The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 04, 1919, Image 1

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FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919. VOLUME XXX.—NUMBER 2. Frank J. Tutor Gives Inside of Revolu- Menu providedfor Veterinary Inspec- tknv—Stay Dealre American W-toMoni to Tift County and , Occupation. . ■ .’»** Up Work Immediately. ;; JBY FRANK J. TAYLOR..', ‘ Arrangements We m ado at a meeting (United Priea Stall Correspondent) in the courthotiie Friday, morning to Berlin. March 10—(By MellWBot- aecure the service. of a veterinary in- aboTiao'a recent struggle, in Berlin 1 was specter to Tift, Ben Hill, jlrwin, Cook in many ways like an American Indian | and Berrien counties to carry on the war carried on in a modern city, if 'you'work which wda discontinued when Dy. can imagine that The Spartacua group ^White was moved to Louisville about a went on the war path after the fashion week ago. of prairie tribes in America throe genera-! Dr. White, who is thoroughly familiar tiona ago. In their fighting the Bpar- with the work here, will be Returned jnat tecans showed about the .same degree' of oh MR) 11 as a new man can ire secured to civilisation as did the Indians. 4 'take his place In' Louisville, it being the To understand, how such a warfare opinion of thoie at the meetiag that the could taka place in a modern city one work could heat be carried an by busing has to realise that Berlin was harboring Dr. White returned here Instead of a many convicta- released from prison by new man.- the turn of the earlier revolution. Most Thhre were about elxty representative of these desperadoes are not political vie- business men and fanners present. Dr, tima, but were Jglled Hoy killing and rob- Peter t\ Bahnseu, State Veterinarian blng. Since they had everything to gain and Dr. A L Hirleman, with the U. 8. and nothing to lose, by the bolshevik Bureau of Animal ■ Industry, came here OdJ. Dlekman, Commander, and Matt Butts Caught by Air Current arid: Machine Wrecked. J American, April 3—Lieat. Col. . Fred erick T. Dlekman, commanding' ofhbef at. Souther flying field near here. ^nd Major John W Butts, executive ofifcer of the field, were killed late today In ul fall of about 200 feet Col. Dlekman i» a son of Maj, Cod, Hickman, command*! ing the third army of occupation pn tin Bhine. j The two officers, Maj. Itutts^s pilot and Col. Dlekman in the see*ad ».-jt had gone up for their usual afternoon! Sight and hid mode the last turn of the field preparatory to landing. From tin ground It appeared that Maj. Butts at tempted to torn. The wind was coming in gusts nod apparently caught the air plane with tail force in such n Way as to lift the tail vertically Into the nir. The usual noae diva followed the jerk- ing of the plane into a vertical position and It crashed‘t<r the earth. Had the airplane been higher up there would in ._ nil probability have been time for it to it nend 'lA *•?» “flattened out" and glided tafely I sa T «n‘*,?'*’ “Woiary Societies of i the Metl Baptist Amiri sthm held their I I first rally of this year with the Lenox j church Tuesday afternoon from 2 to S ' j o'clock. I A large crowd wss in attendapee and \ a very enthuaiaatie meeting was held. The following program was rendered: Song—Blessed be the Thee that binds. Devotional—Mrs. W A Rowan. The Life of n Missionary Society— Mrs. I D Morgan, Should Baptiat Women Cooperate in Baptist Affairs?—By Mrs, T L Willing ham, Mrs. O 1* Goodman and Mrs. W A Roman. And how they should cooperate—Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Billie Griner and Mrs. Parham. And should women giro s tithe , of money, time and talent to the Lord?— Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Willingham. Baptist Literature in the Society and Home—Mrs McDonald. Song—Work, for the Night U Com- ly blub at Tifton next the city, in an effort to get rid of the HSueaday, April T and 8.. mosquitos. ' *f Tifton and Tilt county Superintendent of Waterworks II K jUggHl in club work or In the Dial spent Monday surveying the ditch the Woman’s Club of Tif-i which will be about 5,000 feet long. It are cordially invited to at- will begin just below the crossing of the session of the Convention. [ Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic rail- ll^Hk, 8tate President, one of the I road and extends-, below New River ^Hswomen workers South, who haa‘ bridge, on the Brookfield road. The ■Ta prominent part in development average depth will be about 21-2 feet. Sd educational work, will attend the although In pbces it. will be- six feet invention and deliver on address' at deep. The width will be aboqt five feet unday evening’s eemlon. The program In: making Jhe surrey, part of the foil of excellent numbers. ' •*work' was done in ten inches of wattr. An especial Invitation is extended to Millions of mosquitos were encountered, w women of the county who are inter- and many dead mosquitos found. The lUd in the work of the county schools surveyors were at a lose to account for i attend the Convention on Tuesday, the'dead ones. Mb a program with especial reference Sanitary Officer R G Coarsey will i country school work has been nr- superintend the digging of the ditch, but aped. the work will probably be dohe by con- JteBewlag is the program for the two tract. - The purpose is to carry off the Igp: ■ water from, the city's septic tank die- BXL profirnm charge, from the I A G place and from R —to- Monday April 7th the pecking plant It Is.hoped-its com- V ■ pletion will help ns to get rid of the iimri—' A,*' plague of mosquitos. Invocation—Rev. OW Durden. 0 1 ' ' Musk- Solo—Mm. Jim Bonesean. . HRSTH1F f ATTIF tereirted In Tifton. Plans for the com- inf year will be discuKxed, and it is In* timated that there are some big proposi tions that will be announced.* There will be lists at Brooks Pharm acy and Mills Drug Store ifcr those who wish to register for this big banquet. Be sure to drop in early and ..enter your name, as it is important that the Com mittee linow exactly how mapy will at tend that preparations*may be made ac cordingly. smashed It to bits." Officers and men rushed up. The Jvp flyers were breath ing, but unconscious and both died with in a few minutes. ‘ Both Col.. Dlekman and Maj. Butts were graduates of West Point and each Talk on the Work fo r this year—Mrs, Harris. Benediction. •' Among the out-of-town ladies present were: Mrs. I. D Morgan, Mrs. Henry D. Webb and Mra McDonald, of Tifton; Mrs. T L Willingham and Mrs. Powell, of Adel; Mrs. Harris, Mrs. -Parham, Mrs Billie Griner, Mrs Lamb and 'Mre. Keiffer. of Nashville; Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. Dan McPhaul,»>Mrs. Ida Whldby, Mrs.' K, Sinclair <, Mra. B F Gary, Mrs T H Jarman, Mrs E P Rycroft, Mrs. Elisabeth Giddens, Mrs. H C McDer- mld, and Misses Ada Belle Birmans and Fannie Parrish, of Sparks. leaves a widow and one child residing here .GoL Dlekman came here Jan. 10 succeeding Maj. Carlisle Wash as com mandant Col. Dlekman was 35 years old and an • expert flyer. Mask—Mrs. W L Harman. ' Address — Mrs. Nellie Peters Black. State President. - Music—a “Dinah”—b .“Mammy’s Lul- taby” —a Mesdames Hannan, MurrdV : Mitchell, Tunis, Golden, Peterson; Dur den and Hendry. ft Morning Session Tuesday, April 8th, Invocation—Rev. W H Budd. E-Mask— “Carmens” —Mesdames Har- -Assn, Marrow, Mithhell, Tullis, Golden, iVhKeirwm, Durden and Hendry. [-Ifcidaess. Session—Mrs. H H Merry, Maj. Batts, a native of Cisco, Texas, was 28 years old. He was noted as a fine athlete and an expert rifleman and revolver shot thodist church Wednesday .night. He spoke of the need of Jests in the home because it is from the homes today that the leading men of tomorrow are to come. He ; also spoke of Jesu* in the home in time of trouble, sorrow and losses. Here the evangelist spoke of how the fathera and mothers needed Jesus in the home during the recent war, as they gave up their boys to face