The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 28, 1919, Image 7

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work from sun to sun, but woman’s ver done;" That’s why women are nervous, all run down, no appetite^ ardly drag around." Vinol creates, a tite, strengthens the digestive organs, invigorates the nerves, :reates working strengtl down eoodltkm, tired all the time ai no ambition. My doctor told me try Vinol, and In • week I felt like newpenon. Iamnowitroogacel look after my baby, and do all n bouiework.”—Mrs. G. H. Lemeop. Sale by Conger Drug Co., and Druggiata Everywhere. inol Creates Strength tusBreakdown! * iMi», -“t can tell you effectiveness. ya on hand. • FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1919. . felloe April Due March 27, and Mercury a Few Days Later Charleston, S. C., March 25 — Fire thousand troops, for the most part of the Thirtieth Division, will debark here the middle of this week. The transport. here on March 27th and the UBS Mercury will follojr he r within a few days. Extensive preparations have been made here for the return of the veterans. Since this is the first time a troopship has debarked overseas men at a South ern port, a civic holiday has* been de clared. JrV* Troops will debark from- the port ter- _ haa provided a rest room, and in addition to the government service, the “Y” has also established an information bureau and will answer all queries and give personal service. The YMCA ser vice is in charge of R J Yoight, a Char leston man, with headquarters at the city YMG A., 20 George street and a special telephone 4811. “Y” secretaries on the pier will be in constant touch with him and relatives are advised to send all messages i through this medium. Most of the men on this transport are CONVICT SHOT ’ Koningen Der Nederlanden, is expected from North and South Carolina and Tennessee. Those on the Mercury, ar riving later, are from various parts of the. country but include part of the 118th fntantry, mostly from northern South Carolina. The Koningen Der Nederlanden has on board the following uuits: The 115th Field Artillery, ee^gpt Battery A; the 105th Ammunition Train; headquarters Brother-In-Law and Himself) Brainstorm Struck Him, Chipiey, March 23—Angered at find ing bis wife away when he canie home on a parole from the chaingang in Troup county, Abner Bowleg shot her- wheu she returned late last night, fatally shot his brother-in-law, John Sivells, and then committed suicide. Bowles was serving a seven-year sen tence on conviction of killing Simon Brooks near here two years ago and bin record had been such that he waa grant ed privilege of a “trusty.” He reached home late Saturday and found bia moth er and Il'm «ix children, but his wife had gone with her brother to a fiddler’? convention in a nearby town. The shoot ing started when she returned about 11 o'clock. Bowles went about a mile away from the house and killed himself .It was supposed he bad gone temporarily insane. His brother-in-law difii today and Mrs. Bowles was uot expected to live. NORMAN DEFEATED SPARKS We have just received our stock of the Cole Plain View Planters. We have different styles of the Cole Planter and will ask you to call and place your order at once. - We also have the Ledbetter Planter, Sea Dis tributors, Spring Tooth Cultivators, Little Joe Harrows, Plow Shapes, Scooter and Scrapes. We have some of the E. P. Distributors and almost anything that a farmer needs in the way of FARM TOOLS. Call and see our stock before buying. THE OPEN HARDWARE CO. rainalg in North Charlestoon, eight miles' Motor Battalion Companies A, B, C, and from the city, where trains will be in‘D; Medical and Ordnance detachments, waiting for the six hour run to Campi a od part of the 118th Infantry. Col. Jackson, doubtless the point of dig-, j Harry S Berry of Nashville commands charge. I the 115th Field Artillery which is a Ten- It ig found to be unwise for relatives) nessess outfit to come here to meet their heroes for, LATER: That the l* 8 S Pocahon- they will be Enable to see the boys ex- ( fas with 3000 of the Thirtieth division Norman Pork, March 22—Norman Iu- cept at a distance from the waterfront.