The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 09, 1919, Image 3

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All 8nter 8te»‘W «te «ty Will Jala nor of mut at Cttr Park. Sckoob Win Glow for tho Dsy a time eloce America cu be Sunday Schools of the their annual picnic tbta leeday, May 13, being date tot the big outing. The dty. park la the place'tor the eati. All of tho Sunday Schools of Tifton will unite In the big outing and the Tif ton Public Schools yrfli be closed for the day In order that all the boys and glrla may attend. The Agricultural School students also hare been invited to Join with the people of the city in the good things of the day. The various Sunday Schools of the city have appointed committees to have charge of the arrangements for the day and It is hoped that everybody will have a good time. —Buy Victory Bonds YOUR BABY CHICKS MOTHER’S DAY fAY| OR CARE FOR LIVING NEW MEMBERS’ DAY BWvi. — I — > > 1 tir.nU Via Valllixa t. U..L IL. 1>I. O A ■ Ilf SB, a _ Would Be Failure (o Subscribe for Vk- Special Appeal Will be Made Next Sun- tory Loan. Last Call to Service of Country In Great War. 'Failure to subscribe to the Victory Loan would be to dishonor the memory of 00,000 American heroes, who sleep in France.” “Failure to.subscribe for the Victory Loan means failure to provide for the many thousands of our heroic boys who have returned from overseas crippled for life, two hundred of them blind, many more of them nervous wrecks, who left us in the bloom of young manhood to offer their all for tin* cause of Humanity, and are now entitled to the best their country can give." These were keyuotep of a powerful sermon preached by Rev. W. H. Budd at the Tifton Methodist church Sunday night on the Victory Loan, Mr. Budd took f.»r‘ big text “Ye Are the Salt of the Earth." Democracy, n government by the people, has proven a failure wherever tried unless it was back ed by the principles of Christianity, said New York, May 5——The Transport Alphomo XIII arrives! poultry remedy makes them grow Are now beginning to hustle for them*. „ . . . , . “>«*■ They will need . remedy to make T *. — !. bone and muscle. B. A. THOMAS’ here today with Headquarter* Detachment and Headquarter* and thrive. Makes them healthy, there- S' troop* of tho Eighty-Second Division. Wa*hington, May 5—Tho announcement in Pari* that ■, the Italian (ituation i* apparently clearing led to the authori tative prediction here today that the President will call an extra teuton of Congress before June 1, possibly May 26. ' fn New York, May 3—The firet units of the new American Army of Occupation will sail next Tuesday on the transport Agamemnon for France, it was announced by embarkation of ficials today. Other Flours may- promise much, but Rising Sun SUPERLATIVE SELF RISING FLOUR KEEPS THE FAITH It fcives you LIGHTNESS, WHITENESS and PURITY combined with RICH NUTRIMENT and PERFECT LEAVENING. GEO. BAKER, Tifton, Ga. by reaching the frying stage in the short* est time. Try it today. Rickerson Gro. —adr. —Buy Victory Bond* AT HICKORY SPRING. day to Men and Women, Not Al ready Members of Church. 'For years now we bare been in the habit of observing a Sunday in May as a tribute to our mothers or to the mem ory of our mothers," said Dr. W. B. Beauchamp, Director General of the Centenary Campaign of fhe Methodist Episcopal Church, South. “(Ve have observed this Mother's Day chiefly by the gift of flowers to our living ipoth- era or by doiug some act for others in memory of them. “Mother’s Day this year we ministers of the Southern Methodist Church are going to ask another kind of tribute from the men and women who attend the services of our church. On that day we shall ask that all men and women not affiliated with the church or not ■ actively nt work iu its behalf, will, in 'memory of, or a 8 n tribute to their Christian mothers, become actively of filiated with the church. “We believe such a tribute from n son or a daughter will be the greatest tribute they can pay to a Christian mother. For every Christian mother down in a sea of has, over the cradle of her babies, asked rose triumphant. God to lead them into lives of usefulness failed. France tried it, almost at the same time America struggled for in dependence, and v blood while Arne The founders of American independence | for their fellowmen. And when men were praying people. The first words of and women dedicate their lives to hel|i that immortul document, the Declaration, the cause of humanity, through the read “In the Name of God, Amen." The Christian agency of the church, they American colonists were noted as a pious ^ answer in a concrete way the dreams Tlio people interested In the cemetery ' ,K ’ pl 1 ° P*°P ,e ' lm<l *ReF' tluat their mothers had for them.' ... . a--, . founded their sovernment on the eternal f -Mother’s Pay" will be observed by the Tifton Methodist church next Sum at Hickory Spring church are requested ... ... , . , to meet there on Wednesday before the pr |5f‘ pl “ lai ? do " “ \Chrtot i third Sundov iu May, for the purpose of I . “® P r ‘ n eiples of Christianity, the day, with special exercises nt Sunday cleaning off the cemetery grounds. The i lloclrin<! ot love for fellow man, applied School and the morning church invitation is to -Come with tools for; t "' oll, - v 1™*™ ®*° nl Kuosia would havci The Tifton Baptist 8unday School work, bring dinner, and prepare to spend f 0 '™ , at countrJ <“ Allies, there- also will observe Mother's Day well Buy Victory Bonds | saving many thousands of lives after* special exercises Sunday morning, ABOUT RHEUMATISM I wards lost on the battlefield, as well nsj Every mother who is a member of the People are learning that it is only a wiving that country nnd others in Cen- church, who has u child in the Sunday- waste of time and money to take raedi- trnl Ell rope from Bolshevism. School or churrli or who is not n rncni-i r!unimuUsm'"nnd >r nbou > t ninety-nine out * U was bconU! "' ,hc Southern planters > her .if any church, is urged to attend the home during May and an equal number in June, of o hundred cases are one or the other au<1 8,ave owner* taught the blacks in services next Sunday morning. After July 1 the use of French ports will be abandoned, of those varieties. And that is really. their churches and iu their homes the Buy Virtorv Rond. , . . ,,, “ . .o. I,, i.o„ l_ nay wrtory uonos— I American controlled railroads will be returned to France and other skin diseases. Promotes a / coat of hair. Does away with Ups and sprays. Disinfects pens and yards. Wards off disease. Best and cheapest disease preventative and profit-maker you can find. FOR SALE BV Bennett's Hardware, Inc. TIFTON, GEORGIA Valdosta, Ga., May 3—Three boys, Willard, LeRoy and Earl Watson, aged twelve, nine and six, were burned to death late yesterday at their home near here. It is learned today that the boys were shucking corn in their father’s com crib, when one of them lighted a match and the crib burst into flames, cutting off their escape. Paris, May 2—The American Expeditionary Force will be reduced solely to the Army of Occupation along the Rhine as rapidly as possible, it was announced today. Three hundred thousand American soldiers will be sent ■Buy Victory Bonili DAMAGE TO PLANTS. Mr. W. L. Beardin was in the city Monday afternoon, Rhowing a handful of tomato plants beaten off by the huil thereafter will be through Belgium. necessary to afford relief is to apply doctriue of the Bible that the negroes re-1 Qulnini That Does HOt Affect the Head i Chamberlain’s Liniment freely. Try it.' ma ined loyal while the Southern white Because of It* tonic and laxative effect. LAXA- the American Military Police withdrawn. Antwerp will men were away in the war and protect-. wyB | BROMo^iNiNBu^tM f th«*iordiiu.rjr then become the American Supply base. Communication ed their mistresses nnd their homes. It ■ rinsing in head. Remember the lull name and was this teaching that saved the South. for the_*i*n*ture ol E. w. grove. 3ic from sharing the fate of San Domingo. It was because our armies were fighting for these principles that victory was won. From the first, our government gave It costs but 35 cents per bottle. Large size 00 cents. , , adv. Buy Victory Bonds A postcard from Gerald says that be passed through Washington Sunday,_on bis way to Ft. Oglethorpe to be muster ed out. He expected to be home within four or five days from that time. ——Buy Victory Bonds 666 ha* proven it Will "‘r’T ‘TL-JITT huT hilt There were about two acres of plants Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bh the ’ nost ( | oadly poiso ; tbc rvndy to draw and they were beaten iut. Bilious Fever; Colds and La- bMt • tlw bl , st cIothjn(ti tlie bMt the ground. Ju«t how much they will Grippe. It kills the parasite (omJ nnd , be Nothing but the' roco ™ r ia I>roblemat.eaI, the American arm ice the best-thc heat 1 "; illo,,co ot ,* lama e c to h i a The damage that'eauaes the fever. " It is a'££ .“.Vi^oa enough (or‘"th",„r'Now ( t0 llis uth " lruck is llar<1 to MtimaU ' ilendid laxative and general we must finish paying the debt. Part.* 8 yct - adv. of this is for supplies already sent, part a* 1 To o UR Government is now asking the people of Tift County to subscribe $250,000.00 of the Victory Loan. Our county made good on the third and fourth issues of the Liberty Bonds and the Victory Loan should be Over-Subscribed. Victory Notes are a direct obligation of the United States, payable May 20, 1923, with in terest tit 4 3-4 per cent. We are now prepared to handle your sub scriptions oh the fallowing plans: Government Plan: 10% with application. 