The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 02, 1919, Image 7

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Ill the League the Plenary —won of the Peace Con ^ : this afternoon. Lowest cost Company lEOROIA sinew H loaded < Joy they | customers of which ordered Wonder for kidney and Bomb Intended for being pot out tf ^Maddor troubles, gravel, diabetes, weak Blows Off Maid’s 1 v he and lame backs, rheumatism and ir- Atlanta, April 20—Mrs. Maude P.j 'y. regularities of the kidneys and bladder ffardwick, wife of former United ^tates j * invboth men and women. Itegulates Senator Thomas W. Hardwick, waj&aln- it bladder troubles in children. If not sold fully injured aud her negro maid ;suf- by your druggist, will be sent by mail fered the los* of both bands in the ex on receipt of $L25. One small bottle is'plosion here today of an infernal ma- Incidenti buggh It moves - * 7S. * V>: Ctililt r«im flrlp «nrt Intlniwra LAXATIVE BROMO QUUGNLTablrt* rtmowth* two months’ treatment and often cures. Send for sworn testimonial!. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2920 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists.—adv. A ROAD ten Years Ahead jp We All mm - ’till Together Q UT Of the shadow of the World War America m emerges, facing a period of promise unparal leled in the History of Business. There is but'one more obstacle to overcome, one more gap to be bridged—the payment of the war debts. This is the purpose of the Victory Loan and to accomplish it fully and completely, it is essen tial that we all pull together—that every man buy Victory Bonds to the full extent to which he ex pects to benefit by the golden years to come. THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY WADE-CORRY CO. TELEPHONE 143 MEMBER TIPTON BOARD OF TRADE. FITZGERALD Third Annual AUTO SHOW! One Hundred 1919 Models of Bg; Automobiles and Trucks on Display 7 to 10 May AUTO PARADE TUESDAY NIGHT Wednesday 11 a. m. Grand Opening at the Exhibi tion Hall on East Central Avenue. Show open all day and until 10 o’clock at night. Free to all visitors. Thursday. Good Roads Meeting—Senator Hoke Smith will speak at 11 a. m. Friday. Truck Demonstration Day. Saturday Tractor Day, Special Tractor Demon- Effort Will Be Made to Make this Third An nual Automobile Show a Fitting Success. Fitzgerald Auto Club 4. L. GRINER, Pres. A. H. THURMOND, Sec. ;• T. M. WALDEN, Chm. Publicity Com. 8TATE OF GEORGIA, Tift County. Whereas, it ig the duty of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reven ues of the County of Tift to keep the public roads of said county in such con dition of repair that they may best the interests of the people of the county; Ana whereas, the wooden bridges and portions of the sand-clay roads of raid county are not capable of sustaining the strain of modern traffic*, and the ex- ( ►ease of rebuilding and repairing such midges aud portious of roads is a con stant and heavy drain upon the County Treusury without giving n mrresponding- ly adequute return for the money spent; And whereas, the people of Tift coun ty, in common w-ith nil tfic citizens of tue State and Nation, are now demand ing more premanent highways than those heretofore constructed aud maintained: And whereas, the needs of the county can only be met by the construction of hard surface permanent public roads and concrete and steel bridge^ us a part of such permanent roads; And whereas, there are not at this time couuty funds available for these purposes, aud the Board of Commission ers of Rouds and Revenues of said coun ty are authorized to issue county bonds for the building of permanent public roads and bridges provided the requisite assent of the qualified voters of the county to the issue of said bonds is first obtained; Therefore, be it resolved, by the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rev enues of said county of Tift in regular session assembled with all members present. First: That an election be called for the purpose of submitting to the quali fied voters of said county the question of the issuance of bonds for public road purposes in the amount and sum of $300,000, said election to be held in full compliance with the general laws of this State. Second: That such election shall be held on the 21st day of May, 1919, and shall take place during the hours fixed, by law in each and all of the election precincts of said county of Tift. Third: That full and lqgal notice shall be given to the qualified voters of the county of Tift of tne time and place and manner of holding such election, together with such information relative to the proposed bond issue as may be required by law and the same shall be published in the Tifton Gazette, the