. Iowa, has been raised a family of eight l^ber^etoryi from^ i!" the foct that sh « remarkable. Thousands of famHIo.' uch moth «r» «* Mr*. Ou»tav# are larger. The history of the Koch in"7°?* Ilfa t0 hcrl Peruna I* family le unlitue in that the mother r ’n 't' f , ur COUKhs - voids, catarrh 1 1,1 , ,ha head, note and lliroat. or dts- ■lor of the stoma ■< m - — — —. —.- — . Omega, Ga., March 14—The Omega mdt property on hand not included in Fridoy „ d s.turdoy, giving people ml-1 basketball team went over to Adel ye. ^Sjent be sold not later than viPe on m oking income tea returns. There terday afternoon and ployed off a tie ***' . I wa« a long line in waiting all the time , ame with Omega, Sparks and Adel. The' erel Sundays on account of bad weather. The.message makes It Impressive that ond t)lc two dayj here were too abort to: score wee 23 to 13 in favor of Omega. I The attendance at the preaching eer- thero will be no exceptions to thia rule wait on all the people. | Omega baa played five games, only vices continues good, the crowds over- and that every laical Board throughout Much time could have been aaved had. i oa lng one, .and that waa on account pf: flowing into the Sunday School room at the country muet ehip in lie records on been o better understanding of the nw „f the beet players not being able each aervlce. _ _ , „ . . , ! law, many comift to make inquiries who t„ playi due to the influenza. The Tift County Local Board has its were not m bject to tax. The penalty for » « » « • fob DISMISSfON. reeorda ready for shipment now—in feet, t0 moke returns le so severe that Omega, Ga., March 14—Mr. Tom Jor- they have been reedy lor several months , hry took no rilk , where there waa any dan continues seriously ill with pne- with the exception of change. ordered doubt . The « were „o blank, for making' m<milL Tom hld the floe Kmt tlme „ lnC6 from Gme to time in classifications. 'returns of corporation taxes, so the ma-] and it developed into pneumonia about The only government property the jority of the offic ers of corporations filed ten dayi ^ Local Board has fo r sale is a Remington # preliminary return, with one-fourth the! typewriter. Sealed bids will bej’eceived e8t j mated taX( w y c j l return is subject to jm, SCOTT LEAVES mneudment within forty-five days. for this not later than March 27. I Get our price, on Guano Distributor., wnJ N0T ANSWER _ John Deere, Combmatlon Planters, Cut- GARNISHMENTS, tivatora and all kinds of farm Imple- Bennett's ments. It will pay Hardware, Inc. GEORGIA—Tift County. To all Whom it May Goncern: Whereas Milton D< Jones, adminis trator of 0. W. Jones estate, repre sents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered C. W. Jones estate, This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show n- iis lBdwtf. Trade Goes to Norfolk Va. i administration and receive lettei Mr. H. Y. Scott, since June of last* dismission, on the first Morn' year Secretary of the Tifton Board of April, 1010. This March .3rd, 11 Moultrie railroad men say that the Trade, left Saturday for Norfolk, Va.J C * W * Grave9 ' Quinary SHERIFF'S SALE. railroads of this state have decided to' where a better position had been offer- ignore all garnishment proceedings, ^ him. seeking to hold up the pay of employes. 1 Mr. Scott made many friends during' GEORGIA—Tift County. n» QuWn That Dots dot Affect tteRMtf _ _ i s, > «* * the,; svssits igg! u ,f , jSL‘^s Asft S ulnine and docs not cause nervousness not amounts and the railroad administration him leave. $.«.—» -i-i- .*„ iuL .STftrab.SSSfS^.SSo^rS? wiU <(ht the matter out in the courts.