The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 09, 1919, Image 7

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.Cathartic i Tift Count/. ltll 1M0. WHI Hr Fall il'«C - blUr nUvlosert of ’(* Ty- 1 /tweet PUst Company will build. w Jjjf \ warehouse with portions # _Jty of the Board l.Boada and Ueven- of Tift to keep the l county in such con* w tWy may beat of the people of tb« RATION /capacity of #2,000 bushel, in Cue to care of next aoaaop’a crop, atoord- I to County Ago* A,-M. Dickaon. B Construction will b««in at once and the company Intend* to contract aweet potatoes now for fall delirery, They will also be In the market (or potatoes at dlotnff the people of the Ty market for their sweet Dr. It. It. Pickett is company and Charles ooanty are i ■train of pense of r i the a pubIK roads ditioo of re •enre th« in county; •••' the wooden bridge* and aand*clay road* of said capable of sustaining the “ii traffic, and the ex* Ing and repairing such aoics ana portion* of roads is a con* XnVand heavy drain upon the County MMocy without giving a corresponding- adequate return for the money *|*nt Am whereas, the people of Tift coun , in common .with all the citixens of A State and/Nation, are now demand* ff more premanent highways than those wetofore constructed and maintained: , And whereas, the needs of the county it of the'can only be met by the construction of a Hecre* “ ard wrfnce permanent public rosds ant lianacer Thi. ,e0l ^ r * tf •® d * wl b r id * e * M • l*rt of saanager. iwi rach permanent roads; to curing ware*! Ana whereas, there are not at report of the flrat j**®® county fund* available for tbeae heina made P ur,M l**» * nd the Itoard of Commisslon- Annnunrfmpnt ° f * nd , liCWOUCa Of said COUO* Announcement of the ty are authorised to issue county bonds i—Tift County. HONESTLY BUILT • FIT GUARAh I am prepared to do the very highest grade Auto Top Work, Re-covering, Painting, etc., and guarantee to give you a job that will compare with the work done by the automobile factories. All tops put on by me fit perfect* | Jy, all wrinkles being taken out scientifically. Recover ing is done iif'the most up-to-date and approved work manship manner, only the best materials being used. M; painting is second to none. See the care turned out from my shop and you will agree with me that the work is not (/•knelled anywhere. Let me make you a bid to re-paint | t And re-cover that old car of yours. L. V. SMITH made io a few days. FOB DISMISSION. GEORGIA—Tift County. Whereas, W. C. Chapman, Adminis trator of R. C. Harralaon, represents to the Court in hi* petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he ha* fully ad ministered It. C. IlarraUou estate, this is therefore to cite all perxona concern ed, kindred and ^editors. *«» "how cause, if any they cau. why said Administrator should not be discharged from his Ad ministration, and receive letter* of dis mission. on the first Monday in June. 1019. This May 1st. HUH. C. IV, Graves, Ordinary, FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA—TW County. Whereas. C. \V. Pul wood. Administra tor of W. 8. Walker, represent* to the Court in hi* petition duly filed and en tered on record, that he hit* fully ad- ministered IV. S. Walker* estate, this is therefore to cite all person* concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they cun, why *uid Administrator should uot be discliargctl from his Ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission. on the first Monday in June, 1II1H. This May 1st. 101H. Graves, Ordinary. FOR ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA—Tift County. To All Whom It May Concern: I. C. Touchstone liaviug applied to ntc for liermauent letters of administration on the estate of Perry M. Moore, late of suid county, this i N to cite all and sing ular. the creditor* mid next of kin, to he «»d appear ut my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if u.v they cmi why |M*nnaneiit letters of Wit ties* my hand and official signa ture. this 5th day of May, 11110. C*. W. Graves, Ordinary. TO REMOVE DISABILITIES GEORGIA—Tift County. To Whom It May Concern: Walter W. Livingston gives notice that, at the July Term. HUH. of the Hujierior Court of said county, to be held on the First Monday in July. HUM, he will apply to the said Court by petition to be relieved; for the building of permanent public rood* and bridges provided the requisite assent of the qualified voter* of the county to the issue of said bonds is first obtained: Therefore, be it resolved, by the Board Commissioners of Itoads and Rev enue* of uuid county of Tift in regular session assembled with all member* present. First: That an election be called for the pur|Mine of submitting to the