The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 02, 1919, Image 5

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By Ernest Neal <‘Never 1 trouble trouble Til (rouble troubles you.” It's not a very human, ' Bat a proper thine to do, For I hardly need to tell you— I know you know the same— The worst of all our troubles Are the ones that never came. 7-room house, one acre _ _hesa part of town and ■tatfon. Ideal place tor plant Mra. C. B. Pitt, Ty T 7 , Ga. What we oft mistake for trouble Are those foxes of the mind— Disdainful Dread, frantic Fear, And Shame .that skulks behind. They eat our grapes of happiness, And leave us but the skin With all the juicy sweet pressed out, But bitter pulp left in. FOUND — Gold *».«« same by calling at A. B. & A. freight of fice and paying for this notice. 30-3(, tl . FOUND—rocket-book, with email a- mount change. Owner can get same by Now wouldn’t it be wiser To laugh these foxes 'way? With Faith and Hope a-ragging them, The little beasts can’t stay.' Then let’s to work and smiling! This old world’s hard to beat; With every rose we get a thorn, But ain’t the roses sweet?” calling at A. B. & A. office, describing property and payiPt * or th k notice. 303t Well in Enigma Rev. W. I. Patrick, one of the oldest and best-known ministers of the Gospel in this section, passed away at his home in Enigma Thursday afternoon between 8 and 4 o’clock. Mr. Patrick! moved to. Enigma from. Terrell county about 20 years ago and has resided there since. More than forty years ago he was married to Miss Fan hie Smith, of Terrell county, who, with sev en children, survives him. The surviv ing children are: Mr. Thomas Patrick, of Haxeiburst; Mr. Robert Patrick, of Mississippi; Mr. F. M. Patrick, of Ariz ona, who is now in the hospital at Ocilla for treatment for appendicitis; Mr. Devotie Patrick, of Macon; Mrs. Ed Rogers, of Omega; Mrs. Lois Dorm- iny, of Enigma ,and Mrs. Maude Notes, of Wiltacoochee. *\ Mr. Patrick was a consecrated minis ter in the Missionary Baptist church and a faithful laborer in the vineyard of the Lord. During the time he lived in this sec tion, Mr. Patrick made hundreds of friends, all of whom join ths Gazette in: extending sympathy family. The funeral of Rev. W. I. Patrick was held at the Baptist church in Enigma Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, the ser vices being conducted by Rev. 0. W. Durden. The church was very attractive in a profusion of flowers and the floral of ferings were numerous and beautiful. Pastor Durden paid a touching tribute to the beloved deceased, who spent the jDMSTRATION BIG SEARCHLIGHT GIVEN Heavens Brightened With Electrical DIs play by Searchlight Investigation Sec flon of 488th Engineers Here.' People iu aud around Tifton were given an illustration of the use of search lights iu anti-aircraft work at night with a demonstration Friday night by mem bers of the Searchlight Investigation Section of the 488th Engineers. The demonstration was put on for an hour, starting about 11 o’clock. A 36- inch Sperry barrel-type searchlight was used, electricity being supplied by one of the big army trucks. The light was thrown toward Fitsgwald and that city called over long diatance. It waa re ported that the light could be seen above Fitzgerald. The same report waa re ceived from Valdosta. Cordele and Thom- asville were gotten on the telepljone, but before they could be heard from the car bon in .the light burned out and the dem onstration was off. The engineering party which consists of sixteen men in eight trucks and a kT-VTuH • touring car, is en route from Washing- the nereaveu, a—ji- __ Mr. C. M. Willis, of Route 6, wss a- mong the visitors to Tifton Tuesday. r* ■ ■ i, . . . i