‘ itFurity 1 v: ^Economy & Efficiency , are typlfled In ? SUN sw FLOUR 1 .means nutritious bakings, . "' " palatable and easily digestible. GEO. BAKER, Tifton, Ga. ^ Who’s Your Tailor? “hoBe of our customers who prefer their clothes ade-to-individual-measure will want to have ilr Spring Suita ready for i National Dress-Up Week” April Sth to 12th Inclusive te cordially invite you to come in and see our idsome line of Spring woolens from our ebrated-Chicago tailors PRICE & CO. rdwayo guarantee complete clothes satisfaction—in ser- * , style and value. Clothes that invite the question. , Who*a Your Tailor? y we show you these smart wool suitings today? feean & Stubbs carrying it to the Supreme court, if necessary. This action will be taken on the ground that railroad employes are now government employes and as such are not subject to garnishment. It has also been suggested that special congres sional action may be necessary before creditors of railroad workers in the garnishment proceedings will be able to get their money. A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backa, rheu matism, and irregularities of the kidney** and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mall on receipt of |1.00. One small bottle is two month’s treatment, and sel dom fails to perfert a cure. Send for* sworn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2920 Olive Street, St Louis, Mo. 8old by druggists. udv-wtf Do you ever get "stung” when you car ry your auto to the garage? See G. H. Mitchell at our garage for fair treat ment Lang A Co., Omega, Ga. 27-dwtf THE GREAT INFLUENZA TORNADO IS ABOUT SPENT Bot in its wake countless thousands are left listless colorless weak and emaciated. Tbe physical forts of Its victims have been battered to pieces. Nature needs assistance In rebuilding the system. The red corpuscles in the blood can be restored by tekln, No. 101 Tonic. This Tonic contains Iron which we all know makes rich blood; it also contains quinine which drives ont the malarial germs and aids greatly in the restoration of the human. Th emagneaia In this No. 101 Tonic acts gently upon the bowels and rids the system of all poisonous and refuse matter. Begin today and taka It at least two weeks. At drug (tores. The G. B. Williams Co. Sole Manufacturers QUITMAN, GA. not IS: oat Non i wi^piie 'geUing a laU^tarl in ' t yoa in time- tav- ■ tiktaysi .■AJ/J.A Have a fall m;-1 r>>i. kTSW Bo, “A TOTAL WRECK” SAYS TENNESSEAN I m Sip Hi Ho* Feels Rue, Slice Taking Zlnn Iron Twlc. David Jones, of Forbns, Tenn., writes: T got a bottle of Ziron and will say that I never had anything to come in so good s time as I was think ing of giving up, I was so wstk. I cannot tall you how bad I fait Had atomach trouble, loss of appetite, couldn’t sleep, In fact was a total Wreck all over, as I am subject to weak spells In the Spring of the year. Aflet using Ziron will say I now feel fine and can do a fins days work. I think you have a good medicine, and I can surely recommend it to any one whe needs a tonic”. Medical authorities and text boe!:« agree that iron Is needed to keep the system In good condition. Investiga tion shows that pals, weak, tired pee pie generally lack the necessary a mount of iron In their blood. The strength that Iron gives may be ob talned by taking Ziron Iron Tonic Try it Aak your druggist about hit guarantee on Ziron. ZN 4 ENGINEER WADED THROUGH WATER FOR ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—Tift County. To all whom it may concern: L. A. Baker, having in proper form applied for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of John Mur- row, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John Murrow, to be and appear at my office within the time required by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to L. A. Baker on John Murrow's estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 3rd day of March, 1919. C. W. Graves, Ordinary From the Valdosta Times. Engineer Richards, of the Georgia Southern & Florida railroad, was at the throttle of the engine which left here Saturday night going north, when the rain storm was doing its worst. He found the tracks of the road out of sight under a raging torrent beyond the cotton mills, and would not go through until tbe track had been examined. There were one or two . other places between here and Adelj y, witb legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: One five passenger Overland car. Said car bought of C. A. Irby July 21, 1917. irty of Levied on as the propei under a moi * ** City Court is the property of Henry Lee irtgage fi fa issued from the of Tifton in favor of J. W. > March 7, 1919. J. M. Shaw, Sheriff, Tift County, Ga. NOTICE OF LOST RECEIPTS GEORGIA, Tift County. All parties'are hereby warned not to trade for two cotton warehouse receipts, issued by Marchant’a Warehouse, to L. where tho track was under wstcr. He, 0 - Johnson, receipts No. BOO, and No. says that Hahira was a vast sea of water W. respectively, as said receipts have when his train pissed through that place,! b « n lMt “4 *» ™t now in the hand! of the true owner thereof. This, February 24, 1919. L. C. Johnson. 