quali fied voters of said county the question of the issuance of bond* for public road nuriMise* in the amount and sum of $300,000. said election to be held in full compliance with the general laws of this State. Second: That auch election shall be held on the 21st day of May. 1010, and shall take place during the hours fixed by law in each and all of the election precincts of said county of Tift. Third: That full and lonl notice shall ha given to ftba qualified voters of the county of Tift of the time and place and manner of bolding auch election, together with such information relative to the proposed bond issue as may be required by law and the same shall be published in the Tifton Gaxette, the newsjiaper tn which the Sheriffs adver tisement* of the county are published, for a period of thirty days next preced ing the date of the election. Fourth: That a form of notice held and deemed by this Board legally suffi cient be and the same is hereby attach- ed to and made a nart hereof, ami that this resolution shall also be published with the said notice as a i*art -thereof. Fifth: That this resolution shall be duly recorded upon the Minutes of this Court. The above and foregoing resolutions passed in regular session in open Court at tbia the regular April Term, 1010. of the Court of County Commissioner* of Roads and Revenue* of Tift county, Georgia. This I7th day of April. 1010. R. K. llall. Chairman. 31. Tucker, Jehn Branch, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Tift County, Ga. GEORGIA—'Tift Com TO THE C TipT oou; In accordance with the terms of a resolution of the Board of Commission- of Roads and Revenues of the county of Tift, Htate of Georgia, duly pawed on the 17th day of April, 1010, notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of raid county, and all other ciUxena and residents thereof, that on the 21at day of May, 1010, an electiou will be held in and for the county of Tift, in all the election precincts of said county, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said county for their determination the question whether bonds for public road purposes shall be issued by said county in the aggregate sum of |300,000.00; the funds to be derived from the sale of said bonds to be used for the purpose of building in ■aid county of Tift, Htate of Georgia, hard surface permanent public roads, and parts of public roads and concrete and steel bridges as parts of such roads, said bonds to bear date of and be is sued on the first day of October, 1010, or within such reasonable time after the date of their validation as may h decided unon by the Board of Cotnmi* doners of Roads and Revenues of wh county of Tift, to bear interest Iron date at the rate of five (5) per centun annum payable nuuually on the firs ober of each ana < 3xT0SDPHtmfflENT ■ Iyer Cross" on T.KiL American Owned, Entirely! per anni day of < r each .f hi' tllf Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic; it kills tha poison , „u.a w w inreiwi used from infected cuts, lioabiiiti'** placed ui*>n him by'cures old sores, tetter, etc. ad. edict of the Jury *“ ““ A* Gertrude Elliott Livingston, In h s divorce by Gertrude Elliott Living*- i agaiiiHt Walter W. Livingston tried the October Term, 1017. of *aid Coart, icrein n total divorce wn* grunted tw een the parties, and iictit inner Waltsr . Livingston, wn* left under the dis ability of not being allowed to marry again, and Walter W. Livingston pub lishes this notiee a* required'by law. Thi* the 25th day of March, 1010. 0-St Walter W. Livingston. II. W. Nelson, Petitioner’s Attorney. Milt APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE GEORGIA—Tift County. (\ B. Clement* Guurdiuu of Wilina, Clements, Clyde Clement*. J. C. Clem ent* and Frank Clement*, ha* applied to ue for a discharge from hi* Guardianship .jf said minor*, thi* i* therefore to notify all tieraons'concerned, to file their ob jections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in .May next, else <!. li. Clement* will be discharged from his Guardianship as applied for. This March 20th, 1010. C. W. Graves, Ordinary. FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA—Tift County. To all Whom It May Concern: J. I>. Jordan having in proper form applied to Tor iHTiimnent letter* of adminixtra- on tbe estate of J. T. Jordan, late of said county, till* i* to rite all and singular the creditor* and next of kin of .1. T. Jordan to lie and appear at my office within the time allowed by law arid show cause, if any they can. why permanent administration mIiouIiI uot be grunted to J. 1>. Jordan, on J. T. .lord- i’h estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this April l.’ttb, ,1010. C. \V. Graves, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Tift County. To The Superior Court of Said County The petition of II. H. Adams and J. G. Williams, of said county, shows to the court the following facts*. 