The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 13, 1919, Image 1

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■ '••‘f ■* .. ■■ * x' ■ ' r : ’, \ ■*.->. •"• : Pbcklng Com- I Armour and Coo- of Chicago. The purchuers will i oxer tie operation ot tie plant July deal was closed In Chicago last by Ur. H. . OUt, TO* President Chairman of the Executive and > Committees, and W. W. Banka, T Vice President, who wait to that city ‘ with power ot attorney from the stock- L holders. It is understood tbit the price l paid for the plant represents a slight loss to tie stockholders, bat tit droamstancee were each and the advantages to be ob tained fo^ the dtp and section by securing tie Chicago connection was to great that It was decided to pocket the loss and dose the deal. This loss’Is due to a series of untoward circumstances, and not to lack of profit In the packing butl- seas. With construction well under way the pleat was destroyed by fire, this rep resenting a loss to the stockholders as . well as the contractor. Then a year ago when the plant had about 7,000 head of hogs on hand cholera got among them and loss followed. To these was added | .'the Frank Scaroboro loss and several smaller items. •BreUd Trustees ; Which Meeta In Tlfton Friday . for Three Dtps, lie Great Singing Event at tin Tear ., Every detail has been attended to by_ Fret the Local Committee for the South ot gia Union Singing Association, to meet School - In Tlfton Friday and continue through Board Sunday. ; |' : *T They, are coming from everywhere In.tie South Georgia and it looks now as If hi, Tlfton will' have the biggest crowd to Board to take care of she has ever had. |the The Committee having in charge the j m0: caring tor the delegates is aritoua' to r * n *' place the Meet Inf of the Americans Fought for “God and Hu- District A. A M. at Tlfton i-'j *hn*b was elected Prill' eath District A. &&I. rat the meeting df the again hearing in eloquent is Tuesday. |B. V. Sanford,-jProfessor notified Tuesday night over erature ot the University for v “God ~ and ” Delightful Address hr Dr. Studford Hon : Tlfton people ' bad. the'v pleisure of ArqM bj Dr* twiiih Lit- ihone by Secretary Cromattie of the graduating iexcrcisesa hare more roomr 'phoned them as they will not be •!>*» to get to %ec* all the citizens t,\ time V g t a.*furcation. 'Phone Mrs V Petersen, who you will be able to care for and bow many. The Boy Scouts will bj asked to as sist in showing the delegates to the homes assigned them. The different committees are all hard at work to make the meeting a great success. The following will be the opening pro gram on Friday: Sessions at' High School Auditorium. Opening 11 a. m.,'Friday. June '13th. Invocation, Rer. W. H. Budd. Address of Welcome, Mayor H. II. Har- grett ^ } Response, T. J. Luke. 'nation The plant of the Tifton Packing Com- my was completed at a cost near $300,- j Vo * fast time .COO smI began operation,.in February,j <5^*, na „„,'| ,1918.- It bu d«,e , ^buslures toom!^ ^ 8atarita} , , T J „ utb * *”** *** ’* " take delegates to auditorium and <luu to . T , _ .... . “J I and at the request\of the High School Tui ill take charge of the affairs of ford is one of tamest at once. He left Wednesday era Tifton has had .the for Douglas and will make ar- iug. He treat?‘his sq to move his family to that nor exhibiting thorough following week. Prof. Thrash the topics and bis flow- <Jf Ppof. L. G. Proctor as Princi- free and easy as that of a^ w f. Proctor not being a candidate It is both a delight and. a ensure to e-election. j bear him talk. * < Pfof. Thrash came to Tifton to take Dr Sanford aald Tuesday tents charge of the Department of Mathematics he was delighted t. to come j and here trict 1 Fri- |the lirut and bus been a great fautor in i development of the live stock industry this section. It was oaganized and huipped by local capital. ■ Armour and Company are expected to |ve representatives here within the next i to go over the situation T>repara- I