The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 02, 1919, Image 3

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into Consumption atomirers, jellies applications, iroven a most Batisfae- . remedy for Catarrh because it goes direct to its source, and re moves the germs of the disease front the blood. Get a bottle from your druggist today, and begin the only logical treatment that gives real re sults. Yon can obtain special medical advice without charge by writing to Medical Director, 27 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga. Rising Sun when applied to Self Rising Flour is more than a trade name It means flour which has a sci entific taking efficiency and an inestimable food value. GEO. BAKER, Tifton, Ga. After Being Fed One to Three Months In Wbrih' County School Pig Clubs. Prize Winner Gained 2 14100 a Day JA. remarkable record was made by the Pig Clubs of Worth couuty schools, demonstrated at the auction sale of pigs at the school rally at Sylvester Friday. County Agent A. M. Dickson of Tift, attended the rally and says a finer lot o pigs were never shown. Sixteen of the county schools bad Pig Clubs. The pigs were all registered Durocs of the highest type. The sixteen were bought for $360, and fed by the schools from one to three months. They sold Friday for $1,000 or nearly 300 per cent of the purchase price 00 days be* re. The first prize was won by the Cole man school. This pig was 8 months and 2 days old, and Bhbwed an average gain of 2 14-100 pounds per day for the 4S days it was fed. One year ago the Wiorth county schools had an auction sale of their pigs and the result waa very satisfactory. This year there has been marked improvement for which credit is due County Agent J. R. Sealy. I HONESTLY BUILT - FIT GUARANTEED I am prepared to do the very highest grade Auto Top fork, Re-covering. Painting, etc., and guarantee td give ou a job that will compare with the work dene by the automobile factories. All tops put on by me fit perfect- lly, all wrinkles being taken out scientifically. Rc-cover- I ing is done in the most up-to-date and approved work manship manner, only the best materials being U3ed. M; painting is second to none. See the cars turned out from my ahop and you will agree with me that the work is not excelled anywhere. Let me make you a bid to re-paint and re-cover that old car of yours. L. V. SMITH PAINTING AND PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES , Third Street Tifton, Ga. LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents—Try Itl Second Big Raid Made on Moonshine Stills in Neighboring County'. Sheriff Sumner Is Complimented. Tuesday and Wednesday were bat days for the moonshlning fraternity of Worth county, says the Albany Herald. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into Deputy Collector E. C. Pierce, of -Dub- a bottle containing three ounces of Hu. Deputy collector E. F. Newberry, orchard white,, shake yell, and you have of Macon, Sheriff Sumner of Worth a quarter pint of tbi best freckle and county and Deputy Sheriff Powell, ac- tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at companied by Mr. E. B. Grace, an auto very, very small cost. liveryman from Macon, were the raiding Your grocer has the lemons and any officers who located and destroyed stills drug store or toilet counter will supply ruugiug from 10 gallon lard-can variety three ounces of orchard white for a few up to an 85-gallon copper still. Persons cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant against whom accusations have been lotion into the face, neck, arms and lodged range from negro tenant farmers hands each day and see how freckles and to white men owning $40,000 farniH. blemishes disappear and how clear, soft The first place visited Tuesday morn- and rosy-white the skin becomes. Yea! ing was that of George Green, a negro It Is harmless and never irritates. . adv farmer, where the officers found a 10- ' gallon lard can-still, capworm and other L J .. __ ’ _ /equipment. His place is four miles TIFTON A CLOSE 2ND r~ t „ *. PlKe ■ m rniin » npiiptin ■■nprn where Cicero Killebrew ami Kobcrt Mar- A1 I Hr. AI Hr.NS NIKI 1 .1 iio - tw ° «»<> i BURNS, CUTS AND SORBS. Heal readily if FARRIS’ HEADING REMEDY is applied. You make it at hpme and save the difference. A good thing to keep on hand at all times. Get it