Mrs. Ben Reid and Mrs. Horace, FOUND—Gold aemce pm in postomce. of P1Ufert id | were the guests of best years of bis life in ministerial work. '■ '’* ,Mra. J - p - 8bort W ' dn “ d *7- |The choir sung, “We Shall Gather at | Mr. W. R. Talbot, of Fender, who was'tho River," and “How Firm a Founda- WOUND—Automobile license tag. Own- in Tifton Tueid.y, says tho farmera of tlon.” I 55 at Gaaette office. tf his section aw having a busy time. Two of the children, Mrs. Ed Rogers, 1 „ ^ w tappf 'rt Omega, and Mr. F M. Patrick, who license tag. Own- ton, D. C., to Arcadia, Fla. They ar rived here Wednesday afternoon and wil’ leave Sunday morning. The atop here was caused by an accident to one of the big trucks. Five of the trucks are equipped with searchlights for anti-aircraft work. These will be tried out in connection with tho aviation fields in Florida. The trucks are equipped with generators for supply ing the lights with currents. The trucks haul the lights to the point where they are to be used and then they are rolled out on carriage on which they are mount ed aud set up for use. ^WANTED—Pots to punts in any 6“*"-“ d j’ a . ^ 7 lovely TittllTlriri >• •“ ‘he Ocilla hospital, were unable to ■SST w- Coleman. 28dwtf>" r l ”7- “'-Si! attend. The other ehUdren, with a large ttty. a. Coleman. BRING — | Saturday ulght at their home on Central »«end gathtrcd to paJ the U8 TOUR PEANUTS—Friday j avenue. _ . 1*,^ tribute to the beloved dead. Among and.Saturday,yCan aheU one thousand M r. W. H. Justice, of Route 5, sends JW, ^ TUton wen . H . I bu. per day.Vftle* for shelling Me. Will the Gaaette a patriotic ear of corn, the T & B , ldoI1| j. L . Pickard, Mrs. Juy your apUta. W R Lindsey A Co., I grains being iu three colors, red, white p rp(] Codyi am ] Mrs. E. E Lytle, lenot, 0*. Sdwlmojand blue. * ovee two! Mr. Leonard Rogers and niece, Miss'&rGGESTION FOR A over iwo|„ . ■-*. CAMPING TRIP aa^'h^lNauui. Harvey, left Thursday for Wilf^oou! Panama City, Fla., to visit relatives for With abort, spiked., boros. Will fiod calf. Reward for he r return. No tify Gaaette OBcs. dwtf. low complexion, flatulence arc symptoms of a tropid liver. No one can feel well while the liver is inactive. HERBINE is a powerful liver stimulant. dose or two will cause .all bilious symptoms to disappear. Try it. ’ Sold by Conger Drug (>). #dv MEMORIAL AT HARDING Trees Will be Dedicated Next Sunday to Boys Who Died Overseas. The. two memorial trees ot Harding, “LOST OR STRAYED — Heifer nine months old. Jersey -color. Reward for re turn to L O. Dumas, Rt. 2, Ty Ty, Ga. rig -StdwlL )ST —Saturday in business part of y, bunch of keys. Reward for return to Gaaette office. 28tf. FOR CASH: Best Sea Island, ents a yard. Duncan ft Stubbs. YOUR GROCERIES — At J. T. _md' Store. Self-Rising Flour .00 a barrel. We aye always glad to ldwlw. iv a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, planted in memory of Joe 8. Moncrief, and 'Diarrhoea Remedy before l® a y in f ! who died at a hospital in England, and jSfJ* SBE? X DroaDM?-' Richmond P. Lovitt, who was killed iu few deya. Mrs. T. J. Parker and daughter, Miss,hSme.^Aa . .... .. . . iK “ Neffi’ c fl a’S in it Z '5SR&J battle in France, win be dedicated with ta, where M . g ! while on board the cars or steamships J ap p ro p r |ate ceremonies uext Sunday, by a spectoUrt, ond at 8Uc h times and P lac«i it is most " 4 Miss Martha O’Neal has returned from 1 likely to be needed. The* safe way Ijjto ^ |n the county are Lakeland, Fla., where she hqp keen .. o — | invited to be present in uniform, to do spending the winter with her aunt, Miss DR Et y, BALL DEAD. I honor to their dead comrades. A gen- Emma Robinson. I _ _ jeral invitation is also extended to the