The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, May 23, 1919, Image 8

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Headquarters for Bargains See us for Bargains in Georgette, Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Taf fetas and Popfins. 36 in. Percales worth 35c, 27 in. Dimity, 10 yards, Counterpanes. Buster Brown Hose, Lisle, Silks from Special 2Bo 98k.- Special $1.48 50o 81 to $2 Bleachinga, Apron Ginghams Percales 1QC “ th. Worth 25o. SDecial Hr and Long Cloth. Worth 25o. Special 0ve 1'Si rt a h t* 2fo * 2 - 50 11.48 and $1.98 $1.48 98* One Lot of Men’s-Hats worth 82 Special Men’s Dress and Work Shirts Worth 81.50. Choice Just Received. A Big Shipment of Godman’s Solid Leather Shoes in the Latest $2.50 fo $3.50 Styles. Prices from $6.58 tn $18 Men’s Shoes in the Latest Styles. Prices from $3JUUo.$8.50 MAKE US A VISIT Whitley Bros. Dept. Store estimabiaK citizens A man I like la Silta Brown; He doean't knock His own home town. —Dalton Citizen. E. A. Hancock, of Route A, was a business visitor to the city Wednesday. Mr. M. D. Doutbit, of Route 2, was In Tifton on business Wednesday morning. Mr J. I. Piland, of Chula, waa In Tifton Wednesday morning making the Gazette office a visit Dr, J. D. Wilbanks has sold his home i North Park Avenue to Dr. Charles 8. Smith. The consideration waa $4,500. Mr. A. A. Flowers of Route 6, was in Tifton Wednesday. Mr. Flowers has been a subscriber to the Gazette for fif teen years. Mr and Mrs. Oscar Creech and baby, of Norman Park, passed through Tifton Wednesday on their way to Savannah to visit relatives. Mr. I. B. Jones, of Route A, was a caller at the Gazette office Wednesday. Mr. Jones says the boll weevil is already in evidence in hi* cotton. Miss Ele n Norman of Norman Park, wag the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. W. Mills, Tuesday on her way to Lake City, Fla., to visit Misr Louise Bennett. Mrs. J B Huff and Mrs. B II Horne motored over to Sylvestor Friday where they were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reason Sutton and Mrs. S B Light- foot Mrs. H. II. Coombs and children, Cornelia Smith and nenry, Jr., WANT AD COLUMN NOTICK TO ’VODACCO GROWERS! SIX, GOOD HEAVY WORK COWS, Yoke* and Chaim, tor aalc. T. C. Cur-' I have a good .stock of Arsenate of lead, also calcium of Anenate omf five differ ent kinds of Guns for spraying. Price from $1.75 to $18. W. E. FARMER MONUMENTS—I can furaieh the very beet. J. J. F. Goodman, Brookffeld, wtf COUNTRY PRODICK WANTED—Wa n in the market for Hern, Friers. Bom ten. Guineas, Dacha, Tartars, Geese or Eggs. Fruits sad vegetables, butter and pare cream. Can alto use a fan homo- canned foods. Hotel Myon. Tifton, G*. WANTED—Ten to fifty acres with good home, sir or more rooms; desirable location near town, convenient to school, Give full description and lowest price, “G. V.” Care Tifton Gasette, 22d3twlt WANTED AT ONCE-One copy each of Weekly Gasette Oct 18th, 1018 and June 28, 1918. Also one copy of Dally] l aaettvNov. 28, 1918. tt, STRAYED—Small Jersey cow, with black heifer celt, from my lot on Tift Avenue. Dr. L A Baker. lOdw-tf FOR SALE—50,000 or 100,000 good cypress shingles. See I. W. Myers, My on Hotel. lOtfdw WANTED—Single man to work on'™® SA !^ 0n * p f““ t “ d ""I*?™ farm, Will board nnd pay good wages, r0 *» tCT - B Banlaton. Tifton, Oa. V. L. 8winds! fri-aonw2w. j AUCTION SALE-To be Bold at public * I auction, Saturday, before the Masonic ^Rub-My-Ti^i* a great P*ta bulldlnf „ tbe ht|hHt biddtr for ^ ******"•'.'' rw*m Mid gU the household and kitchen furniture, soreness caused by Rheumat- [ also office fistures, of the late Col. John ism, Neuralgia, Sprain*, etc. ad Morrow. a. baker. 22d3t Don’t Burn and Bake Yourself Over a Wood Stove this Summer Buy a Boss Oil Stove and be comfort able in your kitchen- Convenient and graceful designs, economy in fuel con sumption, steady flame, dependable cookers. Bennett’s Hardware, Ine Hitinii & Finn Implinnls. Ctllins Saint James tells us to and nobody ever yet loat an; following this advice. Mrs. Georgin Ray, of Vatcaville, and Mrs. Draughn, of Macon, the mother and sister of Mrs. W J Sikes, are Hitting their relatives In Ty Ty. Mr. N. L. Stapleton, of Colquitt, Miller county, spent Sunday night with Dr. jnd Mrs. F B Pickett Mr. Stapleton is s trustee of the Second District Agricult ural School, nnd he was on his way to Tifton to attend a Board meeting for the school. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wade, of Wa ‘cross have returned to their home after a few days visit to their relatives here. There hag been some difficulty about wires crossing the railroad tracks here. The American Red Gross Regional The women of Ty Ty are fairly well In- Conference on Red Cross Activities of formed, tolerably well educated, and of the Chapters and Home Service Com- average intelligence. Like moat of mittees of Southwestern Georgia" waa women, they are observant: they cannot held in Albany the 5th ( 6th and 7th of fail to see what la going on around fV", Ma? It was earnestly desired that each and having average intelligence, they Chapter send s Urge delegation, but only know that the prohibition laws are being three representatives of the Tift County constantly vioUted and no adequate Chapter—tvro from Tifton and one from punishment has ever been meted out to Ty Ty—were present and several conn- the offenders. ties sent none. Being fairly well informed, the women Many officUU from Divisional Head- of Ty Ty know that the City Court has quarters were there, and their earnest no jurisdiction over illict distillers but talks were the source of much, informs- that is only part of the evil complained tion * of The City Court was asked only to do The "Round Table" meetings where its best questions were asked and answered in In the letter so severely criticized, an Every effort seems to have been msde for j friendly conversation were especially in- effort was made to cover all the ground, safety, and yet there was almost a serioua structive and if the enthusiasm inspired It is wonan’s prerogative to be illogical, accident from one recently. A freight j by them will only last, the Red Cross and she may have exercised that preroga- hand was hanging onto the side of a train'will receive an impetus forward that will tivc somewhat freely in the document in in that reckless but seemingly necessary last a long time. question. There were three copies of the way that is practiced by his kind. He was' Albany haL recently entertained so letter, each was sent to a different court, leaning away from the car, at u danger- j many conventions, and other things of and unthoughtedly (another prerogative ous angle that nobody but a train hand that kind, that the Red Cross people de- of womu), no change was made in the or an acrobat would attempt, and was cidvd that it would be an imposition to letter's text—maybe with the idea that signaling to the engineer. A wire caught' allow the town to take care of the "Con- the judge of each court would select the him and he would probably have been ference,” so all expenses were ordered part that referred to him. killed if the train had been mo/ing tap-' paid from the Ited Cross treasury. Bu^ it the letter needs further explanation, idly. As it waa going very slowly, he whoever knew the people of Albany to it is this: Each court is asked in every °|j was hot seriously hurt. The wire has bp lacking in hortitality? No effort was case where a person is found guilty of Bainbridge, were guests of Mrs. Coombs’, ben so placed that now it seems iuipos- spared by them to make these visitors having manufactured, told, or had,, on sister, Mrs. W. H. McCartney, the pMtjaible for further danger to come from it.'even though they were not guests, enjoy hand intoxicating liquera to impose a of the week, returning home Tuesday. The Postoffice Department lets it be ( every monent of the time that was avail- sentence that will be felt. Fjney do not Just received a big shipment of ladle* known that carrires must "dreas up.” It able for recreation. amount to the cost pt,8 license—even and childrens solid leather oxfords. Pst-1 has been several years since street ear| .Since the close of the war, there has when the fine i s collected which ia not eat leather, vici and brown pumps nnd companies sent out a degree that con- ^ been a regretable lack of interest in Red always the case. When an offender is and oxfords. Your choice $3.50. Whit- duetors must wear collars and ties, and Cross work. Most of people seem to released on probation, he usually enlarges ley Brothers. d-lt-w-lt-2 L wflN Colonel Waring who first made think that, as there are no surgical dres- his business. A jail sentence will have a Army field clerk W L Fisher, who, the street sweepers wear decent clothes sings to make and no soldiers that need different effect The writer of this ia has just received his honorable discharge nnd keep comparatively clean. | help, the Red Cross is out of business, not a member of the W. C. T. U., and in from the army at Charleston, spent the' Wedding belli are due to chint? (or[Aside from the making of refugee gar- the beginning was not even a prohibition- week-end in Tifton the guest of his sis- Home kind of substitute for that kind of ] ments which must be kept up during 1st. It all seemed cant and hysteria, and ter Mrg. J L Sandlin. Mr. Fisher will thing), but, r t" usual they are scheduled this year, there is a vast amount of work ao very impracticable; but who that knew ‘ * L f«r some place other than Ty Ty. to be done, and help is sorely needed. the Ty Ty of twenty years ago, and the Fate seems to bp against clean streets I Most of this work is "Civilian Relief." Ty Ty of today could fail to be impressed for Ty Ty; One hand after another! 01, ‘‘Home Service,” terms that mean a knowing what caused the change! quit to go to the war, or for some other « r *®t deal. It is help of almost every This is no temperance argument, how- jkind for people who need help—nursing, but a question of enforcing the law. When a criminal who has been leniently dealt with, commits the same offense and ia again convicted, ought he not, in reason, to receive a severer sentence? Hie mere fact that he again commits the offense running the risk of another con viction, shows that the punishment had no terrors for him. getting ahead where it has been given j any given at the home of Mr. anil Mr. In one "ell-known case, a men of good the least chance and frequent rains arc Edgar Gibbs liy tan children aud ch>l 1- wa * coavicted of lelling whiskey, falling not many miles away. jren-ia-law. Those present were Mr. end He waa fined and the fine wa. remitted. Brutal,” is a favorite descriptive -Mrs. Silas Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar shortly afterward., he was brought up return to hi, home ia Quitman and take up hit former work with the South Georgia and West Coast railroad. Spanish Peanuts ore bringing a faney price. Hundreds of farmers are not purpose, carts were put out of conrniis- planting them this season, so the price .ion nnd now, of all things, the town j voeationtl training, child welfare, finan- Is certain to be good in the fall. See us mule dies. There was no discernible rea- rial assistance, everything that needy for seed, shelled If you like. I.nng A Co.,'son for the mule’s death—he Just “upped people ought to have. 22-tf an - died,” to make trouble probably, j But the laborers are few. Farmers are making a noble fight 1 a— against the grass, with the odds in their A RED LETTER DAY. favor, at prAent: The weather has been' Mrs. Sallie Gibbs received a surprisi perfect for this work, but the grass is ■ birthday dinner aud “show, r' „ u .Mon- Omega, Ga. SINGER SEWING MACHINE—Beet .n Earth. Bold on eaiy payments, by 4. H. Bankston. Tifton. . WANTED—Small farms. We have cun tomere ready to buy. If yon want to aell or buy see es. Farm., timber land* soma choice City homes. Fulwood ft Ford, Tifton. Ga. M-Stiw-wtf STRAYED—From my place the latter pert of February, one half-grown, gray colored heifer, unmarked. Reward foe information. W. B. Hitchcock. 23eodwtf FOB Sale —Bert Penniyivania Auto Oil at 70c per gallon. B. H. Banketon, 10deod»3t EVER-SHARP PENCILS The most popular lead pencil today, the pencil you have seen the other fel low using and want ed one just like it. WE HAVE IT $1.00 to $5.00 The magazine car ries a dozen leads and one lead will last you for weeks and as its name im* plies it is Ever-Sharp Mom’s Jewelry Store ‘The Gift Store” PHONE 250 ' Tifton Board Trada with the Germans these days. The, | Gibbs, Mr. and Mra. Tom Cottle, Mr. [ or the same offense and fined, this time ought t« be familiar with the meaning of and Mrs. Earl Gibba and the two having to pay the fine. He wen righ the word, particularly just now, so re-, younger sons, Ctrl and Clayton. All on "■‘■“■‘'J and n ”! kln * mon '^ ccntly after the bod, of Edith Cavell has the children were present except one ..f At to"*’ P* 0 " 1 * bt **° 10 ’ an * J TUB DA HIT TV TV 5 been taken to her old home in Engl.nd j the older pons, Ernest, who is still "as Imposed. on tarn And did THE BANK OF IT IT to be buried, thin time with military hon- detained at Camp Gordon. Needless to he serve it? Nay, venly, an e » pro ora. | say, it was a great occasion-, red let- * bl >' s<,1Un ‘ whi8k ' 5 ' in somt p, * W ri « bt A merchant, who has carried on a auc-1 ter for each one present. oewoful business in Ty Ty for several 0 . . . . , . , nmr ___ years got short of hands on his farm R *P° rt ^ that about * evon hundrtd !"'** wimHur h^nLni^n hero near here. II. i» a grandfather, and it i * all "“ 8 of intoxicating liquor goes from ^^ ou J tan seems to £ b.. 1 a.™ nun. ..... .Inc l... ,11.1 ... «hla vicinity ever, week to points near No *’ j by, and this stuff is sold at an enormous loffnl machinery not t e Jh gem The quantity is probably oxag- •»>*. bul 1,11 otber o®' 1 * 1 " hWl * nd ,ow - □ Th. HALLMARK SreA □ Prescriptions carefully ! pounded. ' FINE JEWELRY Gasoline and Oil W. E. WILLIAMS bEALERIN THE STORE Courteous Treatment ' . 8 8 * • 8 Your Trade Will Be Ty Ty Finns Supply Ci R. R. Pickett, President. J. KLVaner, ' .• ; DEALERS IN GroceriM, Dgy JC^Hlfe Notions, Sboaa, (fata R««dy.t».WearCMMbf Farm ImpImMria And Other, Thiaga.. Pictorial Review Patterns ' TY TY DRUG GO. R* Wa CHivar, Proprietor. A complsto liar of patoaft Drugs mad Sumdrimo, This did not happen in Tift county, SAFETY FIRST TY TY, GEORGIA has been many years since he did any farm work, but he has not forgotten his early training. Leaving his stor» in charge of an older man, he went out to follow the plow, and be has kept it up, day after day, keeping a general oversight on his mercantile business. ■ ThU kind of thing * is calculated to solve the labor problem;' Major ami Mrs. l*!eter Pelham, of Poulan, Mr. and Mrs. W B Johnson .of Colquitt county, Mrs. Sasser and Mra. Edgerton, of North Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lvl*. of Jacksonville and Miss E R Sutton enjoyed a good old- fashion Southern supper Friday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Parks. Just what sort of an animal 8atan entered into when he tempted Bve has been the subject of much discussion, but the Bible must be speaking literally in calling it a serpent, that might account profit. , „ r „ „ gerated but there seems to be no doubt don ' tt ’' h** 1 ,0 < ‘ n,orc ' lbe prohU that a great deal of it gocs-Where there W « on Um,T No doubl ‘ hw * * r ' m * nT i. so much smoke there must be o consld- -thcrwdso good citiren. who do not can erable fire. (There ia no pun intended *» h »™ th «« '»** “ ,qrced ’ but U " here—it i. too serious a matte, to joke LAW ’ “ d °®" r b ■”>**.* “ about). , that ia «*wcrf. Is every officer in this county—in any UNDIVIDED PROFITS To call this stuff “whiNkey," is a libel . .. . ... ,D au article that is not all bad; it i. wonty-dol"* his utmott to enforce It* said to be the vilest concoction that wa* ( JONES-WILBURN ever tasted by man. but it is warranted; .. _ Wlt . _ . * ’ . «... * | Mr. Tom Wilburn, of Macon, and Misa Francis Jones, of Ty Ty, were mimed in Tifton on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 20th, Reverend Mr. Budd, of the to produce a “jag” seldom equalled by ■ the most fiery intoxicant. Counting imaginary sheep a. they, Metbod| „^’ Church officiating. jump an imaginary log is warranted to Mr. aad Mra. Wilburn spent Tuesday put to sleep the most restless wooer of | n|jtht in Ty Ty retuminI Tifton .lumber, end couutin, potato plants (Wednrad , y mornt ’ nf b; , utomo bH.. ac- sometimes has the seme eff«t. _' Vb ' n I companied by Mis. Inman and you com. to think about it, though. I m|m Mnd , ^ Jon „. Tbt bridl , coup,. Mr. Wilburn is an employee of the G. S. A F. and Mrs. Wilburn, who a daughter of Mr. C. I. Jones, has many friends in Ty Ty. for the hatred of menkind for onaks.,, rou , n ' ln * 20 ’ 000 or “ *“ u " y 1,1 1 took the twelve o’clock train for Macon, Three men in an automobile one day last 1 little n > onotonous . » nd u il the monot- |n wh{ob cit tboJ w m ma k e their home, week stopped to kill a poor inoffensive on) ' tbM inducM Ther ' *■ r,th ' r “King” snake. All three got out and went more v * riety ,n c<lun,in ' ,or ‘ bey back to do battle with a reptile that does ; must W pulled “ p - Entangled, and, good rather than harm.. King snakes. I wbcn ™ un, ' d . ‘*« d in bundle, of a hun- it is said, kill rattle snakes. Maybe they i dred -" nd wben I0U haTe done ,bl » *° don’t but they kill rata, and they could on ' thou,and P>* n t« J»“ *'t not harm t «s, p ie lf tboy tritd and thcy ; It sounds like small pay. but a good don’t try. j counter can make two or three dollars People, even some of those at a dis- n da - v - 11 "» s « full-grown man—a white tanco, are constantly haying pleasant "ent to sleep on the job. thingi about this "Department,” for all thought that bed, even a potato bed, was of which its editor Is duly grateful. ^ good place for a nap. The closing exercises of the colored We are proud of the confid ence doctors, druggist* and the ' public have in 666 Chill and “hc Fever Tonic. adv school were be ld Frid.y night, nnd ' n ° n ' t buiM t0 ° n,ucb on * v< “' 7 hi * h teacher and pupil, have boe„ much com- pri '4 ,or co,ton - Acrc ”*° h*’ h” 11 r< “ pllmentcd on the manner tn which a good do " d “ '* true but mm f " tm,ln * and programme was well carried out. The btll ' r cul “ vatioa wiU do much ,0 “ ,ke writer returns thank, for a ticket to the up ,or tb “ “ d the crop ™ MT,r in entertainment but absence from town, morc P romis ‘ D g « ad l‘ loD - prevented attendance. t ’ otton ,a flne . "katever the boll wee- Ty Ty is paying a, much for egg. a, Tlla m,y do t0 “ totw ’ , v J , other place, pay, and not getting very nurt “° n ' UlK ^* d< " n “ d , ’ many eggs it that. '* headline saya. It ia nothing new in Excellent wexthcr the firmer, have ,ba way of 1 dtmaad ,bat Ubor ia m,k ' had, and they are making the most of in *’ .. ... it. The crop has timed out much bet-1 Pa °P 1<! ate Ju,t w * kln * ttp 40 h * lm ' ter than was hoped for at one time. !P«rt.nce «f MTlnt. Bend some more bonds, Uncle. Sallow complexion ia due to a torpid liver. HERBINE purifier and strength- Cold* Canse (Mp aad fadteeuxa uvrr. nrinomn puniin ana urcngin- ■■■-- — ——giumMii itis ens the liver and bowel* and restore* the LAXATIVE BKOUO QUININg roay bloom of health to the cheek. Sold cao**. Thera U only eoa Brqmo QomlM. by Conger Drug Co. adv ■ &. W. GROWS *LmatnT© -nboBL « R J. COTTLE TY TY. GEORGIA Maanfac rarer of Yellow Pine Lumber and Shinties Wood for Sale at Ty Ty Yard. ..Hogs, Beef Cattle and Milk- H. G. MALCOM TY TY, GEORGIA Orders taken now for plants Also I buy and sell hogs. INTEREST PAID I and SAVINGS SI >t «or FRIEND when yea HONEY ,wa wffl be YOURS yea kora NONE. WOODWARD'S GARAGH Ty Ty, • • • • Glenda .Jl Repairs promptly atteadoi (a. Rtpalrs oa Fori can a nMUpk Hb and Graaoe hr Sak. JONES Oc COMPANY Deal era In High Chaa General Menhandhi After you rend thin edverttsfia*, go to this store and do you Stopping. PRICES RIGHT A. PARKS. Groceries, Dry Goods Etc> Caskets, Coffins. Ty Ty, Georgia. D. VARNER AND COMPANY Dealer* In Greeerie. Dry Seeds, Cendtae, Cs- gers, Tobacco end Everythin* ; EUe in the army of Qiaetal j MercUndne. ~ V K Mea'e Furnishings a SpecMty. t W. B. PARKS Gone to Florida, but paying for this space just the W. F. SIKES Heavy and Fancy Grocerie* . Cows Bought and Sold Fresh Meats Plants of All Kinds DR. F. B. PICKETT, Physician aid Surgeon. > Tj Ty, Ga. POR TASTE AND HEALTH See J. D. Mams* about putting ha a feed S tech wen,: Teem Ostte, nbmM freai tap la betlom, keeping eat sarlsgf rT' . Addr-. j. D. Mound, Ty Ty, On ,rr CARL S. PITTMAN IS Physician and Surgeon Ty Ty, Ga. i