newspaper in which the Sheriffs adver tisements of the county are published, for a period of thirty days next preced ing the dute of the election. Fourth: That a form of notice held aud deemed by this Board legally suffi cient be and the same is hereby attach ed to and made a part hereof, and that this resolution shall also be published •ith the said notice as n part thereof. Fifth: That this resolution shall be duly recorded upon the Minutes of this Court. The above and foregoing resolutions passed in regular session in open Court at this the regular April Term, 1919, of the Court of County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Tift county, Georgia. This 17th day of April, 1919. R. E. Hall, Chairman. M. Tucker, Jehu Branch, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Tift County, Ga chine sent through the mails to the home of the former Georgia senator. He was at hia law office at the time. The package which came in a paper wrapper bore a New York City post mark and had been mailed to Senator Hardwick's former home at Sandersvllle, Ga. Postoffice officials there bad for warded it to bis apartment here on Peachtree street. The package was about six inches long and some -three inches wide. Mrs. Hardwick, the senator said, decided that it was a sample of pencils and told the maid to open it. GEORGIA, MAY,. 1910. sui in ur i tuumi, ON THE 21st DAY OF GEORGIA—Tift County. TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF TIFT COUNTY, GEORGIA: In accordance with the terms of _ resolution of the Board of Commission- of Roads and Revenues of the county of Tift, State of Georgia, duly passed on the 17th day of April, 1919, notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of ■aid county, and all other citizens aud residents thereof, that on the 21st day of May, 1919, an election will be held in 666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Font Ton ic on the market, but no one one wants imitations. They are dangerous things in the medi cine line. adv, Every Day a Feature Day With Novel Entertainment [f Daily Concerts by Fitzgerald’s Celebrated Silver Band Hie Woman’s Tonic *•! took four bottles/ 1 Mis. Jones goes on to say. "and was not only greatly relieved, bat cu truthfully toy that I bav* uot a pain. . . '•It hai now been two years since I tookCardui, tad I am tun In good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardul who it a sufferer fror any female trouble.” If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or If you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up your run-down system, lak* the advice of Mrs. Jones. TryCar- dul. It helped her. We believe It will help you. and for the county of Tift, in all the election precincts of said county, at which them will be submitted to the S ualified voters of said county for their etermination, the question whether bonds for public road purposes shall be issued by said county in the aggregate sum of $300,000.00; the funds to be derived from the sale of said bonds to be used for the purpose of buildiug in said county of Tift, State of Georgia, hard surface permanent public roads, and parts of public roads and concrete and steel bridges as pafts of such roads, said. bonda to bear date of and be is sued on the first day of October, 1919, or within such reasonable time after the date of their validation as may be decided upon by the Board of Commis sioners of Rosas and Revenues of said county of Tift, to bear interest from date at tho rate of five (5) per centum S er annum payable annually on the first ay of October of each and every year; to be of the denomination of $1000.00 each, and numbered serially from 1 to 300 Inclusive, and the principal sum of $300,000.00 to become due and payable and to be paid off and fully discharged and retired within thirty years from the date of issue in the following manner to- wit: Said bonds shall be divided into Groups or Blocks of ten bonds each of tbe total sum of $10,000.00 principal, and said Groups or Blocks of ten bonds each shall be paid off annually begin ning with the first ten bonds numbered serially, as aforesaid, which shall become due and payable on the first day uf October, 1020. and each successive Group or Block of ten bonds numbered serially of the amount of $10,000.00 principal to be paid off. discharged aud retired on the first day of < October, each and every year thereafter for a term of thirty years from the dute of is sue when the last Group or Block of tea bonds of aaid series of the aggregate incipal sum of $10,000.00 shall have en paid off, discharged and retired. Each and every bond of said series fchall bear interest from October 1st, 1910, (the sum of unearned interest to