Tifton merchants are patriotically J u any people throughout this section public, devoting their space in the Gazette to rp(re ^ t 0 jearn of the death of Dr. I The exercises will begin at 2 o’clock, advertising the Victory Liberty Loan.'g y in Atlanta last week. Dr.] 0 i d time, and will be ly*ld at the Hard- Read the ads and buy bonds. | BaB wa8 raised at Enigma and was a fag Methodist church. Pastor Raburu IShtor J. L. Herring left Wednesday 8on 0 f Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ball. He AT ZION HOPE CHURCH 7 Fine Program at Rally of 5th Division, Tift County 8. 8. Association. The Sunday School rally at Zion Hope church Sunday afternoon for Division. No. 5, T. 8. Rigdon, President, was one of much enthusiasm and interest in Sun day school woQw The opening song service was led by J H. Hutchinson, Miss Dewey Smith, organist, and prayer by A. J. Amnions. Mr. Rigdon made an introductory talk, giving the objeet of the rally and plead for the co-operation of the various Whool. to make the county second to CgTomJ“‘act«‘ifkT‘dyMmitTon'a 7^“.^.'"“ 8und *' 8 ' hMl duggUhliver. taScnme. Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver lone Hoa’A take maty, dangerous calomel wScm bilious, constipated, headachy. Listen to mej Calomel ealivatcal It’s mercury. I. D. Morgan, Superiutrodcut of the into contact with eour bile it craahee Tifton Bsptiit Sunday School, gave to mto it,c»vuing cramping and nauaea. int.rc.tlng ouUine of the work of • I* you feel blllOUB, headachy, con- Superlntendent. C. H. Rainwater, of stipated and all knocked out, just go Zion Hope, spoke on “Why We Need to your druggist and get a bottle of Sunday Schools,” and supported his posl- DocUon’s Liver Tone for a few centfl tlon with otatiotical information. I vrhich'ii a harmless vegetable anb- Mrs- P. D. Fulwood talked on “The .titute for dangerous calomel. Take Teacher of the Sunday School," a mo,, & ^ y y doe6n>t !tart mr liver and straighten you i l rtter and quicker than nasty r- 1 - vithont mel and without making you you just go back and get vour money. , If you take calomel today you’ll be v sick and nauseated tomorrow: be sides, it may salivate you, wliiic it- you take Dodson’s Liver Tone ycu , will wake up feeling great, full ot ambition and ready for wort, o* play. It ie harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they lib- it. CALENDAR OF CRIMINAL CASES excellent lesson that is applicable not only to this work, but to the literary field as well. Miss Helen Mat hewn, of Tifton, gave an ideal talk on the cultiva tion of the Missionary spirit of children. Hon. M. S. Patten, who never refuses — _ , the ;Zfof^ or wo^i:°^rr| To BeTried at the May Term, 1919, City Court of appealed to parent os well u the youth] and really intimated that no school was a success without the presence of thc' ( , parent. J ■> Prof. A. J. Ammoua also made no io- .. teresting talk on the ami,lay School .. work of the county.The program dosed " ith prayer, '.ed liy II. D. Webb. The exercises throughout were inter- “ esting and instructive and will prove helpful in creating general Interest in „ the county Sundny Sehohlv. There were seven schools represented in the L'iwriet .. and about 250 people attended the — meeting. Ex.-R. . “ No. 1). No. Tifton. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1910. CONSTIPATION IN PIGS 14 15 1936 The State v 1938 The State v 1930 The State v 1908 The State v 1987 The State i 1988 The State i 1980 The State i 1IMH) The State > 1901 The State a 1092 The State ’ 1903 The State 1904 The State i 1905 * The State 1906 The Stute 1907 The State WOO” The State - i. .1. .1. Itarnes, Violutiug Dipping Vat Law. i. Joe Durniiny. Violating Dipping Vat Law. • W. R. Hall. Violating Dipping Vat I^aw. !. Aaa Myers, ViolatiuR Dipping Vat Law. *. Julio tTardou, Violating Prohibition Law. ». Perry Coker, Drunk on Public Highway.. ». Perry Coker, Assault and Battery. S Hunter, Carrying Pistol Without License; «. Ben Hunter, Having Pistol at Justice Court, s. Ben Hunter, Carrying Concealed Weapons, s. Katie Howard, Violating Prohibition Law. k. Willie Heath. Violating Prohibition Law. s. Mattie Heath, Violating Prohibition Law. s. Henry Ware, Violating Prohibition Law. s. W. E. Berrong. Afisault. Daniel, Violating Prohibition Do not let your pigs become consti pated, their liver inactive. If you do, they will be an easy prey to diaease. Give them B* —A. THOMAS HOG •• 19 POWDER, the ideal laxative tonic and J" 20 worm cxpeller. Rickerson Grocery Co. “ adv. A GOOD FARM CHEAP. SALE'—- One mule, harness and j wagon. 1 Cheap for cash or bank note, or will trade for Ford car* fS&ri..- I US® night for Atlanta, where he will attend moV cd' to Atlanta several ycaro ago for the meeting at which Secretary of the tin- practice of his profession. The fol- Treasury Carter Glass will speak. | lowing account of his death is from the Extra nice lot of Sweet Potatoes at Atlanta Journal: Rickerson Grocery Co. 28dwlw. Fursral services for Dr. Emmett V. BINGES SEWING MACHINE—Bert ta Earth. Sold en taay payments, by . . . ^ ’ ■ ■’ ■ L a a Bankston. Tifton. killer. It relieve! pain and - ...innown eye. ear, 1 nose and 'gO rene “ cau,ed by Rheumat- wSn^ay'ttrJZ’onTons. whiei"we« throat spedaliat. ^ died «riy W^-jigm, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc, ad raised On his They ZehtrS°™r^t, “of heart trouble which North Corolina Se«l Peanuts are inches across an, - resulted from an attack of lufluenxa scarce, hot we have them. Spanish pea- seen anywhere. .'which he Buffered a few months ago, wcre' nu t s will pay this year. Get your seed Accordeon pleating, sewing and hand hrfd Thurada y m0 rnlng at 10:30 o’- before they run scarce. 'Phone us how Seed Peanut? We have them. Both hocne-frown. Can-furnish thefc 'Phone ua how many nnd we will have them ready. Lang & Co., FOR SALE—My two-story house, ooro- or South'Pork avenue and Fifth street KjUlro.'oI Mrs. a O. Carter, Tifton, fcfefcfr -; . 14dwlm. he&mlng neatly ond quickly done nt G “-1 clock from tho chapel of Barclay 4 Bran- ley'a Millinery Store.HemaUtchlng mach-. don (h , Rcv Dp c w Daniel offleiat- Inc on the way. Can fill orders for this . Intennent w as In North View work soon. S0d4t 'cemetery. Mr. Walter Stevens, of Macon, Is the Dr Ball ia surv i v cd by his widow, guest of his sister, Miss Cora Stevens, ] Mr8 Emma R. Ball, and a daughter. FOR SALE—Young Jeraey-Angui milch sow wltityonn* heifer calf. W. B. Hitch sock, TUthn.' 28dwtf. AB MARKET AND GROCERY ORB—on Main Street between Bow- i nnd Nathan’s. Gome to see me. Full weight at the right price. B M Skipper, Manager. Sdwlmo ^klBAYED—From my place the letter pert of February, one ball-grown, gray colored' heifer, unmarked. Reward for information. W. B. Hitchcock. 23codwtf Burnt. We have cue- randy to bay. It you want to aoU or boy see Fanes, Umber lands, name choice City ham as! Talwood 4 Ford, 00. 