10% July 15 20% August 12 20% September 9 20% October 7 20% November 11 With interest on deferred payments at Government rate 4 3-4 per cent . , , , . „ . ,. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain .t^ 8 . killer. It relieve, pain and Methodist Church is Painted and Prep arations Made to Start School Bldg. Work has been started on a well on the site of the new school building to be built ut Chula. Work on the building,' which will cost $15,000 or more, will be started as soon as possible. | Work of painting the Methodist churctf ha* been nearly completed. Buy Victory Bonds— \ Dizziness, vertigo, (blind staggers) sal low complexion, flatulence are symptoms of a tropid liver. No one can feel well while the liver is inactive. HERBINE is a powerful liver stimulant. A dose or two will cause all bilious symptoms to disappear. Try it Sold by Conger Drug Co. *dv Buy Victory Bonds-- i SOME MORE BIG ONIONS. j Mr. W. F. LeSuenr, whose farm la « short distance northeast of Tifton, brought the Gazette three giant onions J Monday. The smallest was four inches ( in diameter and the largest five inches ( across. They are just as good to eat ( as they are to look at, Indicating thatj Tift is a good onion growing county. Bank Plan: 10% with application, balance % payable November 10th. Inter- est at the rate of six per cent. Campaign closes May 10, therefore, you should make your subscriptions promptly. THE BANK of TIFTON THE NATIONAL BANK of TIFTON j .arc.' 1 . •if home, port to pay our debt to the dead, ■ , , n1 and part to provide tor the wounded nnd forenes. caused by. Rheumat- disabled living. To foil to do all these lam > Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. ad or either of these would be n lasting di»-|. 666 quickly relieves Constipa- hnnor to America und to the name of tion, Biliousness, LOSS of Ap- our sacred dead. j petite and Headaches, due to No man can be n true American citizen Torpid Liver. adv and fail to invest something in his coun- Save—leave off some lesser necessity, and| Phillips Mercantile Go. Tifton, Ga. Please ship me to Ty Ty, Ga., two barrels of Ballard’s Self-Rising Flour, if your car has arrived. If not, just as soon as it comes. We think the Ballard’s Flour is the best we ever used. My wife said she wants Ballard’s if she can get it. Your Friend and Brother, R. H. KELLEY, TY TY, GA. securities, luxury or even s buy Victory Bonds. Sell something if necessary and invest It in bonds. It is the last call from our country for ser in the greatest War for Humanity. Buy Victory - Bonds-—- - CHULA IS ON THE BOOM You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. OROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it briugs color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. OROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended In Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. Tho blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it These reliable tonic prop erties never fall to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five year* ajto, folka would ride a long distance tojfet GROVES TASTELESS- Chill TONIC when a member of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving tonic. The formula is Just the same to day, and you can get it from any drug •tore. 60c per bottle. DT ICC NATIVE dLLjO HERBS WU! drive from your *y«cm the poUon thm cause, Rhcumetura. Correct., Kidney. Liver trouble. Mekeerich red Mood. So.ure ere era that Bill. Native Herb, will do ill wo claim that our Agent Is euthorhgl to guaranis, them. Thouundt testify cheerfully to the wonderfulcurativc powers ol BlIuNs- M*WtE£K ersyiayorgss wlU deliver or mail you, upoo receipt ot Si m. MS Table tt, with e grammes. For Sale by F. M. AKINS Tift Comity Hot Weather is Here We are prepared to take care of your wants in Summer Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats. We are offering all our Dress Ging hams at per yard 25c We are offering all our Cheviots, Best Quality at per yard 25c A. C. A. Feather Ticking at 45c Fancy and Plain Voiles from 15c to 75c 40-inch Sea Island, at the Low Price of We are offering all our Fancy Stripe and Plaid Silks at the Low Price of 15c $1.62 1-2 Good Mattress Ticking at 22 l-2c These Silks were from $2.25 td'l per yard. This is a wonderful' opportunity for you to get a Silk Dress for almost nothing. $1 Gome in and let us show you today. W can save you money and remember we always sell the best merchandise to be had. Everything guaranteed. We will be glad to show you. THE ADAMS-SMITH C Phone 46 -v •Mfg