The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 28, 1919, Image 6

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N GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA. ; will lose ivor more than cof- .exposed to air.Luzianne is sold only in individual air- tight tin ErjssvawS —never The Reily-Taylor Compar\y JN*w Orleans Mart Han Pwrin IapccM Certificate and Special Before SUppIsf Pleats, to this state who wish to ship to plant! outzlde the state, their, premise! inspected tor of the sweet potato weevil, eevil la not found, a certificate will be lamed to the grow* r visited thia section recent-* if a number of plant farms m and Ty Tj. It is thought, though, 'that be did not inspect all of the plrnfc farms in this section and the owners of farms that were not inspected can have them inspected by communicat ing with County Agent Dickson or State Entomologist A. C. Lewis, Atlanta There fcrfto charge for the inspection. ,tbe certificate lamed to plant the State Entomologist have with tiie entomologists . In nth Carolina and Tennessee aan be shipped into these also have to secure the State Entomologist ihip plants outside the THE COUNTRY BOY. God bless the barefoot country boy— The home-spanked, prayed-for kind— That catches bird-notea in hia heart And sunbeams in his mind; His pants uncreased, hell make a man By Nature's law designed. In field with flaky cotton white Or green with graceful waving corn, In honest work he finds delight And knows no heavy task to scorn, Bnt welcomes rest that comes with night To limbs by faithful labor worn. —Ernest Neal. Mr. N B Swafford, of the Lenox sec tion, was In Tifton on busineses Satur day. Mr. E J McCartney, of the Enigma ■fiction, was among Saturday’s visitors ' to‘ Tifton. Mr. King Pickett, of Washington, D. CL,-was the week-end guest of Dr and Mrs J L. Brooks. ; *r. W. B. Hitchcock Bays tkoso \V Ad. do work. Ho udmtlied for a : Ikrm tool and found it. Clip oar ads. Brer, one count, cadi prise contort. Lan, & Oo., Omi Letter from Enigma containing some excellent news items could not ba used because we did not know who Mnt it ’ Han ,ou figured up jour loaa on eg this gear? We hare paid 32c for two weeks Lang A Oo., Omega. lOtf Mrs. C W Williams, of San Francisco, Cal., is tho guest of Mrs. J E Cochran for a few days cn route, from poiota in Florida to Brunairick. A high-grade line of Work Shoes at Money Saving Price*. Wedc-Corry Oo 21w6t .M!H Among those coming over with the Sylvester team Friday nfternooi. N G and Charlton Houston, Mr. and Mrs. McLain, and a number of others Children who have worms are pale, cross, fretful, and sickly most of the time. To rid the little body of these parasites WHITE’S CREAM VERMI FUGE is an approved remedy. When the worms have been driven out the child grows strong, healthy ami robust. Sohl by Conger Drug Co. Miss Eva Stevens, of San AntonU^ Texas, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs J L Brooks for several days, has gone to Bronwood, Ga., to visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robertj Stevens She will go from there to At lanta to visit Mrs Willie Payne Myers. CTIONS I NAUSEALESS CALO- SfflPMEKTS MEL BEST MEDKMl FOR A LAZY LIVER Copies growers t fil Florida, before pli states, special tags before they state. These pi the spread ol During the « will watch all do not bear the be confiscated. Mr Alma Kent returned Friday morn inf from Atlanta, where he went ten weeks ago for an operation. The bone of his thigh, which was broken suto accident list year, was broken again and a piece of the shinbone graft ed in, to lengthen it Mr. and Mrs. C L Parker are in re ceipt of another letter from Private Jef ferson Parker, with the Marines at Cob- lens. He says that after hearing noth ing from home folks for several months, he received about fifty letters bunch, some of them written as far back as June, 1017. Bsaatifnl Un« of new Spring Dresses in Silks, Satins, Georgettes and Crepe ds Chines at Levy's Department Store. Tho dogs are getting mean early thi year. A vicious dog part bull, attack ed the dogs on Mr. Bob Hall’s place early Friday morning. When Mr. Hall 1 brother attempted to run the dog off, the dog rnn at him. Mr. Hall got his gun and shot the dog, which ran off and chased some hogs. New Ilats, Hoisery, Silk Gloves and Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists at Gilley’s, corner Second Street and Love Avenue. Come in-and select your new Hat today. We do plain sewing. 