taking over its operation the' first It is understood that the par- i do not intend to bulk! additions plant this season, hot that the, J** „ made and a homes: Mrs. Malcom Peterson, Chairman. Mrs. R. H. Eidson Mrs. B. 0. Williford Mis. Carlisle Poitell. I be mad at hfere. M0S0UIT0 EXPERT 7ini.ilm ,~7 , achool there will Sake Its COMING TO TIFTON^,/ & Mechanics of the Second District ton for another address so M. School nine years ago. He was re-elected for the tenth successive term at tjie close of the last term. He came from Douglas, where he had been years with the Eleventh Dis- hool and before that wag £htef of ite Engineering Department under 'errell. Thrash has made a fine record ie Second Pistrict School where he ited for the thoroughness of his a ad the facility with which he lianillcA the boys; •*Ha,efidenVed himself to the Istudent body as well as to the , aald-Dr. Sanford, other members of the faculty nud to the! ^Tlio American rCmiblic has encaged uple o | Tifton, all of, whom see him go (four wars with forffigu imwiTf* for Dem- reluctance. Prof. Thrash also j <*cratio principles Which vy*re recognized xpresses\his regret at leaving Tifton, by the powers of 4e world after they here hig\assoctationa have been very J had been established by, the United ttg that > Tif- address so eoon after his talk at the Agricultural Sctydjbl graduat ing exercises lawg mouth. iHfc spoke on the world war tfcen and Said he would speak on It again, though from a differ ent angle. “On the Soissons battlefield were found the bodieg of two soldiers In a death em brace. One was the body Dll''’a German and on his belt was the motto, 'For God and the Kaiser.’ The American had scrib bled with pencil , qn his ifanteen, ‘”— God and Humanity.- Those:two mottoes tell the whole story of tliq,: world improvements sum of money Tbs changes Swift and Com- 'fa, Response to Request ef City Author- »aay have msde is the Moultrie plant Itiss, s United States Rnginacr Hss tssy be regarded ss Indie*tltms ot whst Beru Asslyned to Work Ben Tifton «*y cxpwt, | M ,. 0P Hsrxrett reaelved a teleitsm ss* d - t - r - Abercrombie. Secretory of tfce Stots t * CtOT Uvs stock industry j tr ' “ a Jan , n iu^ here. Tllsse (wdtsrs would not come to 1 .. . . Oov.rnm.nt Enrinln- Sooth Georitoif bey were not sure of „ P , nltri . 8U !” Kn ’ bmr . the future of the burines. hen sad their operation of so msny plants in tbo South ? Jour towncon “ u " ,r,,h the “ uthori - The city authorities .took up the"matter , of. mosquito control with the Public Health authorities several days ago, as a coincidence three or four days before the request came from the Board of Stew- picasaut anikespecially at leaving Princi pal Lewis with whom his jactations have bean as those of^a bro^Jrtr. He is con fronted by a difflcuTrtask at Douglas, but we are sure that he is the mau for the job and that under his management the school there wfll-tal^g its p|ace am^ng the of the South. Our very best wishes go with [ the meat packing bail- 4 1 SUMMER COURSE To Be Held at The 8tate College in ards of the Meth odist church. Athens First Week in August The Georgia State College of Agri culture, Athens, Go., has announced SENT FULL DELEGATION BOY .SCOOTS RAISE -with farmers who wish to (o up thd take -advsntoce of the opportunity. The trip premises to be enjoyable ae well it in structive and any one within, to mtke ar rangements to take this trip should noti fy the County Agent, at the Board of Trad# office, Tlfton at la early date as A., If. DICKSON, County Agent, Tlfton, G*. See eur stock of Country Cured Beat It took, good and fa Juit ai good aa It lookT Blekareoa Grocery Co. ddwlw are. ■career this year than uipa!, but we have a- few: ThoTfe us. R. Aven, W. W. Bryan, H. L. Moor, W. L. Harman, Mrs. P. D. Fulwood, Mrs. S. L. Lewis. The District raised $200 for the Meth odist Orphans home. ^A fund of $12S was raised to send tlie Presiding Elder, Rev. Whitley Lahg- «ton. to the Centenary Celebration