The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, June 13, 1919, Image 2

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THE 1IFT0N GAZETTE, TIFTON, GA-, FRIDAY, JUNE }H RUNAg Unusual Experieoea of Georgia Lad y, Bat Bnalu A war nwwi rsflr.—a^tfasgto Which Crwtid Sensation I mad Eheapea, Tteagb He l> mini Last Wednesday night, Mrs. Julia] to Haw All Hla Loot Mid. Brown, who Urn In Georgia near the, W. I. Harrej'a grocery atoaa da Soc- Florida line, found about fifty malarial oad street waa broken into about 2 o'clock moequitoe* dead In her bedroom. She Monday morning, the large plate glass waa Tory much surprised. Opon lnves- window being aniaahed. It la supposed] tlgation, the learned that her room had that the burglar threw a brick against been sprayed with “Torment” the af- the window, as it was completely ruined, temoon before by her wo. ‘Torment” The noise of the breaking glass awak- b a new propagation, put out by The G. 'ened people sleeping within a block of B. Williams Company, Quitman. Oeor- the store. ' S * J -' gia ,and b creating quite a sensation all Policeman Mulii, was at the depot and orer the South. It b deadly to flies, heard the noise. He started on a search mosquitoes, ants, fleas, lice mites, bed- and when be reached the store, found a bugs, roaches, etc. It has a pleashnt yellow negro with ’ a - black mustache in Qvor Completely The Reify-Taylor Compaq? [ Niw Orleans \ will lose tvor more than coP exposed to air. Luzianne is sold only in individual air tight tin cate rer in bulk. coffee HORTICULTURAL NOTE*. Into my garden - Came a pup; Now my gardenieeda Are up. —Detroit Free Press Into my gsrdsn Strolled a hen; So I’ll hire chicken Pie again. —Macon Telegraph. DRBETT i Star 28, Miss Kate to Mr. W. T. nvllle, Fla. The wed fthe home of the hrlde'a , Lee. After the cefe- Oorbett left for neymoon will be speat, 1 reside In Jsckson- , Corbett has a Mice ke beauty lotion for r centsw-Tfy Itl CONFERENCE MEETS WIT H ADO. CHURCH Large Attendance of Valdosta District Methodists. Dr. Jackson Preached Last Night. Adel, Ga„ June 10.-iSpecial to the Gisettc)—The Valdosta District Con ference, Methodist church, met in Adel Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock, Bey. Whitley Langston, 1*. E„ presiding. Mr. John W. Greer, of Moultrie, it Secreta ry of the Conference, and Mr. W. L. Harman, of Tifton, Assistant Secretary. Monday afternoon Bev. Jerre M. Glenn, of Valdosta, preached a very force- gia ,and b creating qnite a sensation all orer the South. It b deadly to flies, mosquitoes, auto, Heat, lice mites, bed bugs, roaches, etc. It has a pleashnt odor, will uot soil clothing nor furniture, the store. He caught the negro, but the and b absolutely harmless to human be- negro Jerked loose and escaped. Several , Juice of two lemona Into attaining three ounces of , shake well, and you have fit of the beat freckle and l complexion beautlfler, at U coat. has the lemons and any toilet counter will aupply of orchard white for a few this sweetly , fragrant the (ace, neck, arms and pod see how freckles and _pear and how clear, soft Lte, the skin becomes. Teat and never Irritates. adv Dr. T. 0. Jeffords, of Sylvester, spending some time in Battle Creek, Michigan. Mrs. H. A. Baker, of Savannah, Is vis iting her father, Mr. W. 8. Smith on Mill avenue. Mr. W. G. Hardison of Route 1, has lost his cow again. We arc carrying adv for him in another column. The blackberry crop is sure floe and the Jam and Jelly is going into the jars and glasses to tide over the hungry during winter. Miss Clara Belle Duff returned ■ Sat urday night from Tarboro, N. C„ and points in Virginia, where she spent n ten days' vacation. Mr. J. S. Westbrook, of the Omega section, waa among the industrious far mers from that district in Tifton on business Saturday. Mr. Morris Levy left Sunday for New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Bos ton to purchase a big fall and winter stock for his department store. Mr. T. S. Shannon of Staunton, was in Tifton on business Saturday. •aya watermelons are late this year; but that the crop has good prospects. Miss Maggie Davis, of Albany, U