14-?.taw*wtf SALE—One peanut nnd popcorn B. H. Bankston, Tifton, Gn. fcs£eod tt Ptlea Cured in 6 to 14 Days 'AZO( In settlement of attorney’s fee I acquired the following 250 acres of land, am not a farmer and want to sell at once in order to realize my fee. 250 acres being a full lot, three-quar ters mile from railroad at Eldorcndo, Ga. About 150 acres has beco cleared but has laid out for some time, prac tically level, about 50 acres balance in a small lake on east line, 50 acres n- .round lake good pasture, cleared pari will be assisted by Rev. C. W. Durdeu, an( j (-lay pebble nnd sandy ^f Tifton. ‘ i oam ,011 healthy locality. Mr. Curmi- o . jchael of Tifton owna 500 acres ndjoin- Rub-My-Tiim is a great pain iag m | ne „„ North. If can aell nt once will take $10 per acre cash and it is worth double the amount. Title guaranteed. many and we will shell theta for you. Lang & Co., Omega, Ga. 1 ldwtf. TO TOBACCO GROWERS: at the Walker house. Mr. Stevens has MIga yersacola Ball. Dr. Ball wai a Tobacco transplanters, Dusters and Write or wire D. B. Bryan, 29-dwlt. Attorney, Bainbridge, Gn. It} 1301.. The State vs. Copeland Daniel, Having Whiskey ,,n Hsnd. 1$ %r ‘ iiXfe ‘' The I State vs. Copeland Daniel, Violating Prohibition Law. 18 The: State vh. J. C. McBryant and C. T. Lane, Assault and Bottory. j 1967 The State vs. J. A. Turner, Misdemeanor, 100G The State vs. Ton! Stalling, Pointing Hun at Another. 1920 The State vs. Mariah Bridges, Violating Prohibition Law. 2 “ 1010 The State vs. Arch Buie, Carrying Concealed Weapons. 4 3 ** 1822 The State vs. Jess* Webb, Violating Prohibition Law. :4 ** 1032 The State vs. C. M. Allen, ('beating and Swindling. , 5 ** 1006 The State vs. J. I*. Pool, Cheating and Swindling. :ti “ 1010 The State vs. Masco Bcivin. Violating Prohibition Law. 1 1008 The State vs. B. Blnekshear. Violating Prohibition I^aw. 8 ** 1021 The State vs. John Jones. Haming. TUESDAY, MAY «, 1919. 10 ** 1010 Tho State vs. Will Douglas. Carrying Pistol without License. iO “ 1816 The State vs. Charlie Hr ecu. Violating Prohibition Law. , I “ 1025 The State vs. W. II. Taylor. Cheating and Swindling. 12 “ 1061 The State vs. George Irwin, Drunk on Highway. 3 “ 1012 The State vs. S. 8. Monk, Assault and Battery. * !4 ** 17110 The State v». Charlie Perry, Simple Larceny. 15 ** 1023 The State vs. Sam Davis, Gaming. 10 “ 1022 The State vs. Ed Hill, Gaming. 17 ” 1811 The State v«. Mary Clark, Misdemeanor. The above and foregoing calendar is hereby approved and the same will be used in the calling of all cases appearing thereon. All cases not appearing on the calendar and which have been filed subsequent to the making up of said calendar, will be taken up at any, time during the term by order of the Court All witnesses called in the abonru must appear on the duto said case or cases appear on the calendar and ahfAL:remain until discharged by the Court. This 14th day of AprfkWfg;^ , - J«n« H. Price, ABOUT RHEUMATISM only been hack from France a few weeks, I p ro f eaS Q|. at the Georyln College of Eel- receiving his discharge ot Camp Gordon #cUe Medicine and Surgery and was also a few days ago. | a member of the Georgia Medical asoocia It does not matter how far you live, tlon. ne waa a Knight of Pythias and from Omega, it will pay you to let us a member of the First Baptist church, shell your seed peanuts on our Tom Dr. Bell was one of the best known Huston ahollcr. You are aure to get a j members of the medical profession ol better stand. We shell every day, and]Georgia ond enjoyed a state-wide pa- will shell them while you wait. Tdwtf tronage. Mr. R. W. Goodman motived a mes sage Tuesday from Lieut. Dsn C. Smith that he had landed safely and was now at Camp Mills, N. Y. Dan was with the 307th Infantry and was among the first of Tifton’s young men to be drafted. In the whole field ef medicine there Is not a healing remedy that will re P a, J &ARD'S P sXowT.nKieJ.,I S S iwer Is extraordinary. Sold by Conger rug Co. „ , * dv ; Capt. end Mm. George Baker and Miss Eva Boker, who have been the guests of Mr. T. J. Tarter end family, left Monday for their home in West Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. George Baker. Jr., came up and carried them back through the country