1. Petitioners desire to be incor porated under the name of The Adams end Williams Mule Company, for the period of twenty years, with right to ro-|H»H( new said charter at the expiration of .1020 wid time. The object of said corpora-] 1921 tlon ia pecuniary gain and to carry on 1022 and maintain in the City of Tifton, *aid|1923 county and state, a general live stock 1024 business, buying and selling, both at re- 102ft tail and wholesale, mule* horse.*, cattle, *1020 .... — 2J*S28’SSt bogs and other live stock, laiggto. wag-11027 21,000.00, ons, farm machinery, automobiles, to 1028 —....... 20.fl00.00 buy and sell land, grain, and other farm 1020 — product* to operate a warehouse; and. 1030 FOR LEAVE TO HELL. GEORGIA—Tift County. • all Whom It .May Concern: Mr*. Edith (linger a* administratrix on the estate of G. J. Conger Irnving applied to me for leave to sell nil the land, be longing to *aid estate and 1 will pass up on the same at the next terra of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in June, 1010 and if no objections are filed said leave will be granted. Thi* May ft, 1010. C. \V. Graves, Ordinary Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove ca we. Thera la only on* “Brooo Qdnto*" E.W. GROWS sUnatmt on box. 30c. STRONG OLD MAN 75 YEARS YOUNG Si]) ZIRON Iroi Tooto Hill Hla Fill Better, Eit Better ut Slug Better. ••UmVrentr-fin yait old, yet I hm been pretty Mrong until about a year ago. I was helping others and it teemed H Ml needed, too. 1 toon taw after I Eft grew ytrf* I*8r8ette?.' FOR INCORPORATION. e»*ry jrror to be of tbc denomination of tlOOO.Of each, and numbered serially from 1 U 300 inclusive, and thfc principal sum oi $300,000.00 to become due and payable and to be paid off and fully discharged and retired within thirty years from the data of issue in the following manner to- wit: Said bonds shall be divided into Groups or Blocks of ten bonds each of the total sum of $10,000.00 principal, and Mid Groups or Blocks of ten bonds each Nliall be paid off annually begin ning with the first tcu bonds numbered serially, as aforesaid, which shall become due and payable on the first day of October, 1020, and each successive Group or Block of ten bonds numbered serially of tbc amouut of $10,000.00 priuciiml to be paid off, discharged and retired on the first day of October, each and every year thereafter for a term of thirty years from the date of is sue when the last Group or Block of ten bonds of said scries of the aggregate principal sum of $10,000.00 shall have been paid oft, discharged and retired. Each and every bond of said scries shall bear interest from October 1st, 1010, (tbc sum of unearned interest to be added to the selling price of bonds) at the rate of five centum per annum, and all payments on interest shall be made on the first day of October of each and every year during the full interest bearing period of said aeries of bond*. The principal and intere*t of this en tire issue of bouds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness at some financial institution in the City of New York, or at such other place a* may be agreed upou in writing by the purchasers of suid bonds and the Hoard of Commisxioiicr* of Hoad* and Rev enue* of said county of Tift, and State of Georgia. Tlie Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue* of said county of Tift and State of Georgia shall in the year 1010, at and before the date of issue of Mid bonds, levy a tax sufficient to pay the amount of the accrued interest on said bonds up to the first day of October, 1020, and also to pay the *’ Block of ten bonds maturing October I»t, 1020, making a total of $25,000.00 due nml payable on said date; mid the total amount to be raised by taxation for payment of the total amount of prin cipal and interest to be paid October 1st, 1020, and to be raised by taxation dur ing the year, 1010. ana the total a- mouut to be raised by taxation during the year, 1010, and each and every year thereafter for the purpoae of payiug both principal and interest of this entire is- 'sue of bonds shall be as follows: .. J1010 .T $25,000.00 new Mid charter at tlie expiration of. 1020 - ——— 24,500.00 Of Hog Cholera Work In the State of South Carolina. Removal leaves % This District Vacant. Dr. W. E. White, (government Iusiiec- tar in charge of hog cholera work in Tift county, ha* been apiminted Huperv- isor of hog cholera work for the state of South Qaroliua. He Will leave Tifton Thunalay to, Uaculf, suing from tliere Ut Atlnntn, and wUlrteare Atlanta Monday ui(ht for