the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. J. P. Davis. Miss Maggie has been ill alnce April 15, and U here to recupernte. Miss Helen Budd came in from Macon Tuesday where she attended Wesleyan College, to spend vacation with her par- ita, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Budd. Mrs. H. K. Hutchinson and Mbs Bet- Thief on the oHf Pattern, of Adel, spent the w«k- Thiel on me cross, « n e “■* wlth their slst e r and cousin, Mra. In,: session again'b. H. Hutchinson, Sr., on Route 1. VTormet Sold by dealers ererywhere. R FRECKLES * fill sad inspiring sermon on “Methodism and Its Groflfth} ’t,. ■ , , uonege, wo apeuu twiuvh ***»“ There was a business session daring enU l Rev and Mre . w . h. Budd. the afternoon and at night, Ur. J.J*-, w __ w v „ M#atlilgliMMi mnA vr< M You don't have to see the fruit on the trees or the ripe berries in the woods to know that the canning and preserving season is at hand. The locals In the Gazette tell you that the busy time for the housewife la at hand. Get your fruit Jars, Jelly glasses, rubbers, sugar, etc., from the merchant who advertises. He has the best and Ms price b the lowest. Ask and see if this isn't true. Miss Bess Benton of Winder, who b the guest of Mrs. C. A. Irby b being extensively entertained while in the city. Several spend-the-day parties have been given in her honor and she wan honor guest at a camping party at the Tift bred Harvey' bungalow the past week-end. Miss Ben-' ton will go over to Honltrie Friday, where she will be one of the honor guests at a dance in that city Friday night. Auto tires and tubes are cheaper. We have a 25 cents tujte bag FREE for yon. Paris, June 11.—The Big Four today completed the Rep-j shots were fired at tb.fle.ln, burgbr.but ^ti^^cUooof tho roplyt, *• P f - he got away. and ordered this portion of the nota printed immediately. The negro bad moved a sack of meal,] !t it underctood that the Allies refuted to fin. a cheese, cigars, sod a lot of other groceries aum f or indenmMeo. from the store! but had to flee so rapidly, that he left them all. Quite a number of] Chancellor Renner’* first note in protest against the , people gathered at the scene soon after 'tgbu, treaty delivered today, takes up the economic : hy'me m “ib U olN”e ri lf«kU.^,^au1 d *^ 1 . ar “ ‘hetreaty render, industrial and shot* ‘ ‘ “ this^iuoruiDg'^and at Son Dr. J.~ H.| Mr. W. L. Royal, with the Tifton Sales Scruggs, of Quitman, will preach. | Agency, la going to Detroit to take a six Bev Charles W. Curry, of Macon, is weeks’ course in automobile repairing and representing the Methodist Orphans' auto electrical work In the Ford factory, Home. I In the election of the faculty of Ash- Prof. L. I*. Smith represents Wesleyan burn public Schools, Miss Minnie Harrell, Female College. i of Tifton, waa elected to teach the seventh Itev. George W. Mathews represent* crade . Prof. o. B. Trammell, of Louls- the Stewardship movement I'vllle, Ga., waa elected Superintendent. Bev. Leland Moore represents Sparks; and U rs. J. J. L. Phillips re- Collegiate InsUtnte. , ! tnroevl Friday night from Hampton Judge Price’s Home Entered! Judge J. H. Price reports about 2100 worth of clothing stolen from hb home, probably Staturday morning. Mrs. Price’s wedding dre« both robe.lj ^ f j, a ring. Judge Price a grip and a number | of other articles were taken. A vigilant search is being made for the missing goods, also for the negro who en- store. WAYCR0S8 AND WESTERN SOLD in Austria impossible. Premier Orlando, at a result of instructions front the Its inn Cabinet, is reported to have rejected the latest propot solution of the Adriatic question which included the mdepen-1 For $193,100 to J. G. Sessoms. Receiver! Makes Report. The report of Alex K. Sessoms, re- If S„. on, .took of ante «iver ol tbe "’aycross and Western Rail. C, “ “ , «sd notifying Judge Beverly D. Evans, auppllea. Lang A Co., Omega, Ga. 22tf | Uaitw j 8tate district court Ma com- Hon. Lott Warren, of Inaha, waa in pH ance with tbe court's order directing town Friday morning for a few hours. I t |, e sa i c 0 f the roed under bid, for 2103,- He says the rains have brought the grass go. was lna ,i, yesterday, says the Macon and rag-weed out In formidable force, and g,i^ rap h. the farmers are having a busy time over! Tbe roa d from Mill town to Cogdlll, In Turner. The rains caught him wlth' tw , ntr m |iei, has been dlemantled and thirty shocks of wheat In the Arid, bnt he: so id for rail, while the part from Way- docs not think It b Injured. He baa a | cross to Milltown Is still in operation lot of Porto Rico potato plants for sale The bid was originally made by the Em- wMch he advertises In another column. Ladles, sen the new Shirt Waists at Gilley's Millinery. We are alio prepared to do Hemstitching, Picotlng, Under- braiding and Pleating. Prompt atten tion given mall orders. AU kind* of sew ing. O'Nesl-McLeod Building, comer Love avenue and Second street. 6d3tw2t Tifton was well represented it ths Georgia Military Collegs at MinedgeviUe the past term, Briggs Carson, Jr„ and Waites Mitchell graduating there and Charlie Rlckerson end Ralph Williams making splendid records. Company A. won the first prize in the drill contest during commencement end Charlie and pire Construction Company, but trans ferred to J. G. Sessoms, who paid ten per cent of the bid, and turned over the out standing bonds of the company, the re ceiver notified Judge Evans. Hardeman, Jones Park A Johnston, of Macon, and Wilson A Bennett, of Way- eross, were allowed 25,000 each aa attor neys in the case. Tine Brings Happiness With The Dawn [Sessional Directory DR. CHARLES S. SMITH e, Ear, Nose Snd Throat ce over Brooks Pharmacy • Hours: 8 to 1—2 to 0 TIFTON, GEORGIA : FULWOOD A HARGRETT Attomeye-mt-Law Office In Golden Bunding * » « * Georgia T to AM! Lowest Bates, Beal Term*. Lands and City Property; .Cc Williford, Attorney. |Leod-O'Neal Bldg. Phoo* 102. loHN A. PETERSON £ Office Dentist r New O'Ncal-McLcod Building k Tifton, Georgia GoMob Bldg. -t Tifton. Ga. “TTOmrffQUINN *ST CLASS DENTAL WORE an and Bridge Work a Specialty Over Pinkston's Drag Store Tifton, Georgia dleglate Institute. , 'turned Fridey night from Hampton Kalpla a y, both members of this company. Between 150 and 200 delegnten are to Sl)r j ngai pi,., where they spent three charHa also 1)asscd to the Stnlpr Class, attendance and these are being bospitaMy They were accompanied home ■ , . . , ji D i oma . < rom outorteined by the people of_A d a TIL ^ h „ a tcno*rapher. Mist Alice Crown. I Ade ^ H bh StoolThU fear Oflhe Mr. and 1 Mrs. 'W. H. Gardner, Mrs. ^ t |j e Qommencement exercises the TU tWn» eJ Baby flUrks A4- mot of • Glorious Future. ton Is well represented among the dele- gates. . BEGIN FEEDING TOUR PIGS Love Fulton and Mr. A. M. Parks, of Ideal, Ga., apent Sunday with Mias Eth el Gardner, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stubbs. The party motored over. Goo. W. Shannon, with the Army Adel News says:, “At the couclualon of Rev. Fisher's address Dr. R. C. Wood ard, chairman of the Board of Education, delivered the diplomas in a neat speech Prof. Scarboro made a very feeling talk, giving expression of his gratitude to the has received his hotovable j|„ ard and to the people for kindness to a H. LITTLE DENTIST Tifton, Georgia Crown aafl Bridge Work a Specialty In Kent Building formerly occu pied by Dr. Dlckart. •hone 142. Residence Phone 281. D. B. HARRELL , Practicing Physklaa OHce McLeod-O'Ncal Bldg. Office Phone 2M. Residence SOI Tifton, Oeontle. a 0. ELUS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Udto ihattera relattoi to Und titt will practice to all the Courts. TIFTON CHAPTER NO. 41 ROYAL ARCH MASONS Meet* Second Saturday evantog *» each month In Masonic Building at 8 soon aa they will eat Keep him grow ing. When yon begin feeding them give a little B A THOMAS’ HOG POWDER Medical Reserve Corpe, stationed at Ft. cverv day 'Correct* Indigestion, tonic McPherson, hes received his honorable and tissue builder. Expels worme. Rick- discharge from aervice and is at home hi m w Me here. Tbe school has prosper- creou Grocery Oo. ndv. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. ^ nicely under his direction.’ a I Shannon, nt Staunton. | Moultrie Observer: John W. Greer SHOT IN BOTH EVES |f you have the itch, don't 8cratch. It aad H. K. Parrish went over to Adel to ■ doe. not cure the trouble nm] makes the ^ mectinf at wllich a chamber of From the Adel News. UNlMK?. : T AP Ftub Vin'V.-Jitly o!i the t’oromevre was organized. The Moul- Mr. Charles Mathis who lives nenr a(fa< ,ted part. It relieves itching in- trio mra were present by special lnvitn- Keith & Bullock's turpentine still, in utaotty and a few applications removes t j 1)n j n ,|| BPU ssing the meeting today Rerrien county, was shot In the face by a the cao,ethu8povformi.gntiermn || rnt Parrl ',h iai.l that it was a rousing negro Sonny Boy Williams, Saturday fold by CONGER DRUG CO adv mr or #ve hundred promi- S at thestill. a shot gun'bring used U—* JS "™‘ 0*2 eo nty men were prerant. The by the negro. It Is fonred both of roro Southor Fic d, pped ™ now .H^aniv. tiou will take up it, work Mr. Mathis eye. are shot out. He <° r '> ^tting "itl. ample umls and cooperation th.t brought to the sanitarium here nnd h, ZTe guest of Lieuteuaut ■>« ™>>“ **** Mr ' n,rfi “ h M,d ' pr Rttention, but there is slight hope fer ^ while here. ! Children iat are affected by worm* savinir either of Mr. Mathi* ’eye*. Mr.. c * alcCo 7 wn e 1 are pa i e and sickly and liable to contract Mathis states that there had been no | I have some good two*horae Wagon* iatol WHITE’S CREAM trouble be^en him and the negro and cheap for Cash. W. E. Farmer STS& he doe* not know what be was shot about 5w4td2tw goid by CO! GER DRUG CO. •a they were talking together only a few j Ordinary C. W. Graves ha* been ill at f 0 u 0 , in* from the Dawson News, minutes befoye the shooting took piece?. Hs home in Ty Ty for the past three wp0 cii l interest to Rev. Thomson’s Williams nnd another negro, Tony Smith weeks, being nil* to be m hij office but Tifton frieils: “Rev. T. H. Thomson, were arrested and the former waa carried flu** <j a y 8 during that time. Judge Bel* faithful paster of the Methodist to the Valdosta jail while the latter wa* i 0 rs is looking after the routine work of c j, mrc h verj modestly disclaims credit for carried to the Nashville jail. It i* the Ordinary’s office during his absence. ^ gratify t»g success of tbe Dawsoa thought that the gun was furnished Wll-j The Progrcss-Argus, telling of e hurch in io Centenary drive, but the liams by 8mlth who has only one arm. ^ decorat i on 0 f Colonel E. J. Williams f ttc t is we known to the membership Williams the man who did the shooting wlth thft p wnc h Croix de Guerre with that in all the wise planning aud thor ium only ona leg. ! palm, says: “Col. Williams will probably eag h organ :atlon Mr. Thompson was the return home in June. Mrs. Willi an* power beh id the throne. In addition has been in Jackson while he was ip to his vat >us other pressing duties he France.” worked un riagly la the interest of For seventy days, the Tifton mother Centenary “und.” There la a splendid preparation women •- over half a century have applied be* ic,m the stork's antral, known as Motnerti Friend. This Is a most grateful, penetrating remedy that at once softens and soothes the myriad of broad, flat abdominal muscles under the skin of tho abdomen. By Its re**- talar use during the period the nerves, ten* dons and cords are relaxed and there la an absence of names, bearinrdown pains, •train and general discomfort tw otherwise experienced when than < the use of Mother's Friend night and morning the muscles relax with ease when baby comes, .the time at the criris Is shorter and pain snd danger is naturally avoided. Write the Bradfleld Regulator Company, )ept B, Lamar Building, Atlanta, Georgia, ‘or their ’Motherhood Book, and obtain a Kittle of Mother's Friend from the druggist, »y all •'means,'* and get Into condition to meet ■ have been fortunate tn securing the services of three of the most experienced Auto* mobile Repairmen in South Georgia-Frank Smith, Jim Thrasher and Jerome Johns— and invite you to bring your 7 car to our shop when needing Any Kind of Repair Work With the addition of these competent workmen to our force,, we will be able to give you the quickest and best re pair work to be secured any- ■ where, making a specialty of AGETYUNE WELDING &! liCTRICALW08K WALTERS’ Tifton, GARAGE Georgia. SPRING FEVER FoQowinC Colds, Grippe, Tkm, will be relieved of the task of the school Watorv or Poisoned lunch. Also, the pocket of the Tifton father will have one expense less to carry. „ v There is much extravagance in the school (B? Ds. VALENTINE MOTT.) lunch—needles., perhaps, but extrava- j At fills tint* ®I yot most people suf- gnuce nevertheless, fer from what we term “spring fever"; Mr. Alva Long, sou of Mr. and Mrs. because of a stagnant condition of the. W. F. Long, returned home early in June Hood, because of the toxic poisons after twelve month* aervice in the army, ■tored up within the body during the He took a limited service eouree at Tech long winter. We rat too much me* ^^"/tt'tell’ 1 *^ ' n * • £ H. Hutchinson, H.P. JUNIPER CAMP Ne. 144 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meete every Arts and light In tbe Minnie i reqaested to attend aad vialttai Chap- nr* are eerdlsliy Invited. B. BL HUTCHINSON. Oerk. %ith little or no green vegetables. Bloodless people, thin, anemic people those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor appetite and feel that tired, worn or feverish condition in the spring time of the year, should try the refresh ing tonic powers of • good alterative and Wood purifier. Such a tonic as drag- ists have sold for fifty years, is Doctor .‘ierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It is a standard remedy that can be ob tained in tablet or liquid form. Made without alcohol from jrild roots and tgrin, Occasionally one should “clean house ^ with castor oil or tiny pills made up of the May-apple, travel of aloe and jalap, and sold by almost all druggists in thli country m Doctoc Fierce’s Pleasant Pellets. HOW MRS. BOYD AfOIDED AN OPERATION Ohio.—“I anffered from e Cantor He returned to female t mbie which caused me mueh suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well “My mother, who the states a few weeka ago. I >m- Invitations have been received in Tif- ton to the marriage of Miss Lucile Brown | of Sanderavllle and Mr. John Phillip j Adams of Tifton, Wednesday the 25th I of June at Woodlawn Terrace the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Robert Mitch ell Brown In Sanderavllle, Ga. | Prof. Jason Scarboro! is at home from Adel where he was Superintendent of j tbe Public Schools of the Capital of Cook | I..J the past term. The term waa a very tS. successful one and closed early in thei^j week with appropriate exercise*. Prof.jdjffi Scarboro devotes the vacation period to .ffli looking after hla farming Interests, which Lyd yield profit aa wall aa'pleaxur* and recrea- Hon. 8t, Nashville Herald : A mule kicked jj i Baseman ths Jaw Sunday night, tiou your smoketasto sh up against a ripost—and youll ill call, edl right! , p fcxpe so quick and I »joy out of every til had .been bom t puts Over a turn faipipe or a home kir glad'hand com- 1 • qaatityl flavor and quality fra- ■fiom bite and parch e patented piuoeas. kt any clip ifc ny L» had been helped by LydiaE.Pinkham'a Vegetable Corn- Vegetable Com pound, advised me to try it before sub mitting to an opera- tionTit relieved me from my troubles s et tlle W* 008 A1Del Boy’ You’ll hunt a jimmy MW get so much tobacct pufif you'll wish yot twins! For, Prince Albert h new to every man fond of i “ made cigarette. It wins yot pletely. That’s bocmcue it granceisPrince Albert’s freedom fi which k cut out by our exclusive We teli you to smoke your fill ai pwe ormakin’s cigarette—withou CjgwriAtlMk — xrom my yto home work wlthoo >ataiiy who is adriaa any woman troubles female r.«1 n. Vegetable Pinkham much for and it will do as 1421 BOYD, Un. Canton, Ohio. condi* Pairbwm, Oa.—|mt enjoy reoom- ending Dr. Pierce’s nanediM-to my “lUJrw. Iavttodto MrtS WRh Ua R' Jl. IU*m, O. L. BMstit, W. M. Baantora other on nls chin and owe’ was driving hannened. Ha mending Dr. Fierce’s remedies; to my frienda. I havu found them to be so ben*: ficiai, I fed I must have some of that in the house st all times. The ‘Favorite Fre- xr breaking the Jew. horn .when the la in tirhosptiptl tor tho nerve* I try to N*. this “But Hall, also the the the literary the. JL RwaoMi Tibatco Co^ .• . -‘i'5 t ..i* j ** . . .- I %.i£i