The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 21, 1919, Image 6

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..;* y Eersey, who. to with the Atm> ipetlon at Wittllck, Germany, mo oonto eouveaii*, among them on helmet and tu mask. Huvey to at Tool, the American head- i for that aectioa of France. ( in Tilton on tallness Friday. Mr. Milton does wits an extensive bul- ■ in potato plants and says prospects rood this season, orders already com- in pretty fast. Jocle Tom Hooka, In from the Omera Hon Saturday mornln», says running logs are plentiful all over his neck of woods, and that unless thlngs'change n, much rood farm land lyin* along branches will Us idle this year. Wonderful How Calotabs, the Perfected Nnuaealeaa Calo mel, Make* Yon Feel So Good tlw Next Morning, > Doctors say that the old-style, calomel was the heat medicine in the world and the only thing that would straighten out and rent infwfai t Wo and Luzianne is a clean coffee. It is not touch ed by hand from the time it is first receivr ed in New Orleans untilyou serve it on • ./to. iso U d EVERY POUND SOLD IN AN yUlXl taUlv* INDIVIDUALADt-naifT TWCAN Quick Action Atlanta! Atlanta aiouai 13dwtf. Mm ALBERT; — a disordered liver, but it had'Jome ■«* B. p Bowen i«f. Thnmt.* ni.h, rion * drBW ** ck *- The asUrstlo*. 'and , . Th ^ T **?* the sickening aftereffects made many peo- for Cedar Keys, Fla., to carry home the p „ dretd to wke , t me criomel called Calotabs, have all the liver bene fits left in and the sting taken out. Now coffee The Reil^-Taylor Company M9: WEEKS m) MIS THE GRAND OLD MAN. Macon has a “Grand Old Man," Ilia name is “Unde Charlie," He dearly loves to run a farm, He raises oats and barley, Anti oyster plant and such like things, And gorgeous turnip greens, And poranie do terres and pumpkins, too. And ulso butter beans, And Leghorn hens that lay such eggs So fresh they ne’er grow old, And roses and wild flowers, too. More things than can be told: Jlrsides all this he works in town, He is the Ordinary. And he is just and good and wise, Ami also very cheery, He straightens out the good of those Who have this life departed, And sells, oh, scores of licenses, For he is so good-hearted, When lovers want to tie the knot And will not wait or tarry For parents’ oft deferred consent. He says, “Why; 1H them marry.” Mr. E. D. Walters, of Sumner, was among the business visitors to Tifton Friday. Mr. Joe Fletcher and Mr. McMillan, of Alapaba, were in Tifton Friday, coming over to consult the income tax ma Mrs. J. R. Owens and little Brookfield, were shopping' in Tifton Tuesday. Good Work Shoes at $2.60 a pair. Wade-Corry Co. 21w6t Mr. L. J. Branch, of Chula, was a- raong the business visitors to Tifton Tuesday morning. Mr. Wiley Branch, Sr., who was in from Route 3 Tuesday, says he is still missing bis mail, due to bad roads. Adel News: Mr. L. J. Knight, of Tif ton, has recently accepted a position with the Adel Pharmacy as prescriptionist. We are glad to welcome Mr. Knight to Adel. Dr. J. A. Peterson returned from At lanta Friday night where he had been attending a mid-winter dental clinic for several days. The fire department was called out early Sunday night, the blaze being in outhouse to the rear of Mr C. P. Rouse’i home, on the Heights. No damage done. Mr. Clarence Gay, of Brookfield, has accepted the position of Assistant Cash ier with the Bank of Ty Ty, and begins work at once. HERBINB cures constipation and children of her brother, Dr. Turner, af ter their extended viait here daring their mother’s illness, Mrs. Bowen will re main in Florida a week 0 r ten days, r. T. E. Boler has purchased a half rest in Mr. R W Terrell’s grist and feed mill, which is now being run un der the name of Boler & Terrell Mr. Boley moved to Tifton recently and is living in the S. N. Adams home, which Neil Ryder, from the Sixty-First Artillery, is back on the job at the Gazette office. Neil was the first of our boys to volunteer, leaving here the first of Mky, 1017, and is the first to get back. Apparently, army life hasn’t spoiled him for newspaper work. Dr. J. L. Brooks returned Sunday night from a trip to Savannah and Char leston, 8. O., visiting his mother at the latter place. Dr. Brooks took the Shrin era’ degree at Savannah and saya that be is feeling fine only his feet are a little sore from walking on the “hot sands.” Messrs. Jacob and Naa Gibbs accom panied Sheriff Shaw to Milledgeville Sat urday carrying their biotber. Charlie Gibbs, to Dr. Allen's private sanitarium for treatment. The many friends of the young man and big family throughout this section hope he may soon be