-©n board will follow the Koningen Der, stitute played its first game of the base- No one will be allowed on the gov* Nederlanden and the Mercury to this ball season when it defeated Sparks at eminent reservation except welfare work- ( port, was the official report issued today. Sparks by the score of 5 to 4. The feu- era and designated officials with passes.' The U S S Matawaska with more “Old It is expected that the entire citlaen- Hickory” men is scheduled td*follow the ship will line the water-front. Harbor Pocahontas. craft with whistles wide open will wel* Advies are that the Nederlanden will.MAMMA! DON’T YOU come the incoming transports. j dock Thursday and the Mercury on Sat- From two to three hundred men will urday, March 20th, with the Pocahoutas be taken off at a time for the first roll! coming in on the following day. It is call. Then they will be given a thirty { rumored that other troopKhips will fol- minutes respite during which the Red ) ow promptly. Cross will feed them. The Y M C Aj Uuits reported on board the Tocahon- and other welfare organizations will aid, tas are as follows: Of the 118tb Infan- in this. The train will leave promptly j try; the First and Third Battalionos. for Camp Jackson, running in ten sec* Medical Headquarters detachment, Co ra tions. The Bed Cross hug been making prep arations for the arrival of the troops. An English style cottage has been built near the lamLug for a canteen.Tbe Y M LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Drop In for a Drink or a Smoke Ypu’ll find the service at our soda fountain fit" satisfactory in every way. Promptness and po liteness are features which we stress, and our drinks are just as good and pure as soda foun tain drinks could be made to be. At our cigar counter you will find the lead ing brands of cigars, cigarettes and tobaccos. . You will find this a convenient place to drop in for a refreshing drink or for a soothing smoke. Try us. We want your business" / CONGER-BSOOCOMPANY TELEPHONE 94. March 24—(Lead)—Hungary's alliance with the and declaration of war against the Allies renders the occupation of strategic centers in Central Eur- i unless peace is speedily signed. This belief prevailed here r _ w when leaders of the Associated powers met to discuss i hew crisis. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotlofi tc dear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons int< i lf*ttle containing three ounces of orcb ':vl white, shake well, and you have i uiarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, a d complexion bcautitier, at very- very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fagrant lo tion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blem ishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harm less. adv. When yon need an undertaker la your home, yon nrs not in position to consider the cost Jnst call us and gst satisfac tory service for less. Lang * Company, Omega, Ga. 27-dwtf ponies A, B, G, D L and M; in all, twenty-four officers and 700 men. Of the 117th Infantry Regimental and Staff Headquarters, Ordnance and Sanitary Detachments of the First Battalion— First and Second Buttaliun Headquar ters, Machine Gun and Supply Compan ies A, B, C, D, E and F; totaling fift? officers and 2027 men. There will also be some casuals on board the Pocahontas. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAXES I GEORGIA—Tift County. Heretofore the collection of Corpora tion and Special Taxes has been post poned until the last of the year. Be cause' of firms going out of business and cUier changes in business, the state has lost some money through this means and I have been instructed by the Comptrol ler-General to collect all these taxes this year by April L I will be in my office until that date for the collection of these and other tax es and after Monday, March 23, will call on those in Tifton who have not paid. Nearly every line of business is included in these special taxes among the principal ones being: All Corporations, dealers in cigarettes, automobile agents, opera tors of autos for hire, warehouses, gar ages, soda fountains, dealers In cartrid ges, dealers in musical instruments, etc. The total of these taxes in Tift county amounts to about $2,000 Under the law it is a misdemeanor to do business In any year until this license has been paid. Please call at my office and pay the license or be ready foe me when I call on yon. T. S. RIgdon, 17-2w. Tax Collector Tift Co. The anuual meeting of the Georgia Educational Association and the Coun ty School Officials of Georgia will be held in Macou for four days, beginning April 30. Two Tift county educators are on the program for addresses. Prof A H Moon, superintendent of the Tifton schools, will discuss the question “Should the Cur-, ricula of the High School Consist of 2-5, Known os Constants; 2-5 for Specific Preparation and 1-5 as Free Electives?” Prof. A J Ammons, County Superintend ent of Schools, will discuss the subject, “How to Remove the Stain of Adult Illiteracy Before the U S Census of 1920?”