today, you may need it tomorrow. Rickerson Grocery Co. —adv. gallon iron still with a wood eap. There was no worm to be found, but the neg roes admitted to the officers that they had been operating the booze mill. They live nine miles east of Sylvester. At the place of Morris Hamilton, CAPTAIN SCARBORO NOW Hih parents in Tifton havo a loiter from Capt. Edwin Scarboro, in which he .states that be has been promoted from First Lieutenant to Captain. He lias bean transferred from the Medical Corps of- the Thirty-Second Division, which wa* slated to return in June, and will probably be sent to the Eighty-Eighth, ^ijigh is ip the Army of Occupation. Healthful advice During the aftermath of in- fiuenza or any other prostrating illness, the logical tonic is "SCOTT’S .EMULSION which enriches the hlood ami strengthens the whole body, via nourishment. If you would re new your strength-tru Scott’s. Scott & Bownc, Bloomfield, N. J. 19-1 Only Half a Point-Behind Clarksville In Athletics. Students Won Several First Prizes. Profs. Lewis and Thrush with the _ _ _ __ A. M. S. team to the State School meet negro farmer who owns his own farm at Athens reached home Monday morn- northeast of Sylvester, the officers fount’ ing, having spent one day in Atlanta on two 10-gallon lard-can stills caps, worms, the return. | fj a ke stands and other still equipment. Clarksville school won the banner ip At the place of Tol Jernigan, a white Athletics and the championship banner, m an, living near Shingler, the officers with A.M.S. a close second. Monroe found the biggest still in\their ‘aids, school won the banner iu the industrial Jernigan moved to Worth couuty from conte8t * ... I Taylor county some four or five years After the elimination contest, the a go and the officers learned that he paid championship debate was between Clarks 535,000 or $40,000 for his place. Iu viU®. having the negative and Tifton, swamp on his place, with a single path Clarksville winning, 2 to. 1. Tifton was leading to it, they came upon a 85-gal- rep resented by Louie Barnett and Miss j on copper still, a cap and a few empty Kate Paris. j fermenters and, an old still site. The Iu the Literary events, Cliff Baker worD1 could not be located and the stil won first Declamation and Miss Re* did no j appear to have been ruu reefnt- Bowen third in Recitation. |jy, ' Miss Martha Robinson tied for second, The next still located was in a swamp place in the poultry judging contest. I a nd belonged to unknown parties, the of- Miss Clyde McCranie won third in the fi cer g state, being five miles south of cooking contest. 1 Sylvester. It was a twenty-gallon In athletics, Tifton made 241-2 points H ^j|| and nearby the officers found 100 and Clarksville 25, winning the banner gallons of syrup beer and four empty by a half a point. ! barrels. Homer Whelchel won first in shot-put, j At the pi ace of j eg80 Wall, a white j throwing 42 feet, and also won first in man living near Warwick, the officers hurdles. j foviutl in the man’s smoke house one Adolph Drexel won second in pole- barrel of syrup beer, a flakestaud and vau H’ I several fermenters. Carlton Ivy won third in 100-yard gj x m ji es ea st of Oakfield the officers dash, first in 220-yard dash and second foimd in the slno kc house of Bill Mas- in 440-yard dash. The team: Ivy, a white man, a 10-gallon lord-can Drexel, Layton and Barnett won second 8tm an d a complete outfit. The still was in the relay race. f u a pit in the smokehouse and wa s cov- Ivy was quite the hero of the meet, ,. rPd oyer with a circular saw. making two sensational runs. « J In the corporate limits of Oakfield at the house of Gus Brooks, n negro the of ficers found a 10-gollon lard-can still TOP DRESSING TALKS (")F COURSE you are going to top-dress your crops y . wth quick-acting nitrogen. Experience has proved that it pays. But what nitrogenous chemical? That’s the question. If materials are scarce and high this year. ADpJfnuM eTi 0 " to buy carefully. Why not try ARCADIAN Sulphate of Ammonia? It contains 25 4 per cent, of soluble, available ammonia, 6 whole unit 3 more than any other top dressing, and yet the price p; r ton is about the same. It will work in any fertiliz- r spreader. About 100 pounds per acre will do the work Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia ^ i Su,p j' ate of An >monia is the well-known stand- . T