Colaiubia, South Curoliua, where he will charge of the hog cholera work for stata in the office of the South lina State Veterinarian. Dr. White received orders to this ef- from Washington Tuesday at noon, ille the change ia a promotion, he My* it he never left a place with the regret that he fcela at leaving Tifton. Dr. White has charge of the work in fire counties here but early iu the year was removed to Louisville, Ga. because of lack of funds to carry on tlie govern ment work here. A mans meeting of citixeua was called in protest at hi* re moval, and the neeeasary funds were raised to bring Dr. White back here. At the urgent request of the State Veteriu arian he was returned. Dr. White has done a great work in tog cholera eradication in thi* section in be past two years and our |>cople are dry reluctant to part with him, for icfteonal reason* and the many friend* ie Iqj* made, us \yiH as for the good work* -done." So far as knowu. no arrangement* have been made to supply a veterinarian for tbi* district, which is eotu|Hi*e<l of| untie* of Tift, Ben Ilill, T Berrien aud Took. —Buy Victory Bonds— - MULLIS-JAMES AWAY •‘Bayer Tablets, of Aspirin’’ Offer Relief—with Safety! For Headache Colds Grippe Influenzal Coldj Achy Joints Neuritis Pain! Pain! Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Adults—-Take one or two “Bayer Tablets of Aapiria" with water. If necessary, re- peat dose three times a day, Mr. and Mr*. J. It. Mullis announce the engagement of their daughter, Beulah Janette, to Mr. Robert Lee James, of Argyle, Ga., the wedding to take place the first of June. —Buy Victory Bonds—— CONSTIPATION IN PIGS Do not let your pigs become consti pated, their liver inactive. If you do. they will be an easy prey to disease. Give them B. A. THOMAS IIOG POWDER, the ideal laxative tonic and worm expoller. Rickerson Grocery Co. adv. A»ptrio Jl the ira,jr mark of Raver # - tar* of MonoaciticacidcsUr of -Salicylkacig Buy the Haver packages only. 20-cent package-Also larger sitea. J- N. BROWN i SELL rARM LANDS and CITY PROPERTY I MAKE FARM AND CITY LOANS HOUSES FOR RENT Hee me before buying a Farm. Rrallag a House, of Mating a Loam. Office No. tt New Clyatt Bnildiag. 24,000.00 23.500.00 28,000.00 ... 22,500.00 both at re- 102ft — 22,000.00 1 irxr.4, cattle, * 1020 |iiu)iii 19,000.00 to make contracts, borrow money, loan HOI money, to sue and to be sued, and do 1032 182*00.00 any and all acts that may be necessary. 193d J5*?22*2S in the operation of said business. j HM4 J7,500.00 ~ The principal place of said buxi-, 193ft - ——- _ will be in the City of Tifton, in lfKM - M’ZKifi Mid county of Tift. They further deaire.1937 — 19*999*95 the right to establish branch offices at 1038 - —15.500.00 such places ns may be decided upon by. 1030 15,000.00 a majority vote of the capital stock. j 1040 ——— J^*jj00.00 3. The capital stock of said coriwra- 1041 ...........—. 14,000.00 tion Khali be $30,000. divided into shares 1042 LVjOO.OO of $100 each, and they desire to begin 1043 — 19*999*99 in business with 10 per cent of the capi-,1044 12.500.00 tal stock as paid in. They desire the 1045 12,000.00 right to increase said capital stock to 1040 - 11,500.00 $50,000 by n majority vote of the capi- 1047 11,000.00 tal stock issued. t j 1048 Petitioners desire that said 10,500.00 :»..v i. M , v». | Tlie said election shall be held in the poration may have the right to elect a manner prescribed by the general laws Itoard of Director* by a vote of its of this State and more particularly as Ntoekholdcrs. and to elect a President, net out in Sections 440, 441, 442 and 443 Vice-President, Secretary aud Treasurer, «f the Code of Georgia of 1010 and the by said Board of Director*, and to have Act* of the Legislature amendatory and make all proper aud necessary by- thereof. laws, rule* and regulation* that are The (tolls will be open at six o clock necessary and may be pro(tcr for the car-’a. M. and done at six o'clock P. M., rying on «>f said business, and also to » U n time, at the Courthouse precinct at have and use a common seal. I Tifton, and will be open at ten o’clock WHEREFORE, petitioners file this a. M. and close at three o’clock P. M., their petition in the office of tha Clerk *un time at each and all of the other of the Superior Court, ami pray that voting precincts in Mid county of Tift after the same has been advertised as 0 n the date fixed for aaid election to- required by law, that the Court by prop-J wit, the 21st day of May, 1010. er order grant this petition. »-• Attorney for . Those desiring to vote for bonds shall R. I). Smith, hive printed or written on their ballots Petitioners, the words “For Bonds” and those desir ing to vote against bonds shall have mrnRGlA—Tift County. | ing