The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, April 18, 1919, Image 3

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•„V«9rv a «dio^WithARGil)lAN Mp'StHrAS' II soluble, all available, and quick acting. Endorsed t Station men and horticultural authorities. You through the tegular dealers in die regular way. Ammoniate LAN SULPHATE OF AMMONIA Sulphate of Ammonia is the weU-knovm stand- I article that has done you good service in your mixed fertil- i for years past. Especially kiln-dried and ground to make it noma 2554% guaranteed. Made in U. S. A. For sale by Armour Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga. Swift & Company, Atlanta, Ga. FotlnformaOon at to applied- (fen, write agricultural department .The p New York Company y Athena Ga. i TIFT COUNTY’S QUOTA $250,800 I County Chairman Carson is in receipt of a telegram from kite Chairman McFadden, announcing that Tift county’s Iota of the Victory Loan is $250,800. SPECIAL NOTICE 10 MR. FARMER We have just received our stock of the Cole Plain View Planters. We have different styles of the Cole Planter and will ask you to call and place your order at once. We also have the Ledbetter Planter, Sea Dis tributors, Spring Tooth Cultivatora, Little Joe Harrows, Plow Shapes, Scooter and Scrapes. We have some of the K. P. Distributors and almost anything that a farmer needs in the way of FARM TOOLS. Call and see our stock before buying. THE GOLDEN HARDWARE CO. ’Em Roujh”—end remember* it rery feelingly tbt* morning. According to report* reaching Tiftoa. Meek c*me beck from the army with an exaggerated Idee of bia own Impor tance. Baturdey when a white man tried to pee* him on the ildewalk he pushed him almoet off, following this with a .flow of tbuslre language. He wai arrested and siren thirty days on the etreets for disorderly conduct. Monday night Mack was taken from the city etockadc, carried out some dis tance on the Sylvester and 8h!ngler road, and given a sound whipping. While Mack doesn't feel quite chesty today as he once did, he knows more—of the' kind of knowledge that will do him good. Peel mean, look yellow? Your User of Route 2, Ty Ty, has a number of la out of fix! The poisonous bile la eight-footed hogs. He has been breed being retained in your eyetem. You say lug them for several years and find, that know calomel wUl let me straight, they breed fairly true, but I hate to take calomel. | One sow haa brought three litters of Why not try Calotabs, the purified pigs and at least half of each litter were calomel that 1* as delightful to take as it eight-footed. They are the tbriftieat pigs Is benefielal in cleansing the liver, and;in the litter and make fine hogs, purifying the system? Calotabs give Borne of these hoge have double Joints you all of tbo valuable medicinal quail-1 extending to the knees, but all of them ties of .calomel but are entirely freed that have more than four feet hare from the unpleasant and dangerous et- fecta. One tablet at bedtime with n swallow of water,—that’s all. No taste, no griping, no naueet, no salts. Yon wake up in the morning feeling fine, with n clenn liver and • hearty appeti- te. Eat what yon please,—no danger of nitration. Calotabs are sold only In original, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. The finest medicine la the world tor biliousness, indigestion, headache and constipation. 8o fine that your drug- TWO NEGROES CAUGHT Macon, Ga., April 10—Molt Tarver, who was arrested here today on n ri«t *» authorized to refund the price as charge of loitering, hat admitted'to the * guarantee that you will be thoroughly police that bo was one of the men in ( delighted with Calotabs. adr the crap game at Fitzgerald Sunday | 0 night when Deputy Sheriff Dormlny of: AMMONS AT BLUE RIDGE Ben llill county was shot and killed. eight, Well developed feeL They seem to experience no difficulty in walking a- round and use all of their feet in this operation. Mr. Gibbs thinks that if he can con tinue bleeding until the bifurcation ex tends the whole length of the leg an. he can produce a breed of hogs with four hams to the hog, he hie some money coming to him. At any rate the breed ought to be popular with those who faney pickled pig-knuckles. Tarver admits the killing waa done‘Having Busy Time at Y.M.C.A. Train- with hia pistol, but deniea he fired the, School, fatal shot, claiming he had pawned the! The following letter from County pistol during the game. j Superintendent of Schools, A. J. Am- Tarver waa taken to Fitzgerald to- mon* who ia attending the Y.M.C.A •lay. At the time of hia arreat he had Training School at Blue Ridge, N. more than $100 in hia pocket, which! will he of interest to hia friends here he said he won iu the crap game. I Blue Ridge, N. C., April 12, 1010. Tom Griffin, another negro, who is| Editor Gazette: charged with the actual killing of This is a great opportunity. Sheriff 1-orminy, was arrested today atjul®^ I came. However, it is no vaca- I Dublin, and it is understood he is to be ** wn * I didn’t expect that. I expected brought to the Bibb couuty jail for safe keep lug. MOTHER GAVE THIS DELICATE CHILD VINOL And He Got Well and Strang; That’* True Monica, Pa.—"My little boy, who is the youngest of three, waa weak, nervous end tired ell the time, so he waa most unfit at school, and noth ing afemed to help him. I learned of Vinol and gave it to him. It hat restored hie health and strength and he haa gained in weight.