at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Langston’s son has already been appointed one of the drive are ^considering using all the amount raised above its quota for the benefit of the local organisation. Chairman Durden wired District head quarters this morning that Tifton and ify through the County Agricultural Ageut^o HI,trict Conference. MW for Or- t summer short course tor farmer,, to be 1 P h * n ’' Home. Preriding Elder to held the first week in August. This is Columbus to he a farmer’s week Id every sense of The Veldosta District Conference. In m , nf c v. a . tho word, and many agricultural meet- session at Adel for two diys, adjourned t counfy had raised their quota. inp will be held, livestock sales, and Wednesday afternoon at 12:30. The <demonstration a will be staged. All of Tifton delegation, ten strong, returned the college faculty will be present to be home Wednesday night. Tifton was the ..iOf service and show the farmers around, only church in the .District from which The county agent-for Tift County i» every delegate attended. Those going .arranging an automobile tour to Athens, <vere: W. H. Budd, Pastor; Rev. J. H. •that week and will be glad to fill his car j Jackson, J. N. Brown, J. N. Horne, C, MORE PLANT 'DISEASES Also, Remember to Inoculate Seed Peas and Spray String %eans To the Fanners: If I had time I would write you often. With all of us there ire three thiugs in life: Nature, cause and effect, other occupation negle cted like but* could survive. I would not attempt to mention our faults, I only wanted to aay that jre are now confronted, with so many plant diseases; not all of them new, but just becoming known. Some years ago I discovered a yellow ing, parching up df blackberry vines jnst States. All four of these principles .., attacked by the Germans find it wa B case of America fighting i ito maintain these principles of [Democracy mit to German autoctady. “ v ht against This baadits 1) Tbs K of Seven Teams Already Re- Mere than Required. May Use Surplus at Home. Tifton and Tift County Boy Scouts raised their quota frith same. .to s the -first day th© boys wcre at wotk. Their quota waa-$S2.S0 and the first db/ ISur, of ib^ aeven tebtna reported $08.23, with' three teams to hear from. So far as known, the Tifton Boy Scouts was the first organization in the district to complete its quota, just a 8 Tifton was first to finish in the Salvation Army drive. Those in charge of the Tifton Scout Jiad brought the test and lhat it had been principle of the world, but by the taxee inn Belgium, In 1812, America fought ciple of freedom of the eei cipie being attached W < who ordered American ahl only a apecifled course and red, white and Uqe. p‘ In 18IT, Mexican * ‘ borders and pillaged Germans renew tl •Hee reward.** \ ^ In 189S America engaged-in war with *Spain for hnmanitt’a sake. . Germany disregarded this principle by overrun ning the Balkans and other .sintfl na tions. ' * f - Answering the questio$ of .whether or not Democracy Is efficient and not super ficial, Dr. Sanford ^aid] that the proven thfe best form of efficiency of a .Democra eminent was shown In rifices and denials the country made in order The The food, coal and f-ai regulations being examples. VA j Fate decreet that for righteousness shall nations working againsi Who would have believ today the President of lished on the four forms Cadets at (he Celebration and will attend aa they were Betting fruit Later it got the entire session. Auto tires and tabes an cheaper. We have a 25 cents tube bag I^REE for yon. Call and get It See oor stock of anto . ft Co., Omega. 