20d2tw3t Mr. W A Hester, with the Roberts Marble Company, Ball Ground and At lanta, with headquarters in the Empire building, was in Tifton Monday. Mr. H#itir r .for a time operated a marble yard in Tifton and made many friends while here. The Gazette is indebted to i him for ft souvenir calendar and blotter 1EONS agree .that in cases of urns. Bruises and Wounds, the _ TREATMENT is most impor- When an EFFICIENT antiseptic ilied promptly, there is no danger Jsction and tne wound begins to at once. For use on man or beast, OZONE is the IDEAL ANTISEP- and HEALING AGENT. Buy it now and be ready for an emergency. Sold by Conger Drug Co. ad Mr. L. B. Dickerson is in receipt of a letter from his mother at Tullahoma Tcnn., in which she quotes from a letter received from a comrade of Farris Dick erson, who'has been in France for a year and was wounded in the early fighting. The letter said that Farris wns a hero cheerful in danger and that Farris car ried all the important messages for his company. Have you seen the new Avera com bination planter? ms are taken to prevent sweet potato weevil, ting season inspectors lents and those which ry certificates will ft; Calotabs, the New Kind of Calomel, Does the Work Without the Slightest Us pleasantness or Danger. You have always thought of calomel aa tho best and surest medicine in the world, but too nauseating for yon take. That was the old style calomel Now science has taken the sting out of calomel by (removing its unpleas ant and dangerous qualities, and has kept all its good liver-cleansing and sys tem-purifying effects. The next time yon are billons or con stipated ask for Calotabs, the new nau sealess calomel. Sold only In original sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. One tablet at bedtime, with a swallow of water,—that’s all. No taste, no grip ing, no nausea, no salts. Yon wake up In the morning feeling fine, your liver active, your system purified, and with a hearty appetite for breakfast Eat what yon please—no danger of salivation. Your ifioney back at any drag store if you are not perfectly delighted with Calotabs.— SUMNER GOT TEN EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE! Calomel is quicksilver and acts like dyn amite on your liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mercury; quick silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, con* stipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great Give it to the children because it is perfectly harm less and doesn’t gripe. adv THOMAS JORDAN, OMEGA i at same time. On display at Lang’s Store, Omega. Buy early. They are going to be scarce. 17tf There was grief in the family of Mr. 1 W Bowen, out near Ferry Lake Friday, when “Old Wilse,” the veteran family horse, wns found dead in his stall. He had eaten a hearty breakfast but when Mr. Thomas Jordan died at the home of his father, Mr. J. D. Jordan, Omega, Friday morning at 4 o’clock of pneumonia following influenza. He had been sick for about three weeks, but was thought a few days ago to be im proving. Mr. Jordan is survived by four sisters and three brothers, besides his father and mother. He* Was about 22 years of age. Mist Evelyn Jordan, who has been making her home in Tifton with her cousins, Misses Gertrude and Lora Mae Smith, was a sister of the deceased. The funeral of Mr. Thomas Jordan, who died at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. J D Jordan, near Omega, Friday morning at 4 o’clock, was held at tho cemetery at that place Saturday morning at 11, Revs. Jenkins and Mar tin, conducting the services. Two very sweet songs, “Beautiful Iile of Some where,” and “Nearer my God to Thee,” were sung. Many beautiful floral offer ings were sent by friends and relatives, from his classmates of the Omega High School basketball and football teams of which he was a member and also from friendR in Tifton. 'The interment followed immediately Plants beans and] after the services. Among those going over from Tifton to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs Murray Smith, Mrs. L. B Barnett, Mrs Preston, Misses Lora Mae and Gertrude Smith and others WOMAN CURES HORSE COLIC.. The men were away as usual. The they went to feed him at dinner time he horse was bad. A lone woman could was stretched out, dead. “Old Wilse”, not "drench” in the old way. She call* ' ed up a neighbor and her men were away LAMARINI^VAFERS [THE IDEAL LAXATIVE—EAT LIKE CANDY. Gin perfect raulto without dis comfort. At all Drug Stone—SOo per Box. Mfg. hr Lamarlno Labor*- jertet, Atlanta, Ga. Professional Directory FULWOOD A HARGRBTT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Golden Bldg. Tifton, Oa was thirty years old and had been in the family 25 years. Mr. Bowen gave him bis freedom three years ago, thinking he had done enough. Hon. S J Slate, State Game and Fish Warden, was the guest of Mr. H H Adams for a few hours Saturday. He his way home from a trip to Southeast Georgia, going by boat along the inland waterways of the Georgia coast. Mr. Slate (s very much inter ested in the development of Georgia’! fish, oyster aud shrimp business and thr protection of its fish und shell fish as well a« its game. LOANS Lowest Rates, Best Terms. On Farm Lands and City Property: B. C. WILLIFORD, Attorney. 