restored to mental health. _ the Federal Gov ernment to appropriate an equal amount to match $a county’s $300,000, thus firing $600,000 to be expended in Tift on good roads. In the petition it is stipulated that the money shall be put in each militia dis trict of the county according to tax re turns and that the people of each mili tia district may select three men from £heir district to confer with the Coun ty Commissioners and decide on which roads in that district the money shall he expended. you can take calomel without the slight e«t objection. One Calotab on the tongue at bedtime with a swallow of water, that’s No taste, no danger, no griping, no nausea, no salts. Next morning your! liver is clean, your system purified andjum Cooking Utensils. We are offering you are feeling like a two-year-old,— some splendid bargains. Bennett’s Hard with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat what you please,—no danger. Calotabs are so delightful that your druggist will refund the price if you are not delighted with them. Sold only io original sealed packages, price thirty-five ceats. All druggists now have Calotabs. —adv. SNAKE SEASON OPENED UGK is un approved remedy^ When the worms have been driven out the child grows strong, healthy and robust. Bold by Conger Drug Co. Supervisor A. M. Hargrett, of this vision of the Atlantic Coast Line, says the railroad men have had a hard time during the continued rains, with floods and washouts. Fortunately, this divis ion suffered no interruption of traffic, but it required hard work and constant vigilance to keep things going. Mr. R. C. Postell returned Saturday night from a business trip to Philadelp hia, Norfolk and Baltimore. He says little is doing in railroad lumber trade except heavy bridge timbers things be ing hung up, so to sprek, over uncertain conditions, labor troubles and the failure Two Big Rattlers, Each More Than Five Feet Long, Killed Near Chula. Messrs. Ellas Branch and Sollie Crav- ey killed two big rattlesnakes, each measuring more than five feet in length, while driving cows on Mr. Branch’s place, in the Chula section, Friday morning. The snakes were found near a gopher hole and promptly dispatched to anoth er land. One had 11 rattles. Some of the rattles were broken off the other in killing, he having only 8 left when the count was made. Eiias says they got over into Alex Sumner's snake farm and killed two be fore he could Btop ’em Ten feet of rat tlesnake in one day is too much for any man in these bone-dry times. Look Ophelia Bland, in M«con a Sbliihit^ubowaZnmenU,aM Co ”* r “ a t0 f “ nd » ( ° r Telegraph. 5^ by Conger Drug Co. adv improvements. Tuesday was the last return day foi; Mr. J. J. L. Phillips, who was accom- April term of the City Court of panied on.* 7 'trip east by Mrs Phillips Few cases of importance have last week, Will spend several weeks in for this term. J New York City, where he will undergo The aliove is enough, Hhartte Graves to be hit Ur. Cliff Foy, of Eufaul m Tifton Saturday Mrs. J. M. Shaw is vlsitfilg relatives in Ray City for a few days. Mr. R. A. Mangham, of Route A, was it the city Tuesday morning. Mr. W. E. Peel, of Route 0, was in Tifton on business Tuesday morning. Mr. J. L. Gay was in from Brookfield SICK, CONSTIPATED it tongue! Move poisons from liver and bowels at once. Mother! Your child isn’t naturally cross and peevish. See if tongue is rent ed ; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals “California Syrup of Figs" for children’s ills; give a teaspoon ful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harm Mr. W. ‘,A. King through ( ®h /operation on his eyes. His tight, :ion will be interested to which has been impaired for several know that he has moved from Cordele years, has grown worse recently, and the less, delicious “fruit laxative," and it to Norfolk, vk ; ‘ j operation is undertaken with the hope never fails to effect 0 good “inside” cleans- Mr. John M. Gaff, o( tho Fender ie,- ° ( g ' ttin * "’’I'*- | Dhwtloii* for tables, children of tlon. ns In Tifton Friday. He has o' Judge H. Kent has sold .the Will Kent 1,11 *"<• grown-ups ore plainly choice lot of timber, conveniently located.' cottage on Tift avenue to Mr. ‘he bottle. which he is advertising for sale. ! A. H. Howell. Mr. Keut has gone to Mrs. Geo. Hamburg presented her hue- where he will engage in the Saturday, taking a look at the Income to* 1 b,u,d wlth * ‘'n-ata-u-talf pound boy while Mr. and Mrs. Ambra Stephens took Take HKURINE for indigestion. . It relieves the pain in a few minutes and forces the fermented matter which cause* the misery into the bowels