6d-wtf supplies. Lang ft Co., Omega. Ga. 22tf Successful flen Need the tervices of • itrong. lubstintul Bank in the expaniion of theft credit ^ " \kt^ ^ CC ora mod ate our cwtomer; up to the full limit of the credit they have ertab* Kited' with tu, The, way to provide agunt that pofitble futuie teed i* Id open an accouo^ w^b ut on berries when they were ripening, dried them np and caused them to be bitter, sent a specimen and it was named an- thracnose with wild berries. Little could be done. 1 cut down all vines in July and new shoots ctme out at once and next year boro fine fruit with little sign of disuse. For the past two years I have not-had-time to cqt down the old vines. Last year they were only a little affeqtcd. This year by blooding time fought for by our forefal dictating to the people boundaries to be esta nations of that contini the case today and the dom of the American the way for the nation During the war our “Win the War.” We problem of reconstruction speeches President Wilson people's attention to the problems to come as a result of the' evolutionary changes among the people the world. Things will navar again Tifton A1m Has Only Woman Delegate t*' From District to Annual Conference. - Winding up Work at Ada}/ Adeli Ga., June 11.—(Special to the Gazette)—The Valdosta 'District Con ference will be held at Tifton next year and Tifton gets the ouiy woman dele gate sent from the District Conference to the Annual Conference. The following delegates “were elected to the Ahuual Conference, which meets in Douglas in November: J. J. New man, Valdosta; U. L. Norman. Norman Park; W. J. McKinney, Sparksf Mrs. Paul Fulwood, Tifton; John W. Greer, Moultrie; R. L. Penland, Milltown; W. W. Webb, Hahira; W. L. Harman, Tlf ton. Alternates: J. M. Sutton, Adel; M. Baum, Quitman; J. R. Hodges, Morven. . Rev. John C. Flanders, of Sylvester, preached last night. He was given a hearty* welcome to Adel, where he was pastor of the Methodist church tweuty- three years ago. Rev. W. H, Budd, of Tifton, was scheduled to preach at noon if the busi ness is concluded In time. After a very interesting and highly profitable session the Conference la wind ing up it 8 work, preparatory to adjourn ment. ' * Cattle Rolled on PfclUlp* Farm Sold In Tenneaato tor Blf Haney. 1, Manth, Old Bmikt 11,250 Editor Tifton Gaaetto: The followint animal, were bred on J. J. L. Phillips place and Mid nt a -fixed price at a sale in Tennessee in April: lllackeap Georgia 0-18-1917. Sire Blacken p's Prince Albert; Dam Lakeside Blackcap 2” 81,2,“,0. Blackbird Ga. 2" 1-1-17. Sire Blots cop’s Prince Albert: Dam Blackblrl Las- si. of Alio 23" $010. ‘ Blackbird Georgia 0” 11-13-1917. Sire Black (-appeal: Dam Heatherdale Black bird $280. Erica Georgia 0” 12-191917.. Sire Blackcap’s Prince Albert; Dam Erica of Uaatke.J.1. ■ Heatherdale $475. Erica Georgia 3" 3-1-1917. Sire Black- dap’s Prince Albert : Dam Erica Lady n. $900. _ Blackbird Georgia 9" 5-4-19JV Hire Black Cap George; Dam Bgbolino, $105. Blackbird George 102 5-14^8. Sire Blackcap Laddie F 3"; Dam Blackbird of Victory 2" $190. These were part of the herd of Aber deen Angus sold by Mr. Phillip, early In the year, ■ ' NO RETURNS FROM 33 COUNTIES MAY LOSE what they were before the* war. Tw ty the chaff wide, during the 4>nservation, *ie like, but in life and the leaves were bad and when the rains started it to spread to all the berries. A few seem to be more irnmurn^ than others. We all know how anthr^nose of cot ton has un. This was confined to bolls I believe this sntbracnoso of blackberries will attack beans, cantaloupes and all melons. I find it now in watermi Some time ago I told a profcssoi we would have to paint Jhe B tems ___ melons as we loaded: He said we ftould not but the Railroad Administration saya now we must either paint the sfoms as prescribed "by them or prepay freight. There is estimated ,to have been over three thousand cars‘ .of melons lost last season out of Georgia*, Florida’ and South Carolina on account^ of stem ’ end rot which is a disease "affecting the stem after it is cut from the vine... Melons rot from the third to-fourth day. This traced to some anthracnose. Blos som end rot is the same; disease, la foy opinion at least. We shouhj^ got leave anything in the field to decay. Spray ing with Bordeaux mixture. is recom- ended. K Field peas are scarce, «o bow js a good time to use inoculation sad get the Order