—Mrs. Frederick Sommer*. Monaca, Pa. Vinol is a constitutional cod liver and iron remedy for delicate, weak, ailing children. Formula on every bottle, ae you know what you are giv ing them. Children love it. t'oi Sale by Corner Dnr Co., nml Drug, rials Everywhere. Adr. To the Public We have closed down our machine shop and repair business in order to enable us to devote our entire time to the manufacture of Blue Line Fertilizer Distributor and Eclipse Harrow in order to meet our increased demand for these impliments ’ which we shall continue to make. , to work some and that is what we get, just seven hours a day. We begin at 8:30 Eastern time and have five hours before dinner. Then we have until for recreation,—games and mountain hikes. We have supper at 0 o’clock and be gin work at 7 and about 0:15 we are through. There are more delegates here from Georgia than any other state—thirty. This ia a good place to get inform* tion and inspiration. I am sorry anoth er one or two from Tift did not come with me. I am enjoying this. What we receive ia good and the scenic bcanty of the mountains is grand. Very truly yours, A. J. Ammons. BOX SUPPER YIELDS $257.35 Plenty of Prosperity In Evidence Chula and Vicinity. The box supper at Chula Friday night, given for the purpose of raising funds for painting and repairing the Me thodist church, yielded $257.35, in cash, besides a good time for the people of Chula and the section surrounding. Miss Gertrude Aycock was winner in the cake contest and Miss Vera Cook’s box brought the most money. 8evcral of the boxes were sold two or three times. A fine ham, contributed • by M Pijicr, appealed so strongly to Joe Kent that he brought it home at a cost of $11.50. Sheriff Shaw acted as auction eer and Rev. C. W. Durden made a short and inspiring talk. Ih$ Quinine That Does hoi Aiiact tbo Hoad Because of its tonic and laxutive effect, LAXA “VBBROMOQUININKU better than ‘ tinine and does not cause uervoui TIVR DROMO QUININK ia better than ordii Quinine and docs not cause nervousness no rlnuing in head. Remember the full nnme him look for the signature of K. W. GROVE. -V>r THE GREAT INFLUENZA TORNADO IS ABOUT SPENT But in its wake countless thousands are left listless colorless weak and emaciated. The physical forts of its victims have been battered to pieces. Nature needs assistance in rebuilding the system. The red corpuscles in the blood can be restored by taking No. 101 Tonic. This Tonic contains iron which we all know makes rich blood; it also contains quinine which drives out the malarial germs and aids greatly in the restoration .if the Ititiiiun. Th emngneaia in this No. 101 Tonic nets gently upon the bowel' iim! rids the system of nil poisonous mu refuse matter. Begin today nnd take i .it least t\v« weeks. At dm* stores. TO REDEEM TAINTED MEAT. Mr. J. G. Turner of Route 2, Lenox, has developed and applied for a patent on a process that he says will take the taiut entirely out of spoiled meat and redeem the meat fibre in a way that will make it as firm and elastic us ever and perfectly pure and as sweet ns the’best, He says he treated a hatn that was jel lied next to the bone when it was re moved, and had groeu streaks in it. Mrs. Turner fried the same ham for visitors and they said it was equally ns good any they bad ever eaten. Mr. Turner claims that this process will redeem t meat perfectly and that it never fails. “DANDERINE'' FOR FALLING HAIR Stop dandruff and double beauty of your hair for few cents. BACKACHEl ache, When your growing girl approaches the more mature age and complains of back- eadaches and other pains,, she needs helpful advice from ' her parents. Help her at this critical time in her lilt by relieving her of periodical headaches, backaches, eUL, with DR. MILES ANTI- PAIN PILLS—the wonderful little tab* lets that for more than 30 years haw relieved women, men and children of misery and pain. DR MILES’ ANTI-PAIN PILLS an perfectly harmless—they contain no dangerous habit forming drag, bat / afford prompt relief from Headache; Backache, Neuralgia, and all pain. tbsy cost only a few i MRS. WINIFRED JONES. 11s—Ask him about them— Brest, April 15 — The entire Rainbow Division will parade in Washington it was Announced here today. The embarkation of the Division for home is progressing. Get Ready for Easter Let us sell you your Suit, Shoes, and Hats. Let us sell you a Dress, Skirt, or Coat. New Oxfords and Pumps for Ladies in Black or Brown. We appreciate your business. Dandruff causes a feverish irritation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes odt fUt To] stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get small bottle of “Danderine” at any drug store for a few cents, pou r a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair stops coming out and you can’t find any dandruff. Your hair appears soft, glos sy and twice-as thick and abundant Try it! ady. Bring us your Liberty Bonds. Helps Sick Women The G. B. Williams Co. Sole Manufacturers QUITMAN, GA. Cardul, the woman’s tonic, helped Mia. Wil liam Evenole, ol Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: *‘l had • general breaking-down ol my health. I was la bed tor weeks, unable to get up. I had such s weakness and dizziness, ,.. and the pains were very severe. A friend to d me 1 had tried every thing else, why not Cardul? ... | did, and soon aaw it was helping me ... Alter 12 hollies, 1 am strong and well.” Duncan & Stubbs We Have Received a Car of Potash and are prepared to furnish our customers with any grade of potash goods. We have on hand Sulphate of Ammonia See us and let us tell you about it zlron Builds Strength Eminent physicians agree that lack of iron In the blood causes weak ness, nervousness, sleeplessness, tired feeling, loss of eneigy and a gen eral sensation of discomfort and malaise. Medical authorities also concur in advising the use of iron, as a tonic, In these conditions. If you are weak and feel that you need a tonic, try ZIRON Iron Tonic, a scientific combination of pure medicinal iron, with the Iiypophosphites and other valuable tonic, strength-building ingredients. Contains no habit-forming drugs. Recommended for young and old. Sold by all druggists on the guarantee to refund your money if the first bottle fails to benefit Price $1X0 a bottle. Tty a bottle today. ON IRON TONIC TABLETS LtMirf'ftia’iiiMftl't