80-32 McLeod-O’Neal Bldg. Phone 10? JOHN A. PETERSON Office Dentist New O’Neal-McLeod Building Tifton, Georgia bn Bldg. : Tifton. Ga. DR. A. B. O’QUINN FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty Over Pinkston’s Drag Store Tifton, Georgia '•H B. H. LITTLE DENTIST Tifton. Georgia Omni aad Bridge Week a Dice* hi Kant Building formerly oca- by Dr. Dlckert. —but: “We hare Farris Colic Remedy that you drop, on tba horn’, tongue,” ear* Mrs. Neighbor. So she came orer aud dropped Farris Colic Remedy on the homo’, tongue and tho born wa. well when the men came home. Moral. Get Farrix Colie Remedy so the women can cure horse colic. Wo sell it at SO eta a bottle on the Money Back Plan. Rich- erson Grocery Co. adc. TOBACCO LATE THIS YEAR LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn’t hurt! Lift any com or callus off with fingers Office. Planting Will be Delayed About Two Weeks by Backward Seawn. Mr. J E Turner, of Irwinville, was in Tifton on business Saturday. Mr. Turner has charge of about 200 acres in tobacco this season, and says the. beds are drying out and plants are looking well. Planting will be under good headway by the second week in April. It will be from one to two weeks late this year, owing to the continued rains. Worth County Sheriff Made Clean-Up of Whiskey Stills Sylvester, March 23 — Sheriff J N Sumner, of Worth county, assisted by bis deputy, B D Powell, Revenue Offi cers Pierce, of Dpblin, and Kirkland, of Atlanta captured ten whiskey “stills” yesterday and day before, and poured out about two thousand gallons of beer and seized about fifteen gallons of whiskey. Among the “stills” destroyed was one three hundred gallon, one fifty gallon, four' forty gallon, one thirty gallon and three lard can outfits. The above “stills” were located on the places of C C Story, J D Wall, E J Garrett, W H Spring, Pope Gregory* and Andrew Outlaw. The following men have been placed under arrest charged with violating the prohibition law: William McConnell, C C Story, J D Wall, E J Garrett, all white, and An drew Outlaw Arnold Wimberly, Henry Lewis and Henry Tison. Around some of the “stills” were found numbers of empty potash, cans, the contents of which doubt was used in the whisky that was made. On Saturday afternoon the sheriff here poured thirty gallons of whisky in to the sewer, that had been seized at dif ferent places. A TEXAS WONDER The Texts Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and.lamt backs, rheu matism, and Irregularities of tbs kldneyr and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles In children. If not sold by your druggist, will bs sent by mail on receipt of 91*00. One small bottle is two month's treatment, and sel dom fails to perfect s cure. Send for •worn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2020 Olive Street, St Louis, Mo. 8old by druggists. ndv-wtf TEACHERS MONTHLY INSTITUTE Meets in Tifton Saturday. Program Ar ranged by Committees. The Teachers’ Monthly Institute will be held Saturday, March 28th ii High School Auditorium at 11 o’clock All the teachers arc required to attend, The following program has been prep ared ; “The Three Greatest Needs of My Community” by Miss Bessie Slayton, “Current Events” by Mrs. M S'Shaw “Teaching Diacritical Marks” by Miss Ruth Powell Heading, by Miss I.ols Royal. “Story Telling”, by Misses Vida Camp and Lois Mangham. Committee. (Salary checks will be ready for those teachers bringing in their reports— Supt) Our welding machine will save you some heavy expense on broken machin ery. We weld castings, steel, aluminum, or bross. Much cheaper than new parts. Ask Mitchell at Lang’s garage, Omega. 20tf. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. Honjlsidor G elders, Trustee for the Second District Agricultural School from Ben Hill county, and Hon. Newton A. Watkins, member of the Commission on Location o! the Coastal Plain Expert’ ment Station, both of Fitsgerald, tored over to Tifton Tuesday morning. B, a Joy-Walker, “Bete-rfar Corn* 8 Drop* B Seoondi—Corn Ii Doomed I When you almost die with your shosa on and corns maks sou almost walk sideways to get away from the pain, take a vacation for a min ute or two and apply I or S drops Mr. Jesse Whaley, of Route 1, was In Tifton on business Saturday.’ The typewriter belonging to the gov ernment which was used by the Tift County Local Board, was sold to the highest bidder Tuesday morning, the Wade-Corry Company getting v#|j| Pearson Tribnne: Grandmothers at tba age of twenty-nine years are a rari ty, but Dr. Bob Lassiter reports one in the upper tenth district of Berrien coun ty, a negrets. She was the mother of a daughter at the age of fourteen years and now the daughter is a mother. Nashville Herald: The next regular meeting of the Berrien County Sing- inf Convention will be held with Beaver Dam church, Ray City, on tip fifth Sun* “ " Invited. HvCmMOieii sm* Court •I N* GuUty Tuesday Trial Two Days. The jury In tifo'caiss against. Will Col- charged with murder in Berrien Superior Court for killing Bobbie Lee McGee brought In s verdict of not guilty Tuesday afternoon about 6 o’clock. The case was taken up Monday morning and consumed two days. Bobble Lee McGee was the 0 year old daughter of Lace McGee, and the killing took place at Ray City February 8. Col lins and McGee had a fight and separated each starting to their homes to get their guns. It is said that Collins fired firsts and McGee’s little girl being in the Une of fire received the charge of shot, which passed through her body producing death. McGee afterwards fired on Col lins, five small No. 7 or No. 8 shot strik ing. him in the forehead. Collins was indicted by the Grand Jury last week and the trial attracted much attention. The defense claimed that the shooting was accidental and there was no middle ground between a conviction and acquittal GIRLS! HAVE A MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY small bottle destroy! dandruff and doubles beauty #f your hair. Within teo minutes after an applica tion of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most-will be after a few weeks’ use, whe§ you see new hair, fine and downy at first—yes—but really new haJr—growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten t cloth with Danderine and care fully draw it through your hair, taking small strand at a time. The effect ia amazing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance ct abundance; an incomparable lustre, soft ness and luxuriance. small bottle of Knowlfon’a Danderine from any drag store or toilet counter for a few cents and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft, as auy— that it has been neglected or injured by |Q careless treatment—that’s all—you sure ly can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Danderine. ad. Only a month left to get yonr car over hauled by Mitchell at Lang's garage in Omega. 26tf. 1,000 .pairs of Men's Work Shoes at $2.50 per pair at Wade-Oorry Company's. 21w0t SPARKS ft—AMS 2. Local School Lost First Game of the Season at Sparks Monday Afternoon Sparks Collegiate Institute defeated the Second District Agricultural School •u interesting baseball game Sparks Monday afternoon by a score of 8 to 2. This was the first game of the season for AMS and Sparks’ third game, which explains a lot about the score. Moreland pitched the first three in nings fo r AMS and Whelchel the re mainder. Parks pitched Sparks to vic tory. IUrtell was at the receiving end for AMS. EXCESSIVE ACIDITV it ct the bottom of mott digestive ill*. KmioidS for indigestion afford pleat* ing and prompt relief from the distress of add-dyspepsia. NAM BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF 8C0TT3 EMULSION^ Ready for the Spring Rush Oar stock is the largest and most complete we have carried since the war started. Every de partment of our store ii Srimful and running - over with new and up-to-date Merchandise, &H moderately priced. I .... Men’s New Straw Hats and Panamas Just Placed on Duplay. They are all New and Beauties. The Best Line of YOUNG MEN’S SUITS We Have Ever Carried. Full line of the best of all Men’s Shirts-Manhattans Prices That Will Interest You ' We mention below a few prices on Staples, to show you the low prices at which you can buy here. These are not sale prices, but our regular K is on staples. The same low prices prevail ughout our store. 10-4 Pepperell Sheeting, bleached, Beet Grade 40-inch Sheeting Blue Bell Cheviots / 36-inch Ponjab Percalh 27 inch Percalh New Spring Toil da Nord Ginghams Amoskeag Ginghams Best Grade Pajama Checks Darnell’s Dry Goods John Deere We Carry a Fall Line of Farm . Blue Line, Tifton Made, Guano Distributors,. Spring Tooth Harrows, Little Joe Harrows, Cultivator^ Planters, Plows and Plow Shapes, Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery, Etc, Ufl»i * - . " . * v J : Distributors in this Territory for Howe’s New Ideal Hog Oilers - Tifton, Ga*