- Prof. Moon is vice-president for the Second District ture of the game was the excellent pitch ing of M. Overstreet. SEE YODR CHLD IS SICK, CONST! I-ATED Look at tongue! Move poisons from liver aadj bowels at once. Mother! Your child isn’t naturally cross and peevish, . See if tongue is coat ed; this is a sura sign its little stomach, liver and feowelx need a cleansing at once. When listlefg»fp*le, feverish, full of cold, breath bud; throat sore, doesn’t eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals “California Syrup ol Figs” for children’s ills; give a teaspoon ful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out'of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harm less, delicious “fruit laxative,” and it never fails to effect a good “inside” cleans ing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and growu-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,” then look and see that it is made by the California Fig Syrup Co.” adv Mitchell at Lang & Co.’s, garage, Omega, will leave about May 1st for a special course In Detroit 26tf Plow |Prepare Now for the Comforts of the Coming Summer. )ur refrigerators, all sizes, are built for service and economy. Inspect Our Line of Oil Stoves and Fireless Cookers. TAYLOR FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO. : . •>' • . ~ ■ 51-2 PffiCEOT FARM LOANS 7 Per CenL Tifton City Louu CITATION—YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA—Tift County. The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to the family of Z. T. Brown, deceased, having been filed In my office, all persons con cerned are cited to show cause by the 7th day of April, 1910, why said applica tion for twelve months’ support should not be granted. This March 7th, 1019. C. W. Graves, Ordinary. 66 Years Success The Wonderful Record of Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup. Those medicines which live for even a quarter of a century an exceptional, and eontlnooui use for over two-thlrda of a oentnry It IndlxpuUble evidence of .wonderful merit. Dr.Thacher’i Liver and Blood Syrup came into axMeneala 1862, and from that time to the present U haa grown In the confidence and estimation of ita yearly Increaaing number of uaera. Through all then yean it haa ateadUy grown In popular favor. I Xta wonderful building up power ia ahown In the experience of lira. O. K. Chadwick, Beale. Ala. "I waa all run down In health,' 1 she says. "Weighed only 104) pounds and getting worn every day. I began the an cf Dr. Tiucher'e Liver and Blood Syrup — - HERBINE cures constipation and re establishes regular bowel movements. Sold by Conger Drug Co. adv NOTICE OF LOST RECEIPTS GEORGIA, Tift County. All parties are hereby warned not to trade for two cotton warehouse receipts, issued by Merchant’s Warehouse, to L. C. Johnson, receipts No. 0GQ, and No. 1,036, respectively, as said receipts have been lost and are not now in the hands of the true owner thereof. This, February 24, 1019. L. C. Johnson. 241w4t DESCRIPTION AND APPRAISE MENT OF ESTRAYS GEORGIA—Tift County. This is to certify that J. D. Jordan has this day exhibited to the undersigned two Freeholders of the 1652 District, G. M., of Tift county, certain cattle said 1919. to have been taken up within said Dis trict as estrays. The following is a des cription of said cattle: One red cow marked smooth crop and two splits in ench ear; and one brindled and white pided cow marked smooth crop and trie splits in each ear; and two red calves. We estimate said cattle to be worth Sev enty-Five Dollars and we award J. D. Jordan, Forty-Fve Dollars for taking up and feeding said cattle, as reasonable and; Thl NOTICE-LOST PAPERS. Lost, Saturday afternoon in Tifton* a pocket-book containing the following papers: One note given by C T Kitchen to Geo. F Paulk, for the sum of $650, with six cotton warehouse receipts is sued by an Ashbnm warehouse attach ed as collateral t Also, the following re ceipts issued by the Farmers’ Cotton Warehouse of Tifton: Nos. H 1723; H1725, H1726 and H1727. Issued to Childs & Harris Nov. 1, 1918. Also, a sum of money. A suitable reward will be paid for the recovery of same. CHILDS, Chula, Ga. 243tdltw Such Have “Man may work is never- overworked, nervous, all and can “hardly drag hearty appetite, induces sound sleep, this natural manner NairagaBMtt Pier, RX “I waa all run-down, back ached, and tired all the time, I keep bona* for my husband and four children and could baldly keep around. Finally I tried Vinol and it haa restored my health and helped me wonderfully, eo I recommend It to othere who are In this condition.” Mn.HannabRandall. For FARM LOANS ON IMPROVED GEORGIA LANDS Quick Action Lowest Cost Atlanta Trust Company ATLANTA GEORGIA fine Automojiile Painting And Top Building We use the famous Vanadium Automobile Varnishes—the best obtainable. REFINISHING CARS A SPECIALTY Our stock of Top Material is complete. Nev- erleak Deluxe, Packard Cloth, Domestic and Silk Mohair, No. 1 Ford Rubber, All Kinds of Bevel Plate Glass for Back Curtains. CURTAIN GLASS PUT IN WHILE YOU WAIT Full line Top Bows, Linoleum for Running Boards, Hair Matting. , We strive to please. Walters’ S. Mam Street Garage Telephone 324 CITATION FOR TEAR'S SUPPORT. GEORGIA—TItt County. The return of the appralaera eettin, apart twelve months* support to the family of Green Bower, deceased, hav ing been filed in my office, all persona concerned are cited to show cause b: the 7th day of