be added to the selling price of bonds) at the rate of five centum per annum, and all payments on interest shull be made on the first day of October of each and every year during the full interest bearing period of said series of bonds. The principal and interest of this en tire issue- of bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weigbt and fineuess at aome financial institution in the City of New York, or at such other place as may be agreed upon in writing by the purchasers of said bonds and the Board of Commissioners of Ronds and Rev enues of said county of Tift, and State of Georgia. The Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county- of Tift and State of Georgia shall in the year 1919, at and before the date of issue of said bonds, levy a tax sufficient to pay the amount of the accrued interest on said: bonds up to the first day of October, 1020. and alto to pay the Group or Block of ten bonds maturing October 1st, 1920, making a total of $25,000.00 due and payable on said date; and the, total amount to be raised by taxation for payment of the total amount of prin cipal and interest to be paid October 1st, 1020, and to be raised by taxation dur ing the year, 1919. and the total a- mount to be raised by taxation during the year, 1919, and each and every year thereafter for the purpose of paying both principal and interest of this entire is sue of bonds shall be ns follows; 1919 $25,000.00 1920 24,500.00 1921 24,000.00 1922 23.500.00 1923 23,000.00 1924 22,500.00 1925 22,000.00 1920 21,500.00 1927 21,000.00 1928 20,500.00 1021) 20,000.00 1030 19,500.00 1931 19,000.00 18,500.00 1033 .. 18,000.00 1034 17,500.00 1035 17,000.00 103(1 .. 10. i rf».(X> 3937 10.000.00 1938 15,.»fl0.00 1030 15,000.00 1940 14.500.00 1041 . . 14.000.00 1042 ... 13.500.00 1043 i-wo-jo 1044 12.; *00.00 1045 12.000.00 1040 11.500.00 1047 Z . ’ * ' .. . iinoo!oo 1948 10,500.00, The said election shall be held in the; manner prescribed by the general law* of this State and more particularly as set out in Sections 440, 441, 442 aud 443 of the Code of Georgia of 1910 and the Acts of the Legislature amoiufotory thereof. , , , The polls will be open ut six o clock A. M. and close at six o’clock 1*. M., sun time, at the Courthouse precinct at Tifton, and will bo open at ten o’clock A. M. and close at three o’clock 1*. M., sun time at each and all of the other voting precincts in said county of Tift on the date fixed for said election to- wit, the 2lst day of May, 1919. Those desiring to vote for bonds shall have printed or written on their ballots •onto "For Bonds” and those dcsir- o vote against bonds shall have printed or written on their ballots the i»rds “Aguinst Bonds.” - The returns of said election shall be made by tbe managers of tbe several election precincts of said county to the Board of Commissioners of Ronds and Revenues of Tift county at their office tbe courthouse in Tifton, Georgi noon, sun time, on the day followii d election, and the consolidation - „_,d returns and all other proceedings connected therewith shall be in accord ance with the general laws of the State of Georgia. . ... . . This notice is given and published as provided and directed in uu order of said •d of Commissioners of Roads and ... .ciiues calling said election duly pass ed at the regular April Term of said Court on the 17th day of *April, 1910. and duly entered upon the Minutes of said Court. This April 17th, 1010. R. E. Ilall, Chairman, M. Tucker, Jehu Branch, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Tift County, Ga. &i!wPERUNA Phillips Mercantile Co, Tifton, Ga. Please ship me to Ty Ty, Ga., two barrels of Ballard’s Self-Rising Flour, if your car has arrived. If n >t, just as socn as it comes. We think the Ballard’s Flour is the best we ever used. My wit'e said she wants Ballard’s if she can get it. Your Friend and Brother, R. H. KELLEY, TY TY, GA. Oil Stoves Fireless Cookers Cream Freezers Porch Furniture Will Make Everything Pleasant at Home for Your Summer. We Can Supply Everything tor the Home or the Farm. Taylor Furniture & Hardware Co. ON THIS WHOLE PRINTED PAGE IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE EVEN A SMALL PORTION OF THE MANY BEAUTIFUL THINGS WE HAUE IN OUR STORE TO GIUE COMFORT TO. AND BEAUTIFY WO MEN. WE INUITE V0U TO COME IN AND SEE OUR GOODS. IT IS A PLEASURE TO US TO SHOW YOU OUR GOODS AND NO MATTER WHETHER VOU BUY THEM OR NOT WE SHALL SMILE JUST THE SAME. BUT JUST FOR THE SAKE OF CONUENIENCE BRING VOUR PURSE ALONG WHEN VOU COME. BE CAUSE YOU CANNOTLOOK AROUND IN OUR STORE WITHOUT SEEING THINGS VOU WANT AND WILL BUY BECAUSE THE ‘TRICE” IS SO LOW. The Adams-Smith Company USE GAZETTE WANT ADS FOR RESULTS •V -' ' ;■ dM W: