The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 23, 1919, Image 7

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ut-of-door life is under way. ou to come in and see our at- Summer Dresses, Sport and Georgette Crepe and Crepe other attractive Summer 1 Stocks are of high quality and ‘pricesremarkably low, and we will appreciate an inspection as it is quite a pleas ure for us to show you. Co. member tifton board of trade Pari*, May 2d—Nine member* of the Ameftcan Peace Con' ference have offered their resignation* as a result of dissatis faction with the terms of the German treaty, it was learned ta- , , Three of the resignations are said to be final and the .other* held in abeyance at the request of the Commission. Fire! Where? Why woriy when the fire alarm sounds? Why not learn how to prevent fires ? We know many ways and gladly explain them and help put them into effect. This is a Hartford Agency offering Hartford Prevention Service as well as Hartford indemnity. Let us explain this additional service your insur ance premiums buy. * CLIFF PARKER «INSURANCE SERVICE” 'Phone 91 Hotel Myon Bldg. Tifton, Georgia - We represent seventeen old line companies with combined assets of over two hundred and fifty trillion dollars. Fresh from the battlefields of from eighteen months of privation the tortures of hell in battle behind them, the glory of return to meet them, hit- con's Own machine gunners Friday marched into arms that have been itch- ing to hold them, to lips that trembled in the ccstacy that finds no other way of expression .and -to hearts that have held them in their joys and sorrows al< ways in first place since they marched ns mere boys to the fields of France, says the Macon Telegraph. Relic of Battalion. Heroes all, those 2(17 men—the relie of a battalion of boys who boarded a train at Camp Harrison on their way for France nineteen months ago, came yesterday through the new Terminal and a city, nay, more than a city, the heart of Georgia, met them and gave them the heroes' welcome. Massed and moving crowds that pack ed alhldown-town areas, dressed in their gayest to match the colors that Macon it self had donned in honor of the return of her boys, greeted the returned warriors, and pushed and jammed to catch glimpse of the men who have been through Chateau-Thiorry, through Argonne and on the Champagne front— the men, who, having won their victories in those campaigns, found rest upon the soil of a country whose forces they had opposed. Program* Cast Aside. It was the story of a formal parade that didn't finish. As Macon had sent the fighters out, she had planned to wel come them; speeches were written that were not said, plans were made that were never carried outj for no real wel come comes from plan. Mother, wife, dad, brother, sister and the “girl” sent plans to the winds, and gave the heroes the best sort of home-coming a man who has been away two years can have. With the first shrill blast of the train that brought them iuto the city, a flood of emotions was turned loose and the yelling, cheering throng surged through the gates ,aud out onto the tracks and even dung to the train to see the boys. It was a riot, instead of a welcome. For twenty miuutes it lasted, until finally military order prevailed and the battalion was reformed. r As the parade started off, there was perfect order in ranks. But it lasted only a minute. Standing beside J. D. Crump, chairman of the reception com mittee, a woman was weeping. She saw his badge, and addressed him, “My boy is in there, and I haven't seen him for eighteen months. I don't see him.” She Grabs Her Boy. “The minute you see him, grab him,' 1 Mr. Crump told her. She fouud him in the first company, and with a little cry, rushed into tho A Mother’s Happiness Made Perfect » That Sht Hat* iraw pare wo „ lives, known as Mother's Friend. It Is ap- Piled to tho muscles of tho abdomen, gently nbbsd in, 4nd at once penetrates to relievo •train on nerves, cords and ligaments. It makes the muscles so pliant that they ex pand easily when baby arrives; the hours •t too time are fewer, end pain and danger tbe crisis U naturally avoided. Mothcr'a Friend enables the i Preserve her health and strength, ranslM a pretty mother by, haviag avoided discomfort and suffering which more often toon otherwise areompanles such an occa sion when naturo is unaided. Every nerve, muscle and tendon is. thoroughly lubricated. IMacomfoit during the period is counter. bOMth^nd^naturaJ, aft * r *** 15 left Writeto the Bradfleld Regulator Com- tain sjottlo of Mother-. Friend drag Mora today without fslL SI TRY III DANDRUFF AND AUTIFY YOUR HAIR filling out and gets thick, beautiful. four hair becomes light, navy, fluffy, ’■ "it tlid appears as soft, lustrous itiful aa a youug girl’s after “Danderine hair cleanse.” Just tr, this—moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking ona email strand at a EXCELSIOR SCHOOL WAS CONSOLIDATED With Port of Salem and Old Ty Ty School Districts by County Board •f Education Tifton, Ga„ May 10, 1910. The Tift County Board of Education met in adjourned session of May flth to time. This will cleanse the heir of du.t, finally ..uhlisk the enlarged boundary dirt and excessive oil and In Just a few of tl , e 0 ^ dl „ trict and con . momenta you have doubled the beauty .. „ .... . . . “ of your hair 8 *der a petition from some of the people Besides beautifying the hair at once,* of the 8alem < Excelai01 aud old Ty Ty Danderine dissolves every particle oi ^ist/lcts relative to the consolllation of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig-, the three schools into the Excelsiog <2qu- j orates the scalp, forever stopping itch- solidated School. KK PERUNA Gave ReHei so Writes _ H r V 1C* Vwhnrei 1 . Engineer, G. R. & L Rr.. 17 Highland Stl,Grand I Lap Ids. Mich. Entirely Free from Catarrh of the Stosaatft “Peruna has positively done for' me wkat many doctor* failed to do. I have boon time and again compelled to taka to my bed for days. The first bottle of Peruna gave relief and while I always keep It in the house tor emery encles, I cOnalder myself entlrvi? tree from catarrh of the atonimd . the trouble from which I at»f fered for «o long before takin,-. this remedy.” A*k Vonr Dealer ing and falling hair. But what frill please you moat will i after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair—fine and downy at first — yes — but really new The recommendation asked that the Excelsior district be enlarged so as to in clude all of the Salem district not in- GEORGIA—Tift County TO REMOVE DISABILITIES GEORGIA—Tift County. '. Vh ;: m , u Con cluded in the Omcgs district aud all ot ,„ lo T It May Concern: Walter oowny at nrw — yea — dui reauy mew; . n| . „ _ , „ i W; Livingston gives notice that at the notice ilmi~v“* i‘ v '•»*« hair growing aU over the scalp. If you thc 01d Ty Ty distri<5t> 08 fo,low8: !•*“«>' Term, 1010, of the Superior Court S }; at 4 0, , na< £' s * 1 care fo7 pretty, aoft hair and lota of it. | . *''-sia»iae »t the middle of the west jLmlav “l-Jn‘he wSlI .ode? aikin* ?he S aurely get a amaU bottle of Knowlton’s 1| "‘ <* land lot No. 438 between Tift the .aid Court by petition to be rSieved “ut'and i' 1 "" 1 »' hic h haa bo'e,, . ,li Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter for a few cents. JONES-W1LBIRN Bliss Frances Jonea, of Ty. Ty, and Mr. John T. Wilburn, of Macon, were married at the Methodic Parsonage in Tifton Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock, Rev, W. EL Budd, Pastor, performing the cere mony. The young people were accom panied by the bride’s sister, also by Miss Ellie Poole and Mr. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn left Tuesday night for Macon where they will make their home. The bride is the daughter of Mr. C. I. Jones of Ty Ty, and is a young woman of many charms of char acter. The groom is a railroad man and member of a prominent Jones county family. VETERINARY REMEDIES B. A. THOMAS’ and FARRIS’ line stands at the head of the list. They are medicine. You do not pay medicine prices for the simple feed you have on your farm. Why not try remedies of known merit. Preparations that have stood the test of time and each sucecding year finds them growing in favor with the American farmer. Rickerson Gro. —adv. FREE VULCANIZING HOOD TIRES and TUBES tor tix months\aiter purchase. Fisk, Goodyear & Goodrich Ninety days after purchase. Expert repairing on aU makes ot Cars. Oar Shop is the best in the Soath ‘and we employ only good Mechanics. Give jus your work. Tin VisiUe Gasoline Station Tift? Overland Co. Phone 20 ,'r\ Overland Parts and Service ranks, and swept him out with the strength given her for the moment. That started the whole thing- Men, women, boys and girls rushed out and grabbed their particular soldier. Up thc street they walked with them, showered with flowers from thc seething mass of people that took up every square foot of Cherry street and hung from the buildings along the way. They went with them to the receptions at the dif ferent armories in their honor, took them home to see other relatives and friends, and finally went with them to the luncheon at the Lanier at 2 o'clock, and to the dance last night on Cherry street. ' An engineer started the whole demon stration. He pulled tho whistle cord on his engine us it rounded the curve ap proaching the Terminal station. Every whistle in town took up his signal. The crowd that jammed every nook and cranny of the station knew what it meant. Waves Pass the Gates. Like n flood, people broke from where they had been standing, and wave after passed through the gates. Eight policemen had been stationed at gates to keep thc crowd back. There ) stopping them. They were "folks” of the boys thc whole German army couldn't stop. Emotions that have been pent up since the signing of the armistice, when it was known that the hoys would come back safely, were turned loose. Some body—it matters not whom—.unfurled a service flag of the 151st. Some of tho blue stars have turned to gold. Out over the tracks they poured, with absolute abandon of any trains that might be scheduled to arrive at that time .and over the far side to the spur on which the lGlst's care were being pushed down to the Y to back into the station. Each wanted thc first glimpse at the warriors. out and marked ...... M duly appointed and" oath by them: om form ably to reviewe thereof made l , !>uid road running from O. r. \ |. Xir,r",l'"' ar<l th ™>« h land of dohe of fee? Ph , Boutb J' M . through land, fnr.1 • .1 1 hel|, “ ,0 th<! I'ope-Jl - S™; ™ through lands of s' Ji , rSL '".Jr*. u 5 e between U. K LeSueur, thence application for discharge GEORGIA—Tift County. C. Ik Clements. Guardian of Wilma, Clements, Clyde Clements, J. C. Clem ents and Frank Clements, has applied to me for a discharge from his Guardianship of said minors, this is therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file their ob jections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in May next, else C. B. xf intersect* with 'ChuTa““and “whTdZn Mril public romi, this road prayed for is to take place of an old road! said elmnil “ w r °»« oomp/C S„n aU inte e A W,, ta t0 ita matter, on order will be granted by the undersigned at the office of the “minty commissioners in said county on the“?nd «!prayi.Tr. M19 ' This April 7 1910. ?.• K Hall, Chairman, by Gertrude HJlllott Livinga- morth up Ty Ty creek to intersection of Walter W. Livingston tried i ..L . , , at the October Term, 1017, of said Court, said creek with the north line of land wherein a total divorce was granted he lot No. 345, thence east to Little river, ^een the parties, and petitioner Walter thence in southerly direction down I.ittlc j ihUity oWot’ hefn'g *''.lloSSdVVrry South . p cnenc nrer to the intersection of the Omega again, and Walter W. Livingston pub- j t y f ,’ n ? sa,, I ' J, ue to land of —* ■«■«“ >'«*«•« *-»•'>• •»<* i “thV'iLe ^da; 'S'K'im?- ^ ai 1 xsr.s^sH^ Old Ty Ty district line thence west along; 0-8t Walter W. Livingston, said line to the middle of the west line of I! - w - ye » HO ". Pctitloner'a Attorney. lot No. 433, thence south to the middle of the east line of lot No. 441, thence west to the middip of the west line of lot No. 438 to the starting point. The above includes all of lots No. 340. 341, 342, 343, 344, 340, 347, 348, 340. 350 351 380 387 3S8 380 300 301 302 393, 304, 395, 300, 397, 398, 434, 435, 430, 437; also the part of lot No. 345 cast of Ty Ty creek; also that part of lots No. 330, 352, 385, 309 lying west of Little river and the north half of lots No. 438, 430, 440, 441, 433, 432, 431, and 430 except that part of -130 cast of Little river, also that part of lot No. 429 west of Little river and north of thc Omega district line. If objection to the above named boun dary is not filed with the Tift County Board of Education within ten dayi required by law, the boundary above out lined will be established as the Excelsior consolidated school district line. S. A. MARTIN, President Board A J. AMMONS, Secretary M. Tucker, ms, j, . <Mu» Urnncb, March* a -^)tl' 11 019 ai>,lliwI for ’ Tlli “ County ° ( ' ollIlt ' V Commissioner.. Tift C. W. Graves. Ordinary, j NOTICE OF COMPLAINT. FOR DISMISSION. I GEORGIA—Tift County. Estes Surgical Supply Co. vs. Tift I f ^ h h er ™"; : T ; A Gibbs, Admiuistrator County Hospital. Suit on account, in . McMillan represents to the City Court of Tifton, June Term, 1019. i m 1118 Ration, duly filed and en- To the Defendant, Tift County Hospital: ■ f', ™ , on ~ r 1 f cor<i ' Bint ho has fully admin- lou are hereby required to be and ap- } sl A h ,,n >“s McMillan’s estate, this pear at the City Court of Tifton to be 8.S* f 1fo L e . to ci * e a| I persons.concerned held in and for said county on the First 00(1 cre( litors, to show cause, it Monday in June, 1910, then and there y ,, ey . F an ’,. w .ky said Administrator to answer the complaint in above styled HPUi? not be discharged from his Admin- case, as in default thereof Baid Court, *® tr ®Hon, und receive letters of dismis- will proceed as to justice shall apper- 81on ’ on the first Monday in June, 1019. *— C. W. Graves, Ordinary. tain Witness the Honorable James H. Price, Judge of said Court, this the 24th, day of April, 1010. , Henry D. Webb, Clerk City Court of Tifton. RidgdiU & Ellis, Plaintiff’s Attorneys 25-31. SUGGESTION FOR A CAMPING TRIP ly a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy before leaving home. As a rale it cannot be obtained when on a hunting, fishing or prospect* ing trip. Neither can it be obtained while on board the cars or steamships, . - and at such times and places it is most splendid laxative and general likely to be needed. The safe way is to.Tonic. have it with you. ~ A ~ FOR LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA—Tift County. To all Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Edith Conger ns administratrix on the estate of G. J. Conger having applii to me for leave to sell all the land, b longing to said estate and I will pass up on thc same at the next term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in June, 1010 and if no objections are filed said leave ill be granted. This May 5, 1019. C. W. Graves, Ordinary FOR DISMISSION. FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA—Tift County. Whorean. C. \y Fulwhod, Ailministra- !V 1 . ' ■, ■ M inker, represents to the Loun in his petition duly filed and en- taxed on record, tlmt he haa fully ad- 666 has proven it will cure'therefore to cUe alf'^rJons^coneernedL 1 Malaria, Chills and Fever, i„‘ n ? r< ,l* “ ml cre ' )i t ors ' s| “>w cause, if Bilious Fever; Cold, and La- ffiua dTX$d AJfufSS Grippe. It kills the parasite, rajurtration, and receive letters of dis- that causes the fever. It is a “oiTViS mVnl m» day in J ““- G. W. Graves, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. ‘ GEORGIA—Tift County. n>X m thc 8rst Tuesday in June, 1010, st public outcry before the court- house door in said county, within the legel hours of sale to thc highest bidder tlle ,o y°' vlnB described property , etr, motor No. 1.1G7.540, 1000 ngodel. Said property levied on os theinrpperty of Gus O’- Quinn, under a fi t! issued from the City Court of Tifton in favor of J. D Connor and against Silas O'Quinn and Gus O Quinn. Defendant in possession of property on date of levy. This 8th day of May, 1019. LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn’t hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers GEORGIA—Tift County. Whereas, W. C. Chapman. Adminis trator of R. C. Harralson, represents to the Court in bis petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ad ministered It. C. Harralson estate, this is therefore to cite nil persons concern ed, kindred -and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from bis Ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission, on the first Monday in June, 1010. This May 1st, 1010. C. W. Graves, Ordinary. No Worms In a Healthy Child AU children troubled with worms have an an neal thy color, which Indicate! poor blood, and as a role, there Is mors or less stomach disturbance. GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC give* regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. Nc Der bottle. Don’t suffer l A tiny bottle of Free- gone costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin” on bottom of feet, then lift them off. When Freezone remove* corns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated.—adv. LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the undersigned to apply to the General Assembly of tho 8tate of Georgia, after the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, for the passage of a bill to amend the charter of the City of Tifton, Georgia. Tho titlo of the bill the passage of which will be asked, reads as follows: "An Act to amend an Act providing a charter for the City of Tifton, approv ed August 10, 1915 (Acts 1015, pages 854-887), by adding thereto a now sec tion, to be known as Section 70, grant ing to thc Mayor and Council of said City power and authority to lay sewers, con struct septic tanks or make other ar rangements for the purification or dis posal of sewage, locate dumping grounds for garbage, convey such sewage by means of ditches, canals or streams, and drain such dumping grounds by the same method, beyond or without the corporate limits of said City; granting to the Mayor and Council of said City power and authority, by proper resolution, to condemn lamb both within and without the corporate limits of said City for said purposes and for the further purpose of securing ingress to and egress from such sewers, sewage plants, damping grounds, ditches and stream*; and for otter pur- peses." L. E. Bowen. Tifton, Georgia, May 16, 1019. FOR ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA—Tift County. To All Whom It May Concern: I. C. Touchstone having applied to me for permanent letters of administration on tho estate of Berry M. Moore, late of said county, this i 8 to cite all and sing ular, the creditors and next of kin, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to I. C. Touchstone on Perry M. Moore's estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 5th day of May, 1919. C. W. Graves, Ordinary. CARDUI The Woman's Tonie H You ran rrivas CsMtil ■ FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- [ TION. ! GEORGIA—Tift County. To nil Whom It May Concern: J. D. Jordan having In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admhriirira- tlon on the estate of J. T. Jordan, late of said county, this is to cite aU anfl singular the creditors and next pf kin of J. T. Jordan to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, wire permanent administration should not ba granted to J. D. Jordan, on J. T_ Jord- au’.s estate. f Witness my hand and official signa ture, this April 13th, 1010. » C. W. Graves, Ordinary. Habitual Constipation Cored In 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially- prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to Induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. • Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA—Tift County. * Will be sold the first Tuesday in June, 1010, at public outcry before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder forcash. the following described property !r«: levied on as the property of Geo. w WUlis, trading ra *e Citj cSsh lSxfct tinder . fi fa tamed from tho City Court of Tifton In favor of t&o Detroit Automatic Scale Company and i raid Geo. W. Willta. trading UT?. city Cush Market* ^ This 8th day of May, 1019. f J. M. Stow, Sheriff, 566 has more imit.Siw, any other Chill and Fever Ton ic on the market, hot no OM one want* imitations. They are dangerous thing* in die medi cine line. edr.