The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 02, 1919, Image 2

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TOETl $50,000 HERE EVERY POUND an tee everwrii dim use the of Luziaxme get your you axe. not satisfied. coffee The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans KILLDEE. By Ernest Neal Over the marshy plain, Swift la thy flight! Forth and back, again, again, Thru the lonesome night. Soft and plaintive ia the note— Wild, and weird, and free— Coming from thy little throat, (juaint aud sad killdee. Oh, with what feeling, rare, Floats my soul along Out in the moonlit air, Captive by thy song! Where the palm aud bullrush grow On the watery lea, With thy song my fancies go, Magical kiiidce . Borne on thy dewy wing Thru the darkening gloam, All my thoughts go wandering With thy song to roam; And the voices of the dead Seem calling unto me, In a solemn chorus led By thy sad “killdee!” Mr. W. A. Darnell returned Friday night from a several ‘weeks' visit to rela tives iu Texas. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Goode, of Carters- ville, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Goode; Miss Olive Morgan, who has been visit ing her brother, Mr. 1. D. Morgan, hat- returned to Bainbridge. ressman Buck Sheppard, of the Timet School Department will five a recital, which will include the presentation o Ooopsnf will vend 100,000 In WorU faMST ****. the N T irovemcuts tj tM Tilton Exchange .EKW* calomel. tg the next' 12 month*. A part of | H,Te * m tried the new nauiieelea* , expenditure will be lor a twowtorjr, «eke» calomel taking a !h buildinx,/to bo erected on the site, P 4ea * ur *f ** you bare, yon appreciate be present exchange on Second street, wonderful virtues of calomel when in the present year, and the fhstal* * robbed of all its unpleasant and nauseat- n of a common battery system early* 0 * **•**■• 1020. J Calotaba ia the sensation of the year This information was conveyed tc^ n the drug trade. Pharmacists regard nutKU 1 ayor Hargrett over long distance til*, ^ M ft P«rf®ct remedy for the liver. It*’ a pj a y # < 'hone Monday mornlnx by Commercial «*"* *, con.tlp.tion nnd iu-1 Tuei ^ ay ,f tem oou the promotion, will I lvitlon Superintendent C. O. Heck, 0, , d *V“ 0,t delI * b4,ul - . be announced In the auditorium and I avaunab, who .aid that on April 10 thr The next time your liver need, a thor-1 tba promote carda delivered. The : 'eder.1 Board ol Control approved ‘hv,«“*h el«n»ln*, try MoUb*. ° ae table ' rehool will be taken by .action., clu. ludxet ol the Southern Bell Telephone « bedUm.: with n .wallow ol water bv cl and „ promotio „, „. .nd Telegraph Company und tb.t this that. alL No teste, no nausea, no salts. the , tudenta wUl t0 upon the ludxet Included $50,000 lor Improve-j»« Jon wake up in tbe morn- ^ and rKcive , heIr card „. Th „ e wlu > -ut» »t the Tilton Exclmnxe. iD *." U | n * wtb »»»» »J.tem thor- be , brW m of entertalnmen , Work on the new building is to befln'"uxhly cleansed nnd a hearty appetite fori aI1(J (hc b)!c ,, inyitrf _ Heptember 1, und It if' to be completed j Eat whet you -no Tuwda)r cvtlliDfi . the raduatin| „ er . eaVly in December, /he Western Elec-j'l»W""< ««l>™tlon. [else, will be held. The literary address Company advises that they eanngt ( L “ lo '” ba are »« y « r sold In talk; lorJ w(n ^ de i| vrr(d by Dr . H . V. Sanford, iish tbe equipment for the common > ou * Protection they are sold only ir f thjJ University of Georgia. The ImtOfry system t/s year, but can furn- orlgin.1 sealed packages, price thirty- graduatH) , bi , are Cla „ nce Ilaulk early In 1(120. As soon as it can five cents. Your druggist will gladly re- nnd |la , M FounUia be fuVpished tlyf system will be put in. fund your money If you do not find them ' . effective and delightful.. GIItLSl'OlllLH! TRY IT! STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY YOUR IIAIR Children wake up with a Clean Tongue, Sweet Stomach, dear Head. All Feverishness, Biliousness and Constipation Gone! Delicious Laxative! INCREASE COMING TELEPHONE RATES Ifulr stops falling out and get. thick, wavy, strong and beautiful. r hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy. I . . abundant and appears as soft, lustrou.