the German cannon. The service was closed with an earnest appeal to t)>e parent! to erect family altars. Some were blessed at the ser vices WhIbmIu:-' Vanceville Next Sunday. Brookfield Division of the Tift -Sunday Behoof Association will Trouble With Federal Courts. . Alvin H.. Thurmond, Representative* elect of Ben H1U county, , is alleged in a » warrant iajyued by DUtrict : Attorney. Don- alaon to,fikve made false entries oil-the, hooks of the Firjt National Bank oLFitn* gewdd, any* the- ‘t Several. months ago iVaak Thttrmond* aon of the man .accused,.now, left the bank for parts known, while employed as bookkeeper, the ofldJic*r the *ank^ according to the United. State* officers,, later finding a note from the misdng em ploye to the effect that- ke-vwae' *ont4rat i hold its first meetingof the gear at Yancevllle church, Sunday, April ' • beginning at 2 o'clock. I The following program has been The-followjing program boa boon prep ared': V". - Devotional Exorcises, led by Clsudr Taylor:. « ... .*. :: . "Best Rerolta Obtained in. the Sun day School"—B. 8 Hand. . ‘The Forward Stop”—Prof. V L Har vices Wodntedar.' } Ton haye acordlaV invitation to come and ho. With ns. Ton may be la eterni ty before another meeting in held in Tifton. I Services at 3:30 and 8:30 p,.nC' j A im v. c. Sir. -- • t*eW. ad tWfiM'ftaftrtOTNfr gMKUgtamP! ,**■ Bfarwcan. Addrem ol State Officer*. .. ’’ rampsdffil, trilb bradqlnnt^a In • Atian- from under nonriete Beport of Nominating Committee. ta; arrived Ip Tifton Tuesday night for «ent and WtM chronically, and they arc . Installation of. Nqw Officers. . the parpose of dosing up the November not.fn a condition to he responsible'for Beport of Resolutions Committee. pledges In Tifton and Tift county. their acts, and should not be at large. ■ Federation Collect.. ' Mr. McCown at the Board of The ffierman Provisional Government Adjournment ■, f-,. Trade Thursday, Friday and Saturtayps inclined to accept.the dews of the B District Chairman of thla week, and It U vary ursefit tbras adentiata, and wiU keep thin In mind in Hodthw-Hra,- C ;T» Alexander, BIxk alt the pledge, be paid ti-of before these the trials and pnnishment of the law- y, flo. I dates. . .• . breakera. Home Economies—To be anj>plled. I Cashier B H McLeod, at the Bank of Berotntionary outbreaks in Berlin AHMthm—Mrs. N Peterson,.Tifton^pftqar-of Preiideiit I W Myers, nt the drop upon the city like lightning..ft is ■hdowasent—Mrs. F A Ha/ttCfit- Hoard ot Trade, will receipt for these impoeeible to foresee them. They just fll B* pledges. If you made n pledge for thie heppen, when the eltuetlon teems entire- ^Kdettve—Mfi’j u Spence, Cem- campaign do not fail to aettle as this ly nnenconragingto them. ■Kbff business must be closed at oqc*. Berlin's revolution to different from J A Horae Boston. — others in thet there is no united de- ■L Un W B Lathem, Donald SUNDAY SCHOOL BALLY mana for any one thing. There ere as many demands as there are Genius,in At zion Hope Next Sunday, for the Pur- Berlin, and eome, people have mom then pose ol Reorganisation. ' one. Until agitators begin their work The people of the Zion Hope communl- *• Wnrijeffl no ection. Thns ty ere requested to meet at the church Beri n is filled with crossing eurrento of next Sunday. April 0, for the pnrpom “IXtlom of reorganising the Sunday school. The Ja,t wh *t It wuu. FnctloM oeixe up- tlrae will be 10 o'clock, ran time. “ ° r * d ™°“ tr *ao'.. Mr. J L Pickard will be on hand to There is no clean Irene which nnltoe Ber- >ead the Singing, and other singer. «n »>to. parties A strong roy.llst ,t- be present. Thera wlU be *«»«;»» ^ fo«™m»t would , . „ . . _ s is.l.i - is, npriliatilv nnltfi Rnr n and save the re- Macon Packing Company. The warrant fir Mr. Rowland N. Hail left today for Thurmond Alleges Macon, where he will ho with the audit- March 2?, he mode Ing department of the Macon Pecking on a | MH i et f 0 t i Company. containing the sen Mr. HtU came from Monltre, where