in their car. Iht fiidriaa That Dost Not Hifect ths Heat! Becauae of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE ia better than ordinary Quinine and doca not cauae nervouaneta nor rinKlnK In head. Remember the full name and took lor the rignature ol B. W. GROVE. *>c rare .666 quickly relieve* Conntipa- j quick _ tlon. Biliousness, lest of Ap petite end Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. * dv Loss of Ap- forpid FARM LOANS LOWEST RATES IMMEDIATE ACTION KIRK SMITH CAROLINA BOND 4 MORTGAGE CO. 40* Trust Co., olOa. Building w2t ATLANTA, GA. : 2 Bo not figure that you have enough FIRE INSURANCE P vwhen your property ia protec- I' ited to the extent of FIFTY or • f’ ,“SIXTY’ per cent—be on the jgfe aide and cany . ENOUGH • INSURANCE. The ADDITIONAL INS UR- ICE can be placed thru thia icy in aome ofthe STRONG FAIREST COMPANIES field—-why not grant oa Uon of your businea* if need additional protec UonT r ■ : Dependable aervlce and THE COST OF LIVING Hai not come down any, but you can •are on your shoe bill, By Fixing Your Old Shoes. THE TIFTON 8HOE HOSPITAL will make them food aa new. •’Quality Work” our motto. lldwtf. FOUND DEAD IN BED. From the Valdosta Times. Abner Birmans, of Berrien county, was found dead in bis bed last Thursday morning. The doctors thought his death was caused by n stroke of paralysii. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist church and was bora in Berrien county, out from Milltown, in October, 1833 and was a successful fanner and stock raiser. He is survived by ten children and a multitude of friends. Gutivators. Paris Green for tobacco worms. See me, for I can save you money, on large or small quantities. W E Farmer, Tifton, Oa. 3dwt! 'People are learning that it is only a waste of time and money to take medi cine internally for chronic and muscular rheumatism, and about ninety-nine out of a hundred cases are one or the other of these varieties. And that is really necessary to afford relief is to apply Chamberlain’s Liniment freely. Try it. It costs but 35 cents per bottle. Large size 60 cents. *dv. “HONK” SHEPPARD BACK Has Enough of France and Rejoices at Return to God’s Country. Private Charles F. Sheppard, famil iarly known to his friends as “Honk,” ond* son of Mrs. O. F. Sheppard, reach ed home Wednesday afternoon, having received his honorable discharge Camp Gordon. Frank went to Camp Gordon from Tift county in October, 1017, and was sent from there to Camp Wheeler. He sail ed for France with a select detachment of Engineer casuals the following June. He wa 8 stationed at 8t. Nazairre with 8.0.8., part of his duties being help ing to set up locomotives for Uncle Sam. He was not in active service at the front but got up close enough to be under fire in the «econd line trenches, He landed at Charleston ten days ago and went from there to Camp Gordon for his discharge. DOCTOR SAYS VINOUS THE BEST TONIC Hone*t Opinion Doctor Gave Hi* Patient MR ARNOLD M. LEE DEAD. Shelling peanuts by hand is a tedious job. Try our New Tom Huston shell- Lang ft Co.. Omega. 7dwt£ Judge City Court of Tifton, CALENDAR OF CIVIL CASES To Be Tried at ihe May Term, 1919, City Court WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, l»lt G No. D, No. DIG TIME FOR SIIRINERS. Messrs. J. L. Brooks, W. L. Harman, l’erry MeUranie, J. F, Lota, John Peter- W. A. Reid, J, N. Garrett, T. S. Higdon, L E. Bowen, J. H Young, J A Yarbrough, Frank Smith and Jim Thrash ,-ere among tho many attending the Shrini-rs’ ceremonial at Columbus Tues day, returning Wednesday morning early Messrs. Lot*, Peterson, Reid, Garrett and Rigdon were inducted into the mys teries ot Shrinedom at the ceremonial, which waa tho biggest in the history m the order in this lection. Everybody re- liorts n big time except the “novices,” who are not reporting. Bring in yonr Spanish Peanuts now. Am baying this week, 24-tl Bedford, Ohio.