241w$t , ■* , ... only the houses standing above the flood. IRWIN COURT CONVENES Judge Eve went over to Ocills Mon day morning, where he is presiding at the March term of Irwin Superior Court. The docket is a very long one, and there are a number of cases of long standing which will probably consume considera ble time if they are brought to trial Colds Cause Grip and Influcnta LAXATIVE BROHO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There to only one "Brnmo Quinine." E. W. GROWS signature on box. 30c. Says the Cordele Sentinel: ‘The edi tor and his sister was once in San Fran cisco Landed in that great city very early Sunday morning. Didn’t have time to shave and fix .up before church time. Went to one of the largest churches in the city. Money was not so plentiful back in 1890. Each drop ped a silver dollar into the church plat ter. It was noticed by a few about us. Three thousand miles from home and perfect strangers, yet those about us in troduced themselves and introduced oth ers. Best money we ever spent. We got enough reliable information about what to see and how to see it, to save us ten times the amount dropped in the collection plate, and knew it was reliable information. We have never begrudged those two dollars nor any other amount we could give the church, whatever you may think the motive of the gift; for it saved us ten-fold in seeing the sights, regardless of conscience, although it was given conscientiously and value was re ceived in to c Krcnt services of that great church that day.” DESCRIPTION AND APPRAISE MENT OF ESTRAYS GEORGIA—-Tift County. _ „ , This is to certify that J. D. Jordan has thia day exhibited to the uudersigued two Freeholders of the 1052 District, Q. U., of Tift county, certain cattle said to have beep taken up within said Dis trict as estrays. The following is a des cription of aald cattle: One red cow marked smooth crop and two snlits in each ear; and one brindled and white pided cow marked smooth crop and two split* in each ear; and two red calves. We estimate aald cattle to be worth Sev enty-Five Dollar* and we award J. D. Jordan, Forty-Fve Dollar* for taking ur and feeding said cattle, as reasonable au< lust compensation for taking up and feed ing aald cattle. This First Day of Feb -uary, 1919, !-10-8t HOLDERS OF LIBERTY BONDS Ore advised to bold them. It you must sell, deal only with respon sible bonkers. Wo Buy and Sell LIBERTY BONDS All Issues and Denominations. Write us It Interested. mst toann it «onu Life Was a Misery Mrs. P. M. Jones, ol Palmer, Okla., writes t “From the time I en tered into womanhood ... I looked with dread bom one month to the next 1 luifered with my beck end bearing-down pain, until life to me we* t misery. I would think 1 could not endure the peln any longer, end I gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . • . I decided to TAKE The Woman’s Tonic “I took four botttee,” MIn. Jones goes on to tty, “and was not only greatly relieved, but cm truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . “It baa now been two yean tlnce 1 tookCardni, and I am tHU In good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or fill to use Cardul who it A sufferer fror any female trouble.” U you suiter pain caused from womanly trouble, or 11 you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up yourtun-down system, taka the advice ol Mrs. Jones. TryCar- duL It helped bet. We j believe It will help yon. —w ..jnther, with all her loving cure, pinned her faith fo a simple home remedy and never had a doctor for her children. Here la what she says: “Peruna han my children good. I have a family of eight and never had a doctor, only yoqr medicine. We all think a splendid tonic.” So far as we have learned. Pe- runa fn the only-known remedy for which such a wonderful claim can bo inn do. Uke Mr a. Koch, there ure thousands upon thousands