from the , Georgia ■Department of Agriculture, Atlanta. It coats you 30 cents an acre. This it also » good time to spray string beau. Use tBocnlatfcfl for these. Toara, 9. W. Hollis. la being separated and cart We practiced conaervatio war and should continue not limiting it to food and extending conservation to energy. The speaker was introdm Moon, who was a pupil of during boyhood and also ht sity. Mr. Moon paid a hig)| tribute to his former teacher and alsqloM of his accomplishments as a teaoherjind author. by Prof. Sanford i Univer- State ltoad. Fund Must be Distributed Before June 27. Tift One of Those ) Not Reporting With tie date for distribution of the State roap fund only about ten days off, indication's are that a number of the 33 counties that have not submitted » will forfeit' their share of the ,000 realized from the sale of 1910 automobile licenses and appropriated by Legislature to road improvement work in the various counties, says tha Atlanta Georgian. Apportionment of tbe.dtf&ds must be' made before June 27, the date Judge Henry B. Strange, Secretary of 8tate, goes out of office and is succeeded by Judgf Guyt McLendon. Judge Strange reported Tuesday morning. that there are 33 counties Which - have not submitted reports ot [fwMid , '‘icillBge and the other data nec- rjr for working out the amount each ’taunt,* ia .otlHwl to, -.N»w blink, are being sent -out, and all counties that have not sent in their reports must do within fifteen days at the latest forfeit their Rhare of the money. The fund is divided among the coun- w on a basis of road Mnileage outside incorporated towns and cities. The pro ceeds of the sale of licenses for 1919 were # $.350,000, in round figures, $100, 000 of which, according to taw, wai placed in the State Treasury as a part of the general fund. Under-* a taw passed by the last Leg islature, counties receiving money from the State must- use a certain portion of it tb erect directory sign-boards at each road crossing, the remainder to be di voted to patting highways in good con dition. Judge Strange .reported that the coun ties are furthef behind this, year in making reports than any previous year in the history of the State. Counties t|utt have not made their re ports and riill lose- the money unlesa filed within the next fifteen.. day*, are Baldwin, Bartow, Btyan, Bulloch, > Cal houn, Charlton, Chatham, Crisp, Dough erty, Echols, Emanuel, Evana, Grady, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hancock, Jack- Jongs, Liberty, ‘Lowndes, Miller, Muscogee, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Quitman, Schley, Screven, Talbot, Tift, Ware, Wilcox and Wilkinson. Noto—Clerk Hitchcock, of the Board of County Commissioners of Tift said this morning that the report had not been sent in because the blank therefor had not been received. It has been customary for the Secretary of State to send out blanks each year for these reports but this year it seems this was not done. Clerk Hitchcock said he would get busy and get off the report at once. The county needs the money. A “MESSAGE SHELL” ON WAY TO TIFTON Souviiijr From Battlefield Similar to the One Brought Home by Admiral Cleaves. A Late Dlseovery In a letter to his wife lu Tifton, Roy Herring, with the Ore ment In France, taking over any. Mre. Pun ■ill’spend the while he for Porto Mr7 Pu. weighing aboni 135 when we.L,, the vStr he w,a department and fo. at BronswIck._,7tt - that four years ago h,"5$ that he married there, daughter of a rr Tennessee. He Porto Rico he work nil over'a gunge being eommofa 4 Spanish prevails In Jji "AlljPorfo Bic.fu, v lug high jn'rlcsa. ’.liuain ntotiey^nf did not tdl though her States and rgjMretheir quoi L «*£“- it tfi be am warahipi lie, did 7 pntil i alter I Shell.' Tbeae to send mee- les. The Al- they were using them the dump pilee , packed in two boxen and do not M any onl tool with it aa I would not take $500 for it if it reachea homo lately.” This shell haa Just come Into promi nence in. thia country. A