The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 02, 1919, Image 8

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' • ' - H . • » in—m BOW T1FTON LOOKS NEW USE FOR PENNY TO OUTSIDE WORLD WHEN YOU GET DRINK k N GAZETTE, TIPTON, GA^ FRIDAY, BKD CAME DOWN HON. CARTERS! ■BROKEN WINGS, GUEST OF GE0R< »vta* PWnr, Exhibited **"». *? Sreretaqr rt Tresaurv Comm to AUs.1*'"Better Stmt, art Brfta- Highway.’’ Farmers Met With EaUmslaatte The movtuf picture of Tifton scenes, Taxes, Which Unde Sam Needs To Pay lib BUli. ( Atlanta, May 1—The little penny n exhibited at the Strand free to found a new use. beginning today. Unde farmers Thursday, morning and after Ham needs more money to pay bis w*r.« ~ >\k ' in Interest of Victory Bend Cam- palgn Thursday,-, Atlanta, April 30—When Hon. Carter Is 81e«aa AH Over Georgia—Car- show,, in Waycross Saturday, bills and demobilisation expenses. There- »r bonds; while towns and I When tfinylne Failed to Respond Finishes Trip hy Track. \ . „A party of six aviators enroute f£om Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Fla., to South- Glass, Secretary of the Treasury visits Field, Americus, spent Sunday nifht the Sixth Federal Reserve District on In _ __ _ r .__ _ Tifton. It was headed by Major H.| May 1st, he will be received by a great clties hare tone forward in putting down Couceralog it. the correspondent of the fore, he now requires a penny for etch'll. Houghten, with Lieut. H. A. Bivins, congress of Governors, Senators, Con- new and better street pavements. Becent- Savannab Mu ruing News says: ‘dime or fraction thereof paid for soft ( Lieut. Edw. H. Gulford, Lieut Henry fresumen, bankers and publishers, in- ly Bibb county baa voted in favor of The thr<»e-n*l film, portraying the drinks, ice cream and such concoctions. Riley, Lieut. Monnaban and Sergt Lloyd, vited to Atalnta to bear the distinguish- $700,000 for permanent highways; Sum- wonderful agricultural opportunities for It is entirely different from the new in three machines. |ed official apeak in the interest of the ter has authorized a bond issue of $500,- ' Georgia's coastal plains section, photo- tax on candies, and the old and the new| In alighting, the machine of Lieut, j Victory Loan. '000; Colquitt has said abe wants $500,- - graphed recently by the official photo- and supertaxes on cigars, cigarettes and ( IUley and Sergt. Lloyd was wrecked. As Arrangements for the reception and 000 worth of good roads and Walton <s grapher of the United States reclamation tobacco. The dealer is supposed to pay it neared the ground the engine failed entertainment of Secretary Glass and county has gone on record In favor of f service to slow members of Congress and the tobacco tax and pass it on to the cun- to respond and the machine was too low the visitors who are coming to bear him bonds for good roads in the sum of $200,- to influence favorable action on Secre-'tomer in higher prices. ~ |to recover its balance. Both wings and have been completed by Haynes McFad- 000. Sixteen other counties in the state ; tary Lanes soldier settlement bill now This “luxury tax', as It has been call- the propeller were.broken. |den, chairman of tho Liberty Loan have called good roads bond elections. 4 pending in Congress, was shown inform- cd, simply is an extension of the war' After spending the night at the Mjroni Executive Committee and St. Elmo Mas-j The business district of Carrollton ally at the electric theater here to a tax which the public haa been paying four of the party in „two undamaged sengale, director of publicity. From the with its brand new pavements and number of Ware county's prominent for some time on tickets to theaters, ‘ machines went on their way to Americus, acceptances being received, it is believed storm sewers, is the latest improvement business men aud laud owners. ( motion picture shows and other amuse- leaving Monday morning about 0:30. A that two thousand visitors will be here, among .the progressive towns of the To say that enthusiastic praise was ments. The extension, #hich began to- truck was sent from Souther Field forj Secretary Glass will deliver bis address state. Knox Thomas, consulting engin- bestowed does uot adequately measure day, covers a wide field, Including many the wrecked machine. at 10 o’clock in the morning gt the Bap- eer of Atlanta, who makes a specialty of the degree of approval expressed by all articles of clothing, from petticoats to, - ■ —-o tint Tabernacle auditorium which has o designing and supervising street and who saw if. Ueal surprise was express- men's shirts, and applying particularly MnnOV MANTII MAV Keatin * c# P* c ^J r of 8,500. 'The meeting road improvement, has just completed artistic beauty of many to soft drinks. t I ItIMiK I IvlUlllll MAI be P reBi< led over Hon. Joseph A.'the work, which city officials praise very «i at the _ . ___ _ * McCord chairmait of the Board of the highly. The pavements are vibrolithlc RRINlS M0RF I AXFS Iederal Reserve Bank and director of concrete. Other town and county offi of the pictures, all of which are clear Welcome tbe thought, alterations are and distinct, and the splendid pictures not taxable, so there ia hope for the of crops, fruits, cattle, hogs, sheep and "made-over”,' the patched shoes, cloth* horses produced in tins section are such ing and various and sundry other things.. -«.*-, .. — •s to inspire pride iu the heart of ev- Note this—congress extends tbe hope of' Atlanta—After May 1 you'll pay ten tor and president of the American News- Mr. Thomas and contracts will be let in try Georgia citizen. (repealing the tax at its next session, so P«r cent on all these articles costing paper Publishers Association, will res- the near future. tbe War Loan Organization. Hon. Frank dais, who contemplate similar improve*! P. Glass, of Birmingham, promiuent edi- meats, have been in consultation with' TRIAL OF EMILE COTTIN A story runs through the pictures it may not lost for a very long time. more than the amouut named: which may be sketched briefly as fol- Listen, don’t get sore on the soda Pictures frames $10. lows: . {fountain man and your merchant today.j Trunk* $50. A soldi'*! and bis wife read a state- The tax is imposed by the government.] Traveling bags $25. ■ . _ V f_ J ( At ,1,1 t . .. t -S ft ■ . . . Yr«*wl llAIfU ....MJAfl e s' Hand bags, purses $7.50. Portable lamps $25. Lamp shades $25. Umbrellas, parasols $4. Fans $1. Smoking jackets $7.50. Men’s fancy waistcoats $5. Women's bats $15. Men's and boys’ hats $5. Men’s and boys’ caps $2. Boots, Shoeu, pumps, slippers $10. ■leut from Secretary Lane indorsing the The merchants and dealers t bav£ South. They started out to investigate choice in the matter at all. In fatt, and visited tbe offices of tbe Georgia their hardship is as great as the pub- !,aud Owners Association to ask for in- lie's, for they must bear the expense formation concerning farm lands. They of bookkeeping and checking, up the tax ary takeu in band by officials of the on every purchase. ^ Georgia Laud Owners Association and According to reporta, via grapevine given a| trip to various sections of South telegraph, no clubs have been formed un- Georgia, where previously members of der tbe head of I-WONT-Pay-It and the association had made listings of their few, if any, have abstained from their lands with the Secretary of the Interior, aceqstomed soft drjnlat* lTOtHtflkir 1 ‘are' offering the same for stildier settlement, more, inclined'.tb.d^umifeWr ^flnka, sol Neckties and neckwear $2. they are shown land with the original Unde Ham wJu /yt niore^oWyftb pgy: 4 - Men’s and boys’ hosiery $1. timber standing, then they are given up the war bSifa.** Hewii (6 tJdcle 8am” | - glimpses of development Wrought in a^i* now a foi^mojn.tofutTat the soft drink very few yars through industry and in* stands. To add' a ^arnkraph by Way of teUfeeuce. «ud are shown vast areas of closing: • cut-over lauds bidding welcome to stock- ( There's a two-cent tax on the ice men and farmers, aud they are shown cream soda, but none on the milk and the proc'-sses of turpeutiuiuK. stumping pie, which are classed as food, ami removal of cord wood and tie -• ■ o 1 ■ - timber as a ready menus of paying for DR. ISLER SHOT »* tb«* land ami «»f j’leariiig the same for ■ ‘ . (miliin, l"..inu (if rusoinntiiiK historical liiyslrlan of Mali* May la»e Life for 22-.vear-old interest nr- then >iiowu tbe visitors, and then to allow them the adaptability of th lands to agriculture and live stock they are shown fields of velvet beaus aud ixmd to the welcome end iutrodoee ‘'Better street,, better hifhwajrs end sassination of Premier Clemenceau, receiving the sentence of he entertained with Pounced by the Court-Martial in Paris. The sen- luncheon at 1 o’clock at the Piedmont Georgia,” said Mr. Thomas today “and 'WllCe^ Wa8 later Commuted to ten years at the request Of Driving Club. Following the luncheon, inquiries received at my office show that Premier Clemenceau. ~ - i- (Copyright) Secretary Glass will speak at a mass wor k along this line will be token up as| meeting at 4 o'clock. This session will i t has not been before in many years.” | be presided over by Samuel C. Dobbs, 0 Washington, April 30 —— Bombs addressed to ievmtna i * Women's and misses’ silk hosiery $2. Men’s shirts $3. Pajamas, nightgowns, underwear $5. Kimouas, petticoats, waists $15. SET CORN CRIB ON FIRE Victory Loan Campaign aud president of the stomach turns; the result is indiges- p*rH}nt haVie been discovered in tbe New the Chamber of Commerce. ti..n, soui-ness and vomiting. Frequently postoffice by Postoffice Inspectors, it was officially TbU-Ul™t TWiof8««mry h« tod>F. ;:tn, feirjasrsusrti Th « ?*«*•*«» ^ m bec.^ they were ** h. OmMt&Z be Will mkk. In.hi- Jtb gg who^jme ^p.^. p 0ita ^ AH bo« labeb of Glmbel Brothew, . New ?«k district cJving,tbe Victory Irtian Cam- _ fl( | v< -department store. v ' p* 1 *** \ I i .jj j I . ^ 1 I-Iom, of Swift-. included PortMMtar. I ITH MACON packing comfany warehouse ready for delivery. Ritter j General Burleson, * John D Rockefeller, J P Morgan, Attorney* icash or credit See w e Farmer^ Tif- General Palmer, Secretary of Labor Wilson, and-ether pjTf^k*; Mr. Hall Considered a Valuable Addition ton. Ga. to Its Office Force. | -- ■ ■ ■ o t The following, from the Macon Tel- FOR INCORPORATION, egraph, is of especial interest to \ the of Re Trying to Preserve Peace. of Lehigh, Jeff Davis Tlie following news item from Thom--*^ *° bin father i sville is of especial interest to the edi- aftornoon, uecorili"" of the Guzettc. When he visited re * c . hln * Dou * 1um t<M, . a >' And Perished in Flames was Fate of Jeff fripndg of Mr. Hall in Tifton and also GEORGIA—Tift County. D»i. County Younc M». I throughont thta nectlon: T °Tl!?*JSSS^f < ?P r \ Doufln., April 2S—Willie Miuehew, Mr . Rowland Hall took clior,e of the Wiliian^ of‘suiii euuuty. show, to S. Minchew. npcwun t| n g department at the Macon the court the following facts: >'• "" s bur "- 1‘,,-kinf Company's offl.-c on the first of 1- I’etitloneiu desire to lie iuoor- nlaec yester- vr.^xx.u mnn |M»rated under the name of Tb.* Adams . 1.L, tlH ' n,onth - Mr ‘ H “ H “ * J0U “‘ sod Williams Mule Comp.tny, for the iruing to « report - Q yeara 0 u un d experienced in the jieriod of tw*enty years, with right to rc Packing House business. He is n Char- new said charter at the expiration The young i ho liuii been afflict- Mwt, ,ment men. Paris, April 30—The Japanese question has been, set tled, it was officially announced this afternoon. While the details were not announced it was understoodjj that a compromise was reached whereby Japan will retain! temporarily her valuable rights in the Shantung Peninsula, permanent ownership of which will be determined after the peace treaty is signed. The American tendency was to recognize China's «•!»«"«« as the Germans seized the territory in question by force, -but, -—, ——■ — ...... — pun-bred (.attic Meigs a few years slucc to make a talk • •—- —. —— — • uoa is pecuniary earn aud to carry on ai and hogs,, sheep, horses aud up-to-date „„ the new county pro|kisitlon, Dr. Ialer ^ * lll<r ' <hildliood. went to the j ulirK ] that line of nceouutiug. He an j maintain iu the City of Tifton,'said f , . i inetiiud. of raisiug crops of various kinds. , VIIM |,j s host. He is a man prominently coru cr b au ” In sinne iiiaiiiier set it on CHmog to Uncon from Tifton, where lie eonuty and state, a geaeral !ive stock tt was deemed advisable to favor a compromise SO as not to Strawberry aud peach blossoms in Jiiuu- identifiw! will the development of his flre ' He ' v08 UDobl1 ' to '“ ca P* f ' mn <h '' has been for aome time orgauiiiug tha bll * iu '**‘ JWt>* , aa<1 m 8e , lbll f J a,Ul “.f delay peace. - -Vaml those attracted by the fire had TifUm p , ckl company-, business. The L*“ ‘“a s I sluiwu.oii the swell Slid various town and section, and of far tbovo aver- crlb aa<l thftse attracted by the fire had Tiflon Packing Company’s business. The ^theMive™tock. buggies,"'wag-i Mow Ynrlr A^ril tin Tho hottlooh;.. rn„_ - nietliods of Hearing lUtmi. sic siiown. nhllity. j no way of .checking the flames, Mrs, tocal press, of that thriving city says 0 na, farm machinery, autouiobiics, toj New York, April 30 The battleship Tennessee W&S sue„ . Tbe state ,sdlege,, aud other typical Tliomusville. April 20—Dr. J. N. Ialer, Clinch Hnrrold, a sister of the young , hey HUrran der -a good and capnhle clti- buy and sell lsnd, grain, and other farm cessfully launched at the Brooklyn Navy Yards at 9:45 *..jn.s .duetb aaf eking ln.uaea, , phyalclsn of Meigs, la Id ® aa ‘ on sen with regret Mr. Hall also gt^SSSf : fij today. gruiii eir'-ators. evesmeriec. tieorgiu barb- the. hospital here seriously wounded and tb *' at ,lraa ' ba * l d aot the Moultrie Packing Company and a money, to sue and'to be sued, and do} oantial business blocks iu the Jake (lolilbeig, a merchant uf Meigs, is Mwehyjr ,lMi ,W« "* number of 9th*r plants In the South be- any and all acta that , may be necessary , ‘tal plain section are ioeluded, while un dcr arretit ehargefl witl^ inflicting charred rcmainii were burled this after- for# Wfvcral iutfUM'ly interesting qqd bexuti- the wound, and also with wounding Jtoy no W. ^ , ni,5r ccmetery ‘ tpictureh showing opimrtunitleti for Young, a well known young man of *t and recration i« Georgia,are shown. MeigH. . ^ B,,WI B¥ wnuiH1, 'as Macon ljt orgia. Miss. Helen Roberts, daughter of Governor Roberts, of i h“SfSSSiijiiTS^?1r5id ^.'Tennessee,_ehrbteried the 1 supeivdreadnaught,,-«hattMi«X:,;» SHAW. SHOT r.T.T* • • ' •> •' Finally the toldifr and hla wife are The nffair occurred «late last night at ' « — shown nn i>leai farm home as a model, MeigH and is said to hare followed g ^nNaahvule, Ga. ul _ 1 ^ ... • si fill a ter a wall If nil wmetery^ | n, M»cgn ,P»ckiM C° m » aa ) r *■ ,0 '- ne™ will * in the city of Tlfton. u *ii bottle of champagne against the vessel’s bow. Large crowds „ tunate In fMoffiig his eervicee, »• well said county of Tift. They further desire .u„ BY NEGRO. ' n „ Mb^q in acquring another good dti- the right to estabiish branch offices a t Witnessed the ceremony. ' •>> Abril - Bruner "hn wl pnilmlHy hrlng hU fhmlly jne^ m m^y 2,1—Bruner here all j remain premanently as he is 3 xhe capital stock ol tight , places «s may be decided upon by| g ov . Roberts protested Ugaiiut the use of champagne aid — r -, — — — —,—— _ ... ... — .crpora- Miss Roberts said she would have preferred water.tat the' eiiires done with a picture of quarrel between Ooldberg and wlfa, the Bhapr, a weU known young farmer who nn ,,.], interested with tbe beauty and tion shall be $30,000, divided into shares xj_„„ ... , . ‘ a fairy dsiieing in a beaatiful woodland Jitter going to the houie*of Dr. Iiler for •>« Mrv<Kl *» ’'l’"' 1 " 1 d 'P u *y » prospect, of Macon .and last but not «f $100 each, .and] they desire to begin;Navy Department refused to change the plans, glsds-and finally-disappearing among the protection from her husband, who if al- number of times, was shot from am- l0n8t he la glad to be associated with gtaJFas paldfi? They^ dnrire thel Albany, N. Y., May 1—Newspapers of Albany Were tied moss-covered branches of lorely old tree, leged to have been drinking. Goldberg btt,a Saturday at Ihe home of Will Me- the Macon Packing Company, one of the right to increase said capital stock toi, lt) todav when iournevmen nrintpra walked out strllrinv for ' This picture will be shown by the flowed her and when Dr. Ieler cams to Swain, a negro farmer living near Lois, IIrKa , t aud most promising packing 1-‘0.000 by a mnjority vote of the enpi- 'T , l0aay wnen journeymen printers waiKed OUt, Stn»ng lor United States reclamation service before the door he attacked him. Mr. Young, this county. Shaw recognized -his as- ho— <■ «■' South. /"C^tiUouero desire ,h.t w .««»>«: wages. No linotype operators were working today J ronimittrex of Congress aud throughout who was at the house, cine to Dr. Ialer’. .»■ Harria, a young negro o ‘ ’ ‘ Duration mar have the right to elect a The International Union officials refused to sanction the -* *“ ’ Board of Dir • ‘ ‘ the country. The tieorgia Land Owners „j,| ,nd Goldberg ran. They punned .he had arretted at Adel several Association is plannins to show it in | lira , when he turned and fired, wound- month, ago on a misdemeanor charge. HARDING CANNING CLUB, “ Him, wnen lie turneu nuu urea, wuuua* 77. — , : - " , Viep-Crosident Kofrotfirv ami the rountry schooi. of fort,-four South in , „ r . ,,i P r in the right tide and Mr. The wouldbo murderer used a M-calibre ^ H>tdUlf t . anllillf cl j b hc ,,| it „ Uid iSard of D'rocYors iud S.' lmve Georgia isiunties where it lias represent.- Young in the arm, making hit escape Winchester rifle, and the bullet enter- wn ,(. m „ ntb i y meeting Wednesday, April and make all proper and necessary by live membership. State Superintendent afterwards. Physicians when summoned ed , Ul * le,t «lde of Shaw s head. He was 1() #t j „. doclt abd iB a niu)t in . j«w». rules and 'Wlstjons that an of Schools M. L. Iti ittaia bnvinx offered brought Dr. Ialer to Thomasville for coma to Nashv e a ? an teresting manner presented the following rying on of said business and nlso C< to his oo-o|ieration on behalf of the public treatment. While he Is seriously wound- aw ear out warrant, against the negro, program: have and use a common seal. s-huols to. that end. ed it Is thought his chances are good for who is In jail here, having been captured „ f al |_Mock .imitations of can- petitionera file this ,-by Bherlff Nix. ulna club oihcer. their petition in the office of the Clerk ( I ning ciuo omeers. 0 ( t j, e g U pe r j or Court, and pray that stockholder.,'""and”o”iect J°Prroidea’ strike and ordered the men back to work pending arbitration?! Syracuse, N. Y., May 1—Between three and four thou^j and building trade workers struck here today for highe^ ■ DECATUR NURSE IS DEAD OF DISEASE jvery. I Ianter—ReitortM from Dr, Isler’a ■ Hide now zay he will recover. bed- JACK WALKED HOT SANDS. Song—Kind Words Can Never Die. after the same hat been advertised _ — aw a , 1AO . Home of Our Great Artista—Estelle required by law, that the Court by prop- Fitzgerald, April 28—Gethsemane Com .cr order grant this petition. mandery, Knight. Templar, wa. the mec, Btor ' y _ l:i , aminoDda3 nnd Hi , Aunt-' Attornef - ®; P^tkionera. GEORGIA—Tift County. Solo—In Rank and File W«bh,^Clerk of Superior TO \y, M. U. MKMBKR3. .......... , .... 1 ’ ' "I - <* »>r many knlghta and aspiranU for [S , ncb( , The member, .of the W.M.U., of th,,knW«tlX honor, when the regular con- , nltra ,^ & - - ■ MtM' of" Tifton, ate ruction wa. h.Id at tb. Mawnic Temple A,,, Fletcher. Washington. May I—The following Fl , jj^tUt churct ; ofTifton at. 'roctlon was h.Id at th. Muonic Temple' _A iry Fletcher Court ofTift County, hereby certify thgt, V i. retreg oo .Hirer,: C “ d,d **'* ‘ h * ” f l Scing-^nin,- on ,h. Farm- S' Wlic ta tlo*n*7.'r tSoSSTL"® i List n*. 21. ... u-ia _iau .l- ■toViu.a -v.—reK 1 Kn xhthood nresented themselves. A t.. i». uima annMN nr fii. in »i.i. Lbt Nt. H Killed ip action, 3. i Died from wounds, 2. Voted in aeroplane accident. Died qf aeddeqt and other causes, IU.* Died of disease; 20. .Wounded severely, 2. Wounded (degrfe undetermined) 3. Wounded slightly, 24. Missing in action, 4. Total 81. Killed in action—James F. Brown, Rutledge, Ga. Died of disease—Emmet R. Whitten, Golumbu*, Ga.; Nurse Camille L. O' Brien, Decatur, Ga.; Otis Hill, Hogans- tCUe, Ga.; William H. Moody, Baxley, b« held with th. Ocilla baptltt church Knighthood prcctC th«na.lrre. A banquet woa served during tha evening; t ' May 12th to 13th. Juanita Jenkins. . . , , .Description—A Modern Home—Ruth Mrs. I. D. Morgan will go at delegate ™ out-of-town members were: Q, L |V ance. from the society. It la hoped that oth-, Petfl 8 * Arp; J _ r *^ or ' ,, “ ,* m ’ Poem—My Philosophy—Mrs. Sutton. .r, may avail of thU oppof mo»d. OhM- A- William,, WUlacoochre. tunity. Mrs. H. H. Tift, President, Mrs. George Peters, Secretary. Clarence A. Summerlin. Kirkland M. Harrell, T J Well, J D Mason, Homer Stuckey, Milan; B W Harper, Alapaha; J'N Garrett, Tifton; Lawrence Phillips, Forest Glen, Thos. M Cook, Robert F. Poole. Jr., Abbeville; G M Queen, J. T. Marine Corps Summary: Killed in action, 0. Died of wounds received iu action, 4. Died of disease, 2. Missing iu action. S. ’ Total 15. You will get a better stand of peanut If they are shelled on our New Tom. Huaton iheller., It aeparatea tha amaU Ro««a. Jr-. Haaelhuret; H C King, The and broken nuta from the othera. Wi.R* Cribb, Thos. B Sett, E T Woolaey, ah.U .very day. Lang & Co., Omega, 1 O Lawrence, James F. Paulk. J A (5a. 7dwtf Henderson, and L O Lankford,'’ of Oell. I to. A CONCERT THAT PLEASED. ENGINEERS LEFT SUNDAY' Demonstration—Preservation of Egg* in Water Glasa—Mrs. Tassicr O. Clark. Yell— Dickson—Clarke—Hullo! T-O-M-A-T-0! We’ll raise the dust. We’ll win or bust! T-O-M-A-T-O, Whoo-ee! Thelma Jenkins, Sec. wages. >v. Increases demanded vary from 5 to 20- cents an. hoar. Philadelphia—Frank Hangaro, a prisoner, was discover- ■ ed industriously filing the casting off the cell door lock with^ the edge of a quarter. He explained the nickel in thS’ was harder than the brass of the padlock and by the i ance of the lock, he was right. 1, Henry d. webb. clerk of Superior * Boston,—A woman’s purse on the sidewalk didn’t^] the 11 foregoing S“n n {riie h and , <»rr«’ com takers yesterday, but Policeman Gordon, risking: j found the purse was fat with real money. Elizabeth, N. J.—William Ham was a success a#.| hero until an inquisitive Jersey girl tickled his wo whereupon he giggled. Jailed. New York—Liberty or Sing Sing, Justice Weeks. Gustave Gillaume, 19, member of a bandit gang if .baj turn state's evidence. Gillaume took 20 years. of file in thin office, day of April, 1018. •' * • Henry D. Webb, Clerk of Superior Court ' We are proud of the confid ence doctor*, druggists and the public _have in 666 Chili and Fi ever Tonic. adv NOTICE OF COMPLAINT. Eztea Surgical Supply Co. vt. Tift County Hotpltal. Suit on account. In City Court of Tifton, June Term, 1010. KILLED BY PARLOR RIFLE. To the Defendant, Tilt County Hoapltal: You are hereby required to be and ap pear at the City Court of Tifton to he i- held in r ' — I unomonno nor a euiiini- venr-diil son of T W Palmer of Tor- “onoay in June, will, tnen and there Tlie concert by the Royal Scotch High The Anti-Aircraft Investigation Sec-.' di(d tb Oord olc Sanltor- t# aMww . ^ecomplaint In above atyled lander. Band ./ th. Tifton High School! «» a », th. 488th EMtocer. who arrived “"X merit, from “ccfo of. » piSciSl « gS?J$ $£* Auditorium Tuesday evening delighted ,}*» Tifton in their trucks last Wednesday, . inflicted by the accidental -dls- t® 1 "- PP ^ - large audience. The members of the for .the aviation field at, Arcadia I harfe 0 * a Mr i or r ifl 0 at his home in th ® # Honorable .Tames H. ".J J ... I . 'Via SlinJa. morel.. fPhw -fare la.rr. Cliar *® 01 “ P««O r ** ID J U dg« 0 f Said CJoqTt, this the HAVE YOU BOUGHT ONE YET? Ui band are'good musician* and they know j FI*, Sunday morning. The etay h«"i SyalB0 „ i at e yesterday. 24th, 'day of ApriL lOlF how to play. The number, were freq-1 was caused by a break-down of one of r _ ^ barr j Fd b , . Died »f dtoeaje-Henry Melvin Cro.-j uraUy tnc#ttd , nd the audience appear- the big truck., bj?. Nortiii^fark, Gs., next of kin Nan 1 cy Crosby. "‘"V The boy was hurried here in an auto-1 | mobile after the accident. An operation k. TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. New lot Columbia Ribbona, for all standard nukes machine, and large aa- aortment of carbon paper, Just received St the Gazette office. Telephone or mall erdfez promptly filled. 14tf Jury ,..... -— ■— — -t-i , B - — I mobile alter me acciocm. AD operauon Clt >' 0)1 • cd to fully enjoyment tho entertainment.I Saturday night the Engineer, gave • , diBclosed that the intretines had been R,d fiiinti(rs Attorney. The singing by Bobble Brolll.r and,tanonztretion of tho Mg "^-pan' l^rforeVed .izteen times by th. bullet 2Mt. A “° rn ' )r * the OUtleal number, by Pappy Kent, *e»rcliM«lit, a large crowd gathering to Tb( , HtUe felIow btd , u ffered aeverely were dezen-in* of apecial meotlon. | Thl * WM th ® *7* from lore of blood before reaching the | * 'Urn. this light had bren tried out on the ™7 tarlum aad U ved only a few hours' IN STOCK — Appearance Bonds. Ga zette Office. , \ RAGS WANTED—We pay Sc a pound •dpr clean cotton raga. Tifton Gazette. Complete Kn« of Typewriter Ribbona and Carbon Papers Just Ptoead in atock by the Gazette. Ribbons 75c each. Car- boa Paper, 30c per dozen. tf. CARBON PAPERS-IWe. bUck or bine, Columbia 30c .dozen sheefojtt the Gazette office, Tifton- dwtf. ir blood, and as a MiaglSokin ' iW‘-. . in Small white Spanlah neanuta already; tr *P- !