to vote against Donas anni nave °^°Henry lT. Webb, Clerk of Superior printed or written on their ballots the Court of Tift County, hereby certify that words Again*t Bonds. lh “ ftirocniPK ia > tru, ,1111 cormt cooj The return, oi “W ah*!l I» .KTiaSeSiuV'srr xst-tb a-w ^ ‘L'tt titi: SSTJTSSSUUff T&Jf Si y SmVd. W«H. ItevmUM of Tift county it their office Clerk of Huperfor Court, in the eourthnuae In Tifton. leorrl, at noon, aun time, on the d»r followia aaid electioa, and the conaolidation Thla ICT VICTORY BONDS CITATION OEORfilA—Tilt County. To all Whom II May Concern—Take noth- that N. J. Womack. S. I). I,e- Sueur. <i. A. Clyatt and other, hive ap plied for an order acekin* the ertahljah- ment of n new road whleh lias been Inhl out and marked romformubly to law by reviewer, duly a[i|«inteil and a re|»>rl thereof ma.le on oath by them: •Sail) road rtinnin* from C. E. W al tera. mmthward Ihrough land of John I'helim. tlienee eulthe.H tlirooih UniU of Wrolej Chelj- to the IWUilorr ford, on Ihroucb land, of 8. 1*. l.e Sueur to land line Imtween It. r. Human ami S l>. I.eSaeur, thence South along Mbl land line to land of T F Leach ami Pearman estate when* it’ laternertn with Chula and Whhhhm Mill public rood, thin road prayed J‘ ,r ” to lake jda.e of an old roti'l. TOd change of raid iiuhlie road will alndleh old road whrn change U made. Now. if no good caunc In- ihown to in.- contrary by persona iniircntrd in this mutter, nn order will be granted by the undersigned at the office of th« county commissioners in said canty on the Jutl day of June, 1010, granting aaid road M « y Anri| r 7, .010. , li. hi Hall, Chairman, M. Tucker. Jehn Branch. Board of County Commiaaloner,. Tift County. No Worms In a rtenltliy Chltd All children troabkd with worm, hue, gain. wik7cSr-^k trstkampoo. hioudMd ■ tnu. there U mors or Ie** momarn ommva&x. tejgBggSBTC SSSSSSilSSMS* throw off or dlspeltkewt)eia».«ndtha^ffidwffibt taperfecthestth. Pktsanttoute. Hoaerb connected therewith anee with the general Inwi of the Btate ° f Ttda’n^otlce la given and published ns provided and directed in nn order of uid Ihwnl of Commissioner, of Ilotds and llevennes culling said election duly puw; rd st the regular April Term of said Court on the 17th day of April. 1010. and duly entered upon the Minutes of sahl Court.- This April 17th, 1010. R. K. 1UII, Chairman, M. Tucker, Conuniastoncra of lloada and Rerenues of Tift County, Ga. NOTICE OF COMPLAINT. Kate* Surgical Supply Co. ra. Tift County Hospital. Bolt on account. In City Court of Tifton, Jane Term. 1010. To the Defendant, Tift County Hospital: You are hereby required to M and ap pear at the City Court of Tifton to be held In and for aaid county on tha First Monday In June, 1019, then and there to gnawer ths complaint in abort styled case, as In default thereof sold Court wUI proceed «a to Justice shall apper- TVItncsJ the Honorable James H. Price, Judge of said Court, thte the 2dtb, dey at April '1010 aty^outt ofWton. ■WL&rB 2S-3C. 666 hu mare ImiUtioiu than any other Chffl end Fever Ton ic on the market, but no one one want* imitation*. They ere dnngeroui thing, in the medi- ^ SPECIAL NOTICE TO MR. FARMER We have just received our stock of the Cole Plain View Planters. We have different styles of the Cole Planter and will ask you to call and place your order at once. We also have the Ledbetter Planter, Sea Dis tributors, Spring Tooth Cultivators, Little Joe Harrows, Plow Shapes, Scooter and Scrapea. We have some of the K. P. Distributors and almost anything that a farmer needs in the way of FARM TOOLS. Call and see 00 stock befors buying. THE GOLDEN HARDWARE CO. / TO THE PUBLIC THIS IS TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC that the new taxes, known as the luxury taxes, applying on soda fountain drinks and effective May 1st, in no way apply to bottled RED RAGE GINGER ALE AND SODA WATER There has been no advance in the price of these popular drinks and there is no tax which the dealer has to pay on them, so that there is absolutely no reason why there should be any in- ' crease in the selling price of these beverages. Since the 25th of February bottlers of soft drinks have been paying to the government a tax of 10 per cent, on their gross sales and this coven all taxes on such beverages. We are paying this tax cheerfully as our part of the price of victory, : and we are doing this without having raised the price of these drinks to the dealer. This advertisement is intended to put both jf the dealers and consnmen on notice that Hie re- ■ < tail selling price of our drinks has not changed, ^ bat that it still remains 5c THE BOTTLE nil fe ii* cine line. TIFTON BOTTLING WORKS C. B. Holmes, JidLj. ,-iv ■.» j iBaMBk . _ SAL . W'-siv