news ipecial from New -Fork under date of June 10, •ays: -v;- ' “A hollow- three Inch shell, fused to emit on ttrtkteg -a fan Of smoke-like density by day and luminous at sight, 1 'J*'*' ttAmSvm:-. rb.i mPm ^Bela to^Klnveeted lu The echdol children were e Mr. Purvis hM m— *- .. . „. A mother snake tu.. w aod used to transmit menage, from di- pool, on Motor^Suhdaxl^ vision -bradauarteri. to SdvanrieJ of ’ j-- . VWw, beadquartt-re. to. ' day nl Ilk. poeed positions, 1, another war-time her family along, secret which has now been made public. I jfr Pool a son' gaw tte -This imn ol communication wi, first’.h* crawled into the nrd i need by the Germans, nnd afterward by i D g that she was jnst. m« the Allies, A eample of the ehell—one t„ r iy ca i, Ht 0 n her ■ vri the He killed the snake with a f the St. Mihlel drive—was brought home then was surmised to eeo 29 by Vlco-Admhral Albert Gleavea on hi. crewl o„t „7l,^^uS * return from France busy make killing, for'dr-wgig According to Admiral Gleares, the boy Jnst affirm, that he hadSh“ shell ha a n range of about 2,000 yards, t bi n g 0 f “Smoky Joe” at i and i. eelf propelling. Ite velocity was not knowll what vai^ Sf j “, t0 r ^ u ‘ r6 14 10 *»"' anch wonderful pn that distance, -slow enough,’ the admiral uid, to enable an active man to dodge it, should he see or hear It coming. When it struck, ft could be readily located by ite smoke cloud by day, or Its light by " night, picked up, a cap unscrewed and the message inside delivered to the offi cer* for whom it was Intended.” NEW MOTOR J. W. O’Neal and MR. DENBY LOSES BARN With Contests sad a . Firs’ Hone by Sunday Eight. Mr. T. R. Penby, ot Ronto 0, had the misfortune to low hia barn with the con tents of com and feedstuff, also one horse, by fire Sunday night The fire broke out about 10 o'clock and ita origin 1, not known. Messrs. J. W. O'NHI l er hare formed a. pari car dealer, nudfr- thtin —Farmer .Motor .Co; They have; secured 1 Cadillac, Hudson and ] territory and have room on But Second I Both are well and the firm should bo 11 lar one. Buy your Hardware Hardware, Inc. at Get your Sugar, Fruit 1 Rubbers, Jelly Gluten, erything elw you need ft •erring and Pickling at : j eery Co. . ■fedmi TO ATHENS MEET MAKE ONLY MINOR BBPAIRS The Tift Overland Com] ces that it will make only on can this week, due to a]iortafe of tabor. The company has secured of Mr. Jesse Teuton, of other experienced automobil and promise* to be ready to of repairing beginning next ThU is one of the equipped garages in South mobile owners will find It eat to read the announcemi today. Prof. 8. L. Lewis left Wednesday tor Athens, where he goes a B President of the Second District High School Asso ciation to attend the State High School meet Thursday and Friday. The winners in tha District contests will have t^eir expenses paid to this meeting. Mias Vernelle Patton, who was winner In the Essay contest will not go Athens aa her paper ha B been sent in and it Is not necessary for her to be present When iltsir IQMBBtfX w and sat -THE OBSTINATE FAMILY” fOUJ WE ARE STILL ON 1 biggest i Harry Is away la the 1 buyiag one of the brought to Tiftou at n bring the customer* to I be I, gone, business la i U usual and be b offering | the biggest'bargiba to be i kind, of Kredbadtse. 1 it yon want to get more ; Win Vtolt Omega Friday Night, Maklag Headquarter, at School Auditorium Then will be a home talent play ‘The Obstinate Family” given in the audito rium of the Omega high school Friday evening, Jaae 13, at 9:30. Admhefan will be IB and $5 seats, the proceeds to go to the Ladles Aid Bo- dety. eery Company’s Herbert L. fiber, v Brnem- - * «n kbto. Tope, Bub- * - Spices at Choate ~ V. j H Jewelry Store, j t Friday P. M. Tho ptaeo of/mlnd which you tifijoy wh ’ bar Is safe In our bank, I* thobost -roaaon ln l you should putflt thoro. You. cannot rnt comfortably If you yoijr homo, and your fomliy ar* always!«dang«rou* m«n. Com* In. W* will wdcom* you. . irMi Krr YOUR MONEY IN OUR SANK •» "«