—“I wnt In n pitiful condition, weak, nervous and run down to I could not do my housework* I bad doctored for yearn and tried everything under the (un. A friend told me about VinoL I asked my doctor about it* and bn replied, Tt certainly U the best medicine that can ba had today. I couldn’t give yon any better.’ I took it, and today I am at well and strong at any woman could wiih to be, and it waa Vlnol that taved me.”—Mrs. Frank A Hot- key, Ath St, Bedford, Ohto. We guarantee thi« famooa cod liver and iron tonic for all auch condition*. For Sale by Conger Drug Co, and Drug, gist. Everywhere. Adv. Mr. Arnold M. Lee died in a saui tnrium at Adel Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock offer n little over two weeks' Ill ness. Mr. Lee was stricken with ap pendicitis two weeks ago lost Friday, be ing taken to Adel a week ago last Mon day for an operation. Hln condition was so serious from the first that little hope was held for his recovery. Tho body was brought to Tifton Tues day afternoon, the funeral lervicos being held nt Oakridge cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, his pastor, Rev. C. W. Darden, preaching the funeral sermon. Juniper Camp No. 144, W. t>. W„ of which Mr. Lee wns a member had charge of the funeral services. Mr. Lee wos horn In t’hilllcothc, Ohio, about thirty years ago. Ha came to Georgia and married Miss Pearl Goode, daughter of Mr. and Sin. W. T. Goode, in Carteraville in 1908. He moved to this section about seven years ago. Mr. Lee ia survived by bis wife and four children, Ina, Weldon, Evelyn and Doro thy. Also his mother and seven broth- . ~ .. . .11 ilwtnM In nttifl. THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION FEDERAL FARM LOANS and two sisters, all living in Ohio. One brother, Mr. Alton Lee, came here a few week* ago to viait him and wns with him up to the time of bln death, Hla father died a few month! ago. Mr. Lee won a genial, Ukable man nnd mads friends on acquaintance. Hla many friends join the Gnxette in antendlng sympathy to ths bereaved family. Habitual Constipation C ta 14 to 21 Day* Cun now be procured prompt, ly through the Tift-Berrien County Mutual Federal Farm l.... Association at 5 1-2 per cent interest, on 35 years Hm. -LAX-FOS WITH PEPSDrUaapedallT- F“ fuH p.rticuIar.r^upon H. S. MURRAY. ! Secretary-Treasurer, l SSSaSsVenr Pletasorjo TIFfON, GEORGIA,’pet bottle. Black River Folia, Wla.-''Ai Lydia E. Ptakhsm’s Vegetable Compound eaved me from on operation. I cannot say enough in nralie ofit I suffered from organic troubleaand my aide hurt me to I could hardly bo np from my bed, end! housework. I bid tho best doctors In Eau Clairs nnd they wanted me to have an operation, but LydiaE." Vegetable Compound cured me eo I did not need the operation, and lam tellu* all my frienda about it’ —Mrs. A w. Binzeb, Black River Falls, WIs It is juit such experience*^** that of i. Btnrei “ Jnxer that ba* made rids famou» root and herb remedy s household word from ocean to ocean. Any womnn who ■uffers from inflammation, ulceration, arA'a&s&yjyiS Pinkham Medicipe Co., Lynn, HftM. 1033 Virginia-Czrollna ('bruiinil Go. vs. Mrs. J. D. Young. 2184 Tifton Guano Co. vs. Mr*. H. H. Flcteher, ct al., J. H. Young, Gnr. 2180 N K.. Harris Gov. vs. Mathi* Cushion, Drin., J. R. ft W. A. Stephens, Secs. 2212 N R. Lindsey vs. Bank of Omega. 2234 S. I’erling ft Bro. vs. Max Nathan. (Disqualified.) 2298 G. 8. Wilcox vs. J. N. Bonncfield. 2299 O. 8. Wilcox vs. Joseph M. Walker. 2300 O. 8. Wilcox vs. Mrs. Laura & G. Willis. 