where it is expelled. Sold by Conger Drug Co. ad Discussing the recent deluge of fish, the Valdosta Times says: "Since our first reports referred to above, we were told that Mr. George Van used his bird doga to catch fish in his large turpen-1 tine woods in Echols county, thousands ef the finny tribe taking to the woods en account of the high waters in the river. The dogs chased them like birds", in a little girl boarder this week. Sheriff Shaw carried Cora McLeod, colored, to the state sanitarium for the insane Saturday. The woman lived on Weems’ dairy farm and was declared mentally unsound. dairy and truck busiucss with his broth er, Morris. His family will move to Savannah after school is out. Judge Kent and sous are arranging to build two houses on their Savannah property. A team of runaway mules smashed as traddle the “Turn to the Right” sign at Love and Second Saturday afternoon, and came near putting it out of busi- 100° pMn of Men-. Work Shoe. st The „ wer , Mnaidcrcd , lmost 21 P *' r W * de ' 0<,rrJ ' indestructible, but that did not take into PROMPT REUEF for tha ad&dtotrcued stomseh, try two or throe KMtOIDS ■fur util, dloolnd n tho toagae—keep yoar atomach mat-try Kl-nald>—tho new aid to digesttoa. MADS BY SCOTT a BOWNK MAKERS OF soorr-s EMULSION Mr. T. L. Swanson, of the Omega sec tion, was in Tifton on business Mon day. He says he has been wading in mud for the longest but is now able to plow on the high places. Mr. W. A. Greer of Aahburn, was among the business visitors in the city Tuesday, coming over to attend the meeting of the stockholders of the Tifton Packing Company. Rev. R. F. Kersey came in Monday from Camp Gordon, where he Is en gaged in Y.M.O.A. work, and spent a couple of days with his family, return ing Tuesday night Elias Branch was in from the Chula section Saturday. He Bays the woods are Professional Directory FULWOOD I HARGRETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Golden Bldg. . Tiltoa, Os. a Farm Land. »nd City I a C. WILLIFORD, Attorney. JOHN A. PETERSON indestructible, but that did not take into account two scared mules. Besides, it is thought the sign was already cracked. The runaways were caught in front of the postoffice. Under instructions from the Pfovost- Marshal General, government property in the hands of the Tift County Local Board not shipped to Washington will be sold. The Tift County Board furnish ed its own equipment except a Reming ton typewriter This will be sold by Sheriff Shaw at 10 a. m., March 25. Sealed bids must be submitted, accom panied by certified check or money order. Lieut. Roy H. Mnrrow, who was call ed home by the death of his father, Judge John Murrow, and remained for some dren. time on business connected with his fath- Kcep it bandy In your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of “California Syrup of FIrn," then look and see that it is made by the California Fig Syrup Co." BOX SUPPER BIG SUCCESS $82 Raised for School Improvements at Vancevllle Friday Night. The box supper at Vancevllle Friday night was a great success, $82 being raised for school improvements. The school house was packed, a number of people going out from Tifton for the en tertainment. A program consisting of songs and re citations was given before the boxes were sold. In the contest to decide the prettiest box, $25.30 was raised, the winning box bringing in $10.00. Mrs. W. O. Tift, of Montclair, N. J., arrived Friday morning and will be the guest of Mrs. H. H. Tift for some time. She came to Tifton from Atlanta where she had been spending the past three weeks with Mrs. O. M. Tift and chil- too wet and too many snakes wandering! er’s estate, left Thursday night for Port- around for a fellow to take any risks: land, Oregon. Since receiving his dis- Weekly Health Talks A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Tells How Lydia n’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. charge from military service Lieut. Mur-! ft WORD ABOUT THE KIDNEYS row has been in the real estate business ‘ DOCTOR WATSON. Portland, being connected with the. .. . ‘ firm ol Coe A. McKenna & Co. His P “P |0 “ ro *f* ily Meads In Tifton and Tift county w j, h • «>■"* Mmething in the matter with him success in the northwest. I thdr lun 8 3 or heart . <“><» well they Mayor -Tim Brumby, of Merlettn, to “**, bo: bn ‘ f(,w PfPje understand siven credit for a piece „t Sherloekin* «>• danger, oi dtaeaaed kldneye. Theae by the correspondent of the Atlanta | Journal in locating the Cobb county notes which had been turned over to Frank Scarbor 0 to negotiate. It was claimed organs have a duty of vital importance to perform, and if they are diseased, there is no telling how or where the symptoms may appear. Hie kidneys O’Neal-McLeod DR. A. B. O’QUINN FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK Crown and Bridge Wert a Spectator Over Flnketen’e Dm* Store Tittea, Georgia R. H. LITTLE DENTIST Tifton, Georgia Crown tad Bridge Work a Specialty Offices in Kent Bonding formerly occn pied hy Dr. Dicktrt ne US. D. a HARRELL practicing phytic hui Office McLeod-O'Ncei Bldg. Newark, N. J.