“** Tlfl0n ' ™ f" “* ,„„l beautiful as a young girl’, after Mor<! * nd25r More -Danderlnc hair cleanse.” Jnat try Ihon ”' this—moisten a cloth with a little' Tilton (. faced by an increase a tel- Danderine and carefully draw It through 1 »’ bo “ Mayor Hargrett DOUBLE EFFECT OF WILLIAMS’ 101 TONIC Bringing Relief to Folks Who Have Malaria and Making Its Proprietors Nationally Prominent. The G. B. Williams Co., Quitman,! your hair, takiag oue small strand nt a ,oivpd 4he fo ' low ' n * le44 «f Sa ‘ urd “ y Ga, bids fair to become one of the i-rcsMinau uuca nueppa™, o. sue time. This will elennic the hair of dilKt. „ President J. fcpps Brows, | orgP „ drug manu f, c t ur ,.„ in tbe Uni . Recorder office, came over from Ameri- dirt and excessive oil and in Juat a few*“ c “ “ : ted Urates. This concern, up to 1012, eus aud apent Sunday with relatlvca. I moments you have doubled the beaut j I ™ 7? 4b ™ Telephoue and Tel- wus unknown except in a small area. Its Mr „ Mr. H T Ynumsns am han of your hair. I'* raph , < ? ,mpan > r ba * "led with the State r0|li( | growth Is due to the Immense pop- nv over the nrrh-at of « lovely Utthi Ik- - beautifying the hair at ones, Co , mm !“ lon * “ ew *f hedule cycb,, ‘""' clarity of it, No. 101 Tonic, which i, a dausbter tt their home on Seventh St Danderine dissolve, every particle of j* 4 ** ln city, the same to be effet- K i,otiti,- remedy for malaria and a gen- M n . t . T ? “ of Hd on ton ; cleanses, purifies and invig- u « «» »" d ««t; a copy of health builder of wonderfu| Talu ,. Mrs. Robert: B. Johnson of Odenton, Um . wr stopping itch-, wh ‘ cb ,chedu ' ,! »■ hereto nttaebed. I A , ,„ U eb n, one hundred nnd fifty gul- Mr'^and’m™ Itiley^Gentry on ’rMrth in * " nd falll “* ba,r ' | 'ibis w« d °ae by this Contpiay as the „ day ,, |s Jttlcd In thia (iria ; fac . Street. " ' ■” ,, ' i Mrs. J. I a. Sandlin, who had been in Savannah for the past aix weeks for an But what will please yon most wll !"'™ ta °» “*• S4alM Ooyernmcut. tor> . , nd for mmaf monlh , „ bas b„ n lte after a few weeks’ use when you m ra8p0 “ M *° “* °'J er, I . 0 * tbe difficult to keep up with the detuaod for will actually sec new hair—One and mastcr G “ eral °* the 1 ;olted 8tate " the Tonic. Druggist, aell it. atlv. downy at lirat-yes - but really new * lven 40 4hU Com P any by tbe Operatm K PRIVATE MELVIN CROSBY,DEAD operation, returned home Friday night ' ba i' r "', ro wl n ', a l l over the scalpT'if you Boar<1 - much improved in health, t rnr „ f or pretty, soft hair and lots of It,' ^ he at4en4 , °“ “ f 4bc I )°* 4m ** t * r Whot ulmut a big barbecue in Tifton „, m .| y „,, t „ 8mn u bottle of Knowlton’s e ™ 1 * a * caUed 40 th * ,oct 4ha4 ' , Parents at Norman Park Notlffed by on July 4 for the hoys who whipped the rianderine from any druggist or toilet *“ a * recIn,Ml4 hetwecu the ci y \Vir Department. No Detail. Given Iluns? If you favor such entertain- counter for a few cents. adv. a , n<l Company^covering the rates i Mr. nnd Mrs. II. E. Crosby, of Norman meat for our Midlers, let It be known by .should be charged by the Company for ,. urk wtre notified Thursday by • tel- ugreeiug to a contribution, either in cosh VETERINARY REMEDIES , 14s ** nrlca *“ your c ' ty - u '" 1 .