2305 O. W. Smith vs. W. C. James, ct al., Mrs. G W Wright, Clmt 2300 Mrs. Emma T Brown, Ex. vs. J C ft W It Smith, et al. 2313 Reid Corry vs. Ga. Sou. & Fla. Rwy. Co. 2317 Robert O’Quinn vs. Miss Ida Dickerson ft C. 8. Winn. 2334 Duncan ft Stubbs vs. Florence Blalock. 2336 Fulton Metal Bed Mfg. Co. vs. G. L. Blalock. 2348 Tifton Farm Tool Mfg. Co. vs. J. W. Hall ft R L Lovett. 2352 Fourth National Bank of Macon vs. W. E. Gibbs, Deft., Mra. Cnssie Gibbs, Clmt. 2.853 W. F. Spring vs. G. W. Roberts. 23U1 Bartow Hardware Co. vs. S. N. Jordan. 2387 So. Ga. Land Corporation vs. W. E. Farmer. 2389 Bank of Omega vs. H. T. Shannon. Deft., The Bank of Tif* ton, Gar. 2.390 Commercial Security Co. vs. Mills Drug Co. 2392 Jacob Watson vs. J. M. Shaw, Sheriff, et al. 2398 Perry Moore, for use of I. C. Touchstone vs. A B ft A Rwy Co. 2402 Touchstone ft Wilbanks vs. Central of Georgia Rwy. Co. 2405 8. N. Adams vs. Tint Walker. 2410 Fanners ft Merchants Bank vs. J LA Judson Johnson, et aL 2418 Peeples Bank of Jacksonville vs. E. A. Buck ft J. G. Patterson. 2410 Peeples Bank of Jacksonville vs. E. A. Bock ft T. A. Patterson. 2420 Citizens Bank of Blackshear vs. E. A. Buck, T A ft J G Pat* terson. 2421 Citizens Bank of Bluckshetr vs. E. A. Buck. 2424 Barnett National Bank vs. E. A. Buck. THUR8DAY, MAY 8, 191*. 2427 Southern Co-Operative Foundry Co. vs. P. A. Lasseter. 2433 Valdosta Bank ft Trust Co. vs. E. A. Buck. 2436 I/evy’s Dept. Store vs. Southern Mfg. Co., Deft., ABftA Rwy. Co., Gar. 2440 A. C. Tift vs. T. M. Perry. 2442 L. C. Carr vs. Farmers Ginning Co. 2452 Mrs. Ethel Warren vs.(K. N. Varner. 2453 I. A. Fulwood ft I. L. Ford vs. G. D. Browning. 2454 I. A Fulwood ft I L. Ford vs. G. D. -Browning, Deft., Varner vs. W. B. Parks. Trading as Farmera Ware- Garnishee. 2455 J. house. 2461 J. W. Gaulding vs. Frank Parks. 2465 Schmoller ft Mueller Co. vs. William Green, Deft., G. IL Fletcher, Clmt. 2467 The Union Banking Co. vs. E. A. Buck. 2468 The Union Banking Co. va.' E. A. Buck. 2469 Southern Cotton Oil Co. va I. W. Myers. 2471 <\ W. Graves, Ordinary vs, C. J. Swain, et aL 2473 A. C. Tift, Trading as Tift-Overland Co. vs. Jim B Oobb, et ftL 2475 Hall Motor Sales Co., for use of Nat’l Bank of Tifton J. II. Fordhum, Deft., J. W. Gaulding, Clmt. 2476 Hall Motor Sales Co., for use of Nat’l Bank of Tifton vs. J. II. Fordham, Deft., G. W. Branch, Clmt. 2479 0. A. Irby vs. H. L. Gentry. 2480 A. C. L. Rwy Co. va. R. E. Gay. 2481 W. E Farmer va Williams Patent Crusher ft Pulverizer Oo, Deft.. Central Grocery Co., Garnishee. 2482 8. Harrell v§. W. A. Puckett. 2483 0. V. McDaniel vs. Atlantic Coast Line Rwy. Oo. * 2484 Gov. of Ga. ys. Ed Hill, Prin., Jas J. Rooney. Sec. 2485 Gov. of Ga. ts. Sam Davis, Prin.. Jas. J. Rooney, Sec. 2488 M. E. Levy vs. C. P. Rouse. j. N. BROWN I BELL FARM LANDS mi CRY PROPERTY -l MAKE FARM AND CITY LOANS HOUSES FOR RENT *M me MM taring a Farm, Rrotlat n II»B*t, ot Haring * Loan. Office No. IS New Clyntt BnllJIn*. 02 2490 Connell Groin Co. ts A. D. Halils. 2403 n. H. TUt n. Mra. J. 0. Piper. 2408 Detroit Automobile Scale Co. ts Geo. W. WUllo, Trading as - City Cosh Market. 2499 Golden Lira Stock Co. Tf. John T. Mixon til 2500 ' Shlrer and Aaltmaa ts A. O. Tift, Tending as TUt Co. 68 “ 2501 -tV. R. Llndwy 4k Co. ts J. W. Lang k Co. 64 “ 2502'0. K. Clonde, By next friend ts Standard. Ofl Of, 05 “ 2503 J. H. Merchant rf. Mrs. Loses WiUia, et aL 2504 Farmer* 4k Merchants Rank re. R. G 2505 G. U Blalock TS R 8 Dnt*Iaft Deft, O The shore and foregoing calndte f* hereby apprc '• need in the calling of all ttw i _ of Its regular order eg thown on i the approval of tho Court. , „ No _ i calendar except by Thit the lQth day of April, 19111, ; , , Jam,* »• , . i riai-V'-V". : Judge' ; mm*