of in others who place their entire de- pcin'eucc upon Peruna. other onmns due to catarrhal ln- fl-mmiUlon of the mucous llninsa. „ 5 “ u nre *•<* and nurferlnir. S -™' C o ■ C '' ;nt=ny - ‘ ••<•••>•>»*, 0,1.0, for Dr. Hart man s Health Hook. It Is free and you »na> f.ud that Peruna |» what, you lived. Dr. Hartman's World Fa mous Peruna Tonic comes In either liquid or tablet form. Ask your dealer if you nre seeking health, do not accept “something just as good.” Insist upon Peruna. * Your dealer will give you a Peruna Al- CITATION FOR YEAR'S SUPPORT. GEORGIA—Tift County. Tbe return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to the family of Green Bower, deceased, hav ing been filed In my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the 7th day of April 1010, why said application tor twelve months’ support should not be granted. This March, 8, 1919. C. W. Graves, Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA, Tift County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Tift County, Georgia, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tues day in April, 1919, at the court bouse door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land known as tbe S. C. Ethridge lot In the town of Ty Ty, Georgia, on which is situated one dwelling house and one store, and bounded as follows: North by land of I. Q. Coleman, west by Church street, south by Walnut street, east by land of Mrs. L. Catchings’s estate. Terms Cash. Mrs. J .E. Parnell, Administratrix, 8. C. Ethridge’s Estate. FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND GEORGIA—Tift County. To all Whom it May Concern: W. C. Payne administrator of the estate of Mrs. A. M. Payne, has applied to me for leave to sell the land belong ing to said estate and said application will be heard at the next term of the Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in April, 1919. This the 3rd, day of March, 1919. C. W. Graves, Ordinary CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA—Tift County. The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to the family of Z. T. Brown, deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons con cerned are citea to show cause by the 7th day of April, 1919. why said applica tion for twelve months' support should not be granted. This March 7th, 1919. C. W. Graves, Ordinary. Orange and Amber Cane Seed. Choate Grocery Co. 19d4twlt Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a to induce regular action. It Stimulate* and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. NATIVE CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Yg Always bear* 7 tbe Signature of Will drive from your system t nuues RheumatUm. Correct* Kidney, Liver troublci. Makes r So«ure ere we that Bliss Native !■ ill we claim that our Agent to sul guarantee them. Tbouaanda testify 1 lo the wonderful curative powers d forev«r*rid yourtrif^f*CONSTI PjS. _ Fender, Go. SPECIAL NOTICE TO MR. FARMER We have just received our stock of the Cole Plain View Planters. We have different styles of the Cole Planter and will ask you to call and place your order at once. We also have the Ledbetter Planter, Sea Dis tributors, Spring Tooth Cultivators, Little Joe Harrows, Plow Shapes, Scooter and Scrapes. We have some of the K. P. Distributors and almost anything that a farmer needs in the way of FARM TOOLS. Call and see our stock before buying. THE GOLDEN HARDWARE CO. - F. M. AKINS □: Prescriptions We put more than mere drugs into our prescrip tions. We put knowledge gained through long experience and a conscientious care which insures that the compounding of each prescrip tion is exactly as your doctor would have it We employ only licensed druggists in prescrip tion work, keep complete assortments of fresh drugs and throw every possible safeguard around our prescription work. Send lie Your Preecription* CONGER DRUG COMPANY TELEPHONE 94. 51-2 PER CENT FARM LOANS 7 Per Cent. Tifton City Loans We make farm loan* at 5 1-2 per cent interest and give the • borrower the privilege of paying part of the principal at tba assd of any year, stopping interest On amounts paid, but no emuA payment of principal required. R. & ELLIS W. W. BRYAN m . ’ * '.v f ... • • i