April 1019. why sail application for twelve months' support should not be granted. This March, 3 granted. C. W. Graves, Ordinary FOR DISMISSION. GEORGIA—Tift County. To all Whom it May Concern: Whereas Milton D. Jones, adminis trator of O. W. Jones estate, repre sents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has ~ lly administered C. W. Jones estate, ils is therefore, to cite all persons just compensation for taking up and feed- concerned, heirs and creditors, to show ing said cattle. This First Day of Feb- cause if any they can. why said admin- ruary, 1019. istrator shall not be discharged from his > Who’s Your Tailor? Those of our customers who prefer their clothes made-to-individual-measure will want to have their Spring Suits ready for “National Dress-Up Week" April 5th to 12th Inclusive We cordially invite you to come in and see our handsome line of Spring woolens from our celebrated Chicago tailors ED. V. PRICE & CO. We always guarantee complete clothes satisfaction—in ser vice, fit, style and value. Clothes that invite the question. Who'8 Your Tailor? May we show you these smart wool suitings today? Duncan & Stubbs FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Tift County. To all Whom it May Concern: W. C. Payne administrator of the estate of Mrs. A. M. Payne, has applied to me for leave to sell the land belong ing to said estate and said application will be heard at the next term of the Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in April. 1019. This the 3rd, day of March, 1010. C. W- Graves, Ordinary FOR ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—Tift County. To all whom it may concern: L. A. Baker, having in proper form applied for permanent letters of admin istration on the estate of John Mur- row, late of said countjr, deceased, this la to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John Murrow, to be and appear at my office within the time required by law and ahow cause, if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to L. A. Baker on John Morrow’s estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 3rd day of March, 1019. C. W. Graves, Ordinary SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold the first Tuesday in April, 1010, at public outcry before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: One five passenger Overland car. Said car bought of C. A. Irby July 21, 1017. Levied on as the property of Henry Let under a mortgage fi fa issued from the City Court of Tifton in favor of J. W. Taylor and against Henry Lee. This March 7, 1019. . J. M. Shaw, , Sheriff, Tift County, Ga. Ustyas' Healing Honey ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Tift County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Tift County, Georgia, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tues day in April, 1010, at the court house door in said county, "between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land known as the S. C. Ethridge Jot in ths town of Ty Tr t Georgia, on which is situated one dwelling house and one store, and bounded as follows: J ' * ~ Coleman, west Stops The Tickle Un. L. perfect nealut and vetgQ loo pounds* uatcningws estate. M^SSferiSf ^nLTSc. I**n L Administratrix, firmly believe there »r* numerou* ini- I / * ' 1*. 5*00, Withstood th* Wtater msiiii AQBunisxrnirix, 8. C. Ethridge’s Estate. 2nd Blood syrup. - 1 Yon owe have Health, Strength andEn. i nart have Health, Strength i ene* to fitfri Cold*, Grip and In etomech trouble*you, or you »re ood* f —jSjKgvsfifisssa _ in any one., , make farm lowu ml S M par cant, btaml «nd giro tho *° 1 privilef* of papm, put of tbe principal «t thoood SonTAUdMlmin med J sod will recommend It. on amounts paid, but no annual, W. BRYAN .. . requtreo. Per 8*1. hr CONGER DRUG COMPANY TUtea, G*. yin | OROVE'S TASTELESS Cbtll TONIC j^gaassfM 1 -JHffl ) the r Heals The Throat Cures The Cough Price 35c. A FREE BOX OF GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE fOpens the Pores and Penetrates) For Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup, ia enclosed with every bot tle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY You let tho Cough Syrop and the Stive for one price, 33c. RffwvpiwwmAfri and fiuirsittwid to thtPlhBc by Paris Medicine Company - Manutactoren of , Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic TO THE FARMERS OF TIFT CO. We Have On Hand for Sale a Few Hundred Bushels 1917 CROP VELVET BEANS Apparently most of these beans are of the 120-day variety. However we are of the opinion that they are mixed. For the present we offer them to you at $3 per bushel—10 bushel lots and over at $2.75 CASH. If you wish to avail yourself of this opportunity Please Call at Feed Mill for them. Do not delay the matter a$ we have the opportunity to ship them to other sections of the country where they are Begging For Them. Central Greiery Company F W. E. CHANDLER,