h ha8 d £ ne y°“8ood service in your mixed fertil- finl an5 4®°" a* 1 ' kiln-dried and ground to make it TOE GRFAX At"«? laran,eed - Madc m U. S. A. I ML uKLAT AMERICAN AMMONIATE. For tale by Armour Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga Swift & Company, Atlanta, Ga. For information ^ ^ New York/ as to applica- 1 ne JgUompany N Y lion, write AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT Atlanta. Ca. Washington, April 28—President Wilson has ordered an announcement that all cables and wires taken over by the government during the war emergency will be returned to their owners, it was learned here late this afternoon. London, April 29—Three American soldiers are report ed killed and thirty injured today in a clash with South African negroes in a camp near Winchester. British troops quelled the riot. “Nervous Breakdown! n SI00 REWARD, $100. AMERICANISM HELP SWING THE LAST VICTORY LOAN It was our pride during the war that everything we attempted ‘ was well done and more. We said proudly that we would START anything and FINISH it. We are now called upon to prove this by putting over this FIFTH or VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN. , g; By the dash and bravery of our boys in battle and the push vim and enthusiasm of those at home, the world was startled into believing that our capabilities were almost unlimited. We earned and inspired confidence and respect Let us hold it by OVERSUBSCRIBING this last LIBERTY LOAN. We should not let our enthusiasm and pride at the thought of St Mihiel, Chateau Thierry or I ed by any failure to put this issue over— \ Now from a business standpo int—This FIFTH issue as well as all past issues are worth 100 cents in the dollar - THE CARSON / CLOTHING COMPANY stands ready to prove this by taking your BONDS in payments on account or in the purchase of goods-We. will even do better than this, In the event you are in need of part cash, we will accept (using $100 bond as basis) one-half on account, or for merchandise and hand you over the balance inCOOL CASH. This applies to both Collections- and Cash soles, i . . _ • The renders of this paper will be set up and complete and being operated pleased to learn that there is at least Q ver a three-burner oil stove. . drcwl.'!) disi-aje that science has been At th0 plttcc o( w B Lunsford, uui to cure in all its stages nnd that is ... ... ,, ., catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced w bite man living just outside the city by constitutional conditions requires con- limits of Oakfield, they found some Htitutionnl treatment. Hall’s Catarrh, “stump” whiskey and a small quantity SKIS nLfo™ til" MuMna“5rhS5,<>' —* Lunsford claimed he had of the System thereby destroying the for hog feed. The officers stated this foundation of the d'sensc, giving the pa- morniug that Lunsford is already under tient Strength by building up indictment for moonshlning. stitution and assisting nutur? iu doing ... .7 . its work. The propricrors have so much About seven miles south of Oakfield faith in the curative powers of Hall’s Jon the place of Franklin Weaver the of- Catarrh, Medicine that they offer One g ( , er8 found a ten-gallon lard-can stil’ with complete equipment. vvV . - it-' i\; U . KSKfeir to success. Hundred Dollars for anv case that it fails to cure. Rend for list of testimon ials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. —adv SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—TJlft County. Will be sold the first Tuesday in May, 1011), nt public outcry before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit: ... One oak bedstead, two iron bed stead*, two oak dressers, one oil stove, o trunks, seven straight chairs, four ... kers, one kitchen safe, one dining- table, one cooking stove and utensils, lot of dishes, plates, cups and sauc- four mattresses, four pillows, two counterpanes, one washstand, one feath er bed, one Singer sewing machine, one center table. Said property levied on as the property of J. S. Young under n distress warrant for rent issued from the 1314th District G. M., in favor of Mrs. Pearl Myers and against J. " Young. Levy made by E. O. Oliver, C., and returned to me this 22nd day of March, 1010. J. M. Shaw, Sheriff, Tift County SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold the first Tuesday in May, 1910, at public outcry before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit: One Ford roadster, motor No. 746,- 031. Said property levied on as the >pertv of .T. 8. Young under a mort- re fifa issued from the City Court of „.:ton in favor of B. E, Jackson, trad ing ns the Tifton Salea Agency and jainst J. H. Young. Thia 14th day of arch, 1910. J. M. Shaw. Sheriff, Tift Couuty. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold the first Tuesday in May, 1019, at public outcry before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property ‘.o-wit: . One-tenth undivided interest in the tract of land in said county being a E nrt of lot of land No. 524 in the Sixth district of said county. bein$ on the west side of said lot and containing 100 acres more or less. Bounded ou the north, west and south by original land lines and on the east by lands of Joe Marchant and Mrs. W. II. Young property being in the possessb James 8. Johnson and being levied the property of Reason Marcbani ui« same being the undivided one-tenth in terest of Reason Merchant, the son and heir at law of J. S. Marchant, the said Reason Marchant being defendant in flfa. Levied on under a fifa issued from the Superior Court of Colquitt county in favor of the Foy Adams Com pany and against J. G. Evans, Jot Evan* *“■“ "teason Marchant. Property point- by plaintiff’s attorney..Written nulito given afi required by law to defendant. Thf* 27th day of Febraaw. 1010. TUr&imtT. The federal officers only a few week- ago conducted another big raid in Worth county, In which they secured a lhrgc number of stills. Mr. Pierce, who in both raids, stated that Sheriff Sum ner, of Worth county, is one of the,most vigilant officers in running down viola tors of this law with whom he has ever worked. DO YOUR BEST. Everyone should do all he can to prov ide for bis family and in order to do this he must keep his physical system in the best condition poasible. No one can reasonably hope to do much when ho is half sick a good share of the time. If you ore constipated, bilious or troubled with indigestion get a package of Cham berlain’s Tablets and follow the plain nrinted directions, and you Will soon be feeling alright and able to do a day’s work. adv. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. Will be sold the first Tuesday in May, 1010, at public outcry before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described property, to-wit: One five passenger Overland car. Said car bought of C. A. Irby July 21, 1017. Levied on as the property of Henry Lee under a mortgage fi fa Issued from the City Court of Tifton in favor of J. W. Taylor and against Henry Lee. This March 7, 1010. J. M. Shaw, 8heriff, Tift County, Ga. is an example. Read what she says: “For months I suffered from extreme nervousness, nerves were completely unstrung and I suffered dis tressing pains across stomach and chest Doing light housework left me completely fatigued, and loss of sleep made nights long and tiresome. I began taking DR. MILES’ NERVINE and the first night slept aoundly. I continued using the medicine and 9oon all the unpleasant symptoms were gone.” Thousands of sufferers from nervous dis orders have found relief in DR. MILES' NERVINE This wonderful nerve soother is non-alcoholic and con tains no harmful or habit-forming dru g. Your druggist can tell you of its merits and effectiveness. Keep a bottle always on hand. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS (N-« f^rDR MILES'i-. NervinE SPECIAL NOTICE TO MR. FARMER We have just received our stock of the Cole Plain View Planters. We have different styles of the Cole Planter and will ask you to call and place your order at once. We also have the Ledbetter Planter, Set Dis tributors, Spring Tooth Cultivators, Little Joe Harrows, Plow Shapes, Scooter and Scrapes. , We have some of the K. P. Distributors and almost anything that a farmer needs in the way of FARM TOOLS. Call and see our stock before buying. THE GOLDEN HARDWARE CO. FREE VULCANIZING HOOD TIRES and TUBES for six months after purchase. Fisk, Goodyear & Goodrich Ninety days after purchase. Expert repairingon allmakes of Cart. Oar Shop it the best in the South ■ and we employ only good Mechanics. Give ut youf work, ,No Wo _n childrta kMkhy color, which ii Sheriff, ihs a I r Child m The Visible Gasoli Tift O It e to the whole arWMB. 1 Phone 20