-‘‘For .boot three mars I suffered from nervous break down and —- — week I cou_ _ stand, and bed! aches every day. I Med everything I coaid think of and was Under a phj. ricton'i care for two years. A girl friend hid used Lydia E. Plnkham’e Vege table Compound and the told ma about it From the first day I tookitlbegen to feel better and DOW I am well and able to do most any kind of work, i bsve been recom mending tha Com pound aver store and give you myper- mtation to publish this letter."—Bios Flo Kelly, 416 So. 14th St, Newark, The reason thto TUtea, Georgia. '• V •o successful that Mayor Brumby got s “tip from a! are filters, and when they are healthy friend close to Scarboro,” which he foi- they remove the poisons from the blood lowed up and located the notes. As a' ^ parify it.^ When the kidneys are matter of fact. Receiver Wallace found a*,**,, the poisons are epresd every- > I * h \ v £k « b0 ™ P*pe« where> „ d one of these poison, to uric n ^ wc« i°n1. tand. „'f Su* Tc^ ^ The urio acid to carried all note* were in the hands of Miller « Co., . In of New York. He gave this informs- ■7*®“ deporited in tion to the Board of County Commit-1 various places* in the fona of - urate sloncrs of Cobb with the suggestion that 1 a*Ra—in the feet, ankles, wrists and they protect themselves, which was done, j back—often forming , bags under, the Jacksonville Thnee-TJnion s Mr. end eyes. 8ometlmea tho resulting trouble, Mrs. M. E. Connor have returned to la called rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica their home in Tifton, Ga., after enjoy-’and backache. Finally, come itone let a suy of come, length In Jackion-'ln the bladder, diabetes and Bright’* villc, combining business with pleaeure. [disease. Adel News: Mr. Charlie C. Smith, of. Dr. Fierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., Inreoeui Quitman, went to Tifton Saturday to! yean, discovered that a certaln com- move hi. family to the former, city he, btoatlon of remediesiwould *«aolj«ori0 having recently gone from PeRnetto to J® 1 * ■!.!?„?£ Quitman. While his wife and children were visiting at Tifton Ms little hoy had to undergo an operation and was very ill for some time. Nashville Herald: Judges Moore end Hall beard a wrangle here Wednesday between Mrs. W. L. Carter end Mr. W. U. Golden. These people live near Brook- field, end following a neighborhood row, Ibt Caster swore oat a Macs warrant against Mr. Golden. The judges put I will noi form in your UTftem. Dr.PtetCt a *100 bond. | wm not charge for this advice. found thto combination to be harmless, ■o that he made it up in tablets, of double strength, and called than Anurtc Tablets. They dissolve uric acid in the human system as hot coffee dissolve* eager. If you have uric add troubles, don’t delay in taking Anurio Tablet!, which can be secured in the drug Bore*. Yon can write Dr. Fierce, mod tow, too, and he will tell -you what to eat , warrant,' ana hew to live so that more uric add See our line of Oil Stoves and Alnmln* ware. Inc. N EVER was such right-handed-two- fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a 1 >| fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Alberti ' That’s because P. A has the quality! You can’t fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deckl So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you’ve got the big prize on the end of your line 1 Prince Albert’s quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch— well—you. feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy§f\--_ ~r- — , - V--V Toppy nil bajti, Vdy red tint, handsome pound and ht^f-pemi-ni(n htxmidon—and—that clotty, practical pound cryttal gloat* humidor with •pong* moittanar top that kaapa tha tobacco in aach perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. & At tke roots \ of crop success - FERTI LI - ■ .i.v.sii r %I II nnimitta. ORDER NOW AND AVOID DISAPP0INTMI f. s. rOyster guAno .. ’ ; 3VI hM* Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Tarboro, N. C ^WfaKa^' ingtoo, N. C. Columbia, S* C, Spfirtapl>mg| jL . Avfiints, Macon, Ga. Colum^qs, r 1 Baltimore,,Md. ,1 Toledo. <X U *’ ' • • '■ \ ■ *