Officers at the U he held ■ similar place with the Moul- Co Ur t declare the trie Pecking Company, to take the posi tion ot auditor with the Tifton Packing Comapny when this company woe organi sed nearly two years ego, coming in ad vance of the other force. He is u ex pert accountant and has been with Mr. C L Brooks for fire yean. Mrs. Hall will remain in Tifton, Mr. Hall retaining his residence here end coming home Friday nights for the week end- Mr. B W Goodman, of the H H Tift offices, la st the offices of the packing plant until definite arrangements era made. Wna Moving Into New Home Whea Fire Came Near Destraytaf Balldhif. Mr. Walter Whitley had a narrow es cape from losing his home by fir* Thorn- day afternoon about 4:80. Hn recent ly purchased the residence northeast corner Central and Sixth from Mrs. Gatchell and bad not finished moving in Wednesday when neighbors discovered that the roof of the building waa on fire. The fire department responded prompt ly to the alarm and the building was saved, but not before a big bole was burned In the roof, ‘jCfirary Extension—Mrs. ■ J B Clem- ■ft, Pelham, v • - "v/l * ’Camp Fire Glris-Mra. E L McKIn- M, Boston. ; Tallnlah Fells—TP he supplied. TO TOBACCO GB0WEB8: Tobacco transpluten. Dusters end Cutlvators. Paris Green tor tobacco worms. Sc. mo, for I can aavt yon money, on large o r email qnutities. W E Farmer, Tifton, Ga. Sdwtf _ . great deal of damage done to the ceiling end wells, and the lower floors flooded with water. Mr. Whitley estimates his damage at several hundred dollars, which was about covered by insurance, the policy luckily being transferred. The fire is supposed to have originated from ,,a spark. AT PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH. There will be the usual services at the Primitive Baptist church Saturday and Sunday, preaching by the pastor, Rev. W H Crouse. Saturday morning and Sunday morning and evening at the usual hoars. also t- , — - Sunday School workora, followed . by -Ireaching by Pastor Rainey, this being hid regular appointment Come - and help us give the Sunday school a new start T. 8. Rlgdon.'. IF. V M3 DUSKS, ‘"'"‘V • Gazette office Thursday morning a pumpkin which grew hn thn vine Sffi’ twenty-three others. He kept ft in m.jkltchen since lest fell .end when he gftight It to this office it was In perfect \Ve are toing to eat pumpkin pie ght now. “> !«5 We are paying 30c cash for Eggs. Parker’s Cash Market 3d3twlt We will pay 20 cents a pound for Live Hens (or the next ten days. Rickereon Grocery Co. 31dwlw. Atlanta, Aprly 8—A date will ha let There will be a box sapper et Salem Hf'hool house Friday night, April 11, to raise fundi to improve tbs school. Good. patriotic songs. Everybody most cordially invited to come rad help. . ddOtwlt by Gov. Doriejr within-a few days on which the committee appointed to eeieet the location ot the coastal plain exper iment nation will -visit the five sites which have been inspected and the soil tested by a government expert, with a view to suitability. Those to be visited are Ware, Worth, Appling, Tift and Chatham, the choice to be mode from one ifoeie the walls ore thick and the locks are strong and Some people dislike to enter the dootf of:a bank because they Th’t k • ^theit sipall business is too t.'fling for the banker to bot|:e with We invite such people to. come in and use this bank. We are in business to be botbered ! y •' I,’, t £ Every man, woman or child rhould * have a bank account of some iizr. g,and your Own fOOUSHNESS. • *' ' v '; i|6ur b:nk <• cjnductfid InetprogrdSJlueyet consarva manner. Our directory and officers are men cf charai and ability who are closely Identified with this commt ty, its suecsss and prospsr|ty 9 Our bank Is not only a safe place to put your money. Is also a place where jtoj can get advice on financial r» ters free of charge: • ' J|||1. ... ? ' POT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK DOHOTHV CMILtlPS . ; TWC ucAftT OF human rry 1