-gram from the IVnr Department of the edibles. Ins THOMAS- sod FAUKIH* to*'"™ 1 .WT* ^ -“'“ biudiax d ~ ,h ,helr *«"> 4a <-W way binding by witb thp American Extwditionary in France. Tiie telegram kmv B. A. THOMAS and hAURIS Unc n ^ j g j n u _ suggested that those who are 8tands , t , bc head of the list. They ^ thp Unittd statBI Government. Drop In for a Drink or a Smoke You’ll find the service at our soda fountain satisfactory in every way. Promptness and po liteness are features which we stress, and our drinks are just as good and pure as soda foun tain drinks could be made to be. At our cigar counter you will find the lead ing brands of cigars, cigarettes and tobaccos. m You will find this a convenient place to drop in for a refreshing drink or for a > soothing smoke. Try us. We want your business. CONGER DRUG COMPANY TELEPHONE 94. ’ ... iijHiii iuc vitunj kuavi-n uutciuiuiin, h|in«a in pruned* ihf. tpifvram iriivi* 'contributing to the cxpcrtmcnt atntlon are medicine. You do nut pay medicine howJ lwMtMlon and control the lino „„ bl J , bc fa( . t ,^ lt Lt j fund, purchase Victory Bonds and give prices for the simple feed you have on atM j property of this Company now is d( , 0(1 ’ ( Oh, thou minstrel of the night! Bird of gloomy age! l'mblem of the spirit's flight From its earthly cage! When the cloudlets hover low, Teach thy notes to me, Hinging thru the gloom to go, I would learn of thee. Mr. J. II. Wales, of Route 3 Ty Ty, was in Tifton Saturday morning. Mr. C. M. Belflower, of Route A, was among the visitors to Tifton Monday. Mr. J.. M. I>enby, of Route 4 ,was mong the farmers in the city Saturday. Mrs. P. 1). Fulwood left Tuesday morning for Selma, Ala., for a few days visit. % Miss Ada Belle Williford, of Ilahira spout the week-end in Tifton with rela tives. Mr. William Lawrence, of Madison, Fla., «peut the week-end in Tifton with his children. Sallow complexion is due to a torpid liver. HEItBINK purifies aud strength ens the liver and bowels and restores the theae, tliua uceompltahing two noble acta your farm. Why not try remedies of , he mme ^g operated by the Boatman | , rtu , „ havp th . .ympathr of i at one time. The bonds will be paid known merit. I*reparatmnn that have tor 0cnenl , of u,, United Statea for the |latrlotil . lOTI pIe in that they were exiled 1.0 by the time tbe experiment atnUon atood the teat of time and each auceedtag, O0vernmeDt , thl. Company waa direelwl to make tbls , at , acrifiN ontributiou is due. year finds them growiug in favor with to to the city authorities, for thejr CO untry. Mr. I*. 1). Fulwood offers a reward of American farmer. Itickerson Gro. t jj C | r information the facts and figures 0 $2.1 for the arrest, with evidence to con- adv - 1 showing- the necessity for securing tddi ! TURNER-1IORNE. Vlpi of tbe parties who stole the tires Itional revenue lor the, Government, ami _ from his Ford truck five miles out on ThAllIKBS INSTITUTE l t0 demonstrate the reasonableness of the Mr-b T xnrner, of Oglethorpe, i the Perry Lake road Friday night. The The last meeting of the Teachers' In- new charges for exchange service. bounces the engagement of her daughter, truck broke down and Mr. Fulwood left tltute for the term waa held at the court We^ihgtt .be glad If you will nnme a KatJe D > to Mr Herbert T. Horae, ol it there over night. When he sent back house on Saturday, April 20. The meet- ,| U y upon* which -we can appear before Tifton, the marriage to take place after It, the tirea were gone. ing was quite interesting and the >aft. it I you to present facts nnd figures showing June j^ 0 ctr di, Mrs. H. A. Jarman, of Jacksonville, ance vef y *°° d - Thc fo,lowin * program the necessity for securing additional , ■ . ■. Alt., wa. tha gurat of her couxlnx, M«-.'«"‘ rendered: for th. (luvernnivut. and to are. J. N. Horne and J. N. Brawn Mon- Devotional Exm-buM by Mm. Tu»k> deimmatrate the renwnnblvnrsv «.r tb. day, on her way from In.ha, where ehe °- cln,,k - vbnrgea named in. the new exdiowxe rate |J had been nt the bedside of her ran, Mr. 1 Lecture «" Community Life by C. A. schedule, nnd we shall be glnd to forward Will Jarman, who ha. been 11L aho was W’lthcrniHH’u, of thc Y. M.O.A. i promptly thc Operating Board any »ux- Lovely Springtime is here. Everybody is happy and feeling good. The next thing is to look good and feel comfortable. If you have not dressed yourself up, it is time you were doing so, accompanied her© by Mr*. O. B. Jarman J Review of club work in Tift county gestions that you may care to make of Ashburn. They left In afternoon for Dickson. Moultrie.' I Current Kvents, by Mrs. Shaw. SURGEONS agree that In rases of ™k» by Snpt. Amnams Outs, Burns, BniUes und .Wounds, the Kieven of thc eounty sehools Imve al- FIRST TREATMENT Is most Impor- ready closed. Several will close this tant. When an EFFICIENT antiseptic WPO k, and still others next week, danger t is applied promptly, there is „ of infection and the wound liegins to heal at once. For use on man or beast,* IiOROZONE is the IDEAL ANTI8E1’- On account of the large number of i places w© will undertake to comply with such request as rapidly as is consistent with the ability of this organization to handle same. Respectfully Yours, j Southern Bell Telephone and Tel* !T swerr Keep yoj.: afo-n'.jt-'i sweet today and ward ofi tiie indi gestion oi tomorrow—by KMfQlDS 0»r Slyltplus, Collegian gnd Cdrlee Suits Are up to date in Style and Price. Panama Hats, The prettiest we have ever had at $3.»50 to $6.00 Stacy Adams Shoes. Everything in Women? | egraph Co„ by J. Epps Brown, Brest. The following are the increases in THEIR 27th ANNIVERSARY. - - - - - ; - Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Morgan celebrated rates: TIG and HEALING AGENT. Buy it their 27th anniversary on Saturday, the- Business Telephones—Now $3, raised SZ STaith of April, witb a family reunion at 1 to $3.50 per month. Two-party lines S°h by (unger Drug to. ady Blue Spring., near Albany. |«S each per month. Four-party line.,.! air. C. A. Witherspoon, who is Direc- ( Ten went from Tifton and twenty-eve ’ $2.50 each per month. Desk or wall tor for the Albany District, Y.M.C.A., cnnM , from Bainbridge, joining them at extension phones, $1.50 per month. | —. ------- -T-- . , a ,, wa * In Tifton Saturday, in the interest the springs. It was a day of unalloredi Residence Telephones—Now $2, raised t0 th ° cU0e ‘ «dv ° f th0 After ; War roclnmation work and pi ea8Urc . Three generations were rep- to $2.25 per month. Two-party lines j by Conger Drag %ri JJ®’ Community Service program of that or* r0 scntcd. * J '. “ “** ganizution. He has charge of 10 coun-I 0 tics and hoiH!8 to complete an organize-1 FOR A WEAK STOMACH the new aid to digestion. As pleasant end as safe to take es candy. Lenox Cor. Adel News: Mias Etta Mae Ivey and $rT J Baldree were married at tbe home of thc bride's father, Mr. Joe Ivey, last Suuday, by Rev. John A. Cox. LAMARINE WAFERS EAT LIKE CANDY. The ideal medicine for dclicato systems. They relieve headache, biliousness and constipation with out discomfort. Mfg. by Lamarinq Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. tion in Tift while here he addressed the county teachers, at their monthly insti-jis to adopt tute. I occupation und to keep Adel News: Little Anna Belle Weth- jjjj’, erlngton, the three-year-old daughter of take Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Wetherington, who] '■ o- ■■ . lives west of Lenox, died at the sani- GOFF-FOX tarium Saturday night following an I Miss Nettie Goff aud Mr. W, O. Fox, Professional Directory operation, the amputation of n limb. Her, both of Tifton, were married at thc Me- condition wa. very serious aud there tbodist parsonage in Adel Monday after- was little hope that aho could survive noon nt 5 o-elock, l’nstor A H Robinson ’"“^''to put on the increase anyway, but an operation was the only hope. | officiating. They went over to Adel in a Already It Is stated that a fight will Lcuox Cor. Adel News: More accompanied by the brlde'8 »'»ter l be madc bctorc tht State Itallrosd Com ic hundred and fifty persons were Miss Cassic Goff, and Mrs. H. M. Red- mlasion on t ho proposed increase guests ut a dinner last Sunday at the dick. 'throughout the state. FULWOOD A HARGRETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW r.oldea Bldg. Tlfta«, Ga. j LOANS Lowest Rates, Brat Terns Oa Farm Land, usd City Pnpirtjl B. C. WILLIFORD, Attonray. X0-J1 MtLeod O’Neal Bldg. Fkoaa 1»T. JOHN A. PETERSON Office Dentist New O'Neal-McLeod BnUdlag Tiftaa. Ga. DR. A. E. O'QUINN FIRST CLASS DENTAL WORK Crown and Brldga Work a Specialty Over Pinkston's Drug Store Tifton, Georgia It. II. UTTLK <*: DENTIST Tifton. Georgia Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty Offices in Kent Boilding formerly occu pied by Dr. Dlckert., Office Phone 14*. Residence Phene *87. $2 each per month. Four-party lines $1.75 each per month. Desk extension. \ $1.50. Wall extension, $1. Four-party line service available only . , bowels reg- M’hen yon feel that you havp much nud when constipated, of Chnmberluiu’s Tablets, adv. general rule all you need to do diet suited to your age and 0Uts}(U . of bnsc rat e . May File Protest. WhiU* no steps have been taken, it certain that the city will protest agaiurt the proposed increase in rates If there b any inisslbility of such protest aceonv plishing any result, but it is evident from the tone of the letter that the notice b given only ns n matter of form—they home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Godwin 1 north of town. Thc affair waa in honor of the fifty-third birthday of Mrs. Godwin end proved to be one of the most pleasant events of the season. At one •'dock the Company was called to din ner which was spread on tables in the yard under the large shade trees; and c beautiful spread it waa. Baby Coming To Your Home? Tie WoaJerfoI Event That WBt to prepare their systems remedy la to The bride wore a coat suit of navy blue serge with hat and Shoes to corres pond. Mr. and Mrs. Fox are on a short wedding trip to South Georgia ami Florida points. They will probably be at home to their friends at the Warren house, on Tift avenue, after the first of May. Mrs. Fox is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Goff, and is one of Tifton’s loveliest girls, making friends by her pleasing personalty and charming manner. She is popular in both church and social circles, and Mr. Fox ia con gratulated on winning her for hla bride. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Fox, and is a splendid young man. He has Just recently received Ms dis charge from the army and is with Tift's Garage. Friends throughout thia section Wish for them many years of wedded happiness and success. Tbe marriage was a sur prise to both their family and friends, although it was known they were en gaged. LIFTOFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift touchy corns oft with fingers WKLDON-GILLKY. Lenox Cor. Adel News. Sunday morning at the Methodist Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop Q church in this city, were married, Miss Freczono on. an aching corn, instantly Alice Weldon and Mr. Henry Gllly, Rev. that corn stops hurtiug, then you lift McTier ofln inting. Miss Weldon is a It right ont. Yes, magic! daughter of Mr. B. A. Weldon, residing] A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a on the Highway north of the city, and It* few cents at any drag store, but is suffl* a beautiful young lady of charming per* dent to remove every hard com, soft sonality and has hosts of friends in this corn, or corn between the toes, and the city and section who will be interested calluses, without soreness or irritation, to learn of . her marriage. Hr. Gilley tsl Freezone Ia the sensational discovery ; young business man of Tit-, of* a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful toi lb has mihy friends, y !.• \ . / • i