^ter*an U orKrntIon"had been performed v- Do More Work, alNtled at 12c per pound. Buy your I Tb* wer ®, * at «rt»lned at ib a n effort to eave hi. life. Hia father S5m^S??KS2lrel d . ,0 “iF* t mo ” - *- - — * “• ■aiasirR.-ssaans,~ -*• - —> - *•— °*- — — tnnrant They were also given a dance '*™"* 1 I So « 0 “ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Saturday evening. We asmp meal for corn any day in nervousness and sickness. . ■ ■— I Members of the party expressed them-! . __a.*. GROVE'S Tafct week and grind at Johnson’. Gin on Sat- OROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Please call and' make return of jonr reives as well-pleased with the treat-1 . w bav com and mreL Lang re *l°£f* Ener 67 and Vitalii .... ... ..... 10,0 .meet reeled ,el,lie her., ] Ufday. OUy COTQ ODO men.. and EnrichipS 'he RleeU property for tazdfioa for year 1019. i meat received while here. %operty not returned is subject to doable tnzation. Keltli Canon, | Rub-My-Tizm i* a powerful lOdt. & Co., Omega, G*. its strengthening, invigorating effect, bow it bnnga color to the-cheeks and I Snetgy and Vitality by Purifying ching the Blood. When you feet thening. invigorating effect, tee Seed pop corn for rele. aton. Tifton, Ga. Cotton Basket, at Rlckeraon’s. dwlw. WANTED AT ONCB-Ont copy each b ( weekly Gazette Oct 18th, 1018 and Jane 28, 1018. Also one copy of Dally Gazette, Nov. 28. 1018. ... , _ m , . . CARD OF THANKS it Improves the appetite, you wilTthen Clerk A Treasurer, ^tiaeptic; it kills tha poison *We wish to express our heart felt appreciate its true tonic value. B H Bank- caused from infected cut*, ‘ battka “ a * m * ny f5 i “ ,U w J 0 J we ” “ ® R0 J E ' S TASTELESS ChlU TONIC B. H. Bank . , kind to u* In the Illness and death of to im* a patent medicine, it la simply cures old sores, tetter, etc. ad. our ba:ba nd tnd fstber. We tre deeply J®j sod QUININE suspended in Syrup. ih i grateful for every service rendered. Es- ?? pjessant even children like It. The Fresh Sunshine Biscuit at Harvey’., tl do w. wish to thank Dre. Par- her, Kemp sad Moore, and Mrs. Gibbs, ertles never fall to drive out impuritireiin the nune for their untiring efforts; also the blood. dwtf. at Liberty church loa uann ^ „ J ' »',‘ hlhla ’Fitzgerald, will tb , w.o.W. of Macon and other, for The StrengtbtoeatlngPower of GROVE’S Preach at Liberty church, eight mile. th , man , beanUfol floral offering. TASTELESS ChW TONIC has made it northeast of Tifton, the third Sunday In tf., God >- rieheat blessings be upon Ure favorite tonic In thousands of homes. _ May at 11 a. m, new time. The public ^ Uoce thmi thirty-five yn Oft f^hx TYPEWRITER RIBBONS _ Areorfod hrekhd. « W. r. Pafriek and Children “(f* “SJ*! ■ ' Otuvofilfattlassfdillltoulc Tha new Tom Boston peanut shelltr TTf- 11 shells , thets 1 while you wait, twenty The" " * ""dper hour. We shell every day. ( ‘ A Co, Oresga, On. 7dwtt body-buildiiig. at i formula la Just 1 Snap-Shots of Life Id Forty Years AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPHED 1 ‘ Should be in every !Sotttit« It brings us knowledge ,ot a noble people who Doubtless yon intend sometime to . have one of these books. Why not now? Opportunity Is passing. •. * • Si7: *V : Send one t> a distant relative or friend as a gift or souvenir. Sent postpaid on receipt of price by Gazette Publishing Co., tO TIFTON, GEORGIA